FAQ And Walkthrough - Guide for Monster Tale

Scroll down to read our guide named "FAQ And Walkthrough" for Monster Tale on Nintendo DS (DS), or click the above links for more cheats.

                                 Monster Tale
                             Platform: Nintendo DS
                             Current Version: 0.15
                            Started: March 20, 2011
                         Last Updated: April 17, 2011
                             Author: Jack_Vambrace
                        Email: jackvambrace_at_gmail.com
                               Table of Contents
  1 - Introduction          (INTRO)
  2 - Gameplay Basics       (BASIC)
    2.1 - Characters        (BASIC1)
    2.2 - Controls          (BASIC2)
    2.3 - Screen Layout     (BASIC3)
  3 - Walkthrough           (WKTHR)
    3.1 - Ancient Ruins     (WKTHR1)
    3.2 - Meadeland         (WKTHR2)  
    3.2.1 - The Caverns     (WKTHR2.1)
    3.2.2 - The Dungeon     (WKTHR2.2)
    3.2.3 - The Scratch Pit (WKTHR2.3)
    3.2.4 - To Deanuford    (WKTHR2.4)
    3.3 - Deanuford         (WKTHR3)
    3.3.1 - The Beach       (WKTHR3.1)
    3.3.2 - The Aqueduct    (WKTHR3.2)
    3.3.3 - The Tubeworqs   (WKTHR3.3)
  4 - Band Upgrades         (BANDS)
  5 - Evolution             (EVLTN)
    5.1 Forms               (EVLTN1)
    5.2 Skills              (EVLTN2)
    5.3 Traits              (EVLTN3)
  6 - Shop Guide            (SHOPS)
    6.1 Ellie               (SHOPS1)
    6.2 Chomp               (SHOPS2)
  7 - Enemies               (ENEMY)
  8 - Credits/Legal         (CREDITS)
The guide is separated into sections, and each section has a quick search code
shown in parenthesis and all caps. Use the search or find function and search
for the code for which section you want, and you should be taken right
to it.

Any questions, comments, additions, corrections, fan mail, hate mail, and
whatever else you find appropriate or pressing enough to contact me about
should be sent to the email address listed above. Please add the words
Monster Tale or GameFAQs to the subject line to ensure that the message doesn't
get deleted by accident.
                          1. Introduction (INTRO)                          
Monster Tale is a Nintendo DS game developed by DreamRift, and released by
Majesco Games. It was released March 16, 2011 in the U.S. Despite not receiving
a large amount of press (many people didn't even hear about it until it was
already out), Monster Tale appears to be a very well received game. It plays
similar to the Metroidvania style games, meaning that you have several 2D
platforming style stages, and you explore them while gaining new abilities
that allow you to access different areas. It also has bits and pieces from
other games such as Pokemon and Megaman, resulting in a game that is unique,
yet familiar. Contradictory, I know, but it's the best way I can think to
explain it. Anyway, you're probably here looking for help instead of the
musings of a rabid fanboy, so lets dive right in now.

                         2. Gameplay Basics (BASIC)                          

- 2.1 Characters (BASIC1) -

Ellie is the blue haired heroine of Monster Tale. She is woken up late one
night by a loud noise, and decides to go see what it was. After venturing into
the forest, she finds a bracelet in a clearing. The bracelet begins glowing,
and the next thing she knows she is regaining consciousness in a strange
place, very different from where she was.

Chomp is floating animal with red and white markings. After she comes to,
Ellie finds his egg in the Ancient Ruins. He hatches and begins following
Ellie around, helping her navigate through the ruins.

Purple haired, horned salesmen of The Caverns. Jinx tells Ellie more about
the band and the legends associated with it, then offers to sell items to her.

Pink wearing queen of the Monster World. Rules all of Monster Land, and isn't
fond of Ellie.

Brown haired headphone wearing king of Meadeland. Sent along with his monster,
Krubble, to stop Ellie in the Scratch Pit.

Gigantic orange cyclops monster that serves Meade. Smashes things up and
breathes fire.

Surfer King of Deanuford. Allegedly knows of a way to get back to the human
- 2.2 Controls (BASIC2) -

D-Pad - Used to move Ellie around and navigate menus. Simple enough.

A - Fires the Band Blaster. Selects things in menus.

B - Press to jump. Moves you backwards in menus

X - Switches Chomp between the top and bottom screens.

Y - Swing Ellie's bag for melee attacks.

L - Activate Chomp's ability.

R - Activate Chomp's ability.

Start - Pauses the game, and displays the map screen on the bottom screen.

Select - Displays the Character Information Screen.

- 2.3 Screen Layout (BASIC3) -
This section will detail the different screen layouts you will
encounter in Monster Tale.

                      Normal Screen
This is the screen you'll see when actually playing the

                       Top Screen
|[{}] <3<3<3<3  (1)                          (2)  $00000|
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                       o   (3)                         |
|                      |-|                              |
|                   ___/ \__                            |
|                   |      |                            |
|===================|      |============================|
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                        (6)            __ __           |
|                                      |     | (7)      |
|                                       -----           |
|                                        //             |
|                                                       |
                       Bottom Screen
1 - Life Meter
    This is Ellie's Life Meter, represented by blue hearts. You start
    with four hearts, and enemy attacks can take away half a heart.
    If you run out of hearts, it's game over, and you are put back where
    your last save was, so be careful if low on life.

2 - Money
    This counter tells you how much money you've collected. Enemies will
    drop coins when killed, and you use money to buy upgrades.

3 - Ellie
    She's the heroine!

4 - Pet Meter
    This meter represents Chomp's health. It drains slowly while he is on the
    top screen, and refills much faster when he is on the bottom screen.
    The meter also drains if Chomp is attacked, or if you use skills with
    him. It won't drain completely if you just keep Chomp on the top screen,
    but it will get empty enough that you can't use any skills. If any
    enemy attack empties the meter, Chomp will be dazed. While dazed, Chomp
    is forced into the Pet Sanctuary, and cannot be brought out until the
    Pet Meter refills.

5 - Super Meter
    After getting the Super Band Blaster ability, You will see the Super Meter.
    The Super Band Blaster has increased range over the regular blaster, but
    has limited energy stores. Each shot drains a bit from the Super Meter.
    Once it is empty, it will recharge enough for a single shot, but not enough
    for rapid fire. Refilled by picking up energy items, and using melee
6 - Pet Sanctuary
    The bottom screen is called the Pet Sanctuary. Item's you collect will be
    placed here until Chomp uses them. In addition, You'll find the Pet Meter
    and Shot Meter at the top of the screen. Tap the screen if there are
    multiple items or objects on the bottom screen to cycle through them.

7 - Chomp
    He's the sidekick! Chomp can switch between the top screen and the bottom
    screen by pressing X. While on the top screen, you can use any skills you
    have set to L and R. He will also interact with certain objects such as
    gears, and will attack nearby enemies. 

               Character Information Screen
The Character Information Screen is accessed by pressing
the Select button while in Normal or Map Screen. This
screen show you various statistics related to the game,
and allows you to review Ellie and Chomp's abilities.

                       Top Screen
|                                                       |
|     ---------------------------------------------     |
|     |   Time (1)                  (2) Money     |     |
|     |    00:00                        00000     |     |
|     |                                           |     |
|     |  Chomp Level  (3)        (4) Game Clear   |     |
|     |     Lv 01                      0.4%       |     |
|     |                                           |     |
|     ---------------------------------------------     |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                         (5)                           |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|         Chomp  (6)                (7) Ellie           |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                         Evo  (8)                      |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|--|  (9)                                      (10)  |--|
|--|                                                 |--|
                       Bottom Screen

1 - Time
    Indicates how long you've been playing in minutes and hours.

2 - Money
    Shows how much money you've collected

3 - Chomp Level
    Indicates what level Chomp is at.

4 - Game Clear
    Indicates how much of the game you've cleared as a percentage.

5 - Explanatory Menu
    Gives details about your menu selection on the bottom screen.

6 - Chomp Menu
    Allows you to change which skills and traits Chomp has equipped.
7 - Ellie Menu
    Allows you to view all the abilities that Ellie has collected

8 - Evo Menu
    Allows you to transform Chomp into different forms.

9 - Back Button
    Takes you back to the Normal Screen.

10 - Map Button
     Takes you to the Map Screen.

                      Chomp Screen
This is the screen you'll see when you select Chomp
from the Character Information Screen.

                       Top Screen
|                                                       |
|   __ __                      STA              502     |
|  |     |   (1)               ATK      (4)      80     |
|   -----                      DEF              250     |
|    //                        SPD              150     |
|  Foundling  (2)              INT              300     |
|   Fire                                                |
| + L     - W  (3)                     (5)              |
|                              EXP           13/100     |
|                             [==                  ]    |
|                                              LV01     |
|                        (6)                            |
|<-L                    Chomp    (7)                 ->R|
|                       Skills   (8)                    |
|      Command                                          |
| (9)     L      ____________________________           |
| (10)    R      ____________________________           |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                         (11)                          |
|                        Traits                         |
| --|    [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    |-- |
| --| (12)                                     (13) |-- |
                       Bottom Screen
1 - Chomp
    Graphical representation of Chomp's current form.

2 - Form Name
    The name of Chomp's current form.

3 - Elemental Affinity
    Indicates Chomp's elemental affinity, and how it relates to other

4 - Statistics
    Shows each of Chomp's various stats. I'll add in some more information
    on them after a bit more research, but I assume they work more or less
    as they do in other games.

5 - Experience Bar
    Shows how much experience Chomp has both in bar form and in numerical
    form. Chomp gains experience by using items and beating enemies. when
    he gains enough experience he levels up, and starts the process anew.

6 - Explanatory Menu
    Gives details about your selection on the bottom screen.

7 - Menu Indicator
    Tells you which menu you are in. In this case, you are in the Chomp menu.

8 - Skills Area
    Shows you which skills you have equipped to the L and R button.

9 - L Skill
    Shows which skill you have equipped to the L button. You can switch
    skills by pressing the A button, selecting a new skill from the list,
    and pressing A again.

10 - R Skill
     Same as above, only for the R button.

11 - Traits
     Shows what traits you have equipped to Chomp. Traits provide passive
     bonuses. That is, they don't have to activated, because they are
     always active. This includes things like stat boosts.

12 - Back Button
     Takes you back to the Character Information Screen.

13 - Map Button
     Takes you to the Map Screen.

                      Ellie Screen
This is the screen you'll see when you select Ellie
from the Character Information Screen.

                       Top Screen
|                                     (2)      (3)      |
|   __ __                            01:02    00000     |
|  |     |   (1)                                        |
|  |-----|                            Kid Crowns (4)    |
|   |  /|                                               |
|                        Command  (5)                   |
|                            A                          |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                           (6)                         |
|<-L                    Ellie    (7)                 ->R|
|                                                       |
|                 Ellie's Abilities  (8)                |
|  Band Blaster                                         |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
| --|                                               |-- |
| --| (9)                                      (10) |-- |
                       Bottom Screen
1 - Ellie
    Graphical representation of Ellie.

2 - Time
    Shows how long you've been playing in hours and minutes.

