FAQ/Walkthrough - Guide for L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition

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This is a FAQ/Walkthrough for:
L.A. Noire - Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PC

This document was authored by:
GetJesse - http://getjesse.blip.tv/

Document Version 1.04 - September 27, 2011
Originally released: May 25, 2011

[TOC!] Table of Contents

|                                                                             |
| Table of Contents                    |...........................|  [TOC!]  |
| Introduction                         |...........................|  [INT!]  |
|                                      |                           |          |
| Story Introduction                   |...........................|  [STO!]  |
|                                      |                           |          |
| - Patrol Desk Cases                  |...........................|  [PaDe]  |
| Case 1: Upon Reflection              |...........................|  [Cas1]  |
| Case 2: Armed And Dangerous          |...........................|  [Cas2]  |
| Case 3: Warrants Outstanding         |...........................|  [Cas3]  |
| Case 4: Buyer Beware                 |...........................|  [Cas4]  |
|                                      |                           |          |
| - Traffic Desk Cases                 |...........................|  [TrDe]  |
| Case 5: The Driver's Seat            |...........................|  [Cas5]  |
| Case 6: A Marriage Made In Heaven    |...........................|  [Cas6]  |
| Case 7: The Fallen Idol              |...........................|  [Cas7]  |
|                                      |                           |          |
| - Homicide Desk Cases                |...........................|  [HoDe]  |
| Case 8: The Red Lipstick Muder       |...........................|  [Cas8]  |
| Case 9: The Golden Butterfly         |...........................|  [Cas9]  |
| Case 10: The Silk Stocking Murder    |...........................|  [Ca10]  |
| Case 11: The White Shoe Slaying      |...........................|  [Ca11]  |
| Case 12: The Studio Secretary Murder |...........................|  [Ca12]  |
| Case 13: The Quarter Moon Murders    |...........................|  [Ca13]  |
|                                      |                           |          |
| - Vice Desk Cases                    |...........................|  [ViDe]  |
| Case 14: The Black Caesar            |...........................|  [Ca14]  |
| Case 15: The Set Up                  |...........................|  [Ca15]  |
| Case 16: Manifest Destiny            |...........................|  [Ca16]  |
|                                      |                           |          |
| - Arson Desk Cases                   |...........................|  [ArDe]  |
| Case 17: The Gas Man                 |...........................|  [Ca17]  |
| Case 18: A Walk In Elysian Fields    |...........................|  [Ca18]  |
| Case 19: House Of Sticks             |...........................|  [Ca19]  |
| Case 20: A Polite Invitation         |...........................|  [Ca20]  |
| Case 21: A Different Kind Of War     |...........................|  [Ca21]  |
|                                      |                           |          |
| - DLC Cases                          |...........................|  [DLCs]  |
| DLC Case 1: The Consul's Car         |...........................|  [DLC1]  |
| DLC Case 2: A Slip of the Tongue     |...........................|  [DLC2]  |
| DLC Case 3: The Naked City           |...........................|  [DLC3]  |
| 4: Nicholson Electroplating Disaster |...........................|  [DLC4]  |
| DLC Case 5: Reefer Madness           |...........................|  [DLC5]  |
|                                      |                           |          |
| Traffic Street Crimes                |...........................|  [TrCr]  |
| Homicide Street Crimes               |...........................|  [HoCr]  |
| Vice Street Crimes                   |...........................|  [ViCr]  |
| Arson Street Crimes                  |...........................|  [ArCr]  |
|                                      |                           |          |
| Video Appendix                       |...........................|  [VID!]  |
| Miscellaneous & Legal                |...........................|  [MIS!]  |

[INT!] Introduction

Version 1.04: The Consul's Car case is complete. Two more DLC cases to go!

L.A. Noire is similar to Rockstar's other open-world games (such as Red Dead 
Redemption or Grand Theft Auto), but it introduces some very unique differences
that (in my opinion) completely set it apart from its predecessors. The first 
and most obvious difference are the amazing facial animations used to bring the
characters to life. This is the first game in which this new technology has 
been used, and I can tell it will change the way games are experienced. The 
second difference is the detective interview system; using the facial 
animation technology, this is the first game that effectively employs a way to 
tell if an interviewee is lying.

This document is a walkthrough guide to beating all of the cases in L.A. Noire 
with a five-star rating; it is equally applicable to all the major release 
versions of the game, which include the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 versions. In
this guide I will provide you with a step-by-step guide to finding all of the 
clues in each case, what you need to do, and where you need to go. I also offer
strategies and tactics for getting through certain action sequences of the 
game, as well as give you all the answers for the interviews.

Also included with this guide are links to video guides of each mission (all 
video guides were made by me), which will help you to visually connect with the
information in this written guide. A good way to make the most out of this 
written guide and the video guides is to have one browser tab open for the 
written guide and another browser tab open for the selected video guide. Doing 
that will allow you to keep the written guide open and then copy and paste the 
link to the video guide in the second browser tab. If you happen to use two 
monitors with your computer, you can also have two browser windows open on each
monitor, which will allow you to view both the written guide and the video 
guide at the same time. Technology is great isn't it?

Thank you for checking this guide out and I hope that it helps you.

[STO!] Story Introduction

You are Cole Phelps, an up-and-coming police officer who is destined for great 
things. The setting is the city of Los Angeles; the year is 1947, just a few 
years after World War II. After serving as an officer in the war, Cole Phelps 
is ready to get on with his life and leave his past behind him. Little does he 
know, the future will put him in situations that bring his past right back to 
the forefront, mixing his past life with his new life.

Join with Phelps as he meets many new faces, most of which are friendly. Some 
are not so friendly though; many more are several shades of gray. As you solve 
cases and begin to gain an understanding of the Los Angeles area and its 
various factions, you soon realize that everything is not as it seems. There 
are conspiracies, intricate plots, and instances of corruption a plenty. Along 
with the help of some colorful company, you will need to solve them all.

[PaDe] Patrol Desk Cases

[Cas1] Case 1: Upon Reflection

-=- Objective 1: Investigate Crime Scene

1. Drive to the crime scene location, indicated on the mini-map.

Newspaper #1:
2. Investigate the "Shrink Says:" newspaper, which is found on some crates on 
the right side of the alley; your partner momentarily looks at this area while 
passing by and makes a comment about trash.

