FAQ And Walkthrough - Guide for Sniper Elite III

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                               SNIPER ELITE III

                         Copyright (c)2014 DomZ Ninja


 Author: DomZ Ninja
 E-mail: domzninja[at]hotmail[dot]com
 Updated: 08/27/14
 Version: 1.1

 NOTE: This guide does contain spoilers!


                              TABLE OF CONTENTS


See that series of numbers to the right of each section? If you want to find 
a specific section in the FAQ, press CTRL + F to open a search box. Type in 
the series of numbers for the desired section that you're trying to find and 
press Enter. Whabam! The search function will take you there in an instant.

 [1] VERSION HISTORY.................................................. [0100]
 [2] CONTROLS......................................................... [0200]
 [3] THE BASICS....................................................... [0300]
 [4] WALKTHROUGH...................................................... [0400]

      Mission 1: Siege of Tobruk...................................... [0401]
      Mission 2: Gaberoun............................................. [0402]
      Mission 3: Halfaya Pass......................................... [0403]
      Mission 4: Fort Rifugio......................................... [0404]
      Mission 5: Siwa Oasis........................................... [0405]
      Mission 6: Kasserine Pass....................................... [0406]
      Mission 7: Pont du Fahs Airfield................................ [0407]
      Mission 8: Ratte Factory........................................ [0408]

 [5] DLC.............................................................. [0500]
      Hunt the Grey Wolf.............................................. [0501]

 [6] COLLECTIBLES..................................................... [0600]

      War Diaries..................................................... [0601]
      Collectible Cards............................................... [0602]
      Sniper Nests.................................................... [0603]
      Long Shots...................................................... [0604]

 [7] WEAPONS.......................................................... [0700]
 [8] ACHIEVEMENTS..................................................... [0800]
 [9] THANKS/CREDITS................................................... [0900]


[1] VERSION HISTORY                                                     [0100]


FAQ/Walkthrough #71

 Version 1.0 (08/26/14) - FAQ/Walkthrough complete and submitted.
 Version 1.1 (08/27/14) - Added the Hunt the Grey Wolf DLC.


[2] CONTROLS                                                            [0200]


|  D-Pad                      |  Quick Select                                |
|  Left Analog Stick          |  Move, Sprint (Click)                        |
|  Right Analog Stick         |  Look, Toggle Binoculars (Click)             |
|  Start                      |  Pause Menu                                  |
|  Back                       |  Objective, Map (Hold)                       |
|  X Button                   |  Reload/Search Body                          |
|  Y Button                   |  Melee Takedown/Pick Up Weapon               |
|  A Button                   |  Action/Climb/Pick Up Body                   |
|  B Button                   |  Toggle Stance                               |
|  Right Trigger              |  Fire, Tag (when in Binoculars)              |
|  Left Trigger               |  Scope (Hold), Aim (Half-Press)              |
|  Right Bumper               |  Use Inventory Item                          |
|  Left Bumper                |  Radial Menu                                 |


[3] THE BASICS                                                          [0300]


| Sniper No Sniping |
 You can expect to do a lot of sniping in Sniper Elite III. That's the main
 point of the game. Sniping requires stealth, precision, and patience. You
 have four total sniper rifles that are unlocked by playing the game, and that
 can be customized by finding weapon upgrades in each mission.
 But there is more to sniping than simply pulling a trigger. Assuming that you
 are not playing on the easiest difficulty, you have to take into account
 outside elements like distance, bullet drop, and on harder difficulties,
 things like wind direction. Again, it takes a lot of precision to pull off
 truly killer shots.
 On most difficulties, you are aided on bullet ballistics with things like 
 icons and targets, such as a red dot showing you where to aim when firing 
 long-distance shots or how to try and negate heavy winds. Most of these
 helpful tools disappear on the hardest difficulties, so it's recommended that
 you start off on Marksmanship before you move up to Sniper Elite or harder.
 You have many more options than just a sniper rifle, so you aren't doomed if
 you find yourself in a crammed building or cornered by foes. There are many
 other firearms available, such as silenced pistols, handguns, sub-machine
 guns, and even rocket launchers. These are in no way your primary options, as
 enemies will quickly overwhelm you if you try to storm in a heavily populated
 area with a machine gun. They are oftentimes an alternate solution or a
 backup plan.
 But wait, there's more! You also have access to a wide variety of traps and
 other sneaky offensive weapons. Some are harmless and are used to distract
 enemies or lead them to a specific location (rocks, flint/stone). You have
 grenades for crowd control or for demolishing vehicles, dynamite for surprise
 explosions, and even tripwires to help create choke points.
 The sheer amount of offensive options gives this game a high replay value and
 allows you to tackle objectives very differently each time. So even though
 sniping is clearly the focal point of the game, you can get through large
 chunks of the missions without even using it. Before starting a mission you
 can access your loadout, which lets you choose your sniper rifle and
 customize your radial inventory menu.

| Chickity-Check Yo Self |
 As I have stated previously, you must be sneaky if you expect to be a
 successful sniper. Stealth is one of the most important aspects of the game,
 since you want to mask your shot and keep yourself hidden from enemies. In
 any new (big) area, try to find a vantage point where you can safely scan the
 area, both visually and by using the various game mechanics offered to you.
 Use your binoculars by clicking the Right Analog Stick. You can zoom in and
 out with the Right Analog to spot faraway enemies and objects. Furthermore,
 you can tag enemies and important objects by pressing the Right Trigger when
 looking through your binoculars.
 Tagged enemies appear on the radar and display an arrow over their heads at 
 all time. When hovering over them, you can get information on them, such as 
 ranking, distance, equipped weapons, and their status (passive, suspicious, 
 etc.). You can also tag things like vehicles that show their weak points.
 You are restricted by the amount of things you can tag at one time, but you
 can always untag enemies (and tags disappear after killing an enemy).
 More on the subject of enemy status. Needless to say, baddies perk up when
 they hear an unfamiliar gunshot or find the dead bodies of their mates (or
 physically see you, of course). All enemies start off passive (white): they
 are unsuspecting and continue their normal activities. The next step up is
 suspicious (yellow): they may have heard a strange noise or spotted you in
 the distance, but will go back to what they were doing.
 If they decide to search (red), then the target will break from his route in
 order to investigate and search the vicinity - you might want to leave.
 Finally, attacking (fully red) means, well, they are attacking you. 
 It's important to fully check your surroundings or else you run the risk of
 getting spotted and potentially wrecking your game plan. Listen to Ice Cube,

| Runnin' |
 You know how enemies can react to your actions. Now it is time to figure out
 how to react to their reactions. You gotta always stay one step ahead! The
 easiest thing to do is simply run away! Any unmuffled gunshot will force a
 warning prompt telling you to relocate. Since nearby enemies run to the
 sound's origin, you best make sure you aren't still there once they get
 there as well.
 A relocation bar is located on the side of the radar and displays how
 dangerous an area is: the higher the bar, the more populated and perilous
 the spot is. Once the bar drops, you'll be notified that the chase is off and
 you can return to your previous location. Gunnin' and runnin'.
 You can get fun with the concept of relocating. Throw enemies off guard by
 constantly moving between areas and firing your gun. Leave behind dynamite
 presents or other traps before fleeing to throw 'em for a loop and more. 
 Relocating forces you to constantly be on the move rather than camping out
 the entire time. And just because you are moving does not mean that you are
 running away.
 As The Pharcyde put it:
 "I can't keep runnin', I just gotta keep keen and cunnin'".

| A Save Situation |

 I'll keep this one short and simple, but make sure to utilize the game's
 quick saves in the pause menu. Manually saving your progress creates save
 slots that load in at the exact time and place where you saved. Since you
 can load a save file and jump right back into the action, you can use the
 quick save over and over to repeatedly refresh your progress.
 Repeatedly saving helps towards the progress of many Achievements, especially
 the ones that require you to complete a mission without being spotted. After
 taking out a handful of enemies, save, and repeat. If you are seen, then
 reload your last save slot and try again. On some missions I found myself
 saving almost every five minutes. Save often!


[4] WALKTHROUGH                                                         [0400]


 NOTE: This walkthrough is based on the Marksman difficulty.

| Mission 1: Siege of Tobruk                                          [0401] |

 Optional Objectives: 1
 Collectible Cards: 1
 Sniper Nests: 1
 War Diaries: 2

 * Primary Objective: Get to the ramparts

 You awaken to the sounds of alarms blaring in the distance. Exit the house
 and follow the path towards the soldiers to reach the ramparts. Well that
 was easy.
 * Primary Objective: Kill the artillery spotters 0/2
 There are two artillery spotters in the desert a few dozen meters away; they
 should be marked on your screen, but if not you can use your binoculars
 (click the RS). With your sniper rifle equipped, aim by holding down the Left
 Trigger and press the Right Bumper to hold your breath and steady your shot.
 When empty lung is used, a red diamond appears on your reticule to show where
 the bullet will land. Line it up and take the shot, then repeat with the
 second spotter.
 * Primary Objective: Search for more spotters
 There are more spotters in the distance, so try to get a better vantage point
 by moving down the slope towards the white star symbol. After a mortar wipes
 out some nearby allies, take their place behind the sandbags. 
 * Primary Objective: Kill the remaining spotter
 The last spotter is high up on a cliff, about 110 meters away. Aim and use
 the D-Pad to adjust your zoom in and out further for a clearer shot. Hold
 your breath again and eliminate the target. Next up, an artillery truck rolls
 in and causes further mayhem, pinning you and your fellow troops.
 * Primary Objective: Destroy the heavy artillery
 The weak spots of vehicles can be exploited by tagging them with your
 binoculars. Move to the right to the next barricade for a better view and
 tag the vehicle. This reveals red weak spots on the truck, such as the engine
 under the hood or the fuel tank underneath the artillery gun. Shooting the
 fuel tank destroys the truck in one precise shot.
 * Primary Objective: Find a route through the mountain pass
 In order to heal your wounds, access the radial menu with the Left Bumper and
 select your med kit. With the med kits equipped, heal using the Right Bumper.
 The mountain pass is northeast of your location, which can be monitored by
 viewing your map (hold Back). Before heading off, climb the southeast hill
 near the ruined tank to find a [WAR DIARY] up on the ledge, along with 
 dynamite and another M24 grenade.
 Proceed northeast towards the entrance to the pass and use A to climb up the
 large stone steps. Crouch and sneak through the hole, or go prone by holding
 down B. An enemy soldier has his back turned to you, so sneak up and hit Y
 for a silent kill.
 = Optional Objective: Get 8 kills using stealth takedowns

 * Primary Objective: Destroy the Nebelwerfers or eliminate the crew 0/4
 The optional objective is not at all hard to achieve and serves as good
 practice for later, more difficult missions. Optional objectives (marked with
 a " = " in the walkthrough) are obviously not required like the primary 
 objectives (marked with a " * "), but the EXP rewards are nice and completing
 every optional objective in the game unlocks the "Nothing is Optional"
 Your next victim is the guy right in front of you, so execute a stealth kill.
 Hold X to search corpses for ammo and items. Your Welrod is great for stealth
 missions since it is silenced, but unfortunately does not fall under the
 category of stealth takedowns. Use it as a last resort, but stick to melee
 Move backwards and follow the other trail to find another unsuspecting
 soldier. Here you are briefly taught about enemy statuses. Unless you run
 towards him, he should not turn around and spot you: stay crouched and move
 in for the kill.
 You should be able to take down two more enemies in front of the first
 Nebelwerfer, bringing the total up to three. Here you can either destroy
 the Nebelwerfer or eliminate the crew members. Blowing the damn thing up is
 usually more fun, however. Note that an icon appears onscreen when the
 mortars are being fired. This symbol means that a loud noise is present, and
 any gunfire will be masked by the sound. Wait for the Nebelwerfer to go off
 before shooting the red ammunition crate near the base.
 One down, three to go. Turn east and crawl through the tunnel as a guard
 walks past. Use a stealth takedown, then look ahead inside the tent for
 another blissful soldier manning a radio. Make sure to search his body, since
 it contains a WEAPON PART (SNIPER) [1/15]. These weapon parts are found on 
 specific enemies scattered in the game, so always make sure to loot corpses! 
 Sometimes Karl gives you a hint in his dialogue after tagging one of these 
 special foes. This weapon part in particular is a sniper upgrade.
 The second Nebelwerfer is south of the tent. Tiptoe near the faraway soldier
 and do him in (that should be six), then climb the tower to find a [SNIPER
 NEST]. Sniper nests are easy to spot since they are marked on your map, but
 you have to make sure to actually uncover them - in this case, tear away the
 planks covering the window.
 You can also find the mission's [LONG SHOT] at this sniper nest. There is one
 long shot in each mission and are only accessible from a sniper nest. Aim and
 zoom in, looking at the Nebelwerfer, then move your crosshairs up towards the
 low white building; on the balcony is a soldier. Wait for the Nebelwerfer to
 go off before shooting the guy in the distance unheard. Stock up on sniper
 ammo up in the tower, and while you're up here you might as well blow up the
 second Nebelwerfer.
 Climb back down and continue north towards the campsite. There are a handful
 of enemies that follow a predetermined route, so pay attention to their
 movements. Creating distractions with rocks or flint and steel may help to
 get them to turn their backs to you. As always, utilize the save function in
 the main menu. Quick saves are a lifesaver when used frequently!
 The guard closest to you should move past the tent, so sneak up behind him
 for an easy kill. Peek inside the tent and grab the [WAR DIARY]. The next
 soldier makes his rounds and stops momentarily to the west, overlooking the
 third Nebelwerfer. At this point, you should have completed the optional
 objective. There are still a few more opportunities in the mission, so fear
 not if you haven't pulled off 8 takedowns yet.
 The fourth Nebelwerfer is at the northeast hilltop. Inch your way up there by
 taking the northernmost route and swinging around the rock obstacle. There
 are three soldiers here. If you already completed the optional objective,
 then you're better off shooting the third soldier while the Nebelwerfer is
 firing since it is hard to reach him on foot. Once he's out the way, you can
 demolish the last Nebelwerfer.
 * Primary Objective: Survey the desert beyond the mountain pass

 Before going too far, climb up the tower to find some [COLLECTIBLE CARDS] on
 a box. All the enemies should be dead, so it'll be smooth sailing to the
 northern exit. Jump across the gap by holding A and walk up to the
 destination marker.

| Mission 2: Gaberoun                                                 [0402] |

 Optional Objectives: 3
 Collectible Cards: 1
 Sniper Nests: 3
 War Diaries: 11

 This mission takes place at night. Nighttime missions are my favorite since
 it adds to the stealth mechanics and introduces new obstacles, such as
 * Primary Objective: Find information about the base
 Kill the guard operating a generator directly in front of you. The machinery
 still goes off periodically, creating a loud enough noise to mask any
 gunfire. Step forward to the vantage point and survey the area with your
 binoculars. Due to your lack of binocular upgrades, right now you can only
 tag up to seven enemies at a time. You can always untag targets, and enemies
 lose their tags once they are killed.
 Check out the encampment and tag as many enemies, including the grunt on the
 eastern tower. Make sure to take him out as the generator rumbles, since he
 has a sight of much of the camp.
 Remember to stay close to the generator and wait for the sound icon to appear
 onscreen before taking any shots. Shooting your guns generate noise and fill
 the relocation bar. If the bar fills up entirely, your position will be given
 away and you will be forced to relocate to a new area (the numbers that
 appear onscreen dictate how far you must travel before you are deemed hidden
 again). The "gun and run" technique requires you to shoot one or two enemies
 before running away and successfully relocating. 
 One grunt in particular is marked with a star, and you must slay him in order
 to complete your objective. Snipe anyone else you can find before taking your
 main man down, then proceed down the hill to the camp. It is a good idea to
 always keep rocks equipped when not in battle. Even if you think you have
 cleared an area, throw rocks in different directions to see if anyone is
 Head down into the camp and clear out any enemies left before searching the
 body of the tagged individual. You receive a [WAR DIARY] in return.
 * Primary Objective: Eliminate and search key officers for intel 0/3
 Make sure to sweep the camp before moving on. The tent where the tagged
 grunt was occupying contains a med kit. Head up the eastern tower for some
 sniper rifle ammo. From the tower, walk west along the main path, inspecting
 the tents for goodies. There is a group of four tents near an army truck;
 one of the tents contains a [WAR DIARY] and another is populated by a dead
 body, a Luger pistol, and another [WAR DIARY]. Leave the Luger behind since
 the Welrod is silenced and more useful.
 Move ahead to the next area and again, try to survey the area before running
 into the middle of things. There should be a few enemies roaming around, and
 another on top of a sniper nest to the northeast.
 = Optional Objective: Eliminate the Officer from the sniper nest
 Hang around the western perimeter (using your map for guidance) and quietly
 execute the soldier on patrol. This trail takes you up to the [SNIPER NEST],
 where you can kill the grunt and take his position. Kick the small generator
 to get it revving and look for the marked officer in the tent. Assassinate
 him and any other enemies you can see from up here (there is sniper ammo
 nearby if you need it).
 Drop down from the nest and head over to the officer's quarters to find a
 [WAR DIARY] on him, as well as Welrod ammo on the table. Just outside of the
 tent is a med kit, M24 grenades, and some land mines. Land mines are great
 anti-vehicle weapons that will come in handy later on.
 Now pick up the officer's body and slowly move north, along the water's edge.
 Just a few feet from the tent is a dilapidated well. Toss the officer inside
 the well and move on (it can be any dead enemy, for the record). There is a
 point to this - it is the first step to getting an Achievement.
 There are some enemies near the campfire up north, but are in range of the
 sniper nest and should have been taken out already. If not, sneak up and use
 your Welrod or other methods. Welrod ammo is often scarce, and if you want to
 stay hidden throughout the mission you can always use the strategy of sniping
 from up close and relocating. It gets tedious with all the running, but it is
 a perfectly acceptable strategy.
 Stay to the west as you head north to find a narrow trail leading up around
 the base of a rocky hill. Sneak up behind the grunt to reach a great vantage
 point that is similar in appearance to the first sniper nest. Sabotage the
 generator and pick off as many enemies here as you can. If you look to the
 north you should spot a searchlight operator at the top of a guard tower.
 = Optional Objective: Disable the searchlight
 A very easy optional objective: wait for the generator to go off before
 sniping the searchlight operator. It's a pretty long shot and your M1 Garand
 is the worst sniper rifle available, but it is possible with the right angle.
 Wait one more round until the generator starts rumblin' and shoot out the
 spotlight. From here you can see the second officer in the eastern 
 intersection, but he is likely too far for you to accurately disarm.
 Descend the same way you came up and follow the road northbound. On the right
 is an old house with a [WAR DIARY] inside. There is a single grunt that
 patrols the two homes, so kill him if he isn't already dead from before. Pick
 him up and look for a well between the two houses before dumping him in.
 Proceed forward towards a truck with two soldiers hangin' around; one at a
 campfire surrounded by several stone pillars. On the slope behind the circle
 of pillars is another small campfire with a lone soldier. Killing him and
 searching his body gives you a WEAPON PART (BINOCULARS) [2/15].
 From the truck, move north/northeast, past the stack of oil drums and under 
 the arch near the first part of the ruins. Down here there should be an 
 entrance to a tiny living quarters, where you'll find [COLLECTIBLE CARDS] on 
 the ground. Just outside is a third well, so grab a dead body and throw it 
 To the right of the same truck are a couple tents, and one has yet another
 [WAR DIARY] inside for the taking. 
 There are quite a few enemies on the rooftops above, so get up onto the roof
 and quietly eliminate them. Be careful of the lights and lanterns that can
 give away your location. Some of the buildings are separated and require you
 to jump across, which can also reveal yourself to the enemy. The rooftops
 lead you to the searchlight tower, which is also the location of the second
 The location of the [LONG SHOT] is revealed from the sniper nest. Aim
 southeast with your binoculars (east of the second officer) and look for a
 wooden tower similar to the one you are currently occupying. There is a grunt
 some 274 meters away, standing idle in the tower. Assuming this is your
 first playthrough on Marksman, your M1 Garand likely does not have enough
 firepower to deliver a killing blow, so you may need to revisit when you have
 a better sniper rifle (or switch the difficulty to Cadet).
 = Optional Objective: Destroy the motor pool 0/5
 By looking at the motor pool to the northeast, you gain another optional
 objective. Your requirement is to destroy the motor pool, which is composed
 of five German army trucks.
 Before you get to that, first exit the tower and make your way towards the 
 center of the oasis. Use the northern trail towards the campfire where the 
 second officer resides. Shoot the guard resting against the stack of crates.
 Since you can't see the officer from behind the boxes, throw a rock to the
 right to get him to move from behind cover. Use your Welrod to shoot him when
 he is in sight. You can restock on Welrod and grenade ammo in the supply 
 crate next to the campfire, and make sure to loot the [WAR DIARY].
 After claiming the second intel from the officer, make your way to the east
 end of the motor pool by crossing the natural bridge. Take out a few of the
 soldiers close by, including the one on the rafters behind the two trucks.
 Toss an M24 grenade near the pair of trucks to destroy two of the five.
 Across the path is another truck next to an oil tanker. Destroy the red cap
 at the end of the tanker to destroy it and the truck.
 Hide until the chaos dies down before resuming your objective. The last two
 trucks are next to each other and can be destroyed with more grenades.
 Remember, there is a supply of grenades near the second officer's camp. And
 finally, you can find a WEAPON PART (SNIPER) [3/15] on a grunt found 
 patrolling the motor pool - he wears a white tanktop. 
 Head towards the last two trucks you annihilated and climb up the scaffolding
 to the generator on the ledge. Sabotage the generator with the A button and
 use is to safely snipe the grunts protecting the third officer. Pick up the
 next [WAR DIARY] - the third piece of intel.
 * Primary Objective: Eliminate and search the final officer
 The last officer arrives via truck at the east end of the map. First, search
 the northwest campsite; you can spot a [WAR DIARY] inside one of the two
 large tents. Cut through the motor pool and sneak forward once close to the
 new batch of baddies (one is on a machine gun turret). 
 Nearby is the fourth well: behind a destroyed truck with a fallen pillar
 lying on the front hood (between the two bridges that make up the "X" path
 across the oasis). Grab a nearby dead body and toss it in the bottom of the
 well. Dropping a body in each of the four wells unlocks the "Well, Well,
 Well" Achievement.
 Continue southeast towards the row of ruined buildings. Climb up the sand
 dune on the left side of the road to get on top of the building (on the east
 end of the map). Atop is a campfire with a generator and a [WAR DIARY].
 Hunker down near the generator and take down the grunt on the tower across
 from you. There should be a few more grunts near the entrance to the tower
 and on the scaffolding with the red barrel.
 Once it's just you and the final officer, either snipe him or use your Welrod
 to do him in. If you sniped everyone without being spotted, he should be 
 standing at a desk inside the temple. Before searching his corpse, make sure 
 to uncover the third [SNIPER NEST], which is outside the temple on top of the 
 scaffolding to the left. Finally, take the [WAR DIARY] from his cold, dead
 * Primary Objective: Ambush and kill the General before he leaves
 The General is driving through the northern section of the map with a heavy
 artillery vehicle. The vehicle moves from the northwest corner to the east
 end, and if it pass through the gate near the temple then you will fail the
 mission. You must ambush and destroy the General's vehicle!
 As you know, you can use your sniper rifle to uncover and attack specially
 designed vehicle weak points. This vehicle is moving and durable, so you may
 want to stick to traps instead. This is why I suggested collecting and saving
 land mines, although dynamite and grenades can get the job done (but not as 
 Place two or three land mines somewhere on the main road, preferably near one
 of the trucks leading to the temple, as the extra explosion will help
 demolish the General's ride. Three land mines plus a truck is a bit of
 overkill, and you can certainly complete this with far less. But it is
 recommended that you use some sort of item rather than your sniper rifle.
 Once the General drives over your trap... sayonara.
 * Primary Objective: Exfiltrate undetected
 Well, everyone should be dead by now, so leaving shouldn't be a hassle. Run
 down the road past the temple and through the gate.
| Mission 3: Halfaya Pass                                             [0403] |

