FAQ And Walkthrough - Guide for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

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 *If you enjoyed this guide, please consider recommending it at the top!* :)

                 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel FAQ/Walkthrough
                          Version 1.4 (10/17/14)
                          Written by Andrew Testa
                  Email Address: [email protected]
    This document is Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Testa. All Rights Reserved.

   < -------  T  A  B  L  E    O  F    C  O  N  T  E  N  T  S  ------- >

       1. What's New?................................................[0100]
       2. Introduction...............................................[0200]
       3. Basics.....................................................[0300]
       4. Walkthrough................................................[0400]
              Prologue: Welcome to Helios............................[040P]
             Chapter 1: Lost Legion Invasion.........................[0401]
             Chapter 2: Marooned.....................................[0402]
             Chapter 3: Systems Jammed...............................[0403]
             Chapter 4: A New Direction..............................[0404]
             Chapter 5: Intelligences of the Artificial Persuasion...[0405]
             Chapter 6: Let's Build a Robot Army.....................[0406]
             Chapter 7: Home Sweet Home..............................[0407]
             Chapter 8: Science and Violence.........................[0408]
             Chapter 9: Watch Your Step..............................[0409]
            Chapter 10: Eye to Eye...................................[0410]
            Chapter 11: The Beginning of the End.....................[0411]
       5. Optional Missions..........................................[0500]
       6. Bosses.....................................................[0600]
       7. Skill Trees................................................[0700]
       8. Class Mods.................................................[0800]
       9. Oz Kits....................................................[0900]
      10. Achievements...............................................[1000]
      11. Credits....................................................[1100]
      12. Contact Information........................................[1200]
      13. Legal Disclaimer...........................................[1300]

Quick Navigation: Use Control+F and type the code in the [brackets] to
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ quickly find what you're looking for! :)


                            1. What's New? [0100]


Version 1.4 (10/17/14): All optional missions now covered; implemented code 
                        navigation system to guide; added Class Mods and
                        Oz Kits sections.

Version 1.3 (10/17/14): Added introduction, basics, achievements, and skill 
                        trees sections.

Version 1.2 (10/16/14): Most optional missions are now covered!

Version 1.1 (10/15/14): Walkthrough completed! After a verrry long day. :)

Version 0.3 (10/14/14): First posted version of walkthrough. Stay tuned for
                        more updates on the way! Walkthrough up to Chapter 4.


                           2. Introduction [0200]


Welcome to my strategy guide for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! In this 
guide, you'll find a complete, beginning-to-end walkthrough of the main story
missions, and also walkthroughs for each optional mission. It also includes
a list of all of the achievements, as well as information on every skill in
the game.

I hope you enjoy your stay "on the moon" a little more with this guide. :)

=-- About the Game --=

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is the latest installment of the Borderlands 
series. It follows the events that led up to Handsome Jack being a villain in 
BL2. BL:TPS came out on October 14th for last gen consoles and for the 
PC. It was produces by 2K Games, and contains the same quality gameplay and 
unique brand of humor that we have grown accustomed to from the BL series.

=-- But why a guide for BL:TPS? --=

This game just came out, and there aren't currently any other guides for it, 
so I wanted to help out players having trouble. The game itself can be 
difficult at times, especially with where to go when you get to a waypoint, 
and the boss fights are easier knowing the boss's attacks and weak spots. 
But, above all, this game just called out to me, for I am a big fan of the
Borderlands series. :)


                              3. Basics [0300]


BL:TPS is an FPS with an addictive loot system. So, the gameplay is FPS, but 
the game has RPG elements to enhance your fighting ability. People who've 
played BL2 will feel right at home in this game, minus the new environment: 
you're on the moon.

(Wizard of) Oz Meter

Because of that, you have to worry about an Oz meter as well as a health and 
shield meter. The Oz meter is, well, you need Oxygen to survive! You can 
refill the Oz meter by going into buildings, activating cyclers, or going 
over the air cracks located through the moon. It's just another thing to 
worry about -- unless you're a robot, of course! :)


Also, you have four new characters to choose from: Athena, Nisha, Wilhelm, 
and Claptrap. I highly recommend Claptrap for the first playthrough; he 
probably has the most comic relief. His Action Skill is somewhat random, and 
he performs best in groups, but he's just too funny. And Nisha is also great 
if you're not as good at FPS games. So I would recommend Claptrap for people 
who've played BL2, and Nisha for people new to FPS games.

Claptrap: hilarious, somewhat random Action Skill
   Nisha: hot, Action Skill auto-targets enemies
  Athena: gladiator, defensive Action Skill
 Wilhelm: brute, Action Skill both damages and heals


Mostly the same gun types as BL2 and most other FPS games. I'll give a basic 
lowdown for people who haven't played BL2.

         Pistols: decent damage and range, basically a one-fits-all
  Assault Rifles: good all-around weapon
        Shotguns: use for close-up damage
   Sniper Rifles: long-range powerhouse
            SMGs: Really fast but somewhat bad accuracy
          Lasers: the coolest, decent all-around
Rocket Launchers: very high damage but slow and small magazine
        Grenades: great for clusters of mobs and you don't have to switch out

Guns come in different rarities. The rarity is indicated by the color, and 
from worst to best, it's white, green, blue, purple, and orange. Also, 
different guns have different gun manufacturers, and each manufacturer 
produces a gun with unique strengths and weaknesses.

Health, Shields, and Second Wind

You get a health meter and a shield meter. The shield meter depletes first 
when you are damage, and it will automatically regenerate after a set period 
of time, depending on your shields stats. But when you're shield is depleted 
and the enemy's still walloping on you, your health meter goes down. And when 
this depletes, you enter Second Wind, where you can revive yourself if you 
kill an enemy. Finally, if you die, you respawn at the last auto save station 
and lose some money. :(

Money and Vending Machines

For killing monsters, completing quests, and looting stuff, you gain money. 
You can use this money to buy goods at vending machines. The different types 
of vending machines each sell stuff you need: ammo, guns, shields, mods, and 
health. So collect money and spend it on what you think will most improve 
your character.

Skill Trees

BL:TPS has skill trees like old-school World of Warcraft. There are three 
skill trees for each character, and each skill tree enhances your abilities 
in some way, whether it be offense, defense, utility, or group fighting. See 
the Skill Tree section for the lowdown on each skill.

Tips n' Tricks

 * Loot everything! What you don't use, you can sell later.
 * Stock up on ammo whenever you see a vendor and there aren't any crates! :)
 * Look at the Item of the Day at the vendors; sometimes, this item can be
   better than what you already have equipped. This is somewhat rare, though,
   and a lot of vendor items are pretty useless.
 * You should ALWAYS have a variety of guns that use different ammo in your
   inventory. That way, if you run out of one type of ammo, you can just
   switch guns. For example, you should have a shotgun, sniper rifle,
   bazooka, submachine gun, assault rifle, and pistol at all times.
 * Use cover whenever possible. If there's no nearby cover, just run backward
   to get out of sight.
 * Reload while in cover, not while the enemy can see you!
 * Grenades! They are extremely useful for packs of enemies.
 * Use your special for charging enemies if it's a special that
   distracts/evades enemies from you.
 * Complete some Optional Missions if you're under-leveled for the next
   story mission.


                            4. Walkthrough [0400]


This section contains a complete walkthrough for the story missions of B:TPS. 
It is separated by "Chapter," which is what the game calls each leg of the 


                        Prologue: Welcome to Helios [040P]


After choosing your character, you wake up at Helios Station. Just as in 
Borderlands 2, a Claptrap unit is here to guide you through the area. Follow 
him across the tracks. But before following him further, loot this area 
completely. There are several crates and boxes scattered around here; open 
them for ammo and money, both of which you'll need on your adventure.

Specifically, there are two crates in the center divide between the two 
railways, and also a handful of crates near the ramp near Claptrap. Open all 
of these crates; you most certainly need the ammo! A few things: you can open 
all the containers and then hold the activate button for all of the stuff in 
the opened crates to magnetically come to you. This way, you don't have to 
manually press a button for each item.

At any rate, head to Claptrap. He'll open the door for you; after that, walk 
down the small hall and into the Supply Station, a big room with marine 
enemies in it. This is your first fight in TPS, but it is a cinch. This is 
mainly because the enemies are busy firing at the Loader robots in this area. 
So, you can safely take down the Lost Legion without fear of damage.

These enemies do have shields, but they go down fast with any automatic 
weapon you may have. In addition, headshots practically one-shot them. There 
are five in the room; two on the right, two on the left, and one ahead. Try 
to kill them quickly, while they are still busy with the friendly loaders.

After clearing the enemies, follow Claptrap to the door. He'll go on a bit, 
then open the door, then blow up. Why did he blow up? Well, because there's 
three marines right behind the door! Thankfully, these enemies are as easy as 
the ones in the room before; just switch to any automatic-type weapon and mow 
them down.

The door automatically opens, and you have the introductory cutscene for the 
star of our show, In Over His Head Jack. Well, he doesn't look too handsome 
here, being beat up by five marines. And, indeed, our job here is to kill the 
enemies that are currently playing "Kick-A-Jack."

These three marines spot you quickly, but they have horrible aim. Using an 
automatic weapon, you should be able to clear them easily. You can also try 
headshots with a scoped weapon, also.

When you've defeated the enemies around Jack, head to his position on the 
platform with the center console. More enemies come from the left now, and 
your job is to protect Jack from these new threats. There are around eight 
new enemies to defeat. You can either fire at them from the cover of this 
platform, or head over to them and clear them at their position.

If you run low on health here, there are SEVERAL crates and boxes throughout 
this area, and some of these containers have health packs. In addition, when 
you kill an enemy here, there is a good chance they will drop a health pack, 

When you've cleared the enemies, you're prompted to help Jack up. But, first, 
it is a good idea to loot the entire area of those containers I was just 
talking about. This will raise your money, allowing you to buy gear later, 
and also yield a lot of ammo. And it's also funny what Jack says while you 
ignore him, too! :)

To revive Jack, stand next to him and hold the revive button. If you just 
press it, nothing will happen; instead, you must hold it until the meter is 
full. After reviving him, you'll level up. Talk to Jack to turn in the quest.

You receive a shield for completing the quest. This is a very handy device 
that will absorb a set amount of damage, meaning you can incur more damage 
before you start to lose health. What's more, the shield will recharge over a 
set amount of time. So, if you only let your shields get damaged -- and take 
cover appropriately -- you will survive much longer. See, very handy!


                     Chapter 1: Lost Legion Invasion [0401]


Jack tries to turn on the consoles, but instead two turrets pop out of the 
walls behind them. Take cover by going down the ramp, so you're off this 
center platform, and shoot down the turrets from the cover. They will also 
shoot at Jack if he's closer, so just let him tank for you while you destroy 
both turrets.

With the turrets out of the way, follow Jack to the Landing Area. Apparently 
there are escape ships there, but instead of escaping, we meet the two big 
bads of TPS. Don't worry; you don't have to fight them right now. But what 
you do need to do, is find a way out of here!

Follow Jack to another door. While he's opening it, grab all the loot in the 
containers around here. When the door opens, head outside with Jack. You'll 
first be assaulted by fighter planes. These planes can take a lot of damage, 
so ignore them for now, and follow Jack.

Jack finds some normal enemies. While he's engaging them -- and basically 
tanking for you -- feel free to put some shots in to get the experience. Let 
Jack go first, so he takes all the damage, while you shoot from behind him. 
There will be a few waves of enemies that you'll need to clear.

Jack leads you into a new part of the station. In here, you will find an ammo 
vending machine, but you definitely don't need it if you've been opening the 
crates throughout this area. And in addition to the containers before, this 
room is also positively brimming with containers to open.

Follow Jack back outside and he'll explain the new plan: something about a 
moonshot cannon and dying really cool. Speaking of which, there will two 
enemies chasing a friendly robot in front of you, while you are following 
Jack. Take them down, then look out to space and you'll see a plane dropping 
two more soldiers. You can try to blast the plane down, but your main goal is 
to kill the two dropped enemies. And with both of these battles, you have 
your trusty minion Jack to help.

Jack will go back inside, then open a door, and then the two of you will drop 
down to a boss area.

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: Flameknuckle                                           |
|        Difficulty: Easy                                                   |
|  General Strategy:   This first part of this fight is really easy. All    |
|                    you have to do, is stay away from him. This is because |
|                    if you're out of melee range, he'll start walloping on |
|                    a friendly robot, or even Jack, and so you'll be able  |
|                    to damage him without him even firing at you.          |
|                    Basically, let someone tank Flameknuckle, then blast   |
|                    him down with an automatic weapon or with headshots.   |
|                      Halfway through the fight, you are awarded your      |
|                    first skill point. Head to the skill tree menu and use |
|                    the skill point on your action skill -- it's the only  |
|                    available option for what to choose, but it is by far  |
|                    the best single-talent skill point use in the game.    |
|                    Your Action Skill will vary by which class you chose:  |
|                    most are really useful, but one Action Skill           |
|                    (VaultHunt.EXE) probably wouldn't pass Microsoft       |
|                    Security Essentials. (It's actually a good ability.) :)|
|                      Now that you have your Action Skill, try it in       |
|                    combat on the Flameknuckle. He's out of his power      |
|                    suit, and much smarter than before. He has a flame     |
|                    weapon that will not only deal initial damage, but     |
|                    also burn you for more damage over time. It's best,    |
|                    just like before, to let Jack tank as much as he can.  |
|                      Also, headshots are absolutely golden here, but any  |
|                    automatic fire into his torso should do the trick. You |
|                    should always stay behind cover for this part of the   |
|                    fight, as the Flameknuckle's flame weapon has a nasty  |
|                    punch. If your shield gets low or goes down, find      |
|                    cover and wait for it to recharge. And if your health  |
|                    gets low, you will be able to find health packs in the |
|                    containers all around the area. The enemies that       |
|                    accompany Flameknuckle will also drop health packs     |
|                    when you defeat them.                                  |
|                                                                           |

With Flameknuckle defeated, clear the area of any reinforcements (Jack 
insists on this) and follow Jack to the elevator. Unfortunately, it's jammed, 
but Jack tells you to "enter the bullet," which is the thing beyond the 
flashing lights in front of him. 

Drop down onto the pipe and get inside the bullet. Jack will rotate the 
bullet, which will basically move it up to the floor where the elevator is 
jammed. Hop down off the bullet and loot the room, then go over to the 
elevator and bash the robot who is jamming the elevator. Use the melee button 
to smash him.

With the obstruction successfully melee'd, stick on the elevator and it will 
descend to Jack. Jack then gets on, and the elevator ascends right back up. 
Follow Jack to the center console and an enemy will attack from the west. But 
it's just one enemy, and more of comic relief than anything. ;)

Jack then talks about our plans -- well, your plans, because Jack's going all 
hero right now. (It makes more sense in a non-Claptrap game, trust me!:) But 
before becoming cargo, head into the door that the lone enemy came out of, to 
the west of the central platform. Down this hall, you'll find an actual chest 
that contains actual loots now -- weapons, and probably green ones. Loot them 
and equip them if they are better than what you have (they probably won't be, 
though.) Otherwise, go back to the vending machine in the previous room and 
sell them off. We will need the backpack space later.

Head back to Jack and hop inside the canister. When it closes, you'll be able 
to "enter a new area" on the opposite side of the canister. This will trigger 
a cutscene that ends with you crashing to the ground.

Crash Site

After the cutscene, follow the kind Springs. She explains you need oxygen on 
this planet or you'll die. Simply follow her and she'll take you to a machine 
that, when cycled, has a big oxygen bubble radius. This will give you a 
"breather" (sorry, pun), but otherwise continue to follow her to door. She 
opens it; go inside and you'll have oxygen again.

Loot this building! There are two crates up top. Also, grab the fast travel 
station on the level below. After talking a bit more, Springs tells you where 
you can find an Oz kit, which will allow you to survive out on this planet. 
Exit the building and head to the waypoint.

Pick Up Oz Kit

Before you get the Oz Kit, you'll still need oxygen. Thankfully, there are 
blow holes on the ground throughout this area (and planet). They are marked 
as diamonds on your mini-map, and look like cracked land. So, for now, you 
will want to stop at each of these diamonds so you don't suffocate to death 
(even robots suffocate, at least mentally.)

Head over to the building marked by the waypoint. You will be able to cycle 
the machine outside, which will make an oxygen bubble. Along the way to the 
building, you might have to fight some enemies -- really creatures this time. 
Just take them out before they get in melee range.

At the building, try to open it with the lever, but nothing happens. So, you 
must smash four locks, which are located on each corner of the gated door. 
You need to SMASH these, not fire at them, so use your melee attack. And for 
the top two, you'll need to jump up (moon jump!) and hit them while in the 

Inside the building, kill the two Kraggons inhabiting the place first. They 
go down just as easily as the ones outside. Afterward, grab all the loot in 
the containers in this building, then pick up the ultra-useful Oz kit. Wait 
for Springs to jog over to the building and talk to her to turn in the quest.


                          Chapter 2: Marooned [0402]


For this chapter, you must kill a guy called Deadlift, who's obviously not 
been keeping up on his squatting.

Exit the building to the east. If you look on your map, you'll see that the 
waypoint to Deadlift's place is to the south-east, but we need to go east 
first. Out here, you'll find the land of the Kraggons. Try to defeat them 
from range, but if they get too close, you can always ground n' pound by 
jumping and then pressing the crouch button.

Off to the south, you will see a cave opening -- it's very easy to see 
because of the air bubble over its entrance. At the cave, you'll find the 
entrance to Regolith Range.

Regolith Range

You should sell any unneeded items at the vending machines to your left. I 
would advise against buying anything for now, as bullets are plentiful and 
you are bound to find a better shield soon.

Continue into the "Dead Drop." Deadlift talks, and then basically sics his 
minions on you. These types of enemies -- scavs -- are really common on this 
planet, so get used to fighting them. Some fire with guns, but the more 
annoying ones are the ones that charge and slam the ground. Take out the 
melee scavs first if they get close. Also, there are barrels all throughout 
here; shoot at them to blow them up, which is severely hurt enemies nearby.

Follow the waypoint to reach the super-cool jump pad. Only, Deadlift disables 
it, so your illusions of graceful glides are but illusions for now. And, to 
make matters worse, Deadlift calls more men to fight you. These guys come 
from the west, and there are several. Take cover behind the debris around 
here, or just retreat to the previous area that you've already cleared, 
before taking them on in a firefight. Use your Special Ability and fire at 
barrels for an easy victory.

Continue to the new waypoint. At the bend, enemies will drop down and again, 
you'll have more of the same thing. This time, they group up rather tightly 
if you backstrafe a little and let them run toward you. So, throw out a 
grenade when they're in a group, and you'll have a quick five-for-one.

Very near the waypoint, enemies will jump down from the balcony in front of 
you. Take cover behind the large pipe on the ground as you clear them out. 
With the area clear, head to the waypoint and pull the lever. That doesn't 
work, but Springs gets the bright idea of making you the "fuse" between the 
two sparky bits. And don't worry, you won't die. Just go in between, get 
electrocuted a little, and run on it. The shield will recharge most of the 
damage that you took.

This will make the jump pad operational again, so backtrack to it. You'll 
have to face some enemies along the way, but they all seem to come one-by-
one, making for very simple battles. And at the jump pad, simply move over it 
and you'll float to the entrance to Deadlift's palace. Also, note that you do 
not need to hold down the movement button while you are in motion by the jump 

At the entrance, open all the containers to replenish your ammo. Head up the 
steps and get ready to fight Squats-- err, Deadlift!

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: Deadlift                                               |
|             Level: 5                                                      |
|        Difficulty: Medium                                                 |
|           Attacks: o His electric weapon. It does moderate damage, and is |
|                      easy to see because it makes electricity.            |
|                    o If you are on the same platform as him, he can       |
|                      overload a machine and make the whole platform an    |
|                      electricity trap. This hurts a lot, but you can      |
|                      easily see it coming. And when it does come, jump    |
|                      and get off the platform!                            |
|                    o Electric balls. This is his worst attack. These two  |
|                      electric balls sometimes follow him around, and he   |
|                      can command them to go after you. If they hit you,   |
|                      they will do major damage. Thankfully, you can       |
|                      destroy them with gunfire before they hit you, or    |
|                      make them hit a wall, to dodge the attack.           |
|                    o Normal enemies also spawn throughout the fight. They |
|                      make great Second Wind material. So, if you're about |
|                      to die, shoot one down to get back in the fight.     |
|  General Strategy:  Deadlift can be a tough fight. This is mainly because |
|                    of his electric balls attack, which will do tons of    |
|                    damage if they both directly hit. Other than that,     |
|                    Deadlift also moves around a lot, and it can be        |
|                    difficult to shoot him from the ground floor with him  |
|                    moving so much.                                        |
|                      First, you have to recognize the electric ball       |
|                    attack. You'll see two balls of electricity glide      |
|                    toward you. They are slow, and you can use your gun to |
|                    blow them up before they reach you. In addition, you   |
|                    can simply run behind a wall and they will just hit the|
|                    wall, not damaging you.                                |
|                      That is priority number one. When there are no balls |
|                    of electricity killing you, the fight becomes MUCH     |
|                    easier. Deadlift does have an electric weapon, but it  |
|                    does not do as much as damage. The only other big      |
|                    attack is when he makes a platform turn electricity,   |
|                    but this is actually a good thing.                     |
|                      When Deadlift wants to turn on the electricity on a  |
|                    platform, he will have to up to a machine and hover    |
|                    over it for a few seconds. This is the PERFECT         |
|                    opportunity to jump pad up to him and soak as much     |
|                    damage in him as you can. Even after he's set off the  |
|                    electricity, you can continue to blast away at him as  |
|                    you jump off the platform.                             |
|                      This is one of the best ways to defeat him, but you  |
|                    have to be able to soak a lot of damage into him to do |
|                    it in one go. Normally, you'll get through his shields |
|                    and some of his health, and you'll have to wait for him|
|                    to do it again.                                        |
|                      You should also NEVER stay out in the open when he's |
|                    not turning on the electricity. I prefer staying back  |
|                    at the entrance to this place, by the steps. There are |
|                    also walls all around here, and several levels, but I  |
|                    mainly stick to the ground level and go up when he's   |
|                    doing the electricity trap.                            |
|                      If you have a sniper rifle, he can easily be defeated|
|                    from a distance; simply snipe at his head for major    |
|                    damage. While doing this, avoid those balls of         |
|                    electricity.                                           |
|                      Normal enemies also infinitely respawn -- ignore     |
|                    them unless you need a Second Wind. They are otherwise |
|                    just a small hindrance.                                |
|                      So, either headshot him from a distance, or soak     |
|                    damage into him while he's setting up his electricity  |
|                    trap on a platform. Avoid his balls of electricity,    |
|                    and you should have no trouble defeating him.          |
|                                                                           |

After the battle, use the jumps pads to get to the top level. Here, head over 
to the 'toilet and open it to find the key. That's it as far as objectives, 
but you will also want to loot the two big chests in this room. They contain 
green weapons, which will undoubtedly be upgrades to what you have currently 
equipped. If you run out of inventory space, drop the least expensive stuff 
as we'll be selling most of it at a vendor.

With the key, head straight south of the chests to find a quick exit out of 
Deadlift's palace. There will be some Kraggons on the ground below; kill them 
from this high position before you drop down.

To get to the Moon Zoomy Station, head east, drop down, and take the lower 
level south. This will become Kraggon Pass -- so beware of Kraggon -- and 
loop around to the west, toward the waypoint. You will be stopped at the lava 
initially, but you can jump across the ground platforms, above the lava, to 
get over it.

You'll reach Dahl Waystation. You can kill the enemies around here if you 
want the experience, or you can simply head over to the waypoint to the 
north. Here, you will find the Moon Zoomy Station. Install the key at the 
terminal, then try to use it. It won't work, but if you melee attack the 
terminal, the computer changes its mind. :)

This is the same as Catch-A-Ride in Borderlands 2. Deploy the Laser Moon 
Buggy and and teleport inside. From here, you can mow down all of those 
enemies before with the vehicle's guns -- and they have unlimited ammo, so 
woohoo for that! Otherwise, drive toward the waypoint. You'll pass Moon Zoomy 
run and then go through a canyon.

After the canyon, you'll have to jump a lava pit, so be sure to put the 
vehicle in turbo before the ramp. After the ramp, drive over to the entrance 
to Serenity's Waste. You can stay in your vehicle when you go to this area; 
that way, you don't have to respawn another buggy.

In Serenity's Waste, drive over to the waypoint, which is Ozless Harbor. 
Springs waits on the ground floor; grab the Orbatron that she has in her 
outstretched hand, then talk to her to turn in this quest.


                       Chapter 3: Systems Jammed [0403]


We are now going to travel to Concordia, which is like the Sanctuary of TPS. 
Grab a vehicle and drive toward the waypoint. There will be a broken bridge 
when you turn out to the right, but you will be able to jump over it with 
your turbo boost.

After the jump, drive over to the garage-like structure with air bubbles. 
Drive inside, jump over the debris, and enter Concordia.


Traverse the streets (well, it's just one street for now) until you reach the 
police Claptrap unit, CU5TM-TP. He will immediately put up the force field 
into the city, then fine you on some verbal crime. Take the ticket from his 
claw, then follow CU5TM-TP as he opens a door and goes up stairs.

At the door, give him the Orbatron to lose your fines, then head down to the 
decontamination area, which is actually Nurse Nina's medical center. Get 
inside the decontamination chamber -- it will hurt you, but Nurse Nina will 
give you something to restore the lost health.

Exit the medical center to enter the center of the city. To your left is the 
tower lift; head over to it and push the button to go up. Only, the Meriff 
doesn't want visitors, so we'll just have to find another way to do this. So, 
head over to Moxxi's bar, which is really close. Inside, go up to counter to 
see that Moxxi's not there.

The heroes of our last adventure are here -- Roland and Lilith. Talk to 
Roland and then Moxxi will show up behind the counter of the bar. Talk to 
her, and she'll agree to help you out. First, you need to get some 
Moonstones. Head to the bank, which is highlighted by the waypoint.

At the bank, a Claptrap unit greets you and then lets you open the 'vault. 
Well, it appears the Moonstones are not here, and instead at the stash. This 
sure feels "tutorial," but head over to the stash now. This is the same room 
that the cop Claptrap brought you originally. In this room, take a look at 
the stash, but it appears cop Claptrap had it all along! So take the 
Moonstones from him and head over to the black market dealer.

Basically, Moonstones are the Eridium of TPS. You can use them to permanently 
increase ammo capacity, bank capacity, and backpack capacity. I highly 
suggest using the Moonstones on backpack capacity, because we will need to 
haul looted items back to vending machines throughout our adventure.

Comm. Towers

For each of these, if you wander around hopelessly for a little while, Moxxi 
will give you a more specific waypoint to get up to the towers. But with this 
guide, hopefully you won't be wandering too hopelessly. ;)

First, you'll want to jump up on the roof through the opening on top of the 
building across from the Moonstone store. After that, jump up a level via the 
sides, and then jump over to the first tower. Place it and then whack it with 
a melee attack. Now onto the second.

The next tower is on the other side of the city. Stay on the rooftops -- 
don't go back to the ground -- and jump over to it. Unfortunately, it has an 
electric fence that needs disarming, so turn and go up the ramp. This leads 
to a small area with a console, but that's not what we want. Instead, jump 
from this platform to the small platform with the fuse box. Destroy the fuse 
box, then go back to the second comm tower. Place the transmitter to finish 
that one.