3. Go take a look at the bloodstain on the door that your partner stops at.

4. Head to the left and examine the area opposite of the green dumpster, which 
reveals a gun on the roof.

5. Walk further down the alley to reveal a pipe, which you can climb to the 

6. To your left is the murder weapon. Pick it up to take a look at it, and then
examine it further to look at the bullets.

7. Climb back down to the alley, set your destination location to the gun store
in your notebook, then enter your vehicle and drive to the location on your 

-=- Objective 2: Investigate Gun Store

1. Enter the front door of the gun store.

2. You are given the ledger to examine; find the correct pistol entry (it's the
fifth entry), which is on the second page of the ledger (ignore the first 

3. Exit the gun store, set your new destination to the apartment from your 
notebook, and get into your vehicle and drive to the marker on your mini-map.

-=- Objective 3: Investigate Schroeder's Apartment

1. Cross the street and enter the left side door of the apartment building.

2. Examine the mailbox to your right, which reveals the correct apartment (#2).

3. Climb the stairs and knock on apartment #2, which is on the right.

4. After the cutscene, you will engage in a brawl with Schroeder. This is an 
easy fight to win; all you have to do is mash the punch button.

-=- Objective 4: Search Schroeder's Apartment

1. Go to the dresser Schroeder opened in the earlier cutscene when he was 
searching for his pistol. Examine it to find a notebook, which if you turn the 
page will reveal the name of Floyd Rose.

=== Case 1: Upon Reflection Video Guide Link:

[Cas2] Case 2: Armed And Dangerous

-=- Objective: Subdue Robbery Suspects

1. Drive to the scene of the crime. Your siren is already on, so getting there 
shouldn't be a problem. 

2. Once you get to the robbery scene, a short in-game cinematic plays.

3. You start the battle taking cover behind a truck. If you immediately aim 
your shotgun at the enemies in front of you, you can take out one or two of 
them before they can run to cover.

4. Finish off any enemies outside the bank.

5. Run up to either side of the entrance of the bank and take cover outside. 
From this position, you can finish off the rest of the enemies and complete the

=== Case 2: Armed And Dangerous Video Guide Link:

[Cas3] Case 3: Warrants Outstanding

-=- Objective 1: Chase Suspect

1. Right as the case starts, you will be chasing after a suspect. Hold down the
run button to continuously sprint. 

2. There are obstacles in L.A. Noire which can be used automatically by your 
character. For example, there is a chain-link fence that must be scaled during 
this chase; you can make Phelps jump over it by simply running into it. You can
also use ladders and pipes in the same way, by running or walking towards them.

3. When chasing suspects on foot, the best way to handle the chase is to keep 
them in your sights and run where they run. Sometimes you can take a more 
efficient path, like cutting corners sharper than the suspect did. If you lose 
sight of a suspect, remember that they show up on your mini-map.

4. The suspect will take you to the rooftops. Chasing suspects on the roofs of 
buildings can be more difficult than on ground level, but just pay attention to
what parts of the environment they use and make sure you do the same.

-=- Objective 2: Subdue Bowers

1. At the end of the chase, a short cutscene will play, then the fist fight 
with the suspect begins. This fight is very easy to win: all you have to do is 
mash the punch button and Bowers will fall.

=== Case 3: Warrants Outstanding Video Guide Link:

[Cas4] Case 4: Buyer Beware

-=- Objective 1: Search Crime Scene

1. You will start out in front of the victim. Check the victim's left jacket 
pocket to find a clue, the Bank of Arcadia payment note. Scroll down to get the
full clue.

2. Past the victim's body are some shell casings on the sidewalk, which were 
ejected from the murder weapon.

3. Beyond the shell casings is a trash can. Go up to it and search it to find 
the murder weapon: a pistol. Make sure you angle the gun properly in your hand 
so that you get the full clue.

=== Case 4: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

-=- Objective 2: Question Witness

1. There is a witness in a red shirt on the opposite side of the sidewalk from 
the trash can (he is standing among other people). Go over and talk to him.

-=- Objective 3: Question Incident Eyewitness

1. After talking to the man in the red shirt, make your way inside the store (a
short cutscene with your partner will trigger).

2. Inside the store, talk to the woman (the incident eyewitness). This will 
trigger your first interview.

        Clovis Galletta Interrogation
        Q1: Eyewitness account
        Lie -> Layaway voucher

        Q2: Possible murder suspect

        Q3: Details of shooting

=== Case 4: Objectives 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

-=- Objective 4: Investigate Gun Store

1. Set Eagleson's Gun Store as your current destination (inside your notebook),
and head over there in your vehicle with your partner.

2. Enter the store and talk to the man working the store. He will give you and 
your partner a new clue.

-=- Objective 5: Investigate Hartfield's Jewelry

1. Set Hartfield's Jewelry Store as your current destination and travel over 

2. Talk to the man working at the store, which will start the next objective.

=== Case 4: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

-=- Objective 6: Apprehend Edgar Kalou

1. The man working the store (Edgar Kalou) will start a foot chase. 

2. During this foot chase, you are given the option to aim your gun at Mr. 
Kalou by using the aim button. If you hold it on him long enough to fill up the
entire circle, you will fire a warning shot and stop the foot chase.

3. A good spot to end the chase with a warning shot is past the water fountain 
in the grassy park area (with some trees). Kalou will have to run a good 
distance while in this location, so you should be able to hold your aim on him.

4. If you can't stop Kalou, the foot chase will eventually end by itself when 
Kalou gets stopped by some cars (allowing you to run up to him and apprehend 

-=- Objective 7: Obtain a Murder Conviction

1. After a cutscene, you are now taken to the police station, where you will 
interview Edgar Kalou.

        Edgar Kalou Interrogation

        Q1: Argument with Gage
        Lie -> Suspect positively identified

        Q2: Possible religious motive

        Alternate: Shooting incident
        Lie -> Murder weapon serviced

=== Case 4: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

[TrDe] Traffic Desk Cases

[Cas5] Case 5: The Driver's Seat 

-=- Objective 1: Investigate P.E. Freight Depot

1. Exit the police station. The exit is down the stairs and to the left. Make 
your partner drive to speed up travel time (hold down the drive button near the

2. At the crime scene, start off by talking to the doctor (the coroner).

3. Observe the blood-stained interior of the vehicle near evidence marker A.

4. Open the car's trunk. Ignore the tire iron and pick up the piece of paper on
the left; it is a receipt for a live hog. Seems suspicious doesn't it?

