FAQ and Move List - Guide for New Japan Pro Wrestling: Toukon Retsuden 4

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                     T O U K O N    R E T S U D E N    4

  A pro wrestling game for the Sega Dreamcast

FAQ and Move List
Version 0.55
October 9, 1999

Copyright 1999 Jeff "CJayC" Veasey

See the bottom of this document for copyright, distribution, and
contact information.

The latest version of this FAQ can be found at http://www.gamefaqs.com.


I.    Introduction & Version History
II.   Quick Start Guide
III.  Menu and Options Translations
IV.   Basic Move List
V.    The Wrestlers
VI.   Administrivia


I.  Introduction

Please note that this document is a work in progress.  It's not done.
It's not even _near_ done.  But, I felt it was my responsibility to 
take the first crack at coming up with a decent translation guide and 
move list for this game.

Currently, I've only done the top-level menus and most of the of the 
basic moves.  The individual wrestler moves should be pretty simple to
do once I get started, so that coupled with the fact that another 
contributor has already taken a first crack at the edit mode means I'll
tackle that sooner. 

My current plans are to do the following:
  1) Get the rest of the basic moves and menus translated.
  2) Go through and translate each wrestler's move list.
  3) Document and translate the edit mode and all its options (!)

Remember, the feedback I get on this guide will help it grow.  If I get
people telling me that they're using the guide, I continue writing, K?

If you have additions to this guide, check the e-mail address at the
bottom of the FAQ.

V0.1 (9/15/99)  : First release.  Top-level menus and a few basic moves.
V0.2 (9/15/99)  : Added in move priority information.
V0.3 (9/16/99)  : Added the required ASCII art (That's "Toukon Retsuden"
                  in Japanese, straight from the game's logo), wrestler
V0.35 (9/16/99) : Wrestler name corrections.  See the last section for
V0.36 (9/17/99) : One more quick horrible translation error fixed.
V0.4 (9/17/99)  : More wrestler name fixes, 1/2 of the basic moves xlated.
V0.45 (9/17/99) : One more wrestler name fix, more moves xlated.
V0.5 (9/21/99)  : Shinya Hashimoto's moves done.
V0.51 (9/21/99) : Kensuke Sasake's moves done.
V0.55 (10/10/99): General defense and a few Tag Match moves done.

II.   Quick Start Guide

Don't know a lick of Japanese?  Here's how to get started with a simple
Exhibition Match.  All of your selections are performed with the A button,
cancel with the B button.

1.  At the title screen, press the Start Button.
2.  Select "Exhibition Match".  It's the top-left menu selection.
3.  Select your match type.  On the left-hand menu, choose from:
     Single Match (1-on-1)
     Tag Match (2-on-2)
     Battle Royale (1-on-1-on-1-on-1)
     Return to Main Menu
4.  Choose who will control the wrestlers.  Move up and down to select
    the controller or computer (MAN 1P-4P, COM), move right and left
    to choose between wrestler positions.
5.  On the next screen, pick your wrestlers.  Move right and left to 
    pick a league, press A, then right and left to choose a wrestler,
    up and down to change costumes.  Press A to confirm for each 
    of the 2 or 4 wrestlers.
6.  Select an arena by moving right and left, then press A.
7.  Select a ring background by moving right and left, then press A.
8.  Finally, the match rules screen is shown.  If everything's ready,
    press A to start.


III.  Game Translations

A. Menu Translations

                  Main Menu
 Exhibition Match                   Editor
 IWGP Championship Match            Correspondence (Online) Fight
 Series Match                       Player Name List
 Challenge the Burning Spirits      Options

             Exihibition Match
  Single Match                  Tournament Battle
  Tag Match                     League Battle
  Battle Royale                 Elimination Match
  Return to Main Menu

          IWGP Championship Match
             Junior Heavyweight
            Return to Main Menu

              Series Match
G1 Climax               Best of the Super Jr.
SG Tag League Battle    Super Jr. Tag League Battle
Return to Main Menu