Moxxi tells you to get to the tower by the Meriff. This one is in the center 
and above the other two comm towers. To get up, go back to the electric fuse 
box and jump up to the higher level. From here, head on over to the tower. 
But when you get close, the turrets activate.

You'll have to destroy the three defense turrets before you can continue. Two 
turrets are on either side of the tower, and one turret is sticking out of 
the top of the tower. Take cover behind the structures on the walkway to the 
tower. The turrets are easily destroyed with any automatic weapon, but you 
have to make sure all three aren't firing at you while you are trying to take 
them out!

Put the transmitter in the last comm tower, and then your asked to pick up 
the parts from the turrets you destroyed. They are right outside, so grab the 
parts from the destroyed turret. Install it on the transmitter, and we'll get 
a super secret Meriff conversation.

After that, we need to activate a console. It's NOT on the ground floor, but 
on the rooftop, so jump down to console and activate it. We have our next 
destination, but we first have to leave the city. And when you try to leave 
by going to the waypoint marked on your map, the Meriff locks the city down. 

Head back to Moxxi's bar. She's not behind the counter, but B4R-BOT tells you 
how to get to her secret room. So, head over to the slot machine, pull the 
lever, then press the secret switch. Inside the secret room, enjoy the funny 
scene with Moxxi, then follow her to the secret exit. It's all very secret, 

Talk to Moxxi to turn in this quest.


                       Chapter 4: A New Direction [0404]


Exit Concordia, via the secret entrance, to reach Triton's Flats, then 
Guttersnipe Pass. Follow the linear paath until you reach a Moon Zoomy. Here, 
you'll definitely want to deploy a vehicle to make your trip much faster. 
Still, getting to the waypoint is counterintuitive, so use your map to make 
sure that you are driving toward it. You will have to go through a small 
causeway with Shuggurath's to get there.

At the waypoint, you find SC4V-TP, who won't let you in and instead gives you 
the initiation task to get in the gang. So, you'll need to kill Darksiders 
and gather their prisms before you can enter the Crisis Scar. Get a vehicle 
(either use the one you used to drive here, or deploy another one at the Moon 
Zoomy) and drive to the waypoint.

It is the "Grabba." Head inside the garage and the waypoint changes to the 
inside of the Darksiders' base. Go through the hall to reach the base. Here, 
Darksiders will drop down from the ceiling and attack you. Take them down 
from the hall; don't go inside the room and get jumped, literally.

They'll run toward you while going down the hall, making for easy targets. 
Pick up the Prisms that they drop -- it will probably just be one -- and head 
over to the jump pad in this room. Blast the box next to the jump pad on the 
ground, then ride it up to the top of the base. Head outside, then up the 
stairs, and kill the enemies near here. You'll be using this cargo container 
as cover while you clear out the enemies up here.

You have to kill 20 Darksiders, so you'll be up here a while. Just shoot from 
range and use the cargo container as cover. Kill Wally Wong, who will drop a 
prism, and then Dinkum, who will drop the last prism. Finish up on the 20 
kills, then jump off the top of the base and get back on your ride. Head back 
to SC4V-TP.

Things just aren't going your way; you'll have to find another way to enter, 
the "secret entrance." Hop back in your vehicle and drive to the waypoint. 
Use the intercom to open the secret door. Before you enter, be sure to take 
out the annoying bats outside because they will follow you in.

Through the door, use the jump pad to get further in the base. The enemies 
quickly realize you aren't any new recruit, and the fight begins again. Clear 
the enemies on this little island -- use the crates for cover -- and get out 
your sniper rifle. Snipe out the enemies on the hill -- this is where you're 
going to go -- and then cross the bridge, use the jump pad, and you'll be at 
their position now.

Clear the enemies around here, then enter the building with the "Dahl" sign. 
In here, restock on ammo, then proceed to the Crisis Scar.

Crisis Scar

Exit the building and head toward the waypoint. You'll have to fight your way 
past some Kraggon, and then you'll see the fortress. Stay on the high ground 
-- go left, destroy the cryo plants, and jump to the big platform in the 
center of the lava. From this platform, look northwest and jump over to solid 
land again.

Head to the waypoint, which is the gate to the "Red Bellys Place." Before you 
can get them to open the gate, clear the enemies outside. Use the cargo 
containers and vehicles as cover. Then they'll activate the turrets on both 
sides of the gate. From cover far away, take them down.

With the turrets destroyed, the gate finally opens. Clear the enemies 
itchin' to fight you near the gate, then head inside to reach the Comms 
Facility. You'll be in this first area for quite a little bit, so look for 
cover positions. Specifically, the small building to the right of the 
entrance makes a perfect cover position.

Clear out the enemies in this area and the Red Bellys will sic jetpack 
enemies on you. They just fly and, well, that's it. They are enemies with 
cover, ripe for the headshotting. Head to the waypoint, and a Badass Outlaw 
comes out to play.

This guy is basically a mini-boss. He has shields, cryo grenades, and a 
powerful laser gun. Stay back and headshot him for an easier win; or, use the 
several barrels around this area to destroy him. You can retreat back to the 
building at the gate for cover while you take him down.

With the Badass Outlaw out of the way, enter the Red Bellys' lair and follow 
the linear path to the waypoint. This will lead to an outside area and, 
again, you're in for a big firefight here. Use the building you just came out 
of as cover while you defeat these enemies. They will mostly come out of the 
building with the satellite dish.

Fight your way to the waypoint. When you clear the area, the gate opens up, 
revealing -- you guessed it -- more enemies. There will be more normal 
enemies, and then another Badass Outlaw. Kill him the same way as the first 
-- lure him into barrels and headshot him. With the area clear, head inside 
the building to reach RedBelly arena. Stock up on supplies and then enter the 
inside of the arena. Get ready for a boss fight!

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: RedBelly                                               |
|             Level: 5                                                      |
|        Difficulty: Medium                                                 |
|           Attacks: o RedBelly has a laser gun that will burn you after it |
|                      hits. So, it does moderate damage, and then a DoT    |
|                      afterward. Don't let this hit you more than once in  |
|                      a row, or you will be at low health.                 |
|                    o When you get close or make him angry, RedBelly will  |
|                      charge at you. This will take down your shields if   |
|                      he connects, so backpedal when he throws his hands   |
|                      up in the air, which is his charge signal.           |
|                    o When the two go apart, Red will throw cryo grenades  |
|                      at you when he's above you. So, make sure to stay    |
|                      the heck away from him.                              |
|                    o Normal enemies also spawn throughout the fight. They |
|                      make great Second Wind material. So, if you're about |
|                      to die, shoot one down to get back in the fight.     |
|  General Strategy:  What makes this battle not too difficult are the      |
|                    pathing issues with RedBelly. If you leave the arena   |
|                    and go over to the vending machines, RedBelly will get |
|                    "stuck" before the hall, allowing you to shoot him up. |
|                      He will still fire back, but he is a shell of his    |
|                    former self when he can't get close to you. This       |
|                    completely negates his charge attack, but you'll still |
|                    have to worry about his nasty laser gun, which is      |
|                    cause burning after it hits.                           |
|                      When you get RedBelly's health down, the two go      |
|                    apart and Red floats around in the air. If you're not  |
|                    using the pathing trick, do not let Red float near you |
|                    or he will drop grenades on your head. Ouch!           |
|                      Kill Red first -- he's basically just a head -- and  |
|                    then take down the Belly. To take out Red, simply fire |
|                    at his floating self while staying far, far away from  |
|                    him. And for Belly, use the pathing trick again.       |
|                      If you have any trouble with health, you can use     |
|                    the vending machine to restore it. There are also      |
|                    containers throughout the arena that have health packs.|
|                      Finally, ignore the normal enemies that spawn unless |
|                    you need a second wind. They will endlessly respawn,   |
|                    so killing them does not make a bit of difference, but |
|                    they are good for Second Wind because they go down in  |
|                    just a few shots.                                      |
|                      So, to summarize: use the pathing trick. When they   |
|                    separate, stay far away from Red and shoot at his      |
|                    floating self. And then take down the Belly with more  |
|                    of the same pathing issues.                            |
|                      And you can make this fight more difficult if you    |
|                    don't use the pathing trick at the hall. You'll just   |
|                    have to run around the arena, sticking behind the      |
|                    pillars and the walls to dodge RedBelly's attacks.     |
|                      The weak spot for Belly is the head, and for Red,    |
|                    it's the legs. Fire at those spots for critical damage.|
|                                                                           |

After the fight, you have to turn off the signal. Ignore the Scavs here, as 
they will still infinitely respawn. You will see that the signal is up a 
level, and you CAN'T jump to it. I was here for around ten minutes trying to 
figure out how to jump to it!

Instead, use the button under it to open the door. Head up the stairs to the 
signal, which is busted. So, you'll have to go to a maintenance console now. 
The door on this level opens up and you can go back outside again. Ascend the 
stairs to reach the top of the RedBelly fortress.

Activate the console, and then you'll have to destroy three relays. They are 
around the structure in front of you. But first, take cover and destroy the 
two turrets on either side. Then, clear the enemies that spawn. And finally, 
take out the relay. It seems that only certain gunfire can destroy it, so 
switch to an explosive weapon or gracefully throw a grenade at it, to blow it 

The other two relays are much of the same: head around this area, take out 
the turrets, then the enemies, and finally the relay. If you fall off the 
side at any point, there are jump pads that will boost you back up. And 
ignore the planes, as they are a lot of trouble to shoot down.

Jump off the top of the fortress, toward the front gate, and exit this place. 
Head to the gate, flip the lever, and head back into Triton Flats. And then, 
after that, you know the way back to Concordia -- and by that, I mean take 
the nearest Fast Travel to get back there.

Meet Jack at the center of the city, then head to the Customs Claptrap. After 
Moxxi spills the beans on the Meriff, follow the Customs Claptrap to the 
elevator. The Claptrap unit makes the elevator go down first, but rest 
assured -- you will find reach the Meriff's lair-- err, office.

At the outside of the Meriff's office, you'll need to kill enemies and two 
ceiling turrets. Try to let Jack tank for you, and do not get close to the 
active turrets. With the area clear, follow the hallway to the Meriff's 
office. After a lot of story shenanigans, head back to the elevator outside 
the Meriff's office, press the button to go down, and head over to Springs to 
turn in the quest.


          Chapter 5: Intelligences of the Artificial Persuasion [0405]


First, we need to get a Stingray. Fast travel to Triton Flats, then head over 
to the waypoint on the map. Go inside the garage and use the cover here to 
clear the enemies outside. Then, input the code for the garage, which is 
hilariously 8-0-0-8. You can go left or right on each digit, but you have to 
be pointing at the sides of the number first.

With the numbers inputted, press the button to unlock the door. Inside here, 
put the scrambler on the console in the center of the room. This will allow 
you to deploy Stingrays, which are hover vehicles that that glide in the air 
for a short period of time. The tradeoff on turbo is that you can effectively 
jump up, making it easier to jump over chasms.

Get in your Stingray and ride to the waypoint. Ignore both the turrets and 
the enemy vehicles. Instead, punch it toward the chasm. Drive off in the 
CENTER of the ramp and then use the hover button to glide over to the other 
side. If you're having trouble, then try to hover around without crossing the 
chasm, first.

On the other side, head into the new area: Outland Canyon.

Outlands Canyon

Go through the open gate with the "Bugger Off" sign over it. Your goal is to 
get to the waypoint, which is on the far end of the map. So, of course, 
you'll have to fight your way there. First, you'll need to go through an area 
with buildings, and then cross a canyon of Kraggon. At the end of the canyon, 
you'll find a Moon Zoomy. Deploy a Stingray and drive to the waypoint.

You'll reach Boggen's Warren. At this point, you might want to run past the 
enemies, if you're leveled enough -- you should be at least 11 for this 
quest. But after the Warren, you'll find a perfectly located fast travel 
station. So, at least you won't have to go through all this again!

Head to the waypoint to reach Fingersmith Halls. Here, you will find Davis 
Pickle. Listen to her plan, then enter Outlands Spur.

Outlands Spur

Again, you must fight your way past enemies to reach the bridge. And again, 
you can simply run past them if you're an appropriate level for this mission. 
But if you aren't 11-12, then it might be worthwhile to kill them for the 

Your goal is to reach the bridge, but as you can see, it's not open. Instead, 
use the jump pad to fly across the chasm and reach the entrance to yet 
another fortress. You have to clear the enemies outside the entrance first. 
They comes from the buildings as well as appear from the balconies.

For this fight, you'll want to stay back, behind a crate, and get to work. 
Take out the enemies on the balconies first. There are barrels on these 
balconies, so shoot at the barrels for easy kills. In addition, you will also 
fight a Kraggon tamer, who is first mounting a Kraggon, then is off the 
Kraggon and summons more Kraggon. It's a lot of Kraggon, but try to kill the 
tamer first.

With the area clear, you can now enter the Processing Plant.

Processing Plant

We'll be in this area for a while -- backtracking back and forth through it 
-- so let's talk about the cover areas. Specifically, the first building with 
the vending machines is actually a good retreat-and-cover position. And, 
bonus, you can heal here. There are also two enclosed bridges that make 
decent cover when you've cleared the enemies around them.

Fight you way to the bridge and attempt to cross it. Well, that didn't work! 
So, it appears there is a manual override -- go up the stairs and head into 
the building. You'll have to kill a Badass Scav at the entrance. Inside the 
building, work the bridge controls. No dice here, either.

So, we need to dump some methane now. From the bridge controls, go north and 
drop down to the level below. Here, you will see the methane controls to the 
south. This doesn't work, either, but we're on the right track -- we need to 
go fix the pumping station now.

To the Pumping Station

To the south of the controls, if you stay on this bottom area, you will reach 
a jump pad that will bring you back up to the bridge level. From here, 
backtrack through the fortress and take the jump pad outside to propel 
yourself across the chasm.

From here, fight your way toward the waypoint. There will be another chasm 
with no jump pad this time. However, there is a platform in the middle of the 
chasm with an air bubble enveloping it. Jump to this platform and then from 
this platform, jump over across the chasm.

Follow the land to the bridge that leads to the pumping station. And, as 
Bosun said earlier, he has some turrets you have to deal with. Use the dump 
truck as cover while you take down both turrets. After that, clear the 
enemies around the entrance to the pumping station, then head inside.

Pumping Station

There are barrels all around this station, so blow them up when enemies get 
near them. Otherwise, stick to the cover of the first building as you clear 
the area. Just as with any other area of the game, there are crates all 
around here that contain ammo and health packs.

Fight your way to the east part of the station. You need a big broken 
stairway here, but you can jump up the broken parts and reach the upper 
level. On this level, clear the area of enemies. This is easier said than 
done -- with little cover, you'll have to rely on the explosive barrels to 
clear the area quickly.

With the enemies defeated, use the console to activate the pumping station. 
But we're not done yet! We now have to go across the map again, to the flow 
of the methane. Backtrack all the way to the waypoint. This is basically the 
flow station. Clear the enemies, then use the jump pads in the back to fly up 
a level.

From here, look to the east and you'll see an in-between level with another 
jump pad. Use it to reach the top of the flow station. And at the very top -- 
on top of everything -- you'll find the valve that redirects the flow. We're 
almost done now!

Backtrack all the way to the bridge. Yes, the level design of this mission 
leaves much to be desired. The methane controls are on the ground level. When 
you rotate the valve, the lava will freeze and you can now cross it! 
Unfortunately, a Badass Kraggon spawns in the middle of the frozen bridge. 
Defeat it, then cross the frozen bridge, then climb up to the entrance of 
Pity's Fall.

Pity's Fall

You need to enter Drakensburg now. Follow the linear area to the catwalks 
that lead to the entrance. When you're near the entrance, two turrets spring 
up from the sides of the door. Destroy them, then clear the enemies that come 
through the door, and then enter Drakensburg.

Go to Command Center

Head inside the fortress and clear the enemies in the first big room. Use the 
last room as cover while you clear them out. But, when you try to go to the 
Command Center, Bosun locks it. And if that weren't enough, he calls out more 
enemies to attack you. Take cover -- I prefer to retreat back to the first 
room -- and clear these guys out.

Well, apparently one of the enemies is helping you now. She opens the doorway 
leading to the engine room. In the eastern part of the big room, go up the 
stairs and you'll see that the door is now open. It will lead outside to 
Starboard Ascent.

Outside, you need to fight your way north to the Hangar Bay. There are a lot 
of enemies and even a fighter plane, so go slow while you clear the area. 
Jump up the Hangar Bay entrance, and head back inside the fortress. The 
Hangar Bay contains a turret and lots of enemies. Just as always, use the 
previous area as cover while you clear the current when.

To get to the waypoint, use the jump pad to float to the higher level. Go up 
the stairs and follow the halls to the Briefing Room. Continue going along 
the linear passageways to reach a broken lift chamber. Use the jump pads to 
go up the lift chamber, and you'll reach some vending machines. Now is a good 
time to restock after all those battles. After that, it's time for the Engine 

You'll be in here for quite a little bit. First, you'll want to clear the 
area. Use the previous room -- the room with the vending machines -- as cover 
while you clear the enemies. After that, head to the console to engage full 

Afterward, you must destroy the flow regular, which is the big glowing thing 
on the wall, way up. Just fire at it from below and it will blow up. Now it's 
time for the POWER STABILIZER -- this never ends, does it! Use the jump pad 
on the west side of the room to get up to the middle-level, then jump over to 
reach the top. Interact with the console to open the power stabilizer.

Now you have to destroy the power stabilizer. The windows block the chamber, 
but there are openings on the side if you jump up and then shoot. With the 
power stabilizer destroyed, jump back down to the middle level, and walk over 
to the console in the northwest corner. And, well, jettison that engine!

You can now drop in the engine shaft -- it's the big shaft in the center of 
the room -- so drop in and run across it. Jump up on the right and climb the 
ladder. Follow the waypoints through the rooms and to the outside. Use the 
jump pad to glide over, then go inside. You'll meet Poop Deck, Bosun's best 
lackey, who promptly explodes. Ouch!

Go to the waypoint, then drop down the elevator shaft to reach the Crew 
Quarters. Kill the enemies, jump the chasm, then follow the halls to another 
elevator shaft. Drop down it to reach Security. Pull the lever at the console 
area to lower the force field.

Head north to the Suspension Bridge. This is another area littered with 
enemies, so stay back and take them down as they come to you. With the area 
clear, jump up to the platform with the jump pad, and use the jump pad to 
jump up to the waypoint. That's a lot of jumping!

Use the elevator controls to descend down to a boss fight with Bosun.

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: Bosun                                                  |
|             Level: 14                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Medium                                                 |
|           Attacks: o Weapon fire from the bottom of his flying machine.   |
|                      It also burns for DoT damage.                        |
|                    o Laser fire -- he fires straight lasers at you.       |
|                      These also cause burning DoT damage.                 |
|                    o Slow rockets that explode on impact. You can dodge   |
|                      these rather easily.                                 |
|                    o Slow electric rockets that electrocute the area on   |
|                      impact. Easy to dodge like rockets.                  |
|                    o Normal enemies also spawn throughout the fight. They |
|                      make great Second Wind material. So, if you're about |
|                      to die, shoot one down to get back in the fight. But |
|                      unlike in previous boss fights, they are pretty      |
|                      formidable opponents themselves.                     |
|  General Strategy:     Bosun is somewhat difficult boss. He floats up in  |
|                    the air in his Star Wars throne, raining down on you   |
|                    with laser fire and rockets. He also has a very good   |
|                    shield. That is, until you destroy the shield          |
|                    regenerators.                                          |
|                      The key to victory is taking out the shield regen-   |
|                    erators before you begin your assault on Bosun. There  |
|                    are four regenerators, all on the second level, and    |
|                    they are clearly visible because there is a blue laser |
|                    pointing at each pointing to Bosun. Take out the regen-|
|                    erators with your sniper or some type of automatic     |
|                    weapon.                                                |
|                      As far as cover for this, I actually like to stick   |
|                    near the elevator shaft. If you're on the side, the    |
|                    rockets won't hit you, and Bosun has a hard time       |
|                    getting a good angle on you. You can also take cover   |
|                    behind the several pillars in the area.                |
|                      Once you have the regenerators destroyed, you can    |
|                    start on Bosun. He has some health, and still packs a  |
|                    punch, but he's not impossible to defeat now. Most of  |
|                    his attacks can be easily avoided. Just make sure to   |
|                    dodge the rockets (both the explosive and electric     |
|                    ones) and run away from his laser fire.                |
|                      The normal enemies that spawn during the fight can   |
|                    also be trouble. For them, you should clear the ones   |
|                    that get up in your face trying to melee you. They can |
|                    make it tough to shoot at Bosun while they're right in |
|                    front of you.                                          |
|                      So, destroy the shield regenerators, dodge the       |
|                    rockets, and fire away at Bosun, summarily.            |
|                                                                           |

After the fight, head toward the waypoint. Use the jump pad to get up to the 
top level, then use the keypad to open the door to the AI Hub. In the 'hub, 
you'll meet Skipper, who's really something different from what you probably 
thought. Open the AI core and take the AI in the following room to turn in 
the quest.


                   Chapter 6: Let's Build a Robot Army [0406]


Before going to the train station, we need to exit this place. And instead of 
backtracking through all those rooms, there is a quick exit. Thankfully! So 
head back through the boss room, go up the elevator, and jump off 
Drakensburg. You will find a fast travel station at the gate in front of you.

Fast travel to Triton Flats, and grab a Stingray. Drive over to the waypoint 
on the map, and use the hover function of the Stingray to cross the broken 
rail gap. On this side, head over to the console and activate it to call the 

When it arrives, enter the building next to it and use the train to enter a 
new area.

Titan Industrial Facility

This whole area is infested with Torks. Thankfully, they are relatively weak 
enemies. Clear the area, then try to open the gate with the button. It will 
open a little, let out some Torks, and close back up. Great! Take out the 
Torks, then go over to the console and plug in Felicity.

Felicity opens the gate in front of you; head in, clear the Torks, and go to 
the waypoint. Crouch under the half-open door, and an "optional" objective 
pops up to plug Felicity into the system. I put "optional" in parenthesis 
because all you have to do is interact with the console right in front of you 
to complete this objective. So, you don't have to go out of your way or 

Clear the Torks in this room, then head over to the gate on the opposite end. 
Felicity can't open it, but you can try pulling it open with the handle. 
You'll open it, but also have to face a big Tork. Just clear it, then clear 
the little Torks, then continue through the now-opened gate.

This new area is full of enemies, so clear them out from the cover of the 
previous area. There are Scavs now, too. When it's clear, head over to the 
waypoint, which is yet another gate. Install Felicity in the console next to 
the gate.

The outer security door closes, and turrets pop up. Felicity tells you to 
take out the turrets, but ignore her and run toward the side, behind the big 
pipes. After a little bit, Felicity will program the turrets to only fight 
Torks. So, dealing damage to them before is counterproductive, as you will 
lower the health of a future ally.

With the turrets up, your next objective is to simply "survive." Let the 
turrets do the tanking while you clear out the area. With the enemies 
defeated, you have a new waypoint: a jump pad. It's on an upper level, but 
you can jump from the big cargo containers to reach it.

Use the jump pads to get onto the side of the facility. There is an electric 
trap keeping you from entering, so jump up to the right and fire at the 
electrical box through the small opening in the ceiling. With the trap now 
disabled, head inside, follow the corridor, and go up the ladder.

There is another electric gate, but you can disable this one with the lever 
in this room. Unfortunately, this disables all the electric fields, so that 
means all enemies -- including Torks -- can now enter the facility. The Torks 
will fight the Scavs in the next room. You can wait for them to weaken each 
other, or just go in and clear the area.

Go up the steps in the corner of the room and you will reach a long corridor. 
There is a Scav at the end and Torks will spawn from the black vents. Take 
them down, then follow the corridor to another big door. Rotate the valve to 
open it, then work on the Scavs in the following room.

You'll have to clear a few waves in this room. Then, a few Scavs lower a door 
to make an opening to the left of the Hangar Bay door. Kill these Scavs, then 
jump up to the newly-created opening. The door goes back outside, and then if 
you follow the linear area, you'll reach indoors again.

You must clear the Scavs in the hangar for Gladstone now. You'll have to 
defeat a few waves, and then spawn from the side doors. Use the barrels for 
easy kills, and retreat to the previous room if you need cover. With the area 
clear, Gladstone gladly opens up his doors. You meet him and everyone has a 
lengthy conversation about building robots. After that, Gladstone leads you 
further in the factory.

There is just a little longer until the Production Plant itself. Back 
outside, follow the area up to the waypoint. Do not attempt to "clear" the 
area, as there is a Torkid Queen in the area that will just spawn new 
Torkids. Instead, find the queen and kill her.

When you get close to the waypoint, some enemies run inside, like they're 
scared of you, but then the gate reopens, revealing they just got into their 
powersuits. So, you have to kill them, and the best opportunity to deal big 
damage is with a rocket launcher, right when they're bunched up, right when 
they open the door.

After defeating them, head into the Production Plant.

Titan Robot Production Plant

Restock at the vendor, then go into the area to the right. Here, you must 
clear out all the Scavs. A great place to do this is simply from the balcony 
you are on. Switch to a sniper rifle and start headshots, and blow up some 
explosive barrels.

Once the enemy waves look depleted, drop down and head to the center. Yep, 
that's more enemies. Take cover behind a crate (just make sure there isn't an 
explosive barrel next to it!) and take them down. After that, we must restore 
the power. Follow the waypoint to the side room, which contains the door to 
the power room.

Unfortunately, Scavs have locked up the door. But! They open the outer 
security layer of the window, basically just to point and laugh at you. 
Gladstone tells you to shoot Cryo at them, but all you need to do is shoot 
the Cryo barrels, which are to the sides of the windows. Shoot the barrels 
and the windows will blow up.

From there, you need to clear out the small power room. There's parts to 
clearing the room: (1) wait here and fire at the ones who come out, and (2) 
enter the room and clear the last few Scavs. After that, flip the switch on 
the power generator. You will get electrocuted a little, but it's all in the 
name of comic relief. Head back to the center area; now we need to find an 

You need to summon the security bot. The console is on the third level of 
this area. To get there, you need to go up two ladders. The later from the 
second level to the third level is only halfway down. When up top, press the 
controls to summon the robots.

More than just robots come out -- in addition, there is another wave of 
enemies accompanying them. The robots spawn from the center of the ground 
floor, so a nicely timed rocket or grenade can hurt all of them. Overall, you 
should stay up here as you take out the enemies below.

After clearing the area, grab the four eyes -- each drops from the defeated 
robot -- and head to the Oculus lab. It's on the second floor, but it can be 
kinda confusing to find the door in this room. You need to go in the opposite 
direction, like you're going to the power room, and then open the door, back 
to the center area, to reach the second level. From here, simply walk across 
and open the door.

Follow the corridors to the Oculus Lab. There is a toaster-oven-like object 
in the center of the room. Place the 'eyes in there -- you'll have to place 
each one -- and watch it work its magic. With it complete, grab the oculus 
and head back to the center room. Press the controls on the ground to reveal 
our new death device, which kinda looks like a hunk of junk right now.

Install the eye on the front, then use the controls on the second level 
console to start constructing the legs. Follow the Constructer as it goes to 
the Assembly Bay. You will need to use a lift (and it's button controls) to 
get up to it.