5. In front of the car (near evidence marker A) are a pair of glasses and a 
wallet. The wallet has the victim's ID card; the glasses must be angled.

6. To the left (near evidence marker B) is a bloody pipe.

-=- Objective 2: Question Nate Wilkey

1. Standing near others is a man in a cap and overalls: you must interview this

        Nate Wilkey Interrogation

        Q1: Purpose at scene

        Q2: Knowledge of Adrian Black

        Q3: Contents of wallet

        Q4: Bloodstained pipe found

=== Case 5: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Objective 3: Investigate Black Residence

1. Drive to the Black Residence.

2. Enter the house, which starts a short cutscene. Afterwards, it is time to 
search around the house. 

Newspaper #2: 
3. On the dining room table is a newspaper.

4. Inside Adrian's bedroom, there is a glasses case on the dresser, which is 
the same brand as the glasses (Stenzel). Also pick up the picture to the left 
of the glasses case to find a hidden message from Nicole to Adrian.

5. Head to the corner of the room (left of the dresser) to find a train ticket 
to Seattle.

6. Next to the bed beside the lamp is a matchbook from a bar.

7. Inside the kitchen, pick up the two items on the table. One is a receipt for
a heater; the other is a pamphlet, which you can further investigate to look at
the back.

8. Near the front door of the house is a telephone. After finding all of the 
above clues, use the telephone.

9. Now go out the front door and head to the left, to the side of the house.

10. Here you will start a small puzzle. The diagram for this puzzle is on the 
back of the pamphlet we found in the kitchen, but I will give you directions to
complete this. "Pipe 1" is the first pipe Cole's hand will be pointing at, 
"Pipe 2" will be the next one pointed at, etc.

        Pipe 1: Place in the upper right.
        Pipe 2: Place in the middle.
        Pipe 3: Place in the bottom left.
        Pipe 4: Place in the left-middle.

-=- Objective 4: Question Margaret Black

1. After assembling the heater, go back inside to talk to Margaret Black.

        Margaret Black Interrogation

        Q1: Slaughterhouse receipt

        Q2: Stenzel glasses case

        Q3: Location of Adrian Black

        Q4: Photograph signed 'Nicole'
        Lie -> Concealed message

        Q5: Cavanagh's Bar matchbook

        Q6: Alibi for Mrs Black

=== Case 5: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Objective 5: Investigate Cavanagh's Bar

1. Drive to Cavanagh's Bar.

2. Enter the bar and talk to the bartender, who will tell you about a man in 
the back.

-=- Objective 6: Question Frank Morgan

1. Go to the back of the bar and talk to the man in the "Saval Tool Co." work 

        Frank Morgan Interrogation

        Q1: Link to abandoned vehicle
        Lie -> Receipt for live hog

        Q2: Location of Adrian Black

2. After the interview, you are given the option to arrest Frank. Go ahead and 
do it.

=== Case 5: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

-=- Objective 7: Investigate Morgan's Apartment

1. Drive to Morgan's Apartment.

2. Enter the front door of the complex; to your left is a mailbox, which you 
can use to see that Frank's apartment is room #2.

3. Knock on the door to the apartment, which will start a cutscene.

-=- Objective 8: Apprehend Adrian Black

1. At the end of the cutscene, it is time to start a foot chase. Right when the
foot chase starts, run through the apartment and out the window.

2. Outside the apartment window, you will climb to the roof. 

3. Turn to the left and chase after Frank across the roof.

4. Climb down the pipe. On the ground level, you will find that your partner 
has caught Frank. A cutscene will play.

=== Case 5: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

[Cas6] Case 6: A Marriage Made In Heaven    

-=- Obj 1: Investigate Ray's Cafe

1. Drive to Ray's Cafe.

2. Examine the victim's body. His left jacket pocket has a letter about his 
insurance policy. His right jacket pocket has his wallet with his ID card.

3. After looking at the victim's body, talk to the doctor.

4. Head into the left alleyway. Look in the trash can to find a bloody knife. 

=== Case 6: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 2: Question Shannon Perry

1. Exit the alleyway and walk over to the woman in the blue dress. This will 
begin an interview.

        Shannon Perry Interrogation

        Q1: Eyewitness report

        Q2: Suspect vehicle description

        Q3: Argument overheard

-=- Obj 3: Question Dudley Lynch

Newspaper #3:
1. Enter the bar. Before you talk to the bartender though, make sure you pick 
up the newspaper that is sitting on top of the bar.

2. Talk to the bartender to start the interview.

        Dudley Lynch Interrogation

        Q1: Hit and run incident

        Q2: Association with victim

        Q3: Argument overheard in bar

        Q4: Joint business venture

=== Case 6: Objectives 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 4: Investigate Shelton Residence

1. Before leaving the bar, use the telephone.

2. Drive to the Shelton Residence.

3. A cutscene plays upon arrival.

-=- Obj 5: Apprehend William Shelton

1. After the cutscene, a vehicle chase begins.

2. Shelton will drive erratically around the city. Keep him in your sights; if 
you hit a building and suddenly stop moving, just do your best to back up and 
start moving again. Remember that a suspect's vehicle will show up on your 
mini-map if you can't see them.

3. You have several opportunities to ram Shelton or run him off the road, so 
the easiest way to take him down is to cause him to wreck. You can also let 
your partner shoot out his tires. After his car stops, jump out of your vehicle
and arrest him.

4. If you can't stop Shelton during the vehicle chase, he will eventually jump 
out of his car and start a foot chase. Jump out of your vehicle and catch him 
on foot to end the chase.

=== Case 6: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 6: Question Mrs. Pattison

1. Drive to the Pattison Residence.

2. After entering the house and watching the cutscene, the interview begins.

        Lorna Pattison Interrogation

        Q1: Hit and run incident

        Q2: Nature of argument

        Q3: Partnership with Leroy Sabo
        Lie -> Insurance Letter

-=- Obj 7: Report to Central Morgue

1. After exiting the Pattison residence, head to the right and make a phone 

2. Drive to the Central Morgue.

3. Enter the morgue and watch the cutscene.

=== Case 6: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 8: Apprehend Lorna Patterson

1. Drive to the Pattison Residence.

2. Walk up to the house and watch the cutscene.

-=- Obj 9: Apprehend Leroy Sabo

1. After the cutscene, a foot chase begins. Run through the house and out the 
back door.

2. While chasing Leroy, you have a few opportunities to fire warning shots at 
him (which will end the chase. These can be difficult to complete though.

