FAQ And Walkthrough - Guide for Red Faction

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                        FAQ and Walkthrough

              by: Trevor Covert 

                           Version 2.0

This document is copyrighted 2001 by Trevor Covert.  Reproduction of
this document in whole or in part without the author's consent is
strictly forbidden.  If the reader wishes to use the FAQ for their
personal and private use only, then a copy may be made.

This extensive FAQ/Walkthrough to the Playstation 2 game Red Faction
includes all of the following elements:

* A complete walkthrough to guide you through the game from start to

* A full guide to the game's weapons, including statistics, tips, and
strategies for their use.

* A full guide to the game's five vehicles, including a brief
description and tips and tactics for using them effectively.

* Background information on the game's main characters, including
Parker, Hendrix, Eos, Orion, Gryphon, and Capek.

* A list of the game's enemies, their characteristics and how to
effectively make each one die as quickly as possible.

* Layout and strategies for each of the game's nine multi-player levels
as well as general tips and tactics for multi-player.

* Secrets and Game Shark codes.

* Frequently Asked Questions that answer the most common questions asked
when help is sought in completing Red Faction.


############################# I. Introduction ##########################


I've been planning to do this FAQ for quite awhile now, and it will be
my first published FAQ.  I've been following the game since Volition
began dropping hints about it leading up to its official announcement at
E3 2000.  Since I used to do work in the game biz, I've had the
opportunity to meet and interview several members of the development
team at Volition, and most of them have a lot of experience in game
development and really know their stuff.  So, I knew Red Faction wasn't
about to disappoint.  I'm writing this FAQ using the Playstation 2
version of Red Faction, but most of the information here should be quite
relevant for the Mac/PC versions when they ship later this year.  Enjoy.

You can reach the author at: [email protected].

Feel free to send in questions, comments, information, suggestions, etc.
However, my day job is fairly demanding so don't expect an instant
reply.  I will try to respond to all e-mails that are polite,
respectful, understandable and contain the words "Red Faction" in the
subject line.

The following sites have been given permission to publish this FAQ
without alteration in any way whatsoever:

- GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com)
- Neoseeker (www.neoseeker.com)
- Psxcodez.com (www.psxcodez.com)
- Red Faction @ Tscentral (redfaction.tscentral.net)
- PSX Extreme (www.psxextreme.com)
- GameSpot (www.gamespot.com)
- About.com (vgstrategies.about.com)
- GameWinners.com (www.gamewinners.com)
- GamePower (www.gamepower.com)
- RedFactionFiles.com (www.redfactionfiles.com)
- Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com)
- SonyWeb.com (www.sonyweb.com)

All other parties should contact the author for permission before even
thinking about using this FAQ for their own site.


######################### II. Version History ##########################


Current Version: 2.0

Version 2.0 - 8/24/2001

Corrected some mistakes in the Table of Contents.  Added locations to
the Vehicles section.  Updated Colonel Masako in the Main Characters
section.  Added Enemies section.  Updated Items section.  Made
miscelleneous changes to the single-player walkthrough to better clarify
certain instructions.  Updated Frequently Asked Questions.  Updated
Secrets / Cheats section.  Removed Idle Motion from Weapons section.
Updated list of sites with permission to host this FAQ.  Updated Credits
section.  Continued Multi-player Level Guides section.

Version 1.9 - 6/22/2001

Provided some additional help for exiting the Executive Suites after
reaching Gryphon (courtesy of a tip from Cevin Key).  Added instructions
for getting a sniper rifle in Abandoned Mine (courtesy of a tip from
Kevin Gavioli). Completed the single-player walkthrough.

Version 1.8 - 6/18/2001

Added Tactics for the Armored Personal Carrier (APC) to the Vehicles
section.  Updated Frequently Asked Questions.  Made some spelling
corrections.  Made some miner changes to Abandoned Crusher and Capek's
Inner Sanctum in the single-player walkthrough.  Updated element listing
at the top of the FAQ.  Continued single-player walkthrough through the
Merc Command Center.

Version 1.7 - 6/15/2001

Made some more formatting changes.  Updated Frequently Asked Questions.
Continued single-player walkthrough through the Communications Center.

Version 1.6 - 6/13/2001

Made some additional formatting changes for the section titles.  Added
Orion, Gryphon, Capek, and Masako to the Main Characters section.  Added
Controls / HUD section.  Added Items section.  Updated Frequently Asked
Questions.  Added list of multi-player characters to Multi-player:
General Tips and Tactics section.  Continued single-player walkthrough
through the Grand Canyon.

Version 1.5 - 6/11/2001

Made extensive formatting changes.  Updated list of sites with
permission to host this FAQ.  Updated Secrets / Cheats section.  Updated
Frequently Asked Questions.  Updated Sub Bay section in single-player
walkthrough with additional options for travelling to the underwater
research lab.  Added Tactics for the All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) to the
Vehicles section.  Continued single-player walkthrough through Capek's
Inner Sanctum.

Version 1.4 - 6/6/2001

Made some formatting corrections to the Weapons section.  Updated list
of sites with permission to host this FAQ.  Added some additional notes
to the single-player walkthrough introduction.  Added Secrets / Cheats
section.  Continued single-player walkthrough through the Cavern Entrance.

Version 1.3 - 6/4/2001

Made some formatting changes.  Updated list of sites with permission to
host this FAQ.  Added a Frequently Asked Questions section. Updated
Credits with some thanks for the free Red faction t-shirt.  Added an
introduction to the single-player walkthrough.  Added Tactics for the
Heavy Machine Gun and Grenade in the Weapons section.  Added Tactics for
the Submarine and Aesir Fighter in the Vehicles section.  Continued
single-player walkthrough through the Refuse Disposal Plant.

Version 1.2 - 6/1/2001

Added idle motion to riot shield in Weapons section.  Continued
single-player walkthrough through the Barracks.  Updated list of sites
with permission to host this FAQ.

Version 1.1 - 5/29/2001

Made some formatting changes.  Updated "The Lobby" and added
"Installation XJ5" to Multi-player: Level Guides section.  Added
Multi-player: Tips and Tactics section.  Updated Weapons section.
Started single-player walkthrough.  Added Credits.

Version 1.0 - 5/27/2001

Initial version of FAQ. Includes Background Story, Main Characters,
Weapons (some parts incomplete), Vehicles (some parts incomplete), and
Multi-player Level 1.  More multi-player levels and single-player
walkthrough in the next update.


######################### III. Table of Contents #######################


I.    Introduction
II.   Version History
III.  Table of Contents
IV.   Background Story
V.    Controls / Heads Up Display (HUD)
        1. Controls
        2. Heads Up Display (Single-player)
        3. Heads Up Display (Multi-player)
VII.  Main Characters
        1. Parker
        2. Hendrix
        3. Eos
        4. Orion
        5. Gryphon
        6. Capek
        7. Masako
VIII. Enemies
        1. Ultor Guard
        2. Riot Guard
        3. Shotgun Ultor Guard
        4. Rocket Ultor Guard
        5. Assault Ultor Guard
        6. Turret
        7. Ceiling Turret
        8. Reaper
        9. Mutant Creature
       10. Worm
       11. Sniper Mercenary
       12. Rail Driver Mercenary
       13. Fusion Mercenary
IX.   Weapons
        1. Control Baton
        2. Riot Shield
        3. 12 mm Pistol
        4. Submachine Gun
        5. Automatic Shotgun
        6. Assault Rifle
        7. Sniper Rifle
        8. Remote Charge
        9. Grenade
       10. Flame Thrower
       11. Rocket Launcher
       12. Rail Driver
       13. Precision Rifle
       14. Heavy Machine Gun
       15. Fusion Rocket Launcher
X.    Vehicles
        1. All Terrain Vehicle (ATV)
        2. Driller
        3. Aesir Fighter
        4. Submarine
        5. Armored Personal Carrier (APC)
XI.   Single-Player Walkthrough
        1. Idle Cinematic Narration
        2. Opening Cinematic Narration from Parker
        3. Live Mines
        4. Mine Maintenance
        5. Mine Entrance
        6. Barracks Entrance
        7. Barracks
        8. Elevator in Registration
        9. Miner Registration
       10. Registration Lobby
       11. Docking Bay
       12. Exit from Docking Bay
       13. Abandoned Mine
       14. Crevasse
       15. Abandoned Smelter
       16. Abandoned Ore Hopper
       17. Ventilation Shaft
       18. Abandoned Crusher
       19. Plant Entrance
       20. Geothermal Power Plant
       21. Sub Bay
       22. Underwater Research
       23. Administration Entrance
       24. Corporate HQ
       25. Executive Suites
       26. Maintenance Entrance
       27. Fighter Docking Bay
       28. Fighter Testing Grounds
       29. Refuse Disposal Plant
       30. Medical Research
       31. Cryogenic Storage
       32. Capek's Lair
       33. Cryogenic Storage (2)
       34. Capek's Lair (2)
       35. Capek's Lair (3)
       36. Cavern Entrance
       37. Underwater Cavern
       38. The Artifact
       39. Waterfall!
       40. Capek's Zoo
       41. Icy Underwater Cavern
       42. Icy Sub Bay
       43. Worm Food
       44. Lab Entrance
       45. Nanotech Lab
       46. Capek's Inner Sanctum
       47. Grand Canyon
       48. Dry Waterfall
       49. Grand Canyon (2)
       50. Communications Center
       51. Communications Tower
       52. Shooting Gallery
       53. Tramway Tunnel
       54. Missile Command Center
       55. Stranded!
       56. Ancient Riverbed
       57. Unexpected Cargo
       58. Space Station Hub
       59. Satellite Control
       60. Space Station Hub (2)
       61. Living Quarters
       62. Space Station Hub (3)
       63. Living Quarters (2)
       64. Crash Site
       65. Sniper Alley
       66. A Bridge Too Far
       67. Merc Prison Cells
       68. Merc Barracks
       69. Merc Command Center
       70. Merc Power Plant
       71. Docking Bay Entrance
       72. Masako's Lair
       73. Disarming the Bomb
XII.  Multi-player: General Tips and Tactics
XIII. Multi-player: Level Guides (work in progress)
        1. The Lobby
        2. Installation XJ5
        3. Waste Disposal Plant
        4. The Badlands
        5. Hangar 18
        6. Blasted Canyon
        7. Waterlogged
        8. Mine Warfare
        9. Warlords
XIV.  Secrets / Cheats
XV.   Frequently Asked Questions
XVI.  Credits