       Challenge the Burning Spirits
            Return to Main Menu

B.  Options Translations

>>Main Options (chosen from the main menu)<<

Difficulty         Cement (Hardest)
                   Strong (Default)
Entrance Scene     OFF (default)
Upper Display      ON (default)
Fame Skill Display ON (default)
PuruPuru Pack      ON (default)
Strength Display   ON (default)
Tag Marker         ON (default)
Camera Angle       TV (default)
                   Special Lens
Sound              Stereo (default)
BGM                Selected Arena (default)
                   Tokyo Arena A
                   Tokyo Arena B    
                   Tokyo Arena C
                   Yokohama Arena 
                   Osaka Arena A
                   Osaka Arena B
                   Fukuoka Arena 
                   Sapporo Arena 
BGM Volume         1-10 (10 default)
SE Volume          1-10 (10 default)

[Edit]  [Decide]

>>Match Rules (shown before a match)<<

Match Time         10 Minutes
                   15 Minutes
                   20 Minutes
                   30 Minutes (default)
                   45 Minutes
                   60 Minutes
Rope Break         On (default)
Draws Allowed      On (default)
Compulsory Submit  Off (default)
Match Rules        Normal Rules (default)
                   Different Grappling Rules
KO Allowed         Off (default)
Out of Ring Fight  On (default)    
Out of Ring Count  On (default)    

[Edit]  [Decide]


IV. Basic Move List

>>1. The Basics <<

Movement is performed with the digital (i.e. 8-way) controller, not
the analog stick.  

When downed, tap any button repeatedly and press the controller to 
get up.

A: Hitting Skill
     Each wrestler has their own selection... coming soon
     Near Standing Opponent: Slap or kick
     Near Downed Opponent: Kick or elbow drop
B: Suplex Skill
     Each wrestler has their own selection... coming soon
     Near Standing Opponent: Begin suplex attack
     Near Downed Opponent: Pick up opponent and suplex
Y: Submission Skill
     Each wrestler has their own selection... coming soon
     Near Standing Opponent: Begin submission attack
     During Attack:  Cancel (when referee starts counting)
     Near Downed Opponent: Pick up opponent and strike
X: "Action" Button
     Performs various actions.  See the basic move list below.
L: Taunt
R: During single match, Taunt.  During Battle Royale, change target.

Move Priorities:
  Each of the three attack skills has higher priority than one
of the others:

       A --beats--> B --beats--> Y --beats--> A
   (Hitting)    (Suplex)     (Strike)     (Hitting)

So, when two opponents attack at the same time, the one with the
highest priority wins.  A simple hit beats out a suplex, a 
strike move will connect over the hit, and a suplex beats out
the strike.

Stun Levels:
  There are four levels of stunning an opponent.  These levels
help determine exactly what moves you can perform.
 N: Normal (not stunned)
 S: Small Stun (Torso and head waving back and forth slowly)
 M: Medium Stun (Torso and head weaving all over)
 L: Large Stun (Weaving all over the place, shuffling feet)

>>2. Basic Moves <<

Dash towards opponent.           Press X.
Dash towards ropes.              Hold the D-Pad and press X.
Cancel dash.                     Press X while dashing.
Grab ropes.                      Press X as you approach the ropes.

----Location (performed at border of ring/apron/runway/outside)----
Ring to apron.                   Hold D-pad towards apron and press X.
Ring to outside.                 Hold D-pad towards outside and press X twice.
Apron to outside.                Hold D-pad towards outside and press X.
Apron to ring.                   Hold D-pad towards ring and press X.
Outside to ring.                 Hold D-pad towards ring and press X twice.
Outside to apron.                Hold D-pad towards apron and press X.
Runway to ring.                  Hold D-pad towards ring and press X.
Ring to runway.                  Hold D-pad towards runway and press X.
Runway to outside.               Hold D-pad towards outside and press X.
Outside to runway.               Hold D-pad towards runway and press X.
Climb down from top rope.        Press X.
Apron behind corner.             Move D-pad towards corner.
Pull an opponent outside the     When opponent is on or near apron, press B.

----Throw Moves----
Throw opponent into Ropes.       Press X near opponent.
Follow opponent.                 Press X after throw.
Throw opponent into corner.      With back to corner, press X near opponent.
Throw opponent into fence.       With back to fence, press X near opponent.
Throw opponent into pole.        With back to pole, press X near opponent.

----Weapon Moves----
Grab a weapon.                   Near the fence outside the ring, hold D-pad towards
                                 fence and press X.
Drop weapon.                     Inside the ring, hold D-pad towards rope and press X.
                                 Outside the ring, hold D-pad towards fence and press X.