3. The foot chase will eventually end. After running through a vacant lot and 
turning the corner of a chain-link fence, you will see that Leroy has taken a 

4. This begins what is probably your first hostage scene. Leroy likes to move 
around a lot behind the hostage; while doing so, he exposes his body. Aim your 
gun at either the left or right side of the hostage and wait for Leroy to 
expose himself there. When he does, shoot him. If you hit his body, you will 
quickly need to finish him off before he regains from the stun and shoots the 
hostage. If you shoot his head, he will die.

=== Case 6: Objectives 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

[Cas7] Case 7: The Fallen Idol

-=- Obj 1: Investigate Crash Site

1. Drive to the Crash Site.

2. Head down the side path to the crash site. Examine the evidence on the back 
of the crashed car's trunk, which consists of some torn women's underwear and 
a purse (with a letter inside).

3. Talk to the doctor, who is standing next to the car.

-=- Obj 2: Question June Ballard

1. Head back up the path to the top and begin the interview with one of the 
victims, who is sitting inside the ambulance.

        June Ballard Interrogation

        Q1: Doping allegation

        Q2: Injured female passenger
        Lie -> Underwear

        Q3: Fake shrunken head

        Q4: Suspect 'Mark Bishop'

=== Case 7: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 3: Question Jessica Hamilton

1. Drive to the Central Receiving Hospital.

2. Enter the hospital and talk to the Nurse.

3. Before entering Jessica's room, talk to the doctor.

4. Enter the room and begin the interview with the victim.

        Jessica Hamilton Interrogation

        Q1: Crash incident report
        Lie -> Underwear

        Q2: Contact with parents
        Lie -> Letter from mother

        Q3: Association with Bishop

        Q4: Evidence of criminal abuse

-=- Obj 4: Follow June Ballard

1. A "tail suspect in vehicle" scene begins. The goal of these gameplay 
segments is to follow the suspect (in a vehicle) without alerting them to your 

2. Follow behind June's vehicle, but not too close. Stay far away from it; the 
only thing you need to do is keep it in your sight. When the suspect vehicle 
turns a corner, speed up and turn that corner as well. After doing that, slow 
down again and keep your distance. Repeat until the tailing ends.

3. When June heads into the diner, exit your vehicle and take cover in front of
the windows. This will make you duck below the window.

4. Wait by the right side of the door. When June picks up the telephone 
receiver and stops looking in your direction, head into the diner and sit in 
the booth on the left. This booth will have a newspaper, which you can use to 
go incognito and remain hidden.

=== Case 7: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 5: Investigate Bishop's Apartment

1. Drive to Bishop's Apartment.

2. Enter the apartment and talk to the guy at the front desk. He will give you 
directions to the apartment.

3. Once inside the apartment, take a look at the saddle to the left.

4. Go into the bedroom and look at the $20,000 check in the corner.

5. Go into the office (it has an open wall). On the counter is a picture; pick 
it up and take a look. To the right of the picture and on the same counter, 
take a look at the scale model.

6. Go into the room where Mrs. Bishop is. On the left is another picture to 
look at, which is of her husband and a Mr. Hopgood.

-=- Obj 6: Question Gloria Bishop

1. Start the interview.

        Gloria Bishop Interrogation

        Q1: Domestic disturbance

        Q2: Whereabouts of Bishop
        Q3: Check for $20,000

        Q4: Abuse of Jessica Hamilton

=== Case 7: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 7: Trace Prop Store Address

1. Before exiting Bishop's apartment, use the telephone.

-=- Obj 8: Investigate Silver Screen Props

1. Drive to Silver Screen Props.

2. Enter the store and talk to Hopgood.

3. After the cutscene, a search begins. Go over to the shelves in the corner to
find the Chloral Hydrate.

4. Go to the opposite side of the room and look at the mirror.

Newspaper #4:
5. Out in the alleyway between the prop store's buildings, go over to the work 
benches. On the right bench is a newspaper.

6. The left bench has a shrunken head, which is painted exactly like the one 
you found at the crash site (that was used to hold down the gas pedal).

7. The left wall looks odd. Take a closer look to make Phelps push it open.

8. Head into the door to reveal the secret room. Inside are two clues: the left
film reel (Jungle Drums) and the right film canister (with Jessica's name on 
it). It is empty and has no film reel.

=== Case 7: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 9: Question Marlon Hopgood

1. Head back to your partner to interview Marlon.

        Marlon Hopgood Interrogation

        Q1: Association with Bishop
        Lie -> Chloral Hydrate

        Q2: Whereabouts of Bishop

        Q3: Relationship with Ballard
        Lie -> Empty Film Canister

        Q4: Evidence of blackmail
        Lie -> $20,000 check

-=- Obj 10: Battle the Mobsters

1. After exiting the prop store, a cutscene plays and you start a battle.

2. You can run away from the fight by driving off in your car. The thugs will 
jump in their cars and try to follow you. The chase will end if you can lose 
them. You can do this by taking odd routes through alleyways and such.

3. Another option is to jump out of your car and fight the thugs (which is what
I prefer). Use your car as cover. Initially you will fight some thugs in front 
of your car; these enemies are easy to take out, as they start the fight in an 
exposed position and don't really have good cover options to run to.

4. After taking out the initial thugs, some new enemies will spawn from a car 
to your right. Be ready for them, because they can kill you if you are caught 
off guard.

=== Case 7: Objectives 9 & 10 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 11: Investigate Movie Set

1. Drive to the 'Jungle Drums' Set.

2. After arriving, a foot chase begins. Don't bother trying to catch Bishop, as
it is not necessary. Just follow after him and keep him in sight.

3. Eventually you will reach an upper level where the boards under you start to
fall down and break apart. There is one section where Bishop runs over some and
they break; to the left of this section is a platform. Instead of following 
directly behind Bishop, jump over across the left platform instead. This will 
prevent you from falling (and dying).