######################### IV. Background Story #########################


Mars in the near future.

Mars is the planet of opportunity, its mineral wealth feeding the
insatiable needs of Earth, a planet stripped of raw materials and
minerals.  Ultor Corporation, aptly named after the ancient Roman temple
dedicated to Mars the god of war, owns all the mining rights on the
planet.  The company is an expert at maximizing production while
minimizing costs.  Fortunes are made as cargo ship after cargo ship
return to Earth filled with precious Noachite.

Mine workers, misled by promises of adventure and easy money, arrive on
Mars by the shuttle load.  Few ever make it back to Earth. Conditions in
the Ultor mines are brutal.  The work is dangerous and the miners'
living quarters are disgusting.  Environmental suits and bunks are
shared between miners on different shifts.  Food is lousy and in short
supply.  And beatings from Ultor guards are commonplace.

Worst of all, a mysterious, disfiguring Plague is running rampant
through the mines.  As the death toll rises and Ultor remains
complacent, the miners' fear and discontent grows.  Pamphlets and
posters from an underground organization begin appearing all over the
mining complex.  Signed by the mysterious Eos, the pamphlets tell of
bizarre deaths and missing comrades and urge the miners to take action
against Ultor.  Tensions run high.  The mines are wired like a powder
keg.  All it will take is a spark...

During a shift change, a young minder is brutally assaulted by an Ultor
guard.  Another miner, Parker (the main character, you), witnesses the
brutality and is quickly caught up in the chaos.  He has no choice.
Kill or be killed.  A rebellion explodes across Mars.

Can you live long enough to become a hero?

(Taken from the Red Faction PS2 Instruction Manual.)


########################## V. Controls / HUD ###########################


 1. Controls

The beauty of Red Faction's controls is that you don't have to accept
what Volition gives you.  Customizing every last control is an option,
as well as choosing from several different presets and setting the
sensitivity of the analog control sticks.  Set it up the way you like
it, and save to your memory card! (For my personal preferences and
recommendation for controls, see Frequently Asked Questions.)

- Left Analog Stick: Walk Forward, Walk Backward, Sidestep Left,
  Sidestep Right.

- Right Analog Stick: Pitch, Turn.

- Directional Buttons:

   - Up: Fine Aim Mode.

   - Down: Center View.

   - Left: Holster Weapon, Unholster Weapon.

   - Right: Message Log.

- X Button: Use (open doors, hit buttons, open crates, etc.), Confirm
  Menu Selection.

- O Button: Next Weapon.

- Square Button: Previous Weapon.

- Triangle Button: Reload, Cancel Menu Selection.

- L1 Button: Jump, Climb.

- L2 Button: Crouch, Descend.

- R1 Button: Fire.

- R2 Button: Alternate Fire, Zoom.

- Start Button: Pause Game.

- Select Button: In-Game Menu (Save, Load, Options, Quit).

 2. Heads Up Display (Single-player)

- In the top left corner of the screen is your health (left number) and
  envirosuit integrity (right number).

- In the top right corner of the screen is your ammo, including rounds
  remaining in additional clips (left number) and rounds available in
  current clip (right number).

- As you cycle through weapons using Next and Previous Weapon, they will
  appear in an illustrated list along the right side of the screen.
  Weapons with no ammo available will be dimmed, although still

- Throughout the game, you'll receive messages from several different
  people--primarily Hendrix--which will appear in a box at the top of the

 3. Heads Up Display (Multi-player)

The Heads Up Display (HUD) in multi-player games contains the same
elements of the single-player HUD (except for messages) as well as a few
additional pieces of information:

- On the left side of the screen, your player name will be shown as
  entered in the "player name" menu.

- Under the player name, the HUD will display how many kills you have

- Under kills, your current rank will be shown. For example, if you're
  first in a game with five players, the HUD will show 1/5.


######################### VII. Main Characters #########################


 1. Parker

You are Parker, a miner employed by Ultor. One day you witness a guard
brutally attacking another miner and you are left with only once
choice--kill or be killed.

"I can't believe how stupid I was.  Yeah, 'Come to Mars, Help Make A New
World!'  How could I have believed that crap?

"I always thought I was different, better than most.  Mom and Dad--Dr.
and Dr. Parker, if you please--had my life all scoped out.  Private
schools, tutors, prep school, Ivy League for undergrad, then grad school
and on to a glittering career in academia.  They had me running their
little maze.

"I just couldn't take it anymore.  Never being able to separate what I
really wanted from what they'd trained me to want.  Not knowing where I
began and where they ended.  No achievement was praiseworthy.  When the
acceptance letter from Harvard came, they took it like no big deal, just
an expected turn in the maze.  I went nuts.  I ripped up the letter and
stormed out of the house, hardly able to see straight.  I wanted to do
something that wasn't another item to mark off on their progress chart.
Signing up for Ultor's mining operations on Mars sure fit that bill.  I
drove downtown, saw one of their recruiting offices, and it just

"The next thing I knew, I was on a shuttle bound for Mars.  That's when
it hit me.  What was I doing?  The other recruits lost their lunch
during takeoff and it floated about the cabin for the whole ride.  I
dodged it during freefall, but when gravity returned on Mars, the mess
fell over all of us.

"Once we left the ship, it didn't get any better.  We were stripped
naked and then fire-hosed from sprayers in the walls and ceiling.  It
was humiliating--Ultor was showing us who was boss.  With the showers
over, they issued us uniforms.  None of them fit.  One new recruit tried
to complain. He got beaten by the guards and was hauled off to the
infirmary.  The rest of us kept our mouths shut.

"The barracks are a nightmare.  The narrow bunks are stacked in dank
rooms. Trash covers the floors and graffiti covers the walls.  It
wouldn't be so bad if the bed was ours, but we share them.  While we're
out in the mines, the previous shift uses our bunks.  It's gross.

"Once you're down in the mines, it's pure grunt work.  We smash the rock
out of the walls trying to follow a vein of noachite.  I'm not sure why
they just don't use bots to do the work.  Ultor has them all over the
place here.

"It's getting tense around here.  We're all scared and angry.  Angry at
Ultor for the conditions we work in and scared of the Plague.  Miners
are getting sick.  Not flu-sick but something worse.  Every day, dozens
of miners collapse, in the mines and in the barracks, without warning.
One minute they're fine, the next they're on the ground, writhing in
pain or sometimes unconscious even before they hit the floor.  And
there's something wrong with their faces too.  They seem...puffy or
stretched.  Some say that they've seen sick miners whose faces are
bulging or pulsating.  Everyone is on the verge of panic.

"Lately, there've been pamphlets slapped up on the barracks and
cafeteria walls.  They're calling for miners to go on strike against
Ultor, to refuse to work.  Some of the flyers even urge us to attack the
guards, to get back at them for all the years of mistreatment.  No one
knows who writes them. The pamphlets are signed 'Eos.'  Some say it's
the name of a group; some say it's the name of a woman who's trying to
stir up the miners.