3 - Money
    Shows how much money you have.

4 - Kid Crowns
    Show's which Kid Crowns you have. You receive one from each Kid King you

5 - Command Area
    Shows the command for the selected ability. You do what it says here
    to make the ability work.

6 - Explanatory Menu
    Gives a description of the selected ability.

7 - Menu Indicator
    Tells you what menu you are in. In this case, it'll say Ellie.

8 - Abilities Menu
    Shows a listing of Ellie's abilities. You can select one to see the
    command to use it, and a description.

9 - Back Button
    Returns you to the Character Information Screen.

10 - Map Button
     Takes you to the Map Screen.

                       Evo Screen
This screen shows you the various forms that Chomp can

                       Top Screen
|                                                       |
|   __ __                      STA              502     |
|  |     |   (1)               ATK      (4)      80     |
|   -----                      DEF              250     |
|    //                        SPD              150     |
|  Foundling  (2)              INT              300     |
|   Fire                                                |
| + L     - W  (3)                     (5)              |
|                              EXP           13/100     |
|                             [==                  ]    |
|                                              LV01     |
|                        (6)                            |
|<-L                     Evo     (7)                 ->R|
|                  <  Foundling  >  (8)                 |
|                         ^                             |
|                        [X]--[ ]                       |
|                         |        (9)                  |
|                        [ ]                            |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
| --|                                               |-- |
| --| (10)                                     (11) |-- |
                       Bottom Screen
1 - Chomp
    Graphical representation of Chomp's current form.

2 - Form Name
    The name of Chomp's current form.

3 - Elemental Affinity
    Indicates Chomp's elemental affinity, and how it relates to other

4 - Statistics
    Shows each of Chomp's various stats. 
5 - Experience Bar
    Shows how much experience Chomp has.
6 - Explanatory Menu
    Gives details about your selection on the bottom screen.
7 - Menu Indicator
    Tells you what menu you are in. In this case, it says Evo.
8 - Form Name
    Name of the form you have highlighted. Will say LOCKED for forms you
    can't access yet.
9 - Form Grid
    A series of linked nodes forming a grid. Contains all the various forms
    that Chomp can use.
10 - Back Button
     Returns you to the Character Information Screen.
11 - Map Button
     Takes you to the Map Screen.

                       Map Screen
This is the screen that is displayed when you press
start. Also doubles as the pause screen.

                       Top Screen
|                          (1)                          |
|                    -----Pause-----                    |
|                    |    Resume   |                    |
|                    | Quit Game   |                    |
|                    ---------------                    |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                       o   (2)                         |
|                      |-|                              |
|                   ___/ \__                            |
|                   |      |                            |
|===================|      |============================|
|                 (3) Ancient Ruins                     |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                         (4)                           |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
                       Bottom Screen
1 - Pause Menu
    Gives you the option of Resuming or Quitting the game. Resume allows
    you to continue playing, while quitting takes you back to the title
    screen. _BE AWARE_ that quitting does _NOT_ save your game. If you
    quit, you are sent back to the title to reload your last save file.

2 - Ellie
    You can still see the playing field while looking at the map.

3 - Area Name
    Tells you which area you are in.

4 - Map
    Shows you a map of the current area. Looks similar to the maps found in
    the old 2D metroid games, and the more recent 2D Castlevania games.

Alright then, that raps up the menus, and hopefully tells you enough
to start playing. Now on the the walkthrough proper.

                           3. Walkthrough (WKTHR)

- 3.1 Ancient Ruins (WKTHR1) -

Watch the opening cutscene, or press start to skip if you prefer. In short,
the monster world has a legend that says a hero will appear from another world
and save their own. You play as Ellie who as described in the character
section found a bracelet in the woods and is now transported to a new world.

Ellie wakes up under an arch, unsure of where she is. After a little dialogue,
you take control of her. Feel free to try out walking around and jumping, and
when you feel comfortable, head left. At the end of the path way, you'll find
an elaborate glowing device. Looks kinda like a bowing angel, maybe? These are
Rune Statues, and you receive upgrades from them. Anyway, Ellie will say that
the statue is reacting to her new bracelet, and step on it.

  Ability Acquired: Band Blaster!

Sweet, now you can use the Mega Buster, I mean Band Blaster. Press A to fire
shots from your band. Ellie remarks on feeling different now, and you regain
control. Head right.

At the right end of the pathway you find a locked door and a flashing switch
that you can't reach. Shoot it with Band Blaster and continue through the

In the next room, head right. Not far into the room you will encounter your
first enemy. We'll call these guys star monsters, cause as near as I can tell
there aren't any official names listed anywhere. Anyway, just peg the star
monster with you blaster and continue to the next room to the right.

Here, you need to head up. You'll find a shaft with several platforms to the
right, just jump on them to continue. It's explained a few rooms after, but
if you need to get back down, press down to duck, and press the B while
still ducking to drop through platforms like these. A few platforms in,
you will come across a gear with a swirly pattern on it and a ledge that is
too high for you to jump to. Ignore it for now, you will come back to that in
just a moment. Continue up and you will find a path leading to the left. Take

You should now be on a screen with several spike pits. Head left, jumping over
the spike pits as you go. Don't worry about messing up here too much, as each
fall will only take half a heart away. By far, the most merciful spikes I've
ever encountered in a game. You will come to a section that has a green
ceiling and several tiny platforms. You need to jump across these platforms
to continue. At least they aren't phasing in and out this time. After jumping
the platforms, you will find a sign that explains how to drop through
platforms. Once again, hold down to crouch, then press B to drop down. Head

In this room you find an egg. Look around, and then exit to the right when
you are done. As you go to leave, the egg begins shaking! The egg hatches
revealing a red and white creature with blue eyes that can fly. Neat. After
introductions are out of the way, Ellie tells the creature to stay put and
wait for it's mother. Head right again.

In the next room, Samus notices that the baby metroid is following her. I mean
Ellie notices that the baby creature is following her. She decides to bring it
along, thinking it might be dangerous to leave him behind. Ellie calls him
Chomp, because he appears hungry. Head right onto the next screen, and begin
heading back down.

  Companion Acquired: Chomp!

When you get back to the funny looking gear, you receive a tutorial about

Basically there are objects that Chomp can interact with, such as the
gear on this screen. He can also attack enemies while on screen. The Pet Meter
which shows up now serves as sort of a combination health/energy meter for
Chomp. When he is attacked, it goes down. It also goes down very slowly while
he is on the top screen, and when you use skills with L and R. To counter
this, you have the Pet Sanctuary.

If you noticed, when you picked up Chomp the bottom screen changed. This is
the Pet Sanctuary. When Chomp's health begins running down, press X to send
him to the sanctuary. While in the sanctuary, Chomp regains health and can
use items that Ellie has picked up. Items have various effects depending on
what they are. Some simply boost stats, others will function as weapons.

  Tutorial Complete: Action Commence!
Anyway, since Chomp smacked the gear you now have a foothold to climb onto.
Do so and head right.

In this room, you'll find more star monsters, including some that can jump
out from statues. They still fall easily enough, so blast 'em or let Chomp
have at them for some experience. Continue heading right and you will enter
a tutorial on items. Same information as above, they go to the sanctuary
and are used when Chomp is in there. Some items take longer than others to use.
Walk over the cookie and let Chomp eat it. He'll gain some experience and
stamina, and that will conclude the tutorial. Head right.

  Tutorial Complete: Hunger Conquered!

Here, you encounter a new enemy which we will dub the wall crawler. These
yellow-eyed, purple-leafed plants move up and down the wall, firing shots
at regular intervals. Like the star monster, the wall crawlers are fragile.
Anything you hit them with should kill them. Head down, fighting of or avoiding
the wall crawlers and star monsters until you reach the bottom. The path splits
left and right here. If you go left, you will find wall with a small hole in
it and a star monster on the other side. Nothing you can do here yet, so head
go right instead.

Here you find the first save point of the game. Walk up to the giant green
book and press up to save and recover your health. Continue right.

Here you get a tutorial on the map screen. Press start to pause the game and
view the map. this will show you a map of the local area with Ellie's location
marked with an icon of her head, your objective marked as a flashing red ring,
save points marked in bright blue, areas you haven't been to marked in grey,
and areas you have been to marked in different colors depending on which area
you are in. Ancient Ruins rooms you have been to appear lavender. Head right.

  Tutorial Complete: Navigation Noted!
Continue right, blasting or dodging monsters as you go, until you reach a
wall similar to the one back at the fork in the road. You need to kill the
nearby star monster to make it open, so blast him and continue right. Kill
the star monsters in the next room and head right.

When you get to this room, the door closes behind you and you are instructed
to find and use three pet items in the room. Head to the right and fight off
the star monsters and wall crawlers until you find an alcove with a soccer ball
in it. Take it and let Chomp use it by putting him in the sanctuary. Chomp
gains some experience and speed, and tosses the ball to the upper screen. The
soccer ball bounces back and forth on the screen for several seconds, damaging
enemies while it does so. Continue up from the alcove, and you will find a book
to the right. Chomp gains some experience and intelligence. Books will increase
Chomp's Intelligence, allowing him to gain more experience from fighting and
using items, but don't provide any offensive or defensive capabilities beyond
the improved stats. Head left and you should find a catapult. Chomp will gain a
large amount of experience from this, and should level up. When Chomp levels up,
his stats increase, his experience bar empties, and the experience to reach the
next level rises a bit. Head down, and go back through the door to the left.

  Tutorial Complete: Points Gained!
Back in the open room, head left and prepare for your first boss fight.

Boss Fight 001 - Twin Headed Dragon

Ah, what fun. The first boss and it's already a room filler. Not to worry,
it's not so tough. So far as attacks go, all it will do is try and bite Ellie
with one of its heads. The dragon's eyes will glow yellow before it lunges,
so you have plenty of warning. The bite tracks where you are until it actually
lunges, so just step out of the way or jump before it hits you. The Head won't
damage you after the initial lunge, so don't fret about landing on it and taking

Now onto actually hurting this thing. One of the heads will open it's mouth,
exposing a green core. Bring Chomp out of the sanctuary, and let him smack
the exposed core a few times. He works on his own, so all you need to do is
have him out and focus on keeping Ellie out of harm's way. After a few hits,
the dragon will drop one head to the lower screen and expose its core. Drop
Chomp back into the sanctuary, and he will smack down the core, gaining health
back in the process. The dragon will expose the core on whichever screen Chomp
isn't on. Just follow the core with Chomp, and the dragon will go down with
very little effort.

  Boss Defeated: Dragon Squished!
After the boss fight, Chomp will level up again. This time he also learns a
skill: Torpedo. The ensuing tutorial explains skills. They cost energy from
the pet meter, and allow Chomp to aid Ellie on the top screen. The torpedo
skill sends Chomp rocketing straight forward, allowing you to hit enemies from
further away on command now. Skills are assigned to the L and R buttons,
allowing you to prepare two different skill at one time.