4. The foot chase will end after a cutscene.

-=- Obj 12: Protect Bishop

1. Now it is time to escort Bishop. You will come to areas where Bishop will 
not progress forward until the enemies are killed.

2. As you move through the various areas, make sure you use cover. Standing out
in the open will quickly lead to your death.

3. After shooting the red barrels, which allows you to jump to an area below, 
you will be in a large open area. Your pistol is ineffective in this area, so 
grab a rifle from the nearby enemy to extend your effective range. This will 
allow you to shoot the enemies on the far side of the area.

4. After continuing to follow Bishop, you will reach the ground level. Here 
there is a large group of enemies. Listen to the advice of your partner and 
shoot the red barrels, which can be found if you look to the upper right of the
area (a gangster is standing next to them). This will cause a statue to fall.

5. You and your partner will continue to escort Bishop. At the end, you will 
have a large final battle with the rest of the gangsters. Police officers will 
assist you.

=== Case 7: Objectives 11 & 12 Video Guide Link:

[HoDe] Homicide Desk Cases

[Cas8] Case 8: The Red Lipstick Murder

-=- Obj 1: Investigate Crime Scene

1. Drive to the Crime Scene.

2. Examine the victim's body. Turn her head to your right, revealing a new 
clue. Also take a look at her left hand and her torso.

3. Take a look at the footprints near evidence marker B.

4. Examine the purse near the hairbrush (at evidence marker C). Inside you will
find lipstick, but it is brand new (i.e. the murderer didn't use it on the 
victim's body).

5. Head to evidence marker B and solve the puzzle. Line up the continents to 
their appropriate position. 

=== Case 8: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 2: Investigate Bamba Club

1. Drive to the Bamba Club.

2. Enter the club and talk to the bartender.

3. Go to the back of the bar.

-=- Obj 3: Question Dick McColl

1. Talk to the man at the back of the bar.

        Dick McColl Interrogation
        Q1: Suspect seen with victim

        Q2: Ring stolen from victim

        Q3: Knowledge of husband

2. After question 1, Dick gives you the plate number of a car.

=== Case 8: Objectives 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 4: Investigate Celine Henry's House

1. Drive to Henry Residence.

Newspaper #5:
2. After entering the house, a newspaper is on the floor to the left.

3. Go to the kitchen and look at the broken window.

4. Behind you on the refrigerator is a note from Celine's husband.

5. On the dining room floor is a shoe, near the beam of light from the window.

6. On the bedroom dresser is an empty ring case. To the right of that is a 
picture of Celine in a plane.

-=- Obj 5: Question Neighbors

1. Go outside the back door to the backyard. To the left is a neighbor, which 
triggers a short cutscene (not an interview).

=== Case 8: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 6: Investigate Jacob Henry's Apartment

1. Drive to Jacob Henry's Apartment.

2. On the kitchen counter is a notepad. Use the pencil to reveal the last note 
written on the notepad.

3. Go into the side bedroom. Inside the suitcase, you will find size 11 shoes.

-=- Obj 7: Question Jacob Henry (1st Interrogation)

1. Go back to Jacob and start the interview.

        Jacob Henry Interrogation (1st)

        Q1: Movements of victim
        Lie -> Bamba Club Lighter

        Q2: Last contact with victim

        Q3: Motive for murder
        Lie -> Death Threat Note

=== Case 8: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 8: Subdue Jacob Henry

1. After the cutscene, Jacob punches Galloway and begins a fight.

2. Block his punches then counter with your own punches. Jacob will stop 
fighting after just a few blows.

-=- Obj 9: Question Jacob Henry (2nd Interrogation)

1. Before exiting Jacob's apartment, use the phone.

2. Drive to the Central Police Station.

3. Here you will start the 2nd interview with Jacob.

        Jacob Henry Interrogation (2nd)

        Q1: Access to murder weapon
        Lie -> Husband's alibi

        Q2: Lipstick markings

        Q3: Deterioration of marriage
        Lie -> Marital problems

        Q4: Missing jewelry

=== Case 8: Objectives 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 10: Investigate Mendez's Apartment

1. Drive to Mendez's Apartment.

2. Check the mailbox at the entrance to see that we need to enter apartment 

3. Kick the door down and head down the hallway to the bedroom. 

4. Near the bed is a size 8 shoe.

5. To the left of the bed is a bloody box. There is a stick of used lipstick, 
along with the murder weapon.

-=- Obj 11: Apprehend Mendez

1. A cutscene plays, and then the foot chase begins. Jump out the window and 
follow Mendez across the roof.

2. After climbing down a pipe, your partner will drive up with the car and you 
need to jump in. A vehicle chase begins.

3. This chase can be a bit difficult, because Mendez takes some narrow and 
winding paths. It becomes easier once you reach the city streets though, so be 
patient and wait to take him out then.

=== Case 8: Objectives 10 & 11 Video Guide Link:

[Cas9] Case 9: The Golden Butterfly

-=- Obj 1: Investigate Crime Scene

1. Drive to the Crime Scene.

2. Examine the body. Look at the head, the left hand, the right arm, and the 

3. Near evidence marker B is the victim's purse. Inside you find a name tag and
some money.

4. Take a look at the footprints.

5. Talk to the doctor.

=== Case 9: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 2: Investigate Moller Residence

1. Drive to the Moller Residence.

2. After the cutscene, go into the back bedroom. Look at the work boots, which 
are size 8. On the vanity mirror desk are two empty jewelry cases, one for a 
watch and another for a ring.

-=- Obj 3: Question Michelle Moller

1. Go back into the living room and talk to the young girl.

        Michelle Moller Interrogation

        Q1: Missing watch and rings

        Q2: Last contact with victim

        Q3: State of parents' marriage

=== Case 9: Objectives 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 4: Question Hugo Moller

1. Hugo enters the house, and the interview begins.

        Hugo Mollor Interrogation (1st)

        Q1: Footprints at crime scene
        Lie -> Size eight work boots

        Q2: Missing persons report

        Q3: Alibi for Hugo Miller
        Lie -> Husband's alibi

        Q4: History of violence
        Lie -> Butterfly brooch

-=- Obj 5: Speak to the Neighbor

1. After exiting the house, you speak to the neighbor across the street.

=== Case 9: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 6: Apprehend Hugo Moller

1. While speaking to the neighbor, a foot chase begins.

2. Hugo runs through a residential neighborhood. You will jump over fences, run
between houses. It's possible to tackle Hugo, but you might not be able to do 

3. Your partner will stop the chase by blocking Hugo in an alleyway.

4. Back near the house, you will investigate what Hugo was trying to burn. Look
at the trash can to see it was a pair of shoes with blood on the soles.