"The security guards tear down the pamphlets as soon as they see them,
but the damage has already been done.  Dozens of people read them.  In a
few hours, hundreds of miners are talking about the latest pamphlet.
People are grumbling, glaring at guards, and openly muttering about a
strike or worse. It gets uglier every day.

"I don't know what to think or do.  I just want to get out of here
alive, somehow.  Harvard sounds better all the time."

 2. Hendrix

During the game you will hear messages from Hendrix, an Ultor security
technician sympathetic to the cause. Press the Message Log button (right
on d-pad by default) to view them.

"Growing up, I never heard anything negative about Ultor.  Mom and Dad
gave their lives to the corporation, in more ways than one.  They blamed
the Plague on bad luck, a Martian virus, or bad air--anything but Ultor.
 When you're in the belly of the beast, you shy away from wondering if
it has your best interests in mind.

"They wanted to keep me out of the mines in the worst way.  They pushed
me to excel at my studies and glowed with pride at every achievement.
As long as I did well in Ultor's schools, I could stay out of the mines.
 I took all of the tech courses I could.  Not just the mechanical stuff
that Ultor pushed on all of us, but comp sci, physics,
chemistry--everything they'd let me into. Even that didn't stop me.
When they wouldn't let me into a certain class, I just borrowed the
tapes from someone who was.  I wasn't going to wind up in the mines.

"As I grew older, I started to hack into Ultor's systems.  At first, I
was extremely cautious.  A friend of mine, Danny, his father supposedly
stole something.  After Ultor found out, Danny's whole family was gone
overnight. I made sure I wouldn't get caught, and started by breaking
into unimportant systems like the lock controls on the door to our
apartment or the lights.

"It took me a long time to get up the courage to crack a system outside
our apartment.  I kept picturing Danny and his family.  I finally
screwed up my nerve and started to hack into the grading records for our
complex's school. I figured security would be pretty lax there, all
things considered.  It took me about two weeks of cautious trial and
error, but I finally got in.  I made sure I just looked around.  When no
one came knocking at our door over the next few days, I went back in and
made some small changes to tests scores for a couple of my friends.  I
was afraid to do more, as the teachers might notice.

"When I finished the tech program at age 15, they put me to work in the
robot maintenance division, working on bot electronics.  For the past
ten years, I've worked long and hard at it, rising from maintenance to
SciLab support and now to security technician.

"All that time, my real work has gone on at home.  One of the first
subsystems I looked for was Ultor's snooper/tracker programs. By
watching them work, I figured out how to avoid detection on my nightly
forays.  They're not that smart, so it wasn't hard.  I felt safer then
and began to explore further. I cracked hundreds of Ultor systems, never
touching data or code, never leaving a trace (at least I hope not).
Over the years, I've broken into almost every important system in the
mining complex.

"The exceptions are certain areas within the SciLabs' computer
subnetwork and the medical facility subnetwork.  Incredible security and
layers of complex encoding surround all files within these areas.  When
I first encountered the SciLab section of the network, over two years
ago, it scared me to death. Every few months I work up the courage to
look again, but I always stop short.  I'm not even sure I really want to
see what's inside anyway.  I've got a bad feeling about it.

"Those network sections are under the personal security of Dr. Capek,
the head of Ultor's Science Labs.  He's the scariest person I've ever
met.  He looks like he's half robot, with implants all over his body.  I
think most of my fear of the SciLab subnet centers on running into
Capek, even in a virtual arena.

"For years, I've existed in two worlds.  The physical world that I share
with everyone else here in the daily drudgery of this hellish mining
complex.  But the virtual world of Ultor's computer net is mine alone.
I've never talked about it with anyone, and I've never spotted another
human presence among the autonomous programs that run the complex.

"The irony of my current position doesn't escape me.  Here I am, a
security technician, entrusted with observing and maintaining a roomful
of security monitors and data analysis equipment.  I can watch activity
in dozens of areas throughout the mining complex.  I can also switch a
monitor to show the view through any miner's helmet cam, giving me a
choice of thousands of mobile cameras.  And yet, I might be Ultor's
single greatest security risk.

"With what I know about the systems here, I could probably bring the
entire mining operation crashing down.  But they'd be sure to find me
then, and I don't even want to think about that.  I can help out anyone
who wants to fight Ultor, though, whatever I can do without much risk.
Maybe keep the rebels one step ahead.

"There are some miners who're willing to start a revolt against Ultor.
The one making the most noise right now goes by the code name 'Eos.'  Her
group has been posting flyers urging miners to rise up against Ultor.

"I know who Eos is.  Worse yet, Ultor knows too.  That's how I found
out--by looking through Ultor security files.  I want to warn her, to
tell her that Ultor's on to her and is biding its time for some reason.
But I can't bring myself to contact her.  I can't risk exposure.
They're watching her and they might catch me.

"So I sit and watch too, hoping things turn out OK.  I've been watching
for years now, as things slowly fall apart, as the miners and Ultor get
closer and closer to a final confrontation.

"That's the way I've always dealt with the world--by sitting and
watching. Even when my parents died.  They both seemed like they'd live
and work forever.  One day, a little over a year ago, we had just
finished dinner when Dad started shivering and twitching, more violently
every second.  He flopped onto the floor before Mom or I could reach
him.  His face was bulging and stretching like it was made of rubber.
Lumps were moving around under his clothes too.  Mom freaked out.  I
called the medics, but he was dead before they got here.  They said it
was the Plague and had no idea what caused it.

"I'd heard of the Plague, of course.  Lots of people on Mom and Dad's
shifts had been hit over the last few years.  It always struck suddenly.
 Sometimes the victim died within minutes and sometimes he was still
alive when the medics took him away.  None of the miners taken away ever
came back, so I'm pretty sure they died too.

"After Mom got over the shock of Dad's death, she got mad, really mad.
Dad had been in for his annual checkup at our section's medical facility
just a week before and she thought they should have found it then.  She
railed on and on, night after night, about the medics' incompetence and
how they could have cured him of the Plague.  She went in for her annual
four months later and came back ticked off all over again.  Turns out
she gave them a piece of her mind the whole time she was in there.
Three weeks after that, my supervisor came into the monitoring room and
told me Mom had collapsed in the tunnels and died before they could get
her to a medfac.

"My annual checkup is in two weeks; I'm not going."

 3. Eos

Eos is the leader of the resistance movement on Mars. When Parker and a
few brave miners fight back against the guards' brutality, the Red
Faction triggers a full-scale revolt.

"There's no going back now.  We've finally made a move, after all these
years of planning and talking.  With last night's attack, we're finally

"Orion rigged the bomb.  Once he was clear, I hit the Alert button
outside the cafeteria.  When the security guards ran out of their
barracks, the blast took out six of them.  That should stir things up.

"I can't think of them as people.  There's too much at stake here.  They
work for Ultor, helping the company kill miners.  They're the enemy.
Too many of my friends have died to feel pity now.  We need to harden
attitudes on both sides, to make conflict inevitable.  Once miners
realize they have no choice, once they know their lives depend on
defeating Ultor, then they'll fight. And we'll win.

"I can't believe it took this long.  Ultor's made us live like animals
for so many years that we've forgotten we're human.  People have been
beaten down, physically and mentally, and it's going to take a strong
shock to get them back up.  We're going to provide the juice, even if it
kills us.  But no matter what, the miners here will never go back to
lurching through life like zombies.  We're going to make sure of that.

"Mom was one of the early Plague victims, over four years ago.
Something about the reactions of the docs and techs in the medical
facility made me wonder what was really going on.  When she died, I saw
guilt burn across a doc's face.  I started screaming, blaming Ultor.  My
Dad dragged me back to our apartment and locked me in my room until I
stopped yelling.  He refused to hear it.  But I knew.  I just shut up
and churned inside.

"That night, I decided to rid Mars of Ultor.  I had to do it for my Mom,
for what they did to her.  It began with getting Orion on board.  We'd
grown up together and I knew I could trust him.  And that is where it
all began.

"As our core group grew, it got harder to meet without arousing
suspicion. Orion and I decided to create a smoke screen of athletic
competitions between miner barracks.  Each barracks could field one or
more teams to meet in weekly contests.  We submitted a proposal to
Gryphon, Ultor's Deputy Administrator. It made my skin crawl to ask him
for something, but he quickly approved the idea.  A good morale booster
is what he thought.  It's pretty funny that Ultor is helping cover up
our activities.

"It was Orion who came up with the name Red Faction for our team.  He
thought the political sense of "Faction" would have meaning only for us.
 And the "Red" symbolized that we represented all of Mars.  The name
clicked with everyone, and Red Faction became the first team to join the
new league.