 Optional Objectives: 3
 Collectible Cards: 3
 Sniper Nests: 3
 War Diaries: 9
 * Primary Objective: Push forward into the mountain settlements
 Walk across the bridge at the beginning of the level and stick to the right,
 moving under the shade and through the ridge. Keep staying to the right as
 you pass underneath the walkways and you should reach an outpost with a grunt
 manning a mounted gun. Assassinate him and turn around, moving east. Up ahead
 you can climb up the wall to reach an elevated portion, and to the right is a
 tiny campsite with a [WAR DIARY].
 Stay up here and move through the brush; on your radar you should notice a
 grunt walking around close by. Go around the bend and kill him, then head
 down the trail. Another enemy resides near the water wheel, surrounding
 himself with red barrels and other explosives. Even though it is tempting,
 sneak up behind him instead of making a big commotion and alerting the nearby
 There are two more soldiers in the vicinity, so kill them or walk north to
 the first mountain settlement.
 * Primary Objective: Destroy artillery 0/3
 Pick up the trip mines from the supply cache on the side of the road, then
 go around the right side of the stone tower towards the trucks. A soldier is
 sitting inside one of the trucks and constantly revs it, creating a sound
 diversion. As a result, leave him be and proceed past the trucks, killing the
 grunt close by and scanning for others: one on the roof just north of here,
 one on a balcony further out, and a couple others walking on the ground.
 Try to stay hidden, because if you make any noise the guard will get out of
 the truck and you miss out on an easy strategy. There are a solid 8-10 guards
 in this part of the settlement. If you search the area west of the trucks,
 you can find a [WAR DIARY] outside the building, on the ground next to a
 supply crate.
 From the trucks, go north and enter the building. An optional objective
 should become available to you here.
 = Optional Objective: Search the area for any important intel
 On the first floor of this building is some intelligence on a table. Pick up
 the [WAR DIARY] to complete the objective.
 = Objective Updated: Find further intel on the whereabouts of the General
 Continue north to reach a [SNIPER NEST] on top of a roof, and use your Welrod
 to shoot the two guards talking to each other on the ground (a quick trigger
 finger is required!). From here, follow the edge of town, climbing a ladder
 to the rocky outcrop above. Before moving north to the next village, continue
 west and jump the gap. Head towards the western village by sneaking through
 the cavern. There is a single soldier waiting at the cave exit.
 This is a pretty decent vantage point, since you can tag and snipe enemies
 from the top of the hill and then run through the cave back to the cliff to
 scout enemy activities from the opposite end of the settlement. Run back and
 forth between these areas using the tunnel to confuse and pick off grunts.
 As long as you don't make any noise, the soldiers using the artillery create
 a sound diversion to aid you.
 Once everyone except the artillery operators is dead, focus on the artillery.
 It is possible to destroy it with your sniper rifle, but that is loud and
 consumes much ammo. The easiest way to take it out is to go inside the
 neighboring building and down the staircase. Stay in the stairwell and shoot
 the red barrel from a safe distance to destroy the artillery from below.
 This may raise the alarms for any nearby survivors, so wait to see if anyone
 shows up before escaping. Make sure to search the homes in this part of town
 for a [WAR DIARY] and extra ammunition in the supply crates.
 Now it is time to head north to the next settlement. You can get there a
 number of ways, and none has a distinct advantage over the others. Keep in
 mind that one of the buildings on the east side contains more intelligence
 required for the optional objective (on the roof of the building with the
 small generator).
 = Objective Updated: Find the General at one of the artillery placements
 After getting the [WAR DIARY] on the roof, hang out here near the generator,
 sniping any unsuspecting goons. If you look towards the north end of the
 village, you should see a grunt standing on a roof. Once you kill him and all
 the other guys, visit his dead body and loot it for a WEAPON PART
 (BINOCULARS) [4/15]. If you create a ruckus and soldiers start moving, then
 he won't be there and you'll have to loot all the bodies in order to find
 the right one.
 The last item you should worry about here is another war diary. On your map
 is a very thin strip of land jutting out on the east side. Head that way to
 reach a campfire with the [WAR DIARY] nearby.
 Exit the area via the northern road. The settlement ahead is the largest and
 can be accessed from two different entrances. In a place like this with
 multiple entrances, it is wise to survey the area from both ends and shoot
 enemies while going back and forth between the entrances.
 If you scour the east end first, focus on following the outer perimeter.
 The three story building contains two enemies on the second and third floor,
 and there is usually a grunt patrolling the floor outside. From the third
 floor, you can jump to an adjacent roof and snipe a grunt on a roof of a
 nearby building.
 From here, head down and make your way to the sniper nest on the building to
 the west. Ascend the stairs and enter the stairwell to reach a ladder at the
 top, and climb the ladder to reach the [SNIPER NEST]. A loudspeaker gives you
 a silent shot, proving to be one of the better spots in this settlement.
 = Optional Objective: Sabotage the motor pool
 There is a motor pool west of the sniper nest, and it is much easier to
 destroy than the one in the previous mission: wait for the recording to
 play over the loudspeaker before aiming and shooting the red nozzle on the
 oil tanker in the middle of the motor pool. Voila.
 You can also find the mission's [LONG SHOT] from here. Lay prone in the
 sniper nest and look straight ahead, aiming your binoculars through the hole
 in the mountain (towards the star marker for the artillery). Your lens should
 focus to reveal a building, and tag the grunt on the balcony. It's around
 365 meters away, but it is possible on Marksman with your Carcano.
 Leave the sniper nest after obtaining the long shot, destroying the motor
 pool, and killing any soldiers in the vicinity. Head northeast to the row of
 homes to reveal another optional objective.
 = Optional Objective: Disrupt communications
 If you enter the building in the northeast corner, you can find a staircase
 leading down to a communications room. Not only does it contain sniper ammo,
 Welrod ammo, and a [WAR DIARY], but there is also a panel that you can
 disable to sever the communication line. 
 Return to ground level and climb to the top of the communications building.
 There is a grunt on the roof that you likely killed a while ago who holds a
 WEAPON PART (SNIPER) [5/15]. Now go through the wrecked motor pool, entering
 the house west of here. Pass through the building's interior and grab the
 [COLLECTIBLE CARDS] sprawled out on the back porch. 
 Now start making your way to the western end of the settlement, towards the
 second artillery. There are about three or so grunts stationed in a house
 nearby, so take care of them and search behind the house for a secret tunnel
 leading to a hidden cavern (use your map for assistance). There are two
 baddies inside the cave, and the windows provide cover and survey spots.
 If you camp out near the leftmost window and peer across, you may notice the
 trademark glare of a sniper scope. There is an enemy sniper south of your
 location, parked next to a generator. Assuming he hasn't seen you, create a 
 save file here.
 The "Through the Looking Glass" Achievement requires you to kill 10 snipers
 before they see you. This can be tough since snipers usually have the high
 ground and are expertly hidden. If you ever see an extra bright glare,
 immediately duck for cover since that is a telltale sign of a sniper.
 In this case, wait for the sound of the artillery to go off before sniping
 him. Reload the save point and kill him again, and reload, and kill, and
 rinse and repeat. Assuming he did not see you (described as "passive")
 before you saved, you can repeat this until you unlock the Achievement. I
 found the Achievement to be glitchy and required way more than ten attempts,
 but keep doing it until you get it. And if you forgot to save/were spotted/
 etc. then do not worry, since there are plenty of other opportunities later.
 Exit the cave to the left and head down the path. Stay on the upper pathway
 and follow it to the cliff's edge, where you can find a [WAR DIARY] laying on
 a large crate. Search the buildings near the base of the sniper nest for
 more [COLLECTIBLE CARDS]. Now go up the ladder where the sniper was and 
 uncover the [SNIPER NEST]. Using the large generator, look across the chasm 
 towards the artillery and target one of the surrounding red barrels.
 Backtrack to the northern settlement and stay near the northwest end, using
 the mountain trails to reach the upper walls. There is a second sniper up
 here, on the rock ledge above and beyond the northwest building. Assuming
 that you are unseen, get on the building's roof and jump across to reach a
 tall ladder leading to the upper ridge where the sniper resides.
 Start making your way to the northwest end of the level's map, as the path
 takes you to a corner with some trucks and explosive barrels. Toss a grenade
 at the trucks to demolish them and the two grunts, then snipe a third when
 he comes to investigate. Don't forget to investigate the three trucks for the
 third set of [COLLECTIBLE CARDS]; they are behind the trucks near a cave.
 Carefully continue down the road and be on the lookout for a soldier with a
 Panzerschreck on the leftmost guard tower. As you make your way to that
 tower, follow the path and opt for the cave entrance in the middle of the
 road. Snag the [WAR DIARY] inside and use the cave to flank the guards at the
 base of the tower. Finally, tiptoe up the tower and execute the rocket
 Feel free to take the Panzerschreck for yourself, but switch to your sniper
 rifle and focus on the final artillery across the gorge. If you managed to
 claim the two pieces of intel, General Hoesslein should be here. Tag him.
 = Objective Updated: Kill General Hoesslein
 The general is standing next to a Panzerjager, both to the right of the
 artillery. Ignore the soldiers holed up at the opposite guard tower and look 
 for a red crate behind and to the left of the artillery. Shoot this to take 
 down both the general and the artillery in one gracious explosion.
 * Primary Objective: Reconvene with the LRDG
 Exit the tower and don't worry about the remaining enemies across the way.
 Make your way back to the settlement for a surprise!
 * Primary Objective: Neutralize the Panzer 3 tank
 A German tank rolls into the village and patrols the settlement, so stay
 outta dodge! Immediately locate and tag the vehicle so you know where it is
 at any moment.
 The tank is incredible powerful and has the same recognition as a regular
 soldier would, so it is capable of being suspicious and downright attacking
 you if seen. The village is large and full of places to hide as the tank
 makes its rounds. The Panzerschreck really comes in handy here, as do all
 your trap items. Land mines are probably the best thing to use along with
 S-Mines, since you can place them on the road and wait for the tank to do
 itself in.
 The Panzer 3 tank also has red weak points on the back that can be exploited
 with a sniper rifle, just in case you don't have any other offensive weapons
 at hand. Hide and let it drive past you before emptying your lung and hitting
 the weak spots. It will take several direct hits, but eventually the tank
 will go down.
 It is daunting, especially on higher difficulties, but it's a different type
 of battle and pretty enjoyable at that. 
 * Primary Objective: Reconvene with the LRDG
 Make sure you've got all the mission's collectibles before thinking about
 exiting down the road the tank rolled down.
| Mission 4: Fort Rifugio                                             [0404] |

 Optional Objectives: 2
 Collectible Cards: 3
 Sniper Nests: 3
 War Diaries: 7
 Arguably my favorite mission in the game, it takes place at night and Fort
 Rifugio's map is very open-ended, providing some awesome stealth options and
 leading to high replay rate. 
 * Primary Objective: Find a way into the fort
 The crevice spills out and takes you to the base of Fort Rifugio. As you gaze
 upon the fort in the distance, many threats lie between you and your goal.
 Heed the protagonist's advice and choose the stealthy path for this level;
 you get an Achievement for completing virtually the entire mission without
 being spotted.
 Walk down the stairs and check out your surroundings. As you can see on the
 map, it's essentially one giant, open circle.
 = Optional Objective: Disable the searchlight towers 0/2
 Even though this is an optional objective it is highly recommended that you
 follow it. If you are spotted by an enemy you will be immediately blinded by
 a searchlight, making escape and survival difficult. It's basically the same
 objective in Mission 2, but there are two of 'em.
 You can start off on any side of the map, but your best option is to slowly
 work your way up the hill, and just to be safe it is a good idea to clear out
 the entire hill before trying to infiltrate the fort.
 Be careful about navigating the service road running from the southwest end
 of the map to the eastern side; there is steady traffic flowing from one side
 to the other and the last thing you want is to be stopped by an enemy truck.
 There are a couple guards at the campfire to the east, so sneak up thattaway.
 Use a stealth takedown on the grunt near the turret and inch closer to the
 campfire. Shoot the two blokes and kick the generator to get it sputtering.
 On a box next to the small generator is a [WAR DIARY], and at the top of the 
 stone steps behind the generator is a [SNIPER NEST]. While you are here, look
 up at the fort for an open window occupied by an officer. As the generator
 rumbles, pull off a quiet kill shot.
 While you're here, survey the area and, more importantly, shoot out the two
 searchlights (make sure to kill the operators first). The hillside is teeming
 with soldiers, so you won't be able to tag them all. There is a grunt that
 wanders around the group of four tents that is carrying a WEAPON PART
 (BINOCULARS) [6/15]: he doesn't necessarily stand out, but Karl should
 mention that he's got something useful when you tag him.
 From the generator, move north towards the batch of tents. Search the supply
 cache for Welrod ammunition and S-Mines, then look inside the tents for some
 [COLLECTIBLE CARDS]. Go further north and at the bottom of the eastern
 searchlight tower is a [WAR DIARY]. Remember to use quick saves frequent and
 often, especially if you are going for an undetected playthrough and the
 Explore a bit more to the east, wrapping around the eastern bend to reach the
 other side of the service road. There is a guard tower overlooking your
 location, so sneak up and shoot the grunt at the top with your Welrod. Smack
 the large generator near the ladder and take the grunt's position here at the
 second [SNIPER NEST] - just make sure there are no trucks driving by as you
 do all of this!
 You probably won't see any new enemies from up here, so get down and retrace
 your steps to the mission start point. Now make your way left to uncover the
 west end of the hill. Here you run into the other end of the service road,
 so again be on the lookout for any passing vehicles.
 Several more soldiers shoot the breeze around a campfire here, and another
 rests against a barricade underneath the southwest guard tower. Assassinate
 him first, then try to split up the campers with rocks or other distractions
 before individually picking them off. Maybe bring the red explosive barrel in
 the picture?
 Afterwards, search the big main tent for a med kit and Welrod ammo. Make sure
 to climb up the overpass above the service road for a [WAR DIARY]. Now
 hopefully the west end of the hilltop is deserted and secure. Mimic your
 actions before and hug the perimeter wall as you trudge north. Look on your
 map for the sniper nest location and use the tall ladder to climb on up.
 Coming up here bypasses running into two grunts, so from the [SNIPER NEST]
 you can use your pistol to quickly brain them in succession. Scout the
 region a lil' bit, then hop down and move towards the western searchlight
 tower. There should be two grunts hanging out here, so take them down and go
 inside the tent near the tower for more [COLLECTIBLE CARDS].
 There are likely a trio of elites close nearby. You don't have to really go
 that way and you can leave them alone if you want. Elites are higher in the
 pecking order than grunts and have better eyesight and recognition. It is
 advised that you stick to moving up the hillside since there are no more
 collectibles down at the base of the hill.
 There are three more elites on top of the hill in the center of the map, and
 they are harder to split up and take out than the other group. You can send a
 grenade right in the middle of the three if you're daring, but otherwise
 create diversions and use traps.
 = Optional Objective: There's something interesting on the table...
 At the hilltop camp is a little morsel of information that might prove to
 be useful in your conquest. Interact with the marked table to steal a log
 = Objective Updated: Assassinate the officer as he drives past the fort
 The officer will be driving across the service road, going from southwest to
 the east end. Run east towards that side of the road and equip any traps (you
 should have picked up a whole bunch of S-Mines earlier). Drop an S-Mine or a
 land mine anywhere on the road and the truck will do the rest.
 With that out of the way, you can infiltrate Fort Rifugio. There are two
 main entrances, each on opposite ends of the map. There are no big advantages
 between entering on one side over the other; it just dictates which side of
 the fort you are going to sweep first.
 - West side: walk up the path and stay close to the northern wall in order to
   find some stone steps you can pull yourself up onto. From here you access
   the west end of the fort.