Now you need to go to the testing facility. Here, you will need to watch the 
turrets kill 12 Scavs. Just hang around the sides at first and weaken the 
Scavs for the turrets to finish off. If you get the killing blow on a Scav, 
it does not count towards the 12 Scavs killed.

With the turrets calibrated, head back to the Constructer. Use the console to 
attach the turrets. With that done, we now need to install the legs. Go 
through the newly-opened gate and follow the corridors to a boiler room of 
sorts. In this room, you'll need to clear three waves of enemies before the 
big gate-door opens. And when it does, you need to take care of an enemy in a 
powersuit and also a badass. Use your retreating abilities to take cover 
while you defeat these foes.

With everything dead, head to the waypoint, which is the Locomotion Assembly.  
Use the console to install Felicity on the death machine, then escort 
Felicity back to the main room. For the first batch of enemies on the way, 
Felicity should be able to take care of them by herself. Still, you'll want 
to kill the ones on the ledge because she can't get up there.

But back in the boiler room, you will have to face some powersuits. This is 
where your escorting comes in! Felicity will tank them, but you will have to 
deal the damage. Normal enemies also spawn from the sides, but the powersuit 
enemies take priority. When they are defeated, go for the small enemies on 
the sides.

After that, follow Felicity back to the main room. Use the controls to mount 
Felicity's torso onto her legs. She'll then be hauled off in front of you on 
a crane, so follow her. Press the button to open the door, then clear this 
transit area.

And again, use the previous room as cover while you clear out the new one. 
After that, go to the command center -- you will have to go around to the far 
side -- and open the door. A Badass and a normal Scav await you, so 
backpeddle it while firing at them.

In the console command, simply interact with the console to continue. You'll 
now have a waypoint in the next area, so head to this place, called the 
Embarkation Station. Here, you'll get to Install Felicity entirely, which is 
a rather sad part of the story. But, she does get her revenge...

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: Felicity Rampant                                       |
|             Level: 17                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Hard                                                   |
|           Attacks: o Blue explosive assault fire. It does not travel too  |
|                      fast, so you can dodge it if you're far enough away. |
|                    o Lasers. Just like before, they're instant. They tend |
|                      to point more toward the ground, however.            |
|                    o She fires rockets. These are more homing than what   |
|                      you've experienced before, so get behind a pillar.   |
|                    o She has a charge, which is knock out a big part of   |
|                      your shields, if not all of them.                    |
|                    o A stomp -- she will only do this when you're close to|
|                      her, in melee range.                                 |
|                    o She drops claymores to the ground sometimes. They    |
|                      make a red bubble, so they are easy to spot. Don't   |
|                      walk over them!                                      |
|                    o In her second form, she also has rockets that come   |
|                      out of the top of her, but there are more than in her|
|                      first form.                                          |
|                    o Second form lasers. She'll tell you before she       |
|                      starts attacking with them.                          |
|                    o A type of slam in second form. It does damage over   |
|                      time in addition to direct damage.                   |
|                    o Annoying robots, which she spawns, also pervade the  |
|                      fight. Ignore them unless you need a Second Wind.    |
|  General Strategy:     This can be a tough fight for many reasons. But    |
|                    most of all, Felicity just spawns so many robots, and  |
|                    has so many different attacks, that it can be hard to  |
|                    deal with everything on the screen.                    |
|                      First, we have a similar mechanic to Bosun's fight   |
|                    in that she has little flying planes that will give her|
|                    a red shield. When she has the shield, you can't damage|
|                    her. But, you can easily destroy the planes that make  |
|                    the red shield. They only take a few hits to destroy,  |
|                    and then it's goodbye shield. The problem is that the  |
|                    shield can get in the way of the plane itself, so      |
|                    you'll have to maneuver yourself to get a shot at it.  |
|                      She will get this shield at least a few times in the |
|                    fight, so be prepared to destroy the planes when the   |
|                    shield goes up.                                        |
|                      Felicity also boasts tons of attacks. You can negate |
|                    most of them if you stay far away from her, however.   |
|                    Obviously, melee attacks won't touch you if you aren't |
|                    in melee range, but the lasers seem to point down a    |
|                    little too much, and her normal blue fire has a slow   |
|                    bullet speed. The rockets are also slow. So, basically,|
|                    you can dodge mostly anything if you stay far enough   |
|                    away from Felicity.                                    |
|                      She is weak at the legs, so shoot there. It's an easy|
|                    place to target, and you'll do a lot more damage.      |
|                      After taking out more than half her health, her legs |
|                    will give way and she'll enter her second form. This   |
|                    form doesn't have as many attacks, but she does still  |
|                    have rockets and lasers, which you can both still      |
|                    dodge like before.                                     |
|                      Try to ignore the normal robots in this fight unless |
|                    they group in front of you. She will just keep         |
|                    respawning them endlessly.                             |
|                      And DO NOT go easy on damaging her -- Jack tells you |
|                    to just "disable" her, but you'll have to get her      |
|                    health down the whole way. You cannot overdamage her   |
|                    and destroy her.                                       |
|                                                                           |

After the battle, enjoy the Jack dialogue, then use the fast travel station 
in this room to get back to Concordia. Return to Moxxi's bar, and talk to 
Jack, to complete the quest.


                       Chapter 7: Home Sweet Home [0407]


First things first, check Moxxi's toybox for some aptly named items, 
including Miss Moxxi's Vibra-Pulse, Miss Moxxi's Slammer, and Explosive Kiss 
of Death. Collect them -- even if you have better gear, you can always sell 
them or keep them in your bank -- and head back to Jack. It's time for your 
grand return, which is just taking the fast travel station back to the 
Hyperion Hub of Heroism.

Obviously, since this place was taken over by the Lost Legion, it would be 
logical to conclude that the space station is full of Lost Legion. And, 
indeed, you would be correct. The primary enemy on this space station is none 
other than the Lost Legion humanoids. They normally fire with guns, they have 
shields, and some have jetpacks, too. You will be fighting them for at least 
the second hour, so get used to headshotting them and clearing them out.

Your goal is to get to the waypoint, which is past lots of Lost Legion. Fight 
your way there, when the path gets locked. This might seem like deja vu back 
at Drakensburg, and indeed, there are some similarities in the level design. 
But anyway, head to Jack's office now -- marked by the waypoint.

When you arrive, try to get past with the scanner, but you can't, not even if 
you're a Claptrap yourself! So, you'll just have to find a Claptrap unit that 
can open doors. And if you've played Borderlands 2, you know that this is 
going to be tough.

Thankfully, there is a Claptrap Repair Shop on the space station. It's just 
up the way, and you need to press a button to open the door. Inside, press 
another button -- the button on the crate -- to reveal a normal, door-opening 

Follow Clappy to the scanner. And, yeah... what happens in Borderlands 2 
happens here. You have to fight waves and waves of enemies while the Claptrap 
unit tries to open the door. After each wave, Claptrap will try something new 
to open the door, but each time he fails and instead attracts more waves of 
Lost Legion.

These Lost Legion can be tough. They even have cloaking devices now, but you 
should still be able to see their smeary glow. As far as the fights, stay 
behind the cargo container near the scanner. It's good cover, and most of the 
marines will just walk around where they're at -- aka they won't charge you 
-- so you can get headshots in from a distance.

After a few scans, Claptrap finally integrates with the station and you're 
able to enter Jack's office. Turn on the fast travel station in here so Jack 
can warp in, then listen to his next plan: get the R&D team back. So, exit 
Jack's office (use the entrance, not the fast travel) and head north of his 
office entrance, toward the waypoint.

You'll go past World of Shopping area to reach The Road to Research. Press 
the button to open the door; this leads to Research and Development. In R&D, 
you'll need to clear the area of Torks before Gladstone opens the door. Kill 
the Tork Queen first, or they'll just keep respawning.

With the area clear, Gladstone opens the door to his office. Talk to him to 
turn in the quest.


                    Chapter 8: Science and Violence [0408]


For this mission, you need to rescue three scientists. This might seem easy 
enough, but each scientist is in a different research area, and each 
scientist has a specific task that they need you to do before you can rescue 
them. This includes obtaining a family photo and getting a teddy bear. And 
yes, I'm serious.

You start in the Stalker Biome. As Jack states, these guys can cloak, so 
watch out for them when they pop up. Clear them, then head to the first 
scientist. He needs you to head to an observation area to get a picture of 
his son. This means going across Stalker Land, but you probably need the 
experience at this point, since the mission ramped up from 16 to 20 rather 

At the observation waypoint, press the button to confirm that you are 
Hyperion-sponsored, then the door will open. Inside, you'll find Doctor 
Minte, who is still a scientist but not one of the ones you need to rescue. 
Just grab the Family Photo on the console and return to Doctor Langois. 
Before he opens the door, you must clear the area of Stalkers.

Give him the photo and that's one scientist down.

Retrieve the Second Scientist

Clear the Torks outside, and then Doctor Torres will let you in. This is the 
really weird one, because he wants you to get his Teddy Bear. He'll open the 
Aquatic Observation area for you. This place has the console that drains the 
aquarium, but it is also full of Torks. And Lost Legion. So ouch!

From the entrance to the area, go right and you'll see some Torks. Kill the 
Queen first. That's the best advice. Then continue onward as you go around 
the facility to the console. On the way, you'll need to defeat a lot of Lost 
Legion, but they are just like before, only a few levels higher.

You'll also have to kill a Badass Lost Legion for each door to open. But when 
you get to the valve, rest assured, you are doing humanity a big service by 
rescuing this teddy bear. At the aquarium observation -- the REAL observation 
part -- you'll be able to drain the water with the console. After that, 
rotate the valve to open the door, drop down, grab the teddy bear, clear the 
Tork (Queen first), and give the teddy bear to Doctor Torres. 

Now onto the last scientist...

Retrieve Last Colleague

Doctor Torres lets you in Robotics, which is the area where the last 
scientist is located. Not any robots right here, though; clear the area of 
the cloaking stalkers, and knock on the window to attract the attention of 
the last scientist, Doctor Grayson the key-dropper. And, yep, you have to 
find his keys.

Fight your way to the waypoint; there will be stalkers along the way and more 
stalkers at the waypoint, including the stalker that ate the doctor's 
keycard. X-STLK-23 is basically a badass -- I mean badass-level enemy, of 
course! -- so defeat him as you would any high health enemy. Grab the keys 
from the stalker's corpse and head back to the scientist.

Use the keys to open the door, then drop down to the scientist. Take the 
cloaking device that he drops on the ground, then head toward the waypoint, 
which is a Fast Travel Station. Fast travel to Jack's office and meet up with 
him, Lilith, and Roland. Give Jack the cloaking device, then press the button 
and watch the violence in science. Talk to Jack to turn in this quest.


                      Chapter 9: Watch Your Step [0409]


First, you need to get to the access tunnels. Exit Jack's office (the fast 
travel or real exit, it doesn't matter) and head to the waypoint. You've 
already been around here, but that doesn't stop the Lost Legion from coming 
back again for you.

When you reach the access tunnel, use console to open the tunnel door. Head 
down the tunnel just a little and you'll find the entrance to the Veins of 
Helios. Follow the airlocks and Jack explains the new enemies here: infected 
Hyperion guards who went crazy. And as with any crazy enemy in this game, 
that means melee, so strafe backwards as you kill them.

Head through the airlock area. There will be lots of enemies, but most will 
be fighting each other, so perhaps just run on past. At the inner hull, press 
the button to cycle the airlock. You're outside now, in the maintenance area. 
Jump down to the platform below, with the oxygen bubble, and get on the pipe. 
At the end of the pipe, jump to the pipe in front of it, and follow this pipe 
to another level.

Start north now. Jump in the big chamber building, and go down the chamber to 
the VERY bottom. Here, fight your way past enemies until you're outside 
again. Use the jump pad outside to reach another platform with a jump pad. 
Use it and you'll reach a platform with two jump pads. Keep going until you 
can jump down to the Central Maintenance area, which has a really, really big 

Cycle the airlocks to get inside, then fight enemies in this first room until 
the door opens. Head through, go up the stairs, go toward the waypoint, then 
drop down. Follow this small tunnel and kill the three Lost Legion here. Try 
to go down the tunnel, but the whole thing explodes. Looks like we'll just 
have to find another way.

Looks like we're going to blow a hole to get to where we need to go now! But 
first, we have to do all sorts of stuff here. Use the jump pad outside to 
glide over to the first plasma facility. Inside, destroy the three 
regulators, which are all attached to the huge vertical pipe in the center of 
the room.

After destroying the three pipes, jump out of this facility via the opening 
on top, then head over to the second plasma facility -- you can use the level 
structure to your left to cross over. Anyway, this plasma facility has the 
same layout as the first, so destroy the regulators here to complete the 

Note that for both facilities, you can destroy the regulators from the top 
level. You don't need to go down and fight all the enemies; just go near the 
center and look down.

At any rate, after you destroy both facilities, you need to get to the 
console on the other side of the map. Thankfully, if you just drop down to 
the lowest level with the jump pad, you can just glide on over to it. Use the 
console to notify Jack that you're at a safe distance.

After the explosion, use the jump pad near the console to get over to the 
waypoint. The door is below the huge broken red pipe. Remember that you *can* 
use the ledges of the walls to walk around; you won't go through the ledges. 
At the door, you'll find the entrance to Lunar Launching Station.

Lunar Launching Station

Head to the waypoint and interact with the console to open the door in front 
of you. Destroy the enemies that come out of the door, including the 
powersuit, then head inside. Follow the linear area to the waypoint; you'll 
be thrust up by the diagonal lift and into the room. Activate the Fast Travel 
station for Jack; he'll warp in and open the door for you.

You reach the command station. After a bit of dialogue, try to shut down the 
laser, and then talk to Jack to complete the quest.


                         Chapter 10: Eye to Eye [0410]


Exit the command station the way you entered. Go down the lift, then loop 
around toward the waypoint. This is yet another area proliferated with 
enemies. At this point, I would run past them if you are around level 24 
(level for this story mission), and if below that level, kill them for the 

You will reach the Helios Targeting Centrum. Head toward the door and, of 
course, the force field will go up. So, you have to find the force field 
power source. This is very near the force field. Fiddle with the console on 
the ground to raise three barrels. These barrels are red and each cycle to 
blue every second or so.

To get the bonus, you have to destroy ONLY the blue barrel. So get out a 
weapon with fast bullet speed, such as a sniper, and aim while right on top 
of a barrel. Wait for it to turn blue and shoot it. This bonus objective sure 
feels like a carnival game. :)

And in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel fashion, we have to now destroy three more 
of these power sources. Yep, hooray for repetitive level design! They are all 
marked on the map, but -- you guessed it -- the map is again populated with 

And yeah, if you are anywhere near 24, consider just running to each power 
source. It will take a LONG time to kill every enemy. And if you want 
experience, you're better off completing an optional mission than grinding 
enemies here.

At each power source, you'll have to go through the "Beta" and "Alpha" area. 
This is a good place to clear mobs before you start the blue barrel carnival 
mini game.

After destroying the Alpha and Beta reactor, you must destroy the Omega 
reactor. Or, as this game calls it, the primary reactor. It's back at the 
force field. Interact with the console and the force field will start 

From here, all you have to do is survive and keep the Lost Legion off the 
reactor's console. It takes a LONG time for that green bar to deplete. Your 
best bet is to simply stay in cover most of the time. The Lost Legion do not 
often try to turn off the console. But, if they do, headshot that guy right 

When the force field is finally down, enter the Eye of Helios. Jack's with 
you now, so follow him to the electric death trap. Wait for his mark, then 
run with him when the electric death trap is down. On the other side, catch a 
breather, watch Jack try to open a locked door, then follow Jack to the 
elevator. Up it, you'll be at The Long Way Around. Here, you get to finally 
fight Zarpedon!

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: Colonel T. Zarpedon (Powersuit)                        |
|             Level: 26                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Hard                                                   |
|         Weak Spot: Eye                                                    |
|       Resistances: Immune to freezing; high resistance to incendiary      |
|        Weaknesses: None! :(                                               |
|           Attacks: o Her most common attack is her Laser weapon, which    |
|                      fires snowy white lights at you for good damage.     |
|                    o Missiles come out of her back and fly toward you.    |
|                      The damage is dependent on how many hit you.         |
|                    o A huge electric ball. She will spend some time       |
|                      charging it up first. It is easy to dodge as it goes |
|                      very slow. The charge up time is a great place to    |
|                      start damaging her.                                  |
|                    o Her sword. She can leap toward you with it, or just  |
|                      swipe at you if you're really close.                 |
|                    o She has lots of her buddies backng her up. Ignore    |
|                      them unless you need a Second Wind.                  |
|  General Strategy:     Zarpedon certainly doesn't disappoint in this      |
|                      fight. She packs quite a punch with her sheer        |
|                      variety of attacks from all distances, and her       |
|                      shield can be regenerated on command. First, though, |
|                      some logistics of this fight.                        |
|                        When you damage her shield all the way down, she   |
|                      will pound the ground and suck up shield power from  |
|                      below, which will regenerate her shields. She can do |
|                      this three times, and you can't really avoid her     |
|                      doing it three times unless you can do some insane   |
|                      damage in a short period of time.                    |
|                        But while she is regenerating her shields, she is  |
|                      WAY open to attack. So just let loose on her when    |
|                      she is sucking up dat shield energy.                 |
|                        Another thing: you can fall off the sides of this  |
|                      arena. So, don't get too close to the edges! There   |
|                      are also barrels that pop up around this platform.   |
|                      You can arm them to explode, or just use them for    |
|                      cover.                                               |
|                        Ignore the enemies that fight with Zarpedon. You   |
|                      should only be using them as Second Wind material.   |
|                      Your target is Zarpedon, after all!                  |
|                        As far as Miss Z, you will probably want to stay   |
|                      at Long Range during this battle. This is because    |
|                      she will only do her laser, rocket, and electric     |
|                      ball attacks when you're far away. If you're close,  |
|                      she does this leaping ground and pound which hurts   |
|                      a lot!                                               |
|                        But if you stay away, you can dodge a lot of her   |
|                      long attacks. This is especially so for the          |
|                      electric ball, which takes some time to charge up.   |
|                      While she's charging it, strafe to the left or right |
|                      while soaking damage into her.                       |
|                        There are no quick tricks here. She does not have  |
|                      any weaknesses. But! Her weak spot is her bright     |
|                      eye. You'll do MUCH more damage if you hit her       |
|                      there. So, aim for that location -- you probably     |
|                      won't hit it consistently, but the extra damage      |
|                      every now and then is nice.                          |
|                        So, a lowdown on the fight: deplete her shields    |
|                      from a distance and fire at her as she recharges.    |
|                      After three times, she won't be able to recharge     |
|                      any more. Stay at a distance, continuing to rain     |
|                      fire on her, and dodge her electric ball attack.     |
|                        That's it. This battle involves a lot of side-     |
|                      strafing and just takes a long time because she can  |
|                      recharge her shields. A battle of attrition!         |
|                                                                           |

After the battle, hang around a bit -- Jack brings out the celebratory 
drinks, but then Miss Z hops out of her powersuit, ready for another go at 

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: Tungsteena Zarpedon, Ascended (Eridium Addict At Large)|
|             Level: 26                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Hard                                                   |
|         Weak Spot: Head                                                   |
|           Attacks: o Her worst attack is a shockwave. You have to jump    |
|                      over it or you'll practically get killed at lower    |
|                      levels. It's fairly slow, however, so just make sure |
|                      to jump over it.                                     |
|                    o She deals good damage with her staff. She even goes  |
|                      all Chuck Norris at the end of a combo, by ending    |
|                      with a kick.                                         |
|                    o From far away, she'll fire energy at you. This is    |
|                      basically like a cluster of bullets. They are        |
|                      avoidable if you are constantly side strafing.       |
|                    o Eternals are the new "normal" enemy. Only they       |
|                      aren't very normal; ignore them unless you see them  |
|                      low on health, because then they'll become ascended  |
|                      and do more damage.                                  |
|  General Strategy:     Zarpedon without a powersuit means that's she's    |
|                    much faster, but overall, has much less health. It's   |
|                    still a tough fight, but it's not as long as the first.|
|                      You will probably want to stay at range in this      |
|                    fight. Her main long range attack are energy balls     |
|                    that can be dodged if you are constantly moving.       |
|                      Her melee attacks can do a lot of damage, but the    |
|                    real thing to watch out for is the shockwave. This     |
|                    will do massive damage unless you jump over it. Which  |
|                    is easy, though, because the wave goes fairly slow.    |
|                      Zarpedon's shield does not have a big capacity, but  |
|                    it recharges very quickly. So, you need to make sure   |
|                    that something is hitting her constantly, or her       |
|                    shield will recharge back up.                          |
|                      Basically, you need to keep constant fire on her or  |
|                    her shield will recharge. This is the key to victory.  |
|                    And it can be just a single bullet fire -- just        |
|                    something to reset her recharge delay.                 |
|                      The new enemies are Eternals. Try to ignore them and |
|                    focus on Zarpedon. However, if you see one low on      |
|                    health, it will go all Super Saiyan and become         |
|                    Ascended, which makes it more powerful. So, kill them  |
|                    if they somehow get low on health.                     |
|                      In summary, stay at a distance, avoid the energy     |
|                    blasts and the shockwaves, and keep constant gunfire   |
|                    on her. Oh, and headshots, if you can muster it!       |
|                                                                           |

After defeating Super Saiyan Zarpedon, we have a cutscene, and we're off to 
the laser core. Take the lift down and go through the hall to reach the 
Armory. The sliding glass door opens to another lift; down it, you will find 
the barrel of the laser.

As Jack astutely points out, do not go in the center of the barrel when it's 
firing. Or, well, you'll die! So wait for it to fire, then cross it and go 
inside the hall on the right. Through the door, you'll find the laser core 
area, complete with... tentacles? Or are those pipes? =O

Go up to Jack's position on the deck, and listen to him gloat about the power 
of the laser. And if you've played Borderlands 2, you know what he's talking 

Moxxi tells you to fiddle with the controls for the laser, so do just that -- 
make everything purple, her favorite color, at each of the three terminals 
around the eye. This puts slag into the eye, which I would think the eye 
wouldn't like, but Moxxi says it's fine.

For the third terminal, you might get sucked toward the eye. And because you 
can't jump because of, well, the sucking and all, you have to get back to the 
terminal by going through the opening to the right. No jumping? No problem! 
With the slag injected, try to activate the console above, then when Jack 
protests, fast travel back to the Command Station with him.

At the station, initiate the reboot sequence. After things don't go Jack's 
way, talk to him to turn in the quest.


                   Chapter 11: The Beginning of the End [0411]


You might have guessed that killing the Powersuit, power-hungry lady was the 
end of the game, but there is still one more mission. Think back, to the very 
beginning of the game. Remember who Queen Z was with? That weird alien-
looking creature? Yeah, we still gotta deal with him, and the vault, and 
Jack's ego. (I'm more worried about the last, personally, especially coming 
from a B2 player.)

Fast travel to Triton Flats and deploy a vehicle. Drive to the waypoint on 
the map. When you get very near it, Jack will destroy the gate that was 
blocking you off from going here, so hop off your ride and enter the new 
area, Vorago Solitude.

Vorago Solitude

For one of the last times, we have to mindlessly fight our way across the map 
to a waypoint. And again, if you are level 27+, it might be more enjoyable to 
just run past it. But if you like to kill, stick to the cover areas mostly, 
and go slow so you don't aggro too many.

When you reach near the waypoint, Jack rains down loaders to help you. These 
guys are more of a distraction than anything -- basically, they're a way for 
you to avoid fire. But make your way to the gate entrance. You need to 
destroy the turrets on either side for the gate to open.

Inside, head west and you'll have a cutscene that introduces the Guardians. 
These are big improvements to the Lost Legion that you've been fighting 
since, well, level one. Head up the stairs near the Guardians' strange device 
and follow the halls to Outfall Pumping Station.

In this new area, go through the air bubble, then press the button to lower 
the elevator. Down here, we have another boss fight.

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: RK5 (Raum-Kampfjet Mark V)                             |
|             Level: 26                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Medium                                                 |
|         Weak Spot: Cockpit                                                |
|       Resistances: Cryo                                                   |
|        Weaknesses: CORROSIVE! USE IT!                                     |
|           Attacks: o The electric balls are his most common attack. They  |
|                      float fairly slowly to you and explode in a bright   |
|                      electrocution on impact.                             |
|                    o He also throws missiles at you. Just your normal     |
|                      ones that explode.                                   |
|                    o The pilot yells "Bombs" and then the RK5 does a bomb |
|                      run. Just make sure you aren't in his line when he   |
|                      does it; he'll bomb what's ahead of him in a         |
|                      straight line.                                       |
|                    o Normal enemies are now not normal, but strong.       |
|                      You'll be dealing with Guardians as the "man on the  |
|                      ground" enemies. They should not be your focus,      |
|                      though, so try to avoid them and only use them as    |
|                      Second Wind material.                                |
|  General Strategy:     This fight is a lot easier than your previous boss |
|                    fights. The worst parts are RK5's sheer firepower, and |
|                    the enemies below. But we can take care of most of     |
|                    that by going to the "cover" that the game gently      |
|                    urges you to use. That is, use the jump pad to jump to |
|                    the center platform in this area, with the oxygen      |
|                    bubble. You'll be higher up, so closer to RK5's guns,  |
|                    but you will avoid most enemies up here and you'll be  |
|                    able to breathe easier (literally with the oxygen!).   |
|                      The key part of this fight: RK5 has NO shields. So   |
|                    the damage you do, is all permanent. Also, and this is |
|                    the super key, RK5 is weak to Corrosive damage. So,    |
|                    whip out your corrosive weapons and start shooting     |
|                    from the platform. It's especially good if you have a  |
|                    corrosive rocket launcher, but that would be like      |
|                    winning the lottery.                                   |
|                      Speaking of which, if you do not have a Corrosive    |
|                    weapon, you can just use a normal rocket launcher. Or, |
|                    you can try for shots on the cockpit (weak spot) when  |
|                    RK5 is not zooming around the sky.                     |
|                      The Guardians will still fly up to you even though   |
|                    you're on the platform, so watch out for them as well. |
|                    They are more of a pain than the boss if you let them  |
|                    group up on you.                                       |
|                      As far as the RK5's attacks, most can be dodged.     |
|                    Because he's far away, it takes time for his rockets   |
|                    and electric balls to reach you. And his big attack,   |
|                    the bomb run, should be completely ineffective, for    |
|                    the pilot tells you that he's going to do it before    |
|                    he does it.                                            |
|                      So, kill it with Corrosive weapons. If you don't     |
|                    have a Corrosive weapon, a rocket launcher or any      |
|                    high-powered weapon will do. Try to avoid the          |
|                    Guardians and RK5's attacks as much as you can. It     |
|                    has no shields, so all damage is permanent. Basically, |
|                    when it's down, it's down! :)                          |
|                                                                           |

After the battle, go inside the structure near the jump pad. It's a long hall 
that leads to Tycho's Ribs. (But who's Tycho? And are his ribs tasty?) At the 
'ribs, enjoy the Fast Travel capabilities, then head further inside to reach 
the Observation Deck.

