FAQ - Guide for Capcom vs. SNK

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                    Capcom VS. SNK - Millennium Fight 2000
                       Sega Dreamcast, by Capcom (2000)

                                   FAQ v1.0
                         Last Updated on May 12 2001
                      By Ryouga ([email protected])

                              In Memory Of SNK

[Legal Disclaimer]

 This document is Copyright 2001, Ryouga ([email protected]) and may not
 be reproduced in any form without permission. Furthermore, this document may
 not be altered, edited, or sold without approval. If these terms are violated,
 proper legal action will be taken.

 Webmasters: If you want to use this document on your site, e-mail me and ask.
 I'm always happy to let people use my work, so long as they've been given
 permission. Any site found to be using this document without consent will be
 asked to remove it or suffer legal consequences.

 This document is unofficial and is in no way affiliated with any company.


(I)    [Introduction]

(II)   [Controls]

(III)  [Rules]

(IV)   [Game Systems]

(V)    [Menus]

(VI)   [Capcom Characters]

             (Tier 1)             (Tier 2)             (Tier 3)
              -Sakura              -Ryu                 -Vega
              -Cammy               -Ken                 -Sagat
              -Dhalsim             -Chun-Li             -M. Bison
              -Blanka              -Guile
                                   -E. Honda

(VII)  [SNK Characters]

             (Tier 1)             (Tier 2)             (Tier 3)
              -Yuri                -Kyo                 -Yamazaki
              -Vice                -Iori                -Rugal
              -King                -Mai                 -Geese
              -Benimaru            -Terry

(VIII) [Capcom EX Characters]

             (Tier 1)             (Tier 2)             (Tier 3)
              -Sakura              -Ken                 -Vega
              -Cammy               -Chun-Li             -Sagat
              -Dhalsim             -Guile               -M. Bison
              -Blanka              -Zangief
                                   -E. Honda

(IX)  [SNK EX Characters]

             (Tier 1)             (Tier 2)             (Tier 3)
              -Yuri                -Kyo                 -Yamazaki
              -Vice                -Mai                 -Rugal
              -King                -Terry               -Geese
              -Benimaru            -Ryo

(VIII) [Secret Characters]

             (Tier 2)             (Tier 4)
              -Morrigan            -Evil Ryu
              -Nakoruru            -Orochi Iori

(X)    [Secrets]

(XI)   [FAQ]

(XII)  [Acknowledgments]

(I) [Introduction]

- Story -
 In AD 2000, a special martial arts event is planned through a collaboration
 of the two most powerful world organizations: Robert Financial Clique and 
 Masters Foundation. It is hoped that the gala event will ease the political
 conflicts between the two powers.

 Many renowned martial artists have registered for the tournament. Around the
 world, people are intensely focused on the upcoming exhibitions.

 The long-awaited opening ceremony is a huge success.

 No one notices the signs of imminent collapse...

- Features -
 Capcom VS. SNK is a 2D, group-based fighting game that brings together many
 popular fighters from both the Street Fighter (Capcom) and King of Fighters
 (SNK) universes. The game also allows play in either Capcom or SNK Groove,
 which influences gameplay by how Super Combos are performed.


(II) [Controls]

- Basics -

 LP: Light Punch   (default: X Button)
 HP: Hard Punch    (default: Y Button)
 LK: Light Kick    (default: A Button)
 HK: Hard Kick     (default: B Button)
 LP+HP: Light Punch + Hard Punch  (default: L Button)
 LK+HK: Light Kick + Hard Kick    (default: R Button)

 D: Down                  DF: Down-Forward
 U: Up                    DB: Down-Back
 F: Forward               UF: Up-Forward
 B: Back                  UB: Up-Back

 QCF: Quarter-Circle Forward control pad motion. 
        (Down, Down-Forward, Forward)
 HCF: Half-Circle Forward control pad motion. 
        (Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward)

 QCB: Quarter-Circle Forward control pad motion. 
        (Down, Down-Back, Back)
 HCB: Half-Circle Forward control pad motion. 
        (Forward, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Back)

 CB: Charge Back by holding Back for two seconds.
 CD: Charge Down by holding Down for two seconds.
 CDB: Charge Down-Back by holding Down-Back for two seconds.

 360º Motion: Rotate the control pad in a full circle, starting
              from any direction.
 720º Motion: Rotate the control pad in two full circles, starting
              from any direction.

- Basic Special Moves -

- Blocking -
   -Hold Back to block high and mid-range attacks, or hold Down-Back to block
    low attacks.
   -Blocking Special Attacks will cause a minimal amount of damage to the
   -Throws cannot be blocked, but can be escaped.

- Guard Crush -
   - If a character continues to block attacks for an extended period of time, 
     they risk having their defense broken with a Guard Crush. When this is
     about to happen, the character's Vitality Gauge will flash red. Characters
     suffering a Guard Crush are stunned for a second and open to attacks.

- Super Jump -
   - Press Down, then immediately Up-Back, Up, or Up-Forward to perform a Super
     jump in the corresponding direction. Super Jumps are slightly higher than
     normal jumps, as well as much quicker and create an afterimage of the

- Dash -
   - Tap Forward twice to quickly dash forward one step.
   - Tap Back twice to dash backward one step. 
   - These are both useful for dodging attacks.
   - Once Dash & Run (Secret 77) has been unlocked and purchased from the Secret
     Shop, Dashing can be disabled from the Game Options menu.
   - Note that both Dash and Run cannot both be enabled at the same time.

- Run -
   - Unlock and purchase Dash & Run (Secret 77) in the Secret Shop to enable
     the Run option in the Game Options menu.
   - Tap Forward, then press and hold Forward to make a character run forward. 
   - This is an easy way of rapidly moving around the screen during a fight.
   - Note that both Dash and Run cannot both be enabled at the same time.

- Throw -
   - Press (F/B)+(HP/HK) to grab or throw a nearby opponent.
   - Throws and grabs vary from character to character.
   - Some grabs can inflict extra damage by rapidly pressing the control pad
     left and right during the attack. These are marked with a star (*).

- Air Throw -
   - Some characters have the ability to throws opponents while in the air.
     These are marked under their [Throws] with the (air) symbol.
   - While in the air with an opponent, press any direction except Up + the
     specified attack button.

- Throw Escape -
   - Escape a throw by immediately pressing (F/B)+(HP/HK) when an opponent
     grabs your character.
   - Throw Escapes will not work against Air Throws or Special Move throws.

- Backlash -
   - Press LK+LP to roll forward. The character cannot be hit while rolling.
   - If done close to an opponent, a Backlash will travel behind them.

- Dizzy -
   - If a character is hit multiple times without dealing damage themselves,
     they risk getting dizzied. In this state, they are defenseless and unable
     to move.
   - Recover from dizziness by pressing the Punch and Kick buttons rapidly.

- Taunt -
   - Taunt an opponent by holding LK and pressing Start.
   - Taunting leaves the character defenseless for a moment.

- Special Move -
   - Special Moves are unique to each character and are performed by a control
     pad motion with a button press.
   - Special Moves deal a minimal amount of damage when blocked.

- Counter Special Move -
   - Performing a Special Move the instant the character gets up after being
     knocked down will make them flash white for a split-second. 
   - This also works while performing a Special Move while blocking an
     opponent's attack.
   - In both cases, if the Special Move hits, it will deal slightly more
     damage than normal.
   - This will also work with Super Combo attacks.

- Combo -
   - Combos are created by quickly linking together attacks without giving
     an opponent a chance to block between hits.
   - Common combos are from a normal attack to a Special Move or Super Combo.
   - After performing combos, a message will flash according to the hit total:
               2 Hits: Good!               9 Hits: Wonderful!!
               3 Hits: Good!!             10 Hits: Fantastic!
               4 Hits: Great!             11 Hits: Fantastic!!
               5 Hits: Great!!            12 Hits: Marvelous!
               6 Hits: Very Good!         13 Hits: Marvelous!!
               7 Hits: Very Good!!        14 Hits: Marvelous!!!
               8 Hits: Wonderful!         15+ Hits: Marvelous!!!!

- Groove -
   - Choose between Capcom Groove and SNK Groove before selecting characters.
     Each Groove has a unique approach to the Power Gauge and performing Power

   (Capcom Groove)
   - Accumulate up to 3 levels of energy in the Super Combo Gauge by attacking
     and performing Special Attacks.
   - Super Combos can be performed as follows:
        *Level 1 Super Combo: motion + Light Attack
        *Level 2 Super Combo: motion + Hard Attack
        *Level 3 Super Combo: motion + Light Attack + Hard Attack
   - Some Super Combos can only be performed at Level 3, and are marked as
     (LV3 & MAX).
   (SNK Groove)
   - Accumulate the Extra Gauge by holding HP+HK. When the Gauge is full, the
     character's attack power increases, but the Gauge drains slowly. The
     character can also perform a Super Special Move, which empties the Gauge. 
   - When the character is at critical vitality (blinking Vitality Gauge), they
     can perform Super Special Moves freely.
   - When the character is at critical vitality and the Extra Gauge is full,
     they can perform a MAX Super Special Move. Some Super Special Moves can
     only be performed under these conditions, and are marked as (LV3 & MAX).

     [Capcom Groove]                    [SNK Groove]
    -Level 1 Super Combo               -Super Special Move
                                        (either with full Extra Gauge
                                         OR critical Vitality Gauge)

    -Level 2 Super Combo               -no equivalent

    -Level 3 Super Combo               -MAX Super Special Move


(III) [Rules]

- Match Play -
   - Players select a team in accordance to the rules of the Flexible Ratio
     System (see Game Systems).
   - Players then select the order of the team's characters before a match.
   - Characters fight until either one runs out of Vitality Gauge, or the timer
     depletes to zero.

- Winning and Losing -
   - If a character's Vitality Gauge is reduced to nothing, that then
     character is knocked out.
   - If the Timer reaches zero, then the character with more vitality in their
     Vitality Gauge is the winner.
   - If a character wins by K.O., then their Vitality Gauge will recover in
     accordance to the amount of time remaining in the match. If a player
     wins by Time Over, the character recovers no vitality.
   - If one team runs out of characters, then the opposing team wins.

- Draw Game -
   - A Draw Game occurs when both characters reach zero vitality at the same
     time. In such a case, both characters are eliminated.


(IV) [Game Systems]

- Flexible Ratio System -
   - Each character has a number of Ratio Points that represent the character's
     strength, from 1 to 4.
   - A team can be made up of any number of characters that the Ratio Point
     total is equal to 4.
   - For example, a team can be made up of:
            * two Level 2 Ratio characters.
            * one Level 1 Ratio character and one Level 3 Ratio character.
            * two Level 1 Ratio characters and one Level 2 Ratio character.
            * ...and so forth.

- Groove Point System -
   - This is a real-time ability-based score system, that only appears during
     one-player games. The GPS Gauge is located in the bottom middle of the
     screen, between both teams' Special Gauges.
   - Each attack or defense taken by the character will earn a GPS grade of
     D (lowest), C, B, A, or S (high). These 

        S (+ 2.000 GP): Counterattack with a Super Combo.
        A (+ 1.000 GP): Hit with Super Combo Counterattack with a Special Attack.
        B (+ 0.500 GP): Hit with a Special Attack or normal attack.
        C (+ 0.010 GP): Throw or grab.
        D (- 1.000 GP): Getting hit by any opponent's attack.

   - Players start the game with 20.000 GP.
   - After not getting hit for a few seconds, the GP counter will slowly
     increase by (+ 0.100 GP) every second.
   - Likewise, "turtling" (continuous blocking without attacking) will cause
     the GP counter to decrease by (- 0.100 GP) every second.

   - A blocked special attack by an opponent is worth (+ 0.001 GP).
   - Combo hits are worth (+ 0.001 GP) each after the initial hit.
   - Likewise, opponents' combo hits deduct (- 0.001 GP) each after the
     initial hit.

   - Blocking an opponent's attack can also score Groove Points, depending on
     how quickly the attack was guarded from a vulnerable state. D is the
     rank for getting hit.

   - Performing one special attack over and over will deduct (- 0.020 GP)
     every second until the player does something else.
   - Having a character K.O.'d is worth (-15.000 GP) to (-25.000 GP), depending
     on the amount of GP.

   - If you are defeated and continue with less than 20.000 GP, the game will
     increase the counter to an even 20.000 GP.

- Finest K.O. -
   - If an opponent is defeated with a counterattack Special Move or Super
     Combo, this is known as a Finest K.O. and will earn upwards of 40 Groove
     Points, depending on the difficulty of the counterattack.
   - Similarly, defeating an opponent with a simple attack such as a jumping
     attack or low attack will drop your total by upwards of 15 Groove Points.

- Score -
   - The score is decided after the match is over. The Groove Point score
     earned is multiplied according to its rank and added to the total score:

                       39.999 or less: GP X  100
                     40.000 to 59.999: GP X  200
                     60.000 to 79.999: GP X  300
                     80.000 to 89.999: GP X  500
                     90.000 to 91.999: GP X  800
                     92.000 to 93.999: GP X 1000
                     94.000 to 95.999: GP X 2000
                     96.000 to 97.999: GP X 3000
                     98.000 to 99.999: GP X 5000
                              100.000: 1,000,000 points (Perfect Score)

   - There are also several special bonuses for extraordinary accomplishments
     during battle:

              Perfect: Defeat an opponent with a full Vitality Gauge.
       (10,000 Points

             Straight: Defeat all opponents without letting a character get
       (10,000 points)  K.O'd.

     Perfect Straight: Defeat the last opponent on a team with full vitality,
       (50,000 points)  without letting a character get K.O'd.

(V) [Menus]

- Arcade Mode -
 Play a one-player game against computer opponents.

- VS Mode -
 Play two-player battles. Two controllers are needed. Options can be
 adjusted, such as background, handicap, and Max Ratio.

 Once Character Ratio Selection (Secret 72) has been purchased, players can
 choose the amount of Ratio Points that each character consumes on their team.
 The more points they consume, the more powerful the are, and vice Versa.

- Pair Match Mode -
 Play a two-on-two match, where all characters are treated as Ratio 2. A team
 may consist of the same character twice. Secret 71 must be unlocked and
 purchased to play this mode.

- Game Replay Mode -
 Play a two-player battle with the option of saving the gameplay as
 a movie. Two controllers are needed to play and save Replay data.
    VS Game Play Save: Play two-player battle. When the match is
                       finished, the following options appear:
           Continue: Continue playing in VS Mode.
           Replay Save: Save Replay Data, which can be replayed later.
                        30 blocks or memory are necessary on a VMU to
                        save Replay Data.
           Exit: Return to the Menu screen.
    Replay Data Load: Play a movie of a match previously saved to a VMU
                      with the VS Game Play Save option.

- Training Mode -
 Free practice against a sparring partner. During gameplay, press Start
 and select Training Menu to change the following options:
   Continue: Return to the Pause Menu.
   Character Change: Return to the Character Select screen.
   Dummy: Adjust control of the sparring partner.
   Dummy Action: Adjust action of the sparring partner when
                 "Dummy" is set to Normal.
   Dummy Guard: Adjust the blocking properties of the sparring
                partner when "Dummy" is set to Normal.
   Life: Available only in SNK Groove, adjust between Normal and
         Critical for performing MAX Super Special Moves.
   Gauge: Set the Gauge to Normal, or Full.
   Exit: Return to the Title Screen.

- Secret Mode -
   NeoGeo Pocket Link:  Transfer VS Points from a NeoGeo Pocket. This 
                        requires a NeoGeo Pocket with a 'SNK VS. Capcom:
                        Match of the Millennium' cartridge, linked to the
                        Dreamcast via a NeoGeo Pocket/Sega Dreamcast
                        Link Cable.

                        Select Download and follow the on-screen 
                        instructions to transfer VS Points, or Exit
                        to return to the Secret Mode menu.

   Secret Shop: Trade VS Points for Secret Factors.
   Secret List: View all purchased Secret Factors.
   Command List: View the special moves of any character.

- Color Edit Mode -
 Create and register unique color combinations for character costumes. Two
 custom palettes can be saved for each character. A VMU is needed to use
 Color Edit Mode.

 Once a custom character palette has been saved, select that character
 using A+Y or B+X to use either custom palette one or two.

- Option Mode -
    Game Option
     Difficulty: Set the difficulty of the computer opponents. (1-8)
     Time: Set the time of the fights. (3:00-infinite)
     Speed: Set the speed of gameplay. (Free/Normal/Turbo)
     Gauge: Set the starting Super Gauge. (Normal/Max)
     Sound: Set between Monaural and Stereo.
     Test: Play any of the background music's in the game.
     Game Music: Set between Normal and Original.
                 (Secret 73 must be unlocked and purchased)
     Run: Set if characters can Run. (On/Off)
     Dash: Set if characters can Dash. (On/Off)
      (Note: both Dash and Run cannot both be enabled at the same time)
     Default Settings: Return all Game Options to their default settings.
     Exit: Return to the Option Mode menu.

    Button Config.
     -Change the configuration of the controller, as well as set Vibrate On
      or Off.

    Display Adjust
     -Adjust the center of the television screen.

- Memory Card -
 Save and Load game files to and from a Visual Memory Unit. Also the option 
 to enable Auto-Save to keep track of High Scores and VS Points. 9 blocks of
 space are necessary on a VMU to save a game file.


(VI) [Capcom Characters]


                                   [Tier 1]

- Sakura -                             First Appearance: Street Fighter Alpha 2

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Low Jab: LP               Dropping Palm: LP
 Straight: HP                Uppercut: HP              Downward Smash: HP
 Shin Kick: LK               Short Kick: LK            Flying Thrust: LK
 Flower Kick: B+LK           Sweep Kick: HK            Downward Thrust: HK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Upward Smash: HP           *Strangle & Elbow: F/B+HP
 High Kick: HK               Kick Off: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Hadoushou: QCF+Punch
 -Sakura projects a small sphere of energy in front of her. Although this
  appears to create a spike of light as well, only the sphere will damage
  opponents. Use HP for two hits.

Kououken: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Sakura will run forward and uppercut. The dash can hit opponents multiple
  times if using HP, and the uppercut will knock opponents into the air.

Oukakyaku (air): QCB+Kick
 -Sakura will drop forward from mid-jump with a downward kick. This attack can
  only be used at higher than half of Sakura's jump. Using HK will travel a bit
  farther out than LK.

Shunpu Renkyaku: QCB+Kick (QCB+Kick)
 -Sakura spins forward with a kick that arcs slightly upward before returning
  to the ground. This will hit twice with HK, once with LK. Perform the
  motion a second time before Sakura touches the ground for another kick after
  the spin; use LK for a low kick or HK for a high kick.

[Super Combos]
Shinku Hadouken: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Hadoushou, this attacks sends a large blue 
  fireball across the screen which dissipates and loses hits as it 
  travels. The fireball can cancel an enemy projectile and continue on,
  removing one hit from the total.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

Haruissen: QCB,QCB+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Shunpu Renkyaku, this attack spins forward
  with a series of low kicks, ending with a high kick. This attack must be
  blocked low. 
     Level 1: 5 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits       Level 3: 7 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - I can't lose to someone like you!
 (HP)   - Now who's next?
 (LK)   - ...huh. You were as strong as I expected. So how did I manage to win?
 (HK)   - Was I the star of the show?
(LP+HP) - Why I have not met such strong opponents like this before?
(LK+HK) - Come on! Show me how tough you really are!
(LP+LK) - I grow stronger with each step! That's my sincere ballet.
(HP+HK) - What will happen if my school finds out that I entered into this 


- Cammy -         First Appearance: Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Backfist: HP                Low Straight: HP          Straight Punch: HP
 Face Kick: LK               Uppercut: DF+HP           Thrust Kick: LK
 Handstand Roundhouse: HK    Short Kick: LK            Roundhouse Kick: HK
                             Double Leg Sweep: HK
                             Low Thrust: DB+HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Suplex: F/B+HP
 Double Arm Smash: HP        Frankensteiner: F/B+HK
 Knee Strike: LK             Shoulder Toss (air): (any direction but Up)+HP
 Handstand Kick: HK          Air Steiner (air): (any direction but Up)+HK

[Special Moves]
Spiral Arrow: QCF+Kick
 -Cammy will spin herself forward feet-first. LK will travel slightly less
  than half of the screen, while HK will travel slightly farther and hit
  twice up close. This attack can be used to pass under high projectile

Cannon Spike: F,D,DF+Kick
 -Cammy performs a rising kick, which is very useful against air attackers.
  Using HK travels much higher and farther than LK.

Hooligan Combination: DB,D,DF,F,UF+Punch
 -Cammy will roll into a ball and jump forward. This can be followed by any
  of these attacks:

   []Fatal Leg Twister: (any direction but Up)+Punch (near head)
      -Cammy performs a Frankensteiner throw attack. Perform the motion when
       Cammy is near her opponent's head.

   []Cross Scissors Pressure: (any direction but Up)+Punch (near body)
      -Cammy will grab her opponent and spin them into the air, then land on
       them with a stomp. Perform the motion when Cammy is near her opponent's

   []Razor Edge Slicer: Neutral
      -Cammy will perform a sliding kick upon hitting the ground if nothing is
       done during the Hooligan Combination roll.

Axel Spinning Knuckle: HCB+Punch
 -Cammy will spin forward and perform a double-hit backfist. The spin before
  the attack is able to dodge oncoming attacks if the timing is right. Using 
  HP spins farther than LP.

[Super Combos]
Spin Drive Smasher: QCF,D,DF+Kick
 -Cammy will perform a multi-hitting Spiral Arrow, followed by a multi-hitting
  Cannon Spike.
     Level 1: 6 Hits      Level 2: 7 Hits       Level 3: 9 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Time's up! Retreat!
 (HP)   - I will finish the opponent in the shortest way possible!
 (LK)   - Why do you get so serious when you have no chance to win?
 (HK)   - It is a waste of my time to have to fight scum like you...
(LP+HP) - Threats have no effect on me because I have no fear of death...
(LK+HK) - Obedience leads to a stable victory...
(LP+LK) - I didn't even try and you still failed. This should be your clue to
           stop trying!
(HP+HK) - Sympathy? Sympathy is for the weak.