 - East side: From the eastern side of the map you can proceed up to the
   northeast corner of the map (which also contains a [WAR DIARY]), ascending
   the scaffolding into the window.
 - Front entrance: Simply walk through the front door. BORING.
 I usually go through the eastern side, so for the sake of spontaneity I will 
 cover the west entrance. But make sure to pick up the war diary on the east
 end (near a campfire and a tiny tent) regardless of your choice.
 * Primary Objective: Locate the informant's cell
 You begin in a theatre/lounge/rec area with two guards, one of which is
 holding a WEAPON PART (SNIPER) [7/15]. At their location is also a [WAR
 DIARY] for the taking. Go up the stairs to the north and 'round the corner,
 peeking through the open door at the sleeping guard. Do him in, then go east
 and into the opposite building to hear an officer inside. Quietly dispose of
 him before he turns around.
 * Primary Objective: Search the commanding officer
 Search the officer's body to find a set of keys.
 Stay on the upper level and go up another flight of stairs outside the
 building leading to the outer wall. Slay the grunt up here and follow the
 wall east to a room with [COLLECTIBLE CARDS]. The room also has loads of
 dynamite and Welrod ammo, so stock up.
 Exit the room and descend the spiral staircase towards the east wing. From
 the bottom of the stairs, shoot the enemy resting against the crates to the
 right and make a beeline for the doorway across from the staircase. Walk
 past the cells and up the ladder to the east end.
 Two guards usually patrol this area in a circle, and there is another guard
 on the rooftop above you. Wait until the two are separated before shooting
 one (one of the grunts goes up a flight of stairs in the building opposite
 you, making your stealth sequence easier). Drag the body into the room next
 door, which is dubbed the torture room due to the bound chairs and pool of
 blood. Next to this room is a ladder that leads up to a [WAR DIARY]. Go back
 down into the torture room.
 Once the guard heads up the staircase in the adjacent building, sneak inside
 and enter the radio room on the right. An enemy has his back turned to you,
 so use a stealth takedown and nab the [WAR DIARY] off the table. Go up the
 staircase to the second floor, then up to the roof. There may be one or two
 grunts up here, so hide out in the staircase while you look for them. There
 is a supply crate with Welrod ammo and some Panzerschrecks as well.
 Follow the rooftop to the blue marker on your map to find the informant. If
 you got here without being spotted at all, you should unlock the "I Fort This
 Would Be Difficult" Achievement.
 * Primary Objective: Clear all the enemies from the courtyard
 This is a great "two birds, one stone" opportunity, since the "Hidden and 
 Dangerous" Achievement is for completing a mission (excluding Mission 1)
 without being seen. Since the mission is almost over, you might as well stick
 it out and stay hidden for the remainder of the level. If you already have
 the Achievement, then whatever, do whatever you want.
 In addition to any soldiers you left alone, more arrive via truck in the
 center courtyard. The fastest and easiest strategy is to fire your 
 Panzerschreck at the truck before the troops can get out. Now everyone will
 freak out and eventually run to your position, but all you have to do is
 relocate and things will be much smoother.
 Now if you go through with this things will be more hectic since the guards
 will be going bonkers, but overall it's an easier and more enjoyable route.
 The objective will automatically update once you've killed enough enemies, so
 you don't have to exterminate the entire fort.
 * Primary Objective: Head to the battlements.
 Follow the marker on the screen to reach the battlements. Climb the ladder to
 the top to reach the top of the battlements, where you can find a plethora of
 sniper rifle ammunition.
 * Primary Objective: Provide covering fire from the battlements
 ...which you will certainly need as you lay down cover fire as the informant
 makes his grand escape. Even though the alarms are blaring and soldiers are
 in a frenzy, you technically still have not been spotted and are in line to
 get the Achievement.
 Find a suitable edge and look around with your sniper for any pursuing
 soldiers. Tag 'em and snipe 'em before they can gun down your ally. This
 sequence can be a bit aggravating since it is often difficult to find and
 locate the enemies, but sometimes the game takes a little while to spawn in
 new baddies. So stick with it and look for any gunfire on the hill. The
 mission ends once the informant makes it outta there.
| Mission 5: Siwa Oasis                                               [0405] |

 Optional Objectives: 3
 Collectible Cards: 1
 Sniper Nests: 3
 War Diaries: 9
 * Primary Objective: Find a way into the old city
 Woo, my favorite level followed by my least favorite! The first thing you
 hear upon starting up is an airplane overhead. Certain areas have high
 aerial traffic, and the noise of a passing plane gives you the opportunity to
 snipe undetected.
 Proceed northwest towards the old city. Pass by the stacks of logs and you
 should run into a soldier leaning against a well. This area is perfect for
 unlocking the "An Old to Rube Goldberg" and "Wait for It" Achievements. What
 you must do is sneak down into the well and place both dynamite and flint and
 As the flint/steel countdown begins, exit the well and back away from the
 well. Standing on the opposite end, alert the guard so he pursues you and
 falls into the well. Now that he's trapped in the well with the explosives,
 create a save file (preferably when the timer is down to 2 or 1) and watch as
 the ensuing explosion kills him. Now reload the save of the guard dying and
 repeat the grisly film until you have 20 chain reaction explosive kills (also
 fulfilling the 10 flint and steel detonations).
 If you don't care or already got 'em, then just kill the poor bastard.
 Stay in the brush left of the road and investigate the shacks. There are a
 few more grunts occupying the area, but see if you can sabotage the small
 generator before anyone sees you. Inside is a supply cache with Welrod ammo
 and grenades.
 Hide in the garden while checking everything out. To the northeast is an
 anti-aircraft gun that offers more noise-buffering, farther northwest is the 
 main entrance to the city, and west is the outskirts of the city where you
 can access hidden tunnels. Shooting the explosives near the slacker at the
 front gate is an easy way to get the "Make It Go Boom" Achievement, and going
 up the hill near the AA gun triggers an optional objective.
 = Optional Objective: Destroy flakvierling AA guns 0/3
 To start, clear out the AA gun on the plateau. You can climb some steps and
 sneak up the ramp to reach them, and either a grenade or shooting the red
 explosives next to the AA gun will destroy it along with the surrounding
 baddies. Look for the body of an officer (look for his distinct uniform and
 hat) and search the charred remains for a WEAPON PART (BINOCULARS) [8/15].
 You can casually stroll right into the city from the AA gun scrapheap. 
 * Primary Objective: Search Vahlen's office
 = Optional Objective: Investigate German supply caches
 This probably isn't the ideal way to enter the city, but nearby is a sniper
 nest that you should use to clear out as many enemies as possible. It is in
 the building on the left from where you enter at the AA gun; climb up the
 two ladders to reach a bombed building. Airplanes still travel over your
 head, so you can tag and safely snipe enemies here. There are about three
 guards that make their rounds, as well as a Panzerjaeger standing on a
 walkway to the right.
 Once there are no more enemies in sight, climb back down and leave the city.
 Go past the front entrance and proceed to the western end, near the campsite.
 There are two grunts near the truck on the left which are easy to eliminate,
 plus others up ahead. By now you are probably outside of the airplane route,
 so that won't come in handy anymore.
 After clearing out the camp, scan the area for a cave opening and go inside.
 Walk through the tunnel until you reach a pile of rubble, then zoom through
 the gaps in between the junk pile to silence a grunt on the other side. Hop
 up the ledge and continue through the tunnel. Next to a supply crate is a
 deck of [COLLECTIBLE CARDS]. Afterwards, continue around the corner to get
 inside an alternate city entrance.
 The ruins in front of you serves as good cover, but enemies are also hard
 to find and easy to lose between all the barricades and whatnot. Be wary of
 the sniper in the ghillie suit positioned on one of the rooftops northwest
 of the ruins; hard to spot, so he may see you before you see him!
 From the ruins entrance, shimmy along the left wall to reach a ramp leading
 to the upper level. From here, start going south towards the star marker on
 your map. I found that hiding behind the half wall next to the explosive
 barrel in the corner worked well for baiting enemies my way and neutralizing 
 them with the Welrod. Plus, this spot always gives you a view of the sniper
 so you can keep tabs on him.
 When you can, make a break for Vahlen's office. Go through the gateway and
 up the staircase. 
 * Primary Objective: Climb the scaffolding to the vantage point
 Exit the office and enter the room next door, grabbing the [WAR DIARY]. Next, 
 head downstairs, kicking the small generator. If you have not yet killed the
 sniper, do so while the generator and making noise. If there are still guys
 left down in the ruins, you have a better sight from up in the offices.
 You best stay on the western side of the city for now and clear out the
 entire side before going off somewhere else. So from Vahlen's office, head
 northwest and sneak closer to the west end, using the stairs to get up near
 the perimeter wall. There is a guard stationed in a turret building, and also
 with him is a [WAR DIARY]. 
 If you continue north/northwest, you can find another small generator on the
 opposite end of the ruins and the sniper pad. If you climb the ladder where
 the sniper was located, you can loot him and grab sniper rifle ammunition
 as well.
 Look for more walkways around the outer wall as you eventually reach the
 courtyard on the far end of the city. As expected, there are more baddies
 patrolling the scene, but there is more air traffic and a generator or two
 to help out. On the ground level is a doorway leading into a small chamber
 with a [WAR DIARY]; specifically, it is in the northwest end of the map, just
 southwest of the AA gun.
 If you continue your loop around to the other end of the courtyard, you may
 notice a cluster of enemies on your radar. They seem unreachable, and that's
 because they kind of are. There is a building with a ladder (near the AA gun
 marked on your map) nearby: ascend the ladder and look out the window to see
 the AA gun outside the city walls. Like before, shooting the red box will
 send the whole thing to kingdom come.
 Wrap around the courtyard towards the eastern palace. A second ghillie suit
 sniper resides on the roof of the palace (next to the tall stone tower), so
 be on the lookout. Just for the record, this sniper is also holding a
 WEAPON PART (SNIPER) [9/15]. You might want to come back and loot his body
 (enter the palace to reach the roof) once the coast is clear.
 Once you dispose of the sniper and the 3-4 soldiers here, go inside the tower 
 either through the front door or by accessing the palace; at the top is the 
 second [SNIPER NEST]. From here, look out the window facing southeast and
 zoom all the way back towards where you began the mission. Survey the area
 to find an unlucky bloke seemingly on guard duty in the middle of nowhere.
 Put him out of his misery for the [LONG SHOT].
 Head past the palace towards the AA gun on the eastern side, and pick up the
 [WAR DIARY] lying on the ground near the palace's fountain. Visit the [SNIPER 
 NEST] while you're here: go up a nearby flight of stairs into a building and 
 then up the ladder into an old house. There may be a few stragglers in the
 east side of the ruins that can be picked off.
 Descend to the bottom once you're done and investigate the anti-aircraft gun.
 It's being manned by a trio of grunts, and a couple more baddies act as
 support. There are no accompanying explosives, so you must use a grenade or
 an explosive of your own in order to destroy it. Demolishing all three AA
 guns wraps up the optional objective.
 Search the building to the left of the AA gun for another [WAR DIARY]. By now
 you should have pretty much come full circle, and hopefully you took everyone
 down along the way. If not, clear the entire city of German troops; not for
 nothing, but the remainder of the mission will be a ton easier if there is
 no one in your way.
 You can also use this time to investigate the German supply caches. There are
 three supply caches in the city, and the stuff you are looking for is
 randomly placed in one of the three. Here's where the three caches are:
 - inside the palace (get the [WAR DIARY] inside!)
 - in the room under the scaffolding (directly under the star marker on your
 - On the west side of the ruins. Look around on the outskirts of the ruins
   and you can find a small room, also containing a [WAR DIARY].

 Search these locations until you stumble across German warheads, completing
 the objective. You must physically point the camera and face at the three
 warheads for a second or two in order for the game to register.
 The only other thing you should do before climbing the scaffolding is getting
 one more war diary. If you have not already, infiltrate the building in the
 center of the courtyard - on the second floor is a Panzerschreck and the
 [WAR DIARY]. Now head to your destination and check out the vantage point.
 * Primary Objective: Observe the officers and tag the correct one
 There is a special officers-only meeting down in the middle of the city. Out
 of the three officers, only one contains the information we are looking for.
 Wait for them to congregate below you and tag them all for the hell of it;
 only one is your target (which out of the three, is completely random every
 * Primary Objective: Kill the officer after he's retrieved the intel
 Don't even worry about the other two officers: attempting to kill them will
 probably only end in bad news for you. Let them part ways and follow your
 target through the city. The officer takes his time and leisurely strolls
 through the city, ultimately stopping in a building to retrieve the intel.
 Now this is why executing every single enemy prior to attempting this is
 super beneficial: the officer chosen is random and each one follows their own 
 path throughout the city. You don't know where in the city you are going to 
 have to stalk him until it happens, so it's best to clear the city entirely.
 It also helps if you are interested in the optional objective (which triggers
 once the officer gets the intel).
 = Optional Objective: Make his death look like an accident
 If you really want to, you can shoot him right then and now. But if you want
 to make things a little clever and also finish the third optional objective,
 stay tuned and keep back. Don't get too close to the officer and let him
 slowly make his daily rounds. Now depending on which officer you get, the
 outcome will be slightly different.

 - Officer #1 ultimately makes his way north to the courtyard. Once at the far 
   end of the courtyard, he moseys around and crouches down next to a stack of 
   explosive boxes. Shoot them from afar to set them off in his face.
 - Officer #2 heads west towards the vicinity of Vahlen's office, eventually
   stopping at a German truck near the western supply depot. Wait for him to
   get close to the truck before detonating the red barrels on the truck bed.

 - Officer #3 makes his way east towards the palace. After getting the intel,
   he will stop near the fountain and stand next to some scaffolding. Shoot
   the red explosive box to trigger an avalanche.

 If you follow one of these strategies, the officer's death will be deemed
 accidental and you'll get the objective. Regardless of which officer you are
 stuck with, there is always one jerkwad who shows up to the scene of the
 crime. Don't let him spot you and quickly kill him before he begins whining.
 Lastly, search the officer's corpse for the final [WAR DIARY].
 * Primary Objective: Destroy the Panzer IV to escape the city
 It doesn't matter which officer you kill or where: a Panzer IV tank bursts
 into the courtyard and starts rolling around. If you happen to have gotten
 the officer who travels to the courtyard, then you have a front row seat.
 Otherwise, run over to this location and get ready to take it down.
 This tank plays like the one in Mission 3, but takes more of a beating. It
 drives around enough to be susceptible to traps like land mines and S-Mines,
 and by now you should have plenty of offensive firepower to easily take it
 down. Use the central building as cover and unload grenades, dynamite, mines,
 and AP rounds even.
 If you have enough traps, let it drive around in a circle and plug its route 
 up with explosives. That's definitely the easiest solution, since the tank
 drives in a very specific circle over and over again. Once the tank is toast,
 attempt to leave the city. Notice how I say "attempt"...
 * Primary Objective: Eliminate the snipers
 You are ambushed by a pair of snipers in the courtyard. This part of the
 mission is a real bummer if you are trying to go for the unseen Achievement.
 Immediately duck behind the barricade on your left. Both snipers are to your
 right (southwest of your location on the map). Remember that if you make
 noise the remaining two officers will be called over, so still try and use
 the noise of the airplanes.
 Take down the two snipers and any responding officers. You don't have to stay
 in this one spot; feel free to move around so long as you keep low from those
 ghillie-wearing bastards.
 * Primary Objective: Regroup with Brauer
 Meet up with your informant pal Brauer to mercifully end the mission.
| Mission 6: Kasserine Pass                                           [0406] |