  Tutorial Complete: Battleship Sunk!
Head left. You will need to use torpedo to hit the enemy on the other side of
the wall this time, since you are on the right side. Torpedo him and be on your
way back to the fork with the first low wall we found. If you've lost your way,
head left to the save room, save if you wish, leave the save room heading left,
leave the next room heading left, and now we are back to the wall we couldn't

Torpedo the star monster, and head left. You meet another new enemy, the
Smiling Flyer. Kinda like star monsters, except they fly. Shoot them with
you blaster or Chomp, and continue left to the next room.

Go down, blasting enemies and collecting coins as you go, and head right once
you reach the bottom.

In this room, shoot the smiling flyer and star monster, the jump over the
platforms. Go down the next set of platforms, then head left once you get to
the bottom. Jump the spikes and go to the next room.

You will be in a room with several star monster statues. When you get to the
center of them, they will come to life and attack you. Nothing to worry about,
just blast them away. When they are gone, you are given a green scroll, and
can move on. Take the scroll, and Chomp will level up again. This time he
will gain a new trait. As the tutorial explains, traits can enhance Chomp's
stats when equipped. Do as the tutorial says, and equip Chomp's new trait to
give him a small boost in speed. Once you are done, exit the room to the left.

  Tutorial Complete: Silent Wind of Doom *WHOOOOOSH*!

In this room, jump up on the platforms, and keep going left. You will see
three star monsters very close together, and two in an unreachable area above
you just after them. Blast the three, then drop down and grab the green scroll.
Chomp will level up again and learn Vertical Spike. This transforms Chomp
into a giant spike that extends up and down the length of the screen just in
front of Ellie. Use Vertical Spike to get the remaining star monsters, and
head left.

Here you will find another Rune Statue like the one that gave you Band
Blaster. This one will give you Melee Strike. Melee Strike allows you to swing
Ellie's bag at the enemies, giving you even more options during battle. If you
duck and attack, Ellie will roll forward and do a more powerful strike that
knocks enemies back. You can also use it to break through some stone walls that
you encounter, like the ones to your right now. 

  Ability Acquired: Backhand!

Head back to the right and use melee strike to break the brown blocks on the
way, and enter the room to the right. Ellie will say something about the band
calling her to a new place, and you will see the objective marker on your map
move. Keep heading right, using vertical spike to clear the three star monsters
an go into the next room. This should be the room with the four star monster
statues. Try out melee strike on them, then head right.

Now you are back in the room with the spike pits. Go right past the pits, and
take the exit to the right. you should be in a room that goes up and has a
giant purple door with a golden lock on it. Ignore the door and head up. Exit
to the right, past the spike pit. In the next room, Continue heading right.
You will see blue arrows at the right exit. Take that exit and congratulate
yourself for finishing the first level of Monster Tale! Sit back and watch
the cutscene, then prepare for stage 2: The Caverns

  Level Complete: Yay Survival!

- 3.2 Meadeland (WKTHR2) -

- 3.2.1 The Caverns (WKTHR2.1) -

Several rooms here will have doors blocked by stacked brown blocks. Remember
that they can be broken by melee attacks, so no need to worry about them.

Head right through the first room, shooting star monsters all the way through.
Next room has smiling flyers and a gear that Chomp will need to hit. continue
right. You'll come to a save point, which you should use. Break the blocks on
the door and continue right.

Now you will be at fork. You can't do anything with the rooms to the top right,
middle left, or bottom right at the moment, so hop down a couple of platforms,
and take the middle right path.

You will now be in a room that is blocked by a grey block extending against the
ceiling in the center. There is a gear block on the bottom screen, so send
Chomp there to hit it and continue right.

This room marks the first appearance of a new enemy in the Caverns: the Yellow
Gator. They are stronger than the other enemies you've seen in the game thus
far, the first non-boss that can take more than one hit. Shoot him or torpedo
him, and exit to the right. 

This room has another Rune Statue, so step up and claim your prize: the
Super Band Blaster! This upgrade extends the range of your band blaster to
cover most of the screen, enabling you to hit enemies and switches from
farther away. Unfortunately, this upgrade also introduces a new limitation:
the super meter. The super meter appears as a segmented blue bar underneath
the pet meter on the bottom screen. Each time you fire the super band blaster,
you lose a small amount of energy from the bar. You have enough energy for
48 shots before you run out, at which point the bar will regenerate enough
for you to fire single shots a second or so apart. You can regain energy by
striking enemies with melee attacks, or collecting energy items which appear
as glowing blue balls laying about or dropped by enemies. When you find the
shop, you can upgrade the efficiency of the blaster, giving you more shots
with the same amount of energy. When you are ready, exit left.

  Tutorial Complete: Kill range extended!
Head back left until you get to the room with several exits again. It's the
one that exits to the save point at the top left. Once you get there, take
the top right path that we passed up on before.

Head right through the room until you come to a door with a switch above it.
This switch needs to be shot with the blaster, but if you try to get it
before you get the super blaster, you won't be able to reach it. Since we
have the super blaster now, shoot it and continue through the newly opened

Notice as you go in that the door has the same unlocking mechanism on each
side. You will need to jump back up and shoot the switch when you come back
through later. Head right, and you will encounter another new enemy: the
Lizard Turret. These yellow and purple reptiles will stand back and fire shots
at you from afar. They fall easily to the blaster, but you need to duck or jump
to dodge their shots. Fire away and continue right.

Chomp may level up some more as you progress through the level. He will master
Torpedo when he reaches level 7, and a tutorial will play explaining the
difference between learning a skill and mastering it. Learning a skill means
that you can use it in the form that learned it. Mastering it means you can use
it in other forms that don't have it. Mastered skills are marked with star
emblems in the skill list.

  Tutorial Complete: A Master Is You!
Anyway, back to the game. You will be in a vertical room with wall crawlers
and star monsters. Head down to the bottom to find a lizard turret and a fork
that heads left and right. The left exit takes you to a save point, so rest up
while you have the chance, then head back and take the right exit.

In this room, head left past the enemies until you reach a wall with a small
gap in the bottom. Take the path above it and exit to the right. The next room
will have a Rune Statue, this time containing the Roll ability. Roll allows
Ellie to move through small gaps, such as the ones on either side of the room.
Hold down and press B just like you do to drop through platforms and she will
roll across the floor. If you press and hold the direction you are facing at
the end of a roll and jump, you can do a long jump that gives you a little bit
more horizontal reach. Try it out by rolling through the gap on the right.

  Tutorial Complete: Capcom is gonna sue somebody!
Take a few steps into the room, and you will meet Jinx, the local shopkeep.
Listen for a bit of plot exposition about kid kings and invaders from other
worlds, and Jinx will tell you to go see the king. He then offers to sell you
some things, so walk up to him and press up to shop. In the shop screen, you
can choose to buy things for either Ellie or Chomp. You can buy items for
Chomp to use, just like the ones you find after beating enemies. You can buy
several upgrades for Ellie such as health bonuses and damage upgrades. Unless
you have been grinding for money, you most likely don't have more than 200
to spend. I suggest getting the Blaster Efficiency 1 upgrade, upping the
number of shots you get from a full super meter from 48 to 64. Also note that
the shop will appear as an orange/yellow room on the map screen.

  Shop Discovered: Yay Capitalism!

If you go right, you will encounter a large pillar with arrow on it. There
isn't anything we can do with it right now, so let's head back to the left.
When you get back to the Rune Statue, roll under the wall to the left and
continue left until you reach the save point. Save if you need to exit the
save room.

In the room outside of the save point, head up and exit left. Continue left
and shoot the switch to open the door, then exit left. Continue left through
the next room and you will be back at the large branching room. Save again if
you want, then take the lower left path. Head to the left end of the room and
you will find a wall that you can roll under. Roll under it and enter the next
stage: The Dungeon.

- 3.2.2 The Dungeon (WKTHR2.2) -

Welcome to the Dungeon. Surprisingly happy or maybe disturbing depending on
how much you think about it, you find a heart container laying in front of you
when you first enter. Take it and enjoy that extra little bit of health. When
you are ready, head down. This room has four total exits, three to the right
and one to the left. The top right is where you just came in from, the middle
right is a save point, the bottom right takes you to the Scratch Pit, and the
left takes you towards the next upgrade. You can't do anything in the Scratch
Pit yet, so save and head towards the upgrade. Also take note of yet another
new enemy, the Bull Bug. They shoot vertical shots at you if you are above or
below them, and will bull rush you (complete with horns) if you are on the
same level as them or if they can't hit you where they stand. A little more
resilient, but not too bad unless they corner you. Use the blaster or Vertical
Spike and head on.

Head left, roll under the wall, jump through the platform, and exit left. This
will bring you to another Rune Statue, this one containing the Melee String
ability. This allows you to do a five hit melee attack combo. Very nice, and
useful to boot. Just press the button again after each hit to perform another
swing. The last hit can knock enemies back, and will also push back the giant
grey blocks with arrows on them, such as the on in the previous room. Try it
out, then exit right.


*cough* Anyway... This room will have a large block with arrows on it that
will block your way out. Try out melee string on it and be on your way right.
You should be in the vertical room that had a heart container earlier. Save if
you need to, then take the top right exit back to the Dungeon.

Head right towards the branching area, and you will see a cutscene. After the
cutscene, you will be in the large vertical room that branches off. If you
look at the map, you will see the objective marker just to the right of the
shop (remember that the shops are shown as yellow rooms on the map) so take
the top right exit and head there. Once back at the shop, head right into a
room with another large block with arrows. Nothing special here, just use
Melee String and exit through the newly opened path.

The goal marker moves to the room next to the last exit in the branching room
that we haven't taken yet. The room you are currently in has several Star
Monsters and Yellow Gators. The exit at the upper right is difficult to reach,
but possible. Make your way to the large white block in the middle of the
room. get as close as you can to the platform on the left of it without being
on top of it and roll. Just before you fall off, push left and jump, and you
should do a longer jump that will barely get you to the other side. Inside,
you find a pink gem worth 100 coins. Pretty nice. When you are done, go back
to the room with the block, and exit to the lower left. This will lead us back
into the Dungeon.

This time you are on the right side of the Dungeon. The room you start in has
Star Monsters and Yellow Gators, so blast them and head left. The next room
has two exits on each side. You just came through the top right, the bottom
right leads to a save point, the top left leads to a shop, and the bottom
left heads further into the Dungeon. Rest, shop, and exit to the bottom left
when ready.

This room has two gears on the bottom screen linked to gears on the top screen.
Just have chomp whack both of them and exit left. The next room contains
several platforms, Yellow Gators, and Bull Bugs. Use the blaster and Chomp
to take out each enemy one at a time, and they won't pose any danger. When
you are done, take the platforms to the left and exit.

Like the earlier room, this room has four exits. You came in the bottom right,
you can't reach the top right, the bottom left is a dead end for now, and the
top left takes you to a Rune Statue. Stand on it and claim Launcher Attack.
Hold up and press Y to have Ellie swing upwards. Hold up after the attack and
she will jump also, allowing you to follow enemies into the air or take their
recently vacated platform. Launcher Attack also allows you to break the blocks
with switches on the bottom and arrows pointing up, like the ones in this room.
Smash through the blocks to the left, and exit.