----Downed Opponent Moves----
Pin                              Near the opponent, press and hold X.
Release pin.                     Press X while pinning.
Kick and roll.                   Hold the D-Pad at their side and press X twice.
Drag.		                 Hold the D-Pad at their head or legs and 
                                 press X.
Pick up.	                 Stand near them and press X.
Pick up from the back.	         Stand near them and press X twice.
Walk over.	                 Hold the D-Pad at their side and press X.
(Near Ropes) Kick out of ring.   Hold the D-Pad at their side and press X twice.
(Outside Ropes) Kick out.        Hold the D-Pad at their side and press X twice.
(Outside Ropes) Kick into.       Hold the D-Pad at their side and press X twice.

----Stunned Opponent Moves----
Pull from corner.                Push the X button.
Turn towards you.                Push X twice or hold the D-Pad and press X.
Push.                            Hold the D-Pad towards them.

>>3. Defensive Moves <<
To escape a hold, press any button or the D-Pad continuously.  The faster you
escape, the less damage you take.  Hitting both the D-Pad and buttons speeds
the escape.

If you are near a rope, press any button continuously to attempt to grab it.

If any part of your body is touching a rope, the referre will call for a Rope 
Break.  If the opponent does not release the hold within a 5-count (by pressing
the X button), you will win by disqualification.

>>4. Tag Match Moves <<

----Inactive Man Moves----
Ring In.                        Hold the D-Pad and press X.
Apron to outside ring.          Hold D-pad towards outside and press X.
Outside ring to standby.        Hold D-pad towards the corner post and press X.
Apron to standby.               Move towards the standby area.
Ring to standby.                Hold D-pad towards the standby area and press X.

----Active Man Moves----
Tag Partner.                    Hold D-pad towards the standby area and press X when
                                partner is there.

>>5. Double-Team Moves <<


VI. The Wrestlers

(These wrestlers are listed as displayed on the selection screen,
 moving the selection from left to right.)

Move Listing Key:
Move Name               Buttons     Your Pos.     Opp. Pos  Stun

A. New Japan Pro Wrestling 

-------Shinya Hashimoto-------

Photo:  White headband with red emblem, white wrist and hand tape.

Critical Combination:
  Vertical Fall DDT -> Triangle Hold

--Hitting Moves--
Kesa Kill Chop          A Button    Near                    N---
Heavy Kick              A Button    Near                    ---L
Diving Eribodo Rope     A Button    Top Rope      Face Up   ----
Tsubame Return          A Button    Near                    ---L
Middle Kick (Hashimoto) A + D-Pad   Near/Back               N---
Skim Kick               A + D-Pad   Near/Back               -S--
Running Kesa Kill Chop  A Button    Dashing       Fore/Back NS--
Flying Near Kick        A Button    Dashing       Fore/Back NS--

--Suplex Moves--
Back Drop               B Button    Back                    NS--
Hip Shove               B Button    Near                    --M-
Vertical Fall DDT       B + D-Pad   Near                    ---L
Avalanche DDT           B Button    Avalanche     Fore      ---L

--Submission Moves--
Suripahorido            Y Button    Back                    NSML
Armpit Hold             Y + D-Pad   Back                    NSML
Triangle Hold           Y Button    Down @ Head   Face Up   ----
Armpit Reverse Cross    Y Button    Down @ Torso  Down/Up   ----

Taking a knee pose      R Button    Appeal 1      Normal
Folding Arms            R + D-Pad   Appeal 2      Normal
Face to face twice      R Button    Appeal 3      Stunned
Spirit Boost            R + D-Pad   Appeal 4      Stunned

-------Kensuke Sasake-------

Photo:  Wearing a black jacket, arms spread.

Critical Combination:
  Arm Cross -> Nothern Light Bomb

--Hitting Moves--
Kensuke Hammer          A Button    Near                    ---L
Kensuke Lariat          A Button    Dashing       Fore      N--L
Diving Eribodo Rope     A Button    Top Rope      Down/Up   ----
Middle Kick             A + D-Pad   Near                    --ML

--Suplex Moves--
Burn Buster             B Button    Near                    -S--
Northern Light Bomb     B Button    Near                    ---L
Power Slam              B Button    Slow Count              ----
Reverse Back Blow       B Button    Dash Counter            ----
Face Crusher (Sasake)   B Button    Dash          Back      NSML
Avalanche N.L. Bomb     B Button    Avalanche     Fore      ---L

--Submission Moves--
Armpit Hold             Y Button    Back                    NSML
Sanri Defense           Y Button    Down @ Head   Face Up   ----
Stranglehold Gamma      Y Button    Down @ Head   Face Down ----
Armpit Reverse Cross    Y Button    Down @ Torso  Down      ----

Both Arms Hirogete      R Button    Appeal 1      Normal
Arm Cross               R + D-Pad   Appeal 2      Normal
Slit Throat Motion      R Button    Appeal 3      Stunned
Arm Cross               R + D-Pad   Appeal 4      Stunned

--Tatsumi Fujinami--
Photo:  White jacket with gold emblem, white wrist tape.