- Dhalsim -              First Appearance: Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Downward Chop: LP           Low Stretch Jab: LP       Stretch Low Jab (up): LP
 Horizontal Chop: F+LP       Low Stretch Straight: HP  Down Jab (up): B+LP
 Double Arm Stretch: HP      Low Chop: DB+LP/HP        Stretch Punch (side): LP
 Upward Chop: B+HP           Uppercut: DF+HP           Jab (side): B+LP
 Stretch Low Kick: LK        Short Slide: LK           Stretch Down Punch: HP
 Low Kick: B+LK              Short Kick: DB+LK         Hook Punch: B+HP
 Stretch Roundhouse: HK      Slide Kick: HK            Yoga Mummy: D+HP
 High Kick: B+HK             Short Thrust: DB+HK       Stretch Thrust: LK
                                                       Thrust Kick: B+LK
 [Close Attacks]            [Throws]                   Stretch Roundhouse: HK
 (None)                     *Yoga Noogie: F/B+HP       Roundhouse: B+HK
                             Yoga Throw: F/B+HK        Yoga Spear: D+HK
                                                       Floating Taunt: Start+LK

[Special Moves]
Yoga Fire: QCF+Punch
 -Dhalsim will spit a fireball across the screen. LP will make the projectile
  travel slower and will not knock the opponent over, while HP is faster and
  knocks the opponent down.

Yoga Flame: HCB+Punch
 -Dhalsim spits out a close range fire that is much larger than a Yoga Fire.
  HP keeps the blast out longer than LP.

Yoga Blast: HCB+Kick
 -Dhalsim spits out a close range fire at an upward angle. HK keeps the blast
  out longer than LK.

Yoga Teleport: F,D,DF or B,D,DB + (LP+HP or LK+HK)
 -Dhalsim will teleport either forward or backward, depending if (F,D,DF) or
  (B,D,DB) is used. Using (LP+HP) will teleport Dhalsim halfway across the
  screen, while (LK+HK) travels all the way across. Dhalsim cannot be attacked
  while he is teleporting.

[Super Combos]
Yoga Volcano: QCF,QCF+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Yoga Blast, Dhalsim spits out a close range
  multi-hitting fire into the air. This is best used on jumping opponents.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

Yoga Stream: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Yoga Flame, Dhalsim spits a multi-hitting
  fire on the ground. This attack must be blocked low.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Let the power of Yoga heal and release you from your fear.
 (HP)   - There are only two ways to master Yoga, the long way, and the longer
 (LK)   - Mercy is the power to forgive. Kindness is the power to forget.
 (HK)   - A man must be strong in the mind and limber in the body to succeed.
(LP+HP) - Popular opinion can change in an instant. Always be true to
(LK+HK) - Free your mind and the rest will follow...
(LP+LK) - In order to attain peace, concentration becomes key.
(HP+HK) - My mission is to spread the power of Yoga throughout the world.


- Blanka -               First Appearance: Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Chop: LP                    Low Scratch: LP           Scratch: LP
 Scoop Scratch: HP           Reaching Uppercut: HP     Fierce Scratch (up): HP
 Headbutt: B+HP              Back Slide: DF+HP         Scoop Scratch (side): HP
 Short Kick: LK              Short Kick: LK            High Kick (up): LK
 Backflip Kick: HK           Back Sweep: HK            Down Thrust (side): LK
                             Roundhouse: DB+HK         Double Foot Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Slap: LP                   *Grab & Bite: F/B+HP
 Double Knee: LK             Rolling Toss: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Electric Thunder: Punch rapidly
 -Blanka will hunch down and create an blast of electricity around himself.
  Blanka will keep the electricity pulsating as long as a Punch button is
  being pressed rapidly.
Rolling Attack: CB,F+Punch
 -Blanka will roll into a ball and fly forward. LP travels halfway across the
  screen, HP travels the whole screen. If this attack is blocked, Blanka will
  roll back into the air for a second, leaving him open for a counterattack.

Back Step Rolling: CB,F+Kick
 -Blanka will do a backflip, then flips himself forward in a ball into the air
  and descend. HK travels much higher and farther than LK.

Vertical Rolling: CD,U+Kick
 -Blanka rolls into a ball and travels into the air, where he comes out of the
  ball and falls down. This is best used against air opponents. HK travels
  higher and farther than LK.

Surprise Forward: F+LK+RK
 -Blanka bears his teeth and dashes forward. He can still be hit during this
  move, and he can travel through opponents if done close enough.

Surprise Back: B+LK+RK
 -Blanka bugs his eyes out and dashes back. He can still be hit during this

[Super Combos]
Direct Lightning: CB,F,B,F+Punch
 -Blanka rolls into a ball charged up with electricity. This attack does not
  deal more hits with each level, but more damage.
     Level 1: 1 Hit       Level 2: 1 Hit        Level 3: 1 Hit

Shout of Earth: CDB,DF,DF,UF+Punch (Punch rapidly)
 -A more powerful version of the Electric Thunder, and will only damage close
  opponents. The maximum number of hits dealt is dependent on the number of
  times the Punch buttons are pressed during the attack. This attack can also
  juggle opponents in the air.
     Level 1: 7 Hits      Level 2: 9 Hits       Level 3: 12 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Nobody can match my brutal strength!
 (HP)   - You are a loser!
 (LK)   - Tremble before my howl of victory! Vuo Vuo Vuo!
 (HK)   - The strong preys upon the weak! That is the law of the wilderness!
(LP+HP) - You don't have what it takes to defeat me...
(LK+HK) - Your fighting style bores me! Vuo Vuo Vuo!
(LP+LK) - This place is a paradise compared to the harsh Amazon!
(HP+HK) - Anybody who makes fun of me will live to regret it!


                                   [Tier 2]

- Ryu -                                        First Appearance: Street Fighter

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Overhead Punch: F+LP        Uppercut: HP              Downward Straight: HP
 Straight Punch: HP          Short Kick: LK            Air High Kick (up): LK
 High Snap Kick: LK          Sweep Kick: HK            Knee Drop (side): LK
 Hop Kick: F+LK              Extended Kick: DB+HK      Air Roundhouse (up): HK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK                                   Thrust Kick (side): HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Shoulder Toss: F/B+HP
 Uppercut: HP                Leg Roll: F/B+HK
 Shin Kick: LK
 Axe Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Hadouken: QCF+Punch
 -Ryu throws a blue fireball that travels horizontally across the screen.
  Using LP makes the projectile travel slower than HP does.

Shakunetsu Hadouken: HCB+Punch
 -Ryu throws a red fireball similar to the Hadouken, except that it burns
  the opponent when it hits them. Using this attack close enough to an
  opponent that Ryu's hands touch them will knock them down. Using LP makes
  the projectile travel slower than HP does.

Shouryuken: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Ryu will rise into the air with an uppercut. Using HP will make the attack
  travel higher into the air.

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: QCB+Kick  (air)
 -Ryu will spin forward with a kick. If performed in the air, the kick will
  arc up or down according to the time performed during his jump. Using HK
  will spin three times and LK will spin once, but one hit will knock down
  an opponent.

[Super Combos]
Shinku Hadouken: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Hadouken that hits multiple times. The
  fireball can cancel an enemy projectile and continue on, removing one hit
  from the total.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: QCB,QCB+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, Ryu will do a spinning
  kick in place which can hit opponents rapidly or juggle them in the air.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 7 Hits       Level 3: 9 Hits

Shin Shoryuken: QCF,QCF+Kick                                        (LV3 & MAX)
 -A much more powerful version of the Shouryuken that must be performed close
  to an opponent to connect. If performed correctly, this attack can remove
  more than half of an opponent's vitality.
     Level 3: 4 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Stand up and face me again. I have yet to see your best...
 (HP)   - A true warrior follows their own destiny!
 (LK)   - You were your own worst enemy...
 (HK)   - I noticed the spirit of a true warrior within your fists.
(LP+HP) - That's it? Has your fighting spirit burned out?!
(LK+HK) - You are already giving up? You didn't even try...
(LP+LK) - Never give into your fear...
(HP+HK) - What strength! I won't forget that there are many like you all over
           the world!


- Ken -                                        First Appearance: Street Fighter

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Uppercut: HP              Downward Straight: HP
 High Snap Kick: LK          Short Kick: LK            Air High Kick (up): LK
 Axe Kick: F+LK              Sweep Kick: HK            Knee Drop (side): LK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK         Extended Kick: DB+HK      Air Roundhouse (up): HK
                                                       Thrust Kick (side): HK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Shoulder Toss: F/B+HP
 Uppercut: HP                Rolling Leg Toss: F/B+HK
 Shin Kick: LK               Air Leg Toss (air): (any direction but Up)+HK

[Special Moves]
Hadouken: QCF+Punch
 -Ken throws a blue fireball that travels horizontally across the screen.
  Using LP makes the projectile travel slower than HP does.

Shouryuken: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Ken will rise into the air with an uppercut. Using HP will make the attack
  travel higher into the air. Using HP will make the uppercut travel higher
  into the air, as well as set Ken's arm on fire for multiple hits up close.

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: QCB+Kick  (air)
 -Ken will spin forward with a kick. If performed in the air, the kick will
  arc up or down according to the time performed during his jump. Using HK
  will spin five times and LK will spin twice, and the kick will continue
  to hit an opponent with each spin for minimal damage.
Front Rolling Move: QCB+Punch
 -Ken will roll forward, and can pass through his opponent if close enough to
  them. He can still be hit during this move, so it is safer to perform a

Ryusenkyaku: F,D,DF+Kick
 -Ken will slightly cartwheel forward, hitting twice as his legs fall to the
  ground. HK cartwheels farther than LK.

[Super Combos]
Shouryureppa: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Shouryuken that performs the attack twice in
  a row rapidly. At Level 3, Ken performs three Shouryukens, the last one
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits       Level 3: 7 Hits

Shinryuken: QCF,QCF+Kick  (Kick rapidly)
 -A more powerful variation of the Shouryuken that spins and travels straight
  up. Tapping Kick buttons rapidly during the attack will increase the amount
  of hits and damage that it deals.
     Level 1: 9 Hits      Level 2: 13 Hit       Level 3: 16 Hits

Shippu Jinraikyaku: QCB,QCB+Kick                                    (LV3 & MAX)
 -A much more powerful variation of the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Ken will perform
  four stepping kicks forward, followed by a multi-hitting spin kick upward
  that carries opponents into the air. This can deplete nearly half of an
  opponent's vitality if all the hits connect.
     Level 3: 11 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Ha! You can't compete with me!
 (HP)   - I know you want my autograph. I just don't know where you'd like me
           to sign!
 (LK)   - Your moves were weak and your style was a joke. What were you
 (HK)   - Maybe next time you should think about watching my hands!!
(LP+HP) - Humph! I wish you were here Eliza...
(LK+HK) - Ha! You had better go back to your basic training rookie.
(LP+LK) - How was that? Did you feel the power of my Shinryuken?
(HP+HK) - My last name is Masters. That should have been your clue, loser!


- Chun-Li -              First Appearance: Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Slap: LP                    Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Low Straight: HP          Downward Straight: HP
 Thrust Kick: LK             Short Kick: LK            High Kick (up): LK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK         Flip Neck Breaker: DF+LK  Thrust Kick (side): LK
                             Handstand Sweep Kick: HK  Roundhouse (up): HK
                             Leg Sweep: DB+HK          Double Kick (side): HK 
                                                       Stomp Kick: D+HK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Stomach Shove: HP           Ground Slam: F/B+HP
 High Kick: HK               Head Kick: F/B+HK
                             Ground Slam (air): (any direction but Up)+HP

[Special Moves]
Triangle Jump (air): Up+opposite direction (jump towards edge of screen)
 -Chun-Li can perform a second jump in mid-air by pushing off the side of the
  screen if she is close enough to it.

Kikouken: HCF+Punch
 -Chun-Li throws a blue fireball that travels horizontally across the screen.
  Using LP makes the projectile travel slower than HP does.

Hyakuretsukyaku: Kick rapidly
 -Chun-Li will kick rapidly in front of her, covering a wide radius. Tapping
  LK will kick slower than HK, and Chun-Li will continue the attack until
  the button-pressing stops.

Tenshoukyaku: CD,U+Kick
 -Chun-Li will leap into the air with multiple rising kicks. Using LK will
  kick twice, while HK will kick four times.

Spinning Bird Kick: CB,F+Kick
 -Chun-Li will flip upside-down and spin forward with her legs split apart.
  Using HK will travel farther than LK, but one hit will knock an opponent

[Super Combos]
Kikoushou: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Kikouken, this will create a sphere of
  energy around Chun-Li's hands that can hit opponents multiple times up
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hit        Level 3: 9 Hits

Senretsukyaku: CB,F,B,F+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Hyakuretsukyaku, Chun-Li will dash forward
  with a series of normal kicks ending with a Hyakuretsukyaku.
     Level 1: 5 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hit        Level 3: 7 Hits

Hazan Tenshoukyaku: CDB,DF,DB,UF+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Tenshoukyaku, Chun-Li will perform the
  upward kick while spinning rapidly and hitting more times.
     Level 1: 7 Hits      Level 2: 8 Hit        Level 3: 7 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - You hesitated for a moment, didn't you? You must be stronger than
 (HP)   - Victory is nice, but I have no time to celebrate.
 (LK)   - You were crazy to think that you could match my lightning quick
 (HK)   - I guess it's true when they say that misery loves company...
(LP+HP) - Once this tournament is over, then I will...
(LK+HK) - Now that you have lost, you will have to be punished...
(LP+LK) - You cannot measure a person's strength by their honor...
(HP+HK) - What were you thinking?! You can't show off if you don't have any


- Guile -                First Appearance: Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Uppercut: HP              Down Straight (up): HP
 Spinning Backfist: F+HP     Short Roundhouse: LK      Flying Chop (side): LK
 Shin Kick: LK               Roundhouse: HK            High Kick (up): LK
 Hopping Roundhouse: F/B+LK  Double Leg Sweep: DF+HK   Knee Drop (side): LK
 Lunging Kick: HK                                      Roundhouse (up): HK
                                                       Thrust Kick (side): HK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Uppercut: HP                Shoulder Toss: F/B+HP
 High Kick: HK               Suplex: F/B+HK
                             Ground Slam (air): (any direction but Up)+HP
                             Backbreaker (air): (any direction but Up)+HK

[Special Moves]
Sonic Boom: CB,F+Punch
 -Guile tosses a twisting wave of energy horizontally across the screen. Using
  HP will make the projectile travel quicker than LP.

Somersault Kick: CD,U+Kick
 -Guile will leap into the air and somersault backwards while kicking, creating
  a large wave. HK travels higher than LK, and the attack will knock down an
  opponent when hit.

[Super Combos]
Somersault Strike: CDB,DF,DB,UF+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Somersault Kick that performs the attack
  twice in a row, hitting multiple times. At Level 3, this attack will
  perform three Somersault Kicks.
     Level 1: 6 Hits      Level 2: 8 Hits        Level 3: 10 Hits

Total Wipeout: CB,F,B,F+Punch
 -Guile will rush forward with a flurry of kicks and punches finished with a
  spinning backfist. 
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits        Level 3: 5 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - You lost too easily. You're even a waste of my practice time!
 (HP)   - You must learn to move faster than the speed of sound...
 (LK)   - You were good... I was better.
 (HK)   - You know I can't resist the fight, so I suggest you learn how to win.
(LP+HP) - Have you ever hungered for revenge?
(LK+HK) - It was a shame that it had to come to this...
(LP+LK) - Aww.. Leaving so soon? You should have thought twice before joining
           the battle!
(HP+HK) - The strong will survive. The weak will perish. Which one will you be?


- Zangief -              First Appearance: Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Overhead Chop: LP           Chop: LP                  Straight Chop: LP
 Smash Punch: HP             Smash Punch: HP           Down Straight (up): HP
 Shin Kick: LK               Short Kick: LK            Flat Straight (side): HP
 Drop Kick: HK               Long Trip: HK             Body Splash: D+HP
                                                       Side Kick: LK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]                   Drop Kick: HK
 Backhand Chop: HP           Piledriver: F+HP
                             Suplex: B+HP
                            *Head Bite: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Double Lariat: LP+HP
 -Zangief will spin around twice with his arms out, knocking down opponents
  that he hits. Zangief will pass through oncoming attacks if performed at the
  right time.

Quick Double Lariat: LK+HK
 -Zangief will quickly spin around once with his arms out, knocking down
  opponents that he hits. Zangief will pass through oncoming attacks if
  performed at the right time.

Vanishing Fist: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Zangief will step forward and perform a fiery backhanded slap that can
  cancel projectiles. HP holds his arm out longer than LP.

Screw Piledriver (throw): 360º motion+Punch
 -Zangief spins with his opponent into the air and descends with a spinning
  piledriver. This attack must be done very close to the opponent, and cannot
  be blocked. HP spins higher than LP and inflicts slightly more damage.

Atomic Suplex (throw): 360º motion+Kick
 -Zangief will grab them and perform a suplex, then leap into the air and
  do a second suplex. Using HK will make Zangief jump higher between the two
  suplexes. If this attack is not done right next to an opponent, it becomes
  the Flying Power Bomb (below).

Flying Power Bomb (throw): 360º motion+Kick
 -Zangief will take a couple steps forward and attempt a grab. If it is
  successful, he will hoist them high into the air and powerbomb them into
  the ground. HK makes Zangief walk farther before attempting the grab than
  LK. This is the alternative to the Atomic Suplex, if the attack is performed
  at a distance from the opponent. 

[Super Combos]
Final Atomic Buster (throw): 720º motion+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of both the Atomic Suplex and Screw Piledriver,
  and must be performed right next to an opponent. Zangief will do a series
  of suplexes, followed by a series of spinning piledrivers.
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits        Level 3: 4 Hits

Aerial Russian Slam (throw): QCF,D,DF+Kick
 -Zangief will jump up at a slight angle and grab opponents that are in the
  air. Each level performs a single hit, but the throw animation is different.
  Also, the higher the level, the faster, higher, and farther Zangief leaps
  into the air.
     Level 1: Toss Slam   Level 2: Piledriver  Level 3: Powerbomb

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Ha! Ha! Ha! Look at me! I could be on the cover of a magazine!
 (HP)   - For the glory of my mother country and comrades! Victory to us all!
 (LK)   - A sound body brings a sound victory.
 (HK)   - Next time, I'll defeat you with only one hand!
(LP+HP) - Praise my body for it is a symbol of perfection! Ha! Ha! Ha!
(LK+HK) - You were a fool to try and overpower me! My strength is supreme!
(LP+LK) - Everyone knows that size is more important than skill...
(HP+HK) - A friend in need is a friend indeed, but a friend who can bleed is


- E. Honda -             First Appearance: Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Forward Slap: LP            Forward Slap: LP          Downward Slap: LP
 Overhead Chop: HP           Arm Sweep: HP             Arm Swipe: HP
 Short Kick: LK              Short Kick: LK            Butt Drop: LK
 Leg Sweep: F/B+HK           Leg Sweep: HK             Thrust Kick: HK
 High Roundhouse: HK                                   Body Splash: D+HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 (None)                      Body Toss: F/B+HK
                            *Bear Hug: F/B+HP

[Special Moves]
Hyakuretsu Harite: Punch rapidly
 -E. Honda will slap furiously in front of himself, making his arms appear as
  blurs. Pressing LP rapidly will continue to slap until the button is neutral,
  while HP rapidly will make E. Honda dash forward quickly with one short
  flurry of slaps.

Super Zutsuki: CB,F+Punch
 -E. Honda will shoot himself across the screen with a quick headbutt. Using
  LP will propel Honda a couple steps, while HP will propel him across the
  length of the entire screen.

Super Hyakkan Otoshi: CD,U+Kick
 -E. Honda leaps into the air with a Body Splash attack, then drop straight
  down will a Butt Drop. Using HK will leap higher than LK, but it will not
  hit while leaping into the air.

Ooichou Nage (throw): 360º Motion+Punch
 -E. Honda will thrust his opponent into the ground with one hand, then
  somersault into the air and land on them with his rear end. This attack
  must be done right next to the opponent.

[Super Combos]
Onimusou: CB,F,B,F+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Super Zutsuki, E. Honda will perform two
  headbutts in a row. At Level 2, he will perform three headbutts, and at Level
  3, he will perform two headbutts finished with a Hyakuretsu Harite slapping
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 5 Hits        Level 3: 10 Hits

Orochi Kudaki: 720º Motion+Punch                                    (LV3 & MAX)
 -A much more powerful variation of the Ooichou Nage, E. Honda will thrust his
  opponent into the ground twice, then leap high into the air and descend with
  a powerful butt drop. This must be done right next to the opponent.
     Level 3: 3 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Ha ha ha! That was a dramatic finish, wasn't it?
 (HP)   - Our fighting was like art in motion!
 (LK)   - Sumo is the greatest sport in the entire world! You will respect it!
 (HK)   - You haven't seen everything yet! Actually I have seventy finishing
(LP+HP) - I have never had my Mage disheveled in a fight before... Good job!
(LK+HK) - Your weak style of fighting is no match for Sumo! Why don't you
(LP+LK) - A victory mark for me! The power of Sumo shines once again!!
(HP+HK) - It was too easy a victory! You should practice hard and then try


- Balrog -               First Appearance: Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     High Jab: LP              Downward Jab (up): LP
 Straight Smash: HP          High Straight: HP         Short Hook (side): LP
 Elbow Jab: LK               Uppercut: DF+HP           Glove Shove (up): HP
 Hook Punch: HK              Low Jab: LK               Low Straight (side): HK
                             Low Straight: HK          Downward Jab: LK
                             Hook Punch Trip: DF+HK    Low Straight: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Body Blow: HK               Gut Punch: F/B+HP
                             Shoulder Slam: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Dash Straight: CB,F+Punch
 -Balrog will dash forward and punch straight out with great reach. Using LP
  will dash one step, while HP will dash across the entire screen and knock an
  opponent down.

Dash Uppercut: CB,F+Kick
 -Balrog will dash forward and uppercut at his opponent's head. Using LK will
  dash one step, while HK will dash across the entire screen. 

Dash Ground Straight: CB,DF+Punch
 -Balrog will dash forward and punch at his opponent's legs. Using LP will
  dash one step, while HP will dash across the entire screen and knock an
  opponent down.

Dash Ground Uppercut: CB,DF+Kick
 -Balrog will dash forward and uppercut at his opponent's body. Using LK will
  dash one step, while HK will dash across the entire screen. This attack
  will knock opponents down.

Turn Punch: Charge any button, release
 -Balrog accumulates power for this punch as long as an attack button is
  being held down. At any moment on the ground, release the button and Balrog
  will slightly slide forward with a turning punch. The power of the punch and
  the distance of the dash depend on how long the button is charged.