 Optional Objectives: 1
 Collectible Cards: 3
 Sniper Nests: 3
 War Diaries: 8
 * Primary Objective: Infiltrate Vahlen's HQ
 General Vahlen's headquarters is located in Kasserine Pass and is surrounded
 by an enemy village filled with high security. The accompanying mountains are
 also treacherous, but can be used to your advantage.
 Begin by moving southeast through all the rubble and vehicle skeletons. Nick
 joins Karl for some of this mission and starts off on a high ledge above you,
 pointing out an enemy up ahead. Quietly get behind him for a stealth kill.
 Turn to your left and start tiptoeing to the east.
 = Optional Objective: Take out the Nebelwerfers 0/2
 The first Nebelwerfer is up on a ridge to the east/northeast. Much of the
 level map is very barren and requires you to move from cover to cover rather
 than slinking through foliage. Even though the space here is wide open, it is
 lacking in enemy numbers. Bear left up the slope and inch closer to the
 Nebelwerfer. Once close enough, use the sound of the weapon to drown out your
 assassination attempts on the three soldiers wandering on the ground. Once
 you've killed them, shoot the red barrel next to the Nebelwerfer.
 With one down, head over to the two buildings: there is a supply crate with a
 med kit in one and [COLLECTIBLE CARDS] in the other. You can continue south
 to the headquarters and small village, but opt for the road less traveled:
 follow the northern side of the central mountain, and with your map as
 assistance, locate a doorway leading into the side of the mountain.
 Go into the tunnel and hang a right, then tag and slay the officer standing
 in the exit opening. Pick up the WEAPON PART (SNIPER) [10/15] and tag the 
 three soldiers on the other end of the tunnel. Two of them are attached at
 the hip, so you'll have to get creative with your killing methods. Clear out
 the tunnel so it can be used later in the level as a shortcut or to hide.
 Exit the tunnel the same way you came in and hug the wall east, going up the
 mountain path to an upper level. Silence the pair of soldiers and head into
 another tunnel. Quickly exit to the right and collect the [WAR DIARY] out
 here on the cliff. Back inside the tunnel, follow the path up some stairs and
 to the [SNIPER NEST].
 If you zoom in straight ahead at the rockwork in the distance and scan the 
 area, a tag should pop up. Before going ahead with the [LONG SHOT], search
 the village and target the sniper in the white tower just south. Since the
 airplanes only seldom pass, there aren't many sound barriers to protect you;
 brain the sniper, relocate, then return and complete the Long Shot. While you
 are here, map out the rest of the area and pick off one or two more dudes.
 By now you have probably noticed the armored vehicle making its rounds - it
 makes a lap around the southern portion of the map and passes through the
 central street. You might want to tag this thing early on so you know where
 it is at all times. The passengers can make short work of you if they spot
 you on a drive-by.
 You'll want to demolish the armored vehicle sooner rather than later. You can
 either snipe it (consumes ammo) or place a trap in the middle of the road.
 Destroying the armored vehicle will cause a truck to spawn in front of
 Vahlen's headquarters (important: do not destroy).
 With the vehicle out of the picture and hopefully some enemies on the main
 street polished off, head there yourself and explore some of the homes. The
 yellow double stuff building contains a [WAR DIARY], and the one with the
 staircase on the side has some ammo. Behind this one is a house with a deck
 of [COLLECTIBLE CARDS] on a box.
 Now check out the location of the second Nebelwerfer on the southwest side of 
 the map. On your way there, make a pit stop at the white tower to access some
 dynamite, land mines and a [WAR DIARY] on the first floor, a [WAR DIARY] on 
 the second floor, and a [SNIPER NEST] at the very top.
 The nest itself serves as a terrible vantage point, but you can just catch a 
 glimpse of the Nebelwerfer. There's no need to stay up here for long, so
 blast the red barrel next to the Nebelwerfer and hightail it outta there.
 Stop in the beige building behind the tower to grab [COLLECTIBLE CARDS] off
 the table and run over to the site of the Nebelwerfer to loot bodies and
 punch the large generator. There is a second German truck parked nearby. As
 with the first: leave it alone.
 Proceed east and hang down towards the way southern tip. This road should be
 devoid of all enemies, but one of the two buildings contains a lot of random
 ammo/med supplies and a [WAR DIARY]. There is another tunnel that cuts
 through the south mountain, but disregard it and approach the lone building
 near the cliffside overhang; it contains more ammo and another [WAR DIARY].
 Leave and ascend the ramp to the cliff. Do so quietly due to the group of
 baddies lurking about. If all three are huddled around the campfire, then
 settle for a well-placed M24 grenade. Set your sights on the headquarters now
 that most of the map has been thoroughly gone through. Feel free to snipe
 from up here, but if the guards at the base of the stairs are dead you can
 walk right through the front entrance no problem.
 There are three or four enemies inside Vahlen's headquarters who should be
 taken down using the Welrod. One of them carries a WEAPON PART (BINOCULARS)
 * Primary Objective: Find clue to location of safe combination
 Make sure to pick up the [WAR DIARY] on the middle table - you have to
 actually press A to observe and collect the note left behind by Vahlen.
 * Primary Objective: Get combination for the safe
 Exit the HQ and since you're here, stop at the third [SNIPER NEST] to the
 right of the building (left when facing it). Several more reinforcements
 appear in the village after completing your objective, so make sure to tag
 them and either shoot or ignore them.
 The safe combination is found in one of the buildings on the southern trail
 (aka: where you just came from). The place has been beefed up by enemy
 elites, so cut through the mountain instead of going around. Try to lure some
 of the elites in the tunnel with traps or by making noise; that way it gets
 'em out of sight and lets you execute them one by one (try trip wires!).
 The presence of a sniper on the roof makes it more important to stay hidden.
 Your main target is an officer who typically stays inside, forcing you to
 either eliminate everyone else or be really good at sneaking (I prefer the
 former). Once he is dead, loot the body for a [WAR DIARY] that gives you the
 safe combo.
 * Primary Objective: Regroup with Brauer
 Simply run towards the white tower for a cutscene.
 * Primary Objective: Destroy the Tiger
 Your task at hand is now to avenge Brauer and obliterate the Tiger tank.
 While the Tiger is the pinnacle in German tank design, it still has the
 same weaknesses and exploitations. Don't bother wasting sniper ammo and stick
 to things like land mines, dynamite, and S-Mines. Play it safe and plant two
 traps next to each other to ensure certain destruction.
 Starting now, you are able to get the "Double Tap" Achievement: all you have
 to do is destroy two vehicles within five seconds of each other. The Tiger
 counts as a vehicle, so you can plausibly blow up the tank, then quickly
 destroy one of the two parked trucks on the map.
 The Tiger comes in from the southwest corner of the map, then follows the
 southern route before driving north past Vahlen's HQ. If you create a row of
 traps leading from the middle of the road to the truck parked outside the HQ
 and wait several minutes, the Tiger eventually drives over your trap and both
 vehicles should go up in flames. That involves sitting around for nearly five
 minutes, so if you don't have that time on your hands you can wait for
 another opportunity.
 * Primary Objective: Overcome the temple defenders
 The "temple defenders" includes a truck full of elites (let the truck park
 and leave it alone), some grunts, and another armored vehicle. Try to retreat
 to the cliffside camp to get a good view of the temple and its surroundings,
 plus all the goons you have to fight through. Like earlier, tag the armored
 vehicle as soon as possible and use the "gun and run" technique to wipe out
 most of the elites.
 The armored vehicle is still a pain and will require some more traps - I
 hope you have some left over from the Tiger battle. The Panzerschreck comes
 in handy if you have it on your loadout. Either plant traps on the road (pay
 attention to the route it takes) or use armor piercing rounds and grenades.
 * Primary Objective: Open safe
 By now, there shouldn't be a single German soldier left. Before opening the
 safe, make sure you have obtained all collectibles. If you still have not yet
 unlocked the "Double Tap" Achievement, now is a second (and sometimes safer,
 faster, and easier) opportunity.
 Go south from the HQ towards the lone building that had the war diary inside.
 Climb up on the roof and ready your sniper rifle. There should be two trucks
 along this vertical road: one spawned by destroying the first armored vehicle
 and the other by taking out the Tiger. First, save your game. Shoot off the 
 grill on each of the trucks, then wait and get a full lung of air. Hold your 
 breath and take two shots on each truck's exposed weak point; you should only
 need one shot, and if done in five seconds the Achievement will unlock.
 Now run inside the headquarters and open the super secret safe.
 * Primary Objective: Retrieve Brauer's body
 This deed is unfortunately not as easy as one would think, for two ghillie
 suit snipers emerge from the central mountain tunnel. One runs off while
 the other lies prone in the grass in front of the tunnel entrance. Look for
 him and take him out, then make your way to the main street.
 The second sniper is waiting at the white tower (damn he's fast!). Find a 
 good spot and put a bullet in his dome, then sprint to the tower and honor
 your fallen friend Brauer. 
| Mission 7: Pont du Fahs Airfield                                    [0407] |

 Optional Objectives: 4
 Collectible Cards: 3
 Sniper Nests: 3
 War Diaries: 9
 * Primary Objective: Gain access to the bunker network
 For those interested, two enemy snipers appear on the northern ridge above
 the destination marker only on Cadet. This is another  good place to get the 
 "Through the Looking Glass" Achievement since it is at the very beginning of
 the level (I think there is just one on higher difficulties).
 The security has tightened up due to Karl's advancements, so the airfield is
 primarily composed of elites. As you know, elites have better awareness and
 sight recognition than grunts, so this won't be a walk in the park. Several
 elites are positioned south of your location: two at a campfire, and two
 others walking around close by. Tag them, but leave them for now and work
 your way north.
 As you can expect, there is a lot of aerial activity at the Pont du Fahs
 Airfield. Airplanes constantly zip and zoom overhead, but pay attention if
 the noise symbol appears since sometimes the airplane will be out of range.
 Defeat the two elites walking in the same direction as you, as well as the
 next one warming his hands at the oil drum fire. From here, make your way to
 an abandoned oil drum fire on the west side of the map and search the box
 for some [COLLECTIBLE CARDS]. Now turn your attention to the northwest
 The bunker is equipped with several searchlights that are pointed upwards and
 should not be a problem. There are many enemies patrolling the bunker, and on
 top of the bunker is an officer and elite pair - shoot the red barrel next to
 them, then escape until things die down again. Since elites take much more
 time to "go back to normal" than grunts, it may be easier to slink down into
 the trenches and flank the remaining enemies.
 Go inside the open door at the north end of the bunker and dismantle the
 control system to open all the bunker doors.
 * Primary Objective: Find the map to the Ratte Factory
 I would not set your sights on the bunker interior just yet - worry about
 clearing out the surface first. From the northwest bunker entrance, go
 northeast towards the control tower and stop by in the tent to find Welrod,
 sniper, and Panzerschreck ammunition.
 = Optional Objective: Kill all operators in the control tower
 Be careful of crossing the airstrip due to the armored vehicle that loops
 through the airstrip and the east side of the map. Camp out here in the tent
 and tag the vehicle so you have its location on your map. Wait for it to pass
 before sneaking across to the east.
 A guard starts at the base of the tower and begins climbing up the stairs, to 
 try to do him in before he gets up the stairs. Ascend the staircase yourself
 and enter the control tower, where there should be a single officer sleeping
 at his desk, so shoot him to complete the objective. While you're here, grab
 the [WAR DIARY] on the desk and search the operator's body for a WEAPON PART
 (BINOCULARS) [12/15].
 You can stay up here for a little while just to tag extra enemies, but only
 snipe if your sounds are masked. Since the only way to get down from the
 tower is the stairs, you don't want to find yourself trapped up here. If you
 look closely, you can spot and identify two ghillie suit snipers resting on
 the eastern ridge. You don't have to kill them now, but definitely tag them.
 This location is very nice once you clear out the nearby enemies, such as any
 walking outside the two hangars on the east side. Assuming there are no
 soldiers in the vicinity, you can let off shots without alarm since no one is
 close by to hear the shots. This map is nice since it is so spread out and
 allows you to snipe without fear. So if there is no one within earshot, try
 to take out the two snipers and anyone else to make your life easier.
 When you are ready, stop at the [SNIPER NEST] in the corner. From the control
 tower, walk up the slope and pick up the [WAR DIARY] next to the nest. You
 have a straight shot all the way down to the southern tip of the airfield,
 and anyone in between. In addition, you can get the mission's [LONG SHOT]
 (which also happens to be the most difficult by far).
 The target you are looking for is directly south of the sniper nest, waaaay
 out of bounds of the map. Look far out towards the horizon and aim your
 binoculars along the top of the tallest sand dune. This is more challenging
 since it is nighttime, but you can vaguely make out a silhouette standing on
 the horizon.
 This elite is a whopping 618 meters away, by far the furthest potential kill
 you can make in the game! If you are playing on Marksman, you have to worry
 about annoying bullet ballistics. Even the red reticule when you empty your
 lung is misleading and you must position the red dot a couple inches above
 the target to account for significant bullet drop (choose a reticule that has
 ticks/notches that you can use for reference).
 It will likely take several instances of emptying your lung, firing, and then
 catching your breath again. As always, save your game before attempting the
 Long Shot and make sure to eliminate any nearby threats. If there is no one
 around to hear you, you can fire off as many rounds as you like without any
 soldiers being alerted to your position.
 Naturally, this long shot is MUCH easier on Cadet. In fact, a great way to
 unlock the "Double the Distance" Achievement is to play this map on Cadet and
 save when at the sniper nest. Save, do the Long Shot, reload, do it again,
 and keep it up until you have sniped for the allotted distance.
 Time to take down the armored vehicle. From the sniper nest or control
 tower, study its route pattern and plant some land mines or S-Mines on the
 ground. Then start proceeding south to the eastern region.
 = Optional Objective: Destroy the bomb dump 0/3
 There is no need to try and complete this objective without attempting to
 unlock the Achievement that ties in with it: "Three Birds, One Stone". In
 order for this Achievement to pop, you have to destroy all three bomb dumps
 at the same time. Impossible? No. Difficult? Actually no, not really.
 You will want to eliminate the elites wandering around the bomb dumps: one
 walks back and forth directly in front of them, while there are about three
 more holed up in the tents. Stop by the tents for some ammo and other stuff,
 including [COLLECTIBLE CARDS] in the middle tent.
 Now for the bomb dumps. You will need two total explosive traps; whether it
 be dynamite, land mines, or S-Mines is totally up to you (trip mines won't
 work). Check the southwest hangar if you need extra explosives. Facing the
 three bomb dumps, place explosives between the first and second and the
 second and third. Now shoot one of the many red barrels next to the bomb
 dumps (great place to put barrels) and the traps should blow up as well for
 a simultaneous wonderful explosion.
 Relocating would be a good idea. Climb up on the hill and follow the wall
 south to make sure you stay behind the parked armored vehicle. Go past the
 vehicle and look around the rocks to reach a supply crate bathed in
 torchlight. You can find some sniper ammo, Panzerschreck ammo, a med kit,
 and most importantly [COLLECTIBLE CARDS].
 It's much safer and easier to get rid of the second armored vehicle, since
 it is pretty hard to explore the southeast bunker without it peering down
 your shoulder. Since there is an entire chest full of sniper rifle ammo, opt
 for sniping the weak spots until it goes kaboom.
 There are five or six soldiers here at the southeast bunker entrance, so stay
 on the eastern hilltop to take them down; there's no sense using other
 weapons when you have sniper ammunition so close by. If you need to relocate,
 then run over to the second [SNIPER NEST]: this one is in the southeast
 corner. From the bunker entrance, go to the corner and climb up the rock
 steps to reach the top, where you can find a [WAR DIARY] and the nest.
 Once the enemy resistance has been cut down a bit, go inside the trenches.
 = Optional Objective: Kill the radio operator to stop reinforcements
 The radio room is on the southern end of the bunker entrance. Sneak through
 the trenches and into the doorway to find him sitting at the radio. With his
 back turned to you, he won't see it coming.
 Again, don't go into the basement just yet and finish the southwest sector.
 Roughly four enemies reside here (not including the ones you tagged at the
 start of the level), with one manning a searchlight up in the tower. Since
 you are behind the tower, you can snipe the searchlight operator and won't
 have to worry about shooting out the light. Climb up here for the third
 Stop in the four hangars if you haven't already. The southwest hangar has a
 ton of explosive traps, Welrod ammo, and a [WAR DIARY]. Next, go inside the
 neighboring hangar, killing the two enemies and grabbing another [WAR DIARY]
 off of the table near the supply crate. The two hangars on the east side
 contain more ammunition but don't hold any collectibles.
 Alright, time to head underground. There are many entrances (four hangars,
 two bunker entrances), and the entry point doesn't particularly matter. For
 the sake of the guide, I'll take you through the southeast bunker entrance.
 From the southeast entrance, take the flight of stairs down to the basement.
 Walk past the bunk beds and stop at the personal desk for a [WAR DIARY]. At
 the intersection, go left, then left again to end up below the southwest
 hangar. On a stack of green crates lies a [WAR DIARY]. Make your way north
 towards the stairs leading up to the northwest hangar. In the middle of the
 fork is another [WAR DIARY]. There will be soldiers along the way; usually in
 pairs, so lay traps or use grenades for easy double kills. 
 Make your way towards the northwest corner near the bunker entrance for 
 the final [WAR DIARY]. That should be all the collectibles! Nearby is a big
 storage room where you will find the map to the Ratte Factory. Use the
 explosive boxes and barrels to wipe out the few elites inside. When the coast
 is clear, take the intelligence.
 * Primary Objective: Get to a sniper point to cover the LRDG
 Before you go too far, cut across the room to the opposite end. You stumble
 upon a prison cell with some unlucky occupants.
 = Optional Objective: Release the prisoners
 Wondering what those blue blips on your map were? They were some prisoners
 held captive down in the bottom of the bunker. All you have to do is walk up
 to the jail cell and press A to get it open and finish the easy objective.
 Now run through the bunker back to the southeast entrance and return to the
 surface. Make your way to the second sniper nest (more accurately marked on
 your map) and get into position.
 * Primary Objective: Protect the LRDG from the sniper nest
 Your LRDG comrades will be driving around the airfield and under some serious
 fire. Similar to the objective at the end of Mission 4, all you have to do is
 stay put and snipe wave after wave of German soldiers. You have all the
 ammunition you need right next to you, and your friends chip in with the
 killing. This section pretty much clinches the "Advantage: Sniper"
 * Primary Objective: Take down all German vehicles
 A tank and an armored vehicle roll in just as your LRDG friends leave the 
 airfield. A handful of enemies also spawn, including a sniper on the
 searchlight tower. At some point, make sure to execute and loot his body for
 a WEAPON PART (SNIPER) [13/15].
 This tank in particular is harder to demolish than others in the past because
 it refuses to move. You can't plant a trap and wait for it to drive over your
 explosives. The tank is firmly planted at the southern end of the airstrip
 and scans the area. There is a ton of Panzerschreck ammo in this map, so my
 best advice is to blast it to hell with rockets.
 The armored vehicle has a convoluted driving route, so things like land mines
 should not be your first option. Sniping the weak points is an acceptable
 choice, as is Panzerschreck rockets. Snipe the vehicle in order to get it to
 stop moving, then fire off a rocket or two.
 * Primary Objective: Get to the evac point
 Get to the southern end of the airstrip, marked on your map, to round out the
| Mission 8: Ratte Factory                                            [0408] |

 Optional Objectives: 1
 Collectible Cards: 5
 Sniper Nests: 3
 War Diaries: 5
 This is the final mission in the campaign: you must thwart General Vahlen's
 plans and turn the tide in this war!
 * Primary Objective: Access the canyon walkways
 = Optional Objective: Collect German advanced weapon plans 0/4
 Move along the cliffside, knocking out the sightseer and tossing him off the
 edge for good measure. Do the same with the guy obsessed with his echo, and
 enter the canyon walkways. Just as a pointer: this mission is challenging, so
 make frequent saves.
 * Primary Objective: Destroy the power transformers on each level 0/2
 Use your Welrod on the two grunts standing around the table, then turn back
 to the cliff and knock the guy off the edge. Stay inside and walk forward,
 then around the corner to find another soldier. Take him out and look south
 at the walkway interior. There are two enemies below you, one standing at a
 table, and a few more further south.
 The conveyor belts and other factory machines provide noise that can mask
 your shots. Take down the two baddies close by and head down the stairs to
 the floor. Grab one of the bodies and trot out onto the green bridge. Toss
 the corpse off the side of the bridge for the "Long Way Down" Achievement.
 Near where this enemy was is a pile of long gray pipes, up against the back
 wall. Look for 'em and when you find them, pick up the [COLLECTIBLE CARDS]
 from off the ground.
 Next, proceed up onto the catwalk. Look across the canyon and snipe the two 
 guards walking around. Go across the bridge to the west end and walk to the 
 right. At the base of the staircase and behind the row of metal shelves is a
 deck of [COLLECTIBLE CARDS] sprawled on the floor.
 Go up the staircase and take apart the barricade to reveal a [SNIPER NEST].
 This isn't a particularly good vantage point, so leave and inspect the desk
 up here in the corner of the second floor for the first advanced weapon plan.
 Now head back across the bridge to the east side.
 There is an elite on the upper walkway (which you should get up on after 
 downing him), and survey the other end of the walkway. An officer joins the 
 scene, so tag him and use the machinery to mask your sounds.
 Once you get to the other end, step down from the catwalk and survey the
 floor. Pick up the [WAR DIARY] off the pallets and continue down the
 stairwell towards the star marker. Turn to your right and tag the enemy on
 the bridge below plus the soldiers across the way. Descend the ladder to find
 the first transformer. First, loot the supply crates in the corner, then
 blast the transformer by targeting the explosive barrel.
 Against the wall opposite the transformer is a holed boarded up with some
 wooden beams. Pull them away and enter the small tunnel, working your way up
 to the [SNIPER NEST] atop a canopy. You can survey the bridges and walkways a
 bit better, as well as get the [LONG SHOT]. From the ledge at the end of the
 tunnel, aim northeast and look way up at the two construction cranes. Near
 the furthest one is a very brave grunt standing on the very edge of a cliff.
 Sniping him should be no problem.
 Stealthily killing all the enemies across the bridges can be tough with just
 your sniper rifle, since you don't have a lot of space to maneuver or to
 relocate to. You can run back and forth between the two bridges and also drop
 land mines or trip wires on the bridges to create choke points.
 The officers are the worst ones since they have the vision of a hawk. Try to 
 locate and execute them first, and try to secure the upper bridge so you can 
 get across and have the high ground.
 From the lower bridge, look across to spot a grunt hunched over a work table. 
 This guy carries a WEAPON PART (BINOCULARS) [14/15], so make sure to search 
 his corpse when things are all said and done. If you take too long clearing 
 out the area, his body disappears and you'll have to reload an earlier save.