  Ability Acquired: Seriously guys, Capcom is gonna sue.
- 3.2.3 The Scratch Pit -

Now you should be at the exit in the large branching room in the Caverns that
you couldn't get through before. Break the blocks, and take the lower left
exit. Watch the cutscene, blast some enemies, and exit left to the Dungeon.
Once in the Dungeon, drop down and take the bottom right exit. In the next
room, drop down and take the bottom right exit through the big mouth.

Now you are in the Scratch Pit. Head right past some Gators and Bull Bugs to
the next room. In this room, you should see some blocks you can break with
the Launcher Attack. The rest of the room is filled with bugs and gators.
Just be patient and you should be okay. Vertical spike works well on the
gators, and the blaster works well on the bugs. There is a shop through the
upper right exit, and the path through the Scratch Pit continues through the
lower right exit. I recommend buying either a Health Extension or a Blaster
Damage Boost if you can afford them. When you are done, take the lower right

Take care of the enemies in this room, jump up a few platforms, and roll right
to the next room. In the next room, there are several enemies, and exits to
the upper right and lower right. You can't get into the upper right room
because of the blocks in front of the switch, so take the lower right exit.

In this room, there are two giant spikes blocking your way, and two gears
on the bottom screen. You will have to tell Chomp to hit one, then the other,
because they don't lock into place like the other ones you have encountered.
Touch the screen and Chomp will switch targets between the two. Don't worry
if you accidentally hit Ellie, the spikes hurt but aren't fatal. Continue

There are two Bug Bulls in this room that will charge you as soon as you
enter. I used Torpedo and the blaster to kill them, but you should be able
to jump them if need be. Continue right.

This room has several Star Monsters lining the platforms. Use the Launcher 
Attack or Vertical Spike to clear them out. At the section with an exit to
the left and right, there is a save point to the right. Use it, because a
boss fight is coming up soon. You need Bounce Hop to take the left exit, which
you learn from Chomp's Acrobat form at level 3. If you have it, take the left
exit. If not, you can come back later on to go there. Once inside the room,
you find a 100 coin crystal, and a Giant Red Crab. You can't actually harm it
yet, so just take the crystal and leave. Once back in the vertical room, go up
and take the top right exit.

The next room has several monsters. Lay heavy on the blaster or Torpedo and
continue. You will find some stairs with hearts and blaster energy. Take the
items and go right.

Boss Fight 002 - Meade and Krubble

Meade is the King of Meadeland. He likes to rock. Krubble is that giant orange
thing with horns behind him. Together they serve as the boss of the Scratch
Pit, and Meadeland as a whole. Watch the cutscene, and prepare for a decent

Meade rides on top of Krubble, so you need to focus on Krubble to make any
headway. Krubble will walk back and forth across the room, attacking
periodically. I'll step through the attacks, and give strategies for each.

1. Meade will blast his stereo, and green waves will come out.
Krubble will lay three eggs, and bat them towards Ellie. They roll along
the ground with the first stopping in front of Krubble, and the other two
about two body spaces to the left of the previous egg. If you are quick, you
may be able to blast them away before they get stopped if you start shooting
from the far left side of the screen. Once he is done swatting the eggs,
Krubble will jump. The shockwave sends the eggs up into the air, out of
Ellie's reach. Use Vertical Spike to smash them once they are in the air.
If you don't smash the eggs, they will hatch into baby Krubbles. The
babies will hover in midair and shoot energy rings at you. Use Vertical
Spike to finish them off. If you can destroy the eggs quickly, Krubble will
stay still for a bit. Lay into him hard then.

2. Meade will blast his stereo, and blue waves will come out.
Krubble gut checks the ceiling, dislodging several stage lights. The lights
will appear at the top of the screen before falling, giving you a small heads
up as to where to move to. The lights send fire pillars on each side when
they fall, which you can't jump over. If you have Bounce Hip, use it to jump
the fire and avoid damage. Expect to take a few hits from this. Luckily, they
only take half a heart, so you have between 8 and 12 hits you can take here,
and the invincibility frames after each hit are very forgiving. 

3. Meade will blast his stereo, and purple waves will come out.
Krubble flies off screen and comes back down slowly on one side. While
falling, he will breath green flames at you. Just stay out of the way and
you will be okay for this part. Once he lands, Krubble will walk forward
while still breathing fire. Hole up on the opposite side of the screen, duck
and shoot/torpedo him while he walks. If he gets close enough, use the melee
attack while ducking to cause some decent damage, and build up the super
meter in the process. If you are as far to one side as you can get and you are
ducking, he shouldn't be able to hit you. If he is hitting you, try rolling
against the side of the screen and turning around while still ducking.

Meade will randomly use one of these attacks every so often, but as pointed
out above, the color of the sound waves will tell you which attack he is
using. Now on to causing damage.

Whenever Krubble is laying eggs, you can destroy them. If you destroy the eggs
quickly enough Krubble will stand still for a few seconds after jumping. Use
the opportunity to recharge your blaster with Melee String and lay into him
with either Vertical Spike of Torpedo.

When Krubble smashes the ceiling to release the lights, attack as your
position will allow. If you end up close, Melee String. If you end up far
away, blast him. I recommend sending Chomp to the sanctuary for this attack,
as he gets burned pretty bad during the chaos of this one.

When Krubble is breathing fire, stand back and unload on him. Use the blaster
and don't stop until you run out of ammo. If you feel confident, use Torpedo
until Krubble is close enough to hit Chomp with his fire breath, then send
Chomp to the sanctuary. When Krubble gets close to you, switch to melee
attacks, as the ducking strikes do a lot more damage than the blaster or
combo attacks.

Any other time, blast and Torpedo him into oblivion. Keep up the heat, and
eventually he will fall.


Watch the cutscene, and take Meade's Key. Ellie will exit to the left and
the room will seal up. Chomp will acquire the Ballista form, unlocking the
teenager evo tree for you to work on. He will also gain two more trait slots,
allowing you to equip four traits instead of two. Try it out if you wish,
and go save.

- 3.2.4 To Deanuford (WKTHR2.4) -

Begin making your way back through the Scratch Pit, heading back the way you
came. From the savepoint, drop down and take the bottom left exit, and go left
through the two small rooms with the bull bugs and spikes. Take the top left
exit that you need to roll through in the larger room, then take the bottom
left exit in the next room. This puts back in the big room that connects to a
shop in the top right. Take the left exit past the Launcher Attack blocks, then
exit left through the big mouth door in the next room. This should put you back
in The Dungeon.

Once in the Dungeon, go up and take the left exit. In the next room, go
straight up and take the top right exit. This should put you back in the

Once in The Caverns, head right to the large branching room. Go up and take
the top left exit to the save point. Save if you want, then head left. Continue
heading left until you reach the Ancient Ruins.

Your map will come up and the marker will move to a new spot, revealing a new
set of arrows on the map. Exit the room left, and drop down to the bottom of
the next room. You should be in front of the giant purple door. Ellie will
use Meade's key on it, unlocking another portion of the Ruins. Head right.

Here you will be told about elemental attributes. Some enemies have an element
associated with them that will affect how Chomp's attacks work against them,
and how well he can defend against their attacks. Enemies can be either fire,
earth, or water, and Chomp's various forms will also have one of these
elements. Fire monsters are typically red, water monsters are typically blue,
and earth monsters are typically green. When Chomp attacks an enemy or is
hit by an enemy attack, both their elements will be shown on the upper left
corner of the top screen, indicating how the attack worked.

Fire beats earth, but is weak to water.
Water beats fire, but is weak to earth.
Earth beats water, but is weak to fire.

You will see several monsters that now have different colors and elemental
affinities from this point on, so be careful bringing Chomp out if you don't
have the appropriate form prepared.

The room has four exits, two to the left, and two to the right. The top left
takes you to the previous room, the middle left takes you to a savepoint, the
top right is unreachable now, and the bottom right heads further in. Save,
then take the bottom right exit.

This room has an exit on the right blocked by blue blocks you can't break yet,
so head down. The path right takes you to a shop, the path left heads further
in. Stock up, then go left.

There are several spikes controlled by gears in this room, so have Chomp whack
them and continue left. The next room will contain a large wooden door with
a green keyhole on it. Ignore the keyhole and go left. The next room takes
you into the Beach, which kicks off your trek into Deanuford.

- 3.3 Deanuford (WKTHR3) -

- 3.3.1 The Beach (WKTHR3.1) -

Welcome to the Beach. Enjoy the scenery and head left. You will encounter a new
enemy, the Beach Crab. They are resistant to head on attacks, so you need to
use Launcher Attack or Vertical Spike to hit them. Practice on them, then exit

This room will introduce you to the Blue Gator. They're just the same as the
yellow ones, except they have the water element and a little more health.
Smash them just the same. Fight past the crabs and gators, and take the top
left exit.

You will be in a room with a platform and spikes across the left wall. There
is a gear on the bottom screen that will control the platform. When Chomp hits
it, the platform shoots up, allowing you to jump across. You need to be quick
this time however, because the platform falls back down. Jump when the platform
is at it's peak, and exit left.

There is a crab in this room, so smash it and exit left. The next room has
two exit to the left. The bottom goes to the Aqueduct, the top goes to the map
marker. Take the top exit.

Here you will encounter two Golems. They are large stone monsters that will
walk towards Ellie, blocking your path and causing massive damage if they hit
you. Luckily they move slowly, so you can just blast or whack them until they
die. They also give a decent amount of money and experience, so they aren't too
bad for grinding. Smash them and exit left.

This room has several platforms and blue gators. Blast the gators, and jump
across the platforms to the left side of the room. You will find a crystal
there worth 100 coins, and a switch on the ground below it. Take the crystal
and hit the switch. You will see a cutscene of a door opening, and the map
marker will move. Head back to the golem room.

Exit the golem room to the right, then exit the tall room which links to the
Aqueduct right. This puts you in the small room with a crab. Exit right, into
the room with the gear platform and spikes. Head right from there back to the
first branching pathway in the Beach. Take the lower left exit this time.

You will be in a room with another golem. Smash it, then exit left. Now you
should be in a room with four exits, two on each side. Top right takes you
back to the golem room, bottom right contains a save point, top left leads to
am impassable room for now, and bottom left leads towards the map marker. Save,
then exit to the bottom left.

This room is the one you saw in the cutscene earlier, the door that was
unlocked being at the far left. Go through it. You will be in a tall room with
a crab at the bottom. Exit left. Another vertical room with two exits to the
left, plus the one you just came through. The top exit takes you through a room
with a golem and then to a shop. They have some new items for sale for Chomp,
so have a look. The bottom exit continues towards the marker. When done with
the shop, take the bottom exit.

The room you are in now makes a large backwards z shape and exits at the bottom
left. Take the exit, and you will be brought to another rune statue, this one
containing Wall Grab. Wall Grab allows you to kick off of walls to climb them.
If you've played Megaman X, ZX, or Zero, you already know how it works. Hold
against the wall, and Ellie will slide down it. While sliding, press B to kick
off the wall, sending Ellie upwards. Continue doing this, and you can climb
up any surface that Ellie can cling to. Try it out on the wall to the left,
and you can step in to the Tubeworqs to grab an item for Chomp. When done,
exit the statue room to the right.