Final Punch: Charge any button for 60 seconds, release
 -Balrog's fully-charged Turn Punch for 60 seconds or more, this attack will
  deal nearly half a Vitality Gauge of damage.

Buffalo Headbutt: CD,U+Punch
 -Balrog will quickly crouch down, and leap slightly forward into the air with
  a headbutt. This attack will pass through projectiles if timed correctly,
  and HP will travel slightly father than LP.

[Super Combos]
Crazy Buffalo: CB,F,B,F+Punch  (Press Punch or Kick)
 -A more powerful variation of the Dash Straight and Uppercut, this will
  punch many times in rapid succession. The punches are by default all 
  Straights, but holding a Kick button during the attack will turn them all
  into Uppercuts.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits        Level 3: 5 Hits

Gigaton Blow: CB,F,B,F+Kick                                         (LV3 & MAX)
 -A much more powerful version of the Turn Punch that hits multiple times with
  a single punch. If performed properly, this can deal nearly half a Vitality
  Gauge of damage.
     Level 3: 6 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - I am so tired of having to pull my punches!
 (HP)   - Hey! I gave you a good show!! So, where is my reward?!
 (LK)   - I hate your eyes. I feel that they are looking down on me! I will
           shut them!!
 (HK)   - It doesn't feel good to step on tiny bugs...
(LP+HP) - That wasn't even close to the quality of a good title fight! You
(LK+HK) - Hey, you can't go down so easily! Come on! You're upsetting the
(LP+LK) - Are there any tougher sandbags available?
(HP+HK) - Your mamma said to knock you out!!


                                   [Tier 3]

- Vega -                 First Appearance: Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Claw Jab: LP                Claw Jab: LP              Straight Chop: LP
 Lunging Claw Stab: HP       Upper Claw Stab: HP       Down Claw Stab: HP
 Knee Strike: LK             Claw Stab: DB+HP          Down Thrust Kick: LK
 Hopping Axe Kick: HK        Short Kick: LK            Backdoor Roundhouse: HK
 Hopping Roundhouse: F+HK    Slide Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 (None)                      Suplex: F/B+HP
                             Leg Flip: F/B+HK
                             Claw Toss (air): (any direction but Up)+HP
                             Air Leg Flip (air): (any direction but Up)+HK

(Note: If he is hit repeatedly, Vega will drop his claw, then eventually his
       mask. To retrieve them, have Vega walk over them. Vega will also regain
       his mask and claw between rounds.)

[Special Moves]
Triangle Jump (air): Up+opposite direction (jump towards edge of screen)
 -Vega can perform a second jump in mid-air by pushing off the side of the
  screen if he is close enough to it.

Rolling Crystal Flash: CB,F+Punch
 -Vega will roll forward and finish with an upper claw stab. LP will roll
  once, while HP will roll three times.

Sky High Claw: CD,U+Punch (Punch)
 -Vega will leap back and push himself off the wall, claw first. Pressing
  a Punch button during the attack will stretch out Vega's arm for a slightly
  longer range. Using LP will travel across the upper half of the screen, while
  HP will travel along the bottom. Vega will always try to jump to the wall
  behind him for this attack, but pressing (UF) instead of (U) will make him
  leap to the opposite wall and perform the attack.

Wall Leap: CD,U+Kick
 -Vega will leap back and push himself off the side of the screen towards his
  opponent. Vega will always leap to whichever side of the screen he is closest
  to, unless (UF) or (UB) is used at the end of  the motion. After Vega has
  pushed off the wall, hold Left or Right to slightly move him in the air. The 
  following attacks can be used after the Wall Leap:

   []Flying Barcelona Attack: Punch
      -Vega will slash his arms out below him, hitting opponents both sides,
       but not directly below him.

   []Izuna Drop (throw): (any direction but Up)+Punch
      -Vega will grab them and perform a powerful suplex. This can only be done
       if Vega is very close to his opponent. 

Scarlet Terror: CDB,F+Kick
 -Vega will backflip and kick while moving slightly forward. HK hits twice up
  close, and goes a bit higher than LK.

Back Slash: LP+HP
 -Vega will backflip onto his hands, then flip back again onto his feet. This
  is an evasive move, and Vega cannot be hit while performing it.

Short Back Slash: LK+HK
 -Vega will quickly backflip onto his feet. This evasive move is like the Back
  Slash except quicker, and Vega cannot be hit while performing it.

[Super Combos]
Super Wall Leap: CDB,DF,DB,UF+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Wall Leap, Vega will leap forward and push
  himself off the side of the screen towards his opponent. Vega will always leap
  towards the opposite side of the screen, unless (UB) is used at the end of the
  motion instead of (UF). After Vega has pushed off the wall, hold Left or Right
  to slightly move him in the air. The following attacks can be used after the
  Super Wall Leap:

   []Flying Barcelona Special: Punch
      -This is a more powerful version of the Flying Barcelona Attack, and it
       will hit multiple times.
          Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits        Level 3: 5 Hits

   []Rolling Izuna Drop (throw): (any direction but Up)+Punch
      -This is a more powerful version of the Izuna Drop that will perform
       multiple suplexes in a row.
          Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits        Level 3: 4 Hits

Scarlet Mirage: CB,F,B,F+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Scarlet Terror that performs two backflip
  kicks in a row. At Level 3, a third backflip kick is added.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits        Level 3: 8 Hits

Red Impact: CB,F,B,F+Punch                                          (LV3 & MAX)
 -Vega will perform a short claw swipe, which will toss his opponent into the
  air above him. He will then spin around and impale them with his claw. Vega
  must be holding his claw to perform this attack.
     Level 3: 2 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - You are just so... So UGLY!!
 (HP)   - Let the cold blanket of death cover your eternal sleep...
 (LK)   - No one can stop my hunger for beauty!
 (HK)   - You shall die as you lived... sad, weak, and UGLY!
(LP+HP) - I have marked your body so that everyone will know that you are a
(LK+HK) - It's time to paint the rest of your body in RED!
(LP+LK) - The only thing I believe in is 'beauty'! Therefore, I don't believe
           in you!!
(HP+HK) - Drip... Drip... Yum... Yum...


- Sagat -                                      First Appearance: Street Fighter

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Jab: LP                   Straight Jab: LP
 Lunging Straight: HP        Straight Punch: HP        Straight Punch: HP
 Low Roundhouse: LK          Short Kick: LK            Knee Drop: LK
 Mid Roundhouse: HK          Quick Sweep: DB+HK        Roundhouse Kick: HK
                             Sweep Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Body Blow: HP               Overhead Toss: F/B+HP
 High Roundhouse: HK        *Knee Bash: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Tiger Shot: QCF+Punch
 -Sagat throws a blue fireball that travels high horizontally across the
  screen. Using LP makes the projectile travel slower than HP does.

Ground Tiger Shot: QCF+Kick
 -Sagat throws a blue fireball that travels low horizontally across the
  screen. Using LK makes the projectile travel slower than HK does.

Tiger Crush: F,D,DF+Kick
 -Sagat leaps into the air with a knee attack. HK travels slightly higher
  than LK, and this attack can hit twice up close.

Tiger Uppercut: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Sagat rises into the air with an uppercut that only hits once. Using HP
  will make the uppercut travel higher into the air.

[Super Combos]
Tiger Destroyer: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Tiger Uppercut, Sagat will perform a Tiger
  Crush knee attack followed by a Tiger Uppercut. At Level 3, Sagat performs
  two Tiger Uppercuts.
    Level 1: 7 Hits      Level 2: 10 Hits       Level 3: 14 Hits

Tiger Raid: QCB,QCB+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Tiger Crush, Sagat performs a flurry of
  kicks followed by a multi-hit jump kick. At Level 3, Sagat's leg flames for
  the final kick.
     Level 1: 6 Hits      Level 2: 7 Hits        Level 3: 7 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - My power is without question!
 (HP)   - You should not have challenged me!
 (LK)   - I despise your useless pride!
 (HK)   - A warrior does not take a step back! A warrior takes on all
(LP+HP) - You are too weak! You can't even scratch my body!
(LK+HK) - Challenge me anytime! I'll always be here!
(LP+LK) - Practice all you want! You will never be good enough to defeat me!
(HP+HK) - A true warrior can win under any circumstances!


- M. Bison -             First Appearance: Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Psycho Jab: LP              Psycho Jab: LP            Psycho Jab (up): LP
 Psycho Uppercut: HP         Psycho Straight: HP       Psycho Punch (side): LP
 Knee Jab: LK                Short Kick: LK            Psycho Punch: HP
 Roundhouse Kick: HK         Slide Kick: HK            Short Kick (up): LK
                                                       Flying Knee (side): LK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]                   Roundhouse Kick (up): HK
 Psycho Gut Blow: HP         Shoulder Toss: F/B+HP     Thrust Kick (side): HK
 Indoor Roundhouse: HK       Leg Lift: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Psycho Vanish: F,D,DF+Punch
 -M. Bison will smash punch downward with a fist charged with Psycho Energy.
  This will hit multiple times up close, and HP hits more times than LP.

Psycho Impact: CB,F+Punch
 -M. Bison will dash forward and uppercut, then punch straight forward with his
  fist charged with Psycho energy. LP will travel a short distance before the
  uppercut, while HP will dash across the entire screen.

Double Knee Press: CB,F+Kick
 -M. Bison somersaults forward and hits twice as he brings his legs down. LK
  travels farther than HK.

Head Press: CD,U+Kick
 -M. Bison will leap and stomp on his opponent's head, then jump off. After the
  stomp, use Left and Right to control Bison's descent and perform a second

   []Somersault Skull Driver: Punch
      -M. Bison will punch forward with his hand charged with Psycho energy.

Somersault Skull Driver: CD,U+Punch (Punch)
 -M. Bison will leap towards his opponent. Pressing any Punch button during the
  leap will make him stop in mid-jump and drop with a Psycho charged punch.

[Super Combos]
Knee Press Nightmare: CB,F,B,F+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Double Knee Press that performs the attack
  twice in a row. At Level 2, M. Bison will perform a slide kick at the end.
  At Level 3, he will finish by floating in the air and kicking his opponent
  several times.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 5 Hits        Level 3: 8 Hits

Heartbreak Despair: CB,F,B,F+Punch
 -M. Bison will torpedo himself across the screen, spinning into his opponent
  and finally throwing them across the screen. With each Level, M. Bison
  travels slightly farther with the torpedo attack.
     Level 1: 5 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits        Level 3: 7 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Huh, how did you think a mere human like yourself could beat me!?
 (HP)   - Psycho power will never lose...
 (LK)   - Do you want to come work for me? You will have to do better than
 (HK)   - Today is the last day in your life...
(LP+HP) - This is not a fight to decide a winner and loser, but to decide life
           and death!
(LK+HK) - Relax! You can't stop me, so why even try?
(LP+LK) - The weak always make me sick!
(HP+HK) - You should thank me for keeping you alive!


(VI) [SNK Characters]


                                   [Tier 1]

- King -                                      First Appearance: Art of Fighting

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Jab: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Uppercut: HP              Uppercut: HP
 Front Kick: LK              Short Kick: LK            Flying Knee: LK
 High Roundhouse: HK         Sweep Kick: HK            Downward Thrust Kick: HK
                             Back Slide Kick: DF+HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Knee & Uppercut: F/B+HP
 Uppercut: HP                Leg Flip: F/B+HK
 Low Kick: LK
 Double Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Venom Strike: QCF+Kick
 -King kicks a fireball across the screen. HK makes the projectile travel
  quicker than LK.

Double Strike: QCF,QCF+Kick
 -King kicks two fireballs in rapid succession across the screen. HK makes
  the projectiles travel quicker than LK.

Surprise Rose: F,D,DF+Kick
 -King does a backflip forward, then quickly drops forward with her feet out.
  If King drops on her opponent, she will kick them three times. If the attack
  is performed up close, the backflip will also hit the opponent twice. HK
  travels a bit higher and farther than LK

Trap Shot: B,D,DB+Kick
 -King backflips in place, which will suck the opponent in for a flurry of
  kicks if done up close. LK hits 6 times, while HK moves slightly forward
  while doing the backflip kick and hits 10 times.

Tornado Kick: HCB+Kick
 -King hops forward and does an upward roundhouse kick, then twists in mid-air
  and does a second downward roundhouse kick. HK make the kicks travel farther
  than LK.

[Super Combos]
Illusion Dance: QCF,HCB+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Trap Shot, King will perform a Trap Shot
  backflip kick, then jumpkick forward. If the jumpkick hits, she will perform
  a flurry of punches and kicks finished by a Tornado Kick. The starting
  backflip kick does not count as a hit.
     Level 1: 9 Hits      Level 2: 11 Hits       Level 3: 13 Hits

Silent Flash: QCB,QCB+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Trap Shot, King will perform a Trap Shot
  backflip kick. If this hits, she will perform a multi-hitting somersault
  kick. At Levels 2 and 3, she will also perform several more Trap Shot
  backflip kicks.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits        Level 3: 11 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Your attacks were so slow that they almost put me to sleep!
 (HP)   - Your turn is over. Leave right now or I will kick you again!
 (LK)   - In this game there are no rule, no cutting corners, and no
 (HK)   - Oops, sorry about that! I guess I don't know my own strength!
(LP+HP) - You can't play your hand after the cards have been shown!
(LK+HK) - You should have known that your luck was going to run out sometime!
(LP+LK) - You say I caught you off guard? I'm tired of hearing your excuses!
(HP+HK) - Tournaments are all the same. They are all full of slobs like you...


- Vice -                             First Appearance: The King of Fighters '95

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Slap: LP                    Slap: LP                  Downward Slap: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Uppercut: HP              Straight Punch: HP
 Quick Roundhouse: LK        Short Kick: LK            Downward Thrust Kick: LK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK         Sweep Kick: HK            Roundhouse Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Smash: HP             Face Rip: F/B+HP
 Knee Strike: LK             Toss Aside: F/B+HK
 Axe Kick: HK    

[Special Moves]
Nail Bomb (throw): HCF+Punch
 -Vice will pick up her opponent and slam them into the ground, creating a
  column of energy with a skull inside. This attack must be done up close and
  cannot be blocked.

Gore Fest (throw): HCB,F+Punch
 -Vice will grab her opponent and dash forward while dragging them on the 
  ground, then toss them into the air. This attack must be done up close and
  cannot be blocked.

Da Cide (throw): HCF+Kick
 -Vice will whip her arm downward and try to catch her opponent's leg, then
  fling them over her shoulder. Using LK will grab in place, while HK will move
  Vice slightly forward while grabbing. This attack must be blocked low and will
  not hit when used up close.

Outrage: QCB+Kick
 -Vice does a flurry of kicks that produce a multitude of sharp blades around a
  large radius in front of her. LK will perform the kick in place, while HK 
  will do a small hop forward before kicking.

Rave Fest (air): QCB+Kick
 -Vice does a flurry of kicks in the air that produce a multitude of sharp
  blades around a large radius in front of her. The kicks will arc according to
  when it was done during her jump.

Tranquility: F,D,DF+Kick
 -Vice will leap into the air and grab jumping opponents, then grab them with
  her legs and slam them into the ground. HK will leap higher and farther
  than LK.

[Super Combos]
Negative Gain (throw): HCB,HCB+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Tranquility, Vice will backflip and grab her
  opponent with her legs, then backflip multiple times while slamming them 
  into the ground. This attack must be done up close and cannot be blocked.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits        Level 3: 5 Hits

Withering Force (throw): QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Nail Bomb, Vice will somersault forward and
  attempt to grab her opponent. If she does grab them, she will pick them up
  and repeatedly slam them into the ground, then toss them into the air and 
  slam them one last time. At Levels 2 and 3, the final slam creates a large 
  column of energy with a skull in it. Each Level makes Vice somersault a bit
  further. This attack cannot be blocked.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits        Level 3: 5 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - This place will do nicely as your own personal graveyard!
 (HP)   - Are you crying sour grapes? I knew that I should have broken your
 (LK)   - You are nothing but a bug and bugs are supposed to be crushed! Ha
           ha ha!
 (HK)   - Your turn is over... Now it's MY TURN!
(LP+HP) - Did that hurt? I'm sure it did... And I know that this will too!
(LK+HK) - I'm so excited! I love the sound that bones make when they break!
(LP+LK) - You lack respect... I shall teach it to you with my fists!
(HP+HK) - If you can't stand the pain of losing, I can finish the job...


- Yuri -                                      First Appearance: Art of Fighting

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Downward Jab: LP
 Hook Punch: HP              Uppercut: HP              Overhead Smash Punch: HP
 High Kick: LK               Short Kick: LK            Thrust Kick: LK
 Hopping Butt Smack: F+LK    Sweep Kick: HK            Roundhouse Kick: HK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Slap Uppercut: F/B+HP
 Uppercut: HP                Leg Toss: F/B+HK
 Low Kick: LK                Head Bomber (air): (any direction but Up)+HP
 Knee Smash: HK

[Special Moves]
Tiger Flame Punch: QCF+Punch
 -Yuri throws a short-range projectile that only travels slightly farther than
  her arm. Using HP will make the blast travel a bit farther than LP.

Yuri Super Upper: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Yuri will leap forward with an uppercut that can hit twice up close.
  Using HP will travel farther and higher than LP, plus will allow a second

   []Yuri Double Uppers: F,D,DF+HP
      -Yuri will perform a second Yuri Super Upper after performing a first
       Upper with HP by doing the motion again with HP as Yuri touches the

Rai Oh Ken: QCF+Kick
 -Yuri will hop forward and perform a very close range overhead smash punch.
  Using HK will make Yuri leap higher and perform a somersault before the

The 100 Blows: HCB+Kick
 -Yuri will dash forward and try to grab her opponent, then slap then 
  repeatedly. LK slaps 9 times, while HK dashes slightly farther before the
  grab and slaps 11 times. Although this is a grab-type move, it can be

[Super Combos]
Haoh Shoh Koh Ken: F,HCF+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Tiger Flame Punch, Yuri will throw a large
  fireball across the screen. Each Level will makes the fireball travel
  slightly faster. The fireball can cancel an enemy projectile and continue
  on, removing one hit from the total.
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits        Level 3: 5 Hits

Scalding Steam Blast: QCF,D,DF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Yuri Super Upper, Yuri performs multiple
  Super Upper uppercuts in a row. 
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 5 Hits        Level 3: 6 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - That was so cool! I kicked your butt good!
 (HP)   - The Kyokugen style is indeed awesome!
 (LK)   - Today, Kyokugen style has evolved into the Millennium Kyokugen style!
 (HK)   - You've seen the explosiveness of Yuri's power!
(LP+HP) - I am the grand master of Kyokugen style. You didn't stand a chance
           against me!
(LK+HK) - It's not that I beat you, but how fast I beat you that counts! 
(LP+LK) - I'm not a punk! I am a cute and sweet princess, who can kick your
(HP+HK) - I'm afraid of my own incredible strength! You should be too!


- Benimaru -                         First Appearance: The King of Fighters '94

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Elbow Drop: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Downward Elbow: HP        Spinning Uppercut: HP
 High Kick: LK               Short Kick: LK            Knee Drop: LK
 Hopping Roundhouse: HK      Sweep Kick: HK            Backdoor Roundhouse: HK
                                                       Drill Kick: D+HK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Body Slam: F/B+HP
 Fierce Elbow: HP            Knee Smash: F/B+HK
 Low Kick: LK                Knee Drop (air): (any direction but Up)+HP
 Knee Strike: HK

[Special Moves]
Lightning Fist: QCF+Punch  (HP rapidly)
 -Benimaru will punch forward and create a sphere of electricity. If this 
  attack is performed using HP, the attack can be charged for more hits and 
  damage by pressing HP rapidly as Benimaru winds up for the punch.

Iaido Kick: QCF+Kick
 -Benimaru will perform a quick, blurred knee strike forward.

Shinku Katategoma: HCB+Kick  (cancel with LP+HP+LK+HK)
 -Benimaru will spin himself around horizontally on one hand, damaging
  opponents that he hits. If hit by this, an opponent will be knocked to the
  other side of the screen. Benimaru will stop spinning if (LP+HP+LK+HK) is

[Super Combos]
Blast Flash: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Lightning Fist with a larger radius that deals
  more damage.
     Level 1: 5 Hits      Level 2: 7 Hits        Level 3: 10 Hits

Discharge Spark: QCB.QCB+Punch
 -Benimaru will dash across the screen followed by two trails of electricity. 
  If he hits his opponent, then he will pass through them and cross the
  electricity trails, thus making them fall to the ground. Each Level increases
  the distance that Benimaru dashes.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits        Level 3: 5 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - You played a good shadow, but you could never step into the
 (HP)   - My beauty captivates the world!
 (LK)   - How did you like it? It was a splendid victory, wasn't it?
 (HK)   - You are so lucky! I finished you off in a very impressive way!!
(LP+HP) - I knew that I was the only one who could make today's match exciting!
(LK+HK) - I'm not conceited at all! I only speak what everyone else feels!!
(LP+LK) - My lightning strokes dazzle audiences around the world!
(HP+HK) - You shouldn't appreciate my beauty during a fight! Save that for


                                   [Tier 2]

- Kyo -                              First Appearance: The King of Fighters '94

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Elbow Drop: LP
 Backfist: HP                Uppercut: HP              Downward Straight: HP
 Roundhouse Kick: LK         Short Kick: LK            Overhead Smash: D+HP
 Axe Kick: F+LK              Sweep Kick: HK            Flying Knee (up): LK
 Hop Roundhouse: HK          Double Low Kick: DF+HK    Knee Drop (side): LK
                                                       Backdoor Thrust (up): HK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]                   Axe Kick (side): HK
 Elbow Jab: LP               Fierce Backfist: F/B+HP
 Fierce Backfist: HP         Shoulder Slam & Elbow Drop: F/B+HK
 Low Kick: LK
 Indoor Roundhouse: HK

[Special Moves]
Fire Ball: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Kyo performs a rising punch that creates a twirling flame around him. The
  flames themselves will not hit opponents. HP will travel higher than LP,
  and will hit twice up close.

Crescent Slash: HCB+Kick
 -Kyo will run forward and elbow his opponent, then lift them into the air and
  explode them with flame. LK dashes most of the screen, while HK will keep
  running until Kyo makes contact with the opponent.

R.E.D. Kick: B,D,DB+Kick
 -Kyo will leap high forward and bring his leg down with an overhead axe kick.
  RK leaps higher and travels farther than LK.