-=- Obj 7: Drive to Central Morgue

1. Make a call using one of the street telephones.

2. Drive to Central Morgue.

3. Choose the third rope sample and compare it to the photograph.

4. Look at the shoe imprints to the right of the rope samples.

5. Before leaving, you can also glance at the body to hear some dialog.

=== Case 9: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 8: Investigate High School

1. Before leaving the morgue, use the telephone near the exit in the office.

2. Drive to Belmont High School.

3. A foot chase begins while talking to the janitor.

-=- Obj 9: Apprehend Molester

1. The suspect will cut across the school grounds and move into the city. There
are a couple of spots where it is possible to tackle him; don't worry if you 
can't, because your partner will eventually cut him off.

2. If you couldn't catch the suspect, you will need to end the chase with a 
fight. Use the same fighting tactics you've used before, and the suspect will 
be arrested.

3. After the chase, you will be back at the school parking lot. Open the trunk 
of the car that the police officer is standing by. Inside you will find a 
bloodied rope, a green uniform, and the murder weapon.

=== Case 9: Objectives 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 10: Return to Central Station

1. Use a street phone.

2. Drive to Central Police Station.

-=- Obj 11: Question Hugo Moller

1. Enter interview room #2.

        Hugo Moller Interrogation (2nd)

        Q1: Disposal of evidence

        Q2: Access to braided rope

        Q3: Victim's vehicle recovered
        Lie -> Overalls

        Q4: Access to tire iron
        Lie -> Bloody tire iron

2. After the interview, you can charge Hugo with the crime. Don't do anything 
just yet.

=== Case 9: Objectives 10 & 11 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 12: Question Eli Rooney

1. Enter interview room #1.

        Eli Rooney Interrogation

        Q1: Footprints at crime scene

        Q2: Place of employment

        Q3: Access to braided rope

        Q4: Motive for Moller murder

-=- Obj 13: Charge Suspect

1. You have the options of either charging Hugo Moller or Eli Rooney with the 
crime. Either choice if fine, but if you want a five-star rating you will have 
to charge Eli Rooney.

=== Case 9: Objectives 12 & 13 Video Guide Link:

[Ca10] Case 10: The Silk Stocking Murder 

-=- Obj 1: Investigate Crime Scene

1. Drive to the Crime Scene.

2. Examine the victim's head, left hand, torso, and right hand (which has a 
torn public library card in it).

3. At evidence marker A is a bloody silk stocking.

4. Evidence marker B shows a trail of blood.

5. The trail leads to a hat, with Antonia's name inside it.

6. Continue to follow the trail to a trash can; it has a shoe laying at the top
of the trash.

7. At the end of the next trail is a pipe with valves. Hanging from the left 
valve is a key with the number five on it.

8. Along the next blood trail is a piece of paper with dots on it. This will 
help solve a puzzle later.

9. The blood leads to a ladder. Climb it to the roof.

10. The trail leads to a pigeon coop, with an empty envelope inside.

11. Past the pigeon coop on another roof (and along the blood trail) is a 
golden makeup box.

12. The trail leads to a pipe, which you can climb to another roof.

13. Near the top of the pipe you just climbed is a shoelace tied to a ring.

14. Past the ring is a bucket of blood and a bloody paintbrush.

15. The last piece of evidence past that is a purse with the other half of the 
torn public library card.

-=- Obj 2: Investigate Antonia's Room

1. Drive to Antonia's Residence.

3. Upon entering the residence, you will have a short cutscene with the owner 
of the residence. After that, you can enter Antonia's bedroom, which is 
room #5 upstairs.

2. Inside her bedroom, you can examine the broken window. If you climb outside 
the broken window, you can pick up the object that was used to break open the 
window. It looks like a spike that would be along the top of a fancy metal 
fence or gate.

3. Go back into the room and look at the downturned picture sitting in the top,
open dresser door. It reveals a charm bracelet.

4. Look in the suitcase, which sits on top of the bed. There you'll find a 
letter regarding a divorce proceeding.

=== Case 10: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 3: Question Mrs. Lapenti

1. Head back downstairs to talk to Mrs. Lapenti, who is waiting for you in a 

        Barbara Lapenti Interrogation

        Q1: Possible suspects
        Q2: Movements of victim

        Q3: Evidence of break-in
        Lie -> Broken window or Iron picket

        Q4: Breakdown of marriage
        Lie -> Charm bracelet photograph

-=- Obj 4: Investigate Maldonado Residence

1. Drive to the Maldonado Residence.

2. The mailbox shows you that the apartment number is 304 (on the third floor).

3. Upon entering the apartment, you will be attacked and must enter a fight.

4. This fight isn't that tough, but you will need to block the opponent's 
attacks; after blocking, throw some quick counter punches. If you can get a 
good string of hits going, your opponent will not be able to recover and will 
keep on taking the punches until he falls. Galloway should be able to finish 
his fight just fine, but you can go help him if you want.

5. After the fight, go into the kitchen and take a look at the bloody shirt 
hanging near the other clothes. 

6. In the corner of the kitchen and on the floor is a wooden crate from the 
"Just Picked" fruit market. Open it up to find a good stock of alcoholic 

=== Case 10: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 5: Question Neighbors

1. Head outside of the apartment into the hallway. You can knock on all of the 
apartments if you like, but the only one with helpful information is the lady 
in apartment 302.

-=- Obj 6: Return to Tech Services

1. Set your destination for the El Dorado Bar. You won't make it over there 
however, because you get a call on your radio to return to the police station.

2. Once you get to the police station, head downstairs to Technical Services. A
cutscene will play, and then you will get to look at two pieces of evidence: a 
note made from magazine clippings, as well as a poem.