  Ability Acquired: Gravity Weeps; Capcom Rages!
Make your way back to the save point, and save. When done, Exit the save room
and take the upper left exit in the next room. This will put you in a room with
a Star Monster and a Blue Gator. Blast them, then use Wall Grab to reach the
platforms above the rest of the room. Take the left exit out of the room. This
will put you in a room with a trait slot upgrade. Grab it, and Chomp will have
an extra trait slot to use. When you are ready, head back towards the Ancient
Ruins. When you get to the entrance of the Beach, you will see a cutscene. Exit
right into the Ancient Ruins. 

You should now be in the transition room between the ruins and the Beach. Exit
right, to the room with the big door. Exit right from there to the room with
the giant spikes. Exit right to the tall room with the unbreakable blue blocks.
Take the top left exit there. Go up as far as you can, and you will find an
exit at the top right that you have to Wall Grab to get to. Take it. This will
lead you to another rune statue. This one contains the Burst Cancel Ability.
Press Y then A to execute a high powered blaster shot immediately after a melee
attack. Each shot drains a large amount of energy from the super meter, so use
it sparingly. You will get a chance to try it out on the door you just came
through. Hit the block and it will split and fly backwards. Press Y quickly to
activate Blast Cancel, and the switch will be tripped. Head back to the Beach.

  Ability Acquired: Charge Shot!
- 3.3.2 The Aqueduct (WKTHR3.2) -

Now that you have Burst Cancel, you can access the Aqueduct. From the entrance
of the Beach, exit left. Take the top left exit of the next room, and you will
be in the room with the spikes on the left wall and the platform that shoots
up. Exit left. Exit left through the room with the crab, then take the lower
left exit through the vertical room that comes after. You should now be in the

The first room of the Aqueduct has a Yellow Gator and a Burst Cancel Switch.
Hit the switch and exit left. The next room will introduce you to the Crystal
Eyes. They appear as a silver floating ball. Use a melee attack and they fly
backwards and break up, revealing an eye. Hit the exposed eye to cause damage.
Use Burst Cancel for an easy fight, then exit left.

You will be in a room with two blocks attached to gears, this time with one
on the top screen and one on the bottom screen. Have Chomp hit both of them,
then exit left.

You will encounter a new enemy here: the Sanctuary Octopus. They will jump
down into the Pet Sanctuary and attack Ellie from afar if you don't finish
them quickly. If they do, send Chomp down to get them, and dodge their attacks
with Ellie. Not too bad. Go up the platforms on the right side of the room to
find a crystal. The bottom left exit goes to the Tubeworqs, but you need to
trip some switches before going there. Take the upper left exit.

The next room is vertical, with five total exits. There is a savepoint on the
bottom left, just across from where you enter the room at, so use it if you
need to and continue. The top left exit heads further into the Aqueduct, but
ignore if for now. The bottom right exit heads back the way you came, the
top right exit takes you to a locked red door, and the middle door takes you
down a long pathway lined with Crabs and Golems that ends with a room
containing a switch. The switch unlocks a door in the Tubeworqs, so flip it
and return to the vertical room. Take the top left exit that you passed up

You will be in another vertical room with an octopus to the left. Shoot it to
send it down, then let Chomp get it. Note the brown platforms here. They
crumble when Ellie stands on them. There are exits at the top and bottom left
of the room. The top one takes you through a room with lizards, crabs, and low
walls that you need to roll under, ending with a shop. Stock up if you need to,
then take the lower exit.

This puts you in a room with several breakable platforms, two exits on the
left, and enemies down below. Cross the platforms and take the top left exit.
This will lead to a vertical room with a crab, a lizard, and breakable
platforms. Head up and exit left to a room with another switch. Flip it, then
head back to the room with two exits on the left and take the bottom left exit.

The next room has crystal eyes, lizards, and an octopus. Blast them and exit
left to a room with another switch. Flip the switch, then return to the room
with two exits again. Take the top right exit, heading back towards the save
point. If you can't clear the breaking platforms, just Wall Grab the right
wall past the golem. Save once you get to the save point.

The switches you've been hitting have opened up a path in the Tubeworqs, so
you need to head there now. Starting at the room outside the save point, exit
right past the lizard, drop down, then exit left past the crab.

- 3.3.3 The Tubeworqs (WKTHR3.3) -

You have now reached the Tubeworqs, and are almost through Deanuford. Exit the
room left, past the crystal eye. This will place you in a room with some blocks
blocking off the lower half of the room, and an earth elemental lizard. Handle
it just like you do the other lizards, then exit left. This puts you in a small
room with three gates in it. Since you got all the switches in the Aqeuduct,
the gates will be open. Exit left.

You should now be in a vertical room that exits left and right at the bottom.
The right room contains a lizard, a crab, and a crystal worth 100 coins. Grab
the crystal, then return and take the left exit.

Dodge or shoot the flyers in the next room, and exit left. You will be in a
vertical room with break away platforms and an earth lizard at the bottom. Drop
down and exit right.

This room has platforms leading up and down the left and right of it. There is
a crystal eye ahead of you when you first step into it. If you wait for the eye
to get close to you, you can knock it back and pin it against the wall close
enough to use melee attacks on it. The room has exits at the top right and
bottom right. The top right takes you to a shop, the bottom right takes you
further in. Stock up, drop down, and exit right.

You will find a spear trap mounted to a lower screen gear in this room. This
one will slowly reset after being hit, so you need to be quick about passing
through it. Exit right.

You will find another rune statue, this one containing Super Wave. Press A
while holding up on the D-Pad to use it. When you use Super Wave, Ellie fires
9 high powered waves in roughly 1.5 seconds. It drains the super meter like
nothing else, but hits like a tank. You also need it to get past the doors with
switches blocked by regenerating blocks, such as the one at the other end of
the room. Try out super wave on the door, and exit right.

  Ability Acquired - Ripple!
Unfortunately, you still need one more ability to finish the Tubeworqs, and it
is way back in Meadeland. On the bright side, you can now open a shortcut back
through the rest of Deanuford, so you don't have to go the long way back
through the Aqueduct to get back there. Once you leave the room you got Super
Wave in, you should be in a large room with four exits. You enter from the top
left, and across from you at the top right is a save point. Save, then return
to the big room. The bottom left exit takes you to a locked door, and the
bottom right exit takes you back closer to the Beach. Take the bottom right

You will be in a room with a golem. Blast the golem, then head right. You will
come across another Super Wave switch. Blast it, then exit right. Now you are
back in the small room where you found the boxing gloves while exploring the
Beach. Exit right. You should now be back in the room where you found
Wall Grab in the Beach. Make your way back to the Ancient Ruins.

In addition to following the map marker to your next destination, you can grab
some new items that you couldn't get before now. I'll detail what items you
can get, starting in the Ancient Ruins and progressing through Meadeland.

Head back to the room you started the game in. This would be the leftmost room
in the Ancient Ruins map, with a rune statue at the end of it. From there, the
room to the right has a crystal hidden on some platforms above the rest of the
room that can be accessed with Wall Grab. Exit right.

Head up, then left until you reach the room you found Chomp in. Wall Grab up
the left side of the room, and you will find a secret exit. This room contains
a trait slot, which will allow Chomp to equip an extra trait. Clear any other
grey spots on your map, then head for The Caverns.

Once in The Caverns, head right one room. The room you are in now has an area
overhead on the left. Go to the right exit, but don't go through it. Wall Grab
up the wall above the exit, and you will reach a platform. Walk left, and you
will find a crystal worth 150. Head right, to the save point.

When you get to the save point, you will see a cutscene. Save, then exit right.
Drop down and take the lower right exit, past the blocks you have to use
Launcher Attack to get past. You are now in the Dungeon room where you found
Launcher Attack. Exit right, drop down, then exit left. This should bring you
to a room with a big wall in the center. Wall Grab over it. Head left, and you
will encounter a crystal eye. Use Burst Cancel and be on your way left. Fight
off the bug and take your hamburger, then exit left. This brings you back to
the left side of the Dungeon, linking the two halves together. Drop down to the
bottom and enter the Scratch Pit.

From the first room of the Scratch Pit, exit right. You will be in the large
room that exits to a shop in the top right corner. Take the lower right exit
from there. You will be in a tall room with lizards and star monsters. Wall
climb to the top of it, and you will find a crystal worth 100 coins. Exit

In this room, take the platforms to the upper right corner of the room, and you
will find a switch behind several blocks that you need to use Super Wave to
hit. Blast the switch, then take the newly opened path.

You will be in a vertical room with an earth bull bug. Blast him, then head up
and exit right, past the blue gator. This will put you in a room with a rune
statue. Activate it and you will learn Down Smash. Press Down and Y while in
the air and Ellie will do a powerful attack straight down. This can be used to
knock enemies away, but more importantly, it breaks the grey blocks like the
ones on the left side of the room. Try it out, and you will come across the
giant red crab across from the save point at the end of the Scratch Pit. Use
Launcher Attack and Down Smash to defeat it, then go save.

  Ability Acquired: Braver!

Now that you have Down Smash, you can make your way through the rest of the
Tubeworqs. Head back to Deanuford. When you get to the room in the Ancient
Ruins that exits to a shop on the bottom right, you can use Down Smash to get
into the next world and look around. You can't do anything yet, but it's still
kinda neat to get a preview of what's ahead. Continue on to the Beach when you
get are ready.

You need to get back to the Tubeworqs, so head through the Beach towards the
Aqueduct. When you get to the Aqueduct, just keep going left and you'll come
into the Tubeworqs.

Once you get back to the Tubeworqs, head left one screen. You should now be in
a room with a crab, a green lizard, and some blocks you can break with Down
Smash. Blast the enemies, then use Down Smash to break the blocks. Drop through
the newly accessibly platforms, and exit right.

The next room contains two giant crabs and a crystal. Remember that the crabs
can be harmed by Down Smash and Burst Cancel, but you must flip them with
Launcher Attack before using Down Smash. Grab the crystal, then exit right.

You will be in a vertical room with two earth bull bugs, and a crab. The top
right exit leads to a savepoint, and the bottom right exit leads to Deanu.
Beat the enemies, save, then head on. You will find a room with blaster energy
and a heart before you fight Deanu. Grab them, and exit right

Boss Fight 003 - Deanu and Aquid

Like Meade and Krubble in Meadeland, Deanu and Aquid are the big bosses of
Deanuford. Fitting in with Deanu's surfer boy mindset, Aquid is a giant water
monster that Deanu swims inside of during battle. I'll go over the attacks and
how to handle them, then strategies to cause damage of your own.

1. Deanu yells out "Surf's Up!" and the water in the room begins rising. The
water will hurt you while it is above the floor, causing a full heart of
damage. Luckily, it isn't difficult to dodge. Just use Wall Grab and stay off
the ground until the water level falls. Deanu will repeat this attack until you
deal between 1/4 to 1/3 of his life bar in damage to him.