Wicked Chew: QCF+Punch
 -Kyo will dash forward and perform a flaming hook punch, which can be chained
  into multiple attacks:

   []Nine Scars Maker: QCF+Punch
      -Kyo will perform a flaming uppercut after the Wicked Chew that can
       further be linked to other attacks:

        []Rusting Eight Combos: Punch
           -Kyo will perform a downward flaming elbow following the Nine
            Scars Maker.

        []Seven Hurting Combos: Kick
           -Kyo will perform a lunging mid-level kick following the Nine
            Scars Maker.

   []Rusting Eight Combos: HCB+Punch
      -Kyo will perform a downward flaming elbow after the Wicked Chew that
       can be further linked to other attacks:

        []Seven Hurting Combos: Kick
           -Kyo will perform a lunging mid-level kick following the Rusting
            Eight Combos.

        []Flashing Slash: Punch
           -Kyo will perform a flaming ground punch following the Rusting
            Eight Combos.

[Super Combos]
Serpent Wave: QCB,HCF+Punch  (charge Punch)
 -Kyo will charge a flame in his hand, then slide forward and swipe the flame
  to create a large wave. Holding Punch will delay the wave. At Level 3, Kyo
  will become surrounded by flames and deal slight damage to opponents that
  touch him.
     Level 1: 1 Hit       Level 2: 3 Hits        Level 3: 3 Hits

Final Showdown: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Wicked Chew, Kyo will create a column of
  flame in front of him and punch repeatedly through it. At Level 1, press LP
  repeatedly after the attack for a hidden taunt when the attack has finished.
  At Level 3, Kyo will add a Fire Ball at the end of the attack.
     Level 1: 6 Hit       Level 2: 9 Hits        Level 3: 11 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Come on.. the level of this tournament is way too low, isn't it?
 (HP)   - You've just felt the flame of the famous Kusanagi clan!!
 (LK)   - I fan the eternal flame of victory!
 (HK)   - You should be thankful. I showed you the error of your ways!
(LP+HP) - You know that I didn't try my hardest, but did you?
(LK+HK) - Teamwork? I don't care about that. I alone am the true winner!
(LP+LK) - I didn't want you to feel cheated, so I let you play a little longer
           this time!
(HP+HK) - Haven't you heard the expression about dancing too close to the


- Iori -                             First Appearance: The King of Fighters '95

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Stomach Jab: LP             Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Swiping Slash: HP           Upper Swipe: HP           Downward Smash: HP
 Short Kick: LK              Short Kick: LK            Flying Thrust Kick: LK
 Axe Kick: F+LK              Lunging Sweep: HK         Back Thrust Kick: B+LK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK                                   Backdoor Axe Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Quick Jab: LP               Neck Rip: F/B+HP/HK
 Swipe Uppercut: HP
 Ankle Kick: LK
 High Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Dark Thrust: QCF+Punch
 -Iori sends a blue flame along the ground. LP sends the projectile slower than
  HP does.

Fire Ball: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Iori performs a rising punch that creates a twirling flame around Kyo. The
  flames themselves will not hit opponents. HP will travel higher than LP,
  and will hit three times up close.

Deadly Flower: QCB+Punch  (X3)
 -Iori will dash forward and punch. Repeating the move will add another
  dashing punch, and a third time will finish with a leaping overhead smash

Dark Crescent Slice: HCB+Kick
 -Iori will dash forward and attempt to grab his opponent, then slam them into 
  the ground, then explode them with a blast of blue flame. LK will dash most
  of the screen, while HK will dash until Iori makes contact with the opponent.

Dust Gale (throw): HCB,F+Punch
 -Iori will grab his opponent and push them to his other side, leaving them
  defenseless for a split second. This deals no damage itself and must be
  done right next to the opponent, but cannot be blocked.

[Super Combos]
One-For-The-Road Blast: QCB,HCF+Punch  (charge Punch)
 -A more powerful variation of the Dark Thrust, Iori sends a column of blue
  fire across the ground. When an opponent is hit, they will be stunned within
  a blue puddle for a moment as they Vitality Gauge slowly decreases. Level 1
  sends a single blast around step away from Iori. Level 2 sends four blasts
  around a couple steps away. Level 3 sends eight blasts nearly all the way
  across the screen. Holding a Punch button delays the blast.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 5 Hits       Level 3: 6 Hits

Maiden Masher: QCF,HCB+Punch
 -Iori will dash across the screen and attempt to grab his opponent, then
  unleash a flurry of slashes on them. At Level 1, Iori will grab his opponent
  and explode them with flame. At Level 2, he will slam them to the ground and
  explode them. At Level 3, he will yank his opponent to the ground near the
  background and pump them with flame, then smash them with both arms. Each
  Level makes Iori's dash longer.
     Level 1: 9 Hits      Level 2: 12 Hits      Level 3: 13 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - You must BURN!!!
 (HP)   - Pitiful...
 (LK)   - You will drown in a sea of your own blood! Ha! Ha! Ha!
 (HK)   - For you, living is a fate worst than death!
(LP+HP) - My blood... It commands me... It commands me to destroy you!
(LK+HK) - Die as you have lived, scum. Sad, alone and weak...
(LP+LK) - With each battle I become stronger!
(HP+HK) - Do you know what I like best about you? Your screams!


- Mai -                                          First Appearance: Fatal Fury 2

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Fan Jab: LP                 Dress Jab: LP             Low Fan Jab: LP
 Fan Slash: HP               Back Elbow: HP            Low Fan Slash: HP
 High Fan Jab: F+HP          Short Kick: LK            Flying Knee: LK
 High Kick: LK               Sweep Kick: HK            Low Thrust Kick: B+LK
 Advancing Roundhouse: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Low Fan Jab: LP             Flip Toss: F/B+HP
 Low Kick: LK                Leg Slam: F/B+HK
 Handstand Roundhouse: HK    Ground Stomp (air): (any direction but Up)+HP

[Special Moves]
Triangle Jump (air): Up+opposite direction (jump towards edge of screen)
 -Mai can perform a second jump in mid-air by pushing off the side of the
  screen if she is close enough to it.

Kacho Sen: QCF+Punch
 -Mai tosses a spinning fan across the screen. Using HP will toss the fan
  quicker than LP.

Ryu En Bu: QCB+Punch
 -Mai spins around and creates a wave of flame in front of her. Using HP
  will deal two hits up close.

Flying Squirrel Dance (air): QCB+Punch
 -Mai will flip in mid-jump and propel herself down-forward head-first with
  her fan in her mouth. HP will travel farther out than LP. 

Flying Squirrel Dance: CD,U+Punch
 -Mai will leap back onto the edge of the screen, then propel herself
  down-forward head-first with her fan in her mouth. Mai will always jump
  backwards unless Up-Forward is pressed in the motion. HP will travels a
  bit farther out with the dive than LP.

Deadly Ninja Bees: HCF+Kick
 -Mai cartwheels forward, then leap forward with an elbow strike. This
  will deal two hits up close, one from the cartwheel and one from the elbow

[Super Combos]
Super Deadly Ninja Bees: QCB,HCF+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Deadly Ninja Bees, Mai will cartwheel forward, 
  then leap forward on fire with a multi-hitting elbow strike. At Level 3, Mai
  flips in place and then shoots herself forward inside a huge fireball.
     Level 1: 7 Hits      Level 2: 8 Hits       Level 3: 11 Hits

Crimson Firebird Diver (air): QCB,QCB+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Flying Squirrel Dance, Mai will dive
  down-forward during mid-jump with a fiery diving attack that hits multiple
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - I am 'the best female Ninja' in Japan! Hee hee hee!
 (HP)   - You lost! Now stop crying and accept that reality!
 (LK)   - Hey, just remember that I am a true Japanese woman, kind and
 (HK)   - I thought you'd be... stronger!
(LP+HP) - Now please chant! 'Nippon Ichi'
(LK+HK) - You are not even half as good as Andy!
(LP+LK) - You must have been intimidated by my strength, attractiveness and
(HP+HK) - This is the Shiranui style Ninjustu!


- Terry -                                          First Appearance: Fatal Fury

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Chop: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Straight Punch: HP        Downward Straight: HP
 Quick Roundhouse: LK        Uppercut: DF+HP           High Kick: LK
 Side Thrust Kick: HK        Short Kick: LK            Roundhouse: HK
                             High Sweep Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Uppercut Smash: F/B+HP
 Double Gut Punch: HP        Shoulder Toss: F/B+HK
 Knee Strike: LK
 Punt Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Power Wave: QCF+Punch
 -Terry punches the ground and sends a wave of energy across the screen. HP
  sends the wave out faster than LP.

Burning Knuckles: QCB+Punch
 -Terry leaps forward very quickly with his fist out, which is engulfed by
  energy. Using LP propels Terry halfway across the screen, while HP sends
  him across the entire screen.

Crack Shot: QCB+Kick
 -Terry somersaults forward with his leg out for a heel drop kick. HK leaps
  and hits higher than LK.

Rising Tackle: CD,U+Punch
 -Terry will leap upside-down and spin around with his fists out, hitting
  opponents that are above or beside him. If done up close with HP, this can
  hit multiple times.

[Super Combos]
Power Geyser: QCB,DB,F+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Power Wave, Terry punches the ground and
  creates a huge geyser of energy in front of him. He creates two geysers at
  Level 2, and 3 geysers at Level 3.
     Level 1: 1 Hit       Level 2: 2 Hits       Level 3: 3 Hits

Buster Wolf: QCF,QCF+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Burning Knuckles, Terry will propel himself
  forward with his energy-engulfed fist out until he hits his opponent. Then
  he will shift his weight to his back leg and create a geyser of energy from
  his fist. With each Level, the first punch travels farther.
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 6 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - This was the best match that I've had in a while. You should be
           proud! OK!
 (HP)   - Don't get mad... get even!
 (LK)   - The qualifications for this tournament should have been a lot more
 (HK)   - If you want to play with the big boys, you'd better learn how to
           block better!
(LP+HP) - Don't waste my time with your weak skills, scrub!
(LK+HK) - A good fight for you, but an easy win for me...
(LP+LK) - You must respect the power of my fatal fury!!
(HP+HK) - You can't survive in South Town with your current skill level...


- Ryo -                                       First Appearance: Art of Fighting

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Downward Chop: LP
 Hammer Fist: F+LP           Uppercut: HP              Downward Punch: HP
 Straight Punch: HP          Short Kick: LK            Thrust Kick: LK
 Front Kick: LK              Sweep Kick: HK            Downward Thrust: HK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 High Jab: LP                Overhead Smash: F/B+HP
 Gut Punch: HP               Leg Toss: F/B+HK
 Front Snap Kick: LK
 Low Roundhouse: HK

[Special Moves]
Tiger Flame Punch: QCF+Punch  (air)
 -Ryo tosses a small red fireball across the screen. This attack can also be
  used in the air to throw a fireball at a downward angle. HP makes the 
  fireball travel quicker than LP.

Koho: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Ryo leaps into the air with a rising punch that travels almost straight up.
  Using HP travels much higher and slightly farther out than LP.

Lightning Legs Knockout Kick: CDB,F+Kick
 -Ryo will propel himself forward with a jumpkick. If he makes contact with
  the opponent, he will twist around and roundhouse kick with his other leg.
  LK will travel halfway across the screen, while HK will travel all the way

Zan Retsu Ken: F,B,F+Punch
 -Ryo will create a flurry of punches in front of him. If one hits the
  opponent, they will be sucked in and punched multiple times, then knocked
  into the air with an uppercut. HP makes the punch flurry last longer than 
  LP, and hits more times upon contact.

[Super Combos]
Haoh Sho Koh Ken: F,HCF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Tiger Flame Punch, Ryo will throw a huge
  fireball across the screen. With each Level, the fireball increases in 
  both speed and size. The fireball can cancel an enemy projectile and
  continue on, removing one hit from the total.
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

Ryuko Ranbu: QCF,HCB+Punch
 -Ryo will dash forward and try to make contact with his opponent, then
  unleash a barrage of punches and kicks finished by a Koho rising uppercut.
  At Levels 2 and 3, Ryo uppercuts twice. With each Level, Ryo will dash a
  greater distance at the beginning.
     Level 1: 11 Hits     Level 2: 12 Hits      Level 3: 15 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - I can deal with any opponents with my Kyokugen style!
 (HP)   - Here's a hint on how to beat me, 'WATCH MY HANDS'!
 (LK)   - People call me the 'Invincible Dragon'!
 (HK)   - I can never lose! After all, I must live up to my impressive
(LP+HP) - Osu!
(LK+HK) - Come on! Let's have another fight! I'm not tired yet!!
(LP+LK) - Don't hesitate to try and fight me again!
(HP+HK) - I will spread my style all over the world!!


- Kim -                                          First Appearance: Fatal Fury 2

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Downward Jab: LP
 Roundhouse Kick: HP         High Kick: HP             Upside-Down Kick: HP
 Front Snap Kick: LK         Short Kick: LK            High Kick: LK
 Advancing Thrust Kick: HK   Sweep Kick: HK            Downward Thrust: HK
 Axe Kick: F+HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Double Kick: HP             Shoulder Toss: F/B+HP
 Face Kick: LK               Three-Kick Combo: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Reverse Stance: (After Advancing Thrust Kick or Axe Kick) Hold HK
 -Kim will go into an alternate immobile stance by holding HK. He will 
  perform an advancing thrust kick, then remain with his back towards the
  screen until HK is released, or one of these attacks is performed:

     []Low Slash Kick: LP
        -Kim will perform a very quick low kick.

     []Axe Kick: HP
        -Kim will perform a low-hitting axe kick.

     []Backdoor Head Kick: LK
        -Kim will perform a high kick that knocks down opponents.

Crescent Moon Slice: QCB+Kick
 -Kim will somersault forward and land with a splits kick, hitting twice
  up close as he brings his legs down. HK travels farther across the
  screen than LK.

Flying Kick (air): QCF+Kick
 -Kim dives down-forward feet-first, attempting to make contact with his 
  opponent. If he does, he will alternate kicks between his feet. HK hits
  quicker and more times than LK, as well as travels farther out.

Flying Slice: CD,U+Kick
 -Kim will leap straight up and somersault backwards with his leg out, for
  a slicing flash kick. HK travels higher than LK, and can add a second hit by
  pressing Down+HK after the first kick.

Spirit of Conquest Kick: D,D+Kick
 -Kim will perform a very short-range stomp kick that hits low. If done with HK,
  holding HK afterwards will put Kim in Reverse Stance, seen above.

[Super Combos]
Phoenix Flattener: QCB,DB,F+Kick
 -Kim will dash forward and try to make contact with his opponent, then
  unleash a barrage of kicks finished by a Koho rising uppercut. With each
  Level, Kim will dash a greater distance at the beginning and add a wider
  variety of kicks to the barrage.
     Level 1: 14 Hits     Level 2: 16 Hits      Level 3: 17 Hits

Super Phoenix Kick (air): QCF,HCB+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Flying Kick, Kim will dive at his opponent
  and then unleash a series of rapid somersault kicks finished with mid-air
  roundhouse kicks.
     Level 1: 7 Hits      Level 2: 9 Hits       Level 3: 11 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Didn't you realize how amazing Taekwondo was?
 (HP)   - Your lack of justice is only one of your many flaws...
 (LK)   - You've got guts to be a fighter! But do you have the means?
 (HK)   - Justice will prevail every time!
(LP+HP) - I am the wolf and you are the sheep!
(LK+HK) - We are the future!
(LP+LK) - Taekwondo is the sport of kings!
(HP+HK) - Training is the best exercise for a perfect body and mind.


- Raiden -                                         First Appearance: Fatal Fury

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Backhand Slap: LP           Jab: LP                   Palm Jab: LP
 Downward Straight: HP       Straight Punch: HP        Two-Hand Chop: HP
 Front Kick: LK              Short Kick: LK            Low Boot: LK
 Dropkick: HK                Sweep Kick: HK            Dropkick: HK
                             Stomp Kick: DF+HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Drop: HP              Piledriver: F/B+HP
 Giant Knee: LK             *Strangle Hold: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Giant Bomb: CB,F+Punch
 -Raiden will hunch forward, then perform a tackle forward. He can be
  attacked while in the hunched position, and HP will ram farther than LP.

Poison Spray: HCB+Punch
 -Raiden will quickly put something in his mouth, then spray a cloud of
  poison in front of him. HP keeps the cloud out longer than LP.

Super Drop Kick: Charge Kick, release
 -Raiden jumps forward and kicks with both legs while falling to the ground. 
  The longer the charge, the slightly longer the kick travels.

Thunder Crush Bomb (throw): 360º Motion+Kick
 -Raiden will lift up his opponent and powerbomb them into the ground, then
  leap into the air and toss them at the ground. This attack must be performed
  up close, and cannot be blocked.

Raiden Combination - Body Blow: B,D,DB+Punch
 -Raiden will dash forward and punch his opponent's stomach. This attack can
  be chained to two other moves:

     []Headbutt: QCB+Punch
        -Raiden will dash forward another step and strike downward with his

     []Front Suplex (throw): QCB+Kick
        -Raiden will grab his opponent, then twist and slam them behind him.
         This attack must be very close to the opponent to connect, and cannot 
         be blocked.

[Super Combos]
Destruction Drop (throw): 720º Motion+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Thunder Crush Bomb, Raiden will grab his
opponent and powerbomb them multiple times, then leap into the air and bring
  them down with his elbow. This attack must be performed up close and cannot
  be blocked.
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits       Level 3: 4 Hits

Flame Breath: HCB,HCB+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Poison Spray, Raiden will spit a cloud of
  fire in front of him that lasts longer than a Poison Spray. This attack will
  hit multiple times up close.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - My body is as solid as Ayres Rock!
 (HP)   - See... Wrestling is NOT fake!
 (LK)   - Stop crying weakling! I didn't even break a sweat!
 (HK)   - Didn't you know that wrestling is the most fantastic sport in the
(LP+HP) - That was as easy as one, two, three!!
(LK+HK) - I am Raiden! I am the true champion of the professional wrestling
(LP+LK) - What's the matter wimp?! Don't you like it when I crush your bones?!
           Ha! Ha! Ha!
(HP+HK) - Can you hear the billions... and billions of Raiden fans out there?!


                                   [Tier 3]

- Yamazaki -         First Appearance: Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Downward Jab: LP
 Downward Stab: F+LP         Upper Backhand: HP        Uppercut: HP
 Downward Straight: HP       Short Kick: LK            Downward Kick (up): LK
 Front Kick: LK              Sweep Kick: HK            Side Kick (side): LK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK                                   Roundhouse Kick (up): HK
                                                       Heel Kick (side): HK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Body Jab: LP                Face Plant: F/B+HP
 Uppercut: HP                Toss Aside: F/B+HK
 Ankle Kick: LK
 Double Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Hydra's Judgement: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Yamazaki will dash forward and slash with his knife. Using HP will add a
  slower dash with a knife stab after the slash.

Serpent Slash Upper: QCB+LP  (charge LP)
 -Yamazaki will slash his arm upward with an extended reach. Charging LP will
  make Yamazaki taunt his opponent three times and delay the slash. Shortly
  after the third taunt, the slash will automatically strike.

Serpent Slash Middle: QCB+HP  (charge HP)
 -Yamazaki will slash his arm forward with an extended reach. Charging HP will
  make Yamazaki taunt his opponent three times and delay the slash. Shortly
  after the third taunt, the slash will automatically strike.

Serpent Slash Lower: QCB+LK  (charge LK)
 -Yamazaki will slash his arm downward with an extended reach. Charging LK will
  make Yamazaki taunt his opponent three times and delay the slash. Shortly
  after the third taunt, the slash will automatically strike.

Serpent's Feint: (While charging any Serpent Slash) HK
 -Yamazaki will cancel his Serpent Slash and taunt his opponent.

Taunt & Counter: HCF+Kick
 -Yamazaki will wiggle his tongue at his opponent and taunt them. If he is
  hit by any high or mid-level attack during his taunt, he will counterattack
  with a spiralling uppercut. Yamazaki can be hit low during this attack.

Double Return: QCF+Punch
 -Yamazaki will perform a slow uppercut, which can hit opponents if used very
  close. This attack can be used to cancel projectiles thrown at Yamazaki, and
  send a large, red fireball back at the thrower.

Poison Tentacles: B,D,DB+Punch  (charge)
 -Yamazaki will charge a flame in his hand, then dash forward and punch with
  it. This attack can be delayed and have the range extended by holding a 
  Punch button. After 6 seconds of charging, Yamazaki will automatically punch.

Flight of Tempering: F,D,DF+Kick
 -Yamazaki will axe kick and create a small cloud of dust upon hitting the
  ground with his foot. The dust cannot hit opponents, though, making this a
  close-range attack.

[Super Combos]
Guillotine: F,B,DB,D,DF+Punch
 -Yamazaki will leap forward with an uppercut, then bring his hand down and try
  to catch his opponent. If he does, he will drag them along the ground for
  several hits and launch them into the air. If done up close, the uppercut
  will launch the opponent into the air and Yamazaki will automatically grab
  them on the way down. Level 3 adds a flurry of kicks at the end of the attack.
     Level 1: 8 Hits      Level 2: 10 Hits      Level 3: 13 Hits

Drill (throw): 360º Motion+Punch  (Punch rapidly)
 -Yamazaki will grab his opponent and uppercut them into the air, then clutch
  his hand in front of him to charge for his next move. Each Level has four 
  results depending on how many times the Punch buttons are pressed, which can
  be measured by how far Yamazaki lowers his hand while charging. This attack
  must be done up close and cannot be blocked. 
     (Level 1) 0-4 times:    Backfist Frenzy                 (5 Hits)
               5-10 times:   Kick Frenzy & Drill             (7 Hits)
               11-15 times:  Headbutt Frenzy & Drill         (7 Hits)
               16+ times:    Serpent Slash Frenzy & Drill    (8 Hits)

     (Level 2) 0-4 times:    Kick Frenzy & Drill             (6 Hits)
               5-10 times:   Combo Frenzy & Drill            (8 Hits)
               11-15 times:  Face Plant Frenzy & Drill       (7 Hits)
               16+ times:    Serpent Slash Frenzy & Drill   (11 Hits)

     (Level 3) 0-4 times:    Kick Frenzy & Drill             (6 Hits)
               5-10 times:   Flaming Headbutt Frenzy & Drill (8 Hits)
               11-15 times:  Stomp Kick Frenzy & Drill       (9 Hits)
               16+ times:    Serpent Slash Frenzy & Drill   (14 Hits)

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - What!? Was I fighting unfairly? Do you think I really care about
 (HP)   - Hey, wait! You can't quit yet!! I still have more for you!
 (LK)   - Look at my shoes! They got dirty! Lick them! I said lick my shoes
 (HK)   - You had better apologize to me for being so weak! Or else!!
(LP+HP) - You won't understand how stupid you are until I beat it into you!
(LK+HK) - Heck! Did I frighten you too much or what?!
(LP+LK) - Ha ha ha! You look better now than you did before!
(HP+HK) - What!? What makes you believe I will forgive you if you apologize?