This area has Guardians and a turret. The Guardians respawn, so focus on the 
turret at the far end of the room, near the large chamber-like center. Once 
you've taken out the turret, head over to it, then drop down the side of the 
chamber. Follow the sides to reach the Particle Chamber. Pop in and out of 
this room, then drop to the lowest level -- just don't go in the center and 
you won't die.

At the ground level, Jack comments on a shield blocking the place. Head into 
the area with the crystals over the entry -- it's in the southwest part of 
this circular area -- and follow this maintenance access to a cannon. Along 
the way, you'll have to kill a lot of enemies.

At the cannon, hop in and fire at the shields. This is lower them temporarily 
-- so jump out of the cannon seat and head past the breach! Down this chamber 
and past a lot of strong Guardians, you will reach Eleseer. Wait, what is an 

This area is one big circle, with multiple walls between you and the center. 
From the vending machines, go south to an opening in the wall. Inside, start 
to go north (counter-clockwise) and you'll see an opening at the northern 
part of this inner layer.

It takes you back out a layer, but continue counter-clockwise and you'll find 
an Opha Superior, which is kind of like a big fake-out because it gets its 
own introductory cutscene, but it's not a boss fight. For this battle, simply 
headshot or bellyshot the Ophra. It will spawn enemies from its belly, so use 
a high-powered weapon to defeat it quickly.

After the 'Superior, defeat the three Onager turrets above the opening to the 
inner part of the area. In here, continue your counter-clockwise adventure. 
And when you can, take the opening to reach the inner-inner part of the area. 
Hop across the platforms, then go back in a layer, then continue counter-
clockwise. You will finally find a ramp leading up! Hooray!

Head to the very center and touch the big Eridium Crystal. This will teleport 
you to the vault for the final boss fights. Get ready for The Sentinel!

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: The Sentinel                                           |
|             Level: 29                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Hard                                                   |
|         Weak Spot: Face                                                   |
|        Weaknesses: None! :(                                               |
|           Attacks: o He uses his staff to melee you if you get close.     |
|                      Happens in the first form the most.                  |
|                    o He has slag missiles. They can rubberband back at    |
|                      you and don't just go off and explode behind you.    |
|                    o He can use his staff to deflect attacks. It's a      |
|                      fairly visible animation.                            |
|                    o Second form, he can charge you for major damage.     |
|                      Simply stay back and out of his line.                |
|                    o Second form, he will hover in the air and spurt      |
|                      fireballs down on the area. He doesn't really aim    |
|                      this, but the fireballs go to all parts of the area. |
|                    o Third form, he can shoot lasers through his eyes.    |
|                      Like seriously. Just stay out of his sight. :)       |
|                    o Fourth form, he uses his staff as ammo to fire at    |
|                      you. This is his last form.                          |
|                    o Guardian enemies spawn after the first form. Use     |
|                      them as Second Wind material!                        |
|  General Strategy:     This is a long, complicated boss fight. Here's the |
|                    general lowdown: he has four forms. Each form takes on |
|                    an element -- Eridium, Incendiary, Cryo, and then      |
|                    Eridium again. And in each form, he accumulates more   |
|                    attacks, which is why the attacks section above is     |
|                    so big.                                                |
|                      When you've depleted his shield in form one, he will |
|                    disappear and come back in form two, Incendiary, with  |
|                    a full shield. He has a few Fire attacks in this form. |
|                    And when you deplete his shield again, he comes back   |
|                    with full shield power in form three, which is his     |
|                    Cryo form. After depleting that one, he goes to form   |
|                    four, which is Eridium again, and he has no shield,    |
|                    so you can finally defeat him in the last form.        |
|                      Suffice to say, this will be a long fight. You have  |
|                    to be able to recognize each attack, so you can dodge  |
|                    them, and be prepared for the next form. Just knowing  |
|                    that he has four forms, and what elements they are,    |
|                    and what each attack does, will help you out profusely.|
|                      As far as damaging him, you're only hitting his      |
|                    shields for the first three forms. You will probably   |
|                    want either an accurate weapon, like a scoped assault  |
|                    rifle, or a splash weapon, like a rocket launcher,     |
|                    because The Sentinel gets around the area. Shoot at    |
|                    his face for critical damage. Or, at least, try to     |
|                    shoot at it.                                           |
|                      Most of his attacks are avoidable if you just run    |
|                    out of the way. Basically, the whole fight, you should |
|                    be circle-strafing around the area, firing at him and  |
|                    using the Eridium blocks as cover when he does a       |
|                    high-power attack.                                     |
|                      Ignore the Guardians unless they group up on you.    |
|                    Just focus on The Sentinel in this fight. Unless, of   |
|                    course, you need a Second Wind -- then the Guardians   |
|                    are fair game.                                         |
|                      Form One: lower his health while circling around     |
|                    him from a distance. Do not fire at him when he does   |
|                    the deflect animation.                                 |
|                      Form Two: watch it when he shoots the fireballs, and |
|                    constantly move so you don't get charged into.         |
|                      Form Three: avoid the laser eyes and gun him down.   |
|                      Form Four: you can actually kill him now, and he has | 
|                    no shield, so just soak all that damage into him.      |
|                      Ammo packs sprout up throughout the area, also, so   |
|                    you don't have to worry too much about ammo. And,      |
|                    indeed, your weapon is a big part of how hard this     |
|                    fight is; that is to say, if you have a high damage    |
|                    weapon, it won't be very tough. And, also. if you are  |
|                    underleveled, you will have a really hard time.        |
|                      That's basically it. Deplete the shield in each form |
|                    and then gun him down.                                 |
|                                                                           |

But we're not done quite yet! One more boss fight to go.

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: The Empyrean Sentinel                                  |
|             Level: 29                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Hard                                                   |
|         Weak Spot: None                                                   |
|        Weaknesses: None                                                   |
|           Attacks: o Swipes and slaps at you with his hands. That one     |
|                      should be obvious. :)                                |
|                    o Shoots beams from his down-facing hand. Basically,   |
|                      avoid these energy pillars.                          |
|                    o Makes a black hole with his hands, sucking you       |
|                      toward him, and then after that, throwing you back.  |
|                      In form one, it's just one hand and in form two,     |
|                      it's both hands.                                     |
|                    o Second form, he floats everyone in the air and then  |
|                      does a 360 laser strike. Get back to the ground      |
|                      before he does the lasers.                           |
|                    o Third form, he covers parts of the floor with        |
|                      corrosive ooze. Don't walk on this; you'll be forced |
|                      to stay where you're at after he casts it.           |
|                    o Fourth form, he does the 360 laser thing on the      |
|                      ground level.                                        |
|                    o Guardian enemies. Again. So be sure to use them as   |
|                      Second Wind material.                                |
|  General Strategy:     This fight is similar to the last in that you must |
|                    defeat three forms, but you're facing this huge guy in |
|                    the center of the room instead of a little guy running |
|                    around. Kinda a small difference there.                |
|                      He has a lot of area of effect attacks and his melee |
|                    attacks are now obviously with his hands. It can be    |
|                    hard to avoid his attacks, but I've outlined them      |
|                    above for you to look at.                              |
|                      Also, the forms are Eridium, Shock, and Corrosive    |
|                    now. A little different from before.                   |
|                    After you've depleted his life on each, he will drop   |
|                    to the ground, like he's going to die -- a big fake    |
|                    out -- and then pop up in the next form.               |
|                      You can ONLY damage him by hitting his active face.  |
|                    It will not do ANY good if you hit his body or his     |
|                    other faces. And if you try to stay behind him, he'll  |
|                    simply turn around.                                    |
|                      After most of his attacks, he hesitates a little,    |
|                    which is the time to fire at his face. And, of course, |
|                    you should have constant fire so his shields do not    |
|                    regenerate.                                            |
|                      Each form is like a harder version. "Practice"       |
|                    dodging his attacks on form one before you go to two   |
|                    and three.                                             |
|                      A close range, high powered weapon works here, such  |
|                    as a rocket launcher or even a shotgun. Just fire at   |
|                    the Sentinel's face when you aren't dodging, and keep  |
|                    the constant machine gun fire to keep his shields down.|
|                      And that's basically it. Avoid his AoE, hit his      |
|                    face, and do this for three full forms.                |

After the fight, grab all the loot, then look at the "What is This?" object 
in the center of the room. This triggers the final cutscenes and then the 
credits. Congratulations of beating Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! 
After the credits roll, head back to Jack to unlock the True Vault Hunter 


                         5. Optional Missions [0600]


Optional missions are in alphabetical order. For quick navigation, press Ctrl 
+ F and type in the name of the mission. There are over 60 optional missions 
in TPS. They are a good way to gain experience between story missions. And 
some are by far the best entertainment in this game, especially some of the 
shorter ones.

I list the mission name first; then what mission you need to do to unlock it; 
then the level that the game thinks you need to be for a "normal" difficulty; 
then the location of the start of the mission; then the quest giver; then the 
rewards, there are normally multiple; then the briefing; and, finally, the 
walkthrough for the mission.

Also, experience received varies depending on your level, which is why it's 
not listed here.

Mission: All the Little Creatures
Unlocked: After "Systems Jammed"
   Level: 10
Location: Triton Flats
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: (A) Sniper Rifle, or (B) Grenade Mod
Briefing: "An eco-warrior needs a pair of hands to rescue some adorable 
           animals from a toxic waste dump."
Drive to the waypoint, use the jump pad, then enter the new area, Stanton's 
Liver. Fight your way past the foundry to the pumping station waypoint. Here, 
you find five valves. You need to switch them so they're all red. The fastest 
way to do this is to rotate the middle valve (3/5) and the valve on the right 
(5/5). This will close the flow.

Jump down to The Duct and defeat the five Not-So-Cute Torks. Activate the 
oxygen bubble so you don't suffocate to death. After you've killed all five, 
take down the even-more-disgusting Tork. With the Torks defeated, head back 
to the bounty board to turn in the quest.

Mission: An Urgent Message
Unlocked: After "Home Sweet Home"
   Level: 19
Location: Jack's Office
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: (A) Grenade mod, or (B) Assault Rifle
Briefing: "Professor Nakayama needs to get an urgent message to Jack, but 
           he's stuck in a detention facility, which certainly had nothing
           to do with how obnoxious he is."
After picking up the quest, head to the waypoint in the Hyperion Hub. It's 
closer to just leave Jack's office. At the waypoint, press the button to open 
the door. Inside, you'll need to kill the four security guards holding the 
Professor. Try to open his cell, but no dice, so try to the terminal. And 
then, when that doesn't work, go all Han Solo Ep IV on the terminal to unlock 
the Professor.

You now need to defend the Professor while he fiddles with the terminal. 
There are crates for cover in this room, but otherwise, it's pretty close 
combat. When you've cleared the area, press the button near the Professor to 
upload the message. With the upload complete, talk to the Professor to turn 
in the quest.

Mission: Another Pickle
Unlocked: After "Treasures of the ECHO Madre"
   Level: 14
Location: Outlands Canyon
   Giver: Pickle
 Rewards: Shotgun
Briefing: "Turns out Pickle's got a long-lost sister and he needs you to find
           her before she gets chewed up and spat out by the unforgiving 
           denizens of Elpis."
Fast travel to Triton Flats -- the station is actually relatively close to 
the waypoint. At the waypoint, look around the vehicle to find an ECHO. 
Listen to it, then head over to the Lunar Junction. You don't need to go up 
to the train proper; instead, you'll find Abbot near the Moon Zoomy. Slap him 
(literally) and then question him, and then slap him again.

Head to the waypoint, where you will find a destroyed vehicle, a dead Sheila, 
and some orphan rathyds. Do not kill the rathyds to get the bonus objective, 
and instead just listen to the ECHO. So, head into the Crisis Scar, and head 
to the waypoint to find Eliza.

Now, you must survive three waves of normal enemies. Just stay back and don't 
let them group up on you. After two waves, you have to defeat Bruce, but you 
have Eliza in the air to help out. With Bruce dead and the three waves clear, 
head back to Pickle to complete the quest.

Mission: Boarding Party
Unlocked: After "Home Sweet Home"
   Level: 19
Location: Jack's Office
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: 5 Moonstones
Briefing: "Jack did his research before hiring you on to his Vault Hunting 
           crew. He's left files around the Hyperion Hub of Heroism and
           wants you to pick them up before the Lost legion finds them,
           just in case."
For this mission, we need to run around Hyperion and collect some ECHO logs. 
The first is near the trash compactor. Jump over the red force field and 
shoot up the lock on the dumpster. The first ECHO log is inside here.

The second ECHO log is in the beginning part of Hyperion. It's on the 
rectangular object hanging from the ceiling. When you shoot it, a dead drops 
to the ground, as well as the second ECHO log.

The third ECHO log is near here, in the Claptrap Repair Shop. In the shop, 
open the locker to find the ECHO log.

The last ECHO log is the hardest to get. It's up, on a higher location, with 
a sort of waterfall falling down near it. You can't get it by jumping to it 
and trying to loot it. Instead, to the left of the ECHO log, you will find a 
button. Press it, then crouch under the gate, then follow this to the ECHO 
log. With all ECHO logs collected, head back to the Bounty Board in Jack's 
Office to turn in the quest.

Mission: Boomshakalaka
Unlocked: After "A New Direction"
   Level: 14
Location: Outlands Canyon
   Giver: Dunks Watson
 Rewards: Customization
Briefing: "Dunks Watson is planning the most awesome slam dunk ever, but he 
           hasn't got a ball! He's asked you to help him find his lucky 
You have to get a sports announcer a ball! :) Head to the waypoint; the balls 
right on the ground, and it is pretty close to Dunks. Return to him, give him 
the ball, and watch the monster Michael Jordan dunk. Talk to him to complete 
the quest; this also starts Space Jam-- err, the Space Slam quest.

Mission: Bunch of Ice Holes
Unlocked: After "A New Direction"
   Level: 11
Location: Concordia
   Giver: Nurse Nina
 Rewards: (A) Rifle, or (B) Shotgun
Briefing: "Nina's refrigerator has broken down. She's in dire need of some 
           special ice that'll keep important medical stuff, as well as 
           lunch, chilled for an unusually long time. Grab the drill, head
           to Frozen Gulch out in Triton Flats, and start drilling."
Grab the ice drill and fast travel to Triton Flats. The ice you need is well 
across the map, so grab a Stingray and drive over. When you arrive, drop down 
the ice drill and kill the enemies for the bonus objective. Use an Incendiary 
weapon against these ice enemies.

Place the ice drill in the three places that she specifies and pick up the 
ice chunks after each one. On the third, you will release a giant ice 
shuggurath this time, but he is so big, that an Incendiary shotgun can one-
shot him.

Take the ice chunk and the ice drill. Now you have a dilemma -- will you give 
the ice to Nurse Nina, or B4R-BOT? Nina gives you a rifle and B4R-BOT gives 
you a shotgun. Your choice! :)

Mission: Cleanliness Uprising
Unlocked: After "Science and Violence"
   Level: 19
Location: Hyperion Hub, in Claptrap repair shop
   Giver: R-0513
 Rewards: Head Customization
Briefing: "It takes just one spark to inspire revolution. One angry, 
           unyielding robotic spark, dedicated to the cause."
Pick up the quest at the robot, then knock over the trash can near Jack's 
office. Ha! The cleaning robot comes out; when you're close to it, you can 
pick it up. Now that that's done, head to the waypoint and shoot the water 
pipe, which is high, near the ceiling.

With the water pipe shot, another cleaning robot comes out, so pick up that 
one, too. Another robot collected, so head to the next waypoint and shoot the 
barrels. And, yes, collect the cleaning robot when it rears its robotic head. 
With all the cleaning robots collected, head back to R-0513 to turn in the 

Mission: Don't Get Cocky
Unlocked: After "Trouble with Space Hurps"
   Level: 22
Location: Jack's Office
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: (A) Shotgun, or (B) Sniper Rifle
Briefing: "For some reason, the Hyperion Board at Directors has bestowed upon
           your venture a shipment of armaments from Pandora. The catch is, 
           you have to make sure it gets here unscathed. Tassitter has given 
           you an access code to a turret defense station. Head to the 
           defense turrets and prepare."

Mission: Don't Shoot the Messenger
Unlocked: On or after "The Beginning of the End"
   Level: 27
Location: Tycho's Ribs, near the cannon
   Giver: Dead Body Exclamation Point
 Rewards: Sniper Rifle
Briefing: "You picked up a mysterious ECHO with instructions to deliver it
           to a waiting messenger. Use the coordinates included and go find 
           this person named 'Hanna'."
After picking up the quest at the dead body near the cannon, you need to fast 
travel to Triton Flats. The easiest way to get to a fast travel station is to 
enter Eleseer and use the station there.

At Triton Flats, grab a vehicle and drive to the waypoint. Hanna gets knocked 
out by the Scavs. You need to clear them here; they come out of the boxcar 
near her. With the Scavs defeated, talk to Hanna. You now need to deliver a 
note to Brittania, who is all the back at Moxxi's bar. Head there -- use fast 
travel -- and give her the note. After the lengthy recording, you can turn in 
the quest at Brittania.

Mission: Eradicate
Unlocked: After "Trouble with Space Hurps"
   Level: 22
Location: Jack's Office
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: (A) Oz Kit, or (B) Pistol
Briefing: "Tassiter has some intel on an infested Lost Legion soldier he 
           wants kiIIed, but he wants to do it himself, with his own robots. 
           Help him build a killer bot to do his dirty work, and don't you 
           dare say 'measuring contest.'"

Mission: Follow Your Heart
Unlocked: After "Land Among the Stars"
   Level: 3
Location: Serenity's Waste
   Giver: Springs
 Rewards: (A) Pistol, or (B) Rifle
Briefing: "Springs needs you to take some posters to Deadlift to remind him 
           that it is what's inside that counts. That is to say, probably 
           some lint and excess protein, but whatever. Take the posters to 
            his area and get someone to sign for them."

Mission: Fresh Air
Unlocked: After "Science and Violence"
   Level: 20
Location: Research and Development
   Giver: Dr. Minte
 Rewards: Customization
Briefing: "Doctor Minte is freaking out. He needs your help."
This quest is really short. Talk to Dr. Minte and "follow" him to the window. 
He'll open it and get sucked out! Use the button next to the window to close 
it, then head to Dr. Spara to turn in the quest.

Mission: Grinders
Unlocked: After "Watch Your Step"
   Level: 11
Location: Concordia
   Giver: Springs
 Rewards: Skin Customization
Briefing: "Springs' Grinder has broken down and she needs you to help find 
           some spare parts to fix it. She's given you the location of two 
           Grinder machines out on the moon's surface."
Fast travel to Triton, then head to the waypoint. You have to destroy the 
buggy -- and it's on the move, not stationary. Get out a high-powered weapon 
and take it down, then grab the linkage on the ground where you blew it up.

Now for the second grinder. Head to the waypoint, use the jump pad, and enter 
Stanton's Liver. In here, go to the marked location on the map. You'll need 
to fight mobs and then cross a bridge.

It gets tricky here: where the heck is the grinder? It's actually ABOVE the 
building. To get there, jump from the train in the back to the rooftop. 
You'll see the big grinder, glowing green. Try to smash it to no avail, then 
kill Rooster, who's trying to make a run for it. Take his items (3 explosives 
and 1 detonator) and blow up the grinder.

With both items collected, head back to Springs at Concordia. Insert the 
parts into the grinder, then pick up the three weapons on Springs' desk. Use 
the grinder, pick the three weapons, and grind them up. Talk to Springs to 
turn in the quest.

Mission: Guardian Hunter
Unlocked: After "The Beginning of the End"
   Level: 28
Location: Vorago Solitude
   Giver: Sterwin
 Rewards: (A) Shield, or (B) Assault Rifle
Briefing: "A local by the name of Sterwin has entrusted you to help capture 
           some different types of Guardian Wraiths."

Mission: Home Delivery
Unlocked: After "Treasures of ECHO Madre"
   Level: 12
Location: Concordia
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: Sniper Rifle
Briefing: "Sir Hammerlock, a zoologist on Pandora, has requested your 
           assistance in capturing and exporting some moon critters. It's 
           dangerous and sort-of-kind-of-not-really within-the-realm-of-
           legal per-se... so, right up your alley!"
Sir Hammerlock, our hero in Borderlands 2, has a job for you. Fast travel to 
Outlands Canyon and head to the waypoint. This is a tunnel that goes to the 
creature's nest, so just follow it, avoiding the vines, until you get to the 
next waypoint in the cave.

You need to kill six threshers here. They can wreck you up close, so 
backpeddle while shooting them. After that, you must catch two tadpole 
threshers. For this, you need a Cryo gun. Fire at them until they freeze, 
then "collect" them.

With the threshers collected, you must travel to Seymour, who's all the way 
across the map. When you get there, talk to him, then put the threshers in 
the rocket, then blast them off. Talk to Seymour to turn in the quest.

Mission: Hot Head
Unlocked: After "Home Sweet Home"
   Level: 19
Location: Jack's Office
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: Experience and Money
Briefing: "There's a very angry individual locked in a closet somewhere in 
           the Hyperion Hub of Heroism, and jack wants you to calm him down.
           You just have to find him first."
Exit Jack's Office and head to the World of Shopping. Press the button to 
open the gate; Dean is in here. Open the closet, take the rocket launcher, 
and talk to Dean. He's all angry about losing in video games. Soon, you'll 
have to cool Dean off. This means switching to a Cryo weapon and shooting at 
him, literally "cooling" him.

Head back to the Bounty Board to turn in the quest.

Mission: In Perfect Hibernation
Unlocked: After "Quarantine: Back on Schedule"
   Level: 22
Location: Veins of Helios
   Giver: Lazlo
 Rewards: SMG
Briefing: "So as it turns out, Lazlo is the one responsible for releasing
           the parasites. He may be a cold blooded biological terrorist, but 
           he has a soft spot and he wants you to save his friends from the 
           horrible fate to which he has subjected them."
Talk to Lazlo, in the quarantine area, to start this quest. It's best to do 
this quest right after the other quarantine quests, or you will have to do 
some considerable backtracking to get to Lazlo. Anyway, he gives you a 
freezeasy to freeze his friends and opens the door to their area.

In here, try to use the freezeasy on them, but they just break into chunks. 
Well, Lazlo wants to remember them by the chunks, so freeze a few of them and 
grab all the chunks that the drop. Just backpeddle to the previous room if 
you get overwhelmed.

When you have the 12 chunks, put them on Lazlo's desk to complete this quest.

Mission: Infinite Loop
Unlocked: After "Science and Violence"
   Level: 20
Location: Jack's Office
   Giver: Jack
 Rewards: (A) Laser Weapon, or (B) Grenade Mod
Briefing: "A veritable odyssey awaits you in the search for ever-grander 
From Jack's Office, fast travel to Research and Development. Head to the 
waypoint, then talk to the two Claptrap units. It seems they're what's 
slowing stuff down, and we need to go all R2D2 and find a restraining bolt. 
Head to the waypoint and interact with the console.

Pick up the restraining bolt, then head back to the two arguing Claptrap 
units. You have a choice of which to restrain, and the choice affects your 
reward for the quest. Override CLAP-9000 and you get a laser weapon; or, 
override DAN-TRP and you get a Grenade Mod. It's your choice.

Mission: It Ain't Rocket Surgery
Unlocked: After "Science and Violence"
   Level: 20
Location: Research and Development
   Giver: Dr. Spara
 Rewards: (A) Rocket Launcher, or (B) Shield
Briefing: "Help Doctor Spara build a new rocket navigation system out of 
           creature bit."
First, head to the waypoint and kill the Torks here. Collect three brains, 
then you'll need to kill three stalkers. Only the stalkers at the waypoint 
location will yield stalker wings, so ignore the ones before that. At the 
waypoint, kill the stalkers until you obtain three wings.

For the stalker blood, you don't have to kill anything, but you do have to go 
to three locations. For each, you have to enter a research building, rotate a 
valve, wait for the blood meter to rise, and collect the stalker blood. After 
collecting all three, head back to the lab.

You need to install the three things you got to each of the three rockets. 
Simply put your crosshairs over the green glowy part of the rocket to install 
each part. After that, test the rockets, then we have to collect two human 

Head to the waypoint and headshot the Lost Legion here to yield a brain. You 
can get both at just one of the waypoints. With both brains, head back to the 
lab, "install" the brain, and test the second rocket. We have one left, but 
we don't need to go out and kill stuff again.

Instead, use the "blender" to combine the two brains. Then use a freeze 
weapon on it to, well, freeze it. Install this brain, and test it. After the 
fireworks, talk to Spara to collect your reward.

Mission: Kill Meg
Unlocked: After "Paint Job"
   Level: 19
Location: Hyperion Hub
   Giver: Professor Nakayama
 Rewards: (A) Laser Weapon, or (B) Class Mod
Briefing: "Nakayama has created a genetic aberration that is now living in 
           the Hyperion Hub of Heroism trash compactor. He's kind of but not 
           really okay with it growing huge on other people's waste, so he 
           wants you to head down there and take care of it."
This is a "failable" quest if you don't complete it within the allotted time, 
so be quick during the quest. Run over to the trash compactor and press the 
button in the shaft to fall down. Here, you'll need to defeat Meg, who's some 
genetically mutated thing that even has tentacles. I found a shotgun works 
best here because of the close-corridor combat.

With Meg defeated, press the button to go up the lift. From here, press the 
button in the gun shop to open it up. Finally, head back to the Professor to 
turn in the quest.

Mission: Lab 19
Unlocked: After "Science and Violence"
   Level: 20
Location: Research and Development
   Giver: ECHO log on ground in aquatic area
 Rewards: Shotgun
Briefing: "Go to Lab 19, hunt down the scientists' creation, and stop it at 
           all costs."
After collecting the first ECHO log to start the quest, go to the waypoint, 
which is just on the other side of the room, and grab the second ECHO log. 
Now you need to head to robotics, activate the console, and enter the secret 
lab. "Investigate" the lab by interacting with the console.

You need to find a four digit code now. Head to the other waypoint on the map 
and you will see the code on the wall. It changes every minute, so remember 
the random four digit code and head back to Lab 19. Use your gun to change 
the digits on the code on the wall at Lab 19, and interact with the console 
when you have the correct code set.

This opens the door in front of you, revealing the Tiny Destroy. Avoid its 
beam and shoot it in the eye to kill it. With that done, talk to Professor 
Nakayama at the Hyperion Hub to complete the mission.

Mission: Land Among the Stars
Unlocked: After "Marooned"
   Level: 3
Location: Serenity's Waste
   Giver: Springs
 Rewards: Head Customization
Briefing: "Springs needs your help to support the booming business of 
           inspirational posters. Go to one of her jump pads, use it, and do 
           something cool while the cameras record in embarrassing detail 
           every moment of your airborne expression."
This is a funny quest. Head to the jump pad in Serenity's Waste. The jump pad 
itself is right next to Ozless Harbor. Springs has you do all types of funny 
things while on the jump pad. She'll have you jump up once, then another 
time, shoot two targets while jumping, and then the last time, do a slam on 
the pad near the jump pad.

After doing all three, head to the printer in Ozless Harbor and print those 
suckers out. Return to Springs to complete the quest.

Mission: Last Requests
Unlocked: After "Lost Legion Invasion"
   Level: 4
Location: Regolith Range
   Giver: Thorson (his corpse)
 Rewards: Skin Customization
Briefing: "Find the ECHO device on the corpse of Captain Tom Thorson and 
           transmit the message as instructed."