2. Aquid Transforms into a ball and begins bouncing slowly around the screen.
Deanu will fire slow moving shots at you while he is moving. The shots can be
destroyed by attacking, so keeping them under control shouldn't be too bad. If
you are having trouble, try one of Chomp's abilities that attacks up and down
to give you some more range against them. As you attack Aquid and Deanu, Aquid
will begin to shrink, ultimately disappearing and leaving Deanu stunned. If you
are quick, you can attack Deanu for fairly high damage while he is outside of
Aquid. Use whatever you want here for big damage. He will jump back into the
water and rejoin with Aquid once you attack him or enough time passes.

3. Deanu yells out "Undertow!" and moves to the bottom screen. He begins
throwing out orange balls that transform into shells and fire water upwards.
You can judge where the shots will fire based on the position of the shells on
the bottom screen. You also get a short visual warning on the top screen as to
where the shots will be just before they fire. There is just enough room for
you to stand between each shot and not get hit, so once you get the spacing
right, it shouldn't be to hard to outlast. Send Chomp after him, otherwise
he won't stop attacking.

So far as causing damage, just lay into Deanu and Aquid whenever you get a
chance. They will pause for a bit after using Surf's Up, allowing you to attack
them. Use the blaster or melee attacks coupled with Chomp. I've found that
Torpedo and Resistance of Midnight work quite well during this part. If you
use Resistance, get close so that all three shots can hit, and you will do
pretty severe damage to them.

When they start bouncing around the screen, it gets a little bit harder to hit
them. Jump and attack whenever they come in range of Ellie. Counterintuitive as
it is, I got wonderful play out of Vertical Shot for this part. Aquid doesn't
appear to have any distinct elemental strength or weakness, despite clearly
being made of water. Just lay into them and Aquid will eventually disappear.
While Aquid is gone, Deanu is left defenseless and literally starts flopping
around like a fish out of water. Get close and use Resistance of Midnight for
heavy damage.

When Deanu jumps down to the bottom screen, send Chomp after him. Not much to
that really. If you're quick, he will only get off one or two shots before
returning to the top screen.

Remember that Chomp can equip traits to power up his abilities. I used Scourge
with 2-3 attack ups and fire attack ups, while using Resistance of Midnight and
Vertical Shot. Keep up the heat, and Deanu should go down without much trouble.

  Boss Defeated: No! My Formal Shorts!

Watch the cutscene and claim Deanu's key. As you exit the room, Chomp will
receive his first adult form, Sentinel, and four more trait slots. Adult forms
are very powerful, but are slow and take longer to level up. Go save once you
are done going over the new form. Deanu's key will allow you to enter Zoetopia,
so start heading for the Ancient Ruins.

To Be Continued

As it stands, I've worked through what I estimate to be 2/5ths of the game so
far. I'll try and update sooner next time, but I can't make any promises. Next
update will cover Zoetopia, and hopefully will include more information for the
other sections as well.

                          4. Band Upgrades (BANDS)

This section will detail all of the Band Upgrades you can get, what they do,
and where they can be found.

001 - Band Blaster
Location: Ancient Ruins, Directly to the left of where you start the game.
What It Does: This upgrade allows you to fire shots from your arm cannon, er
              band. Press A and Ellie will fire a single shot. Repeatedly
              press A for rapid fire shots. Each shot clears between one
              third and half the screen and does acceptable damage.
              You can also use the blaster to hit switches mounted on
002 - Melee Strike
Location: Ancient Ruins, Lower Left. Requires Torpedo and Vertical Spike to
What It Does: This upgrade give Ellie a short range melee attack with her bag.
              This allows you to attack enemies up close, and break brown
              stone walls that block your way. Press Y to swing. If you attack
              while ducking, Ellie will roll forward slightly and execute a
              much more powerful strike. It's slower to come out, but still
              useful on occasion.
003 - Super Band Blaster
Location: The Caverns, just past the lower screen gear block.
What It Does: It's basically the long beam from the first Metroid game.
              Upgrades the Band Blaster so that the shots will now clear the
              entire screen. Unfortunately, you now have an ammo bar,
              represented by the blue Super Meter on the lower screen.
              When you first get the upgrade, you have enough energy for 48
              shots. When the meter is empty, it will slowly recharge enough
              for one shot, allowing you to still hit switches and things, but
              not enough for rapid fire. Upgrades can be purchased that will
              improve the efficiency of the blaster, giving you more shots
              from the same amount of energy.
004 - Roll
Location: The Caverns, past the door that requires the Super Band Blaster to
What It Does: Allows Ellie to roll across the ground by holding down and
              pressing B. Use this to get through small opening on the floor.
              If you hold the D-pad in the direction you are facing and jump
              at the end of a roll, you can do a long jump that gives you a
              little more range horizontally.

005 - Melee String
Location: The Dungeon, after getting Roll. Enter from the entrance in the
          Caverns that requires roll, go down, then left.
What It Does: Allows Ellie to perform a 5 hit combo melee attack. Simply
              press y repeatedly and she will continue swinging. The last
              swing will knock enemies back, and will push the large sliding
              blocks with arrows out of the way. Also of note, you can string
              together attacks potentially increase the payout of defeated
              enemies. When an enemy is killed, they get knocked off screen.
              If you are quick, you can continue to hit the falling enemy,
              and if you hit them enough, they will drop extra money. You
              can combo with some of Chomp's attacks also, but this is easier
              once they have actually started to fall off screen.
006 - Launcher Attack
Location: The Dungeon, during the second visit after claiming Melee String
          Head back towards the bottom right exit of the large room in the
What It Does: Hold up and press Y to make Ellie attack upwards. This hit
              enemies above and in front of you, and can break the blocks
              with switches on the bottom and arrows pointing up. If you hold
              the up button after the attack, Ellie will jump upwards to
              follow the enemy into the air. Great fun for combos, this one.
007 - Wall Grab
Location: The Beach, towards the bottom center of the map, just before The
What It Does: Jump and hold the D-Pad against a wall to make Ellie slide down
              it slowly. Press B to kick off of the wall, and make Ellie go
              higher. By continually kicking off the wall and moving back
              against it, you can climb up any surface that Ellie can cling
              to. Works just like the wall climbing in Megaman X, Megaman Zero,
              and Megaman ZX.
008 - Burst Cancel
Location: Ancient Ruins, top right exit of the room to the right of the door
          you open with Meade's Key. You need Wall Grab to reach it.
What It Does: Press Y to do a melee attack, then press A before the animation
              is over to fire a high powered projectile from the band. Does a
              good bit of damage in one shot, but drains a lot of energy also.
              Can be used to chain combos like a melee attack. Used to hit
              switches behind the blue walls that fly back and split open when
              you hit them.
009 - Super Wave
Location: The Tubeworqs, down and to the right of the shop.
What It Does: Press A while holding up on the D-Pad to fire a volley of high
              powered shots. Very powerful, but terribly inefficient. You will
              get more from the energy with regular blaster shots, but you
              can't beat the sheer speed of output on this. Also used to hit
              the switches behind the series of small rock walls that
              regenerate after being shot.
010 - Down Smash
Location: The Scratch Pit, Through a door that you need Super Wave to open.
What It Does: Press Down and Y while in the air and Ellie will do a powerful
              attack straight down. This can be used to smash the cracked grey
              blocks that block some paths, and can knock enemies back.

                             5. Evolution (EVLTN)

This section gives information about Chomp's different forms. Chomp has several
different forms he can take, each with different properties and attributes.
You only have access to the foundling form when you first meet him, but you
will unlock several different forms based on what items you give him.

The Evo screen is set up on a grid, with each new form linking to a previous
form. For example, you start with the Foundling form, and you can unlock two
forms from it: Acrobat and Repeller. The Acrobat and Repeller each have forms
that can be unlocked from them. Each form that can be unlocked will be shown
as a lock symbol on the grid, and when selected will tell you what element
the new form will be, what type of behavior to expect (blocks stuff, shoots
stuff) and what things it likes. You can only unlock a form by using the form
that is connected to it on the grid. You increase the unlock gauge by using
items on Chomp in the Sanctuary. If you use items that the form you are trying
to unlock like, the unlock gauge will fill faster. Be careful, each form
maxes out at level 30, and it appears that if you reach level 30 without
unlocking a form, that form cannot be unlocked.

Chomp has five base statistics that differ based upon which form he is using.
Stamina: Abbreviated STA. Reduces energy consumption.
Attack: Abbreviated ATK. Affects the power of Chomp's physical attacks.
Defense: Abbreviated DEF. Reduces the damage that Chomp takes from attacks.
Speed: Abbreviated SPD. Represents Chomp's movement speed on screen.
Intelligence: Abbreviated INT. Affects how much experience Chomp receives from
                               an item and from defeating an enemy. Also
                               affects how long it takes to use an item in the
Each form will learn skills and traits as they level up. Skills represent
attacks and abilities that you can activate at will, and are mapped to the
L and R buttons. You can map one skill to each, giving you two different
skills to use during battle.

Chomp will also learn different traits while leveling up. These allow you to
boost Chomp's stats up, making him more powerful. They are divided into two
categories, Stat traits and Elemental traits. Stat traits upgrade your base
stats like attack and defense, while elemental traits affect your performance
with elemental attacks.

Each skill and trait can only be used by the form it is learned in, until you
master it. Skills are mastered by leveling up Chomp's forms. Once a skill or
trait is mastered, it can be equipped by every form that you can use. Skills
still retain the element of the form that learned them however, so be wary
of that when choosing your attack skills.

- 5.1 Forms (EVLTN1) -
Each form will be listed here. The sections will be separated into adolescent,
teenager, and adult forms, as they each have their own evo tree. Each entry
will give a number (which may change in future versions), what it evolves from,
what element the form is, what the form prefers to fill the unlock gauge on