- Rugal -                            First Appearance: The King of Fighters '94

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Chop: LP                    Chop: LP                  Elbow Drop: LP
 Hook Punch: HP              Backhand: HP              Downward Stab: HP
 Shin Kick: LK               Short Kick: LK            Flying Knee: LK
 High Roundhouse: HK         Trip Kick: HK             Downward Thrust Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Backhand Slice: HP          Energy Drain: F/B+HP
 Ankle Kick: LK              Toss Aside: F/B+HK
 Backdoor Roundhouse: HK

[Special Moves]
Wind Slice: QCF+Punch
 -Rugal tosses a wave of energy along the ground and across the screen. HP
  sends the wave faster than LP.

Kaiser Wave: F,HCF+Punch  (charge Punch)
 -Rugal sends a huge fireball across the screen. This can be charged to
  increase the number of hits it deals by holding Punch. The farther Rugal
  bends back while charging, the more hits it will deal up to a total of

Super Press: HCB+Punch
 -Rugal will dash forward and try to grab his opponent. If this is successful,
  he will drag them to the very edge of the screen and slam them against it.
  Using LP will travel most of the screen, while HP will continue dashing
  until Rugal makes contact with his opponent.

Dark Barrier: HCF+Kick
 -Rugal creating a glowing spiral shield in front of him that can reflect
  projectiles back at their thrower. This can also be used to hit an opponent
  once up close. HK makes the shield stay up a split second longer than LK.

Destroyer Cutter: F,D,DF+Kick
 -Rugal will leap into the air and bring his leg around and over his head,
  creating a wave of energy. HK will travel higher than LK.

[Super Combos]
Gigantic Pressure: QCF,HCB+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Super Press, Rugal will dash forward and
  try to grab his opponent. If this is successful, he will drag them to the
  very edge of the screen and slam them against it, creating a large column
  of energy with a skull in it. At Level 2, he will perform a second slam
  against the opposite wall, and only the second slam with create the energy
  column. At Level 3, both slam create columns. Each Level increases the
  distance that Rugal travels during the dash.
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits       Level 3: 3 Hits

Total Annihilation: QCF,QCF+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Destroyer Cutter, Rugal will perform two
  slashing kicks, then leap into the air with a Destroyer Cutter. At Level 3,
  he will perform two Destroyer Cutters in a row.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits       Level 3: 7 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Evil is what keeps life interesting...
(HP)   - That was another luscious symphony of bone crushing sounds! Ha ha ha!
 (LK)   - Ha ha ha! Seeing your desperate yet helpless struggle pleases me!
 (HK)   - The curtain of your life is about to fall...
(LP+HP) - My moves are superior to other martial arts in all aspects!
(LK+HK) - A hospital or a cemetery, it is your choice!
(LP+LK) - A brilliant performance...
(HP+HK) - How very unimpressive... You are not qualified to join my collection.


- Geese -                                          First Appearance: Fatal Fury

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Chop: LP                  Palm Drop: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Uppercut: HP              Double Palm Strike: HP
 Stepping Backfist: F+HP     Short Kick: LK            Thrust Kick: LK
 Low Kick: LK                Sweep Kick: HK            High Roundhouse (up): HK
 Hopping Roundhouse: HK                                Backdoor Kick (side): HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Gut Blow: HP                Overhead Flip: F/B+HP
 Front Snap Kick: LK         Shoulder Slam: F/B+HK
 Axe Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Wind Slice: QCF+LP
 -Geese tosses a small energy wave along the ground and across the screen. 

Double Wind Slice: QCF+HP
 -Geese creates a small energy wave in front of him, then doubles its size
  and tosses it across the screen. This attack will hit twice up close.

Gale Slash (air): QCB+Punch
 -Geese tosses a downward fireball while in mid-jump. This attack will push
  Geese slightly back and up into the air. HP makes the fireball travel faster
  than LP.

Upper Body Blow: HCB+LP
 -Geese will attempt to counter an opponent's high attack. If he is successful,
  he will flip them over his shoulder and slam them into the ground.

Middle Body Blow: HCB+HP
 -Geese will attempt to counter an opponent's mid-level attack. If he is
  successful, he will lift them above his head and slam them into the ground.

Lower Body Blow: HCB+LK
 -Geese will attempt to counter an opponent's low attack. If he is successful,
  he will flip them into the air and hit them with a dual palm strike.

[Super Combos]
Raising Storm: DB,HCB,DF+Punch
 -Geese will strike the ground with both palms and create many columns of
  energy around him. These will hit opponents multiple times up close, but the
  controller motion is tricky.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

Deadly Rave: HCB,F+LK (LP,LP,LK,LK,HP,HP,HK,HK,QCB+HP)              (LV3 & MAX)
 -Geese will dash across the screen after performing the (HCB,F+LK) motion.
  When he hits his opponent, press the button combination as listed for a large
  series of punches and kicks finished with an energy blast. The button
  sequence looks intimidating, but it is really just hitting every button twice
  in a row. If all the hits land, this attack will deal nearly half a Vitality
  Gauge of damage.
     Level 3: 10 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Everyone must suffer!!
 (HP)   - Oh, are you begging me for your life? Too little, and much too late.
 (LK)   - Pride means nothing to one such as I...
 (HK)   - Not bad.. You could work for me if you could stand up!
(LP+HP) - Another insignificant bug that needed to be stepped on...
(LK+HK) - Yabo!!
(LP+LK) - How dare you even think that you are on my level of skill! Now
(HP+HK) - You don't have the courage to challenge me again, do you? Ha ha ha!


[VII] (Capcom EX Characters)


                                   [Tier 1]

- Sakura -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Low Jab: LP               Dropping Palm: LP
 Straight: HP                Uppercut: HP              Downward Smash: HP
 Shin Kick: LK               Short Kick: LK            Flying Thrust: LK
 Flower Kick: B+LK           Sweep Kick: HK            Downward Thrust: HK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Upward Smash: HP           *Strangle & Elbow: F/B+HP
 High Kick: HK               Kick Off: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Hadouken: QCF+Punch  (Punch rapidly)
 -Sakura will throw a fireball that will disintegrate after travelling most
  of the screen. Pressing Punch rapidly before Sakura throws the fireball
  will increase the size of the projectile, but decrease the distance it
  travels before fading.

Shououken: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Sakura will run forward and uppercut into the air. The dash is longer and 
  hits opponents multiple times if using HP.

Shunpukyaku: QCB+Kick  (air)
 -Sakura will perform a spinning kick that arcs slightly upward before
  returning to the ground. This knock an opponent down with one hit, and can
  also be done in the air at an arc corresponding to Sakura's jump.

[Super Combos]
Midarezakura: QCF,QCF+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Shououken, Sakura will perform multiple
  uppercuts in a row.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits       Level 3: 9 Hits

Shinku Hadouken: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Hadoushou, Sakura throws a large blue 
  fireball across the screen which dissipates and loses hits as it 
  travels. The fireball can cancel an enemy projectile and continue on,
  removing one hit from the total.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

Haruichiban: QCB,QCB+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Shunpukyaku, Sakura spins forward with a
  series of low kicks, ending with a high kick. This attack must be blocked
     Level 1: 5 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits       Level 3: 7 Hits


- Cammy -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Backfist: HP                Low Straight: HP          Flying Straight: HP
 Face Kick: LK               Uppercut: DF+HP           Flying Thrust: LK
 Handstand Roundhouse: HK    Short Kick: LK            Flying Roundhouse: HK
                             Low Thrust: DB+HK
                             Double Leg Sweep: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Suplex: F/B+HP
 Double Arm Smash: HP        Frankensteiner: F/B+HK
 Knee Strike: LK             Shoulder Toss (air): (any direction but Up)+HP
 Handstand Kick: HK          Air Steiner (air): (any direction but Up)+HK

[Special Moves]
Cannon Spike: F,D,DF+Kick
 -Cammy performs a rising kick, which is very useful against air attackers.
  Using HK travels much higher and farther than LK.

Hooligan Combination: DB,D,DF,F,UF+Punch
 -Cammy will roll into a ball and jump forward. This can be followed by any
  of these attacks:

   []Fatal Leg Twister: (any direction but Up)+Punch (near head)
      -Cammy performs a Frankensteiner throw attack. Perform the motion when
       Cammy is near her opponent's head.

   []Cross Scissors Pressure: (any direction but Up)+Punch (near body)
      -Cammy will grab her opponent and spin them into the air, then land on
       them with a stomp. Perform the motion when Cammy is near her opponent's

   []Razor Edge Slicer: Neutral
      -Cammy will perform a sliding kick upon hitting the ground if nothing is
       done during the Hooligan Combination roll.

   []Cannon Strike: Kick
      -Cammy will perform a diving kick forward while in mid-jump. HK will 
       travel a bit farther out than LK.

Cannon Strike (air): QCB+Kick
 -Cammy will perform a diving kick forward while in mid-jump. HK will travel
  a bit farther out than LK.

[Super Combos]
Spin Drive Smasher: QCF,D,DF+Kick
 -Cammy will perform a multi-hitting Spiral Arrow, followed by a multi-hitting
  Cannon Spike.
     Level 1: 6 Hits      Level 2: 7 Hits       Level 3: 9 Hits

Reverse Shaft Breaker: QCB,QCB+Kick  (Kick rapidly)
 -A more powerful variation of the Cannon Spike that sends Cammy straight up
  into the air. Pressing Kick buttons as she rises will inflict more hits and
  damage. Each Level will make the kick go higher into the air.
     Level 1: 9 Hits      Level 2: 10 Hits      Level 3: 13 Hits


- Dhalsim -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Poke Chop: LP               Stretch Jab: LP           Stretch Jab (up): LP
 Stretch Punch: HP           Stretch Straight: HP      Down Jab (side): LP
 Dual Stretch Punch: F+HP    Short Slide: LK           Stretch Down Punch: HP
 Low Stretch Kick: LK        Slide Kick: HK            Yoga Mummy: D+HP
 High Stretch Kick: HK                                 Stretch Thrust Kick: LK
 Stretch Roundhouse: F+HK                              Yoga Spear Forward: D+LK
                                                       Stretch Roundhouse: HK
                                                       Yoga Spear Down: D+HK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]                   Floating Taunt: Start+LK
 Overhead Chop: LP          *Yoga Noogie: F/B+HP
 Double Headbutt: HP         Yoga Throw: F/B+HK
 Short Kick: LK
 High Knee: HK
 Short Kick: DB+LK
 Sweep Kick: DB+HK

[Special Moves]
Yoga Fire: QCF+Punch
 -Dhalsim will spit a fireball across the screen. LP will make the projectile
  travel slower and will not knock the opponent over, while HP is faster and
  knocks the opponent down.

Yoga Flame: HCF+Punch
 -Dhalsim spits out a close range fire that is much larger than a Yoga Fire.
  Using HP keeps the blast out longer than LP.

Yoga Blast: HCB+Kick
 -Dhalsim spits out s close range fire into the air at an angle. Using HK keeps
  the blast out longer than LK.

Yoga Teleport: F,D,DF or B,D,DB + (LP+HP or LK+HK)
 -Dhalsim will teleport either forward or backward, depending if (F,D,DF) or 
  (B,D,DB) is used. Using (LP+HP) will teleport Dhalsim halfway across the
  screen, while (LK+HK) travels all the way across. Dhalsim cannot be attacked
  while he is teleporting.

[Super Combos]
Yoga Tempest: HCF,HCF+Punch
 -A more powerful multi-hitting version of the Yoga Flame, Dhalsim will spit
  out a close range fire that hits multiple times up close.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits


- Blanka -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Chop: LP                    Low Scratch: LP           Scratch: LP
 Scoop Scratch: HP           Reaching Uppercut: HP     Fierce Scratch (up): HP
 Headbutt: B+HP              Back Slide: DF+HP         Scoop Scratch (side): HP
 Short Kick: LK              Short Kick: LK            High Kick (up): LK
 Backflip Kick: HK           Back Sweep: HK            Down Thrust (side): LK
                             Roundhouse: DB+HK         Double Foot Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Slap: LP                   *Grab & Bite: F/B+HP
 Double Knee: LK             Rolling Toss: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Electric Thunder: Punch rapidly
 -Blanka will hunch down and create an blast of electricity around himself.
  Blanka will keep the electricity pulsating as long as a Punch button is
  being pressed rapidly.
Rolling Attack: CB,F+Punch
 -Blanka will roll into a ball and fly forward. LP travels halfway across the
  screen, HP travels the whole screen. If this attack is blocked, Blanka will
  roll back into the air for a second, leaving him open for a counterattack.

Surprise Forward: F+LK+RK
 -Blanka bears his teeth and dashes forward. He can still be hit during this
  move, but he can travel through opponents if done close enough.

Surprise Back: B+LK+RK
 -Blanka bugs out his eyes and dashes back. He can still be hit during this

[Super Combos]
Ground Shave Rolling: CB,F,B,F+Punch  (charge Punch)
 -Blanka rolls into a ball and spin forward along the ground to hit his
  opponent multiple times. Holding Punch will make Blanka spin in place, and
  he will roll forward when the button is released or after a couple seconds.
  Eave Level causes Blanka to roll farther across the screen.
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits       Level 3: 4 Hits


                                   [Tier 2]

- Ken -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Uppercut: HP              Downward Straight: HP
 High Snap Kick: LK          Short Kick: LK            Air High Kick (up): LK
 Axe Kick: F+LK              Sweep Kick: HK            Knee Drop (side): LK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK         Extended Kick: DB+HK      Air Roundhouse (up): HK
                                                       Thrust Kick (side): HK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Shoulder Toss: F/B+HP
 Uppercut: HP                Rolling Leg Toss: F/B+HK
 Shin Kick: LK               Air Leg Toss (air): (any direction but Up)+HK

[Special Moves]
Hadouken: QCF+Punch
 -Ken throws a blue fireball that travels horizontally across the screen.
  Using LP makes the projectile travel slower than HP does.

Shouryuken: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Ken will rise into the air with an uppercut. Using HP will make the attack
  travel higher into the air. Using HP will make the uppercut travel higher
  into the air, as well as set Ken's arm on fire for multiple hits up close.

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: QCB+Kick  (air)
 -Ken will spin forward with a kick. If performed in the air, the kick will
  arc up or down according to the time performed during his jump. Using HK
  will spin five times and LK will spin twice, and the kick will continue
  to hit an opponent with each spin for minimal damage.

Front Rolling Move: QCB+Punch
 -Ken will roll forward, and can pass through his opponent if close enough to
  them. He can still be hit during this move, so it is safer to perform a

Nataotoshi Kick: F,DF,D+Kick
 -Ken performs a quick inside roundhouse that attacks high.

Kamabarai Kick: QCF+Kick
 -Ken performs a quick outdoor roundhouse that attacks high.

Oosotomawashi Kick: HCF+Kick
 -Ken performs a high roundhouse kick that knocks down the opponent when hit.

Inazuma Kakato Kick: (during Nataotoshi/Kamabarai/Oosotomawashi Kick) hold Kick
 -Ken will perform a second axe kick after any of the above listed kicks by
  holding any Kick button during the attack.

[Super Combos]
Shouryureppa: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Shouryuken, Ken performs the attack twice in
  a row rapidly. At Level 3, Ken performs three Shouryukens, the last one
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits       Level 3: 7 Hits


- Chun-Li -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Slap: LP                    Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Low Straight: HP          Downward Straight: HP
 Thrust Kick: LK             Short Kick: LK            High Kick (up): LK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK         Flip Neck Breaker: DF+LK  Thrust Kick (side): LK
                             Leg Sweep: DB+HK          Backflip Kick (up): HK
                             Handstand Sweep Kick: HK  Double Kick (side): HK
                                                       Stomp Kick: D+HK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Stomach Shove: HP           Ground Slam: F/B+HP
 High Kick: HK               Head Kick: F/B+HK
                             Ground Slam (air): (any direction but Up)+HP

[Special Moves]
Triangle Jump (air): Up+opposite direction (jump towards edge of screen)
 -Chun-Li can perform a second jump in mid-air by pushing off the side of the
  screen if she is close enough to it.

Hyakuretsukyaku: Kick rapidly
 -Chun-Li will kick rapidly in front of her, covering a wide radius. Tapping
  LK will kick slower than HK, and Chun-Li will continue the attack until
  the button-pressing stops.

Spinning Bird Kick: CD,U+Kick  (air)
 -Chun-Li will flip upside-down and spin forward with her legs split apart.
  Using HK will travel farther than LK, and can hit twice when performed up
  close. To perform an arcing version of the attack, charge Down, then jump
  into the air in any direction and press a Kick button as Chun-Li is rising.

[Super Combos]
Senretsukyaku: CB,F,B,F+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Hyakuretsukyaku, Chun-Li will dash forward
  with a series of normal kicks ending with a Hyakuretsukyaku.
     Level 1: 5 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hit        Level 3: 7 Hits

Spinning Hornet Kick: CDB,DF,DB,UF+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Spinning Bird Kick, Chun-Li will flip upside
  down and spin slightly upward with her legs split apart, hitting rapidly.
     Level 1: 6 Hits      Level 2: 7 Hit        Level 3: 15 Hits


- Guile -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Uppercut: HP              Down Straight (up): HP
 Spinning Backfist: F+HP     Straight Punch: DB+HP     Flying Chop (side): LK
 Shin Kick: LK               Short Roundhouse: LK      High Kick (up): LK
 Lunging Kick: HK            Roundhouse: HK            Knee Drop (side): LK
                             Double Leg Sweep: DF+HK   Roundhouse: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Uppercut: HP                Shoulder Toss: F/B+HP
 High Kick: HK               Suplex: F/B+HK
                             Ground Slam (air): (any direction but Up)+HP
                             Backbreaker (air): (any direction but Up)+HK

[Special Moves]
Sonic Boom: CB,F+Punch
 -Guile tosses a twisting wave of energy horizontally across the screen. Using
  HP will make the projectile travel quicker than LP.

Somersault Kick: CD,U+Kick
 -Guile will leap into the air and somersault backwards while kicking, creating
  a large wave. HK travels higher than LK, and the attack will knock down an
  opponent when hit.

[Super Combos]
Somersault Strike: CDB,DF,DB,UF+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Somersault Kick that performs the attack
  twice in a row, hitting multiple times. At Level 3, this attack will
  perform three Somersault Kicks.
     Level 1: 6 Hits      Level 2: 8 Hits        Level 3: 10 Hits


- Zangief -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Overhead Chop: LP           Chop: LP                  Straight Chop: LP
 Smash Punch: HP             Smash Punch: HP           Down Straight (up): HP
 Shin Kick: LK               Short Kick: LK            Headbutt (up): U+HP
 Drop Kick: HK               Long Leg Trip: HK         Flat Straight (side): HP
                                                       Body Splash (side): D+HP
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]                   Drop Kick: LK
 Backhand Chop: HP           Piledriver: F+HP          Flip Drop Kick: HK
 High Kick: HK               Suplex: B+HP
                            *Head Bite: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Double Lariat: LP+HP
 -Zangief will spin around twice with his arms out, knocking down opponents
  that he hits. Zangief will pass through oncoming attacks if performed at the
  right time.

High Speed Double Lariat: LK+HK
 -Zangief will quickly spin around once with his arms out, knocking down
  opponents that he hits. Zangief will pass through oncoming attacks if
  performed at the right time, and cannot be hit low during this attack.

Screw Piledriver (throw): 360º motion+Punch
 -Zangief spins with his opponent into the air and descends with a piledriver.
  This attack must be done very close to the opponent, and cannot be blocked.
  Using HP spins higher than LP and inflicts slightly more damage.

[Super Combos]
Final Atomic Buster (throw): 720º motion+Punch
 -This is a more powerful variation of both the Atomic Suplex and Screw
  Piledriver, and must be performed right next to an opponent. Zangief will
  do a series of suplexes, followed by a series of spinning piledrivers.
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits        Level 3: 4 Hits


- E. Honda -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Forward Slap: LP            Forward Slap: LP          Downward Slap: LP
 Overhead Chop: HP           Arm Sweep: HP             Arm Swipe: HP
 Fierce Slap: F/B+HP         Fierce Slap: DB+HP        Butt Drop: LK
 Short Kick: LK              Short Kick: LK            Thrust Kick: HK
 Leg Sweep: F/B+HK           Leg Sweep: HK             Body Splash: D+HK
 High Roundhouse: HK         Thrust Kick: DB+HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 (None)                     *Bear Hug: F/B+HP
                             Body Toss: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Hyakuretsu Harite: Punch rapidly
 -E. Honda will slap furiously in front of himself, making his arms appear as
  blurs. Pressing LP rapidly will continue to slap until the button is neutral,
  and E. Honda can move forward or back while attacking. Pressing HP rapidly
  will make E. Honda perform a quick flurry of slaps, and he can be moved
  slightly forward or back while doing so.

Super Zutsuki: CB,F+Punch
 -E. Honda will shoot himself across the screen with a quick headbutt. Using
  LP will propel Honda a couple steps, while HP will propel him across the
  length of the entire screen.

Super Hyakkan Otoshi: CD,U+Kick
 -E. Honda will leap into the air with a Body Splash motion, then drop
  straight down will a Butt Drop attack. Using HK will leap higher than LK,
  but it will not hit while leaping into the air.

[Super Combos]
Onimusou: CB,F,B,F+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Super Zutsuki that will perform multiple
  headbutts in a row. At Level 3, Honda will add a Hyakuretsu Harite attack
  at the end.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 5 Hits        Level 3: 10 Hits


- Balrog -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Downward Jab (up): LP
 Straight Smash: HP          Uppercut: HP              Short Hook (side): LP
 Elbow Jab: LK               Fierce Straight: DB+HP    Fierce Hook (up): HP
 Hook Punch: HK              Straight: LK              Low Straight (side): HP
                             Hook Trip Punch: HK       Downward Jab: LK
                             Low Straight: DB+HK       Low Straight: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Uppercut: HP                Gut Punch: F/B+HP
 Body Blow: HK              *Headbutt: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Dash Straight: CB,F+Punch
 -Balrog will dash forward and punch straight out with great reach. Using LP
  will dash one step, while HP will dash across the entire screen and knock an
  opponent down.