Mission: Lock and Load
Unlocked: After "To the Moon"
   Level: 22
Location: Lunar Launching Station
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: Rifle or SMG
Briefing: "Jack's first thought to send people down to the moon's surface 
           using the Moonshot Cannon was less than ideal, considering the 
           test subject is likely dead. Loaders, however, are robots, not
           made of flesh and bone, and therefore not easily broken. Go find
           a few so you can help test idea number two."
The start of this mission is almost identical to "To the Moon," which is the 
prerequisite for this mission. Basically, you need to defend loaders on the 
conveyor belt now. The same strategies apply as before -- make sure the 
enemies are firing at you, and not the loader container, and kill the Lost 
Legion closest to the loaders first.

When the loader's ready, press the controls to fire them to the moon. This 
time, the cargo -- the loaders -- make it safely, so you don't need to go 
down and investigate a crash site. So, go back to the Bounty Board to turn in 
the quest.

Mission: No Such Thing as a Free Launch
Unlocked: After "Lost Legion Invasion"
   Level: 11
Location: Triton Flats
   Giver: Cosmo
 Rewards: Rocket Launcher
Briefing: "Cosmo Wishbone is eager to share his musical genius with all of 
           Elpis. All he needs is help to launch his satellite into orbit."

Mission: Nothing is Never an Option
Unlocked: After "Intelligences of the Artificial Persuasion"
   Level: 15
Location: Concordia
   Giver: Springs
 Rewards: (A) Rifle, or (B) Shield
Briefing: "Springs has detected a distress signal coming from somewhere near 
           Cave Canem out in Outlands Spur, and that means there's salvage 
Fast travel to Outlands Spur. Keep heading toward the waypoint -- it changes 
to well across the map -- and listen to Springs' talk about the area. You'll 
eventually go into a cave and reach Cave Canem, then the waypoint changes 
again! You now need to go up, and this might seem impossible, but there are 
rocked-up blow holes on the mid level. Get to them, shoot them, and ride the 
wind up to the upper level.

Here, you'll find Amelia. Well, she has Scav problems. Now you have to 
survive three waves of enemies. Each wave has Scav that very politely jump 
down from the cliff top onto this area. I say "polite" because they like to 
come only a few at a time. So, get to sniping them down if that's your thing, 
or just gun them down close.

The only difficult part are the flying planes. The first two waves, the 
flying planes are just normal, but in the last, you have to shoot down 
Boomer's plane. You should make these planes a priority; they can do some 
nasty damage and are just plain annoying. And since the Scavs politely jump 
down a few at a time, you can focus on the planes before the Scav and they 
won't build up too much.

After the three waves, talk to Amelia to turn in the quest.

Mission: Nova? No Problem!
Unlocked: After "Marooned"
   Level: 4
Location: Serenity's Waste; Regolith Range
   Giver: Springs
 Rewards: 5 Moonstones
Briefing: "Springs has a plan, just trust her on this. She'll explain what 
           you're doing now that you've already agreed to do it. Just take 
           the shield to the coordinates she marked, and equip it."
Open the chest in Ozless Harbor to receive a shield. With it, head to 
Regolith Range, which requires quite a little bit of walking to places you've 
already been. At the 'Range, head to the waypoint, traversing the familiar 

When you get to the waypoint, open the building with the gate by pulling the 
lever next to it. Inside, you'll see the safe, which is protected by blue 
laser bars. If you haven't already, switch to the shield that you got from 
the chest in the beginning. Stand in the middle of the room and let enemies 
damage you down; when your shield depletes, you'll release a nova that will 
disable everything in the room. Grab the contents from the safe, then return 
to Springs for the reward.

Mission: Paint Job
Unlocked: After "An Urgent Message"
   Level: 18
Location: Hyperion Hub
   Giver: Professor Nakayama
 Rewards: 5 Moonstones
Briefing: "Professor Nakayama is tired of waiting for a response to his love 
           note, and he's ready to do something drastic. He needs you to find
           some yellow paint and some flowers."
After grabbing the quest, head to the Claptrap Repair shop and pick up the 
Paint Can. Head to Jack's office and talk to the Claptrap unit rolling around 
the hallway. Give him the paint and he'll start to paint the wall. With that 
done, exit Jack's office and head to the waypoint, which is very near, and 
pick up the three flowers.

Head back to Jack's office -- the outside of it -- and plant the flowers at 
the marked locations. Apparently, this is a fire hazard, so you're just gonna 
have to burn the flowers. Change to an Incendiary weapon and burn the 
flowers. Head back to the Professor to turn in the quest.

Mission: Picking up the Pieces
Unlocked: After "Eye to Eye"
   Level: 20
Location: Lunar Launching Station
   Giver: The Eye on the Wall
 Rewards: 5 Moonstones
Briefing: "Jack thinks the eye isn't completely beyond all hope for 
           salvation. He wants you to gather some of the chunks and try to 
           put it back together again. Good luck with that."
You have to find two parts of the eye. They are both marked on the map. The 
first is off on a ledge, and the second is on a rooftop. Jack seems really 
adamant about repairing this eye, so go to a Fast Travel station and teleport 
to Research and Development.

Here, head to the biolabs, which are in the aquatic area, on the far side of 
the map. When you arrive, you have to place the eye chunks on the oversized 
Petri dish. Use the controls to "fix" the eye, then pick it back up. Place 
it on the test stand, then use a laser weapon on it. If you don't have one, 
there is one in the locker to the left of the test stand. After that... total 
disaster... you can turn in the quest at Jack's office.

Mission: Pop Racing
   Level: 11
Location: Triton Flats
   Giver: Napykins Lunestalker
 Rewards: (A) Shotgun, or (B) Pistol
Briefing: "A snotty little brat named Napykins Lunestalker reckons he's the 
           best Moon Buggy driver on the planetoid. Springs want you to show 
           him how wrong he is."

Mission: Quarantine: Back on Schedule
Unlocked: After "Watch Your Step"
   Level: 22
Location: Jack's Office
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: 5 Moonstones
Briefing: "Tassiter is tired of the delay in rebuilding the Veins of Helios 
           and has asked you to evaluate the situation regarding a parasitic 
           infestation. He really seems to feel like you're the best person 
           for the job, and has a lot of faith in your abilities."
Head to the Veins of Helios. Work your way through to the big outside area. 
You're probably very familiar with this area by now, so use the various jump 
pads to head to the north part of the area. Enter Central Maintenance, and 
head north to the waypoint.

In this room, you need to interact with the three consoles in the correct 
order. The order is marked on the wall behind each console. So, start with 
1, then go to 2, and finally 3. It might be enticing to go to 1 and then 3, 
since 3 is so close, but you will fail the mission and have to restart if you 
do it out of order.

Now you must activate the force fields. There are five buttons in this room 
and all need to be pressed. One is below and the other four are on the upper 
level. Then, go down to the console on the mid-level -- it's waypointed -- 
and release the worker. With that done, use the console to the left to turn 
in the quest.

Mission: Quarantine: Infestation
Unlocked: After "Quarantine: Back on Schedule"
   Level: 22
Location: Veins of Helios
   Giver: Console next to turn in for first Quarantine mission
 Rewards: 5 Moonstones
Briefing: "Tassiter has asked you to evaluate the situation regarding a 
           parasitic infestation in the Veins of Helios. Head through the 
           maintenance tunnels, get inside the quarantine, check out the 
           situation, then do your Vault Hunter-y thing and fix it."
Enter the maintenance tunnel by dropping on the hole in the ground. Down here 
in the trash, head south down the tunnel. On the right, you'll find an 
opening. Jump from this opening to the platform above, and press the 
waypointed button. This will move the trash blocking Airlock 4.

In this new area, you must kill 6 infested workers. It's a normal close-
corridor fight. After that, interact with the console in this room. With that 
done, head to the Bounty Board to turn in the quest.

Mission: Recruitment Drive
   Level: 11
Location: Triton Flats
   Giver: Rose Yin
 Rewards: (A) Assault Rifle, or (B) Shotgun
Briefing: "Rose Yin, leader of the Concordia People's Front, might be about 
           as forceful as a puppy made of chocolate, but she needs your help 
           to resist oppression. Help her spread the word by putting up 
           posters and trying not to get shot."

Mission: Red, Then Dead
Unlocked: After "Watch Your Step"
   Level: 22
Location: Lunar Launching Station
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: Shotgun
Briefing: "Tassiter has effectively bribed you into collecting evidence he 
           can use to get Jack fired. Hunt down the guys in red shirts and 
           pick up any files they drop."
After picking up the quest at the Bounty Board, head to the first waypoint. 
Kill the courier here -- he's with a lot of Lost Legion -- and pick up the 
Evidence. Go to the second waypoint now. This courier is a total noob with a 
powersuit, but he can take a lot of damage. Aim at his head and take him 
down, then pick up the Evidence.

The third courier is also slightly different. When you damage him enough, he 
will freak out and run away. Just go to where he jumps -- the waypoint is 
where he moves. Grab the last Evidence, then turn in the quest at the Bounty 

Mission: Rough Love
Unlocked: After "Treasure of ECHO Madre"
   Level: 12
Location: Concordia
   Giver: Nurse Nina
 Rewards: (A) Pistol, or (B) Grenade
Briefing: "Nurse Nina needs your help to find true love. Take the gifts she 
           has prepared and deliver them to each potential suitor."
Grab the "Gift from Nina" on the tray, then head to Triton Flats. Go to the 
waypoint and find Meat Head, who is on the balcony of the one building you 
can go inside. Give him the gift, then kill him. If you freeze him before you 
kill him, you get bonus points!

Take the gift and head to suitor two. You'll need to fast travel to Outlands 
Canyon. The second suitor, Drongo Bones, is in the center of the map, on the 
hill at the waypoint. Give him the gift, then kill him with a corrosive 
weapon. Pick up the gift again, then head to suitor three.

This one's in the building on the hill overlooking the waypoint, so don't try 
to look for him down below. You can use the jump pad at the basketball courts 
to jump up to him quickly. And when you find him, in the building, give him 
the gift, then fire at hum with an Incendiary weapon and stop when Nina 
commands. Looks like he's the perfect suitor! Head back to Nina to turn in 
the quest.

Mission: Space Slam
Unlocked: After "A New Direction"
   Level: Variable
Location: Outlands Canyon
   Giver: Dunks Watson
 Rewards: (A) Rocket Launcher, or (B) Pistol
Briefing: "With the unfortunate hiatus of Supaballa, Elpis needs a new slam-
           dunk champion. Slam the hoop like the badass you are. Bonus
           points if you are, literally, on fire when you do it."
This quest is super-short. Blow up an explosive barrel to set yourself on 
fire, then use the jump pad to make a slam dunk on the hoop. You need to 
hover OVER the rim and then crouch to slam down on top of it. When you do it 
successfully, you'll get interviewed by Dunks and then you can turn in the 
quest. Best. Quest. Ever! :)

Mission: Sterwin Forever
Unlocked: After "Guardian Hunter"
   Level: 28
Location: Eleseer
   Giver: Sterwin
 Rewards: (A) Sniper Rifle, or (B) Grenade
Briefing: "Sterwin returns, but now his mission is one of conservation. He 
           wants you to help him collect the critically-endangered Opha."

Mission: Sub-Level 13 (Part 1)
Unlocked: After "Let's Build a Robot Army"
   Level: Variable?
Location: Crisis Scar
   Giver: Pickle
 Rewards: XP and Money
Briefing: "Pickle needs your help to find a friend of his, Harry, who has 
           gone into Sub-Level 13 to fetch Pickle a piece of experimental 
           Dahl technology. No big deal, it's just that Sub-Level 13 is 
           rumored to be haunted."
Pick up "Sub-Level 13" from Pickle and fast travel to the Titan Industrial 
Facility. It takes a LONG time to get to the waypoint from the entrance of 
the facility, but it's all stuff you've already done. When you reach the 
waypoint, drop down to the ground and enter inside Sub-Level 13.

Inside this spooky place, use the elevator to descend. Down here, you'll see 
a ghost, and then a Tork Queen pops up. Kill it, then drop down of the 
opening she popped up from. Down here, follow the corridors and shoot the box 
when the robot says so. Then, open the vent and go inside. Follow the vent to 
the dead guy and pick up the ECHO. After listening to it, you can turn in the 
quest at Harry's Remains.

Mission: Sub-Level 13 (Part 2)
Unlocked: After "Sub-Level 13 (Part 1)"
   Level: Variable?
Location: Sub-Level 13
   Giver: Harry's Remains
 Rewards: (A) Grenade Mod, or (B) Laser Gun
Briefing: "Pickle asked you to find Harry, who was sent into Sub-Level 13
           to find a space-fold inverter. Harry, unfortunately, never made
           it out alive. You found his body, along with a modified E-GUN, 
           which should help you fend off the ghosts haunting this place"
First things first, equip that E-GUN. You can kill ghosts with it, and you 
should try to kill during this mission for a phat XP bonus. Anyway, climb the 
ladder near Harry's Remains, then go inside this Tork nest room. Kill the 
ghost, then the Torks, then jump up to the room to the left.

You'll find the first record here. Listen to it, then the vents open. Kill 
the Torks, head inside, and follow the vents until they drop down to the next 
Recorder. Listen to this one now, then try to open the door. Pickle fumbles 
for the codes -- input it to open the door, then drop down in this main room.

Here, you will be able to rack up your five ghost kills. Switch to the E-GUN 
and fire lasers at those ghostly beasts. After that, destroy the three 
consoles in the room. Pick up the inverter at the center console. Now, we 
have a choice as to what to do here: first, you can use the inverter to fix 
the Fast Travel station. This nets you the E-GUN. Or, you can bring the 
converter back to Pickle. This nets you the Grenade Mod.

Mission: Tales from Elpis
Unlocked: After "Marooned"
   Level: 3
Location: Serenity's Waste
   Giver: Springs
 Rewards: Sniper Rifle
Briefing: "Springs wrote some kid-friendly stories a while back, but she
           lost them. Go collect them and give her some notes before she 
           sends them off to a publisher."
You have to get some lost children's books that Springs wrote. The first is 
hanging from the cliff at the waypoint. Jump down to the rocked-up blow hole, 
blast it open, and use the blow hole to float up the first ECHO story.

The second ECHO story is near here, in the thrashed building near the Oz 
cycler. Just use the button to open the door and grab the ECHO story inside.

For the last ECHO, you have to kill the kraggon at the waypoint. After 
killing it, grab the last ECHO -- he'll drop it as well as some other items. 
Return to Springs to turn in the quest.

Mission: The Bestest Story Ever Told
Unlocked: After "The Beginning of the End"
   Level: 28
Location: Concordia
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: SMG
Briefing: "Once upon a time there were Vault Hunters on the moon, and they 
           went after a raid boss..."
This is the "raid boss" of B:TPS. You need 20 Moonstone overall to start the 
raid battle.

The fights are the same as the final fights in the story, but the boss has a 
lot more health and does more damage. This is why you'll want to "bring 
friends" to the fight!

But the same strategies that I outlined for these two bosses in the main 
walkthrough applies here also.

Mission: The Don
Unlocked: After "Eye to Eye"
   Level: 24
Location: Vorago Solitude
   Giver: The Don (duh!)
 Rewards: Skin Customization
Briefing: "The Don has been playing a bit of snickit, but his ball has gone 
           out of bounds somewhere. Find the snickit ball and bring it back 
           to him."

Mission: The Empty Billabong
Unlocked: After "Systems Jammed"
   Level: 7
Location: Crisis Scar
   Giver: Peepot
 Rewards: XP and Money
Briefing: "One of Peepot's mates, the Jolly Swagman, has gone missing 
           somewhere on the moon. Peepot has asked you to find him."
Peepot talks about his 'mate who's lost. Head to the waypoint, which is very 
near here, and poke at him. He's near a Cryo Vine, so be careful. Grab the 
ECHO device from his body, then return to Peepot. After A LOT of tacking, you 
need to find the tuckerbag now.

This is just across the lava; you can jump from your current position to this 
level. From here, you must kill three big Kraggon. Just keep strafing, and 
kill their offspring as well. After killing three of them, grab the tuckerbag 
and return to Peepot. He will ramble on; after that, you can turn in the 

Mission: The Return of Captain Chef
Unlocked: After "The Voyage of Captain Chef"
   Level: 27
Location: Vorago Solitude
   Giver: Captain Chef
 Rewards: (A) Pistol, or (B) Assault Rifle
Briefing: "Captain Chef has come to Elpis to claim it... again. Guess what he
           needs help with, again? Yep. Flag hoisting. Grab the flag, and in 
           the name of King Greg, plant it."

Mission: The Secret Chamber
Unlocked: After "Intelligences of the Artificial Persuasion"
   Level: 12
Location: Pity's Fall
   Giver: ECHO Recorder
 Rewards: 4 Moonstones
Briefing: "You found an old data recorder on board the Drakensburg, and 
           Pickle is intrigued. What secrets could it contain? And how many 
           of those can Pickle fit into his pockets? he wants you to plug
           the recorder into a reader and find out."
This quests begins at the ECHO Recorder in the final area of Drakensburg. If 
you're going back to get it, this means killing a level 14 Bosun again. 
Anyway, plug in the device, then go to the waypoint, which is the location of 
the "secret room." It's on the other side of the ship, so head on over. 
You'll have to use a jump pad at a broken elevator shaft at the very end.

Now you have to get three ECHO Recorders so you can full the security, pretty 
much similar to Opportunity in Borderlands 2.

The first recorder, you want to break the box on the ground next to the jump 
pad in this room to overload it. Then, use the jump pad to float to the 
waypoint. Shoot down the lock, and collect the ECHO Recorder in the cage.

The second recorder, you need to get to the level above the secret door 
level. So, you should just jump from the elevated position of the first 
recorder, across the beams, and over to the second recorder waypoint.

The third recorder feels like it's in the controls room. But actually, you 
just have to kill enemies around the waypoint until one drops the ECHO 

With the three recorders, head back to the door and try it again. Open the 
big chest in the center of this secret room. There will be two weapons and 
the last recorder in this chest.

Now that you have all of the recorders, go to Pickle in Outlands Canyon to 
turn in the quest.

Mission: The Voyage of the Captain Chef
   Level: 20
Location: Triton Flats
   Giver: Captain Chef (Master Chief reference?:)
 Rewards: Head Customization
Briefing: "Captain Chef says he's on a mission for King greg to claim this 
           moon. To do so officially he must hoist the flag, and for that he
           needs your help! Grab the flag and situate it so that Captain Chef
           may salute his banner while you hoist it upright."

Mission: These Are the Bots
Unlocked: After "Eye to Eye"
   Level: 24
Location: Vorago
   Giver: ICU
 Rewards: Laser
Briefing: "You've come across a pair of robots that seem to be in distress. 
           At least, as far as you can tell from the incoherent beeping and 
           one-sided conversation."

Mission: Things That Go Boom
Unlocked: After "Watch Your Step"
   Level: 22
Location: Lunar Launching Station
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: 5 Moonstones
Briefing: "With Jack's new exploding robot code in the system, he can make 
           adjustments remotely. Keep activating bots and see what happens."
Head to the waypoint -- you'll have to go down a level to get to it. Interact 
with the loader robot to start a "follow and defend" objective. Basically, 
you have to defend the robot at it trots to the station. Lost Legion spawn 
from the door to the left, and you will also have to deal with the Lost 
Legion around the area.

You need to stay really close and defend the robot as much as you can. Shoot 
at enemies to at least get their attention focused on you and not the loader. 
If the loader dies, you fail the mission and have to restart. So, act like a 
tank here.

The robot plugs into the system and starts to install the AI. It takes a 
while for it to install, and while it's installing, you'll have to defend it 
again. Enemies come from the door across from him as well as up on the sides. 
Just as before, try to stay the center of attention and direct fire toward 
yourself. The shield generators can be problematic, and if they are spawned, 
you'll have to go in the shield bubble to destroy them.

With the AI downloaded, try it on the loader you just defended. It will 
explode, which seems very Borderlands 2. You'll need to test the AI on three 
more loaders. They are the waypoints on the map; simply interact with them to 
install the AI.

When you've tested three loaders, head back to the bounty board to turn in 
the quest.

Mission: To Arms!
   Level: 11
Location: Triton Flats
   Giver: The Weapons Rack
 Rewards: Head Customization
Briefing: "The revolution has begun! The People's Liberation Army could 
           really use your old weapons; common, white-rarity ones will do 
           fine. With your donations, the citizens of Concordia can look 
           forward to a bright, prosperous future."

Mission: To the Moon
Unlocked: After "Science and Violence"
   Level: 22
Location: Lunar Launching Station
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: Shield
Briefing: "Jack thinks it would be a great idea to send people to the moon 
           using the Moonshot Cannon as a form of rapid transit. There's a 
           Lost Legion defector that would be perfect for assuring the 
           quality of the trip; go find him and convince him to take a ride."
After receiving the quest, talk to the defector right near the Bounty Board. 
Offer him the ride, but he says no. So, use the console to "trick" him into 
the container. Once he's inside, interact with the console again. It will 
lift the container to the conveyor belt.

You now need to escort the container to the moonshot cannon. It goes pretty 
darn slow on the conveyor belt, so it will take at least a minute for it to 
get in. And while it's slowly moving, you'll have to defeat infinitely 
respawning Lost Legion.

The most problematic Lost Legion are the ones that get close to the 
container. They are take down the container's health rather quickly, so take 
them down first. And, just as with other defense missions, you should try to 
draw as much fire as possible.

When the container reaches the cannon, head back to the controls and fire the 
moonshot. An optional objective pops up: investigate the landing site. Fast 
travel to Triton Flats and ride to the landing site. He crashed on top of a 
building. To get inside it, you have to first jump on the container, then on 
top of the building, and then fall through the hole in the ceiling. This area 
has some chests.

Head all the way back to the Bounty Board to turn in the quest.

Mission: Torgue-o! Torgue-o!
Unlocked: After "Marooned"
   Level: 4
Location: Serenity's Waste
   Giver: Springs
 Rewards: (A) Laser Gun, or (B) Shotgun
Briefing: "Springs has offered to make you a laser gun if you bring her a 
           light reactor, but Mister Torgue of the Torgue Corporation has 
           offered to pay you if you destroy the light reactor instead. 
           Nothing stands in your way from making this serious life-altering 
           decision, except a bunch of kraggons."
Head to the warehouse in Serenity's Waste. Well, the warehouse is blocked, so 
e have to annoy some peaceful kraggon, to get them to charge into the rock 
blockage. Whip out the Moxxi pistol and fire at a kraggon. It will start to 
spin in a ball and roll toward you. Position yourself in front of the blocked 
door to the warehouse and jump when the kraggon gets close. He will need to 
bash into the rubble two times to lower it.

In the warehouse, pick up the light reactor in the electricity. You can now 
give the light reactor to Springs or throw it in the lava. If you give it to 
Springs, you get the Laser Gun; throw it in the lava, you get a Shotgun.

Mission: Treasures of ECHO Madre
Unlocked: After "Intelligences of the Artificial Persuasion"
   Level: 15
Location: Outlands Canyon
   Giver: Pickle
 Rewards: (A) SMG, or (B) Rocket Launcher
Briefing: "Pickle may have found a treasure map (of sorts), but he needs
           you to do some snooping to find out if it's the real deal. Head
           to Outlands Canyon and do some research on where this treasure
           may be hiding."
I guess Sierra Madre was too far away, no? Anyway, pick up the shovel, then 
head to the waypoint, which is that phat treasure map. It's all the way on 
the other side of the map, but you've traversed this terrain for the main 
story quest.

At the waypoint, talk to Timber Logwood. Seems the map got flushed down the 
toilet! But we should be able to find it at the "garbage," right? Head over 
there and search the glowy green parts of the ground. After inspecting three 
of them, a thresher comes out to play.

Stay back and attack if with a high-powered weapon. After defeating it, 
collect the map, then go to the weapon -- where you will apparently find X. 
But when you get there, all you find is a blocked tunnel. So, we need to get 
some explosives now. Break the rock and use the air vent to float back to the 
other side, then head to the waypoint.

Inside the building at the waypoint, you'll find the three explosives. Take 
them back to the X, and blow it up! Head through, press the button to open 
the bunker door, and go inside. Here, you'll find Rabid Adams -- kill him, 
then take a look at his ECHO. After that, head back to Pickle to complete 
this quest.

Mission: Trouble with Space Hurps
Unlocked: After Lazlo's Last Quest
   Level: 22
Location: Veins of Helios
   Giver: Lazlo
 Rewards: Customization
Briefing: "Lazlo, the somehow mostly unaffected worker in the quarantined 
           section, has admitted to releasing the parasitic infestation 
           causing everyone in this sector to go mad. Now he wants you to 
           stop it. Head to the bug burrow and pop the boils that spawn
           the bugs."
Follow Lazlo into the adjacent room, then he will open up the bug burrow. In 
here, shoot at the four bug brains, then melee the same four bug brains, and 
then slam the four bug brains. So, shoot, melee, and slam! :)

After that, activate the air ventilation in the room -- twice -- and then 
head back to Lazlo. He goes all postal on you, so you have to defeat him now. 
This guy has some health, and he likes to run between the rooms. What's 
really funny about this fight are the names of his friends. But, just spray 
bullets into Lazlo, and he will go down. Now that he's defeated, head to the 
ECHO Recorder on his bed to turn in the quest.

Mission: Voice Over
Unlocked: After "Home Sweet Home"
   Level: 19
Location: Jack's Office
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: 5 Moonstones
Briefing: "Some Lost Legion jokers are feeding the Voice of Hyperion some 
           garbage to read. She wants you to get rid of them to preserve
           her dignity."
Exit Jack's Office and head to the waypoint, which is in the north part of 
the Hyperion Hub. Here, clear the Lost Legion that come out of the gates. 
It's best to stay a little back, because if you're directly on the waypoint, 
you'll be fired at from both sides.

With that done, collect the three books. One is inside a room in the northern 
part of the hub. A tricky one is on top of a cleaning robot. And the last is 
inside a crate. Place the three books on the scanner at the waypoint, then 
upload the books. After uploading the books, head back to the Bounty Board to 
turn in the quest.

Mission: Wherefore Art Thou?
Unlocked: After "Systems Jammed"
   Level: 5
Location: Concordia
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: Green Shield
Briefing: "Myron's wife Deirdre went missing some days ago. He is frantic 
           that she won't be able to survive outside Concordia, so he has 
           asked you for help in finding her. Myron's a bit of a drama king, 
           though, and tends to misuse flowery sounding quotes from plays."
Fast travel to Triton Flats and head to the waypoint. Here, you'll find a 
crashed vehicle and Deirdre's ECHO. Head to the camp, clear it, then go 
inside the building to find Deirdre. She tells you that she's happy here, and 
she wants you to fake her own death by killing her sister.

Head to the waypoint, which is near the train. The sister makes a run for it 
on a vehicle, so either chase her or blow her up with gunfire. After that, 

Mission: Wiping the Slate
Unlocked: After "Intelligence of the Artificial Persuasion"
   Level: Variable
Location: Concordia
   Giver: Bounty Board
 Rewards: 3 Moonstone
Briefing: "Jack killed the Meriff, but he wants more. He's asked you to
           remove the Meriff from existence by destroying his hidden ECHO 
Head to the Meriff's lair-- err, office -- and get the first ECHO. To do 
this, push the button the square map table, which will reveal a ladder over 
the fish tank. Climb the ladder, and the ECHO will be on top of the fish 
tank. Listen to the tape, then destroy the ECHO.