Child Forms

01 - Foundling
Evolves From: Nothing, you start with this
Element: Fire
Preferred Item: N/A
Description: Red and White with blue eyes
Base Stats: STA - 500
            ATK -  80
            DEF - 250
            SPD - 150
            INT - 300
Skills and Traits: LVL 03 - Torpedo Learned
                   LVL 04 - Speed up 1 Learned
                   LVL 05 - Vertical Spike Learned
                   LVL 07 - Torpedo Mastered
                   LVL 10 - Speed up 1 Mastered
                   LVL 11 - Vertical Spike Mastered
                   LVL 16 - Stamina Up 2 Learned
                   LVL 21 - Speed Up 2 Learned
                   LVL 26 - Stamina Up 2 Mastered
                   LVL 30 - Speed Up 2 Mastered
02 - Acrobat
Evolves From: 01 - Foundling
Element: Fire
Preferred Item: Sweets
Description: Foundling form with crab claw hands
Base Stats: STA - 260
            ATK - 120
            DEF - 200
            SPD - 450
            INT - 250
Skills and Traits: LVL 02 - Stamina Up 1 Learned
                   LVL 03 - Bounce Hop Learned
                   LVL 06 - Stamina Up 1 Mastered
                   LVL 09 - Bounce Hop Mastered
                   LVL 15 - Fire Attack Affinity 1 Learned
                   LVL 23 - Defense Up 2 Learned
                   LVL 28 - Fire Attack Affinity 1 Mastered
                   LVL 30 - Defense Up 2 Mastered
03 - Scourge
Evolves From: 02 - Acrobat
Element: Fire
Preferred Item: Fruits and Vegetables
Description: Beefier looking Acrobat with what looks to me like dreadlocks
Base Stats: STA - 350
            ATK - 456
            DEF - 200
            SPD - 120
            INT - 154
Skills and Traits: LVL 03 - Side Spike Learned
                   LVL 05 - Attack Up 1 Learned
                   LVL 10 - Side Spike Mastered
                   LVL 15 - Attack Up 1 Mastered
                   LVL 18 - Intellect Up 2 Learned
                   LVL 23 - Attack Up 2 Learned
                   LVL 28 - Intellect Up 2 Mastered
                   LVL 30 - Attack Up 2 Mastered
04 - Repeller
Evolves From: 01 - Foundling
Element: Fire
Preferred Item: Toys
Description: Foundling with bat wings
Base Stats: STA - 400
            ATK -  10
            DEF - 506
            SPD - 175
            INT - 189
Skills and Traits: LVL 03 - Shield Learned
                   LVL 04 - Defense Up 1 Learned
                   LVL 07 - Defense Up 1 Mastered
                   LVL 10 - Shield Mastered
                   LVL 14 - Fire Defense Affinity 1 Learned
                   LVL 19 - Defense Up 2 Learned
                   LVL 25 - Fire Defense Affinity 1 Mastered
                   LVL 30 - Defense Up 2 Mastered
05 - Stalwart
Evolves From: 04 - Repeller
Element: Water
Preferred Item: Reading
Description: Blue foundling with antenna and a tail
Base Stats: STA - 250
            ATK -  80
            DEF - 200
            SPD - 200
            INT - 550
Skills and Traits: LVL 03 - Vertical Shot Learned
                   LVL 04 - Intellect Up 1 Learned
                   LVL 07 - Intellect Up 1 Mastered
                   LVL 10 - Vertical Shot Mastered
                   LVL 14 - Water Attack Affinity 1 Learned
                   LVL 19 - Intellect Up 2 Learned
                   LVL 25 - Water Attack Affinity 1 Mastered
                   LVL 30 - Intellect Up 2 Mastered
06 - Ravenous
Evolves From: 04 - Repeller
Element: Earth
Preferred Item: Exercise
Description: Green Foundling with rounded ears. Kinda looks like a monkey
Base Stats: STA - 516
            ATK - 80
            DEF - 250
            SPD - 250
            INT - 200
Skills and Traits: LVL 03 - Tongue Throw Learned
                   LVL 05 - Stamina Up 1 Learned
                   LVL 10 - Tongue Throw Mastered
                   LVL 15 - Stamina Up 1 Mastered
                   LVL 18 - Earth Attack Affinity 2 Learned
07 - Pixie
Evolves From: 06 - Ravenous
Element: Water
Preferred Item: Reading
Description: Blue Ravenous with smaller hands
Base Stats: STA - 289
            ATK -   1
            DEF - 288
            SPD - 709
            INT - 288
08 - Winged Avenger
Evolves From: 06 - Ravenous
Element Fire
Preferred Item: Grains
Description: Red Stalwart with Repeller wings
Base Stats: STA - 709
            ATK - 170
            DEF - 325
            SPD - 370
            INT -   1
09 - Hurler
Evolves From: 06 - Ravenous
Element: Earth
Preferred Item: Meat
Description: Green Foundling with head fins
Base Stats: STA - 510
            ATK - 240
            DEF - 125
            SPD - 460
            INT - 240
Skills and Traits: LVL ?? - Tongue Launch Learned
                   LVL 05 - Earth Defense Affinity 2 Learned
10 - Zippy
Evolves From: 09 - Hurler
Element: Light
Preferred Item: Pet Care and Rocks
Description: White Hurler with fins
Base Stats: STA - 450
            ATK -  40
            DEF - 125
            SPD - 250
            INT - 709

Teenager Forms

11 - Ballista
Evolves From: Acquired during story progression
Element: Fire
Preferred Item: N/A
Description: Much more serious and fierce looking version of the foundling
Base Stats: STA - 436
            ATK - 223
            DEF - 376
            SPD -  75
            INT - 320
Skills and Traits: LVL 03 - Resistance of Midnight Learned
                   LVL 05 - Fire Attack Affinity 2 Learned
                   LVL 10 - Resistance of Midnight Mastered
                   LVL 15 - Fire Attack Affinity 2 Mastered
                   LVL 18 - Defense Up 2 Learned
                   LVL 23 - Attack Up 2 Learned
                   LVL 28 - Defense Up 2 Mastered
                   LVL 30 - Attack Up 2 Mastered

12 - Paladin
Evolves From: 11 - Ballista
Element: Fire
Preferred Item: Reading
Description: Ballista with a tail
Base Stats: STA - 388
            ATK - 176
            DEF - 511
            SPD - 75
            INT - 280
Skills and Traits:
13 - Spitter
Evolves From: 11 - Ballista
Element: Water
Preferred Item: Ice Cream
Description: Blue Ballista with heftier arms
Base Stats: STA - 395
            ATK - 177
            DEF - 325
            SPD -  51
            INT - 486
Skills and Traits: LVL 03 - Ghoul's Cascade Learned
                   LVL 05 - Water Attack Affinity 2 Learned
                   LVL 10 - Ghoul's Cascade Mastered
                   LVL 15 - Water Attack Affinity 2 Mastered
                   LVL 18 - Intellect Up 1 Learned
                   LVL 23 - Intellect Up 2 Learned
                   LVL 28 - Intellect Up 1 Mastered
                   LVL 30 - Intellect Up 2 Mastered
14 - Wrecker
Evolves From: 13 - Spitter
Element: Fire
Preferred Item: Meat and Exercise
Description: Ballista with Spitter arms, bigger legs, and horns
Base Stats: STA - 183
            ATK - 486
            DEF - 536
            SPD -  45
            INT - 180
Skills and Traits:

Adult Forms

15 - Sentinel
Evolves From: Acquired during story progression
Element: Fire
Preferred Item: N/A
Description: Hulking, muscular, giant compared to the other forms
Base Stats: STA - 595
            ATK - 430
            DEF - 480
            SPD -  75
            INT - 150
- 5.2 Skills (EVLTN2) -

001 - Torpedo
Learned: Foundling LVL 3
Mastered: Foundling LVL 7
Element: Fire
Description: Chomp rockets forward from Ellie's position, clearing about
             half the screen. Does decent damage, and is mastered early on.
002 - Vertical Spike
Learned: Foundling LVL 5
Mastered: Foundling LVL 11
Element: Fire
Description: Chomp turns into a giant spike that extends upwards and
             downwards. Great for reaching enemies above or below, and does
             more damage than Torpedo. Has very little horizontal range.
003 - Bounce Hop
Learned: Acrobat LVL 3
Mastered: Acrobat LVL 9
Element: Fire
Description: Chomp uses his tongue as a platform, allowing Ellie to double
             jump. Might well have been one of the most useful skills in the
             game if it weren't for Wall Grab. Can be used to get to a couple
             of things early, but not necessary after Wall Grab. 
004 - Side Spike
Learned: Scourge LVL 3
Mastered: Scourge LVL 10
Element: Fire
Description: Just like vertical spike, except sideways instead of vertical.
             Unfortunately, It's a lot weaker than vertical spike. I recommend
             using it on the crabs in Deanuford, but switch to something else
             for the tougher enemies.
005 - Shield
Learned: Repeller LVL 3
Mastered: Repeller LVL 10
Element: Fire
Description: Chomp generates a shield in front of Ellie to protect her.
             Enemies will be pushed back by it, and shots will be reflected
             back at the enemy.
006 - Vertical Shot
Learned: Stalwart LVL 3
Mastered: Stalwart LVL 10
Element: Water
Description: Chomp fires a water shot straight up and down from just above
             Ellie's head. Takes less energy to use per shot than the melee
             attacks do. Useful for hitting things that are resistant to
             vertical spike.
007 - Tongue Throw
Learned: Ravenous LVL 3
Mastered: Ravenous LVL 10
Element: Earth
Description: Chomp extends his tongue out, grabbing an enemy with it. If an
             enemy is caught, Chomp holds them for several seconds. Enemies are
             defenseless while Chomp is holding them like this. You can have
             Ellie attack them, wait for Chomp to bite them, or press the
             button that tongue throw is equipped to to make Chomp throw the
             enemy. Not bad, and about all you'll get in the way of earth
             attacks early on. Doesn't work on some enemies.
008 - Resistance of Midnight
Learned: Ballista LVL 3
Mastered: Ballista LVL 10
Element: Fire
Description: Chomp fires three projectiles in the direction that Ellie is
             facing. The center shot goes straight, while the top and bottom
             shots move at about a 60 degree angle. Very useful as each shot
             is fairly powerful, and is almost broken if you can get close
             enough to hit one enemy with all three shots.
009 - Ghoul's Cascade
Element: Water
Description: Chomp spits a ball of water in the direction that Ellie is facing.
             Chomp fires from the same position as he does with Resistance of
             Midnight. The ball travels forward and upwards, then falls to the
             ground. When it hits the ground, it explodes into a geyser of
             water that travels forward roughly five body spaces. If you aim
             properly, you can hit an enemy multiple times with the geysers.
             Functions very much like the holy water in Castlevania.

- 5.3 Traits (EVLTN3) -

001 - Stamina Up 1
Learned: Acrobat LVL 02, Ravenous LVL 05
Mastered: Acrobat LVL 06, Ravenous LVL 15
Description: Increases Stamina by 30

002 - Stamina Up 2
Learned: Foundling LVL 16
Mastered: Foundling LVL 26
Description: Increases Stamina by 50

003 - Attack Up 1
Learned: Scourge LVL 05
Mastered: Scourge LVL 15
Description: Increases Attack by 30.

004 - Attack Up 2
Learned: Scourge LVL 23
Mastered: Scourge LVL 30
Description: Increases Attack by 50.

005 - Defense Up 1
Learned: Repeller LVL 04
Mastered: Repeller LVL 07
Description: Increases Attack by 30.

006 - Defense Up 2
Learned: Acrobat LVL 23, Repeller LVL 19
Mastered: Acrobat LVL 30, Repeller LVL 30
Description: Increases Attack by 50.

007 - Speed Up 1
Learned: Foundling LVL 04
Mastered: Foundling LVL 10
Description: Increases Speed by 30.

008 - Speed Up 2
Learned: Foundling LVL 21
Mastered: Foundling LVL 30
Description: Increases Speed by 50.

009 - Intellect Up 1
Learned: Stalwart LVL 04
Mastered: Stalwart LVL 07
Description: Increases Intelligence by 30.

010 - Intellect Up 2
Learned: Scourge LVL 18, Stalwart LVL 19
Mastered: Scourge LVL 28, Stalwart LVL 30
Description: Increases Intelligence by 50.

011 - Fire Attack Affinity 1
Learned: Acrobat LVL 15
Mastered: Acrobat LVL 28
Description: Increases damage done when using fire type attacks slightly.