"Once the league got underway, we met several times a week for
"training" sessions.  We couched all our planning in sports terms.  This
gave a light- hearted feel to a frightening undertaking.  Our meetings
were also less dangerous because Ultor had to spread its monitoring
efforts among the many teams in the competitions.

"We all took code names to use within the group.  It probably doesn't
provide all that much protection, but it makes us feel a little safer.
We'll see. Keeping the group small should help too.  There are 23 of us
now, plus a few probational recruits.  Few enough to be fairly certain
there are no leaks, but more than enough to rally groups of miners
against Ultor when the time comes.

"Sometimes it bothers me how much the others look to me for leadership.
What if I get captured or killed?  I'd hate for everything to fall apart
if something happened to me.  Orion's the only one with any initiative.
Maybe I've been too forceful, but someone had to do it.  We'd still be
sitting on our butts complaining if I hadn't taken charge.

"Last night's action might have gotten the ball rolling.  The security
goons are freaking out.  I heard they dragged some miners off the third
shift and beat them.  Everything's primed for the rebellion to start.
All it needs is a spark.

"And once it gets going, we'll be there to lead it.  For weeks now,
we've been blanketing the barracks with pamphlets condemning Ultor and
blaming them for everything wrong on Mars.  The writings are signed
'Eos.'  I would have preferred to have them from us as a group, from Red
Faction, but that would have given us away immediately.  Orion also said
the miners needed someone to believe in and follow, not another faceless
group.  Once the rebellion begins, though, everyone's going to know that
Red Faction is the driving force behind it.  There'll be no more hiding.

"We've been stockpiling weapons for months now.  We've quietly stolen
weapons from a bunch of weapon lockers at guard barracks and posts.  We
had to break into only the first couple we raided.  After that, we found
the doors unlocked to every post we tried.  The weapon cabinets were
unlocked too.  It freaked us out the first time it happened.  We figured
Ultor was on to us and backed off pretty quickly.  But when we found the
door to another weapons locker open a few nights later, we took some
weapons and boxes of ammo and got out fast.  The doors have been
unlocked every time since.  We still have no idea why.  We don't know if
Ultor's doing it or someone else, but we're going to grab weapons as
long as we can.  They won't know miners are armed until the bullets are
coming out the backs of their skulls.

"We've cached the stolen weapons throughout the mines and barracks.
When the rebellion starts, Red Faction members will head to the nearest
cache and hand out weapons to any miner willing to fight.  The security
guards are used to bullying unarmed miners; they're in for a big shock.

"I don't know what to do about the mercenaries that Masako brought here,
though.  They're tough, and so is she.  We'll make some feints at
important installations around the complex, maybe get the mercs dug into
defensive positions.  If that doesn't work, we're in trouble.  The mercs
will slice right through us if they go on the offensive too soon.  If we
move fast enough, they won't hit us until we've settled with the guards
and gotten everyone armed.  Our sole advantage is numbers, but I don't
want to waste thousands of miners in human wave attacks.

"The next few days are going to make or break us.  Four years of
planning and plotting are either going to pay off or get us all killed.
Getting rid of Ultor is the goal for everyone else in Red Faction.  But
I want more.  I want to know who's behind the Plague.  And I want them
to die."

 4. Orion

Orion could have easily been the leader of the Red Faction, but instead
deferred leadership to Eos and chose to become one of the main tactical
forces of the rebellion.  As Eos' "right hand man," Orion is called on
time and time again by Eos to perform some of the most important
missions to the success of the rebellion.  If Parker wasn't around,
you'd have to assume that Orion would have been the one put in the line
of fire more often, and he'd have a damn good chance of doing just as
good as Parker did.

 5. Gryphon

As Deputy Administrator of the Ultor Corporation's mining operations,
Gryphon holds a lot of power within the giant that the Red Faction is
fighting against.  The sheer amount of security that surrounds his
office alone is proof enough of that.  While he does work for the enemy,
he seems more than ready and willing to help the rebel cause by leading
them to the person that may know the cure to the Plague.  Parker will
have to keep Gryphon alive throughout a portion of the game, and Gryphon
will help Parker get past security checkpoints and locked doors and
gates as they try to meet up with Orion.

 6. Capek

Capek is the chief scientist for the Ultor Corporation and has no regard
for human life.  Using miners as his personal pool of scientific
specimens, Capek heads research on projects that wouldn't get off the
ground under the watchful eye of the government back on Earth.  But on
Mars, Ultor governs itself, and Capek is let loose to do as he pleases
in order to help Ultor's cause toward world domination.  Capek has
become such a powerful figure within the corporation that his ego grows
larger than the short man that he is, and ends up relying too much on
his technological advances in order to protect his life from the
onslaught of the rebellion.  Perhaps too caught up in his life's work to
see the error of his ways, Capek never has the opportunity to fully
explain all of the damage caused by his research.

 7. Masako

Colonel Masako is the leader of the mercenaries, a group of cold,
lifeless killers that don't flinch in the face of blood, death, and
destruction.  As Hendrix puts it, she's "a real nasty piece of work" and
"a butcher".  She enjoys the thrill of killing the defenseless and
innocent and does her best to take you down using an onsluaght of her
faithful mercenaries.  Her favorite weapon, the Rail Driver, will
ultimately be her downfall.


############################# VIII. Enemies ##############################


At a first glance, Red Faction's enemies appear to just be hordes of
Ultor security guards.  But after playing through to the latter portions
of the game and getting a taste of different foes, you'll realize that
there are more enemies besides just guards, and even they come in a
variety of different flavors.

 1. Ultor Guard

This is your standard guard that you meet often in the early levels of
the game.  He only carries a 12mm pistol and wears no armor.  He can be
easily taken down with a couple of blows from the baton or a few shots
from a pistol.  You'll be begging to have these guys back when you get
to later levels in the game.

 2. Riot Guard

Rather than maintain a line of defense as you'd expect a riot guard to
do, Ultor Riot Guards attack in a kamikaze frenzy and smack you up-side
the head with their control baton and/or riot shield.  Back up as you
take them down with a pistol or automatic shotgun so they can't get
close and dish out some serious damage with their melee attacks.  Many
times, they'll attack from the side or behind and you won't even realize
what's taking your health and armor levels down.  Strafe and look around
to locate them and take them out.

 3. Shotgun Ultor Guard

Ultor Guards armed with automatic shotguns are often found around
corners or behind doors; places where you're most likely to be caught
off guard.  To combat them, be prepared.  Never round a corner or open a
door without aiming your weapon at about where their torso would likely
be if they do end up appearing.  If you have some room to maneuver,
circle strafe around them to avoid their infrequent shots.  Take
advantage of the shotgun's slow loading time to take them down quickly.

 4. Rocket Ultor Guard

The best defense is a good offense, especially when it comes to guards
armed with a rocket launcher.  Try not to let them get any shots off,
and if they do, take advantage of the weapon's long loading time to take
out the guard immediately after he fires.  If you're not comfortable
throwing caution to the wind and striking full-force, use objects such
as large boulders and walls as cover.  However, keep in mind that rocket
launchers make holes through many objects, and your cover might not hold
up forever.

 5. Assault Ultor Guard

Depending on the difficulty level you're playing at, an Ultor Guard
armed with an assault rifle won't have very good aim, especially at a
moving target.  As with most well-armed enemies, the best option for
dealing with him effectively is to take him out quickly, such as with a
shotgun at close range, or a precision rifle or sniper rifle at long
range.  If that isn't an option, go with your best automatic weapon,
such as the heavy machine gun or submachine gun, and keep moving while
you take him down.

 6. Turret

When you have no interest in using the enemy turrets to your advantage,
the best approach to destroying a turret is using an explosive weapon,
such as a rocket launcher, remote charge, or grenade.  Try to use a wall
or other cover to set up your aim before moving into a position where it
can fire upon you.  Then quickly move into position, throw or fire the
weapon, and detonate if needed.  See the Barracks section of the
Single-Player Walkthrough for an example of how to effectively take out
a harmful turret.

 7. Ceiling Turret

Ceiling turrets can often go unnoticed until you're in range to be fired
upon by them.  If such an occasion arises, seek cover as quickly as
possible and then figure out whether you need to take it out and how
you're going to take it out.  There's no reason to waste precious ammo
on a ceiling turret that doesn't pose much of a threat to your target
location, but many will hang directly in your desired path.  You can
take them out with a couple of shots from the precision rifle, but a
more effective approach is using an explosive weapon, such as a rocket
launcher, remote charge, or grenade.  As with the ground turret, only
move into its firing range when you're ready to fire your chosen weapon
of destruction.