=== Case 10: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 7: Question Angel Maldonado

1. Go to interview room #2, where an interview will begin.

        Angel Maldonado Interrogation

        Q1: Last contact with victim
        Lie -> Husband's alibi

        Q2: Jewelry taken from body

        Q3: Divorce proceedings
        Lie -> Attorney's letter or Divorce papers

        Q4: Bloodstained shirt found

-=- Obj 8: Investigate El Dorado Bar

1. Drive to the El Dorado Bar.

2. Enter the bar and talk to the bartender. During the cutscene the bartender 
will give you Antonia's divorce papers.

=== Case 10: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 9: Question Diego Aguilar

1. After initially talking with the bartender and looking at the divorce 
papers, the interview will begin.

        Diego Aguilar Interrogation

        Q1: Missing jewelry

        Q2: Movements of victim

2. If you want to, you can go to the back of the bar to see an "Out of Order" 
sign on the telephone. Looks like Diego was right about the phone.

-=- Obj 10: Investigate Just Picked Fruit Market

1. Go through the back door of the El Dorado Bar. There you will meet a man 
making a delivery. He will drive away.

2. Drive to the Just Picked Fruit Market.

3. Watch the cutscene, then enter the market. Talk to the guy sitting at the 
front desk.

=== Case 10: Objectives 9 & 10 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 11: Question Clem Feeney

1. The interview begins when you talk to the man working at the Just Picked 
Fruit Market.

        Clem Feeney Interrogation

        Q1: Distinctive necklace

        Q2: Contact with victim

        Q3: Movements of victim

2. After the interview with Feeney, it is time to search the fruit market. Head
over to the green double doors and kick them open.

3. To the left is a desk. Sitting next to a tire iron (which is irrelevant) is 
a bloody knife! 

4. The filing cabinet to the right has an open door; sitting on top of the 
suspiciously bloody shirt is a box. If you use the combination noted on the dot
clue found at the start of this case (2-5-3), you can open the box to find some
charms. It appears to be part of the charm bracelet!

-=- Obj 12: Apprehend Feeney

1. After looking at the evidence, a vehicle chase begins.

2. This chase can be tricky, because Feeney cuts across some rough terrain. If 
you wait a little while, Feeney will eventually start driving across the wide 
city roads; this is your opportunity to pull up beside the green truck and let 
your partner shoot the tires. You can also make him wreck, but it's probably 
easier to just let Galloway do the work.

=== Case 10: Objectives 11 & 12 Video Guide Link:

[Ca11] Case 11: The White Shoe Slaying       

-=- Obj 1: Investigate Crime Scene

1. Drive to the Crime Scene.

2. Examine the victim's head; you'll need to reveal the laundry label by 
turning her head to the right, then to the left. If you look at her hands you 
will see that jewelry was not forcibly removed.

3. Look at the footprints in the mud (marker B).

4. Look at the tire tracks in the mud (marker C).

-=- Obj 2: Question Catherine Barton

1. After looking at the evidence, a cutscene begins. This will start an 

        Catherine Barton Interrogation

        Q: Suspicious persons

=== Case 11: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 3: Investigate Superior Laundry

1. After the interview with Catherine Barton, use the telephone at the crime 
scene (it's on a wooden pole).

2. Drive to Superior Laundry Services.

3. After entering, the guy at the front desk will give you a ledger to examine.
On the left page of the ledger, you can find the address and name of the victim
by matching the correct laundry number (F1363).

-=- Obj 4: Investigate Taraldsen Residence

1. Drive to 43 Emerald Street.

2. Enter the house, which starts a cutscene. Afterwards, it's time to search 
the house.

3. Go to the bedroom (not the kids' bedroom). In the corner on top of the 
dresser is a matchbook from a bar. Next to the matchbook is a downturned 

4. In the laundry room, look at the purse next to the sink. Inside you will 
find a stick of lipstick, as well as an ID card.

5. Hanging on the door is a wet jacket.

6. To the left of the wet jacket are some muddy, size 8 boots.

7. Head out the door from the laundry room and check out the boat that is 
outside. At the front of the boat is a rope hanging from the bow. It looks like
the same pattern of rope used on the victim.

8. In the living room, where Mr. Taraldsen is sitting, is a telephone. Use it 
to make a phone call before talking to Mr. Taraldsen.

=== Case 11: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 5: Question Lars Taraldsen

1. After making the phone call, talk to Mr. Taraldsen to start the interview.

        Lars Taraldsen Interrogation

        Q1: Possible suspects
        Lie -> Bow rope

        Q2: Alibi for Lars Taraldsen

        Q3: Victim's state of mind

        Q4: Last contact with victim
        Lie -> Wet jacket or Muddy boots

-=- Obj 6: Question Benny Cluff

1. Drive to Baron's Bar.

2. Talk to the bartender to start the interview.

        Benny Cluff Interrogation

        Q1: Last contact with victim

        Q2: Vagrant male suspect

        Q3: Yellow Cab 3591

2. After the first question, Benny gives you the number to a yellow cab (which 
also creates question three on your list of questions).

=== Case 11: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 7: Apprehend Richard Bates

1. After the interview, the bartender points out Richard Bates. This starts a 
foot chase.

2. Richard runs out of the bar and jumps into a truck (which turns the foot 
chase into a vehicle chase). Conveniently, a car pulls up right in front of you
and the driver gets out. Jump in and follow Richard's truck.

3. The truck winds through narrow, rough terrain at first. Watch out for the 
sharp turns, as it is easy to get stuck on something (there is one spot in 
particular with a parked truck).

4. Eventually the chase will move to the city streets. This will give you some 
room to either make the truck wreck or give your partner a good shot on the 

5. If you don't catch Richard during the vehicle chase, he will jump out of the
truck and start another foot chase. If you can't fire a warning shot or tackle 
him, the chase will eventually end when he gets cornered.

-=- Obj 8: Question Richard Bates

1. The interviews with Richard begins after you capture him.

        Richard Bates Interrogation

        Q1: Contact with victim

        Q2: Account of movements

2. After the interview, Richard is arrested.

=== Case 11: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 9: Find the Yellow Cab

1. After the interview with Bates, get into your car and wait for your 
character to use the radio. This will trigger a tracing of the yellow cab.

2. Set the "Yellow Cab Trace" as your current destination and get in your car. 
This will set your current destination to automatically update to the location 
of the yellow cab. This might be a bug, but sometimes the destination will not 
show up; getting in and out of the car seems to fix it for me.