012 - Fire Affinity 2
Learned: Ballista LVL 05
Mastered: Ballista LVL 15
Description: Increases damage done when using fire type attacks moderately.

013 - Water Attack Affinity 1
Learned: Stalwart LVL 14
Mastered: Stalwart LVL 25
Description: Increases damage done when using water type attacks slightly.

014 - Earth Attack Affinity 2
Learned: Ravenous LVL 18
Mastered: Ravenous LVL 
Description: Increases damage done when using earth type attacks slightly.

015 - Fire Defense Affinity 1
Learned: Repeller LVL 14
Mastered: Repeller LVL 25
Description: Reduces damage taken from fire type attacks slightly.

                             6. Shopping (SHOPS)

This section lists the various items you can buy and gives details associated
with them.

- 6.1 Ellie (SHOPS1) -

Health Extension 1
Cost: 420
Effect: Increases your maximum health, giving you an extra heart.

Health Extension 2
Cost: 2200
Effect: Increases your maximum health, giving you an extra heart.

Melee Damage 1
Cost: 340
Effect: Increases the damage dealt by melee attacks.

Melee Damage 2
Cost: 1440
Effect: Increases the damage dealt by melee attacks further.

Special Damage 1
Cost: 500
Effect: Increases the damage dealt by special attacks.

Blaster Damage 1
Cost: 375
Effect: Increases the damage dealt by blaster attacks.

Blaster Damage 2
Cost: 1440
Effect: Increases the damage dealt by blaster attacks further.

Blaster Efficiency 1
Cost: 100
Effect: Decreases the cost of each shot by the blaster. With no upgrades you
        can fire 48 shots from a full meter. After this upgrade, you can fire
        64 shots from a full meter.
Blaster Efficiency 2
Cost: 1600
Effect: Decreases the cost of each shot by the blaster. After this upgrade,
        you can fire 96 shots from a full meter.

Blaster Efficiency 3
Cost: 6750
Effect: Decreases the cost of each shot by the blaster.

Energy Gain 1
Cost: 450
Effect: Increases the amount of energy gained from melee attacks.

Energy Gain 2
Cost: 1600
Effect: Increases the amount of energy gained from melee attacks further.

Treasure Hunting 1
Cost: 250
Effect: Increases the drop rate of items from defeated enemies.

Treasure Hunting 2
Cost: 960
Effect: Increases the drop rate of items from defeated enemies further.

Treasure Hunting 3
Cost: 3600
Effect: Increases the drop rate of items from defeated enemies to maximum.

- 6.2 Chomp (SHOPS2) -

Cost: 11
Category: Sweets

Cost: 32
Category: Fruits and Vegetable

Cost: 34
Category: Meat

Cost: 16
Category: Reading

Cost: 22
Category: Reading

Cost: 38
Category: Exercise

Soccer Ball
Cost: 33
Category: Exercise

Toy Car
Cost: 90
Category: Toys

Cost: 42
Category: Toys

Cost: 45
Category: Pet Care

Becomes available in Deanuford

Ice Cream
Cost: 49
Category: Sweets

Pepperoni Pizza
Cost: 54
Category: Meat

Cost: 59
Category: Exercise

Cost: 141
Category: Exercise

Cost: 147
Category: Art

                             7. Enemies (ENEMY)

This Section will list and detail each enemy encountered in the game.
Please note, enemies only give experience if Chomp attacks the enemy, and that
the values may be off by a few points from the values listed here. It looks
like the values are based off of Chomp's INT score, so that's what I am going

001 - Star Monster
Location: Ancient Ruins, The Caverns, The Scratch Pit
Description: The first enemy you encounter in the game. Small, yellow, and
             vaguely star shaped, they serve mostly as target practice.
             The closest they get to dangerous is that some can disguise
             themselves as statues and surprise you. Still not very bad.
             Not really anything special to these, just hit 'em with
             something and they drop like flies.
             Worth 1 coin and 3 experience at 477 INT.
             Drops Cookies.
002 - Wall Crawlers
Location: Ancient Ruins, The Caverns, The Dungeon
Description: Purple flowers with yellow eyes. They crawl up and down walls,
             shooting at you when they get the chance. Very weak, but more
             dangerous than the star monsters. Hit them with whatever you
             please and they should go down.
             Worth 2 coins and 6 experience at 477 INT.
             Drops Cookies.
             Drops Books.
             Drops Catapults.
003 - Twin Headed Dragon (Boss)
Location: Ancient Ruins
Description: A giant two headed dragon that attacks you in the ruins.

004 - Smiling Flyer
Location: Ancient Ruins, The Caverns.
Description: Small winged enemies that smile at the screen as they go by.
             Not really difficult, just hit them and be on your way.
             Worth 1 coin and 6 experience at 477 INT.
             Drops Books.
             Drops Cookie.
005 - Yellow Gator
Location: The Caverns, The Scratch Pit, The Aqueduct
Description: Yellow Alligator/Crocodile (not sure what the difference is)
             monster wearing green, and swinging a mace. These are a little
             more powerful than the other enemies you have encountered thus
             far, but still not much of a threat. Shoot them if you have
             the energy, melee them once you get the combo upgrade, or use
             Torpedo. They take about four shots to do in with the blaster,
             5 shots to kill with melee attacks, and may dodge backwards to
             evade your strikes.
             Worth 6 coins and 12 experience at 477 INT.
             Drops Turkey.
             Drops Catapult.
006 - Lizard Turret
Location: The Caverns, The Dungeon, The Scratch Pit, The Aqueduct,
          The Tubeworqs
Description: Yellow and purple colored lizards that stand in place and fire
             shots at you. They can be annoying if you have no energy for the
             blaster, but other than that they aren't too bad. Looks like they
             take extra damage from the blaster, so fire away when they show
             up. If you are on level ground with it, you can duck the shots
             from the standing ones and jump the shots of the squatting ones.
             Worth 6 coins and 10 experience at 486 INT.
             Drops Cherry.
             Drops Scroll.

007 - Bull Bug
Location: The Dungeon, The Scratch Pit
Description: Purple Insects with pointy antenna. They will fire shots straight
             up or down at you if you are above or below them, or they will
             charge at you if you are on the same level as them. They take
             about six blaster shots to kill, and several melee hits to kill.
             Use the blaster until you have the melee combo attack, then
             switch them up as need be or use Chomp to kill them
             Worth 9 coins and 18 experience @ 477.
             Drops Soap.
008 - Meade and Krubble (boss)
Location: The Scratch Pit
Description: Meade is the king of Meadeland, and one of the five Kid Kings
             wrecking up Monster Land. Krubble is the Giant orange monster
             that serves him. Defeat them, and you can go to Deanuford.
009 - Smiling Flyer (fire)
Location: Ancient Ruins, The Tubeworqs
Description: Same as the other flyers you have seen so far, except they have
             fire elemental attacks. Not really any worse, just be careful
             using a water form around them.
             Worth 2 coins and 9 experience at 486 INT.
             Drops Soccer Ball.
010 - Star Monster (fire)
Location: Ancient Ruins
Description: Star monster with fire properties. Nothing more than cannon
             fodder at this point really.
             Worth 2 coins and 6 experience at 486 INT.
             Drops Turkey.
011 - Wall Crawler (earth)
Location: Ancient Ruins
Description: Wall crawler, except green. Same as before, just worth a few more
             Worth 6 coins and 10 experience at 486 INT.
             Drops Toy Car.
012 - Beach Crab
Location: The Beach, The Aqueduct, The Tubeworqs
Description: Yellow Crab with a spiky grey shell. Immune to head on attacks,
             use Ellie's Launcher Attack or Chomp's Vertical Spike.
             Worth 2 coins and 17 experience at 504 INT.
             Drops Camera.
             Drops Soccer Ball.
             Drops Ice Cream.
013 - Blue Gator (water)
Location: The Beach, The Aqueduct
Description: Much like the yellow gators, they attack with a spiked mace. Not
             to bad, just be careful if you are using a water form.
             Worth 8 coins and 18 experience at 504 INT.
014 - Golem
Location: The Beach, The Aqueduct
Description: Giant stone monster. Doesn't move until you come near it, at
             which point it stands up and begins slowly walking towards you.
             It's only attack is to walk into you, but it's so big that you
             can't really get past without killing it. Not really bad, just
             takes a lot of hits to kill. Also, they take away a full heart
             when they hit, so be careful if you are injured. All in all, a
             decent way to grind for money once you get the attack upgrades.
             Worth 14 coins and 24 experience at 504 INT.
             Drops Frisby.
             Drops Pepperoni Pizza.
             Drops Treasure Chest.
015 - Eye Crystal
Location: The Dungeon, The Aqueduct, The Tubeworqs
Description: An eyeball contained in a shiny silvery sphere. Impervious to
             blaster shots normally. When you strike them, they fly backwards
             and the sphere comes apart for a short period of time. Use Blast
             Cancel for a short fight.
             Worth 8 coins and 17 experience at 558 INT.
             Drops Dumbbell.
016 - Giant Red Crab
Location: The Scratch Pit, The Tubeworqs
Description: Like the crabs at the Beach, except giant and red. Really hard to
             damage also, you need to hit them with Burst Cancel to do any
             Worth 8 coins and 24 experience at 558 INT.
             Drops Pepperoni Pizza.
             Drops Catapult.
             Drops Soap.
017 - Sanctuary Octopus
Location: The Aqueduct
Description: Pink octopus with blue hair/tentacles. Will jump down into the
             pet sanctuary once attacked. Once they are in the pet sanctuary,
             just have chomp lay into them, and dodge their attacks. They
             attack by extending their blue hair/tentacles back into the top
             screen and grabbing Ellie or Chomp with them. When either of
             them is caught, the other can break them free by attacking the
             tentacles wrapped around the target. This will also leave the
             octopus weakened and unable to attack for a few seconds
             Worth 25 experience at 582 INT.
             Can't kill them before they jump down yet, so no info on how much
             money or what items they drop, if any.
018 - Lizard Turret (earth)
Location: The Tubeworqs
Description: Green Turret Lizard. Handle them just as you do the regular ones.
             On the plus side, Chomp's first few forms are fire, so you should
             have something good to use on them by the time you get to them.
             Worth 8 coins and 16 experience at 582 INT
019 - Bull Bug (earth)
Location: The Scratch Pit, The Tubeworqs
Description: Green Bull Bug. Fights just like the purple ones, but is more
             powerful. Use the blaster and jump over their rush attacks.
             Worth 14 coins and 27 experience at 582 INT.
             Drops Camera
             Drops Bike
             Drops Present
                       8 Credits/Legal Section (CREDITS)

Thanks to DreamRift for developing this game and injecting all that awesome
into it.

Thanks to Majesco for publishing the game.

Thanks to the developers of Notepad++ for giving me a sweet writing
environment that offers just enough above plain notepad to be useful.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

This guide may be published wherever you please, so long as it is unchanged.

This guide may not be republished for commercial purposes.

This guide can be found on gamefaqs.com, gamershell.com, and cheatcc.com.

copyright 2011 jackvambrace

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