Dash Uppercut: CB,F+Kick
 -Balrog will dash forward and uppercut at his opponent's head. Using LK will
  dash one step, while HK will dash across the entire screen. 

Turn Punch: Charge any button, release
 -Balrog will accumulate power for this punch as long as an attack button is
  being held down. At any moment on the ground, release the button and Balrog
  will slightly slide forward with a turning punch. The power of the punch and
  the distance of the dash depend on how long the button is charged.

Final Punch: Charge any button for 60 seconds, release
 -Balrog's fully-charged Turn Punch for 60 seconds or more, this attack will
  deal nearly half a Vitality Gauge of damage.

[Super Combos]
Crazy Buffalo: CB,F,B,F+Punch  (Press Punch or Kick)
 -A more powerful variation of the Dash Straight and Uppercut, this will
  punch many times in rapid succession. The punches are by default all 
  Straights, but holding a Kick button during the attack will turn them all
  into Uppercuts.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits        Level 3: 5 Hits


                                   [Tier 3]

- Vega -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Claw Jab: LP                Claw Jab: LP              Straight Chop: LP
 Lunging Claw Stab: HP       Claw Stab: HP             Down Claw Stab: HP
 Knee Strike: LK             Short Kick: LK            Down Thrust Kick: LK
 Low Kick: B+LK              Slide Kick: HK            Backdoor Roundhouse: HK
 Hopping Axe Kick: HK        Leg Sweep: DB+HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 (None)                      Suplex: F/B+HP
                             Leg Flip: F/B+HK
                             Claw Toss (air): (any direction but Up)+HP
                             Air Leg Flip (air): (any direction but Up)+HK

(Note: If he is hit repeatedly, Vega will drop his claw, then eventually his
       mask. To retrieve them, have Vega walk over them. Vega will also regain
       his mask and claw between rounds.)

[Special Moves]
Triangle Jump (air): Up+opposite direction (jump towards edge of screen)
 -Vega can perform a second jump in mid-air by pushing off the side of the
  screen if he is close enough to it.

Rolling Crystal Flash: CB,F+Punch
 -Vega will roll forward and finish with an upper claw stab. LP will roll
  once, while HP will roll three times.

Sky High Claw: CD,U+Punch (Punch)
 -Vega will leap back and push himself off the wall, claw first. Pressing
  a Punch button during the attack will stretch out Vega's arm for a slightly
  longer range. Using LP will travel across the upper half of the screen, while
  HP will travel along the bottom. Vega will always try to jump to the wall
  behind him for this attack, but pressing (UF) instead of (U) will make him
  leap to the opposite wall and perform the attack.

Wall Leap: CD,U+Kick
 -Vega will leap back and push himself off the side of the screen towards his
  opponent. Vega will always leap to whichever side of the screen he is closest
  to, unless (UF) or (UB) is used at the end of  the motion. After Vega has
  pushed off the wall, hold Left or Right to slightly move him in the air. The 
  following attacks can be used after the Wall Leap:

   []Flying Barcelona Attack: Punch
      -Vega will slash his arms out below him, hitting opponents both sides,
       but not directly below him.

   []Izuna Drop (throw): (any direction but Up)+Punch
      -Vega will grab them and perform a powerful suplex. This can only be done
       if Vega is very close to his opponent. 

Scarlet Terror: CDB,F+Kick
 -A backflip kick that moves slightly forward. HK hits twice up close, and goes
  a bit higher than LK.

Back Slash: LP+HP
 -Vega will backflip onto his hands, then flip back again onto his feet. This
  is an evasive move, and Vega cannot be hit while performing it.

Short Back Slash: LK+HK
 -Vega will quickly backflip onto his feet. This evasive move is like the Back
  Slash except quicker, and Vega cannot be hit while performing it.

[Super Combos]
Super Wall Leap: CDB,DF,DB,UF+Kick
 -This starts out as a normal Wall Leap, as Vega will leap forward and push
  himself off the side of the screen towards his opponent. Vega will always leap
  towards the opposite side of the screen, unless (UB) is used at the end of the
  motion instead of (UF). After Vega has pushed off the wall, hold Left or Right
  to slightly move him in the air. The Super Wall Leap itself will not deplete
  Vega's Super Combo Gauge; only performing the Rolling Izuna Drop afterwards
  will. Also, the Flying Barcelona Attack cannot be used during the Super Wall

   []Rolling Izuna Drop (throw): (any direction but Up)+Punch
      -This is a more powerful version of the Izuna Drop that will perform
       multiple suplexes in a row.
          Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits        Level 3: 4 Hits


- Sagat -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Jab: LP                   Straight Jab: LP
 Lunging Straight: HP        Straight Punch: HP        Straight Punch: HP
 Low Roundhouse: LK          Short Kick: LK            Knee Drop: LK
 Mid Roundhouse: HK          Sweep Kick: HK            Roundhouse Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Body Blow: HP               Overhead Toss: F/B+HP
 High Roundhouse: HK        *Knee Bash: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Tiger Shot: QCF+Punch
 -Sagat throws a blue fireball that travels high horizontally across the
  screen. Using LP makes the projectile travel slower than HP does.

Ground Tiger Shot: QCF+Kick
 -Sagat throws a blue fireball that travels low horizontally across the
  screen. Using LK makes the projectile travel slower than HK does.

Tiger Crush: QCF,UF+Kick
 -Sagat will perform a leaping knee attack that sends him into the air. Using
  HK travels slightly higher than LK, and this attack can hit twice up close.

Tiger Uppercut: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Sagat leaps into the air with a rising uppercut that only hits once. Using
  HP will make the uppercut travel higher into the air.

[Super Combos]
Tiger Cannon: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Tiger Cannon, Sagat will throw a high, 
  multi-hitting blue fireball across the screen. At Level 3, the projectile
  will flame the opponent. The fireball can cancel an enemy projectile and
  continue on, removing one hit from the total.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 5 Hits        Level 3: 6 Hits

Ground Tiger Cannon: QCF,QCF+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Ground Tiger Cannon, Sagat will throw a low, 
  multi-hitting blue fireball across the screen. At Level 3, the projectile
  will flame the opponent. The fireball can cancel an enemy projectile and
  continue on, removing one hit from the total.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 5 Hits        Level 3: 6 Hits


- M. Bison -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Psycho Jab: LP              Psycho Jab: LP            Psycho Jab (up): LP
 Psycho Uppercut: HP         Psycho Straight: HP       Psycho Punch (side): LP
 Knee Jab: LK                Short Kick: LK            Down Straight (up): HP
 Roundhouse Kick: HK         Slide Kick: HK            Down Jab (side): HP
                                                       Short Kick (up): LK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]                   Flying Knee (side): LK
 Psycho Gut Blow: HP         Shoulder Toss: F/B+HP     Roundhouse Kick (up): HK
 Indoor Roundhouse: HK       Leg Lift: F/B+HK          Thrust Kick (side): HK

[Special Moves]
Psycho Crusher Attack: CB,F+Punch
 -M. Bison will torpedo himself across the screen head-first, his body charged
  with Psycho Energy. Using LP will travel halfway across the screen, while HP
  will travel all the way across.

Double Knee Press: CB,F+Kick
 -A somersault forward which hits twice as M. Bison brings his legs down. LK
  travels farther than HK.

Head Press: CD,U+Kick
 -M. Bison will leap and stomp on his opponent's head, then jump off. After the
  stomp, use Left and Right to control Bison's descent and perform a second

   []Somersault Skull Driver: Punch
      -M. Bison will punch forward with his hand charged with Psycho Energy.

Devil Reverse: CD,U+Punch (Punch)
 -M. Bison will leap towards his opponent. Pressing any Punch button during the
  leap will make him stop in mid-jump spiral downward head-first and punch with
  his hand charged with Psycho Energy.

[Super Combos]
Knee Press Nightmare: CB,F,B,F+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Double Knee Press that performs the attack
  twice in a row. At Level 2, M. Bison will perform a slide kick at the end.
  At Level 3, he will finish by floating in the air and kicking his opponent
  several times.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 5 Hits        Level 3: 8 Hits


(VIII) [SNK EX Characters]


                                   [Tier 1]

- Yuri -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Downward Jab: LP
 Hook Punch: HP              Uppercut: HP              Overhead Smash Punch: HP
 High Kick: LK               Short Kick: LK            Thrust Kick: LK
 Hopping Butt Smack: F+LK    Sweep Kick: HK            Roundhouse Kick: HK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Slap Uppercut: F/B+HP
 Uppercut: HP                Leg Toss: F/B+HK
 Low Kick: LK                Head Bomber (air): (any direction but Up)+HP
 Knee Smash: HK

[Special Moves]
Tiger Flame Punch: QCF+Punch
 -Yuri tosses a small red fireball across the screen. HP makes the fireball
  travel quicker than LP.

Saiha: QCB+Punch
 -Yuri creates a shield of energy in front of her to stop opponents' 
  projectiles. This can also be used to hit opponents up close. HP keeps the
  shield up longer than LP.

Rai Oh Ken: QCF+Kick
 -Yuri will hop into the air and shoot a small red fireball downward at an
  angle. HK leaps slightly higher than LK and tosses the fireball quicker.

The 100 Blows: F,B,F+Punch
 -Yuri will dash forward and try to grab her opponent, then slap then 
  repeatedly. LP dashes a couple steps and slaps 9 times, while HP dashes 
  almost the entire screen and slaps 11 times. Although this is a grab-type
  move, it can be blocked.

[Super Combos]
Haoh Shoh Koh Ken: F,HCF+Punch
 -A much more powerful and effective variation of the Tiger Flame Punch, this
  attack sends a large projectile across the screen. Each Level will makes the
  fireball travel slightly faster. The fireball can cancel an enemy projectile
  and continue on, removing one hit from the total.
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits        Level 3: 5 Hits

Flying Phoenix Kick: F,B,HCB+Kick
 -Yuri will run across the screen at her opponent. If she hits them, she will
  run up their front and kick them repeatedly. At Level 3, she will finish
  with a leaping overhead smash punch.
     Level 1: 9 Hits      Level 2: 13 Hits       Level 3: 16 Hits


- Vice- 

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Slap: LP                    Slap: LP                  Downward Slap: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Uppercut: HP              Straight Punch: HP
 Quick Roundhouse: LK        Short Kick: LK            Downward Thrust Kick: LK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK         Sweep Kick: HK            Roundhouse Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Smash: HP             Face Rip: F/B+HP
 Knee Strike: LK             Toss Aside: F/B+HK
 Axe Kick: HK    

[Special Moves]
Nail Bomb (throw): HCF+Punch
 -Vice will pick up her opponent and slam them into the ground, creating a
  column of energy with a skull inside. This attack must be done up close and
  cannot be blocked.

Mayhem: QCB+Punch
 -Vice slides forward with a shoulder ramming attack. Using LP will travel
  halfway across the screen, while HP will travel slightly farther.

Da Cide (throw): HCF+Kick
 -Vice will whip her arm downward and try to catch her opponent's leg, then
  fling them over her shoulder. Using LK will grab in place, while HK will move
  Vice slightly forward while grabbing. This attack must be blocked low and will
  not hit when used up close.

Outrage: QCB+Kick
 -Vice does a flurry of kicks that produce a multitude of sharp blades around a
  large radius in front of her. LK will perform the kick in place, while HK 
  will do a small hop forward before kicking.

Rave Fest (air): QCB+Kick
 -Vice does a flurry of kicks in the air that produce a multitude of sharp
  blades around a large radius in front of her. The kicks will arc according to
  when it was done during her jump.

Da Cide Slayer (throw): F,D,DF+Kick
 -Vice will whip her arm upward and try to catch a jumping opponent, then pull
  them toward her and slam them into the ground. This cannot be blocked,
  although it will only hit an opponent who is jumping.

[Super Combos]
Negative Gain (throw): HCB,HCB+Kick
 -Vice will backflip and grab her opponent with her legs, then backflip
  multiple times while slamming them into the ground. This attack must be done
  up close and cannot be blocked.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits        Level 3: 5 Hits

Withering Force (throw): QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Nail Bomb, Vice will somersault forward and
  attempt to grab her opponent. If she does grab them, she will pick them up
  and repeatedly slam them into the ground, then toss them into the air and 
  slam them one last time. At Levels 2 and 3, the final slam creates a large 
  column of energy with a skull in it. Each Level makes Vice somersault a bit
  further. This attack cannot be blocked.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits        Level 3: 5 Hits


- King -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Jab: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Uppercut: HP              Uppercut: HP
 Front Kick: LK              Short Kick: LK            Flying Knee: LK
 High Roundhouse: HK         Sweep Kick: HK            Downward Thrust Kick: HK
                             Back Slide Kick: DF+HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Knee & Uppercut: F/B+HP
 Uppercut: HP                Leg Flip: F/B+HK
 Low Kick: LK                Knee Drop (air): (any direction but Up)+HP
 Double Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Venom Strike: QCF+Kick
 -King kicks a fireball across the screen. HK makes the projectile travel
  quicker than LK.

Moshu Kyaku: QCB+Kick
 -King slides slightly forward and performs a flurry of kicks, finished with
  a roundhouse kick that knocks opponents down. Using LK kicks three times for
  five hits up close, while HK slides slightly farther and kicks four times for
  seven hits up close.

Stepping Double Knee Kicks: F,D,DF+Kick
 -King leaps forward into the air with a rising knee attack. If she hits her
  opponent, she will perform a second knee attack. Using HK sends King slightly
  higher and farther out than LK.

Trap Shot: B,D,DB+Kick
 -King backflips in place, which will suck the opponent in for a flurry of kicks
  if done up close. LK hits 6 times, while HK moves slightly forward while doing
  the backflip kick and hits 10 times.

[Super Combos]
Illusion Dance: QCF,HCB+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Trap Shot, King will perform a Trap Shot
  backflip kick, then jumpkick forward. If the jumpkick hits, she will perform
  a flurry of punches and kicks finished by a Tornado Kick. The starting
  backflip kick does not count as a hit.
     Level 1: 9 Hits      Level 2: 11 Hits       Level 3: 13 Hits

Double Strike: F,B,F,DF,D+Kick
 -King will kick two fireballs across the screen. Each fireball deals half
  the amount of hits listed below, and will knock the opponent back into the
  air. The fireballs can cancel an enemy projectile and continue on, removing
  one hit from the total.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits        Level 3: 8 Hits


- Benimaru -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Elbow Drop: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Downward Elbow: HP        Spinning Uppercut: HP
 High Kick: LK               Short Kick: LK            Knee Drop: LK
 Hopping Roundhouse: HK      Sweep Kick: HK            Backdoor Roundhouse: HK
                                                       Drill Kick: D+HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Body Slam: F/B+HP
 Fierce Elbow: HP            Knee Smash: F/B+HK
 Low Kick: LK
 Knee Strike: HK

[Special Moves]
Lightning Fist: QCF+Punch
 -Benimaru will punch forward and create a sphere of electricity. Using HP
  will keep the sphere out a bit longer than LP.

Lightning Fist (Anti-Air): F,D,DF+Punch
 -Benimaru will punch upward at an angle and create a sphere of electricity.
  Using HP will keep the sphere out a bit longer than LP. This version of the
  Lightning Fist is more suited to attacking jumping opponents.

Shinku Katategoma: HCB+Kick
 -Benimaru will spin himself around horizontally on one hand, hitting
  opponents multiple times. The final blow will knock the opponent down.
  Using LK will spin three times, while HK will spin five times.

Iaido Kick: QCF+Kick
 -Benimaru performs a quick, blurred knee strike forward.

Benimaru Corridor Crunch (throw): HCB,F+Punch
 -Benimaru grabs his opponent and summons a bolt of lightning to drain their
  Vitality Gauge. This attack must be done up close and cannot be blocked.

[Super Combos]
Blast Flash: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Lightning Fist with a larger radius that deals
  more damage.
     Level 1: 5 Hits      Level 2: 7 Hits        Level 3: 10 Hits

Blast Flash (Anti-Air): QCF,QCF+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Lightning Fist (Anti-Air) with a larger
  radius that deals more damage. This version will create the sphere of
  lightning at an upward angle, which is more suited to hitting jumping
     Level 1: 5 Hits      Level 2: 7 Hits        Level 3: 10 Hits

Elec-Trigger (throw): HCB,HCB+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Benimaru Corridor Crunch, Benimaru will grab
  his opponent and a large bolt of lightning will come down on them to drain
  their Vitality Gauge. Each Level increases the amount of Vitality Gauge that
  is drained. This attack must be done up close and cannot be blocked.
     Level 1: 1 Hit       Level 2: 1 Hit         Level 3: 1 Hit


                                   [Tier 2]

- Kyo -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Elbow Drop: LP
 Backfist: HP                Uppercut: HP              Downward Straight: HP
 Roundhouse Kick: LK         Short Kick: LK            Flying Knee (up): LK
 Axe Kick: F+LK              Sweep Kick: HK            Knee Drop (side): LK
 Hop Roundhouse: HK          Double Low Kick: DF+HK    Backdoor Thrust (up): HK
                                                       Axe Kick (side): HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Fierce Backfist: F/B+HP
 Fierce Backfist: HP         Shoulder Slam & Elbow Drop: F/B+HK
 Low Kick: LK
 Indoor Roundhouse: HK

[Special Moves]
Dark Thrust: QCF+Punch
 -Kyo sends a red flame along the ground. Using LP sends the projectile slower
  than HP does.

Fire Ball: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Kyo performs a rising punch that creates a twirling flame around Kyo. The
  flames themselves will not hit opponents. HP will travel higher than LP,
  and will hit twice up close.

Crescent Slash: HCB+Kick
 -Kyo will run forward and elbow his opponent, then lift them into the air and
  explode them with flame. LK dashes most of the screen, while HK will keep
  running until Kyo makes contact with the opponent.

Spinning Kick: B,D,DB+Kick
 -Kyo will hop forward and perform a high spinning kick. Using HK will make Kyo
  rise much higher into the air and perform three spinning kicks in a row.

New Wave Smash: QCF+Kick (Kick)
 -Kyo will hop forward and perform a high kick that will knock opponents
  slightly into the air. Pressing a Kick button after the first kick will make
  Kyo perform a second kick which sends opponents higher into the air. Using HK
  will make Kyo pause for a moment before performing the first kick.

[Super Combos]
Serpent Wave: QCB,HCF+Punch  (charge Punch)
 -Kyo will charge a flame in his hand, then slide forward and swipe the flame
  to create a large wave. Holding Punch will delay the wave. At Level 3, Kyo
  will become surrounded by flames and deal slight damage to opponents that
  touch him.
     Level 1: 1 Hit       Level 2: 3 Hits        Level 3: 3 Hits


- Mai -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Fan Jab: LP                 Dress Jab: LP             Low Fan Jab: LP
 Fan Slash: HP               Back Elbow: HP            Low Fan Slash: HP
 High Fan Jab: F+HP          Short Kick: LK            Flying Knee: LK
 High Kick: LK               Sweep Kick: HK            Low Thrust Kick: B+LK
 Advancing Roundhouse: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Low Fan Jab: LP             Flip Toss: F/B+HP
 Low Kick: LK                Leg Slam: F/B+HK
 Handstand Roundhouse: HK    Ground Stomp (air): (any direction but Up)+HP

[Special Moves]
Triangle Jump (air): Up+opposite direction (jump towards edge of screen)
 -Mai can perform a second jump in mid-air by pushing off the side of the
  screen if she is close enough to it.

Kacho Sen: QCF+Punch
 -Mai tosses a spinning fan across the screen. Using HP will toss the fan
  quicker than LP.

Ryu En Bu: QCB+Punch
 -Mai spins around and creates a wave of flame in front of her. Using HP
  will deal two hits up close.

Flying Squirrel Dance (air): QCB+Punch
 -Mai will flip in mid-jump and propel herself down-forward head-first with
  her fan in her mouth. HP will travel farther out than LP. 

Flying Squirrel Dance: CD,U+Punch
 -Mai will leap back onto the edge of the screen, then propel herself
  down-forward head-first with her fan in her mouth. Mai will always jump
  backwards unless (UF) is pressed in the motion. HP will travels a bit
  farther out with the dive than LP.

Sun Fire Samba: CD,U+Kick
 -Mai puts her fan in her mouth and her hands together, and creates a blast
  of flame around her. Using HK will hit three times up close and make the
  flame stay around Mai longer than LK.

[Super Combos]
Super Deadly Ninja Bees: QCB,HCF+Kick
 -Mai will cartwheel forward, then leap forward on fire with a multi-hitting
  elbow strike. At Level 3, Mai flips in place and then shoots herself forward
  inside a huge fireball.
     Level 1: 7 Hits      Level 2: 8 Hits       Level 3: 11 Hits

Swan's Fandango: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Kacho Sen, Mai will toss three fans across
  the screen, the first one high and the rest lower. At Levels 2 and 3, the
  fans becoming flaming, which give them a slightly larger hit area. The fans
  can cancel an enemy projectile and continue on, removing one hit from the
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits


- Terry -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Chop: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Straight Punch: HP        Downward Straight: HP
 Quick Roundhouse: LK        Uppercut: DF+HP           High Kick: LK
 Side Thrust Kick: HK        Short Kick: LK            Roundhouse: HK
                             High Sweep Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Uppercut Smash: F/B+HP
 Double Gut Punch: HP        Shoulder Toss: F/B+HK
 Knee Strike: LK
 Punt Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Power Wave: QCF+Punch
 -Terry punches the ground and creates a small geyser of energy. Using HP
  makes the geyser appear to slant more horizontally than LP, but the area
  of damage does not change since Terry's fist must hit the opponent to deal
  damage and not the energy geyser.

Burning Knuckles: QCB+Punch
 -Terry leaps forward very quickly with his fist out, which is engulfed by
  energy. Using LP propels Terry halfway across the screen, while HP sends
  him across the entire screen.

Crack Shot: QCB+Kick
 -Terry somersaults forward with his leg out for a heel drop kick. HK leaps
  and hits higher than LK.

Power Dunk: F,D,DF+Kick
 -Terry leaps into the air with one fist behind his head, which he punches 
  with on the way down while creating a blast of energy. Using HK will
  travel higher and farther than LK, and this attack can hit twice up close
  as Terry leaps into the air.