 This was the biggest bitch of a weapon part I could get in the game, mainly
 because he never managed to spawn for me and the room is so cluttered that
 the body disappears before you can clear it out. My only technique was to
 find him, snipe him, run across the bridge and loot his body before the other
 19 enemies obliterated me. Definitely glitchy.
 From the upper bridge, you can hang out at the top of the staircase and look
 across the walkway at all the soldiers. There is also more machinery nearby
 that can be used as a noise diversion. Once most of the obstacles have been
 hurdled on the second walkway, get on the upper catwalk and enter the side
 room to find another advanced weapon plan.
 Make a right after exiting the room and look over the catwalk to another
 bridge on the ground. An officer and two elites begin walking across to your
 position, but if you're quick you can shoot the explosive barrel on the
 bridge to take out all three. If not, back up and hide and muffle your shots
 to individually down them.
 There are [COLLECTIBLE CARDS] up on this catwalk as well. Down on the ground 
 level, back to the east, is a [WAR DIARY] on a desk near the two staircases,
 up against two metal shelves.
 In the far end of the walkway, in a little alcove, is the second power
 generator. Blow it sky high to complete your objective.
 * Primary Objective: Destroy the Ratte ammo cache
 Go across the bridge to western wing as four elites emerge from the upper
 room and begin walking down the stairs. It wouldn't be a bad idea to retreat
 back across the bridge and snipe one or two before relocating. A grenade
 always works since they are in a tightly-confined area.
 Once they're toast, go back to the room, grab the [WAR DIARY] off one of the
 tables, and head inside the green-dimmed room in the southwest corner for
 your third advanced weapons plan. Finally, ascend the stairs to the ammo
 cache. Plant a satchel charge on the ammo cache by pressing A and... nothing
 * Primary Objective: Access the cargo elevator to get to the canyon base
 A door opens below you and some soldiers wander out. Tiptoe onto the balcony
 and shoot them with your Welrod. A few other enemies emerge from the nearby
 cargo elevator. They are a bit further away, so switch to your sniper rifle
 and snipe them when the machine sounds go off. Step inside the cargo elevator
 and take a ride down to the base. NOW the charges go off!
 * Primary Objective: Set charges on the support pillars around the Ratte 0/4
 The canyon base where the ginormous Ratte tank lies is bigger than the map
 makes it out to be, and it is positively crawling with soldiers. You must
 set charges on the four main support columns in each corner of the base in
 order to bring the roof down.
 There are two soldiers walking in between the rows of machines, as well as
 one moving past the first support beam. Take them all down, then kick the
 small generator and set charges on the beam. Look around and tag any enemies
 you can while using the generator to your advantage. There is an elite that
 patrols the left side of the Ratte. He is tricky to find, but if you wait
 near the generator he should walk past. You'll want to get him because he
 holds the final WEAPON PART (SNIPER) [15/15].
 Continue to the the southwest support beam. Plant a charge and step onto the
 platform immediately east of the pillar for more [COLLECTIBLE CARDS]. The
 storage room behind the support beam has a ton of Panzerschreck ammo, MP40
 ammo, Luger ammo, and med kits. Next door is an office filled with about
 four enemies. Toss a grenade through the window and quickly go inside to
 steal the last advanced weapons plan. This should complete the optional
 objective, and hopefully earn you the "Nothing is Optional" Achievement.
 Go north to the northwest pillar and shoot the guy down here. Kick the small
 generator and take the [WAR DIARY] off the table. In order to arm the
 northwest pillar, you'll have to find a set of stairs leading to the second
 floor. There are guards walking above you, so either sneak up behind them or
 snipe them from the ground floor.
 The charge for the northeast pillar must also be set on the second floor, but
 let's take a detour. Go back on the ground and proceed to the northeast
 quadrant. Climb the set of stairs near the molten hot metal and one more
 flight of stairs to a balcony. On the left-hand corner of the balcony is the
 final set of [COLLECTIBLE CARDS].
 Get up onto the second floor catwalk and plant a charge on the fourth support
 * Primary Objective: Set an explosive charge on the Ratte
 A final charge has been reserved for the Ratte. A hangar door opens to reveal
 an armored vehicle and more soldiers. From up here, you should easily snipe
 the vehicle until it's a pile of rubble. Start making your way to the ground,
 all the while tagging and shooting enemies.
 Next, climb up onto the Ratte itself - there is a set of stairs on the
 right side of the tank. Pull yourself onto the top of the tank where you'll
 find a [WAR DIARY] just sittin' there. Climb the ladder to the cockpit and
 put a charge on the designated spot.
 * Primary Objective: Escape from the hangar
 Drop down from the Ratte and return to the ground. At this point, the tank
 starts firing machine guns at you. Sprint to the east end to escape the
 hangar and the gunfire.
 * Primary Objective: Take the shot and detonate the charge
 This is the final group of enemies. There are about six, and they are all
 standing out in the open. I didn't even bother using conventional methods and
 sniped the hell out of them in succession. Panzerschrecks work here as well.
 There is little cover and you are meant to move quickly. Don't waste time.
 Dash up the slope to the final [SNIPER NEST], lay prone, hold your breath,
 and aim at the red chains supporting the explosive shells hanging above the 
 Ratte. Fire!


[5] DLC                                                                 [0500]


| Hunt the Grey Wolf                                                  [0501] |

 Optional Objectives: 0
 Collectible Cards: 0
 Sniper Nests: 1
 War Diaries: 10
 There are a couple things to note about this DLC mission:
 - It is short, but that's kind of the point. There are many ways to kill
   Hitler and in order to get all the Achievements for doing so the game
   recommends that you undergo multiple playthroughs (but you don't actually
   have to).

 - There are technically 10 war diaries, but you only find 4 total in one
   playthrough. The war diaries you get are random so, once again, you must
   replay the mission multiple times in order to get all 10. There is no
   reward for getting all the diaries/sniper nest/long shot.
 - You cannot save during the mission, so you cannot simply create a save
   file right before killing Hitler in order to save time. What you'll want to
   do is kill Hitler, then pause and load last save to reload the previous
   checkpoint (Hitler's arrival).

 * Primary Objective: Confirm target's arrival

 If you have a quick trigger finger and happen to have a Panzerschreck on you,
 step out from where you start and shoot the truck that passes down the road
 in front of you. That will get rid of a group of enemies later on and also
 disorient the remaining soldiers here, letting you pick them off one by one.
 If not, then grab the grenades and various mines near the parked truck and go
 east towards a campfire surrounded by an officer and two grunts; a grenade
 will do the trick. Turn around and now follow the western perimeter towards
 the truck that just drove past you. There are some mortars going off nearby,
 and pretty frequently, so stay here while you snipe the soldiers near the
 Continue south past all the craters and rusty vehicle shells; there are two
 or so soldiers down in the trenches in the little bunkers. Since you cannot
 shoot through the netting, you're better off getting up close and using your
 Welrod or your bare hands.
 Stay low during your travels, since there are a couple elites up on the high
 wall near the first row of ruined buildings. Get close to the high wall and
 move east, past another truck and scaffolding that you eventually need to
 scale. Make your way towards the guard tower in the corner - there is one
 inside the tower and two down below. Wait for the two to split up before
 execute them, then sneak up the tower and do the same to the fella up here.
 From this guard tower, you have a good look at some of the enemies on the
 high wall. You will want to kill most, if not all, of them, since you are an
 easy target when they see you climbing up the scaffolding. Once the scouts on
 the wall are dealt with, climb up the side of the scaffolding and take the
 [WAR DIARY] to confirm the Fuhrer's arrival. This is the only war diary that
 is not randomized.
 * Primary Objective: Read officers' perspectives on target 0/2
 Like I briefly mentioned before, the 10 war diaries are randomized and their
 locations are random as well. Your objective destinations are in different
 spots every playthrough, so there is no way to accurately describe where to
 go for this walkthrough. I will however walk you through the map exploration
 and where the enemies are.
 Go up the ladder and open the door (!!!). There are a couple ways to go from
 here. If you are interested in a Lee-Enfield Mk. III or more sniper ammo,
 then enter the building on your left.
 Going to the far right takes you to the high wall where all those elites
 were. Feel free to stop by and loot their bodies. If you look beyond the
 barricade to the south, you'll find two more elites talking to each other
 in the street. Taking them both out simultaneously is tough from here - go
 back to the intersection and head straight into the cluttered room. 

 Take out the guard near the southern exit, then jump through the window near
 the staircase onto the balcony. From here you can split up the two elites and
 shoot them. The staircase back in the room leads up to the rooftop gardens
 and serves as a good hiding spot and a sniper location. Jump from roof to
 roof and navigate the catwalks to seamlessly roam the city.
 From the rooftop gardens, continue south. There is usually one other guard up
 here that you'll need to neutralize, but look out over the walkways to the
 streets below for more guards.
 Eventually set your sights on the sniper nest south of here. If you are still
 up on the roof, you can get here via a connecting walkway. There are a pair
 of enemies on the roof, so take them out and climb to the very top. Move
 aside the box to uncover the [SNIPER NEST].
 Now this sniper nest offers no true use to you since all the soldiers are 
 below you, but if you aim northeast towards the radio outpost (look for the 
 red glow), you can tag and snipe a guard for a [LONG SHOT]. He moves around 
 more often than other Long Shot targets, but he is only around 168 meters
 Stay up here on the roof and move between buildings as you try and eliminate
 the remaining soldiers. Once the coast is relatively clear, search the marked
 buildings (again, it's random every time) for the [TWO WAR DIARIES].
 * Primary Objective: Observe messenger and collect intel
 There is one more intelligence you must retrieve to further the mission, and
 it is held by a messenger automatically tagged. Get down on the streets and
 proceed through the gate at the south end of town. The messenger roams around
 the plaza to the west, which is guarded by a number of baddies. There are two
 at the main entrance and another on the side. To flank the group, head south
 and down the staircase.
 From here, take down the three guards and enter the brick tower. Ascend the
 ladder to the balcony overlooking the plaza. There are likely two or so guys
 up here, so stay in the tower and try to quietly down them. Go north and
 through the room towards the small generator on the northwest side of the
 plaza. Kick it, then camp out here a bit and target the enemies below,
 including wherever the messenger happens to be.
 * Primary Objective: Collect the intel
 Once everyone has been killed, including the messenger, loot his body for the
 * Primary Objective: Choose a vantage point
 Now it is time to stake out and wait for Hitler's arrival. Search all the
 corpses for extra ammunition and make your way to the southeast corner of the
 city. There are two vantage points here: one is closer to the target and the
 other has higher elevation. I prefer the vantage point that's closer to the
 target, and you are able to get all the related Achievements from this spot.
 * Primary Objective: Determine the target's identity and proceed
 Hitler arrives with a squadron, including an officer that assists you in
 unlocking a secret Achievement. There are seven different ways to kill
 Hitler. In order to prevent replaying the entire mission, once you have
 assassinated him you can pause the game and load last save.
 A couple things to know: Hitler will leave after about five seconds, so
 you'll want to get the job done quickly. On top of that, you actually don't
 have to kill Hitler. You can let him escape and complete the mission as is
 without repercussion (but who wants to take that route?). And shooting the
 accompanying officer in the nads unlocks the "Herr Charles" Achievement.
 Here is a breakdown on each possible option:
 - Sweating Bullets (shoot and kill the target)
   Simply shoot Hitler as he is seated at the dining table. All you gotta do
   is snipe the Fuhrer - by far the easiest one. If you go for the "Fast-
   Moving Target" Achievement first, you unlock this one by default.

 - Grenadier (killed the target with a grenade)
   You don't exactly have a quarterback's arm, so hurling an M24 grenade will
   do you not good. Instead, empty your lung and aim at the grenade attached
   to the officer's uniform. Shooting this creates a chain explosion that
   takes out Hitler.

 - In the Middle (kill the target with a chain reaction)
   Take a look at the three trucks parked to the right of the dinner party. A 
   single shot from this sniper rifle at the vehicle's weak point sets them
   all off and creates a deadly chain reaction. You can also get this by
   standing up and chucking an M24 grenade at the middle truck; hitting the
   truck closest to you won't create a chain reaction.
 - Saved by the Bell (crush the target with a bell)
   Look west, past the plaza, for a bell tower. Hold your breath and fire at
   the rope holding the bell in place. A successful shot will cause the rope
   to snap as the bell conveniently lands on top of Hitler.
 - No Escape (kill the target in the vehicle by shooting its weak spot)
   Probably the most difficult one out of the group. Hitler's personal car
   has one weak spot on the back and requires at least two bullets. Either let
   Hitler leave or try your hand at the Herr Charles Achievement.
   Once Hitler is in his car, turn around and lay prone on the wooden bridge 
   between the two vantage points. Just as the vehicle comes into view, hold
   your breath and try to take two shots in succession. The car stalls and
   blows up a second later, giving you the Achievement.
 - Fast-moving Target (shoot the target in his car)
   Let Hitler leave in his vehicle and turn around, laying out on the wooden
   walkway connecting the two vantage points. Wait for him to come into sight
   and brain him. Since it's an open top vehicle, you should have no trouble
   getting this (at it also unlocks the "Sweating Bullets" Achievement if you
   haven't yet gotten it).
 - Convenience is Key (killed the target by shooting nearby explosives)
   Once again, this requires Hitler to be driving away in his car. Wait for
   him to leave and position yourself once more on the wooden bridge. Look out
   on the dirt road, and just as the road curves lies a pile of red explosive
   barrels. Wait for the car to round the corner before setting them off.

 And if you sat through all this and assassinated Hitler every way possible,
 you also get the "...And Stay Dead!" Achievement!
 * Primary Objective: Exfiltrate
 Your mission stays the same whether you killed Hitler or spared him (you
 monster!). If you did indeed kill him, there will be some resistance during
 your exit route. A pair of soldiers appear out of a doorway on the other side
 of the bridge, so quickly deal with them. Next, sprint through the nearby
 door and drop down the perimeter wall to escape the city and complete the
 DLC mission.


[6] COLLECTIBLES                                                        [0600]


| War Diaries                                                         [0601] |

| Mission 1: Siege of Tobruk |

 1. Letter to Martin
 After blowing up the artillery, head southeast up the hill towards a ledge,
 where you'll find the war diary near some dead bodies.
 2. Survival Notes: Managing Heart Rate
 Located on the mountain pass, inside a tent in between the third and fourth

| Mission 2: Gaberoun |

 1. Intel: Officer Assignments
 Can't miss it. It is found on the body of the tagged grunt that you must kill
 in the beginning of the mission. Use the generator at the start of the level
 to mask your shot and quietly snipe him without alerting anyone else.

 2. Axis Account: Reclaiming Tobruk
 After completing your first objective, move northwest up the road. When you
 reach a cluster of tents just before an area with a truck, search the tent on
 the right for the war diary.
 3. Discipline and Obedience
 After completing your first objective, move northwest up the road. When you
 reach a cluster of tents just before an area with a truck, search the tent on
 the left to find the war diary on a table next to a corpse.

 4. Intel: Recruitment Drive
 Found on the first key officer near the first sniper nest. After killing him,
 inspect his corpse for the intel. 

 5. Axis Account: Vahlen's Presence
 Past the first officer's tent and the nearby well. Follow the road north
 until you come to some ruined architecture and an old house on the right. The
 war diary is inside the house.

 6. Vahlen's Journal: Welcome to America
 Near the mission's collectible cards. On the opposite side of the row is a
 line of tents, with one of them holding the war diary.
 7. Intel: Vahlen's Project
 Held by the second officer, who is found at the campsite in the middle of the
 oasis. He is concealed pretty well due to the rocks and foliage, so you're
 better off eliminating him up close with your Welrod or traps.

 8. Intel: Threat Assessment
 Found on the third officer's body after he is killed. He resides in the
 northwest encampment, and is easily taken down by hiding near the generator
 atop the motor pool and quietly sniping him and his friends.

 9. Axis War Story: Tobruk's Defense
 You can locate this war diary inside one of the two big tents at the third
 officer's campsite; preferably obtained after executing the officer and the
 surrounding grunts.

 10. Survival Notes: Relocation
 After killing and looting the three officers, pass through the motor pool to
 the final officer at the temple. Just before the temple is a ruined building
 on the left side of the road. Climb through or around it to reach the top,
 where there is a generator and the war diary lying on a crate near the

 11. Intel: Report For Reassignment
 You get the final piece of intel by killing the officer residing in the
 eastern temple. Make sure to snipe all of his goons first before going after
 him yourself.

| Mission 3: Halfaya Pass |

 1. Axis Account: Security Concerns
 Near the beginning of the level. Move to the east, following the pathways to
 the right, and kill the guard on the mounted turret. Continue east up the
 trail and climb up the low wall to reach a small campsite on the right; the
 war diary sits on the ground near the fire.
 2. Vahlen's Journal: Rommel's Success
 Found in the first mountain settlement. It is basically smack dab in the
 center of the village, and is on the ground next to a supply crate.

 3. Fortifications
 This is also the intel that the optional objective refers to in the first
 part of the mountain settlement. The intel is found on a two story building
 on the east side of the town, just north of the group of trucks. The intel
 itself is on a table in the first floor.

 4. Missives From Home
 Located in the cluster of homes near the first artillery. Preferably taken
 after destroying the artillery, this war diary is found inside one of the
 5. Final Inspection
 Found in the settlement north of the first one. This intelligence is for the
 optional objective and is located on the roof of the building with the
 generator; should be easy since it is marked for you on the map and game

 6. Letters to Martin
 Look on your map in the settlement where you found the second piece of
 optional intel - there is a thin strip of land sticking out to the east.
 Head this way to reach a campfire, and the war diary is here on the ground.

 7. Allied War Story: Delaying Tactics
 Located in the communications room. In order to find this war diary and
 complete the optional objective, you must go inside the building in the
 northeast corner of the large settlement. Inside, you can find a set of
 stairs leading into the basement containing the goods.

 8. Survival Notes: Food
 In the area with the third sniper nest overlooking the second artillery. The
 war diary is lying near the cliff's edge, on top of a large box (all the way
 on the west end of the map).
 9. Survival Notes: Enemy Snipers
 The last war diary resides in the northwest corner of the level's map, near
 the third artillery. Pass around the bend with the group of trucks and head
 towards the guard tower on the left. As you go up the road, look for a cave
 entrance along the way. Inside you'll find the war diary.

| Mission 4: Fort Rifugio |

 1. Survival Notes: Sound-Masking
 Down at the base of the hill leading to the fort, east of where you begin the
 mission. Kill the three enemies here and the war diary can be found on a box
 next to the small generator. Near the first sniper nest.