 8. Reaper

These over-sized slug-like mutants will quickly become one of your most
despised enemies in Red Faction.  They're quick, annoying, and have a
despicable knack for taking you by surprise.  The best approach is to
keep some distance between you and the reaper while you take it down
with shots from an automatic weapon, such as the heavy machine gun or
submachine gun.  Because the reapers like to attack in groups, you'll
probably have to take backsteps as you kill them.  Be aware of where you
are at all times; you don't want to take a plunge over a cliff or end up
backing yourself up against a wall.

 9. Mutant Creature

Often paired with a group of reapers, the mutant creature will quickly
take your attention away from the smaller creatures.  Several burst
rounds from the heavy machine gun will be needed to take one down.  As
with the reapers, keep some distance from the mutant creature, because
it does dish out some serious damage in close-range.  Make sure not to
ignore the reapers just because a mutant creature appears in the
background; take out the mutants that are closest to you first so you
have the best chance of keeping every enemy at a safe distance.

 10. Worm

The worm is the tall, plant-like creature that is first encountered in
the level "Worm Food."  Its poisonous spray can easily be avoided by
strafing left and right.  While many (including myself) assumed that the
worm could only be taken down by rockets into its mouth, it can actually
be taken down with any weapon; it just takes longer.  The best approach
is still to unload several rockets down its throat and send it crashing
to the ground.  If rockets are unavailable, your best option is your
best automatic weapon, such as the heavy machine gun or submachine gun.

 11. Sniper Mercenary

Mercenaries are quite skilled in using the most deadly weapons, so
you'll find some perched up on high mountain regions and cliffs taking
shots at you from afar.  Your only chance to take them down is to be
better than them at their own game.  Use a precision rifle or sniper
rifle to take them down.  It's best to use cover and inch forward until
you get a clean shot.  You might even get lucky and find a perfect spot
where the target sniper doesn't seem to be able to hit you, but you can
fire upon him just fine.  Be aware that the sniper may retreat for his
own cover when he discovers that he's being fired upon, but he'll
eventually come back into range.  Be patient and make sure to take a
clean shot to the head.

 12. Rail Driver Mercenary

There's one simple rule to follow when taking on a mercenary armed with
a rail driver: don't let him get off a shot.  While you move to avoid
his potential aim, use your own rail driver or a precision rifle to take
him down before he can take aim and fire.  Also, because the rail driver
can fire through walls, you may have to take some preemptive action and
take out mercenaries with your rail driver before you meet them
face-to-face.  Nine times out of ten, if you let the mercenary get off
his rail driver shot, you're dead.  On the off chance that he misses,
absolutely don't let him get a second chance.  I've never seen a
mercenrary miss twice with the rail driver -- on any difficulty level.

 13. Fusion Mercenary

You may not realize it as a large ball of plasma slowly drifts toward
you, but you're currently being attacked by a mercenary armed with the
mother of all Red Faction weapons, the Fusion Rocket Launcher.  Run as
far away as possible to reduce damage from the blast, and then use
anything at your disposal to take the mercenary out as quickly as
possible.  Remember that the weapon delivers a large radius of splash
damage, so don't expect to walk away from the experience completely


############################## IX. Weapons ###############################


The weapons available in Red Faction are diverse and varied, and
understanding them is the first key to success in both single- and
multi-player.  Below you'll find all of the important information on
the game's fifteen weapons.

Idle Motion = The action that the player performs when wielding that
weapon and stands idle for 30 seconds.

 1. Control Baton (UCB-24 Ultor Control Baton)

Description:      This crowd control weapon can serve as a truncheon or
                  a stun gun.

Ammo/Clip Size:   Battery cell.

Reload Time:      1 second.

Range:            Short

Primary Fire:     Swing baton as club.

Alternate Fire:   Electric Shock mode.

Tactics:          Use it only at very close range and when you're taking
                  an opponent by surprise.  Running blindly up a hill
                  towards a group of Ultor guards wielding your baton is
                  not the smartest move.

 2. Riot Shield (UBS-4 Ultor Riot Body Shield)

Description:      A body-sized translucent shield that is used by the
                  riot guards of Ultor.  The riot shield is lightweight
                  but can withstand blast and gunfire damage for a brief
                  period of time.

Ammo/Clip Size:   N/A

Reload Time:      N/A

Range:            N/A

Primary Fire:     Swing shield.

Alternate Fire:   N/A

Tactics:          The riot shield can be an effective tool if used
                  properly.  Only use it as a weapon if you get caught
                  off guard with it equipped.  In most cases, you can
                  probably strafe or find some cover to switch weapons.

 3. 12 mm Pistol (USP-16 Ultor Semi-Automatic Pistol)

Description:      This basic semi-automatic pistol packs a serious punch
                  against _unarmored_ targets.  The pistol can penetrate
                  body armor but with significantly less impact.  This
                  weapon is standard issue for Ultor security guards and
                  officers.  The pistol can be fired underwater.

Ammo/Clip Size:   12 mm. bullets / 16 rounds.

Reload Time:      2 seconds.

Range:            Short to Medium.

Primary Fire:     Fire one round.

Alternate Fire:   Attach/detach silencer.

Tactics:          This is one of the first weapons you get your hands on
                  and you'll use it often.  It's pretty effective for a
                  low-level weapon, but as the description notes, it
                  works best against unarmored opponents. As always,
                  keep strafing or use cover when firing this weapon.
                  It will take at least a few shots to bring the
                  opponent to his knees.  Don't waste your ammo by
                  trying to use the pistol at long range; it just
                  doesn't work.

 4. Submachine Gun (UAP-32/20 Ultor Submachine Gun)

Description:      This weapon is slightly larger than the pistol and is
                  capable of full automatic fire.  Heavier than the
                  pistol, the submachine gun offers better control in
                  full auto mode, though it remains inaccurate at medium
                  or long range.  Ultor officers (the guard commanders)
                  are issued assault rifles as standard weapons.

Ammo/Clip Size:   12 mm. bullets / 30 rounds; 5.56mm high velocity armor
                  piercing bullets / 20 rounds.

Reload Time:      3 seconds.

Range:            Short to Medium.

Primary Fire:     Fire rounds, automatic.

Alternate Fire:   Toggle between 12mm and 5.56mm rounds.

Tactics:          The submachine gun is extremely effective at taking
                  down guards (or at least making them run for their
                  lives and stop shooting).  Use it at short to medium
                  range to mow down enemies. Make sure to keep strafing;
                  just because you're firing an automatic weapon doesn't
                  mean that the enemies will stop firing at you.  If you
                  have auto aim off, be careful not to pump tons of
                  rounds into walls and other areas (which is pretty
                  easy to do).  It's much more effective if the rounds
                  pierce the skin of Ultor guards.

 5. Automatic Shotgun (UAS-10 Ultor Automatic Combat Shotgun)

Description:      This weapon is a military-grade shotgun capable of
                  semi-automatic and full automatic fire.  Recoil in
                  semi-automatic mode is slightly less than a civilian
                  10-gauge shotgun.  Fully automatic fire is more
                  difficult to control because of the recoil
                  compensator's response time.

Ammo/Clip Size:   10 gauge buckshot shells / 8 rounds.

Reload Time:      2 seconds.

Range:            Short to Medium.

Primary Fire:     Fires a double shot, pump action.

Alternate Fire:   Fires a single shot every 0.15 seconds, continuous

Tactics:          The automatic shotgun is my weapon of choice for short
                  ranged fights.  It usually goes something like this:
                  I'm taking cover and switching to the shotgun.  I wait
                  for a break in the fire, come out from behind the
                  cover, rush the opponent and fill him with lead, which
                  makes him fly backwards into the air with a hole
                  through his stomach. It usually only takes one shot to
                  take 'em down with the shotgun, so it's very effective
                  in keeping yourself healthy.

 6. Assault Rifle (UAR-42 Ultor Military Assault Rifle)

Description:      This weapon is designed to offer all the benefits of a
                  full-length rifle in a compact design.  It is capable
                  of firing three round bursts or full automatic fire.
                  Compared to fully automatic fire, three round bursts
                  offer increased control and aim but potentially
                  decreased force, unless fired at close range.  The
                  high-velocity armor-piercing shells inflict massive
                  damage on unarmored targets and will penetrate body
                  armor easily.  This is the standard rifle issued to
                  Ultor soldiers.

Ammo/Clip Size:   5.56mm high velocity armor piercing bullets / 42

Reload Time:      1 second.

Range:            Short to Long.

Primary Fire:     Fires a single 3 round burst.

Alternate Fire:   Continuous automatic fire.

Tactics:          When the shotgun runs out of ammo, I switch to the
                  Assault Rifle.  One or two 3 round bursts is all it
                  takes to bring a guard down.  It's also very effective
                  when taking on multiple opponents at once, because you
                  can spread the fire easily or shoot straight through
                  one guard and hit the one behind him.  You can also
                  get away with using it at long range, although it's
                  not recommended because you'll likely waste ammo.