[Super Combos]
Power Geyser: QCB,DB,F+Punch
 -A more powerful variation of the Power Wave, Terry punches the ground and
  creates a huge geyser of energy in front of him. He creates two geysers at
  Level 2, and 3 geysers at Level 3.
     Level 1: 1 Hit       Level 2: 2 Hits       Level 3: 3 Hits

Buster Wolf: QCF,QCF+Kick
 -A more powerful version of the Burning Knuckles, Terry will propel himself
  forward with his energy-engulfed fist out until he hits his opponent. Then
  he will shift his weight to his back leg and create a geyser of energy from
  his fist. With each Level, the first punch travels farther.
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 6 Hits


- Ryo -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Downward Chop: LP
 Hammer Fist: F+LP           Uppercut: HP              Downward Punch: HP
 Straight Punch: HP          Short Kick: LK            Thrust Kick: LK
 Front Kick: LK              Sweep Kick: HK            Downward Thrust: HK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 High Jab: LP                Overhead Smash: F/B+HP
 Gut Punch: HP               Leg Toss: F/B+HK
 Front Snap Kick: LK
 Low Roundhouse: HK

[Special Moves]
Tiger Flame Punch: QCF+Punch
 -Ryo throws a short-range projectile that only travels slightly farther
  than his arm. HP will make the blast travel a bit farther than LP.

Koho: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Ryo will rise into the air with an uppercut, which travels almost straight
  up. Using HP travels much higher and slightly farther out than LP.

Kyoku Gen Kick Dance: HCB+Punch
 -Ryo will perform a gut punch. If this hits, he will do a second gut punch
  and a two-hit Koho uppercut. Using LP will perform the first punch in place,
  while HP will dash forward a step.

Lightning Legs Knockout Kick: CDB,F+Kick
 -Ryo will propel himself forward with a jumpkick. If he makes contact with
  the opponent, he will twist around and roundhouse kick with his other leg.
  LK will travel halfway across the screen, while HK will travel all the way

Crazy Tiger Thunder Attack: B,D,DB+Punch
 -Ryo will leap forward and smash downward with his fist. Using LP will leap
  forward a step, while HP will leap a bit higher and travel halfway across
  the screen.

[Super Combos]
Haoh Sho Koh Ken: F,HCF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Tiger Flame Punch, Ryo will throw a huge
  fireball across the screen. With each Level, the fireball increases in 
  both speed and size. The fireball can cancel an enemy projectile and continue
  on, removing one hit from the total.
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

Ryuko Ranbu: QCF,HCB+Punch
 -Ryo will dash forward and try to make contact with his opponent, then
  unleash a barrage of punches and kicks finished by a Koho rising uppercut.
  At Levels 2 and 3, Ryo uppercuts twice. With each Level, Ryo will dash a
  greater distance at the beginning.
     Level 1: 11 Hits     Level 2: 12 Hits      Level 3: 15 Hits

Tenchi Haoken: QCF,QCF+Punch                                        (LV3 & MAX)
 -Ryo performs a single stepping punch. If this hits the opponent, they will
  be smashed across the screen. This can deal nearly half a Vitality Gauge of
     Level 3: 1 Hit


- Kim -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Downward Jab: LP
 Roundhouse Kick: HP         High Kick: HP             Upside-Down Kick: HP
 Front Snap Kick: LK         Short Kick: LK            High Kick: LK
 Advancing Thrust Kick: HK   Sweep Kick: HK            Downward Thrust: HK
 Axe Kick: F+HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Double Kick: HP             Shoulder Toss: F/B+HP
 Face Kick: LK               Three-Kick Combo: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Crescent Moon Slice: QCB+Kick
 -Kim will somersault forward and land with a splits kick, hitting twice
  up close as he brings his legs down. HK travels farther across the
  screen than LK.

Flying Kick (air): QCF+Kick
 -Kim dives down-forward feet-first, attempting to make contact with his 
  opponent. If he does, he will alternate kicks between his feet. HK hits
  quicker and more times than LK, as well as travels farther out.

Sand Blaster: CD,U+Punch
 -Kim will leap into the air while performing a series of roundhouse kicks.
  Using LP will perform two kicks, while HP will perform three.

Spirit of Conquest Kick: D,D+Kick
 -Kim will perform a very short-range stomp kick that hits low.

[Super Combos]
Phoenix Flattener: QCB,DB,F+Kick
 -Kim will dash forward and try to make contact with his opponent, then
  unleash a barrage of kicks finished by a Koho rising uppercut. With each
  Level, Kim will dash a greater distance at the beginning and add a wider
  variety of kicks to the barrage.
     Level 1: 14 Hits     Level 2: 16 Hits      Level 3: 17 Hits

Phoenix Kick Tornado: QCF,QCF+Kick
 -Kim will perform a single high roundhouse kick that knocks opponents back
  high into the air. Each Level increases the amount of damage done by the
     Level 1: 1 Hit       Level 2: 1 Hit        Level 3: 1 Hit


- Raiden -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Backhand Slap: LP           Jab: LP                   Palm Jab: LP
 Downward Straight: HP       Straight Punch: HP        Dual Chop: HP
 Front Kick: LK              Short Kick: LK            Low Boot: LK
 Dropkick: HK                Sweep Kick: HK            Dropkick: HK
                             Stomp Kick: DF+HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Drop: HP              Piledriver: F/B+HP
 Giant Knee: LK             *Strangle Hold: F/B+HK

[Special Moves]
Giant Bomb: CB,F+Punch
 -Raiden will hunch forward, then perform a tackle forward. He can be
  attacked while in the hunched position, and HP will ram farther than LP.

Poison Spray: HCB+Punch
 -Raiden will quickly put something in his mouth, then spray a cloud of
  poison in front of him. HP keeps the cloud out longer than LP.

Super Drop Kick: Charge Kick, release
 -Raiden jumps forward and kicks with both legs while falling to the ground. 
  The longer the charge, the slightly longer the kick travels.

Thunder Crush Bomb (throw): 360º Motion+Kick
 -Raiden will lift up his opponent and powerbomb them into the ground, then
  leap into the air and toss them at the ground. This attack must be performed
  up close, and cannot be blocked.

Thunder Lariat Drop (throw): F,D,DF+Punch
 -Raiden will leap towards his opponent, then grab their head under his arm and
  slam them into the ground. Raiden will only grab his opponent on the way up
  during his leap. Using HP will leap farther than LP.

[Super Combos]
Destruction Drop (throw): 720º Motion+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Thunder Crush Bomb, Raiden will grab his
opponent and powerbomb them multiple times, then leap into the air and bring
  them down with his elbow. This attack must be performed up close and cannot
  be blocked.
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits       Level 3: 4 Hits

Crazy Train: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -Raiden will perform a series of attacks initiated by a standing elbow drop,
  and finished with a Giant Bomb tackle. Raiden will perform all the attacks
  regardless if they hit the opponent.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 5 Hits       Level 3: 7 Hits


                                   [Tier 3]

- Yamazaki -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Jab: LP                   Downward Jab: LP
 Downward Stab: F+LP         Upper Backhand: HP        Uppercut: HP
 Downward Straight: HP       Short Kick: LK            Downward Kick (up): LK
 Front Kick: LK              Sweep Kick: HK            Side Kick (side): LK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK                                   Roundhouse Kick (up): HK
                                                       Heel Kick (side): HK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Body Jab: LP                Face Plant: F/B+HP
 Uppercut: HP                Toss Aside: F/B+HK
 Ankle Kick: LK
 Double Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Hydra's Judgement: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Yamazaki will dash forward and slash with his knife. Using HP will add a
  slower dash with a knife stab after the slash.

Serpent Slash Upper: QCB+LP  (charge LP)
 -Yamazaki will slash his arm upward with an extended reach. Charging LP will
  make Yamazaki taunt his opponent three times and delay the slash. Shortly
  after the third taunt, the slash will automatically strike.

Serpent Slash Middle: QCB+HP  (charge HP)
 -Yamazaki will slash his arm forward with an extended reach. Charging HP will
  make Yamazaki taunt his opponent three times and delay the slash. Shortly
  after the third taunt, the slash will automatically strike.

Serpent Slash Lower: QCB+LK  (charge LK)
 -Yamazaki will slash his arm downward with an extended reach. Charging LK will
  make Yamazaki taunt his opponent three times and delay the slash. Shortly
  after the third taunt, the slash will automatically strike.

Serpent's Feint: (While charging any Serpent Slash) HK
 -Yamazaki will cancel his Serpent Slash and taunt his opponent.

Taunt & Counter: HCF+Kick
 -Yamazaki will wiggle his tongue at his opponent and taunt them. If he is
  hit by any high or mid-level attack during his taunt, he will counterattack
  with a spiralling uppercut. Yamazaki can be hit low during this attack.

Double Return: QCF+Punch
 -Yamazaki will perform a slow uppercut, which can hit opponents if used very
  close. This attack can be used to cancel projectiles thrown at Yamazaki, and
  send a large, red fireball back at the thrower.

Bomb Bopper (throw): HCB,F+Punch
 -Yamazaki will grab his opponent and headbutt them, creating a blast of flame.
  This attack must be done up close and cannot be blocked.

Sand Scattering: F,D,DF+Kick
 -Yamazaki will kick the ground and create a blast of sand. 

[Super Combos]
Guillotine: QCF,QCF+Punch
 -Yamazaki will leap forward with an uppercut, then bring his hand down and try
  to catch his opponent. If he does, he will drag them along the ground for
  several hits and launch them into the air. If done up close, the uppercut
  will launch the opponent into the air and Yamazaki will automatically grab
  them on the way down. Level 3 adds a flurry of kicks at the end of the attack.
     Level 1: 8 Hits      Level 2: 10 Hits      Level 3: 13 Hits

Drill (throw): HCB,HCB+Punch  (Punch rapidly)
 -Yamazaki will grab his opponent and uppercut them into the air, then clutch
  his hand in front of him to charge for his next move. Each Level has four 
  results depending on how many times the Punch buttons are pressed, which can
  be measured by how far Yamazaki lowers his hand while charging. This attack
  must be done up close and cannot be blocked. 
     (Level 1) 0-4 times:    Backfist Frenzy                 (5 Hits)
               5-10 times:   Kick Frenzy & Drill             (7 Hits)
               11-15 times:  Headbutt Frenzy & Drill         (7 Hits)
               16+ times:    Serpent Slash Frenzy & Drill    (8 Hits)

     (Level 2) 0-4 times:    Kick Frenzy & Drill             (6 Hits)
               5-10 times:   Combo Frenzy & Drill            (8 Hits)
               11-15 times:  Face Plant Frenzy & Drill       (7 Hits)
               16+ times:    Serpent Slash Frenzy & Drill   (11 Hits)

     (Level 3) 0-4 times:    Kick Frenzy & Drill             (6 Hits)
               5-10 times:   Flaming Headbutt Frenzy & Drill (8 Hits)
               11-15 times:  Stomp Kick Frenzy & Drill       (9 Hits)
               16+ times:    Serpent Slash Frenzy & Drill   (14 Hits)


- Rugal -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Chop: LP                    Chop: LP                  Elbow Drop: LP
 Hook Punch: HP              Backhand: HP              Downward Stab: HP
 Shin Kick: LK               Short Kick: LK            Flying Knee: LK
 High Roundhouse: HK         Trip Kick: HK             Downward Thrust Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Backhand Slice: HP          Energy Drain: F/B+HP
 Ankle Kick: LK              Toss Aside: F/B+HK
 Backdoor Roundhouse: HK

[Special Moves]
Dark Smash: QCF+Punch  (air)
 -Rugal will charge a sphere of energy around him in mid-air, then punch
  forward with a large blast of energy. Using LP will stand in place with the
  blast while HP will dash slightly forward. This attack can also be done in
  the air to charge the sphere, then dive forward with the energy blast. 

Rugal Execution: HCB+Punch
 -Rugal will dash forward and lift his opponent into the air, then explode
  them with flame. Using LP will dash halfway across the screen, while HP
  will dash the entire screen.

Destroyer Cutter: F,D,DF+Kick
 -Rugal will leap into the air and bring his leg around and over his head,
  creating a wave of energy. HK will travel higher than LK.

Dark Barrier: HCF+Kick
 -Rugal creating a glowing spiral shield in front of him that can reflect
  projectiles back at their thrower. This can also be used to hit an opponent
  once up close. HK makes the shield stay up a split second longer than LK.

[Super Combos]
Gigantic Pressure: QCF,HCB+Punch
 -Rugal will dash forward and try to grab his opponent. If this is
  successful, he will drag them to the very edge of the screen and slam them
  against it, creating a large column of energy with a skull in it. At Level
  2, he will perform a second slam against the opposite wall, and only the
  second slam with create the energy column. At Level 3, both slam create
  columns. Each Level increases the distance that Rugal travels during the
     Level 1: 2 Hits      Level 2: 3 Hits       Level 3: 3 Hits

Total Annihilation: QCF,QCF+Kick
 -A more powerful variation of the Destroyer Cutter, Rugal will perform two
  slashing kicks, then leap into the air with a Destroyer Cutter. At Level 3,
  he will perform two Destroyer Cutters in a row.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits       Level 3: 7 Hits


- Geese -

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Chop: LP                  Palm Drop: LP
 Straight Punch: HP          Uppercut: HP              Double Palm Strike: HP
 Stepping Backfist: F+HP     Short Kick: LK            Thrust Kick: LK
 Low Kick: LK                Sweep Kick: HK            High Roundhouse (up): HK
 Hopping Roundhouse: HK                                Backdoor Kick (side): HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Double Palm: HP             Overhead Flip: F/B+HP
 Front Snap Kick: LK         Shoulder Slam: F/B+HK
 Double Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Wind Slice: QCF+LP
 -Geese slashes his arm and creates a blade of air in front of him. 

Double Wind Slice: QCF+HP
 -Geese slashes his arms and creates two blades of air in front of him.

Upper Body Blow: HCB+LP
 -Geese will attempt to counter an opponent's high attack. If he is successful,
  he will flip them over his shoulder and slam them into the ground.

Middle Body Blow: HCB+HP
 -Geese will attempt to counter an opponent's mid-level attack. If he is
  successful, he will lift them above his head and slam them into the ground.

Evil Shadow Smasher: HCB+Kick
 -Geese dashes forward while charging a sphere of energy. If he hits his
  opponent, he will perform a two-punch combo finished with an energy blast.
  Using HK dashes farther than LK.

[Super Combos]
Raising Storm: DB,HCB,DF+Punch
 -Geese will strike the ground with both palms and create many columns of
  energy around him. These will hit opponents multiple times up close, but the
  controller motion is tricky.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

Deadly Rave: HCB,F+LK (LP,LP,LK,LK,HP,HP,HK,HK,QCB+HP)              (LV3 & MAX)
 -A more powerful variation of the Evil Shadow Smasher, Geese will dash across
  the screen after performing the (HCB,F+LK) motion. When he hits his opponent,
  press the button combination as listed for a large series of punches and
  kicks finished with an energy blast. If all the hits land, this attack will
  deal nearly half a Vitality Gauge of damage.
     Level 3: 10 Hits


(IX) [Secret Characters]


                                   [Tier 2]

- Morrigan -                                     First Appearance: Darkstalkers

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Hair Jab: LP                Double Chop: LP           Wing Spike: LP
 Straight Chop: HP           Wing Blades: HP           Wing Spears: HP
 Wing Spears: F+HP           Wing Blade Swipe: DF+HP   Punt Kick: LK
 Low Kick: LK                Low Kick: LK              Drill Kick (down): D+LK
 Back Thrust Kick: HK        Handstand Kick: HK        Backdoor Axe Kick: HK
 Crescent Kick: F+HK         Flying Sweep: DF+HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Quick Chop: LP              Shoulder Slam: F/B+HP
 Wing Drill: HP              Hand Shot: F/B+HP
 Spikes Uppercut: F+HP       Vector Drain (air): (any direction but Up)+HP
 Tumbling Kicks: F+HK

[Special Moves]
Soul Fist: QCF+Punch  (air)
 -Morrigan throws a bat-shaped fireball across the screen. Using HP makes the
  projectile travel faster than LP.

Shadow Blade: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Morrigan performs a rising uppercut while turning her wings into a large blade.
  Using HP will make the attack travel higher into the air.

Vector Drain (throw): HCB+Punch
 -Morrigan will grab her opponent and fly them up into the air, then flip
  upside-down and spin their head into the ground.

[Super Combos]
Valkyrie Turn: QCB+Kick (Kick)  (air)
 -Morrigan will fly straight off the screen behind her opponent, then re-enter
  the screen and float slightly downward. She cannot be hit while flying off the
  screen, and she can be moved Up and Down before she re-enters the screen, at
  which point she can perform a multi-hitting drill kick by pressing any Kick
  button after she re-enters the screen. This attack can also be performed in
  the air.
     Level 1: 16 Hits      Level 2: 17 Hits      Level 3: 24 Hits

Cardinal Blade: QCF,D,DF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Shadow Blade, Morrigan will perform a
  multi-hitting uppercut that rises slightly higher than a Shadow Blade using
     Level 1: 6 Hits       Level 2: 8 Hits       Level 3: 8 Hits

Darkness Illusion: LP,LP,F,LK,HP  (air)                             (LV3 & MAX)
 -Morrigan will perform a short flying dash forward while trying to hit her
  opponent. If she is successful, she will create an illusion of herself behind
  her opponent and both Morrigan's will unleash a series of attacks on them
  finished with a backflip slash kick. This attack can also be performed in the
  air, but the Darkness Illusion will deal more hits and slightly more damage
  if performed on the ground.
     Ground: 27 Hits      Air: 21 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - I realized man likes to fight. And I like man, so...
 (HP)   - You are so boring!
 (LK)   - I grow tired of your feeble attempts to fight me...
 (HK)   - I could let you live, but then that would only make me as weak as
(LP+HP) - You didn't have the strength to satisfy my lust for vengeance...
(LK+HK) - I find this place is full of fantasies. Everything looks so
(LP+LK) - You don't need to feel ashamed. There is no one who is not
           fascinated by me!
(HP+HK) - I didn't have the heart to destroy you...


- Nakoruru -                                  First Appearance: Samurai Shodown

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Straight Chop: LP           Straight Chop: LP         Downward Chop: LP
 Backhand Slash: HP          Upper Slash: HP           Upper Slash: HP
 Side Kick: LK               Rolling Slash: DF+HP      Front Kick: LK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK         Short Kick: LK            Downward Thrust: HK
                             Sitting Trip: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Backhand Slap: LP           Takedown Stab: F/B+HP
 Double Slash: HP            Climbing Stomp: F/B+HK
 Knee Strike: LK
 Backflip Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Annu Mutsube: B,DB,D+Punch
 -Nakoruru slides along the ground while slashing with her dagger. Using LP 
  will slide across most of the screen, while HP will slide all the way across.

Lela Mutsube: QCF+Punch
 -Nakoruru shoots into the air at an angle while slashing with her dagger.
  Using LP will make Nakoruru drop straight down after the slash, while HP
  will make her continue to flip through the air and land farther away.

Amube Yatoro: HCB+Punch
 -Nakoruru will point forward and call to Mamahaha, who will dive at an angle
  with a fiery attack. Using LP will make Mamahaha dive a step away from
  Nakoruru, while HP will make Mamahaha dive mostly across the screen. This can
  only be performed if Mamahaha is flying above Nakoruru.

Shichikapu Etu Brute: HCF+Kick
 -Nakoruru will point forward and call to Mamahaha, who will dive at an angle
  with a clawing attack. Using LK will make Mamahaha strike once, while HP will
  strike twice with a delay after the first attack. This can only be performed
  if Mamahaha is flying above Nakoruru.

Mamahaha Grab: QCB+Kick
 -Nakoruru will leap up and grab Mamahaha's claws, and can fly around the
  screen freely. Mamahaha will drop Nakoruru after five seconds, and this can
  only be performed if Mamahaha is flying above Nakoruru. Nakoruru can perform
  some special attacks while holding onto Mamahaha:

   []Mamahaha Slash: LP/HP/LK
      -Nakoruru can attack while holding onto Mamahaha. Use LP for a straight
       dagger slash, HP for a downward dagger slash, or LK for a downward kick.
       These attacks will not cause Mamahaha to drop Nakoruru.

   []Mamahaha Release: HK
      -Nakoruru will let go of Mamahaha and drop straight down to the ground.

   []Shichikapu Ai: QCF+Punch
      -Nakoruru will drop from Mamahaha, who dives at an angle with a fiery
       attack. Using LP will make Mamahaha dive a step away from Nakoruru,
       while HP will make Mamahaha dive mostly across the screen

   []Kamui Mutsube: QCB+Punch
      -Nakoruru will dive at an angle with her dagger in front of her. Using
       HP will slash farther out than LP, and will slide farther at the end.

[Super Combos]
Shichikapu Kamui Irushika: HCB,HCB+Punch
 -Nakoruru will point forward and call to Mamahaha, who will drop beside
  Nakoruru and jet straight across the screen with a charging attack that
  flames the opponent. Mamahaha's charge will also cancel oncoming projectiles,
  but this will remove one of the attack's hits. This can only be performed if
  Mamahaha is flying above Nakoruru.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

Shirikoro Kamui Nomi: QCF,QCF+Kick  (cancel with LP+HP+LK+HK)       (LV3 & MAX)
 -Nakoruru will surround herself with a column of energy and gradually recover
  her Vitality Gauge. She can be attacked while recovering, but can also cancel
  at any time by pressing (LP+HP+LK+HK).

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - I hear Nature weeping... Don't you hear it?
 (HP)   - I'm sorry... I had no choice but to do this.
 (LK)   - It's not good to hurt each other, but you left me no choice...
 (HK)   - Please reflect on your past conduct if you want to be forgiven.
(LP+HP) - I wanted to make friends with you. How come we started fighting?
(LK+HK) - I wonder what Rimururu is doing right now?
(LP+LK) - All people are gentle at first. The problem is they tend to forget...
(HP+HK) - I will never be afraid. I have a mission to accomplish in life.