 2. Missives From Home
 This war diary is found on a stack of boxes at the base of the eastern
 searchlight tower.

 3. Letters to Martin
 In the southwest corner of the map is an overpass structured above the
 service road. Use the ladder to get to the top and take the war diary from
 off the stool.

 4. Survival Notes: Firemaking
 When you have liberated the hilltop and are ready to infiltrate Fort Rifugio,
 you can take a number of pathways. At the east side (the northeast corner of 
 the map) lies a small campsite with a single tent, and the war diary is
 hanging out around here.

 5. Axis Account: Vahlen's Wrath
 Once inside Fort Rifugio, head to the theater area on the western end to find 
 the war diary next to the cinema reel, where two soldiers are standing.
 6. Letters to Martin
 In Fort Rifugio, on the eastern wing. Look for the room dubbed the "torture
 room" due to the shackled chairs and pools of blood. Next to the torture room
 is a ladder that takes you to a chamber holding the war diary (on a chair).

 7. Vahlen's Journal: Dealing With Traitors
 Also found inside Fort Rifugio, in the east wing. Inside the eastern building
 is a radio room; from the main doorway, hang a right and there will be a
 grunt inside with his back turned to you. Assassinate him and pick up the
 war diary off the table.

| Mission 5: Siwa Oasis |

 1. Axis Account: Missing in Action
 The war diary is located in an office building directly next to Vahlen's

 2. Axis War Story: Assassination Attempt
 From Vahlen's office, go northwest and keep hugging the buildings near the
 west side until you can find a staircase leading up to the perimeter wall.
 Follow these walkways to a supply cache and a turret building. Go inside the
 room (there's usually a dude chillin' here) to find the war diary.

 3. Survival Notes: Desert Sniping I
 Located in a small room, accessed from a doorway on floor level. It is in the
 northwest corner of the map in the courtyard, just southwest from the anti-
 aircraft gun.

 4. Missives From Home
 When taking out the AA gun on the east side of the map, at some point explore
 the building to the left of the gun to find it on the ground.
 5. Axis Account: Desert Ghost
 Tricky to find at first, since it is lying on the ground out in the open. The
 war diary, to be specific, is near the palace to the east next to the

 6. Letters to Martin
 Go inside the eastern palace to find the war diary tucked in the back corner;
 you should find it if you are partaking in the supply cache optional
 7. Survival Notes: Healing
 Found in a tiny room on the west side of the ruins (between Vahlen's office
 and the enemy sniper's hideout). You should find it if you are partaking in 
 the supply cache optional objective.

 8. Vahlen's Journal: Home Away From Home
 You can get this war journal on the second floor of the building smack dab in
 the middle of the city courtyard.

 9. Vahlen's Journal: Smooth Progress
 The war diary is found on the officer that you must pursue and kill. Wait for
 the officers to have their meeting and follow your designated target until
 he retrieves the intel. Assassinate him and search the body.

| Mission 6: Kasserine Pass |

 1. Survival Notes: Water
 Found on the central mountain. From the north end, follow the mountainside
 east and go up the ramp. Enter the second floor tunnel and then exit out on
 the right to emerge on a small cliffside camp, where you find the war diary.

 2. Missives From Home
 Found on the main street where the armored vehicle patrols. This war diary in
 particular can be obtained by going inside the twin-sized yellow building and
 rummaging around through the furniture.
 3. Axis War Story: Remembering Emil
 Inside the white tower. The war diary is on a table on the first floor,
 across from the two supply crates.

 4. Vahlen's Journal: Usefulness of Rommel
 Inside the white tower. Climb the side stairs to reach the second floor and
 you can get it just before going up the ladder to the sniper nest.

 5. Letters to Martin
 Travel to the southern end of the map, on the empty trail. There are two
 small buildings located here, one of which contains two supply caches and the
 war diary.

 6. Axis Account: Dangerous Ambitions
 Also on the far southern road, but a bit further down. This one is found by
 following the path east towards the single building near the entrance to the
 overhang. Go inside for more ammunition and the war diary.

 7. Note From Vahlen: In My Absence
 You can pick this up after slipping inside Vahlen's headquarters and gunning
 down all the occupants; found on the table in the middle of the room.

 8. Note From Vahlen: Safe Combination
 The safe combination is held by a trusted officer stationed on the southern
 trail. The pathway is littered with elites and a sniper on one of the roofs.
 Use the mountain passage to avoid walking down the trail in the open, kill
 everyone (including the officer) and search his corpse.

| Mission 7: Pont du Fahs Airfield |

 1. Allied War Story: Last Defense
 Found at the top of the control tower. Sneak your way to the top of the tower
 and assassinate the sleeping officer before taking the war diary off the
 2. Survival Notes: Desert Sniping II
 The war diary is found at the first sniper nest (the one at the northern end
 of the map). Can't miss it.

 3. Axis Account: Desperation
 You can get this one at the second sniper nest (found in the southeast corner
 of the map). The diary itself is sitting on a rock close to the boxes that
 need to be moved in order to uncover the nest.

 4. Survival Notes: Sandstorm
 Go inside the southwest hangar and look for a desk near the two supply
 caches (there are big words spray painted on the wall). On the desk lies the
 war diary.
 5. Letters to Martin
 Next door from the previous war diary. Go inside the northwest hangar and
 look for it on a table near the supply crate and explosive barrel.

 6. Vahlen's Journal: Threat to Completion
 Located in the basement. Easiest when accessed via the southeast bunker
 entrance. Head down the stairs and go past the row of beds, eventually
 reaching two desks, one of which contains the war diary.

 7. Survival Notes: Clothing
 Located in the basement. The best way to find and obtain it is by accessing
 the basement from the southwest hangar. Go down the stairs and turn left,
 and it's on a stack of green boxes in the corner.
 8. Axis War Story: Infantry Change
 Located in the basement. Easy to find when reached via the northwest hangar:
 go down the stairs and proceed straight ahead. Once at the intersection, look
 in the corner to the left.
 9. Missives From Home
 Located in the basement. From the northwest bunker entrance, descend the
 staircase and walk straight ahead - the war diary is on one of the brown
 crates in the center of the hallway.

| Mission 8: Ratte Factory |

 1. Axis Account: Completing Production
 On the eastern walkway, head south and after slaying the whole crew of German
 soldiers here, look on the floor level for a war diary on a wooden pallet.

 2. Vahlen's Journal: Pointing the Blame
 This one can be claimed on the western walkway. From the upper level bridge,
 go down the staircase and stay on the ground. Up against a pair of metal
 shelves is a desk with a lamp shining down on the war diary.

 3. Vahlen's Journal: War Machine
 Located in the west wing, near the Ratte ammo cache. After defeating the room 
 full of enemies and the four elites that come down from the stairs, search
 the tables in the room; it is on one of them.

 4. Missives From Home
 Found in the Ratte canyon base. At the base of the northwest pillar is a desk
 which contains the war diary.

 5. Allied War Story: Surprise Attack
 The final war diary is found on top of the Ratte tank. On the right side of
 the tank is a staircase leading to the top. Head up the stairs and then look
 around for the war diary (near the ladder leading up to the cockpit).

| Collectible Cards                                                   [0602] |

| Mission 1: Siege of Tobruk |

 Collectible Cards #1
 Found at the northeast guard tower overlooking the fourth Nebelwerfer. Climb
 to the top and check out the stack of boxes near the radio.

| Mission 2: Gaberoun |

 Collectible Cards #1
 About midway through the mission, on your way to killing the second officer.
 As you follow the main road you come to a truck near a campfire surrounded
 by several pillars. Just past this campfire is a stack of oil drums; head
 north/northeast to reach the first part of the ruins and you should find the
 cards inside a small entrance to a living quarters (or for a better
 reference: right next to the third well). 

| Mission 3: Halfaya Pass |

 Collectible Cards #1
 Proceed towards the building west of the motor pool (there is a mounted
 turret on the roof). Walk through to the back porch to find the collectible
 cards scattered on the ground.

 Collectible Cards #2
 In the same spot where the third sniper nest is located (on the outskirts of
 the second artillery). Go inside the dilapidated house near the base of the
 sniper nest to find the cards on a table.
 Collectible Cards #3
 Located on the path leading to the final artillery, and General Hosslein. The
 stack of cards is located behind a line of three vehicles just before
 reaching the pair of guard towers.

| Mission 4: Fort Rifugio |

 Collectible Cards #1
 From Sniper Nest #1, proceed north to reach a group of four tents. The cards
 are inside one of the tents, on a table.

 Collectible Cards #2
 This stack of collectible cards can be retrieved from inside a tent near the
 western searchlight tower.

 Collectible Cards #3
 Inside Fort Rifugio. Near the middle of the fort is a staircase leading up to
 the northern outer wall. Head up the stairs and do away with the lone grunt,
 then follow the perimeter wall east to a storage room containing dynamite,
 Welrod ammo, and the cards.

| Mission 5: Siwa Oasis |

 Collectible Cards #1
 These cards are found inside the secret access tunnel on the southwest side
 of the city. From the start of the mission if you head to the western camp
 and clear out the enemies, you can find a cave entrance that leads you
 through a tunnel and into the city near the ruins. The cards are found here
 in this tunnel, next to a supply crate.

| Mission 6: Kasserine Pass |

 Collectible Cards #1
 On the northern end of the map, near the first Nebelwerfer. After blasting it
 and all the surrounding baddies, enter the orange house to find the cards on
 a table in the corner.

 Collectible Cards #2
 Found near the main street - behind the twin-sized yellow house (where you
 find one of the war diaries) is a small home, and inside are the cards piled
 on top of a box.
 Collectible Cards #3
 The cards are located on the southwest end of the map. They are inside one of
 the buildings behind the tall white tower (the second sniper nest).

| Mission 7: Pont du Fahs Airfield |

 Collectible Cards #1
 Located on the west end of the map, in an alcove. From the start of the
 mission, go north and kill the two elites walking in front of you, then
 execute the elite standing near the oil drum fire. After, go northwest to
 an abandoned fire and inspect the boxes on the ground for the cards.

 Collectible Cards #2
 Either before or after destroying the three bomb dumps, search inside the
 accompanying tents: the cards are found in the middle tent.
 Collectible Cards #3
 From the location of the second set of cards, go up the hill towards the
 east and follow the perimeter wall south. By hugging the wall, you stay out
 of sight of the second armored vehicle. Wrap around the rocky outcropping to
 reach a supply crate next to a torch. There's plenty of ammo and stuff here,
 as well as the cards.

| Mission 8: Ratte Factory |
 Collectible Cards #1
 Located on the eastern walkway, near the first green bridge. Up against the
 back wall is a pile of gray metal pipes, and next to the pipes is the pile of
 collectible cards.

 Collectible Cards #2
 After accessing the canyon walkways, either go across the narrow support beam
 or get down to the bridge and cross it to the west side of the canyon. Here
 in this area (where you find the first sniper nest), you can find the cards
 on the ground behind the rightmost metal shelf.

 Collectible Cards #3
 Found on the western walkway on your way to the second power generator. The
 cards are found on the middle of a catwalk near the side room where you
 retrieve the second advanced weapons plan.

 Collectible Cards #4
 Down in the canyon base, during your quest to destroy the support columns.
 The cards are on a platform immediately east of the southwest pillar.

 Collectible Cards #5
 These collectible cards are located down in the canyon base. Head to the
 northeast sector and go up the stairs in between the big buckets of liquid
 hot metal. Go up one more flight to the balcony and the cards are found up
 here, in the left corner.

| Sniper Nests                                                        [0603] |

| Mission 1: Siege of Tobruk |

 Sniper Nest #1
 Near the second Nebelwerfer is a wooden guard tower. Climb the ladder to the
 top and rip the boards off of the window to uncover the nest.

| Mission 2: Gaberoun |

 Sniper Nest #1
 Found past the first encampment, near the German army truck. If you follow
 the main road northwest, stick to the outer wall and up the perimeter trail
 to reach the sniper nest (occupied by a single grunt). From here you can
 complete an optional objective by sniping a key officer from this position
 (use the generator for sound-masking assistance).
 Sniper Nest #2
 This is the searchlight tower that is revealed during the second optional
 objective. Once the coast is clear and the searchlight is disabled, climb to
 the top. This is done either via the staircase or by maneuvering across the
 neighboring rooftops.

 Sniper Nest #3
 Near the end of the mission, at the temple where you find the final officer.
 There is some scaffolding outside and to the left of the temple, and if you
 climb to the top you can move aside some boxes to unveil it.

| Mission 3: Halfaya Pass |

 Sniper Nest #1
 Found in the first mountain settlement. Stick to the east side of the village
 and go north past all the trucks. Tag and clear out all the soldiers and move
 past the building with the intelligence in it. Climb on the roof of the next
 building to find the sniper nest.

 Sniper Nest #2
 Located on the east side of the northern settlement (the biggest one). It is
 a very nice vantage point, and Karl even makes mention of its ideal location
 when you come across it. Climb up the staircase and head to the top of the
 inner stairwell, then ascend the ladder to the top of the tower. The sniper
 nest is here atop the tower, and you are also accompanied by a loudspeaker
 that helps mask your shots.

 Sniper Nest #3
 Near the second artillery on the west end of the map. It is occupied by a
 rival sniper, so the best way to reach it safely is by leaving the northern
 settlement through hidden tunnels to reach a cave with three large windows.
 Tag and snipe the sniper along with any other soldiers, then climb the
 ladder on the other side of the camp to reach the sniper nest.

| Mission 4: Fort Rifugio |

 Sniper Nest #1
 Located at the base of the hill leading up to Fort Rifugio. From where you
 start the mission, go east to reach a campsite with a small generator. Climb
 up the steps and move aside the crate to find the sniper nest.

 Sniper Nest #2
 The second sniper nest is on the east side of the hill, near one of the two
 entrances to the main service road. Dispose of the grunt at the top of the
 guard tower, then climb up and remove the wooden boards from the window.
 Sniper Nest #3
 This sniper nest is on the west end of the map. From the southwest corner,
 walk up the ramp and stay to the left to find a tall ladder. At the top is a
 little ridge and some boxes that can be moved to reveal the sniper nest.

| Mission 5: Siwa Oasis |

 Sniper Nest #1
 If you enter the city through the eastern side near the first AA gun, climb
 to the top of the building on your left, and the sniper nest will be up here.

 Sniper Nest #2
 To get to this sniper nest, you have to climb to the top of the tall stone
 tower on the east end of the city. You can either enter through the palace
 right next door (easy) or simply go through the front doorway (easier). From
 here, go up a couple flights and move the wooden boards outta the way.

 Sniper Nest #3
 This sniper nest is close to the previous one and is also situated on the
 east side of the city. It is inside a building and looks similar to the first
 sniper nest in the mission. You can reach it by going up a flight of stairs
 and then climbing a ladder.

| Mission 6: Kasserine Pass |

 Sniper Nest #1
 Located in a crevice in the central mountain. Proceed up to the second level
 (easiest by going up the ramp on the northern side) and enter the tunnel.
 Hoist yourself up the stairs to reach the little nest tucked away, giving you
 a view of the village below.

 Sniper Nest #2
 The tall white tower near the middle of the map serves as the location of the
 second sniper nest. Try clearing out most of the streets before hoofing it
 to the tower, and also make sure to kill the sniper that has already made his
 home up there. Accessed from the second floor.

 Sniper Nest #3
 The sniper nest is to the left of General Vahlen's headquarters (facing it),
 north of the building on the map. It isn't much when compared to previous
 sniper nests, but there is a little step where you can stoop down and kick a 
 few boxes out of the way and get a good view of the village main street.

| Mission 7: Pont du Fahs Airfield |

 Sniper Nest #1
 Located at the northern end of the map, behind the control tower. From the
 tower, walk north up the slope, grab the war diary, and move aside the boxes.
 There isn't much enemy resistance aside from the control tower operator, but
 also make sure to stay out of sight of the armored vehicle.

 Sniper Nest #2
 When near the southeast corner of the airfield, either hoist yourself up the
 stone steps or go around the other end and walk up the ramp. It is a tiny
 cliff overlooking one of the hangars and the bomb dumps.
 Sniper Nest #3
 This is the searchlight tower on the southern end of the map. You can quickly
 get there from the start of the mission, but it is much safer to lap around
 so you can avoid the searchlight and flank all the enemies. Once cleared,
 get to the top and remove the boards.

| Mission 8: Ratte Factory |

 Sniper Nest #1
 After accessing the canyon walkways, either cross the narrow beam next to you
 or fight your way to the bridge below. Either way, once on the west end get
 up to the second floor and move aside the barricade to reveal the sniper

 Sniper Nest #2
 Near the first transformer. On the wall opposite the transformer, next to a
 pair of supply caches, is a hole boarded up by some planks. Pull them apart
 to uncover the sniper nest. Now this only reveals a tunnel, but the actual
 sniper nest is on a high ledge on the other side of the tunnel.