 7. Sniper Rifle (USG-50 Ultor Sniper Rifle)

Description:      Capable of semi-automatic firing only, this sniper
                  rifle comes standard with a UNVS-8 scope that provides
                  the user with up to 12x zoom.  The rifle also features
                  a wind velocity offset that corrects for wind
                  conditions.  This weapon is capable of inflicting
                  critical wounds when a head or torso shot is achieved.
                   It is also capable of penetrating light armored

Ammo/Clip Size:   .50 caliber armor piercing bullets / 6 rounds.

Reload Time:      2 seconds.

Range:            Short to Very Long.

Primary Fire:     Fires one round.

Alternate Fire:   Activates/deactivates the cope, hold down for zoom.

Tactics:          If you're a veteran sniper, then this weapon is for
                  you.  For those not familiar with using the weapon in
                  other games, it can take some getting used to.
                  Basically, use the scope to zero in on opponents.
                  Sniping is best done while undetected and from medium
                  to very long range. Also try to put some distance
                  between yourself and your target, so if you are
                  detected you can switch out of the scope view,
                  retreat, and switch to a more suitable weapon for
                  closer range melees.

 8. Remote Charge (URC-15 Ultor Remote Mining Charge)

Description:      This is a medium-sized, high-explosive remotely
                  detonated charge.  It has a kill radius of 10 meters.
                  Only one charge can be detonated at a time.  They are
                  effective against unarmored and armored personnel as
                  well as light vehicles.

Ammo/Clip Size:   N/A

Reload Time:      2 seconds.

Range:            Short.

Primary Fire:     Throw and detonate the charge.

Alternate Fire:   N/A

Tactics:          I mostly use the charges for blowing off chunks of
                  wall or terrain.  It can be used effectively in some
                  instances against guards, but in most cases it's not
                  worth the risk while you wait to throw the charge and
                  then detonate.  I'd recommend placing the charges by
                  hand on walls rather than trying to throw them, so
                  that you get the placement that you were looking for.

 9. Grenade (UHG-90 Ultor Offensive Hand Grenade)

Description:      This weapon is a high explosive anti-personnel device
                  with a kill radius of 5 meters.  The grenade has a
                  4-second timer that starts when thrown.  Hand grenades
                  are highly effective against unarmored personnel and
                  moderately effective against armored personnel.

Ammo/Clip Size:   N/A

Reload Time:      2 seconds.

Range:            Short.

Primary Fire:     Toss as an impact grenade.

Alternate Fire:   Toss grenade with a 4-second timer.

Tactics:          The flexibility provided by the two modes of
                  detonation on the grenades is fantastic.  Grenades
                  come in very handy as the single-player game
                  progresses.  From taking out walls to taking out
                  command post guards, the grenades have a ton of uses
                  and you'll find yourself using them whenever they
                  become available.  If you're trying to throw the
                  grenade into a tight area, it shouldn't be difficult
                  to get the grenade into the area you were aiming for.
                  However, be careful of the grenade bouncing back
                  towards you on the 4-second timer mode of fire; you'll
                  discover first-hand just how harmful grenades are.

 10. Flame Thrower (UFT-1 Ultor Flame Thrower)

Description:      This weapon is based on the Ultor Defoliator, used for
                  clearing plant growth.  It shoots a flaming stream of
                  fuel that sticks on contact and burns for up to 30
                  seconds.  This weapon has been modified to shoot a
                  flame twice as far at the cost of fuel consumption.

Ammo/Clip Size:   Fuel Tank.

Reload Time:      1 second.

Range:            Short to Medium.

Primary Fire:     Shoots a 4-meter flame.

Alternate Fire:   Remove and throw fuel canister as an incendiary bomb.

Tactics:          The flamethrower has decent range, but fuel (ammo)
                  burns quickly and before you know it, your tank is
                  empty.  You also have to make sure to not accidentally
                  use the secondary fire, because that basically tosses
                  the whole tank altogether.  You'll probably only get
                  to use the flamethrower one or two times per tank.
                  When you do use this weapon, make it count, and make
                  sure you leave yourself some space, because the target
                  enemy will run around screaming a bit before he falls,
                  and you may get caught on fire.

 11. Rocket Launcher (URL-6T Ultor Tactical Rocket Launcher, AKA "Big Earl")

Description:      This weapon is capable of firing its rocket in "dumb"
                  or "homing" (i.e. heat-seeking) mode.  Once homing
                  mode is selected, it takes approximately 2.75 seconds
                  for the thermal imaging sensor to achieve target lock.
                   The weapon beeps when locked onto a target.  Once
                  fired, the rocket tracks the target until contact or
                  until it runs out of fuel.

Ammo/Clip Size:   15 cm high explosive rockets / 6 rounds.

Reload Time:      2 seconds.

Range:            Medium to Long.

Primary Fire:     Fires "dumb" rockets, automatically fires a rocket
                  every 2 seconds.

Alternate Fire:   Engages heat-seeking mode.

Tactics:          Watching enemies appear on the rocket launcher's
                  thermal imaging sensor display is very cool, although
                  a little impractical.  As in most first-person
                  shooters, the rocket launcher is a great weapon for
                  taking out opponents quickly.  However, the game's
                  designers have restricted the amount of rocket ammo
                  available because of the weapon's other main purpose
                  in Red Faction: blowing holes in walls and the
                  terrain.  You'll probably find yourself using the
                  rocket launcher more for taking out walls than killing
                  opponents, because of the general shortage of rocket
                  ammo.  This obviously isn't really the case in
                  multi-player, unless your opponents are hogging it all.

 12. Rail Driver (FCA-26 Magnetic Rail Driver)

Description:      This weapon was brought to Mars by Col. Masako's
                  mercenaries.  Capable of firing metal slugs at
                  ultra-high velocity, the rail gun can penetrate walls.

Ammo/Clip Size:   Metal Slug / 1 round.

Reload Time:      2 seconds.

Range:            Medium to Long.

Primary Fire:     Fires a metal slug.

Alternate Fire:   Engages the scope and allows you to see enemies
                  through walls.

Tactics:          The Rail Driver is a lot like the rail gun from the
                  Quake series of games: near instantaneous fire and
                  very lethal.  The difference in Red Faction is that
                  you can use a scope to zero in on enemies and see
                  through walls.  In the single player game, you won't
                  come across this weapon until late in the game.
                  However, you can find it in abundance in multi-player,
                  and that's really where you'll probably be using it
                  most.  Using the Rail Driver can be very difficult at
                  first because it requires precise aim, but with
                  practice you can become adept at using it effectively
                  and really clean house.  Using the scope, you can
                  locate enemies through multiple walls and shoot them.

 13. Precision Rifle (MKISG-1 Defender Precision Rifle)

Description:      A favorite of mercenary grunts, this rifle fires a
                  single explosive round with precision accuracy.

Ammo/Clip Size:   5/65mm explosive ammo / 20 rounds.

Reload Time:      1.5 seconds.

Range:            Long.

Primary Fire:     Semi-automatic.

Alternate Fire:   Activates/deactivates the scope, hold down for zoom.

Tactics:          The Precision Rifle is basically a slightly less
                  powerful version of the sniper rifle.  It also has a
                  little shorter loading time, and its ammo seems to be
                  more plentiful.  I'd even go as far to say that the
                  precision rifle and sniper rifle are interchangeable;
                  one doesn't seem to be all that different from the

 14. Heavy Machine Gun (JF60-HMG/BF Heavy Suppression Machine Gun)

Description:      A terribly inaccurate, but fast firing weapon.  Holds
                  tons of ammo and best used when raw firepower and
                  maximum suppression is required.

Ammo/Clip Size:   7.62 mm caliber / belt-fed, typically 99 rounds.

Reload Time:      2 seconds.

Range:            Long.

Primary Fire:     Full auto.

Alternate Fire:   Slower firing rate but significantly more accurate.

Tactics:          The Heavy Machine Gun performs a lot like a mobile
                  turret; you can easily mow people down with this
                  monster.  It can be tough to control if you need
                  precise accuracy, so it's better for sweeping attacks
                  across a wide area or taking out multiple opponents.
                  Since it's such a powerful weapon, it eats ammo fast
                  and you'll probably run out of ammo quickly.  So, make
                  sure not to waste any by unloading a surplus of shells
                  into an enemy as he falls to the ground.

 15. Fusion Rocket Launcher (F-1TL Fusion Rocket Launcher)

Description:      Huge shoulder-mounted weapon that fires a single
                  powerful shell capable of massive amounts of damage.

Ammo/Clip Size:   Single shell.

Reload Time:      2 seconds.