The second ECHO is in the small library outside of Meriff's office. Pull the 
glowing green books to reveal a secret door. Open it, then smash open the 
safe, then listen to the ECHO. After that, destroy it.

For the last ECHO, go the waypoint and press the button to reveal a slot 
machine. Play it, grab it, and give it to the DJs at Moxxi's bar. After that, 
head to the Meriff Statue at the front of Concordia. Use a shotgun to blow 
off his head, then grab the floating head.

Now you need to put it on a rocket. Use the jump pad (waypointed) to get on 
the roof, then head over to the rocket. Jump up and place it at the top of 
the rocket, then activate the controls to set it off. Finally, head back to 
the Bounty Board to turn in the quest.

Mission: Z8N-TP
Unlocked: On or after "The Beginning of the End"
   Level: 27
Location: Tycho's Ribs, at the little cave in the center chamber area
   Giver: Z8N-TP
 Rewards: (A) Oz Kit, or (B) Class Mod
Briefing: "A CL4P-TP unit named Z8N-TP needs your help in attaining 
           enlightenment. He's asked you to collect each of the different 
           types of Putti, but he hasn't really explained how this will 
To get to Z8N-TP, you need to enter his small cave in the center chamber. It 
has crystals around the entrance. And when you get the quest, you have to get 
some Putti for him. More specifically, four types of Putti: cryo, shock, 
corrosive, and burning.

To get this Putti, you must first have an elemental weapon of each type. At 
this point in the game, you probably should have each type somewhere, either 
currently equipped, in your inventory, or in the bank. And if you don't have 
all types, you can try to complete other quests to score them, or try to buy 

So, you have to get this Putti. To do this, head to Eleesa and clear the 
beginning area. An Opha will repeatedly spawn at the opposite end of this 
first part of the area. This is the enemy you must defeat to get the Putti.

It's a slightly complicated process, however. You must shoot at them with the 
Elemental weapon, then when they get low on health, melee them to death. This 
is the only way to get the Putti of each type. So, just straight up killing 
them with your weapon won't work -- you have to finish them off with melee.

With the Putti, head back to Z8N-TP. Give the Putti to him, and get ready 
with your grenades or rocket launcher. All the Putti will come out and start 
firing at Z8N-TP and you. Since they are all bunched together close to Z8N-
TP, a few grenades should down the whole lot.

After killing the Puttis, talk to Z8N-TP to complete the quest.

Mission: Zapped 1.0
Unlocked: After "A New Direction"
   Level: 11
Location: Triton Flats
   Giver: Laser Weapon in Crate
 Rewards: XP and money
Briefing: "You've found a cool laser weapon. Experiment on it with 15 Scavs."

Mission: Zapped 2.0
Unlocked: After "Zapped 2.0"
   Level: 11
Location: Concordia
   Giver: Springs
 Rewards: XP and money
Briefing: "Springs has gone and made your laser weapon even cooler, 
           literally! Go try it out on some Torks, and then shatter their 
           worthless frozen hides."

Mission: Zapped 3.0
Unlocked: After "Zapped 2.0"
   Level: 11
Location: Concordia
   Giver: Springs
 Rewards: Shotgun
Briefing: "Springs is a veritable font of ideas for accessorizing laser 
           weapons. She's added corrosive damage to this one, and she needs 
           you to melt some malfunctioning claptrap face."


                               6. Bosses [0600]


Bosses are listed in chronological order.

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: Flameknuckle                                           |
|        Difficulty: Easy                                                   |
|  General Strategy:   This first part of this fight is really easy. All    |
|                    you have to do, is stay away from him. This is because |
|                    if you're out of melee range, he'll start walloping on |
|                    a friendly robot, or even Jack, and so you'll be able  |
|                    to damage him without him even firing at you.          |
|                    Basically, let someone tank Flameknuckle, then blast   |
|                    him down with an automatic weapon or with headshots.   |
|                      Halfway through the fight, you are awarded your      |
|                    first skill point. Head to the skill tree menu and use |
|                    the skill point on your action skill -- it's the only  |
|                    available option for what to choose, but it is by far  |
|                    the best single-talent skill point use in the game.    |
|                    Your Action Skill will vary by which class you chose:  |
|                    most are really useful, but one Action Skill           |
|                    (VaultHunt.EXE) probably wouldn't pass Microsoft       |
|                    Security Essentials. (It's actually a good ability.) :)|
|                      Now that you have your Action Skill, try it in       |
|                    combat on the Flameknuckle. He's out of his power      |
|                    suit, and much smarter than before. He has a flame     |
|                    weapon that will not only deal initial damage, but     |
|                    also burn you for more damage over time. It's best,    |
|                    just like before, to let Jack tank as much as he can.  |
|                      Also, headshots are absolutely golden here, but any  |
|                    automatic fire into his torso should do the trick. You |
|                    should always stay behind cover for this part of the   |
|                    fight, as the Flameknuckle's flame weapon has a nasty  |
|                    punch. If your shield gets low or goes down, find      |
|                    cover and wait for it to recharge. And if your health  |
|                    gets low, you will be able to find health packs in the |
|                    containers all around the area. The enemies that       |
|                    accompany Flameknuckle will also drop health packs     |
|                    when you defeat them.                                  |
|                                                                           |

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: Deadlift                                               |
|             Level: 5                                                      |
|        Difficulty: Medium                                                 |
|           Attacks: o His electric weapon. It does moderate damage, and is |
|                      easy to see because it makes electricity.            |
|                    o If you are on the same platform as him, he can       |
|                      overload a machine and make the whole platform an    |
|                      electricity trap. This hurts a lot, but you can      |
|                      easily see it coming. And when it does come, jump    |
|                      and get off the platform!                            |
|                    o Electric balls. This is his worst attack. These two  |
|                      electric balls sometimes follow him around, and he   |
|                      can command them to go after you. If they hit you,   |
|                      they will do major damage. Thankfully, you can       |
|                      destroy them with gunfire before they hit you, or    |
|                      make them hit a wall, to dodge the attack.           |
|                    o Normal enemies also spawn throughout the fight. They |
|                      make great Second Wind material. So, if you're about |
|                      to die, shoot one down to get back in the fight.     |
|  General Strategy:  Deadlift can be a tough fight. This is mainly because |
|                    of his electric balls attack, which will do tons of    |
|                    damage if they both directly hit. Other than that,     |
|                    Deadlift also moves around a lot, and it can be        |
|                    difficult to shoot him from the ground floor with him  |
|                    moving so much.                                        |
|                      First, you have to recognize the electric ball       |
|                    attack. You'll see two balls of electricity glide      |
|                    toward you. They are slow, and you can use your gun to |
|                    blow them up before they reach you. In addition, you   |
|                    can simply run behind a wall and they will just hit the|
|                    wall, not damaging you.                                |
|                      That is priority number one. When there are no balls |
|                    of electricity killing you, the fight becomes MUCH     |
|                    easier. Deadlift does have an electric weapon, but it  |
|                    does not do as much as damage. The only other big      |
|                    attack is when he makes a platform turn electricity,   |
|                    but this is actually a good thing.                     |
|                      When Deadlift wants to turn on the electricity on a  |
|                    platform, he will have to up to a machine and hover    |
|                    over it for a few seconds. This is the PERFECT         |
|                    opportunity to jump pad up to him and soak as much     |
|                    damage in him as you can. Even after he's set off the  |
|                    electricity, you can continue to blast away at him as  |
|                    you jump off the platform.                             |
|                      This is one of the best ways to defeat him, but you  |
|                    have to be able to soak a lot of damage into him to do |
|                    it in one go. Normally, you'll get through his shields |
|                    and some of his health, and you'll have to wait for him|
|                    to do it again.                                        |
|                      You should also NEVER stay out in the open when he's |
|                    not turning on the electricity. I prefer staying back  |
|                    at the entrance to this place, by the steps. There are |
|                    also walls all around here, and several levels, but I  |
|                    mainly stick to the ground level and go up when he's   |
|                    doing the electricity trap.                            |
|                      If you have a sniper rifle, he can easily be defeated|
|                    from a distance; simply snipe at his head for major    |
|                    damage. While doing this, avoid those balls of         |
|                    electricity.                                           |
|                      Normal enemies also infinitely respawn -- ignore     |
|                    them unless you need a Second Wind. They are otherwise |
|                    just a small hindrance.                                |
|                      So, either headshot him from a distance, or soak     |
|                    damage into him while he's setting up his electricity  |
|                    trap on a platform. Avoid his balls of electricity,    |
|                    and you should have no trouble defeating him.          |
|                                                                           |

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: RedBelly                                               |
|             Level: 5                                                      |
|        Difficulty: Medium                                                 |
|           Attacks: o RedBelly has a laser gun that will burn you after it |
|                      hits. So, it does moderate damage, and then a DoT    |
|                      afterward. Don't let this hit you more than once in  |
|                      a row, or you will be at low health.                 |
|                    o When you get close or make him angry, RedBelly will  |
|                      charge at you. This will take down your shields if   |
|                      he connects, so backpedal when he throws his hands   |
|                      up in the air, which is his charge signal.           |
|                    o When the two go apart, Red will throw cryo grenades  |
|                      at you when he's above you. So, make sure to stay    |
|                      the heck away from him.                              |
|                    o Normal enemies also spawn throughout the fight. They |
|                      make great Second Wind material. So, if you're about |
|                      to die, shoot one down to get back in the fight.     |
|  General Strategy:  What makes this battle not too difficult are the      |
|                    pathing issues with RedBelly. If you leave the arena   |
|                    and go over to the vending machines, RedBelly will get |
|                    "stuck" before the hall, allowing you to shoot him up. |
|                      He will still fire back, but he is a shell of his    |
|                    former self when he can't get close to you. This       |
|                    completely negates his charge attack, but you'll still |
|                    have to worry about his nasty laser gun, which is      |
|                    cause burning after it hits.                           |
|                      When you get RedBelly's health down, the two go      |
|                    apart and Red floats around in the air. If you're not  |
|                    using the pathing trick, do not let Red float near you |
|                    or he will drop grenades on your head. Ouch!           |
|                      Kill Red first -- he's basically just a head -- and  |
|                    then take down the Belly. To take out Red, simply fire |
|                    at his floating self while staying far, far away from  |
|                    him. And for Belly, use the pathing trick again.       |
|                      If you have any trouble with health, you can use     |
|                    the vending machine to restore it. There are also      |
|                    containers throughout the arena that have health packs.|
|                      Finally, ignore the normal enemies that spawn unless |
|                    you need a second wind. They will endlessly respawn,   |
|                    so killing them does not make a bit of difference, but |
|                    they are good for Second Wind because they go down in  |
|                    just a few shots.                                      |
|                      So, to summarize: use the pathing trick. When they   |
|                    separate, stay far away from Red and shoot at his      |
|                    floating self. And then take down the Belly with more  |
|                    of the same pathing issues.                            |
|                      And you can make this fight more difficult if you    |
|                    don't use the pathing trick at the hall. You'll just   |
|                    have to run around the arena, sticking behind the      |
|                    pillars and the walls to dodge RedBelly's attacks.     |
|                                                                           |

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: Bosun                                                  |
|             Level: 14                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Medium                                                 |
|           Attacks: o Weapon fire from the bottom of his flying machine.   |
|                      It also burns for DoT damage.                        |
|                    o Laser fire -- he fires straight lasers at you.       |
|                      These also cause burning DoT damage.                 |
|                    o Slow rockets that explode on impact. You can dodge   |
|                      these rather easily.                                 |
|                    o Slow electric rockets that electrocute the area on   |
|                      impact. Easy to dodge like rockets.                  |
|                    o Normal enemies also spawn throughout the fight. They |
|                      make great Second Wind material. So, if you're about |
|                      to die, shoot one down to get back in the fight. But |
|                      unlike in previous boss fights, they are pretty      |
|                      formidable opponents themselves.                     |
|  General Strategy:     Bosun is somewhat difficult boss. He floats up in  |
|                    the air in his Star Wars throne, raining down on you   |
|                    with laser fire and rockets. He also has a very good   |
|                    shield. That is, until you destroy the shield          |
|                    regenerators.                                          |
|                      The key to victory is taking out the shield regen-   |
|                    erators before you begin your assault on Bosun. There  |
|                    are four regenerators, all on the second level, and    |
|                    they are clearly visible because there is a blue laser |
|                    pointing at each pointing to Bosun. Take out the regen-|
|                    erators with your sniper or some type of automatic     |
|                    weapon.                                                |
|                      As far as cover for this, I actually like to stick   |
|                    near the elevator shaft. If you're on the side, the    |
|                    rockets won't hit you, and Bosun has a hard time       |
|                    getting a good angle on you. You can also take cover   |
|                    behind the several pillars in the area.                |
|                      Once you have the regenerators destroyed, you can    |
|                    start on Bosun. He has some health, and still packs a  |
|                    punch, but he's not impossible to defeat now. Most of  |
|                    his attacks can be easily avoided. Just make sure to   |
|                    dodge the rockets (both the explosive and electric     |
|                    ones) and run away from his laser fire.                |
|                      The normal enemies that spawn during the fight can   |
|                    also be trouble. For them, you should clear the ones   |
|                    that get up in your face trying to melee you. They can |
|                    make it tough to shoot at Bosun while they're right in |
|                    front of you.                                          |
|                      So, destroy the shield regenerators, dodge the       |
|                    rockets, and fire away at Bosun, summarily.            |
|                                                                           |

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: Felicity Rampant                                       |
|             Level: 17                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Hard                                                   |
|           Attacks: o Blue explosive assault fire. It does not travel too  |
|                      fast, so you can dodge it if you're far enough away. |
|                    o Lasers. Just like before, they're instant. They tend |
|                      to point more toward the ground, however.            |
|                    o She fires rockets. These are more homing than what   |
|                      you've experienced before, so get behind a pillar.   |
|                    o She has a charge, which is knock out a big part of   |
|                      your shields, if not all of them.                    |
|                    o A stomp -- she will only do this when you're close to|
|                      her, in melee range.                                 |
|                    o She drops claymores to the ground sometimes. They    |
|                      make a red bubble, so they are easy to spot. Don't   |
|                      walk over them!                                      |
|                    o In her second form, she also has rockets that come   |
|                      out of the top of her, but there are more than in her|
|                      first form.                                          |
|                    o Second form lasers. She'll tell you before she       |
|                      starts attacking with them.                          |
|                    o A type of slam in second form. It does damage over   |
|                      time in addition to direct damage.                   |
|                    o Annoying robots, which she spawns, also pervade the  |
|                      fight. Ignore them unless you need a Second Wind.    |
|  General Strategy:     This can be a tough fight for many reasons. But    |
|                    most of all, Felicity just spawns so many robots, and  |
|                    has so many different attacks, that it can be hard to  |
|                    deal with everything on the screen.                    |
|                      First, we have a similar mechanic to Bosun's fight   |
|                    in that she has little flying planes that will give her|
|                    a red shield. When she has the shield, you can't damage|
|                    her. But, you can easily destroy the planes that make  |
|                    the red shield. They only take a few hits to destroy,  |
|                    and then it's goodbye shield. The problem is that the  |
|                    shield can get in the way of the plane itself, so      |
|                    you'll have to manuveur yourself to get a shot at it.  |
|                      She will get this shield at least a few times in the |
|                    fight, so be prepared to destroy the planes when the   |
|                    shield goes up.                                        |
|                      Felicity also boasts tons of attacks. You can negate |
|                    most of them if you stay far away from her, however.   |
|                    Obviously, melee attacks won't touch you if you aren't |
|                    in melee range, but the lasers seem to point down a    |
|                    little too much, and her normal blue fire has a slow   |
|                    bullet speed. The rockets are also slow. So, basically,|
|                    you can dodge mostly anything if you stay far enough   |
|                    away from Felicity.                                    |
|                      She is weak at the legs, so shoot there. It's an easy|
|                    place to target, and you'll do a lot more damage.      |
|                      After taking out more than half her health, her legs |
|                    will give way and she'll enter her second form. This   |
|                    form doesn't have as many attacks, but she does still  |
|                    have rockets and lasers, which you can both still      |
|                    dodge like before.                                     |
|                      Try to ignore the normal robots in this fight unless |
|                    they group in front of you. She will just keep         |
|                    respawning them endlessly.                             |
|                      And DO NOT go easy on damaging her -- Jack tells you |
|                    to just "disable" her, but you'll have to get her      |
|                    health down the whole way. You cannot overdamage her   |
|                    and destroy her.                                       |
|                                                                           |

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: Colonel T. Zarpedon (Powersuit)                        |
|             Level: 26                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Hard                                                   |
|         Weak Spot: Eye                                                    |
|       Resistances: Immune to freezing; high resistance to incendiary      |
|        Weaknesses: None! :(                                               |
|           Attacks: o Her most common attack is her Laser weapon, which    |
|                      fires snowy white lights at you for good damage.     |
|                    o Missiles come out of her back and fly toward you.    |
|                      The damage is dependent on how many hit you.         |
|                    o A huge electric ball. She will spend some time       |
|                      charging it up first. It is easy to dodge as it goes |
|                      very slow. The charge up time is a great place to    |
|                      start damaging her.                                  |
|                    o Her sword. She can leap toward you with it, or just  |
|                      swipe at you if you're really close.                 |
|                    o She has lots of her buddies backng her up. Ignore    |
|                      them unless you need a Second Wind.                  |
|  General Strategy:     Zarpedon certainly doesn't disappoint in this      |
|                      fight. She packs quite a punch with her sheer        |
|                      variety of attacks from all distances, and her       |
|                      shield can be regenerated on command. First, though, |
|                      some logitistics of this fight.                      |
|                        When you damage her shield all the way down, she   |
|                      will pound the ground and suck up shield power from  |
|                      below, which will regenerate her shields. She can do |
|                      this three times, and you can't really avoid her     |
|                      doing it three times unless you can do some insane   |
|                      damage in a short period of time.                    |
|                        But while she is regenerating her shields, she is  |
|                      WAY open to attack. So just let loose on her when    |
|                      she is sucking up dat shield energy.                 |
|                        Another thing: you can fall off the sides of this  |
|                      arena. So, don't get too close to the edges! There   |
|                      are also barrels that pop up around this platform.   |
|                      You can arm them to explode, or just use them for    |
|                      cover.                                               |
|                        Ignore the enemies that fight with Zarpedon. You   |
|                      should only be using them as Second Wind material.   |
|                      Your target is Zarpedon, after all!                  |
|                        As far as Miss Z, you will probably want to stay   |
|                      at Long Range during this battle. This is because    |
|                      she will only do her laser, rocket, and electric     |
|                      ball attacks when you're far away. If you're close,  |
|                      she does this leaping ground and pound which hurts   |
|                      a lot!                                               |
|                        But if you stay away, you can dodge a lot of her   |
|                      long attacks. This is especially so for the          |
|                      electric ball, which takes some time to charge up.   |
|                      While she's charging it, strafe to the left or right |
|                      while soaking damage into her.                       |
|                        There are no quick tricks here. She does not have  |
|                      any weaknesses. But! Her weak spot is her bright     |
|                      eye. You'll do MUCH more damage if you hit her       |
|                      there. So, aim for that location -- you probably     |
|                      won't hit it consistently, but the extra damage      |
|                      every now and then is nice.                          |
|                        So, a lowdown on the fight: deplete her shields    |
|                      from a distance and fire at her as she recharges.    |
|                      After three times, she won't be able to recharge     |
|                      any more. Stay at a distance, continuing to rain     |
|                      fire on her, and dodge her electric ball attack.     |
|                        That's it. This battle involves a lot of side-     |
|                      strafing and just takes a long time because she can  |
|                      recharge her shields. A battle of attrition!         |
|                                                                           |

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: Tungsteena Zarpedon, Ascended (Eridium Addict At Large)|
|             Level: 26                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Hard                                                   |
|         Weak Spot: Head                                                   |
|           Attacks: o Her worst attack is a shockwave. You have to jump    |
|                      over it or you'll practically get killed at lower    |
|                      levels. It's fairly slow, however, so just make sure |
|                      to jump over it.                                     |
|                    o She deals good damage with her staff. She even goes  |
|                      all Chuck Norris at the end of a combo, by ending    |
|                      with a kick.                                         |
|                    o From far away, she'll fire energy at you. This is    |
|                      basically like a cluster of bullets. They are        |
|                      avoidable if you are constantly side strafing.       |
|                    o Eternals are the new "normal" enemy. Only they       |
|                      aren't very normal; ignore them unless you see them  |
|                      low on health, because then they'll become ascended  |
|                      and do more damage.                                  |
|  General Strategy:     Zarpedon without a powersuit means that's she's    |
|                    much faster, but overall, has much less health. It's   |
|                    still a tough fight, but it's not as long as the first.|
|                      You will probably want to stay at range in this      |
|                    fight. Her main long range attack are energy balls     |
|                    that can be dodged if you are constantly moving.       |
|                      Her melee attacks can do a lot of damage, but the    |
|                    real thing to watch out for is the shockwave. This     |
|                    will do massive damage unless you jump over it. Which  |
|                    is easy, though, because the wave goes fairly slow.    |
|                      Zarpedon's shield does not have a big capacity, but  |
|                    it recharges very quickly. So, you need to make sure   |
|                    that something is hitting her constantly, or her       |
|                    shield will recharge back up.                          |
|                      Basically, you need to keep constant fire on her or  |
|                    her shield will recharge. This is the key to victory.  |
|                    And it can be just a single bullet fire -- just        |
|                    something to reset her recharge delay.                 |
|                      The new enemies are Eternals. Try to ignore them and |
|                    focus on Zarpedon. However, if you see one low on      |
|                    health, it will go all Super Saiyan and become         |
|                    Ascended, which makes it more powerful. So, kill them  |
|                    if they somehow get low on health.                     |
|                      In summary, stay at a distance, avoid the energy     |
|                    blasts and the shockwaves, and keep constant gunfire   |
|                    on her. Oh, and headshots, if you can muster it!       |
|                                                                           |

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: RK5 (Raum-Kampfjet Mark V)                             |
|             Level: 26                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Medium                                                 |
|         Weak Spot: Cockpit                                                |
|       Resistances: Cryo                                                   |
|        Weaknesses: CORROSIVE! USE IT!                                     |
|           Attacks: o The electric balls are his most common attack. They  |
|                      float fairly slowly to you and explode in a bright   |
|                      electrocution on impact.                             |
|                    o He also throws missiles at you. Just your normal     |
|                      ones that explode.                                   |
|                    o The pilot yells "Bombs" and then the RK5 does a bomb |
|                      run. Just make sure you aren't in his line when he   |
|                      does it; he'll bomb what's ahead of him in a         |
|                      straight line.                                       |
|                    o Normal enemies are now not normal, but strong.       |
|                      You'll be dealing with Guardians as the "man on the  |
|                      ground" enemies. They should not be your focus,      |
|                      though, so try to avoid them and only use them as    |
|                      Second Wind material.                                |
|  General Strategy:     This fight is a lot easier than your previous boss |
|                    fights. The worst parts are RK5's sheer firepower, and |
|                    the enemies below. But we can take care of most of     |
|                    that by going to the "cover" that the game gently      |
|                    urges you to use. That is, use the jump pad to jump to |
|                    the center platform in this area, with the oxygen      |
|                    bubble. You'll be higher up, so closer to RK5's guns,  |
|                    but you will avoid most enemies up here and you'll be  |
|                    able to breathe easier (literally with the oxygen!).   |
|                      The key part of this fight: RK5 has NO shields. So   |
|                    the damage you do, is all permanent. Also, and this is |
|                    the super key, RK5 is weak to Corrosive damage. So,    |
|                    whip out your corrosive weapons and start shooting     |
|                    from the platform. It's especially good if you have a  |
|                    corrosive rocket launcher, but that would be like      |
|                    winning the lottery.                                   |
|                      Speaking of which, if you do not have a Corrosive    |
|                    weapon, you can just use a normal rocket launcher. Or, |
|                    you can try for shots on the cockpit (weak spot) when  |
|                    RK5 is not zooming around the sky.                     |
|                      The Guardians will still fly up to you even though   |
|                    you're on the platform, so watch out for them as well. |
|                    They are more of a pain than the boss if you let them  |
|                    group up on you.                                       |
|                      As far as the RK5's attacks, most can be dodged.     |
|                    Because he's far away, it takes time for his rockets   |
|                    and electric balls to reach you. And his big attack,   |
|                    the bomb run, should be completely ineffective, for    |
|                    the pilot tells you that he's going to do it before    |
|                    he does it.                                            |
|                      So, kill it with Corrosive weapons. If you don't     |
|                    have a Corrosive weapon, a rocket launcher or any      |
|                    high-powered weapon will do. Try to avoid the          |
|                    Guardians and RK5's attacks as much as you can. It     |
|                    has no shields, so all damage is permanent. Basically, |
|                    when it's down, it's down! :)                          |
|                                                                           |