 Sniper Nest #3
 Don't pay attention to the map, since it is misleading. The last sniper nest
 is accessed after placing a satchel charge on the Ratte. Escape the hangar,
 blast the last group of soldiers, and run up the hill to the nest. You pretty
 much have to access this sniper nest in order to shoot the charge and blow up
 the Ratte.

| Long Shots                                                          [0604] |

| Mission 1: Siege of Tobruk |

 Long Shot
 Distance: 179m
 Location: Sniper Nest #1

 From the tower sniper nest (the only one in the mission), aim down at the
 Nebelwerfer and then slowly move the reticule upwards towards the buildings
 in the distance. The white building lowest to the ground has a balcony with a
 soldier standing on it. Tag him and zoom in as far as you can go before
 emptying your lung and firing. 

| Mission 2: Gaberoun |

 Long Shot
 Distance: 274m
 Location: Sniper Nest #2

 This is a challenging long shot and may require you to use a different sniper
 than the M1 Garand (meaning that you might have to revisit this mission if
 playing on harder difficulties). Once at the searchlight tower (Sniper Nest
 #2), use your binoculars and zoom to the southeast (east of the second key
 officer, assuming he is still alive and depicted on your map). There is a
 tower not unlike the one you are currently in, occupied by a grunt.
 Again, due to the sheer amount of distance between you and the target and the 
 ineptitude of the M1 Garand, you probably won't be able to make this shot 
 unless you are playing on Cadet (which disables bullet drop).

| Mission 3: Halfaya Pass |

 Long Shot
 Distance: 365m
 Location: Sniper Nest #2
 This long shot isn't that difficult despite the long distance. Head up to
 the second sniper nest (the tall tower on the east end of the northern
 settlement, overlooking the motor pool). Lay prone on the ground and zoom in
 straight ahead with your binoculars, focusing in on the hole in the mountain
 wall. You can use your star objective marker to help you here. There is a
 grunt standing on a balcony that is viewable through the hole in the
 mountainside. Take a deep breath and use your rifle to deliver the shot.

| Mission 4: Fort Rifugio |

 Long Shot
 Distance: 145m
 Location: Sniper Nest #1

 Once you have uncovered the first sniper nest at the bottom of the hill, look
 up at the fort. Near the center of the fort should be a row of windows, with
 one of them open. Tag the officer admiring his bedroom view and put a bullet
 in his brain. Not very difficult, and sabotaging the small generator below
 you should provide a quiet execution.

| Mission 5: Siwa Oasis |

 Long Shot
 Distance: 302m
 Location: Sniper Nest #2
 From the sniper nest at the stone tower, look out the window facing
 southeast kinda towards where you began the mission. Out in the distance,
 between two trees, is a lone guard on duty in the middle of nowhere. It is a
 real clean shot and there is no cover or obstacles between the two of you, so
 it's an easy one. At this point in the game, you should be using a decent
 sniper rifle like the Gewehr 43 or Lee-Enfield Mk. III.

| Mission 6: Kasserine Pass |

 Long Shot
 Distance: 239m
 Location: Sniper Nest #1
 From the first sniper nest, stay prone and look straight ahead, aiming high
 along the mountain line. Southeast of here is a grunt at a communications
 stand. The shot itself is easy (not too far, on the same elevation as you),
 with the hardest part trying to locate him in the first place. There aren't
 many sound-neutralizing options aside from the airplane that flies over every
 couple minutes, so you're best off gunnin' and runnin'.

| Mission 7: Pont du Fahs Airfield |

 Long Shot
 Distance: 618m
 Location: Sniper Nest #1
 By far the hardest Long Shot in the game - just finding the guy is a task in
 itself. Lay prone in the sniper nest and use your binoculars to look south.
 Look out on the horizon past the boundaries of the map and you can find an
 elite on the tallest sand dune; wave your binoculars back and forth along the
 horizon until you find him (doesn't help that it is nighttime).
 This guy is VERY far away, meaning that you will have to make serious
 adjustments if you are playing on a difficulty that factors in bullet 
 ballistics. If you are worried about getting spotted by enemies, clear out
 the entire northeast quadrant so you can fire off rounds without alerting
 Assuming you have one of the proper reticules, press RB when aiming and aim
 the red dot a couple inches above the target. You can use the ticks on the
 reticule as reference, and you'll want to aim much higher than normal in
 order to account for serious bullet drop. It may take several attempts of
 emptying your lung, firing, and waiting for your BPM to lower. As always,
 Cadet difficulty is an option if you have too much trouble.

| Mission 8: Ratte Factory |

 Long Shot
 Distance: 141m
 Location: Sniper Nest #2
 This is an easy one, especially compared to the last mission's. From the
 second sniper nest (atop the ledge), look northeast and way up at the top of
 the canyon. Near the left construction crane is a grunt standing on the very
 edge of a cliff. Since it's daytime and he is teetering off the edge, it is
 easy to make out his outline and just as easy sniping him.


[7] WEAPONS                                                             [0700]


| Sniper Rifles                                                              |

| M1 Garand |
 Unlocked: Default
 Standard issue semiautomatic rifle with a high rate of fire.
 Scope Wobble:    xx
 Muzzle Velocity: xxx
 Zoom:            x
 Recoil:          xxxxxx
 Damage:          xxxxxx
 * Out of the available sniper rifles, this is probably the worst overall
   (makes sense, considering how it is your default weapon at the start). You
   quickly unlock other rifles and you only have to use it probably until
   Mission 3. The semi-automatic qualities is nice, though.

| Carcano |

 Unlocked: Level 4
 Italian bolt action rifle with high muzzle velocity and high recoil.
 Scope Wobble:    xxxxx
 Muzzle Velocity: xxxxxxxxx
 Zoom:            xxxx
 Recoil:          xxxxxxxxx
 Damage:          xxxxxxx

 * Just as a reminder: scope wobble and recoil are traits that you DON'T want
   to be high. The Carcano certainly offers a bang for your buck, with
   high damage, but also high scope wobble and crazy high recoil.

| Gewehr 43 |

 Unlocked: Level 7
 An improved semiautomatic infantry rifle with low recoil.

 Scope Wobble:    xxxxx
 Muzzle Velocity: xxxx
 Zoom:            xxxxxx
 Recoil:          xxx
 Damage:          xxxx

 * Definitely an upgrade over the M1 Garand, with great zoom and recoil
   reduction, and average in about everything else. Definitely good for those
   looking for more accurate, long-range sniping, but be wary that it is
   overall the weakest sniper rifle.

| Lee-Enfield Mk. III |

 Unlocked: Level 9

 British bolt action rifle characterized by high stopping power.

 Scope Wobble:    xxxxxxxx
 Muzzle Velocity: xxxxxxx
 Zoom:            xxx
 Recoil:          xxxxxxx
 Damage:          xxxxxxxxx

 * An absolute brute, with damage best designed for taking down vehicles.
   It can be hard to control, with high scope wobble and recoil, but you
   shouldn't ever have a problem taking down an enemy in more than one hit.

| Pistols                                                                    |

| Welrod |

 Unlocked: Default

 Short-ranged silenced pistol, useful for picking off targets undetected.

 Rate of Fire: x
 Range:        xx
 Damage:       xxxx

 * While its stats are unimpressive, the Welrod's selling point is that it is
   the only silenced gun in the game. This is the only and only sidearm choice
   if you intend on playing stealth runs, and it's more useful than it looks.

| Luger P08 |

 Unlocked: Level 3

 The high rate of fire of the German Luger is offset by the lower damage it
 can deal.

 Rate of Fire: xxxxx
 Range:        xxx
 Damage:       xxxx

 * This pistol is practically a semi-automatic handgun when compared to the
   others in its category. It isn't quite as accurate as the Welrod, but can
   be used when spotted and surrounded.

| Webley Mk. IV |

 Unlocked: Level 8

 British revolver with unequaled stopping power, but high recoil.

 Rate of Fire: x
 Range:        xxx
 Damage:       xxxxxxxx

 * This heavy revolver has a hefty recoil and poor accuracy, but is very 
   powerful. You don't have to worry about scoring headshots for automatic
   kills due to the damage this thing deals. However, it is LOUD.

| Secondary Weapons                                                          |

| Sten Mk. II |

 Unlocked: Default
 Accurate 9mm SMG used extensively by Commonwealth forces.

 Accuracy:     xx
 Rate of Fire: xxxx
 Range:        xxx
 Damage:       x

 * Your starting firearm. Definitely the worst one out of the bunch, as the
   others outclass it in literally every single category.

| MP40 |

 Unlocked: Level: 2
 A powerful SMG with plentiful ammunition behind enemy lines.

 Accuracy:     xxx
 Rate of Fire: xxxx
 Range:        xxxx
 Damage:       xx

 * A decent SMG (definitely better than the Sten Mk. II), but the biggest pro
   is that most enemies carry MP40s, so you rarely have to worry about running
   out of ammo.

| Thompson |

 Unlocked: Level: 5
 American made SMG with superior damage, but inaccurate at mid-range.

 Accuracy:     xxxx
 Rate of Fire: xxxxxxxx
 Range:        xxx
 Damage:       xx

 * The fire rate on this thing is pretty intense, so those that follow the
   "spray and pray" shooter strategy are in luck. Probably the best overall
   SMG, but finding ammo is tough (though improves in later missions).

| Panzerschreck |
 Unlocked: Level: 10
 88mm caliber rocket launcher. Excellent against vehicles.

 Accuracy:     xxxxx
 Rate of Fire: x
 Range:        xxxxxxxxxx
 Damage:       xxxxxxxxxx

 * Definitely my go-to firearm upon reaching Level 10, the Panzerschreck is a
   great bail-out weapon when in a tough jam. Great for crowd control or for
   demolishing enemy vehicles (whether it be trucks carrying troops or tanks).
   To boot, in some of the later missions it is very easy to find extra ammo.

| Offensive Items                                                            |

| M24 Grenade |
 Unlocked: Default

 German grenade with a small explosion radius.
 Throw Distance: xxxxxxxx
 Blast Radius:   xxx
 Damage:         xxxxxx
 * Probably the best way to create controlled explosions outside of the
   Panzerschreck. Karl can chuck them pretty far and while the explosion
   radius is not wide, it is powerful and great for taking down vehicles.

| Dynamite |
 Unlocked: Level 2

 A powerful charge which can be remotely detonated by sniping.

 Throw Distance: xxxx
 Blast Radius:   xxx
 Damage:         xxxxxxxxxx
 * Either tap the RB to place or hold to throw. The trick is that it needs to
   be manually activated by gunfire or other explosions, meaning that an
   enemy can walk on top of it no problem. Dynamite is good for creating
   chain reactions and works well with flint and steel.

| Land Mine |
 Unlocked: Level 3

 A powerful anti-vehicle device with a small activation radius.

 Throw Distance: N/A
 Blast Radius:   xx
 Damage:         xxxxxxxx
 * Great for placing on populated roads and used as booby traps against
   vehicles or large groups. It is powerful and a single mine can take down 
   most vehicles, and it is available early in the game. Like all other mines,
   you can retrieve it if you're not satisfied with the placement.

| Trip Mine |

 Unlocked: Level 4

 Stretch across two points to trap narrow paths.

 Throw Distance: N/A
 Blast Radius:   xx
 Damage:         xxxxxx
 * Trip mines are by far the least damaging of the explosives, but are
   definitely the most fun and innovative of the group. Place a mine on the 
   ground and stretch a cable until you are satisfied. You can use it to 
   stretch across narrow walkways or doorways to create choke points. The only
   other downside is that it takes a long time to set up.

| S-Mine |

 Unlocked: Level 5

 An anti-infantry mine designed for large area damage.

 Throw Distance: N/A
 Blast Radius:   xxxx
 Damage:         xxxxxxxx
 * S-mines are tiny little things that can be planted just like land mines,
   but create a much wider blast radius. It can be used in conjunction with
   land mines to destroy vehicles, but the large area of effect makes it key
   for blowing up large groups of soldiers.

| Armor Piercing Rounds |

 Unlocked: Level 6

 Armor-piercing rounds can destroy vehicles in fewer shots.
 * This very rare ammunition type is best obtained by equipping it in your
   loadout. As explained, AP rounds are best used for taking down vehicles and
   work much better than standard sniper bullets. Best used as a last resort
   if you've run out of explosives or want to save them for another use. You
   can toggle between ammunition type in the radial menu.

| Rock |
 Unlocked: Default

 A handy tool to distract nearby soldiers.
 * Karl has an unlimited supply of rocks (where does he keep them all?) that
   he can use to distract enemies. Like grenades, you can control the arc and
   distance in which they travel. Best used for creating diversions if someone
   gets too close or for baiting them to a specific location.

| Flint and Steel |
 Unlocked: Level 2

 Place to distract nearby soldiers or detonate explosives. 

 * Like rocks, you have an infinite amount of flint and steel. They can only
   be placed on the ground in front of you and are used for two main reasons:
   either to lure enemies to a specific spot, or to use their incendiary
   capabilities to create chain reactions with explosive barrels or traps.

| Bandage |

 Unlocked: Default

 A recovery item used to restore 2 health segments.
 Usage Speed: xxxxxxx
 HP Restored: xxx
 * Bandages are a great metaphorical (and literal) band-aid: great for when
   you only have a few nicks or if you want to patch yourself up quickly and
   escape to safety. While it only heals 2 health segments, you can heal while

| Med Kit |

 Unlocked: Default

 Usage Speed: xxx
 HP Restored: xxxxxxxxxx

 * Med kits are best used when in cover or in an abandoned area. You must
   stand still when using med kits (and the low usage speed consumes extra
   time), but it completely heals your health bar.


[8] ACHIEVEMENTS                                                        [0800]


Here are all the achievements found in the game, in alphabetical order.

| Sniper Elite III Achievements                                              |

| A Few of My Favorite Things (15) |

 Get a kill with each offensive item.
 * Straight and to the point, you must kill an enemy with every single weapon
   in the game, whether it be single player, multiplayer, or challenges. Here
   is a list of all the game's offensive weapons:
   Sniper Rifles
   M1 Garand
   Gewehr 43
   Lee-Enfield Mk. III
   Secondary Weapons
   Sten Mk. II
   MP 40
   Luger P08
   Welbey Mk. IV

   M24 Grenade
   Land Mine
   Trip Mine
   This Achievement was either super glitchy, or the requirements are very
   vague. I managed to unlock it without ever using the Lee-Enfield Mk. III,
   Sten Mk. II, MP 40, Luger P08, or Welbey Mk. IV. It doesn't hurt to use
   them all though, since you unlock all weapons by Level 10 ranking.

| A Shot in the Dark (40) |

 Complete all the long shots.
 * There is one long shot in each of the eight missions, and they are only
   accessible from sniper nests. This should be an easy one, so long as you 
   follow the walkthrough (or at least consult to Section 6.04).

| Advantage: Sniper (10) |

 Get 30 kills from sniper nests.
 * This is manageable if you actually utilize the sniper nests rather than
   uncovering them just for completion's sake. Regardless, a very easy way to
   unlock this Achievement is at the end of Mission 7. There is a portion
   where you must defend your allies from troops while stationed at a sniper
   nest. All you have to do is follow the objective and kill enemies nonstop.

   It's best to save at some point before so you can exit and reload until
   30 soldiers have been slain.

| An Ode To Rube Goldberg (15) |

 Get 20 chain reaction explosive kills.
 * Chain reaction explosions usually involve something setting off an
   explosive item, such as a grenade setting off dynamite or using flint and
   steel to ignite explosive barrels.
   Just pointing out: use quick saves! You can get this in conjunction with
   "Wait For It" by following this easy, nifty strategy. There are of course
   other ways, but this is arguably the quickest and most simple.
   At the start of Mission 5, walk forward to find a well with a soldier
   standing on the opposite end. Sneak over and drop into the well, placing
   dynamite along with flint and steel at the bottom. Jump out and alert the
   guard by shooting in his general direction. Your goal is to get him in the
   well, so back up and run around until he gives chase and drops in the hole.
   As the flint and steel ticks down from 20, wait until there is 1 second
   left before pausing and saving your game. The flint and steel creates a
   chain reaction with the dynamite, killing the soldier. Now reload the save
   a second before the reaction to replay it. Keep reloading and watching this
   poor guy die over and over again until you unlock the two Achievements.

| Archivist (20) |

 Find all the war diaries.
 * There are a total of 60 war diaries in Sniper Elite III, so you will need
   to collect them all in order for this Achievement. You can either follow my
   walkthrough or head to Section 6.01 for detailed information.

| Casual Reader (10) |

 Find half of the war diaries.

 * There are a total of 60 war diaries in Sniper Elite III, so you only need
   to worry about finding 30 of 'em. You can either follow my walkthrough or 
   head to Section 6.01 for detailed information.

| Charlie's Challenge (5) |

 Get a testicle-shot from over 100m away.
 * A silly, secret Achievement, this requires you to kill an enemy by hitting
   their testicles from over 100 meters. There are many stationary enemies in
   this game, but one of the spotters in the very beginning of Mission 1 is
   110m away and acts as a perfect opportunity. Usually you go for the head,
   but instead aim low, between the legs, and straight for the yambag. 
   Like with any sniping-related Achievement, selecting the Cadet difficulty
   is the easiest route since there is no bullet drop: aim your reticule at
   your target and the bullet will end up at that exact spot. 

| Competitive Streak (20) |

 Play 10 competitive multiplayer matches.
 * The hardest part about obtaining this Achievement is finding an available
   online party. You can always play with friends offline, but online
   matchmaking is likely the way to go. Play through 10 total matches all the
   way through and, win or lose, you'll get it.

| Conserving Oxygen (15) |

 Hold breath for one hour.
 * By pressing the Right Trigger while aiming, you hold your breath and steady
   your shot. You must hold your breath for a total of one hour (3600
   seconds). You can track your progress by viewing your service records and
   accessing the statistics tab. The goal is 3600 seconds, and that number
   accumulates over subsequent playthroughs and other game modes.

| Crouching Tiger, Hidden Ratte (15) |

 Complete Mission 6.
 * Storyline progression. Beat Mission 6 on any difficulty for this

| Dedicated Soldier (100) |

 Complete 100% of the campaign on any difficulty.
 * There are a number of things that need to be checked off in order to fully
   get 100% completion on the campaign. They are all covered in this
   walkthrough, and you can keep track of your progress for each individual
   mission in the game. I think the only one you cannot easily keep tabs on
   is the list of weapon parts. Here's a list of all the requirements:
   - 60 war diaries
   - 20 collectible cards
   - 22 sniper nests
   - 8 long shots
   - 15 weapon parts
   - 18 optional objectives

| Definitely No "90-Day Wonder" (20) |

 Attain a rank of Sergeant (Level 11).
 * You level up and earn new rankings by gaining experience, which is given
   out by killing enemies, setting traps, finding collectibles, and so on.
   Reaching Level 11 is no huge challenge and you should become Sergeant by
   the end of the main game.

| Demolition Man (20) |

 Complete Mission 7.

 * Storyline progression. Beat Mission 7 on any difficulty for this

| Double Tap (10) |

 Incapacitate 2 vehicles in Kasserine Pass within 5 seconds (Mission 6).

 * There are vehicles galore in Mission 6, but the opportunity to (easily)
   demolish two in five seconds is slim. For starters, you need to find or get
   two vehicles on the map.
   Destroying the first armored vehicle that patrols the village causes a
   truck to spawn in front of the headquarters. Blowing up the Tiger tank
   later in the mission causes another truck to spawn on the other side of the
   HQ. Once the coast is clear, head south from Vahlen's headquarters to the
   small house. Climb on the roof to get both trucks in your sights. Shoot the
   grills off each truck, then empty your lung and snipe both weak points.
   You can also get this Achievement earlier in the mission, but it's a bit
   riskier. You can use the Tiger tank as one of the two required vehicles.
   Run to the first spawned truck at the HQ and plant three or so traps (land
   mines, s-mines, dynamite) stretching from the truck to the middle of the
   road, then wait for the Tiger to trigger the traps and hopefully blow it up
   along with the parked vehicle.

| Double the Distance (30) |

 Snipe enemies over a cumulative distance of a double marathon.
 * You can view your total shot distance in your stats/service record page.
   By playing through the entirety of the game you should manage a decent
   total distance, but the magic number is ~85,000m.
   The furthest possible sniper kill you can get is the long shot in Mission
   7, so if you want to go with the time-consuming route, then save at the 
   sniper nest and keep on doing the long shot repeatedly. Like most gameplay 
   stats, they accumulate in the campaign, challenges, and multiplayer.

| End of the 'lein' (10) |

 Found and killed the visiting General (Mission 3).
 * You're best off following the walkthrough for Mission 3, but here goes:
   the general only spawns at the end of the mission if you manage to find two
   pieces of intel. The first one is in the first mountain settlement, in a
   building on the east end (north of the trucks). Pick up the intel off the
   table in the building.
   The second piece of intelligence is in the village after destroying the
   first artillery (north of the first intel). It is on the roof of the
   building with the small generator.
   Once you have both pieces of intelligence, proceed through the mission
   until you get to the third artillery in the northwest end of the map. Zoom
   in with your binoculars (preferably from atop one of the guard towers) and
   look for General Hosslein. Either snipe him or shoot the explosives to
   create a cave-in.

| Ghost of Tobruk (10) |

 Clear the mountain pass without alerting the enemy (Mission 1).
 * Considering that this is the first mission, this should not cause you much
   hassle. There are only a dozen or so enemies in the mountain pass, and your
   quest will be even easier on Cadet. Just stay hidden and use your Welrod.
   Remember that a yellow circle is suspicious, red circle is actively
   investigating, and only when the red circle fills will the enemy be
   alerted to your position.

| Hard As Nails (50) |

 Complete the game on Sniper Elite difficulty.