--Shiro Koshinaka--
Photo:  Bare chested, sporting a full moustache and beard.

--Kengo Kimura--
Photo:  Bare chested, clean shaven, write wrist and hand tape on left.

--Atsushi Hirata--
Photo:  Bare chested, clean shaven, puffed-out cheeks.

--Osamu Kido--
Photo:  Bare chested, clean shaven, very serious expression.

--Kazuo Yamasaki--
Photo:  Bare chested, white wrist bands, fighting stance.

--Takashi Iizuka--
Photo:  Bare chested, black elbow pads.

--Manabu Nakanishii--
Photo:  Bare chested, head thrown back, mouth open.

--Yuji Nagata--
Photo:  Black jacket with gold emblem, black wrist bands.

--Tadao Ada--
Photo:  Bare chested, white wrist bands, arms crossed.

--Goto Gannosuke--
Photo:  Blonde hair, black moustache.

--Michiyoshi Ohara--
Photo:  Blonde hair, no moustache.

--Power Warrior--
Photo:  Black makeup, spiked black shoulder pads.

B. NWO ("Artist" Emblem)

--Masahiro Chono--
Photo: Black outfit, sunglasses.

--Keiji Muto--
Photo: Bare-chested, long hair, white wristbands.

--Great Muta--
Photo: Red shiny outfit with covered face.

--Hiro Saito--
Photo: Black vest with studs, white wristbands.

--Hiroyoshi Tenzan--
Photo: Black jacket with spikes and black horned cowl.

--Satoshi Kojima--
Photo: Black hand tape, mouth open.

Photo: Black mask, black vest.

C. Free

--Genichiro Tenryu--
Photo:  Bare chested, white wrist tape.

--Don Frye--
Photo:  Black T-shirt, championship belt.

--Atsushi Onita--
Photo:  Black T-shirt and jacket, cigarrette.


--Naoya Ogawa--
Photo:  White T-shirt, boxing gloves.

E.  Junior Senshu ("Jr" emblem)

--Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger--
Photo: Red devil mask.

--El Samurai--
Photo:  Black/silver/red mash with blue sash.

--Koji Kanemoto--
Photo:  White and red sequined robe.

--Shinjiro Ohtani--
Photo:  Red and black robe.

--Kendo Kashin--
Photo:  Bare chested, black mask, black glove on left.

--Tatsuhito Takaiwa--
Photo:  Bare chested, beard.

--Dr. Wagner, Jr.--
Photo:  Light blue mask.

--The Great Sasuke--
Photo:  Black robe, black/white/red/green mask.

--Dragon Kid--
Photo: Silver and black mash with spikes, red/silver/black outfit.


V.  Administrivia

"Thank You"s:
  Josh Haggard      - Wrestler Name Fixes
  Justin Vincible   - Wrestler Name Fixes
  Bruce Carey       - Wrestler Name Fixes
  Aushirot          - Menu translation fix
  Deadpool          - Move name fix
  Everyone who keeps sending inspirational messages

Contacting Me:
  Please don't ask any additional questions about the game at this 
point.  I'm still learning it myself.  If you have stuff to add, please
do send it along to [email protected] for inclusion in the next revision
of this doc.

Copyright Notice:
  This document is Copyright 1999 Jeff "CJayC" Veasey.  It may be 
reproduced electronically on the Internet or other on-line services
so long as the content of this document is NOT altered in any way, and
no fee is charged either directly or indirectly for the viewing of this
document, and every effort is made to display the latest version.  
This document may be printed or copied for PERSONAL, PRIVATE use only,
and it may not be placed on a CD, typed up in a magazine, or otherwise
distributed outside of the above means.  If you are unsure as to whether
or not you may distribute this document, contact me at [email protected].

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