Range:            Long.

Primary Fire:     Fires a single large shell and has a long reload time
                  after each shot.

Alternate Fire:   N/A

Tactics:          This weapon packs one serious punch.  Make sure you're
                  well away from the target impact zone before launching
                  it.  Any human within close proximity will die upon
                  impact.  Also, don't plan on running around with this
                  weapon equipped, because it blocks about half of your
                  viewing area.  Choose carefully when deciding when to
                  use it, because you'll probably only get one shot.


############################## X. Vehicles ###############################


Red Faction offers five vehicles that you'll come across during the
single-player game.  Each has different strengths and weaknesses, and
learning more about them will better prepare you for when you're dropped
into the driver's seat.

 1. All Terrain Vehicle (ATV)

Description:      The ATV is unique in that it offers you two separate
                  points of entry and control.  Entering the ATV near
                  the front of the vehicle allows you to drive through
                  the environment.  Entering the ATV towards the rear of
                  the vehicle allows you to control the mounted machine
                  gun.  Fairly fast for getting around, the ATV is not
                  as durable as most of the other vehicles available to
                  Parker. Note: If Parker is driving the ATV, he will
                  not be able to fire the mounted machine gun.
                  Similarly, if Parker is in control of the machine gun,
                  he will not be able to drive the ATV.

Location(s):      Capek's Zoo, Icy Underwater Cavern, Grand Canyon.

Tactics:          As the fastest ground vehicle in the game, I think the
                  ATV is the most fun to drive.  It's great plowing over
                  Ultor guards, and when that isn't an option then you
                  can always hop into the back and man the mounted
                  machine gun.  Note that when you exit the driver's
                  seat, you'll be on top of the vehicle and facing the
                  mounted machine gun (this can be helpful if you've
                  parked the ATV in hostile territory and need to get
                  behind the machine gun quickly before getting
                  injured).  Considering its agility and
                  maneuverability, the ATV can take quite a bit of
                  damage and should hold up quite well when it's needed
                  in the single-player campaign.  Because the mounted
                  machine gun has so much ammo, you can feel free to
                  really spray the fire and not feel so much pressure to
                  make every round count.

 2. Driller

Description:      The Driller is a relatively slow but heavily armored
                  vehicle that allows you to slowly dig through the
                  environment.  It is a great source of protection for
                  Parker but does not possess any form of fire power.
                  Use the Primary Fire button to engage the driller
                  bits. Pressing the Alternate Fire button will cycle
                  through the four points of view: Front, Left, Rear,
                  and Right.

Location(s):      Mine Maintenance.

Tactics:          There's not much to using the Driller.  Just drive it
                  forward, keep it straight, and take the opportunity to
                  crush any Ultor guards that stand in the way.  You
                  shouldn't take any damage when in the vehicle, due to
                  its heavy armor.

 3. Aesir Fighter

Description:      The Aesir Fighter is an extremely agile craft used in
                  aerial combat.  It offers both heat-seeking missiles,
                  which are the alternate fire, and a Gattling Gun,
                  which is the primary fire.  Use the Jump and Crouch
                  buttons to slide the vehicle up and down.  These
                  buttons are essential to master in aerial combat with
                  Ultor-controlled fighters.

Location(s):      Fighter Docking Bay, Fighter Testing Grounds, Docking
                  Bay Entrance, Masako's Lair.

Tactics:          As the description implies, the Aesir Fighter is
                  extremely agile and you'll find that it's quite easy
                  to maneuver the ship quickly.  However, precise
                  control takes some practice.  Unfortunately, the only
                  way to practice is in-game use, so you'll just have to
                  learn as you go.  The heat-seeking missiles come in
                  relatively short supply, so you'll probably find
                  yourself using the Gattling Gun eventually.  Also, if
                  you haven't quite mastered precise control with the
                  ship, it can be a better alternative to use the
                  Gattling Gun over the missiles in close-range
                  situations, since then you can at least get some
                  partial hits in rather than the "all or nothing"
                  target that the missiles provide.

 4. Submarine

Description:      The Submarine offers heat-seeking torpedoes for
                  fire-power.  To discharge a torpedo, use the primary
                  fire button.  Like the fighter, the Jump and crouch
                  buttons will slide the Sub up and down and are
                  essential to learn in combat with other subs.  Be
                  careful--Ultor subs are also armed with heat-seeking

Location(s):      Sub Bay, Underwater Research, Icy Sub Bay, Worm Food.

Tactics:          You can practice maneuvering the submarine as part of
                  the training.  When you come across Ultor subs in the
                  single-player game, you'll find that it's extremely
                  difficult to dodge any of their torpedoes and that
                  your sub is not very well armored.  Maneuverability is
                  only moderate, but your best shot at dodging a
                  heat-seeking torpedo is to use the elevation controls
                  to quickly move up or down.  It would also be wise to
                  try and find cover that the torpedo will slam into
                  rather than your sub.  There is a slight wait between
                  firing one torpedo and the next, but luckily the enemy
                  subs have the exact same delay so you're on a level
                  playing field.

 5. Armored Personal Carrier (APC)

Description:      The APC is a heavily armored and powerful vehicle that
                  offers a mortar, which is the alternate fire, and a
                  Chain Gun, which is the primary fire of its weaponry.
                  Although not as quick as the ATV, the APC is quick
                  enough to run down a fleeing mercenary.

Location(s):      Mine Maintenance, Stranded!, Ancient Riverbed,
                  Unexpected Cargo.

Tactics:          The APC's biggest weakness is its lack of
                  maneuverability, so help yourself by not forcing
                  yourself to manuever much to line up your aim.
                  Instead, try to take wide corners and generally keep
                  the vehicle centered where you expect mercenaries to
                  appear.  The APC's high defense is very deceptive when
                  you're up against mercenaries armed with rocket
                  launchers and rail drivers that can obliterate the
                  vehicle with a few hits.  So exercise caution and take
                  the necessary precautions so you're not left
                  maneuvering around while a merc drains the integrity
                  of the vehicle.  As with the ATV, feel free to use
                  ammo carelessly as needed.  There's a lot more in the
                  vehicle than you really need, so there should be no
                  fear of running out early.


###################### XI. Single Player Walkthrough #####################


As the majority of people who read this document are coming for this
section alone, I've decided to really explore each level and experiment
with different strategies to offer the best approaches when multiple
options are available.  So, in many places, I played the level over and
over again rather than just running through it once and assuming that it
was the best approach.  Hopefully, this will result in a more thorough

These instructions are for the Medium difficulty level, which is what
the game is set on by default at the beginning.  I'm sure if you can
beat it handily on Medium difficulty and want to run through it again,
you can bump up the difficulty setting and still use these instructions
with successful results.

 1. Idle Cinematic Narration

Mars.  A distant crimson orb that has always signified war and bloodshed
for mankind.  On this forbidding planet, The Ultor Corporation
established mining operations far from Earth and its authorities.

Lured with promises of riches and a quick return to an easy life on
Earth, miners quickly realize that the reality is very different:
violence, aggression, and a forbidding plague.

But not all are willing to endure this living hell.  An underground
resistance is forming.  All it needs is a spark.

When freedom is at stake, survival is not enough.

 2. Open Cinematic Narration from Parker

Mars.  I always thought of it as a romantic place.  A planet of mystery
and adventure.  I came here six months ago thinking it would be an
escape from Earth.  I wanted some time to think, to figure out what to
do with my life.  A year in the mines sounded like a great way to
straighten myself out.  Man, was I a fool.

Life in the mines is hell.  I haven't had a minute to myself since I got
here.  You're jammed eight to a room, time-sharing your bunks.
Conditions are barely liveable.  And the guards are everywhere.  Ultor
doesn't care if we live or die.  We're at the breaking point.

And then there's the plague killing off miners left and right.  When the
guy next to you dies before your eyes, and your turn could come any
minute...it freaks you out.  No one knows what causes it or how to cure
it; at least the miners don't.

Someone named Eos is putting up pamphlets in the barracks, claiming that
Ultor is responsible for the plague.  The pamphlets urge miners to be
ready to revolt against Ultor.  A lot of miners are muttering, but
nothing has come of it yet.

As bad as things are in the barracks, things are brutal down in the
mines.  You spend ten hours drenched in your own sweat in your
envirosuit, mining away at rock walls.  The guards make sure you work
the whole shift.  If you ask me, we work way too much.

When you get out of your drone when your shift's over, all you've done
is dug yourself in a little deeper.  I don't know how long I can keep
doing this.