 * You must complete all eight campaign missions on Sniper Elite to get this
   Achievement. Sniper Elite is a difficult step up from Marksman; the most
   noticeable changes include a wind mechanic that factors in wind direction
   when taking shots, much more realistic sniping gameplay (very tough to aim
   when your BPM is above 80), stronger and more alert enemies that can even
   counter close-quarters combat, and friendly fire when on co-op.

| Hidden and Dangerous (20) |

 Complete a campaign mission without being seen (excluding Tobruk).
 * You can do this on any mission following the first one, but the easiest and
   best opportunity is during Mission 4. The "I Fort This Would Be Difficult"
   Achievement requires you to complete basically the entirety of the mission
   without being seen. So if you manage to get that one, finish a couple more
   objectives to wrap up Mission 4 and unlock this as well.
   Just like in the aforementioned Achievement, always remember to save often.
   The more frequently you save, the less hassle it is to reload the last
   checkpoint if your cover is blown.

| Highly Decorated (20) |

 Earn 1 of every ribbon in competitive multiplayer.

 * There are 18 total ribbons that can be earned during multiplayer matches. 
   The requirements for the ribbons must be met in a single match and are not
   spread over multiple matches.
   - No Scope (kill 5 enemies while aiming down the sights of a rifle)
   - Trapper (kill 3 enemies with traps)
   - Castrato (get 3 testicle shots)
   - Demolition Man (kill an enemy by shooting TNT or a mine)
   - Long Distance Killer (kill 3 enemies over 150m away while scoped)
   - One Bullet Can... (get the match winning shot)
   - Semi-Automatic Specialist (kill 5 enemies with semi-automatic sniper
   - Tagger (get 3 tag assists)
   - Kill Streak (kill 5 enemies without dying)
   - Grenadier (kill 3 enemies with grenades)
   - Sprinter (kill a sprinting target while scoped)
   - Operative (kill 7 enemies with an SMG or a pistol)
   - Survivalist (complete a match without dying)
   - Steady Aim (kill 5 enemies while in empty lung)
   - Longest Shot (have the longest shot in a match)
   - Head Hunter (get 5 headshots)
   - Bolt-Action Specialist (kill 5 enemies with a bolt-action sniper rifle)
   - Streaker (perform 3 consecutive Kill Streaks without dying)

| I Fort This Would Be Difficult (10) |

 Get to the informant without being spotted (Mission 4).
 * You have to complete about 3/4 of the mission without being seen by an
   enemy. Remember that an enemy will not see you until the red circle
   indicator is completely filled, so even if you have a hollow red circle
   you should be in the clear (as they are merely investigating). This is 
   fairly easy if you are used to playing stealthy. Some of the main tips:
   - Disable the two searchlights on the hilltop
   - Kill as many enemies as you can from Sniper Nest #1 while the generator
     is running.
   - Try to avoid the main service road since enemy trucks can (surprisingly)
     sneak up on you pretty easily.
   - Friggin' save! Use those quick saves and save literally every five
     minutes. If you mess up and are spotted, just reload.

| I Siwa You Did There (10) |

 Made the target officer's death look like an accident (Mission 5).

 * After infiltrating the city and rummaging through Vahlen's office, your
   next objective is to reach a vantage point and spy on three officers. Out
   of the trio, you must follow one (randomly chosen) as he retrieves some key
   intel and subsequently assassinate him. You can pop a cap in him as soon as
   he gets the intel, but for this Achievement you gotta play it cool.
   Each of the three officers strolls around the city a bit before finally
   resting near some hazardous objects - trigger the detonation to kill the
   target in a wild explosion. The three officers have their own predetermined

   - Officer #1 ultimately makes his way north to the courtyard. Once at the 
     far end of the courtyard, he moseys around and crouches down next to a 
     stack of explosive boxes. Shoot them from afar to set them off in his 
   - Officer #2 heads west towards the vicinity of Vahlen's office, eventually
     stopping at a German truck near the western supply depot. Wait for him to
     get close to the truck before detonating red barrels on the truck bed.

   - Officer #3 makes his way east towards the palace. After getting the
     intel, he will stop near the fountain and stand next to some scaffolding. 
     Shoot the red explosive box to trigger an avalanche.

| In the Nick of Time (15) |

 Complete Mission 5.

 * Storyline progression. Beat Mission 5 on any difficulty for this

| Indestructible (20) |

 Complete a mission after losing over 500 units of health.

 * Note: health bars =/= units. I don't know the exact unit, but this does not
   require you to lose 500 health bars. I managed to unlock this Achievement
   on my own without trying (Mission 3). If need be, intentionally harm
   yourself by diving off high ledges or standing in campfires. When your
   health gets dangerously low, heal with bandages or med kits. Repeat until
   you run out of healing items.
   The Achievement won't pop until the mission ends, so if you want to attempt
   this, do so after saving and before completing the level. Hurt yourself and
   run around the level if you found any crates/caches containing medical

| Long Way Down (10) |

 Thrown an enemy off one of the bridges (Mission 8).

 * Pretty simple. There are a great number of green bridges connecting the
   canyon outposts together. At some point, pick up a body and hurl it off one
   of the bridges.

| Make It Go Boom (10) |

 Kill 20 enemies by shooting explosives.
 * On many occasions you will find dumb soldiers standing next to explosive
   barrels or red boxes. This is a common occurrence, but if you save your
   game at one of these situations and blow them up, then reload the save and
   do it all over again, the process will go much quicker. You can also obtain
   this by shooting dynamite.
   At the start of Mission 5, go northwest towards the old city. A guard leans
   up against a wall near the front door, with a red barrel at his feet. Since
   it is so early in the level, you can create a save file, then keep on
   blowing him up over and over again.

| Nesting Instinct (20) |

 Find all the sniper nests.
 * There are 22 total sniper nests in the game and all are easy to locate due
   to their location appearing on your map. If you need help finding them,
   check out Section 6.03.

| No Refuge (15) |

 Complete Mission 4.

 * Storyline progression. Beat Mission 4 on any difficulty for this

| Nothing Is Optional (30) |

 Complete all the optional objectives.
 * There are 18 optional objectives spread out in the eight main campaign
   missions. You can keep tabs on the number of optional objectives in each
   mission, and you can read the walkthrough for detailed strategies.

| Officer Material (40) |

 Attain a rank of Second Lieutenant (Level 31).

 * You level up and earn new rankings by gaining experience, which is given
   out by killing enemies, setting traps, finding collectibles, and so on.
   Reaching Level 31 takes a bit of time and effort. Mission replays are an
   option, but you also gain experience by playing challenges and
   participating in multiplayer.

| Oscar Mike (30) |

 Relocate 100 times.
 * Any time you make noise (usually with your sniper rifle), your relocation
   bar fills and you must run and hide. Once your cover is blown, walk away
   from your current location until the bar drains; the numbers that appear
   show how far you must travel until the area is deemed safe. Relocating is
   a commonly used sniping tactic in the game so this should unlock for you
   at some point in the game. Just make sure you see "relocation successful"
   appear onscreen a total of 100 times!

| Pest Control Specialist (20) |

 Complete Mission 8.

 * Storyline progression. Beat Mission 8 on any difficulty for this

| Prepared For Any Eventuality (10) |

 Create and save 4 loadouts.
 * You can access your loadouts before the start of a mission (and at the main
   menu). You have four possible loadout slots, so go through each one and 
   either customize them to your liking or make minor changes. Once you have 
   edited all four loadouts you should get this Achievement.

| Regular Soldier (30) |

 Complete the game on Marksman difficulty.

 * You must complete all eight campaign missions on Marksman to get this
   Achievement. Since my walkthrough covers the Marksman difficulty, you'll
   get "Regular Soldier" and "Time to Reload" if you follow the walkthrough.

| Sniping With Friends (40) |

 Complete the campaign in co-op.

 * You must complete all eight campaign missions, on any difficulty, with a
   second player. You can do this either online or offline with a friend.
   Co-op is definitely easier than single player mode, and if you are going
   strictly for this Achievement you're best off doing it on Cadet or
   Marksman (no friendly fire).

| Tactical Distractor (10) |

 Distract 20 enemies with flint or rocks.
 * You have unlimited amounts of rocks and flint/steel, and they are used
   primarily as a method of distraction. As you play through the game, throw
   rocks to get someone's attention or plant flint and steel to position them
   in a certain spot. Really easy Achievement.

| Tagged (15) |

 Tag 100 enemies or vehicles.
 * Use your binoculars (click the Right Stick) and hit the Right Trigger when
   aimed on an enemy or vehicle to tag them. It is a basic principle of the
   game and should be used during most enemy encounters. Once you tag 100
   different enemies or vehicles (probably around Mission 4), you'll get it.

| The Everyman (20) |

 Complete all the challenge missions.
 * There are four total challenge missions: survival and overwatch. Survival
   missions are very long and can be done by yourself (5 rounds, 15 total
   enemy waves). Overwatch challenges are strictly co-op where one player is a
   sniper and the other is a scout.
   Finish the two overwatch missions and the two survival missions to unlock
   the Achievement.

| The Gathering (20) |

 Find all the collectible cards.

 * The game contains 20 collectible cards which are found in the campaign.
   Either consult the walkthrough or Section 6.02 for more information.

| The Gazala Gallop (10) |

 Complete Mission 1.

 * Storyline progression. Beat Mission 1 on any difficulty for this

| This Is My Rifle... (10) |

 Customize 1 rifle.

 * You can customize your sniper rifles in the loadout menu, but first you
   must unlock weapon parts by defeating and looting certain enemies in the
   story missions. I pinpoint the locations of these soldiers in the
   walkthrough, so once you unlock a sniper rifle upgrade you can customize
   your gun for the Achievement.

| Three Birds, One Stone (10) |

 Destroyed all 3 bomb dumps at the same time (Mission 7).

 * The bomb dumps are located on the east end of the airfield. First off,
   make sure to clear out all the enemies, including the patrolling armored
   The three bomb dumps are located right next to each other and are riddled
   with red barrels. In order to destroy them simultaneously, you have to
   plant explosives in between each one. You can manage it using only two
   explosive traps (land mines, S-Mines, or dynamite - trip mines are
   ineffective here). Plant an explosive between the first and second, and
   the second and third, then back up and shoot one of the red barrels. The
   northwest hangar contains a whole bunch of land mines and S-Mines.

| Through the Fire... (10) |

 Complete Mission 3.

 * Storyline progression. Beat Mission 3 on any difficulty for this

| Through the Looking Glass (20) |

 Kill 10 snipers before they see you.
 * Don't be fooled by grunts holding sniper rifles; there are specially marked
   snipers in the game that are best identified by tagging. A telltale sign of
   a sniper is the bright glare of the sniper's scope. Your task is to kill
   10 snipers before they see you. Snipers are rare enemies, but nevertheless
   there are still plenty of potential opportunities in the main game.
   One instance is in Mission 3, pretty far into the mission. As you make your
   way to the second artillery on the west end of the map, look for a sniper
   residing in the third sniper nest (using the sniper nest icon as a
   reference). Create a save file and snipe him, then reload and snipe him
   again. Repeat this ten times to unlock the Achievement (god bless quick
   There are also a few other good opportunities. At the start of Mission 6,
   go southeast towards the center of the map. Keep hidden and look up at the
   tall tower to find a sniper in a ghillie suit. Save and stay concealed
   before creating a save. There are also a number of snipers in Mission 7.
   It's hard to truly determine if a sniper has seen you. The Achievement
   seems glitchy at times and I had to reload my save and kill him way more
   than ten times over, but eventually (so long as you aren't spotted), the
   Achievement should pop.

| Time To Reload (20) |

 Complete the game on Cadet difficulty.

 * You must complete all eight campaign missions on Cadet to get this
   Achievement. Since my walkthrough covers the Marksman difficulty, you'll
   get "Regular Soldier" and "Time to Reload" if you follow the walkthrough.

| True Sniper (60) |

 Complete the game on Authentic difficulty.

 * You must complete all eight campaign missions on Authentic to get this
   Achievement. Authentic is the hardest difficult the game has to offer:
   - realistic bullet ballistics (bullet drop, wind)
   - no red assist reticule when aiming
   - cannot tag enemies
   - no radar
   - no hud (health bar, BPM, etc.)
   - no onscreen alerts
   - no enemy sensors (yellow circles, red circles, etc.)
   - enemies are stronger and much more alert
   - no save points

   It is absolutely insane. You pretty much have to be a full-on stealth
   ninja if you want to survive. And unless you are a sniping prodigy, co-op
   is basically the only way to survive this grueling challenge.

| Wait For It (10) |

 Kill 10 enemies with flint-triggered detonations.

 * Just pointing out: use quick saves! You can get this in conjunction with
   "An Ode To Rube Goldberg" by following this easy, nifty strategy. There are
   of course other ways, but this is arguably the quickest and most simple.
   At the start of Mission 5, walk forward to find a well with a soldier
   standing on the opposite end. Sneak over and drop into the well, placing
   dynamite along with flint and steel at the bottom. Jump out and alert the
   guard by shooting in his general direction. Your goal is to get him in the
   well, so back up and run around until he gives chase and drops in the hole.
   As the flint and steel ticks down from 20, wait until there is 1 second
   left before pausing and saving your game. The flint and steel creates a
   chain reaction with the dynamite, killing the soldier. Now reload the save
   a second before the reaction to replay it. Keep reloading and watching this
   poor guy die over and over again until you unlock the two Achievements.

| Well, Well, Well (10) |

 Hide a body in each of the wells in Gaberoun (Mission 2).
 * There are four wells in Gaberoun that must be filled with corpses. My
   mission walkthrough covers the strategy more extensively. The first well is
   just north of the first key officer's tent. Use his body and carry it to
   the well before throwing it in with the Y button.
   The second well is north of the first, also on the right side of the road.
   It is between two buildings, and there is a guard here that you can kill
   and drop in the well. The third well is close by, on the left side of the
   road (near the campfire surrounded by pillars and the location of the
   collectible cards). The final well is just past the motor pool, behind a
   wrecked truck.
   So as you go through the mission killing grunts, make sure to drop a body
   in each of the four wells to get this Achievement to pop.

| Wonderwall (10) |

 Complete Mission 2.

 * Storyline progression. Beat Mission 2 on any difficulty for this

| You'll Try Anything Once (10) |

 Play 1 mission in each mode (campaign, challenges, competitive multiplayer).

 * Disclaimer: you have to start, play, and complete a mission in each game
   mode, so starting and quitting won't do you any good. Campaign missions
   should not be a concern, and you can either play multiplayer online or with
   a friend (or even use a second controller if you haven't got anyone).
   The challenges are the backbone of this Achievement. Survival challenges
   are really long (5 rounds, with each round containing 3 waves). You need to
   beat all rounds on any difficulty which is difficult in itself, so try
   Cadet if you're looking for an easy go.

| Hunt the Grey Wolf DLC Achievements                                        |

| ...And Stay Dead! (80) |

 Killed the target in 7 different ways.
 * You must kill Hitler in all seven possible ways in order to unlock the
   Achievement. Instead of replaying the entire DLC mission seven times, all
   you have to do is perform the assassination, then pause and reload your
   last save (which happens to be right when Hitler arrives on the scene) and
   go a different route.

| Convenience is Key (10) |

 Killed the target by shooting nearby explosives.

 * Once again, this requires Hitler to be driving away in his car. Wait for
   him to leave and position yourself once more on the wooden bridge. Look out
   on the dirt road, and just as the road curves lies a pile of red explosive
   barrels. Wait for the car to round the corner before setting them off.

| Fast-moving Target (10) |

 Shoot the target in his car.

 * Let Hitler leave in his vehicle and turn around, laying out on the wooden
   walkway connecting the two vantage points. Wait for him to come into sight
   and brain him. Since it's an open top vehicle, you should have no trouble
   getting this (at it also unlocks the "Sweating Bullets" Achievement if you
   haven't yet gotten it).

| Grenadier (10) |

 Killed the target with a grenade.

 * You don't exactly have a quarterback's arm, so hurling an M24 grenade will
   do you not good. Instead, empty your lung and aim at the grenade attached
   to the officer's uniform. Shooting this creates a chain explosion that
   takes out Hitler.

| Herr Charles (10) |

 Killed the officer at the meeting with a testicle shot.

 * At the dinner party with Hitler & Crew is an officer who is just begging to
   get shot in the junk. All you have to do is aim, hold your breath, and aim
   below the belt.

| In the Middle (10) |

 Killed the target with a chain reaction.

 * Take a look at the three trucks parked to the right of the dinner party. A
   single shot from this sniper rifle at the vehicle's weak point sets them
   all off and creates a deadly chain reaction. You can also get this by
   standing up and chucking an M24 grenade at the middle truck; hitting the
   truck closest to you won't create a chain reaction.

| No Escape (10) |

 Killed the target by destroying his vehicle.

 * Probably the most difficult one out of the group. Hitler's personal car
   has one weak spot on the back and requires at least two bullets. Either let
   Hitler leave or try your hand at the Herr Charles Achievement.
   Once Hitler is in his car, turn around and lay prone on the wooden bridge 
   between the two vantage points. Just as the vehicle comes into view, hold
   your breath and try to take two shots in succession. The car stalls and
   blows up a second later, giving you the Achievement.

| Saved By the Bell (10) |

 Crushed the target with a bell.

 * Look west, past the plaza, for a bell tower. Hold your breath and fire at
   the rope holding the bell in place. A successful shot will cause the rope
   to snap as the bell conveniently lands on top of Hitler.

| Sweating Bullets (10) |

 Shot and killed the target.

 * Simply shoot Hitler as he is seated at the dining table. All you gotta do
   is snipe the Fuhrer - by far the easiest one. If you go for the "Fast-
   Moving Target" Achievement first, you unlock this one by default.

| Threat Assessment (40) |

 Observed the target and made the right choice.
 * You get this Achievement by tagging and killing Hitler in any of the given 


[8] THANKS/CREDITS                                                      [0800]


Of course, this guide couldn't have been made without some extra help. Here is
a shoutout to everyone who made this FAQ possible:

 CJayC: For being an awesome host of an awesome site.

 Eternal Czar Smapdi: For being the best co-author anyone could have, and for
                      being yourself.

 FESBians: Because you're cool.

 You: For reading this FAQ.


This document is copyright (c) DomZ Ninja 2014. 

This document may be found on the following sites:

 * GameFAQs     - http://www.gamefaqs.com
 * GameSpot     - http://www.gamespot.com
 * IGN          - http://faqs.ign.com
 * Super Cheats - http://www.supercheats.com
 * Neoseeker    - http://www.neoseeker.com
 * HonestGamers - http://www.honestgamers.com

The latest update of this document can always be found on GameFAQs.

Other sites may use this document, but only with my permission. If you see
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not host or distribute this document for profit. That is plagiarism, and it is
against the law.

If you have any questions, comments, or anything that you would like to add to
this guide, then feel free to email me. My email address is found at the top
of this guide. However, if you do email me, please include the name of the
game in the title. Lastly, thanks for reading and using this FAQ. If you like
this FAQ, then please recommend it to others by clicking the "recommend"
button at the top of the guide. :]

"You got me with my hands up, you've got me seeing visions of love."
- Kimbra
                                                               END OF DOCUMENT

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