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: The Sentinel                                           |
|             Level: 29                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Hard                                                   |
|         Weak Spot: Face                                                   |
|        Weaknesses: None! :(                                               |
|           Attacks: o He uses his staff to melee you if you get close.     |
|                      Happens in the first form the most.                  |
|                    o He has slag missiles. They can rubberband back at    |
|                      you and don't just go off and explode behind you.    |
|                    o He can use his staff to deflect attacks. It's a      |
|                      fairly visible animation.                            |
|                    o Second form, he can charge you for major damage.     |
|                      Simply stay back and out of his line.                |
|                    o Second form, he will hover in the air and spurt      |
|                      fireballs down on the area. He doesn't really aim    |
|                      this, but the fireballs go to all parts of the area. |
|                    o Third form, he can shoot lasers through his eyes.    |
|                      Like seriously. Just stay out of his sight. :)       |
|                    o Fourth form, he uses his staff as ammo to fire at    |
|                      you. This is his last form.                          |
|                    o Guardian enemies spawn after the first form. Use     |
|                      them as Second Wind material!                        |
|  General Strategy:     This is a long, complicated boss fight. Here's the |
|                    general lowdown: he has four forms. Each form takes on |
|                    an element -- Eridium, Incendiary, Cryo, and then      |
|                    Eridium again. And in each form, he accumulates more   |
|                    attacks, which is why the attacks section above is     |
|                    so big.                                                |
|                      When you've depleted his shield in form one, he will |
|                    disappear and come back in form two, Incendiary, with  |
|                    a full shield. He has a few Fire attacks in this form. |
|                    And when you deplete his shield again, he comes back   |
|                    with full shield power in form three, which is his     |
|                    Cryo form. After depleting that one, he goes to form   |
|                    four, which is Eridium again, and he has no shield,    |
|                    so you can finally defeat him in the last form.        |
|                      Suffice to say, this will be a long fight. You have  |
|                    to be able to recognize each attack, so you can dodge  |
|                    them, and be prepared for the next form. Just knowing  |
|                    that he has four forms, and what elements they are,    |
|                    and what each attack does, will help you out profusely.|
|                      As far as damaging him, you're only hitting his      |
|                    shields for the first three forms. You will probably   |
|                    want either an accurate weapon, like a scoped assault  |
|                    rifle, or a splash weapon, like a rocket launcher,     |
|                    because The Sentinel gets around the area. Shoot at    |
|                    his face for critical damage. Or, at least, try to     |
|                    shoot at it.                                           |
|                      Most of his attacks are avoidable if you just run    |
|                    out of the way. Basically, the whole fight, you should |
|                    be circle-strafing around the area, firing at him and  |
|                    using the Eridium blocks as cover when he does a       |
|                    high-power attack.                                     |
|                      Ignore the Guardians unless they group up on you.    |
|                    Just focus on The Sentinel in this fight. Unless, of   |
|                    course, you need a Second Wind -- then the Guardians   |
|                    are fair game.                                         |
|                      Form One: lower his health while circling around     |
|                    him from a distance. Do not fire at him when he does   |
|                    the deflect animation.                                 |
|                      Form Two: watch it when he shoots the fireballs, and |
|                    constantly move so you don't get charged into.         |
|                      Form Three: avoid the laser eyes and gun him down.   |
|                      Form Four: you can actually kill him now, and he has | 
|                    no shield, so just soak all that damage into him.      |
|                      Ammo packs sprout up throughout the area, also, so   |
|                    you don't have to worry too much about ammo. And,      |
|                    indeed, your weapon is a big part of how hard this     |
|                    fight is; that is to say, if you have a high damage    |
|                    weapon, it won't be very tough. And, also. if you are  |
|                    underleveled, you will have a really hard time.        |
|                      That's basically it. Deplete the shield in each form |
|                    and then gun him down.                                 |
|                                                                           |

o-------------------------------  Boss Battle  -----------------------------o
|                             -------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|              Boss: The Empyrean Sentinel                                  |
|             Level: 29                                                     |
|        Difficulty: Hard                                                   |
|         Weak Spot: None                                                   |
|        Weaknesses: None                                                   |
|           Attacks: o Swipes and slaps at you with his hands. That one     |
|                      should be obvious. :)                                |
|                    o Shoots beams from his down-facing hand. Basically,   |
|                      avoid these energy pillars.                          |
|                    o Makes a black hole with his hands, sucking you       |
|                      toward him, and then after that, throwing you back.  |
|                      In form one, it's just one hand and in form two,     |
|                      it's both hands.                                     |
|                    o Second form, he floats everyone in the air and then  |
|                      does a 360 laser strike. Get back to the ground      |
|                      before he does the lasers.                           |
|                    o Third form, he covers parts of the floor with        |
|                      corrosive ooze. Don't walk on this; you'll be forced |
|                      to stay where you're at after he casts it.           |
|                    o Fourth form, he does the 360 laser thing on the      |
|                      ground level.                                        |
|                    o Guardian enemies. Again. So be sure to use them as   |
|                      Second Wind material.                                |
|  General Strategy:     This fight is similar to the last in that you must |
|                    defeat three forms, but you're facing this huge guy in |
|                    the center of the room instead of a little guy running |
|                    around. Kinda a small difference there.                |
|                      He has a lot of area of effect attacks and his melee |
|                    attacks are now obviously with his hands. It can be    |
|                    hard to avoid his attacks, but I've outlined them      |
|                    above for you to look at.                              |
|                      Also, the forms are Eridium, Shock, and Corrosive    |
|                    now. A little different from before.                   |
|                    After you've depleted his life on each, he will drop   |
|                    to the ground, like he's going to die -- a big fake    |
|                    out -- and then pop up in the next form.               |
|                      You can ONLY damage him by hitting his active face.  |
|                    It will not do ANY good if you hit his body or his     |
|                    other faces. And if you try to stay behind him, he'll  |
|                    simply turn around.                                    |
|                      After most of his attacks, he hesitates a little,    |
|                    which is the time to fire at his face. And, of course, |
|                    you should have constant fire so his shields do not    |
|                    regenerate.                                            |
|                      Each form is like a harder version. "Practice"       |
|                    dodging his attacks on form one before you go to two   |
|                    and three.                                             |
|                      A close range, high powered weapon works here, such  |
|                    as a rocket launcher or even a shotgun. Just fire at   |
|                    the Sentinel's face when you aren't dodging, and keep  |
|                    the constant machine gun fire to keep his shields down.|
|                      And that's basically it. Avoid his AoE, hit his      |
|                    face, and do this for three full forms.                |


                            7. Skill Trees [0700]


This section contains all the skill trees for all of the characters in the 
game. There are four characters and each as three skill trees. You gain one 
skill point for each level gained, and they can be spec'd in a skill tree to 
permanently improve your fighting ability. Skill trees have tiers; you must 
have a certain number of points in the skill tree to get skills farther down. 
You can also respec for a cost.

                 C L A P T R A P   T H E   F R A G T R A P

This subsection contains a list of all of Claptrap's skills, separated by 
skill tree. I go from left to right down each tier on each skill tree.

VaultHunter.EXE: Action Skill. Press Action Button to reun your 
VaultHunter.EXE program. It will analyze the situation, determine which Vault 
Hunter would do the best job, and then load an ACTION PACKAGE allowing 
Claptrap to fight in that manner for a short period of time. It also gives 
you Full Health and Health Regeneration. VaultHunter.EXE is still in beta and 
its definition of "Vault Hunter" is questionable at best. Warning: 
VaultHunter.EXE is currently classified as malware. Your allies may be 
affected. Cooldown: 40 seconds. Regenerates 2.5% of your Max Health every 

                            Boomtrap Skill Tree

There are 11 skills in the Boomtrap skill tree.

 Skill Name: Drop the Hammer
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Reloading your weapon increases your Fire Rate and Reload Speed 
             but makes your Accuracy worse for a few seconds.
     Effect: o Fire Rate: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Reload Speed: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Accuracy: -2/4/6/8/10 %


 Skill Name: Killbot
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Killing an enemy Restores Health, but Costs Shields. If your 
             shields are not currently up then... FREE HEALTH! The lower your
             health, the greater the amount of health restored.
    Effects: o Health Restore: Up to 7/14/21/28/35 % of Max Health
             o Shield Costs: Up to 2/4/6/8/10 % of Max Shields


 Skill Name: Coincidental Combustion
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Whenever you shoot an enemy with a non-explosive weapon, you 
             have a chance to deal Bonus Explosive Damage based on your 
             weapon's damage.
    Effects: o Explosive Chance: +7/14/21/28/35 %


 Skill Name: Repulsive
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: When struck by a melee attack, you emit a powerful Blastwave 
             that pushes that enemy away and deals Explosive Damage.
    Effects: o Shockwave Momentum: 300/350/400/450/500
             o Repulsive Cooldown: 5 seconds


 Skill Name: Second Wind (by Tediore)
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: When you enter Fight For Your Life, throw a digistructed copy
             of yourself which explodes like a grenade, and you continually 
             emit Explosive Novas. 
    Effects: o "I will not die until you die with me!"


 Skill Name: Load 'n' Splode
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Whenever you reload your gun, gain Increased Explosive Damage. 
             This bonus can stack up to five times and each stack only
             lasts a few seconds.
    Effects: o Explosive Damage: +4/8/12/16/20 % per stack 


 Skill Name: I Am Rubber, You Are Glue
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Kill Skill, Whenever you kill an enemy, bullets have a chance
             to reflect off you and towards enemies for a short time. Also, 
             unlocks ACTION PACKAGE Torgue Fiesta. 
    Effects: o Bullet Ricochet Change: +25%
             o Torgue Fiesta: Whoops! Drop a large amount of grenades that 
               damage enemies and friendlies. 


 Skill Name: Start With a Bang
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: When firing a fully loaded gun after reloading you generate an 
             Explosive Nova centered on you, damaging all nearby enemies.
             And hurts you... but only a bit. 
    Effects: o Explosive Nova: Rank 1/2/3/4/5 Damage
             o Damage to Self: 1/2/3/4/5 % of Current Health


 Skill Name: Hyperion Punch
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Melee Override. Dealing Explosive Damage grants you stacks of 
             Hyperion Punch. When you have 5 stacks, press [melee button] to 
             throw a super awesome punch that deals bonus Incendiary Damage. 
             This consumes all stacks of Hyperion Punch. 
    Effects: o Hyperion Punch Stack Cap: 5
             o Rank 1/2/3/4/5 Damage


 Skill Name: One Last Thing
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: The last round fired from any weapon's clip gains significant 
             Bonus Damage. Smaller clips reduce the bonus.
    Effects: o Last Shot Bonus: +80/160/240/320/400 %
             o Clip Size for Full Bonus: 8


 Skill Name: Livin' Near the Edge
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 6 (Level 24 Required)
Description: Increases Fire Rate and Reload Speed. The lower your health and 
             shields, the greater the bonus. Also unlocks ACTION PACKAGE 
             Pirate Ship Mode. 
    Effects: o Fire Rate: Up to 100%
             o Reload Speed: Up to 100% 
             o Pirate Ship Mode: Turn into an AWESOME PIRATE SHIP!
               With CANNONS! 

                        I Love You Guys! Skill Tree

There are 12 skills in the I Love You Guys! skill tree.

 Skill Name: Best Buds 4 Life
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Whenever you're revived or you revive someone, you and your 
             buddy gain Health Regeneration and Damage Resistance for a short 
             time. Also, extends Fight For Your Life and increases Gun Damage 
             while downed.
    Effects: o Downed Time: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Downed Gun Damage: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Damage Resistance: +7/14/21/28/35 % 
             o Health Regen: +.5/1/1.5/2/2.5 % of Max Health per second.


 Skill Name: Maniacal Laughter
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Increases Status Effect Chance. Dealing Status Effect Damage to 
             enemies grants stacks of Maniacal Laughter. You and your pals 
             gain Health Regeneration for each stack of Maniacal Laughter. 
             The lower your health, the greater the Health Regeneration.
             Each stack lasts a few seconds.
    Effects: o Status Effect Chance: +4/8/12/16/20%
             o Regenerates up to 0.3/0.6/0.9/0.12/0.15% of your Max Health 
               per stack per second. 
             o Max Stacks: 200


 Skill Name: Through Thick and Thin
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Increases Action Skill Cooldown Rate. While VaultHunter.EXE is 
             running, this bonus is transferred to your allies.
    Effects: o Action Skill Cooldown Rate: +5/10/15/20/25 %


 Skill Name: Kick Him While He's Down
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: While in Fight For Your Life, you draw aggro from nearby 
             enemies. Also, unlocks ACTION PACKAGE Clap-in-the-Box.
    Effects: o Clap-in-the-Box: Digistruct a giant bomb that hurts everything
               around it when it explodes.


 Skill Name: All The Things Are Awesome!
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Increases Fire Rate, Weapon Swap Speed, and Max Health. This 
             bonus increases for every teammate in the game. Being part of a 
             team is great!
    Effects: o Fire Rate: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Weapon Swap Speed: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Max Health: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Fire Rate per Teammate: +1/2/3/4/5 %
             o Weapon Swap Speed per Teammate: +1/2/3/4/5 % 
             o Max Health per Teammate: +2/4/6/8/10 % 


 Skill Name: You're... GOING TO LOVE ME!
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: Killing an enemy creates a Friendship Nova centered on the 
             enemy, Healing you and your friends in the radius. Allies who 
             are low on health are healed for more. Also, unlocks ACTION 
             PACKAGE Gun Wizard.
    Effects: o Friendship Nova: Heals up to 15% of your Max Health.
             o Gun Wizard: You and all allies gain drastically increased fire 
               rate and reload speed


 Skill Name: Wax Off, Wax On
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Improves your Shield Capacity, Shield Recharge Rate, and Shield 
             Recharge Delay.
    Effects: o Shield Capacity: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Shield Recharge Rate: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Shield Recharge Delay: -3/6/8/11/13 %


 Skill Name: It's a Trap... Card
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: When your Shield becomes depleted, you release a Mega-Nova 
             centered on yourself that heals you and your friends, but hurts 
             enemies. Targets low on health are healed far more. Your Shield 
             must fully recharge between Mega-Novas.
    Effects: o Mega-Nova: Heals up to 15% of your Max Health.


 Skill Name: Pain Simulator is Painful
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Increases your Max Health and grants a small amount of Damage 
    Effects: o Max Health: +6/12/18/24/30 %
             o Damage Reduction: +4.8/9.1/13/16.7/20 %


 Skill Name: Kick Him While He's Up
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Whenever you gain Second Wind, your Gun Damage, Melee Damage, 
             and Critical Hit Damage is increased for a few seconds!
    Effects: o Gun Damage: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Melee Damage: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Critical Hit Damage: +5/10/15/20/25 %


 Skill Name: Organized Guns are Happy Guns
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Increases Magazine Size with all Weapon Types for you and your 
    Effects: o Magazine Size: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Teammate Magazine Size: +2/4/6/8/10 %


# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 6 (Level 24 Required)
Description: Hold down the right stick to request a High Five from your 
             friends! A successful High Five increases you and your awesome 
             friend's Gun Damage, Fire Rate, and grants Health Regeneration. 
             Woo! If you don't have any friends, or they leave you hangin', 
             gain increased Gun Damage and Health Regeneration for a few 
             seconds, because screw you guys!
    Effects: o Gun Damage: +15%
             o Fire Rate: +50%
             o Health Regen: +3% Max Health per second
             o Cooldown: 30 seconds

                     Fragmented Fragtrap Skill Tree

There are 13 skills in the Fragmented Fragtrap skill tree.

 Skill Name: All the Guns
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Gun Subroutines. You randomly pick a Subroutine focused on a gun 
             type, making you more effective with that gun type, but less 
             effective with all others. Upon selecting a Subroutine you gain 
             100 Frag Stacks which decrease over time. When you run out of 
             Frag Stacks, your Subroutine will be replaced with a new one.
    Effects: o Gun Type Damage: +25 %
             o Gun Type Fire Rate: +20 %
             o Gun Type Reload Speed: +20 %
             o Wrong Gun Type Damage: -15 %


 Skill Name: Fuzzy Logic
# of Levels: 3
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Taking damage from an enemy grants you increased Critical Hit 
             Damage for a few seconds.
    Effects: o Critical Hit Damage: +10/20/30 %


 Skill Name: Safety First
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Defensive Subroutines. You randomly pick a Subroutine focused on 
             Health or Shields, which grants increased Capacity and 
             Regeneration for the chosen attribute. The catch? You deal 
             reduced damage with all gun types. Upon selecting a Subroutine 
             you gain 100 Frag Stacks which decrease over time. When you run 
             out of Frag Stacks, your Subroutine will be replaced with a new 
    Effects: o Capacity: +35%
             o Regenerate 2.5% of Max Attribute per second
             o Gun Damage: -15%


 Skill Name: Surprised? Stabilize!
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Taking damage from an enemy increases your Accuracy and Recoil 
             Reduction with all guns for a few seconds.
    Effects: o Accuracy: +10/20/30/40/50 %
             o Recoil Reduction: +10/20/30/40/50 %


 Skill Name: Rope-a-Derp
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Melee Subroutine. You randomly pick a melee-focused Subroutine, 
             which grants you a massive melee damage bonus, but reduces your 
             damage with guns.
    Effects: o Melee Damage: +150 %
             o Gun Damage: -25 %


 Skill Name: Blue Shell
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Increases Gun Damage, Fire Rate, and Reload Speed while in Fight 
             For You Life. Also increases the duration of Fight For Your 
    Effects: o Gun Damage: +7/14/21/28/35 %
             o Fire Rate: +7/14/21/28/35 %
             o Reload Speed: +7/14/21/28/35 %
             o Fight For Your Life Time: +7/14/21/28/35 %


 Skill Name: Tripleclocked
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: Multiplies the Bonuses and Penalties of the current Subroutine 
             by up to three. The fewer Frag Stacks you have, the greater the 
             multiplier. Defensive Subroutines always receive Triple Capacity 
             regardless of stacks. Also, unlocks ACTION PACKAGE One
             Shot Wonder.
    Effects: o One Shot Wonder: Every shot empties all bullets from your 


 Skill Name: Grenade Vent
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Increases Grenade Damage. Also, throwing a grenade adds Frag 
    Effects: o Grenade Damage: +9/18/27/36/45 %
             o Frag Stacks per Grenade Thrown: +1/2/3/4/5


 Skill Name: Element of Surprise
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Elemental Subroutine. You randomly pick a Subroutine that 
             Increases Damage with a chosen element but Decreases Damage with 
             all other elements. Upon depleting your shield, filling your 
             shield, or entering Fight For Your Life, you release a Nova of 
             the chosen element.
    Effects: o Chosen Element Damage: +32 %
             o Other Element Damage: -16 %


 Skill Name: Death Machine
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy increases your Gun Damage, Reload 
             Speed, and Movement Speed for a few seconds.
    Effects: o Gun Damage: +6/12/18/24/30 %
             o Reload Speed: +6/12/18/24/30 %
             o Movement Speed: +4/8/12/16/20 %


 Skill Name: Cryogenic Exhaust Manifold
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Whenever you Slam, you release a Cryo Nova and lose some Frag 
    Effects: o Rank Damage: 1/2/3/4/5
             o Frag Stacks per Slam: -1/2/3/4/5


 Skill Name: Float like a Bee
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Increases Melee Damage. Also, killing an enemy with a melee 
             attack grants Frag Stacks, a small amount of Health, and 
             increased Movement Speed for a few seconds.
    Effects: o Melee Damage: +6/12/18/24/30 %
             o Health Restored: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Movement Speed: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Frag Stacks on Melee: +1/2/3/4/5


 Skill Name: Rainbow Coolant
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 6 (Level 24 Required)
Description: Whenever you initiate a new Subroutine, you emit a Rainbow Nova. 
             The Nova consists of all elements, humongous in size, and makes 
             your team super happy. Also unlocks ACTION PACKAGE Laser 
    Effects: o Laser Inferno: Shoot lasers in all directions at nearby 

                  N I S H A   T H E   L A W B R I N G E R

This subsection contains a list of all of Nisha's skills!

Showdown: Action Skill. Press the Action Skill button to activate Showdown, 
causing you to Automatically Aim at enemies and gain increased Gun Damage, 
Fire Rate, Reload Speed, Accuracy, and Bullet Speed with all gun types. 
Holding aim and moving in a direction allows you to quickly cycle to another 
target. Sniper Rifles and Rocket Launchers do not receive the damage bonus. 
Duration: 6 seconds. Cooldown: 16 seconds. Gun Damage: +42%. Fire Rate: +25%. 
Reload Speed: +125%. Accuracy: +15%. Bullet Speed: +50%.

                          Law & Order Skill Tree

There are 12 skills in the Law & Order skill tree.

 Skill Name: Law
# of Levels: 4
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Increases your Shield Capacity and Melee Damage.
    Effects: o Shield Capacity: +5/10/15/20 %
             o Melee Damage: +5/10/15/20 %


 Skill Name: Order
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Every time you take 15% of your maximum health in damage you 
             gain a stack of Order. Based on your number of Order stacks, you 
             have a chance to instantly heal double the damage taken. Order 
             stacks are quickly lost when outside combat.
    Effects: o Heal Chance: +1.2% per Order stack
             o Maximum Stacks: 10


 Skill Name: The Third Degree
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: When Showdown ends or upon killing an enemy, you gain increased 
             Damage with your next Melee Attack. This effect can stack up to 
             5 times.
    Effects: o Melee Damage: +20/40/60/80/100 % per stack


 Skill Name: Rough Rider
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Slam Augment. Your Slam attack's damage is increased by 25%. 
             Dealing damage with Slam grants you 5 Order stacks per enemy 
             damaged. This skill also raises your Order Stack Cap by 5.


 Skill Name: Wanted
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: When an enemy would cause you to gain an Order stack, he gains a 
             Wanted stack. Damaging that target consumes all Wanted stacks 
             and deals Bonus Damage based on the number of stacks consumed 
             and your level. The maximum number of Wanted stacks is 5 and 
             enemies still gain Wanted stacks even if you are at your maximum 
             Order stacks.


 Skill Name: Discipline
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: Upon receiving 10 Order stacks, your Shields are restored to 
             full. Also, while at 10 or more Order stacks you gain improved 
             Melee Damage, Gun Damage, and Shield Recovery Delay for each 
             Order stack. This skill also raises your Order Stack Cap by 5.
    Effects: o Melee Damage: +1.5% per Order stack
             o Gun Damage: +1.0% per Order stack
             o Shield Recharge Delay: -1.5% per Order stack


 Skill Name: Due Process
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: After hitting an enemy with a Melee Attack, you deal increased 
             Gun Damage with all gun types for a few seconds.
    Effects: o Gun Damage: +5/10/15/20/25 %


 Skill Name: Blood of the Guilty
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: When you or an ally kills an enemy, you gain a stack of Order 
             and have 5% of your health restored. This skill also raises your 
             Order Stack Cap by 5.


 Skill Name: Jurisdiction
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: During Showdown you Regenerate Health and gain bonus Movement 
    Effects: o Regenerates 0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4.0 % of your Max Health per sec.
             o Movement Speed: +4/8/12/16/20 %


 Skill Name: No Pain, No Gain
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Gain increased Gun Damage with all gun types based on how low 
             your Health currently is. The lower your Health the greater the 
             Gun Damage.
    Effects: o Gun Damage: Up to 10/20/30/40/50 %


 Skill Name: Rarin' to Go
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy grants you bonus Reload Speed and 
             Gun Damage based on the number of Order stacks you currently 
    Effects: o Reload Speed: +0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 % per Order stack
             o Gun Damage: +0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 % per Order stack


 Skill Name: Thunder Crackdown
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 6 (Level 24 Required)
Description: Melee Override. Your Melee Attack causes a large cone-shaped 
             Shock burst dealing increased damage for each Order stack. This 
             skill also increased your Order Stack Cap by 5.
    Effects: o Melee Damage: +25 % per Order stack as Shock Damage
             o Cooldown: 15 seconds

                        Fan the Hammer Skill Tree

There are 11 skills in the Fan the Hammer skill tree.

 Skill Name: Saddle Up
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy grants you increased Movement Speed 
             and Gun Damage for a short time.
    Effects: o Movement Speed: +4/8/12/16/20 %
             o Gun Damage: +5/10/15/20/25 %


 Skill Name: Ruthless
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Kills made during Showdown extend its duration.
    Effects: o Showdown Duration: +0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 % seconds per kill


 Skill Name: Magnificent Six
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: The last 6 bullets in Non-Elemental Weapon clips deal extra 
    Effects: o Gun Damage: +6/12/18/24/30 %


 Skill Name: Bottled Courage
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: When Showdown begins, a portion of your Shield is instantly 
             restored. Also while Showdown is Cooling Down, you gain improved 
             Shield Recharge Rate and Shield Recharge Delay.
    Effects: o Showdown restores 10/20/30/40/50 % of Shields Shield Recharge 
               Rate +7/14/21/28/35 %
             o Shield Recharge Delay: +7/14/21/28/35 %


 Skill Name: Short Fused
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: Kill Skill. After killing an enemy, all your shots deal bonus 
             Explosive Damage for a short time. The closer the enemy is to 
             you, the higher the damage.
    Effects: o Up to +35% Weapon Damage as Explosive Damage


 Skill Name: Faster n' You
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy greatly improves your Reload Speed, 
             Weapon Swap speed, and Fire Rate for a short duration.
    Effects: o Reload Speed: +7/14/21/28/35 %
             o Weapon Swap Speed: +7/14/21/28/35 %
             o Fire Rate: +7/14/21/28/35 %


 Skill Name: Pickpocket
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Your Melee Attacks steals up to 6 bullets from your enemy and 
             instantly loads them into your current gun's magazine. There is 
             a cooldown for this skill. Does not work with Rocket Launcher 


 Skill Name: Gunslinger
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: When Showdown begins and ends, a portion of your gun is 
             instantly reloaded.
    Effects: o Up to 1/2/3/4/5 ammo added.


 Skill Name: Hell's Comin' With Me!
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: After reloading or reaching your maximum clip via Pickpocket, 
             for a short duration your gun has a chance to fire twice.
    Effects: o Extra Shot Chance +9/18/27/36/45 %


 Skill Name: High Noon
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: You gain a bonus to Gun Damage the longer you are in Showdown.
    Effects: o Gun Damage: +3/6/9/12/15% per second.


 Skill Name: One for Each of Ya
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 6 (Level 24 Required)
Description: When using a Pistol, you get an exact copy of that gun in your 
             offhand. While using Ironsights, you shoot with your main hand 

                           Riflewoman Skill Tree

There are 11 skills in the "Riflewoman" skill tree.

 Skill Name: Snap Shot
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: When firing from the hip, you gain dramatically increased 
             Accuracy and Recoil Reduction.
    Effects: o Accuracy: +7/14/21/28/35 %
             o Recoil Reduction: +5/10/15/20/25 %


 Skill Name: Bona Fide Grit
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy grants you bonus Critical Hit 
             Damage and Health Regeneration for a short duration. 
    Effects: o Regenerate +0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 % of your Max Health per sec.
             o Critical Hit Damage: +7/14/21/28/35 %


 Skill Name: Quick Shot
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: After Reloading, for a short duration, you gain increased Gun 
             Damage and Fire Rate when shooting from the hip.
    Effects: o Gun Damage: +6/12/18/24/30 %
             o Fire Rate: +7/14/21/28/35 %


 Skill Name: Unchained
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Shooting an enemy grants you increased Fire Rate with all gun 
             types. A stack of Unchained can only be gained once per second. 
             All stacks are lost if you don't shoot any enemies for
             10 seconds.
    Effects: o Fire Rate: +1/2/3/4/5% per stack
             o Max Stacks: 21


 Skill Name: Fistful of Bullets
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: Increases your Magazine Size with all gun types by 3.


 Skill Name: Crack Shot
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: The first shot fired from a fully loaded magazine causes Bonus 
             Damage. If you kill an enemy with this shot, they explode 
             dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
    Effects: o Gun Damage: +10/20/30/40/50 %


 Skill Name: Impatience
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Killing an enemy grants you a stack of Impatience, increasing 
             your Reload Speed by 20% for each stack. All stacks are lost 
             after reloading. Stacks up to 21 times.


 Skill Name: Hot Lead
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Your Critical Hits with non-elemental guns deal additional fire 
             damage with a high chance of igniting enemies. The damage of the 
             fire and ignite damage is based on your gun's damage.
    Effects: o Adds 5/10/15/20/25% of Gun Damage as Incendiary Damage 
             o Ignite Damage Level: 1/2/3/4/5


 Skill Name: Trick Shot
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Your bullets that hit walls or other objects have a chance to 
             ricochet off toward a nearby enemy.
    Effects: o Bullet Ricochet Chance: +8/16/24/32/40 %
             o Ricochet Bullet Damage: -20 %


 Skill Name: Tombstone
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Kill Skill. After killing an enemy, all hits have a chance to 
             count as Critical Hits for a short time.
    Effects: o Critical Hit Chance: +6/12/18/24/30 %


 Skill Name: Unforgiven
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 6 (Level 24 Required)
Description: During Showdown all shots that hit enemies ricochet towards 
             other nearby enemies, dealing 10% weapon damage per hit. Also, 
             Showdown ending triggers an Explosion on all enemies who have 
             been shot by you. If you get knocked into Fight For You Life 
             mode while in Showdown, the Nova will still trigger.

                  A T H E N A   T H E   G L A D I A T O R

This subsection contains a list of all of Athena's skills!

Kinetic Aspis: Action Skill. Press the action skill button to raise your 
Aspis and absorb all frontal damage. The Aspis can store a finite amount of 
absorbed damage as energy, based on your level. The Aspis is thrown at the 
end of the active duration, or if you press the action skill button again. 
The Aspis creates an explosion upon impact, dealing base damage plus double 
the stores energy, before returning to you. Defensive Arc: 90 degrees. Active 
Duration: 11 seconds. Cooldown: 16 seconds.