 3. Live Mines

* Second work shift has ended.  Miners, return to barracks. *

Walk forward and you'll begin to hear a confrontation between a fellow
miner and an Ultor guard.  The guard goes to strike the miner (one of
those commonplace beatings), but the miner isn't going to take it and
promptly flattens him.  The courageous miner is then shot by a nearby
guard.  Pick up the baton and battery from the fallen guard, run over to
the pistol-carrying guard nearby and clobber him.  He'll drop his
pistol; pick it up then approach the guard firing near the door around
the corner to the left.  Begin firing once you're in decent range and
you get a lock.  You should find some armor, a medkit, and 12mm ammo on
the fallen guards and miner in this area.

Before proceeding through the door up ahead, jump over the barricades on
the right side and head up this shaft, avoiding the steam at one point.
At the end of the shaft, you'll find a miner beating a guard senseless.
Walk up behind him and grab the ammo.  If you're not full on armor,
switch to the baton and smack the miner over the head, taking his armor.
 We'll just forget this unfortunate incident ever happened.  Head back
down and go through the door.

An explosion to the right may startle you, but ignore it and continue
on.  Enter the first hole on the left.  You'll have to take on a guard
in here, but you should end up with more ammo for your pistol and a few
remote charges.  Head back out to the main corridor and continue up.

A guard will charge you with a baton while another fires at you with his
pistol.  Take out both then continue upward.

= Eos: Miners!  This is Eos, leader of the Red Faction.  Our time has =
= come!                                                               =

= Eos: Workers in Mine M-4 have started the rebellion.  They're       =
= fighting and dying for you as I speak!                              =

= Eos: Find the Red Faction members among you.  Join us and strike    =
= back at Ultor!                                                      =

= Eos: Together, we can...                                            =

Another two guards will attack up ahead.  A third will run out from the
shaft to the left.  Take them all out, then go into the left shaft where
the guard ran out.  You'll find some medkits in a crate, a few remote
charges, and some armor.

Head back out and go back down the hill to the small shaft that was
passed earlier.  Go to the bottom for a few remote charges, then head
back out to the corridor and continue up.

You'll hear some screaming for help, and then you'll see a miner being
chased by a guard.  Take out the guard with a single bullet, then stop
for a minute to hear the miner's plea for help.  (He's about to die, so
listen closely to his last words.)

"Hey, come with me.  A bunch of miners are heading up to the docking bay
to steal a shuttle.  We're going to get off Mars and back to Earth.  You
help me get to the shuttle and I'll make sure they take you along."

Follow him for a little bit, keeping your distance because an explosion
is about to take him out.  After the explosion, a few guards attack with
pistols up ahead.  After you take them down, you should receive some
12mm ammo and a medkit.

 4. Mine Maintenance

Proceed through the door, but be prepared to dodge your first rockets.
Quickly drop down and cross the water.  Take out the enemies that you
can from down here, but don't try so hard that you're wasting ammo.
Then stick to the right and head up to the top, eliminating the guard
with the rocket launcher and anyone else that remains.  Grab some ammo,
and most important, the rocket launcher.  Then go ahead through the

A guard or two attack with pistols up ahead.  Resist the temptation to
use the rocket launcher on them and instead stick with the pistol.

As you head through the next door, be prepared to take out a guard
straight ahead and one on an elevated platform to the right.  Once
they're dead, run up to the platform and crouch down.  From here, take
out the guard on the opposite side, then take out the three guards that
attack from the door that you just came through.  Head over to the
other platform and find a box with an envirosuit inside.

Near the box, locate the crusher conveyer belt.  Get on the platform
below and hit the button to the left to elevate yourself to the
conveyer belt.  Run down to the end of the conveyer belt, and quickly
take out the guard to the right.  Jump over to where he was standing and
continue forward.

You'll come out to the left of the driller.  Take out a guard to the
left and another on a platform across the room.  Be prepared for two to
three more to come in through the door to the right.  Once everyone in
the area is dead and you've collected medkits, ammo, and armor
(including the box next to the platform), jump into the driller
(approach it from the front and press X).

Drive it through the door and up the hill to another door.  Once you go
through it, a guard will begin launching rockets at you.

= Eos: Remember every dead miner, every injustice, and strike back!   =

= Eos: The Red faction will lead you to freedom.                      =

Drive full speed ahead and run him over (activate the drill on the front
for extra effect).  Before driving through the electrical fence, jump
out of the vehicle (press X) and take out the single guard on the other
side with your pistol.  Then hop back in the driller and drive through
the electrical fence.  Be careful not to keep pressing forward after
driving through, because it forces you out of the vehicle and you'll run
straight into the drill, killing yourself.

You'll notice two doors side-by-side in this area.  Approach the right
one, and two guards will attack from inside.  Take them out, then head
inside to loot their corpses and the box for ammo, medkits, and armor.
Proceed back outside and open the door on the opposite side of the area.
 There should be a guard standing down the hall.  Take some shots, then
back up to let the door close.  Then step forward and finish him off.
Run down the hall.

 5. Mine Entrance

= Hendrix: Parker, you don't know me but my name's Hendrix and I want =
= to help you.                                                        =

= Hendrix: I'm a security technician with Ultor.  I have my own       =
= reasons for hating them and wanting to help you.                    =

= Hendrix: I've been watching the riots on these security monitors.   =
= You're the only miner from M-4 to make it this far.                 =

= Hendrix: Be careful, Parker.  Ultor's rushing forces in to block    =
= the mines and keep the rebellion from spreading.                    =

Continue quickly through the corridor until you reach a grated catwalk
that turns to the left.  Run down this catwalk, and hop along as the
escorts for the APC spot you from below and begin to attack.  You'll
enter a tight hallway at the end.  Proceed up until you see a fellow
miner being shot.  Take out the guard who killed him, then quickly a
second to the left near the elevator.  Once he's dead, go over to the
elevator and hit the button on the left side to bring the elevator down.
 It will take about 10-15 seconds, so in the meantime take out guards
and dodge bullets.  Once the elevator arrives, hop on, hit the button,
and ride it to the top.  Exit the elevator and run forward.

 6. Barracks Entrance

Walk forward until you see a flaming miner running towards you.  Step
back and wait for him to die and for the flames to extinguish.  Then run
up to him and grab his envirosuit.  A guard will attack up ahead, so
take him out.  As you round the corner, a couple more guards attack from
up head: one has a flamethrower and the other an automatic shotgun.
Keeping your distance, take them down then proceed forward to collect
the new weapons.

You're now at the entrance to the barracks, but both doors are locked.
Head into the control room up ahead, grab the riot shield, and hit the
button, opening the door.

Head through the left door, and taunt the guard up ahead a bit by
jumping around.  Then retreat and go over to the right door.  Stick to
the right wall until the guard comes around the corner, then take him
out with the pistol.

Before going through the door straight ahead, go into the door to the
right.  In here you can find medkits, armor, and ammo on both sides.
Once you have what you need, head back out to the door.

Center your aim on the door, because a guard will be firing straight
ahead when you hit X to open it.  Once he's dead, proceed forward to
open the locker on the right to find an envirosuit.  Continue on into
the barracks.

 7. Barracks

Go forward towards the door until you hear the woman over the
loudspeaker call for reinforcements in this area.  Then back up, switch
to your shotgun, and wait about 5 seconds.  When you open the door, you
should see a guard up ahead who's patrolling forward.  Run up behind him
and put a buckshot through his back.  Then immediately open the door to
the right and fire a shot into a guard in here who's finishing off a
fellow miner.  Pick up the shotgun shells then proceed into a door
across the room.  You should be in a bathroom area, and take out the
guard who's relieving himself to the left.  Grab the shotgun shells,
then proceed forward into the shower area where a guard is killing a
fellow miner.  Wreak revenge by moving into the center row and killing
him with your shotgun as he attacks. Exit the bathroom, go to the right,
and enter the door on the left that leads upstairs.

Be prepared to meet a guard either at the top of the stairs or on the
catwalk up above.  Once he's dead, enter the first door on the right to
grab an envirosuit.  Go into the next room on the right for shotgun
shells and a medkit.  Proceed through the door at the end and switch to
your rocket launcher.

Open the next door, and take a quick peek over the left edge to locate a
turret that is firing at you.  Stand back, aim down, jump, and fire at
it, taking it out.  Switch to the shotgun and head towards the door at
the end.  You should meet another guard at close range; take him out,
then head downstairs.

(A quick note:  There's an emergency room in this area with a medical
technician.  It's through the large doors that's labeled with Emergency
Room and Cafeteria and to the left. Whenever you need a heal, head
through the double doors and put away your weapon (left on the D-pad)
before entering the emergency room.  Walk up to the medic and hit X to
bring your health back up to full.  If you happen to forget about
putting away your weapon, you can either run to the back room and grab
the medkit, or put it away and then wait about a minute for the medic to
calm down and realize that you've put it away.  If you do go into the
back room, you can hear a dying m

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