                                   [Tier 4]

- Evil Ryu -                           First Appearance: Street Fighter Alpha 2

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Overhead Punch: F+LP        Uppercut: HP              Downward Straight: HP
 Lunging Straight: HP        Short Kick: LK            Air High Kick (up): LK
 High Snap Kick: LK          Sweep Kick: HK            Knee Drop (side): LK
 Hop Kick: F+LK              Extended Kick: DB+HK      Air Roundhouse (up): HK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK                                   Thrust Kick (side): HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Shoulder Toss: F/B+HP
 Uppercut: HP                Leg Roll: F/B+HK
 Shin Kick: LK
 Axe Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Diving Kick (air): D+HK
 -Ryu will quickly drop almost straight down with a kick. This attack can
  only be performed during a jump forward, and the button combination must
  be pressed at the peak of Ryu's jump.

Hadouken: QCF+Punch
 -Ryu throws a blue fireball that travels horizontally across the screen.
  Using LP makes the projectile travel slower than HP does.

Shakunetsu Hadouken: HCF+Punch
 -Ryu throws a red fireball similar to the Hadouken, except that it burns
  the opponent when it hits them. Using this attack close enough to an
  opponent that Ryu's hands touch them will knock them down. Using LP makes
  the projectile travel slower than HP does.

Shouryuken: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Ryu will rise into the air with an uppercut that can hit up to three times
  up close. Using HP will make the attack travel higher into the air.

Tatsumakei Senpukyaku: QCB+Kick (air)
 -Ryu will spin forward with a kick. If performed in the air, Ryu will travel
  horizontally while spinning and will not arc. Using HK will hit multiple
  times up close, whereas LK only hits once.

Ashura Senku: F,D,DF or B,D,DB + (LP+HP or LK+HK)
 -Ryu will teleport either forward or backward, corresponding to if (F,D,DF)
  or (B,D,DB) is used. Using (LK+HK) will teleport Ryu halfway across the
  screen, while (LP+HP) travels all the way across. Ryu cannot be attacked
  while he is teleporting.

[Super Combos]
Shinku Hadouken: HCB,HCB+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Shakunetsu Hadouken. Although it does not
  burn opponents, it will knock them down. This can be used to cancel an
  oncoming projectile, removing one hit from the total.
     Level 1: 3 Hits      Level 2: 4 Hits       Level 3: 5 Hits

Messatsu Goushouryu: QCF,D,DF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Shouryuken, Ryu will perform multiple
  uppercuts in a row.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits       Level 3: 7 Hits

Shungokusatsu: LP,LP,F,LK,HP                                        (LV3 & MAX)
 -Ryu will teleport across most of the screen and try to grab his opponent.
  If Ryu makes contact with them, the screen will go black and Ryu will
  perform a 15-Hit Combo. This extremely powerful attack cannot be blocked,
  and can nearly defeat any opponent by itself. If Ryu defeats an opponent
  with this attack, the background will go black and Ryu's symbol will flash.
     Level 3: 15 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - The murderous intent flows through my body!
 (HP)   - Is this really what I wanted?
 (LK)   - I can't help but destroy everything in my sight!
 (HK)   - There is nothing to lose when you have nothing to gain...
(LP+HP) - Victory is now life!
(LK+HK) - To be the strongest warrior means to be the last one standing!
(LP+LK) - I'm going to stop your blood flow!
(HP+HK) - Do not beg for your life! Pay for it!!


- Orochi Iori -                      First Appearance: The King of Fighters '97

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Stomach Jab: LP             Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Swiping Slash: HP           Upper Swipe: HP           Downward Smash: HP
 Short Kick: LK              Short Kick: LK            Flying Thrust Kick: LK
 Axe Kick: F+LK              Lunging Sweep: HK         Back Thrust Kick: B+LK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK                                   Backdoor Axe Kick: HK

[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Quick Jab: LP               Neck Rip: F/B+HP/HK
 Swipe Uppercut: HP
 Ankle Kick: LK
 High Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Dark Thrust: QCF+Punch
 -Iori sends a blue flame along the ground. LP sends the projectile slower than
  HP does.

Fire Ball: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Iori will perform a rising punch of sorts that creates a twirling flame
  around Iori. The flames themselves will not hit opponents. HP will travel
  higher than LP, and will hit three times up close.

Deadly Flower: QCB+Punch  (X3)
 -Iori will dash forward and punch. Repeating the move will add another
  dashing punch, and a third time will finish with a leaping overhead smash

Dark Crescent Slice: HCB+Kick
 -Iori will dash forward and attempt to grab his opponent, then slam them into 
  the ground and explode them with a blast of blue flame. LK will dash most
  of the screen, while HK will dash until Iori makes contact with the opponent.

[Super Combos]
Fire Wave: QCF,D,DF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Fire Ball, Iori performs the attack multiple
  times in a row. The final Fire Ball will flame the opponent.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits       Level 3: 7 Hits

Maiden Masher: QCF,HCB+Punch
 -Iori will dash across the screen and attempt to grab his opponent, then
  unleash a flurry of slashes on them. At Level 1, Iori will grab his opponent
  and explode them with flame. At Level 2, he will slam them to the ground and
  explode them. At Level 3, he will yank his opponent to the ground near the
  background and pump them with flame, then smash them with both arms. Each
  Level makes Iori dash farther.
     Level 1: 9 Hits      Level 2: 12 Hits      Level 3: 13 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - Gaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
 (HP)   - Ugh...... Ugh...... Ugh...... ......Ugh .......Ugh ......Ugh...
 (LK)   - FuUuu..... FuUu..... Fuuuu..... Fufufu.....
 (HK)   - Kishaaaaaah!!! UuuUgyaaaaaah!
(LP+HP) - Kuuu.... Fuu... Fuu... Fuuu... Kuu... fu... Kuuu... Fuu...
(LK+HK) - I... I'll... des... troy... you...
(LP+LK) - I... I'll... slash... you... apart...
(HP+HK) - I'll... chop... you... apart...


- Akuma -                        First Appearance: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo

[Normal Attacks]            [Crouch Attacks]          [Air Attacks]
 Jab: LP                     Low Jab: LP               Dropping Jab: LP
 Overhead Smash: F+LP        Uppercut: HP              Downward Straight: HP
 Lunging Straight: HP        Short Kick: LK            Air High Kick (up): LK
 High Snap Kick: LK          Sweep Kick: HK            Knee Drop (side): LK
 Roundhouse Kick: HK         Extended Kick: DB+HK      Air Roundhouse (up): HK
                                                       Thrust Kick (side): HK
[Close Attacks]             [Throws]
 Elbow Jab: LP               Shoulder Toss: F/B+HP
 Uppercut: HP                Leg Roll: F/B+HK
 Shin Kick: LK
 Axe Kick: HK

[Special Moves]
Diving Kick (air): D+HK
 -Akuma will quickly drop almost straight down with a kick. This attack can
  only be performed during a jump forward, and the button combination must
  be pressed at the peak of Akuma's jump.

Gouhadouken: QCF+Punch
 -Akuma throws a blue fireball that travels horizontally across the screen.
  Using LP makes the projectile travel slower than HP does.

Zanku Hadouken (air): QCF+Punch
 -Akuma throws a blue fireball at a downward angle while jumping.  Using HP
  will make the fireball travel a bit quicker than LP.

Shakunetsu Hadouken: HCB+Punch
 -Akuma throws a red fireball similar to the Hadouken, except that it burns
  the opponent when it hits them. Using this attack close enough to an
  opponent that Ryu's hands touch them will knock them down. Using LP makes
  the projectile travel slower than HP does, and using HP will make the
  fireball hit three times.

Goushouryuken: F,D,DF+Punch
 -Akuma will rise into the air with an uppercut that can hit up to three times
  up close. Using HP will make the attack travel higher into the air.

Tatsumaki Zankukyaku: QCB+Kick  (air)
 -Akuma will spin forward with a kick. If performed in the air, the kick will
  arc up or down according to the time performed during his jump. Using HK
  will hit multiple times up close, whereas LK only hits once.

Ashura Senku: F,D,DF or B,D,DB + (LP+HP or LK+HK)
 -Akuma will teleport either forward or backward, corresponding to if
  (F,D,DF) or (B,D,DB) is used. Using (LK+HK) will teleport Akuma halfway
  across the screen, while (LP+HP) travels all the way across. Akuma cannot be
  attacked while he is teleporting.

[Super Combos]
Messatsu Gouhadou: HCB,HCB+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Shakunetsu Hadouken. Although it does not
  burn opponents, it will knock them down. With each Level, the fireball
  will travel faster. This can be used to cancel an oncoming projectile,
  removing one hit from the total.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits       Level 3: 8 Hits

Messatsu Goushouryu: QCF,D,DF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Goushouryuken, Akuma will perform multiple
  uppercuts in a row.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits       Level 3: 7 Hits

Tenma Gouzanku (air): QCF,QCF+Punch
 -A more powerful version of the Zanku Hadouken, Akuma will throw a red 
  fireball at a downward angle while jumping. Each Level will push Akuma a bit
  farther back and up into the air after throwing the fireball, and the
  fireball will flame opponents when it hits them.
     Level 1: 4 Hits      Level 2: 6 Hits       Level 3: 8 Hits

Shungokusatsu: LP,LP,F,LK,HP                                        (LV3 & MAX)
 -Akuma will teleport across most of the screen and try to grab his opponent.
  If Akuma makes contact with them, the screen will go black and Akuma will
  perform a 15-Hit Combo. This extremely powerful attack cannot be blocked,
  and can nearly defeat any opponent by itself. If Akuma defeats an opponent
  with this attack, the background will go black and Akuma's symbol will flash.
     Level 3: 15 Hits

[Victory Quotes]
 (LP)   - I'm the one who has mastered the style perfectly!
 (HP)   - Your moves are nothing!
 (LK)   - ...
 (HK)   - Listen to the screams of all those who have fallen before me!
(LP+HP) - I will ignite the sky in a blaze of glory!
(LK+HK) - Were you afraid to fight the one and only true master!
(LP+LK) - You must know and kneel before the law of the underworld!
(HP+HK) - Do you want to look into the pit of darkness?


(X) [Secrets]

- Choose Victory Quotes -
 After beating the last opponent on a team, hold different button combinations
 to select a Victory Quote. These are listed under each character's sections.

- Unlock Extra Costumes -
 Complete Arcade Mode with any character to unlock their Extra Costumes in the
 Secret Shop.

- Unlock EX Characters -
 Complete Arcade Mode with any Capcom or SNK character in their corresponding
 Groove to unlock their EX version in the Secret Shop. To select an EX
 character, highlight the normal version of the character at the Character
 Select Screen, then hold Start and press any button.

- Unlock Evil Ryu -
 Complete Arcade Mode with Ryu in Capcom Groove to unlock Evil Ryu (Secret 34)
 in the Secret Shop.

- Unlock Orochi Iori -
 Complete Arcade Mode with Iori in SNK Groove to unlock Orochi Iori (Secret 49)
 in the Secret Shop.

- Fight Akuma -
 Complete the Arcade Mode with any character to unlock The Strongest Challenger
 (Secret 62) in the Secret Shop. Buy it, then meet these conditions in Arcade
 or Pair Match Mode:
        -Choose either the SNK or Capcom Groove.
        -Do not use any Continues.
        -Have 80.000 Groove Points before the final match with Geese/M. Bison.
        -Have a total of 10 Super Combo Finishes or more.
 Winning the fight with Akuma will earn a bonus of 10,000 points and a special
 ending. Losing to Akuma and continuing will allow him to be fought again.

- Fight Morrigan -
 Unlock all the Capcom characters' Extra Costumes to unlock Challenger From
 The Dark Realm (Secret 63) in the Secret Shop. Buy it and meet these
 conditions in Arcade or Pair Match Mode:
        -Choose the Capcom Groove.
        -Do not use any Continues.
        -Have 60.000 Groove Points or more after the third fight.
        -Have a total of 5 Super Combo Finishes or more.
 Winning the fight with Morrigan will earn a of bonus 10,000 points. Losing to
 Morrigan and continuing will replace her with the next set of opponents.

- Fight Nakoruru -
 Unlock all the SNK characters' Extra Costumes to unlock Messenger of Nature
 (Secret 64) in the Secret Shop. Buy it, then meet these conditions in Arcade
 or Pair Match Mode:
        -Choose the SNK Groove.
        -Do not use any Continues.
        -Have 60.000 Groove Points or more after the third fight.
        -Have a total of 5 Super Combo Finishes or more.
 Winning the fight with Nakoruru will earn a bonus of 10,000 points. Losing to
 Nakoruru and continuing will replace her with the next set of opponents.

- Unlock M. Bison's Stage -
 Defeat M. Bison in Arcade Mode to unlock M. Bison's Stage (Secret 65) in the
 Secret Shop.

- Unlock Geese's Stage -
 Defeat Geese in Arcade Mode to unlock Geese's Stage (Secret 66) in the Secret

- Unlock Morrigan`s Stage -
 Defeat Morrigan in Arcade Mode to unlock Morrigan's Stage (Secret 67) in the
 Secret Shop.

- Nakoruru`s Stage -
 Defeat Nakoruru in Arcade Mode to unlock Nakoruru's Stage (Secret 68) in the
 Secret Shop.

- Akuma`s Stage -
 Defeat Akuma in Arcade Mode to unlock Akuma's Stage (Secret 69) in the Secret

- Secret Stage -
 This stage randomly appears in Arcade Mode. Complete the game after fighting
 in it to unlock the Secret Stage (Secret 70) in the Secret Shop.

- Pair Match Mode -
 Defeat both Morrigan and Nakoruru in Arcade Mode to unlock Pair Match Mode
 (Secret 71) in the Secret Shop. 

- Character Ratio Selection -
 Defeat Akuma in Arcade mode to unlock Character Ratio Selection (Secret 72)
 in the Secret Shop. 

- Original Music -
 Complete Pair Match Mode to unlock Original Music (Secret 73) in the Secret

- Unlock Morrigan -
 Defeat Morrigan in Arcade Mode and purchase all of the EX Capcom characters,
 including Evil Ryu, to unlock Morrigan (Secret 74) in the Secret Shop.

- Unlock Nakoruru -
 Defeat Nakoruru in Arcade Mode and purchase all of the EX SNK characters,
 including Orochi Iori, to unlock Nakoruru (Secret 75) in the Secret Shop.

- Unlock Akuma -
 Defeat Akuma in Arcade Mode and purchase both Morrigan and Nakoruru to unlock
 Akuma (Secret 76) in the Secret Shop.

- Run and Dash Mode -
 Purchase both Morrigan and Nakoruru to unlock Run & Dash Mode (Secret 77) in
 the Secret Shop.


[Secret Character Introductions]
Ryu VS. Ken
  -Ryu and Ken tap their fists together.

Ryu VS. Kyo
 -Kyo shoots a streak of flame across the screen.

Ryu VS. Ryo
 -Ryu and Ryo jump back from the center of the screen, like the introduction
  sequence from Art of Fighting.

Ryu VS. Sagat
 -Sagat's scar on his chest lights up, and he laughs. Ryu adjusts his belt.

Ken VS. Terry
 -Ken picks up Terry's cap from the ground and tosses it to him.

Chun-Li VS. Mai
 -Mai appears in Chun-Li's costume, then throws it off and gets into her
  fighting pose. Chun-Li smiles and shrugs.

Zangief VS. Raiden
 -Both characters grapple in the middle of the screen. Raiden says
  "You're dead meat", Zangief grunts, and they jump back.

Benimaru VS. female opponents
 -Benimaru blows a kiss, then props his hair up. During the fight,
  Benimaru's taunt will change to blowing a kiss.

Ryo VS. Yuri
 -Yuri taunts Ryo, who shamefully puts his hand over his face.

Kyo VS. Benimaru
 -In some backgrounds, Goro Daimon will quietly watch the fight.

Kyo VS. Iori
 -Kyo and Iori both creates flames in their hands, then extinguish them.

Vega VS. female opponents
 -Vega removes his mask, spins and bows. If Vega wins, he will toss a rose
  over his opponent's fallen body.

Vega VS. "ugly" opponents
 -Vega turns his back and shakes his head in disgust.

Vega VS. Benimaru/M. Bison/Vega
 -Vega spins and tosses a rose.

M. Bison VS. Geese
 -Geese tosses a Double Wind Slice at Bison, which burns up his cape. Bison 

Vice VS. Rugal
 -Mature appears with Vice, who bows and leaves.

Sakura VS. Yuri
 -Yuri waves to Sakura, who gets embarrassed and bows.

Iori VS. M. Bison
 -Bison stands behind Iori and taunts. Iori throws a Dark Thrust at him, which
  Bison jumps and lands on the other side of the screen.

Terry VS. Geese
 -Geese taunts Terry, who waves his fist and says "Geese!".

Terry VS. Yamazaki
 -Yamazaki tosses Terry a knife, who shatters it with a punch. Yamazaki shakes
  a clutched hand at him.

Kim VS. "evil" opponents
 -Kim faces the background at taunts his opponent, then turns around and yells
  "Ha!" in a fighting stance.

Rugal VS. M. Bison
 -Rugal's panther growls at Bison, and Rugal sends it away. 

Rugal VS. Guile
 -A stone statue of Guile sits in the middle of the screen. Guile tosses a
  Sonic Boom at Rugal, which slices off the top half of the statue. Rugal
  tosses a Wind Slice and destroys the rest of the statue.

Chun-Li VS. Yamazaki
 -Hon-Fu (from Fatal Fury 3) jumps in to protect Chun-Li, but Yamazaki
  strikes him with a Serpent Slash and he runs off while holding his rear.

Vice VS. Evil Ryu/Akuma
 -Vice taunts her opponent.

Cammy VS. Vice
 -Cammy and Vice taunt each other.

Kim VS. Kim
 -Both Kim's perform axe kicks, then assume fighting stances.

Sagat VS. King
 -King taunts Sagat, who simply laughs.


[Secret Factor List]
01: Extra Color: Ryu         (200 P)  40: EX Character: E. Honda     (3000 P)
02: Extra Color: Ken         (200 P)  41: EX Character: Blanka       (2000 P)
03: Extra Color: Chun-Li     (200 P)  42: EX Character: Balrog       (3000 P)
04: Extra Color: Guile       (200 P)  43: EX Character: Vega         (4000 P)
05: Extra Color: Zangief     (200 P)  44: EX Character: Sagat        (4000 P)
06: Extra Color: Dhalsim     (200 P)  45: EX Character: M. Bison     (4000 P)
07: Extra Color: E. Honda    (200 P)  46: EX Character: Sakura       (2000 P)
08: Extra Color: Blanka      (200 P)  47: EX Character: Cammy        (2000 P)
09: Extra Color: Balrog      (200 P)  48: EX Character: Kyo          (3000 P)
10: Extra Color: Vega        (200 P)  49: New Character: Orochi Iori (7000 P)
11: Extra Color: Sagat       (200 P)  50: EX Character: Terry        (3000 P)
12: Extra Color: M. Bison    (200 P)  51: EX Character: Ryo          (3000 P)
13: Extra Color: Cammy       (200 P)  52: EX Character: Mai          (3000 P)
14: Extra Color: Sakura      (200 P)  53: EX Character: Kim          (3000 P)
15: Extra Color: Kyo         (200 P)  54: EX Character: Geese        (4000 P)
16: Extra Color: Iori        (200 P)  55: EX Character: Yamazaki     (4000 P)
17: Extra Color: Terry       (200 P)  56: EX Character: Raiden       (3000 P)
18: Extra Color: Ryo         (200 P)  57: EX Character: Rugal        (4000 P)
19: Extra Color: Mai         (200 P)  58: EX Character: Vice         (2000 P)
20: Extra Color: Kim         (200 P)  59: EX Character: Benimaru     (2000 P)
21: Extra Color: Geese       (200 P)  60: EX Character: Yuri         (2000 P)
22: Extra Color: Yamazaki    (200 P)  61: EX Character: King         (2000 P)
23: Extra Color: Raiden      (200 P)  62: The Strongest Challenger    (500 P)
24: Extra Color: Rugal       (200 P)  63: Challenger From The Dark Realm 
25: Extra Color: Vice        (200 P)                                  (700 P)
26: Extra Color: Benimaru    (200 P)  64: Messenger Of Nature         (700 P)
27: Extra Color: Yuri        (200 P)  65: Extra Stage: M. Bison      (1000 P)
28: Extra Color: King        (200 P)  66: Extra Stage: Geese         (1000 P)
29: Extra Color: Evil Ryu    (200 P)  67: Extra Stage: Morrigan      (1200 P)
30: Extra Color: Orochi Iori (200 P)  68: Extra Stage: Nakoruru      (1200 P)
31: Extra Color: Morrigan    (200 P)  69: Extra Stage: Akuma         (1500 P)
32: Extra Color: Nakoruru    (200 P)  70: Extra Stage: Secret        (1500 P)
33: Extra Color: Akuma       (200 P)  71: Pair Match Mode            (1800 P)
34: New Character: Evil Ryu (7000 P)  72: Character Ratio Selection  (1500 P)
35: EX Character: Ken       (3000 P)  73: Original Music             (2000 P)
36: EX Character: Chun-Li   (3000 P)  74: New Character: Morrigan    (8000 P)
37: EX Character: Guile     (3000 P)  75: New Character: Nakoruru    (8000 P)
38: EX Character: Zangief   (3000 P)  76: New Character: Akuma       (8000 P)
39: EX Character: Dhalsim   (2000 P)  77: Run & Dash                 (2300 P)


(XI) [FAQ]

- How do I know which final boss I'll fight?
  The final boss you encounter depends on the origin of the characters used
  the most in the fights before the final battle. If you use mostly SNK
  characters, you will face Balrog and M. Bison, and if you use mostly Capcom
  characters, you will face Geese for two rounds. Also, if you meet the
  requirements for fighting Akuma (see (X) [Secrets]), he will be the final

- How many endings are there?
  The ending you receive is based on which final boss you encounter: M. Bison,
  Geese, or Akuma.

- Are Joe Higashi or Dan Hibiki playable characters?
  Not in this version, no. In Japan, Capcom is releasing an updated version
  of this game called "Capcom vs. SNK: Millenium Fight 2000 Pro Edition". This
  new version has all hidden characters readily available, plus Joe and Dan
  as playable characters.

- I've saved some custom colors with the Color Edit mode. How do I use them?
  Once a custom character palette has been saved, select that character
  using A+Y or B+X to use either custom palette one or two.

- Is there any way to use the custom colors without having a VMU?
  Unfortunately, you've gotta have a VMU to use custom colors. You'd think
  that the Dreamcast would have enough memory to keep something that minor in
  its RAM...

(XII) [Acknowledgments]

  -Capcom, for co-developing and publishing this great game.
  -SNK, for co-developing the game.
  -CJayC, for his devotion to GameFAQs.

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