                             Phalanx Skill Tree

There are 11 skills in the Phalanx skill tree.

 Skill Name: Invictus
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Increases the Damage dealt by the Aspis when thrown.
    Effects: o Aspis Damage: +7/14/21/28/35 %


 Skill Name: Ephodos
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Increases Movement Speed and Gun Damage while holding the Aspis. 
    Effects: o Movements Speed: +4/8/12/16/20 %
             o Gun Damage: +4/8/12/16/20 %


 Skill Name: Vanguard
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: While the Aspis is active, you and your nearby friends gain 
             Health Regeneration. The Health Regeneration Rate increases as 
             the Aspis absorbs damage.
    Effects: o Health Regen Rate Increased


 Skill Name: Hold the Line
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Lengthens the duration the Aspis can be active before it is 
             automatically thrown.
    Effects: o Aspis Duration: +1.1/2.2/3.3/4.4/5.5 seconds


 Skill Name: Prismatic Aegis
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: The Aspis now stores the elemental damage type of absorbed 
             damage... Multiple elemental damage types can be stored and all 
             stored damage types are dealt by the Aspis when thrown.


 Skill Name: United Front
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Damage Absorbed by the Aspis now provides power to the Shields 
             of you and your nearby friends. Also increases your Maximum 
             Shield Capacity.
    Effects: o Shield Capacity: +4/8/12/16/20 %
             o Coverts 5/10/15/20/25% of absorbed damage into shield power.


 Skill Name: Clear!
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: When thrown, the Aspis' explosion grants Second Wind to friends 
             within range. In addition, you gain a Damage Bonus while in 
             Fight For Your Life.
    Effects: o Damage Bonus: +40 %


 Skill Name: Stalwart
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Allows the Aspis to absorb a percentage of damage from your 
             friends' guns. Also increases your Maximum Health.
    Effects: o Friendly Absorb Amount: 20/40/60/80/100 %
             o Maximum Health: +5/10/15/20/25 %


 Skill Name: Return Fire
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: When active, the Aspis has a chance to reflect incoming Lasers 
             and Bullets while still absorbing their energy.
    Effects: o Reflect Chance: +10/20/30/40/50 %


 Skill Name: Prepare for Glory
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Activating the Aspis taunts nearby enemies, making them more 
             likely to attack you. Additionally, for every individual enemy 
             who inflicts damage on your Aspis, you gain a stack of Prepare 
             for Glory, increasing your Gun Damage. Stacks persist for a 
             short duration after the Aspis has been thrown.
    Effects: o Gun Damage/Stack: +2/4/6/8/10 %


 Skill Name: Wrath of the Goddess
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 6 (Level 24 Required)
Description: The Aspis will ricochet to up to 4 additional enemies, each 
             taking less damage than the last. The Aspis will return to you 
             after it hits the final enemy.

                             Xiphos Skill Tree

There are 11 skills in the Xiphos skill tree.

 Skill Name: Gun Kata
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Increases Gun Damage. Additionally, your Melee Damage is 
             increased for a short duration after shooting an enemy.
    Effects: o Gun Damage: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Melee Damage: +10/20/30/40/50 %


 Skill Name: Clarity of Purpose
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Increased Melee Damage and Maximum Health.
    Effects: o Melee Damage: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Maximum Health: +3/6/9/12/15 %


 Skill Name: Mercurial
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy increases Movement Speed and Damage 
             Resistance for a few seconds.
    Effects: o Movement Speed: +4/8/12/16/20 %
             o Damage Resistance: +5/9/13/17/20 %


 Skill Name: Omega-Senshu
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: You deal increased Damage to any enemy who has less than 50% of 
             their Maximum Health remaining.
    Effects: o Damage: +7/14/21/28/35 %


 Skill Name: Rend
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: Your melee attacks cause opponents to bleed inflicting damage 
             over time. The damage is increased against higher Health 
             targets, and the damage also benefits from your Melee Damage 
    Effects: o Bleed Duration: 12 seconds. Deals up to 100% bonus damage 
               against targets with high Health.


 Skill Name: Bloodlust
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Gain Health Regeneration whenever you make an enemy Bleed, for 
             the duration of the Bleed effect. This effect stacks if you have 
             multiple Bleeding enemies.
    Effects: o Regenerates 0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4.0 % of Max Health per second per
               Bleeding Enemy.


 Skill Name: Epicenter
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Slam Alteration Skill. When you Slam you now create a 
             singularity, pulling nearby enemies closer and dealing damage to 


 Skill Name: Tear
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Increases Gun Damage dealt to Bleeding targets.
    Effects: o Gun Damage: +7/14/21/28/35 %


 Skill Name: You've Got Red on You
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: When an enemy is killed by your melee attacks, or dies while 
             Bleeding, they explode. Nearby enemies will take damage from the 
             blast, and also be kind of grossed out.
    Effects: o Blast Radius: Rank 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


 Skill Name: Fury of the Arena
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Gain increased Fire Rate and Reload Speed for each Bleeding 
    Effects: o Reload Speed per Bleed: +2/4/6/8/10 %
             o Fire Rate per Bleed: +2/4/6/8/10 %


 Skill Name: Blood Rush
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 6 (Level 24 Required)
Description: Melee Override Skill. Press the melee button to dash toward an 
             enemy and strike them with Xiphos with increased Melee Damage. 
             This ability has a cooldown. If this attack applies a Bleed to a 
             target that isnt Bleeding, or kills a target, the cooldown is 
             immediately reset. Perform a regular melee attack when Blood 
             Rush is on cooldown.
    Effects: o Melee Damage: +40 %
             o Cooldown: 10 seconds

                         Ceraunic Storm Skill Tree

There are 12 skills in the Ceraunic Storm skill tree.

 Skill Name: Storm Weaving
# of Levels: 4
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: When you swap weapons, you gain Storm Weaving, increasing your 
             Fire Rate and Elemental Effect chance for a short duration.
    Effects: o Elemental Effect Chance: +25/50/75/100 %
             o Fire Rate: +7.5/15/22.5/30 %
             o Duration: 9 seconds


 Skill Name: Maelstrom
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Dealing Incendiary or Shock damage causes you to gain stacks of 
             Maelstrom. All Elemental Damage dealt is increased for each 
             stack of Maelstrom. Stacks will decay over time, and this rate 
             of decay increases as you accumulate more stacks.
    Effects: o Elemental Damage: +0.4 % per stack


 Skill Name: Gathering Tempest
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Increases Magazine Size and Reload Speed.
    Effects: o Magazine Size: +8/16/24/32/40 %
             o Reload Speed: +5/10/15/20/25 %


 Skill Name: Conduit
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: While you have at least one Electrocute Status Effect active, 
             you regenerate a percentage of your Shields every second for 
             each stack of Maelstrom you have.
    Effects: o Shield Regeneration: +0.02/0.04/0.06/0.08/0.10% per stack


 Skill Name: Smite
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: While you are airborne, shooting an enemy will Smite them, 
             causing Fire and Shock Damage in a small area. The damage 
             increases as you accumulate more stacks of Maelstrom. This 
             ability has a cooldown.
    Effects: o Minimum Maelstrom stacks: 10
             o Cooldown: 12 seconds


 Skill Name: Unrelenting
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy increases your Weapon Swap Speed 
             and Fire Rate for each stack of Maelstrom.
    Effects: o Weapon Swap Speed: +0.08/0.16/0.24/0.32/0.40 % per stack
             o Fire Rate: +0.06/0.12/0.18/0.24/0.30 % per stack


 Skill Name: Superconductor
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: The Aspis has a chance to shock nearby enemies when struck. When 
             this occurs, you gain bonus Maelstrom stacks.
    Effects: o Shock Chance: 10/20/30/40/50 %


 Skill Name: Zeus' Rage
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: When you throw the Aspis, a devastating Fire and Lightning Storm 
             will spawn at the target location doing area damage for several 
             seconds. The damage of the storm increases based on the amount 
             of damage absorbed by the Aspis.


 Skill Name: Elemental Barrage
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: While Storm Weaving is active, your weapons have a chance to not 
             consume ammo. This chance is increased for every Maelstrom stack 
             you have.
    Effects: o Free Shot Chance: +6/12/18/24/30 %
             o Additional Chance: +0.02/0.04/0.06/0.08/0.1 %


 Skill Name: Overload
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Whenever you kill an enemy who is electrocuted or burning, there 
             is a chance for the status effect to chain to a nearby enemy. 
             When this occurs, you gain bonus Maelstrom stacks. This bonus is 
             gained twice if the target is both burning and electrocuted.
    Effects: o Spread Chance: 9/18/27/36/45 %


 Skill Name: Flash Freeze
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Whenever you freeze an enemy, you gain Flash Freeze for a short 
             duration. During this time, you cannot gain or lose Maelstrom 
    Effects: o Flash Freeze Duration: 1/2/3/4/5 seconds


 Skill Name: Hades' Shackle
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 6 (Level 24 Required)
Description: Slamming links you to nearby enemies with a Shock Tether for a 
             short duration, electrocuting them. The tether is broken if you 
             lose line of sight to the target. Any enemies still tethered at 
             the end of the duration, or who die while tethered, release a 
             Fire Nova, and you gain bonus Maelstrom stacks for each enemy 
             affected. This ability has a cooldown.

                  W I L H E L M   T H E   E N F O R C E R

This subsection contains a list of all of Wilhelm's skills!

Wolf and Saint: Action Skill. Press the action skill button to summon Wolf 
and Saint, your trusty combat drones. Wolf will roam and attack enemies, 
while Saint will stay close to you and replenish your Health. Saint has a 
protective shield, but Wolf can be damaged by enemies. Press and hold the 
action skill button to recall Wolf and Saint and have some of your Cooldown 
refunded. Cooldown: 42 seconds. Duration: 35 seconds. Saint regenerates 2.5% 
of your Max Health every second.

                          Hunter-Killer Skill Tree

There are 11 skills in the Hunter-Killer skill tree.

 Skill Name: Afterburner
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Wolf's Air Speed is increased. Additionally, your Reload Speed 
             and Projectile Speed is increased.
    Effects: o Wolf Air Speed: +6/12/18/24/30 %
             o Reload Speed: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Projectile Speed: +5/10/15/20/25 %


 Skill Name: Fire Support
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Increases your Damage with all gun types and increases the 
             Damage dealt by Wolf.
    Effects: o Weapon Damage: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Wolf Damage: +5/10/15/20/25 %


 Skill Name: Venom Bolts
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Wolf Ability. Wolf's shots has a chance to be Venom Bolts, which 
             deal Corrosive Damage. Additionally, you gain increased Corrode 
             Chance and Corrode Damage with guns and grenades.
    Effects: o Venom Bolt Chance: 10/15/20/25/30 %
             o Corrode Damage: 4/8/12/16/20 %
             o Corrode Chance: 2/4/6/8/10 %


 Skill Name: Suppression
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy gives you and Wolf increased Fire 
             Rate for a short time.
    Effects: o Fire Rate: +6/12/18/24/30 %
             o Wolf Fire Rate: +15/30/45/60/75 %


 Skill Name: Laser Guided
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: When you activate Wolf and Saint, or press the action skill 
             button while they are active, Saint will paint the target under 
             your reticle. Wolf will focus attacks on the currently Painted 
             target and the target will receive increased Damage from all 
             sources. If a target is killed while Painted, time will be added 
             to Wolf and Saint's Duration.
    Effects: o Target Damage Received: +25 %
             o Wolf and Saint Duration on Kill: +5 seconds


 Skill Name: Rolling Thunder
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: While Wolf is active, you will periodically gain stacks of 
             Rolling Thunder, increasing Wolf's Damage.
    Effects: o Wolf Damage: +2/4/6/8/10 % per stack
             o Stack Interval: 5 seconds


 Skill Name: Kill Switch
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Wolf Ability. Whenever Wolf is recalled, runs out of Health, or 
             expires, it will dive bomb enemies with explosive effect!


 Skill Name: Scramble
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: When Wolf is destroyed, it is replaced once for free, and time 
             will be added to Wolf and Saint's Duration.
    Effects: o Deployment Time Added: 30/35/40/45/50 %


 Skill Name: Cold War
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: When you apply a Shock, Incendiary, or Corrosive status effect 
             to an enemy, there is a chance for the target to freeze. 
             Additionally, you gain increased status effect chance when using 
             Cryo weapons.
    Effects: o Freeze Chance: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Cryo Weapon Status Effect Chance: +2/4/6/8/10 %


 Skill Name: Escalation
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Increases your Critical Hit Damage. Additionally, Critical Hits 
             on enemies reduce the remaining Cooldown of Wolf and Saint by a 
             small amount. This effect has a cooldown.
    Effects: o Critical Hit Damage: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Cooldown Reduction: 0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3.0 seconds
             o Cooldown: 6 seconds


 Skill Name: Omega Strike
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 6 (Level 24 Required)
Description: Wolf Ability. Wolf periodically launches a deadly missile strike 
             against its targets.

                          Cyber Commando Skill Tree

There are 11 skills in the Cyber Commando skill tree.

 Skill Name: Laser Focus
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Increases Gun Damage and Magazine Size with all Laser Weapons.
    Effects: o Laser Damage: +4/8/12/16/20 %
             o Laser Magazine Size: +4/6/8/10/12


 Skill Name: Man and Machine
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Increases Shield Capacity and Maximum Health for you and Wolf.
    Effects: o Shield Capacity: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Maximum Health: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Wolf Shield Capacity: +5/10/15/20/25 %
             o Wolf Maximum Health: +5/10/15/20/25 %


 Skill Name: First to Fight
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Increases your Gun Damage. This bonus is lost 5 seconds after 
             you deal damage, and is regained after 5 seconds of you not 
             dealing or taking damage.
    Effects: o Gun Damage +8/16/24/32/40 %


 Skill Name: Targeting Scope
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy gives you increased Accuracy and 
             Critical Damage for a few seconds.
    Effects: o Critical Damage +10/20/30/40/50 %
             o Accuracy: +5/10/15/20/25 %


 Skill Name: Power Fist
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: Cyborg Augmentation: Arm. Melee Override. Press the melee button 
             to perform an explosive punch with extended range. This ability 
             has a cooldown.


 Skill Name: Emergency Response
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Emergency Response is activated whenever your Shield becomes 
             depleted increasing your Fire Rate and Reload Speed, and Wolf's 
             Fire Rate, for a short duration. Your Shield must fully recharge 
             between activations.


 Skill Name: Shock Absorbers
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Cyborg Augmentation: Legs. You can shoot while Sprinting. While 
             doing so, you gain bonus Gun Damage, and you suffer no accuracy 
    Effects: o Gun Damage: +20 %


 Skill Name: Divert Power
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: When your Shields are depleted and your Health is low, taking 
             Damage causes you to gain massive Shield Regeneration and Damage 
             Resistance for a few seconds. This ability has a cooldown.


 Skill Name: Meteor Slam
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Increases Damage Radius of your Slam ability.


 Skill Name: Welcome to the Gun Show
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: You are better with guns in nearly every regard. Increases Gun 
             Damage, Reload Speed, Magazine Size, Accuracy, and reduces 
    Effects: o Weapon Damage: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Reload Speed: +3/5/8/11/13 %
             o Magazine Size: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Accuracy: +3/5/8/11/13 %
             o Recoil Reduction: +3/5/8/11/13 %


 Skill Name: Vengeance Cannon
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 6 (Level 24 Required)
Description: Cyborg Augmentation: Weapon. Whenever your Shield becomes 
             depleted you activate your shoulder-mounted Vengeance Cannon. 
             The Vengeance Cannon fires Incendiary Laser Blasts in tandem 
             with your equipped weapon and lasts for a short period of time. 
             Your Shield must fully recharge between activations.

                           Dreadnought Skill Tree

There are 11 skills in the Dreadnought skill tree.

 Skill Name: Auxiliary Tanks
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Increases Wolf and Saint's Duration and Cooldown Rate.
    Effects: o Wolf and Saint Duration: +2/4/6/8/10 seconds
             o Wolf and Saint Cooldown Rate: +3/6/9/12/15 seconds


 Skill Name: Fortify
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 1 (Level 3 Required)
Description: Increases Max Health for you and Wolf. Additionally, while Saint 
             is active, you deal increased Damage with all gun types.
    Effects: o Maximum Health: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Wolf Maxiumum Health: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Weapon Damage: +4/8/12/16/20 %


 Skill Name: Energize
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Saint Ability. Saint will occasionally boost the Shields of you 
             and your friends. Additionally, Saint gains an increase to the 
             rate which he regenerates your health.


 Skill Name: Heatsinks
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 2 (Level 8 Required)
Description: Improves Shield Recharge Rate and Shield Recharge Delay. This 
             bonus is doubled while Wolf and Saint are on cooldown.
    Effects: o Shield Recharge Rate: +6/12/18/24/30 %
             o Shield Recharge Delay: -4/7/11/14/17 %


 Skill Name: Termination Protocols
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 3 (Level 13 Required)
Description: Fight for Your Life is replaced by Termination Protocols. During 
             Termination Protocols, you can walk at a reduced speed, fire 
             your weapons, and you constantly shock nearby enemies. If the 
             timer runs out, your power core goes critical, releasing a 
             Nuclear Explosion.


 Skill Name: Rapid Reinforcement
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy increases your Cooldown Rate for 
             Wolf and Saint and increases your Movement Speed and Reload 
             Speed for a short time.
    Effects: o Movement Speed: +3/6/9/12/15 %
             o Reload Speed: +8/16/24/32/40 %
             o Action Skill Cooldown Rate: +4/8/12/16/20 %


 Skill Name: Zero Hour
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: Saint Ability. When Saint is recalled or expired, he explodes 
             deploying a Healing Zone underneath you. You and your friends 
             Regenerate Health while standing in the zone.


 Skill Name: Hazmat Containment System
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 4 (Level 14 Required)
Description: If you have an Incendiary, Shock, or Corrosive Status Effect on 
             you, you and your friends gain increased Resistance to that 
             element. Additionally, you will occasionally spread that Status 
             Effect to nearby enemies while it's active.
    Effects: o Elemental Resistance: +17/29/38/44/50 %


 Skill Name: Kinetic Armor
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Increases your Maximum Health. Additionally, close range 
             attackers have a chance to be struck by Explosive Feedback. The 
             closer the enemy is to you the more likely he is to be struck.
    Effects: o Maximum Health: +5/10/15/20/25 %


 Skill Name: Hard to Kill
# of Levels: 5
       Tier: 5 (Level 19 Required)
Description: Whenever you are shot or struck by an enemy, you gain a stack of 
             Hard To Kill reducing all Damage received. All stacks are 
             removed after few seconds of taking no damage.


 Skill Name: Overcharge
# of Levels: 1
       Tier: 6 (Level 24 Required)
Description: Saint Ability. Immediately after being summoned, Saint will 
             release an Energy Wave that will Overcharge you and any nearby 
             friends for a short duration. Overcharged players gain increased 
             Movement Speed, Fire Rate, Reload Speed, and Ammo Regeneration.


                             8. Class Mods [0800]


This section contains a list of all of the Class Mods, for all characters.

  1. Brotrap
  2. Celestial Fragtrap
  3. Eridium Vanquisher
  4. Factory Second
  5. Loose Cannon
  6. Madtrap
  7. Overclocker
  8. Pinata
  9. Roboninja
 10. Short Circuit
 11. Sapper
 12. Tanktrap

  1. Bounty Hunter
  2. Celestial Lawbringer
  3. Cowgirl
  4. Crapshooter
  5. Desperado
  6. Eridium Vanquisher
  7. Law Encorcer
  8. Rustler
  9. Sheriff
 10. Six Shooter
 11. The Kid
 12. The Lone Star

  1. Blademaster
  2. Bloodthirster
  3. Cannonness
  4. Celestial Gladiator
  5. Defender
  6. Dominator
  7. Dragon
  8. Eridium Vanquisher
  9. Femme Fatale
 10. Gladiatriz
 11. Protector
 12. Storm

  1. Blaster
  2. Celestial Enforcer
  3. Equalizer
  4. Eridium Vanquisher
  5. Fighter
  6. Golem
  7. Howitzer
  8. Mauler
  9. Mech
 10. Obliterator
 11. Scorcher
 12. Terminator


                             9. Oz Kits [0900]


Here is a list of all of the Oz Kits in BL:TPS.

 1. 3DD1.E
 2. Ack Ack
 3. Acrobat
 4. Bomber
 5. Cathartic
 6. Clear Skies
 7. Duality
 8. Freedom
 9. Hyperventilator
10. Invigorator
11. Juggernaught
12. Moonlight Saga
13. Oxidizer
14. Precision Striker
15. Strafing Run
16. Support Relay
17. Systems Purge


                           10. Achievements [1000]


This section contains a list of all of the achievements in the game, as well 
as their description and value.

Achievement: 360 No Scope
Description: While airborne, spin 360 degrees then got a kill with a Sniper 
             Rifle without using the scope.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: A House Divided
Description: Completed the mission "Eye To Eye".
      Value: 25 / Silver


Achievement: Air Supremacy
Description: Killed 100 enemies with Wolf.
      Value: 25 / Bronze


Achievement: Beam Me Up
Description: Discover all names locations aboard the Helios Space Station.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: Brain Drain
Description: Completed the mission "Science And Violence".
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: Challenger
Description: Completed level 1 of all challenges with a single character.
      Value: 25 / Bronze


Achievement: Collateral Damage
Description: Had a Lost Legion Eternal kill 3 of his friends.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: Cosmic Completionist
Description: Discovered all named locations.
      Value: 30 / Silver


Achievement: Dejamminated
Description: Completed the mission "Systems Jammed".
      Value: 15 / Bronze


Achievement: Do Shoot the Messenger
Description: Delivered Zarpedon's message.
      Value: 10 / Bronze


Achievement: Drakensburg, Schmakensburg
Description: Completed the mission "Intelligences Of The Artificial 
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: Eeridian Explorer
Description: Discovered all named locations in Outlands Canyon, Outlands
             Spur and Vorago Solitude.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: Elementalist
Description: Had an enemy frozen, corroded, ignited, and electrocuted at
             the same time.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: Executioner
Description: Killed 10  enemies in a single activation of Showdown.
      Value: 25 / Bronze


Achievement: Expensive Taste
Description: Used the Grinder to create a Legendary item.
      Value: 30 / Silver


Achievement: Grind 'n' Bear It
Description: Use the grinder to create an item.
      Value: 15 / Bronze


Achievement: Guardian Guardian
Description: Saved the Guardians from the Scav Poachers.
      Value: 15 / Bronze


Achievement: Helios Rising
Description: Completed the mission "Home Sweet Home".
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: High Fashion
Description: Unlocked 10  Customization items.
      Value: 15 / Bronze


Achievement: I Come From The Land Up Over
Description: Discovered all names locations in Serenity's Waste, Triton
             Flats and Stanton's Liver.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: I Shot The Meriff
Description: Completed the mission "A New Direction".
      Value: 15 / Bronze


Achievement: Ice To Meet You
Description: Shattered three frozen enemies with a single slam attack.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: Invaders Must Die
Description: Completed the mission "Lost Legion Invasion".
      Value: 10 / Bronze


Achievement: Lunar Lieutenant
Description: Reached level 10.
      Value: 10 / Bronze


Achievement: Lunar Looter
Description: Looted 10 Moonstone Chests.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: Modern Fart
Description: Completed the mission "To Arms".
      Value: 15 / Bronze


Achievement: Moon Master
Description: Reached level 25.
      Value: 15 / Silver


Achievement: Moon Mission Meister
Description: Completed all of the side missions.
      Value: 25 / Silver


Achievement: Mouth to Mouth
Description: Revived 10 players with oxygen.
      Value: 15 / Bronze


Achievement: Moxxi's Sampler
Description: Tried all the Moxxtails in the Up Over bar in Concordia.
      Value: 10 / Bronze


Achievement: Multi Face-eted
Description: Defeated the Empyrean Sentinel.
      Value: 50 / Gold


Achievement: No, I'm Athena!
Description: Killed 100 enemies with Aspis.
      Value: 25 / Bronze


Achievement: Once More With Feeling
Description: Completed the mission "Return of Captain Chef".
      Value: 15 / Bronze


Achievement: Pancake Parlor
Description: Pancaked an enemy in the Stingray.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: Rocketeer
Description: Launched 4 rockets from Elpis.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: Side Quest Student
Description: Completed 30 side missions.
      Value: 15 / Bronze


Achievement: Space Lord
Description: Reached level 50.
      Value: 25 / Silver


Achievement: Space Rookie
Description: Reached level 5.
      Value: 5 / Bronze


Achievement: Super Secret Stash
Description: Opened Zarpedon's Chest.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: That Helped, Right?
Description: Experienced all Vault Hunter Modes using Vault Hunter.EXE.
      Value: 25 / Bronze


Achievement: That Tasted Purple!
Description: Had Purple-rated gear or better equipped in every slot.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: The Bigger They Are
Description: Defeated the Invincible Empyrean Sentinel.
      Value: 50 / Gold


Achievement: The Duelist
Description: Won a duel.
      Value: 10 / Bronze


Achievement: The Gun In The Stone
Description: Removed Excalibastard from the stone.
      Value: 20 / Silver


Achievement: The Guts Of Helios
Description: Completed the mission "Watch Your Step".
      Value: 25 / Silver


Achievement: Vault Hunter Superior
Description: Defeated the Opha Superior.
      Value: 25 / Silver


Achievement: Welcome To The Rock
Description: Completed the mission "Marooned".
      Value: 15 / Bronze


Achievement: Who Constructs The Constructor?
Description: Completed the mission "Let's Build A Robot Army".
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: Who Needs Air?
Description: Suffocated for five continuous minutes without dying.
      Value: 20 / Bronze


Achievement: Who You Gonna Call?
Description: Completed the "Sub-Level 13" missions with 3 other players.
      Value: 15 / Bronze


                            11. Credits [1100]


  *  CJayC for creating GameFAQs.
  *  Sailor Bacon, Devin Morgan, and Krystal for continuing, maintaining, and
     administering GameFAQs.
  *  The IGN Wiki user who painstakingly transcribed the skill tree 
     descriptions from the game to text form.
  *  You! For reading this guide, of course. :)


                       12. Contact Information [1200]


If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, inquiries, spam, additions,
grievances, hate mail, and general overall concerns, please email me at:


All I ask is that you put "Borderlands" or "Pre-Sequel" or "BTPS" in the 
subject line so I know what the email is about. I don't mind if u talk liek 
dis 2 me or whatever, so long as I can understand you.

Some FAQ statistics:
Pages: 113
Words: 44,565
Paragraphs: 5,329
Lines: 6,404

Therefore, please do not print this guide! It's way too many pages to print!


                         13. Legal Disclaimer [1300]


This document is Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew "TestaALT" Testa. All Rights
Reserved. This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except
for personal, private use. It may not be sold, altered, or published in any
way without the advanced permission of the author. It may not be placed on
any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written
permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks
and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective
trademark and copyright holders. All sources, which have contributed to this
document, are cited and/or credited in some form. The only sites that I
allow this document to be viewed at are GameFAQs ,
IGN , and Neoseeker .


Thanks for reading this guide! :) You can see some of my other work at:


                                             Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Testa

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