3. If you pull up to the destination and don't see the yellow cab, the location
will automatically update on your mini-map. Keep following it until you find 
the cab.

4. When you see the cab, pull up next to it to trigger a cutscene with the cab 

-=- Obj 10: Question James Jessop

1. Use the nearest street telephone.

2. Drive to the Central Police Station.

3. Enter interview room #2 to start the interview.

        James Jessop Interrogation

        Q1: Contact with victim

        Q2: Incident with Bates

        Q3: Movements prior to murder

        Q4: Cab ride with victim

2. After the interview, Jessop gives you a clue about All American 249.

=== Case 11: Objectives 9 & 10 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 11: Investigate Bus Depot

1. Drive to the Bus Depot.

2. Enter the bus depot to watch a cutscene with the front desk. The lady at the
counter will give you a bus route pamphlet.

-=- Obj 12: Find Bus 74

1. The bus route is now highlighted on your mini-map (a red line). Get in your 
car and follow the route. This may take a long time if you aren't lucky. On the
bright side, you do get to listen to some funny instances of dialog between 
Phelps and Galloway if it takes long enough.

2. Once you find the bus, the bus driver will pull over and step out. Go up to 
him on foot to trigger a cutscene.

=== Case 11: Objectives 11 & 12 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 13: Arrest Disfigured Suspect

1. Drive to the Hobo Camp.

2. Once you get there, a fight with the hobo leader starts (as Galloway shoots 
random people with a shotgun). Just do what you would do in any other fight: 
block his attacks, then quickly counter with a string of punches. When the 
option appears to use a grapple attack, do it, then punch him in the fact as he
lays on the ground.

-=- Obj 14: Investigate Hobo Camp

1. Head over to the hobo leader's shack. 

Newspaper #6:
2. On two stacked wooden crates is a newspaper.

3. Near the bed on a small table is a length of rope with blood on it.

4. On the opposite table is a purse that contains a ballroom ticket.

=== Case 11: Objectives 13 & 14 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 15: Question Stuart Ackerman

1. Drive to the Central Police Station and enter interview room #1.

        Stuart Ackerman Interrogation

        Q1: Motive for murder
        Lie -> Bloodstained rope piece

        Q2: Contact with victim

        Q3: Alibi for Stuart Ackerman
        Lie -> Purse

2. Stuart Ackerman is charged with the murder.

=== Case 11: Objective 15 Video Guide Link:

[Ca12] Case 12: The Studio Secretary Murder  

-=- Obj 1: Investigate Globe Loan & Jewelry

1. Drive to the Pawnbroker.

2. Talk to the man at the front. He shows you two rings, which you can take a 
closer look at (using the appropriate angles).

-=- Obj 2: Investigate Crime Scene

1. Drive to the Railyard.

2. Examine the victim's head and right hand.

3. On the yellow blanket are several pieces of evidence. Take a look at the 
purse, as well as the torn letter inside of it; there is also an ID card from 
the victim's former place of employment next to the letter. Also on the yellow 
blanket is a matchbook from a bar and a list of materials (a shopping list).

=== Case 12: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 3: Question Jamison

1. After looking at the crime scene evidence, go talk to the railyard worker in
overalls (the one standing up, not the one sitting down).

2. Now go over and talk to the worker in overalls that's sitting down next to 
a police officer. This starts an interview.

        John Ferdinand Jamison Interrogation

        Q1: Interference with evidence

        Q2: Discovery of victim's body

3. Before leaving the crime scene at the railyard, use the telephone (on the 
wooden pole) to look up the address for the liquor store.

-=- Obj 4: Investigate Mensch's Bar

1. Drive to Mensch's Bar.

2. Upon entering the bar, you talk to the bartender. He then suggests that you 
ask the people sitting in the bar about the victim.

=== Case 12: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 5: Question McCaffrey (1st time)

1. After talking to the bartender, go talk to the man reading a book in the 
nearby booth. This will start an interview.

        Grosvenor McCaffrey Interrogation (1st)

        Q1: Last contact with victim

        Q2: Criminal history

-=- Obj 6: Investigate Liquor Store

1. Drive to Levine's Liquor Store.

2. After talking to the store owner, you are taken to the liquor store's back 
area where the victim used to stay (she was homeless).

3. In the corner of the victim's room are three pieces of evidence to look at: 
the victim's old desk name plate, a bowling pin, and some kind of trophy award 
from her former workplace.

4. Next to the victim's bed is a picture (of perhaps her family); next to the 
picture is a book, which you can open to reveal McCaffrey's name on the inside 

=== Case 12: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 7: Question Robbins

1. After reviewing the evidence in the victim's former living space, go back 
through the store and find the store owner. This starts an interview.

        Mr. Robbins Interrogation

        Q1: Contact with victim

        Q2: Relationship with victim

        Q3: Knowledge of McCaffrey

-=- Obj 8: Question McCaffrey (2nd time)

1. Drive back to Mensch's Bar.

2. Before you can drive to the bar, you will get interrupted by the police 
radio and your current destination will forcibly be changed to the Central 
Police Station. Go ahead and undo this change by looking at your notebook again
and changing the current destination back to Mensch's Bar.

3. Approach McCaffrey again to start a follow-up interview.

        Grosvenor McCaffrey Interrogation (2nd)

        Q: Relationship with victim
        Lie -> Book

=== Case 12: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 9: Return to Central Police Station

1. Drive to the Central Police Station.

2. Head downstairs to Tech Services, where a cutscene will play.

3. Before leaving the station, use the telephone to get some new information.

-=- Obj 10: Apprehend Tiernan

1. Drive to Rawling's Bowling Alley.

2. Talk to the shoe lady (a cutscene).

3. After the cutscene, walk along the left side of the bowling alley and enter 
the side door. This starts a vehicle chase.

4. During this vehicle chase, you get a speedy sports car! This car has very 
good acceleration. It's difficult to make Tiernan's vehicle crash and stop, so 
the best strategy is to move alongside the vehicle and get Galloway to shoot 
the tires. 

5. If you don't stop him before then, Tiernan will lead you into a train 
tunnel; the main problem with this is that trains may hit you! However, this is
also a great opportunity to shoot out Tiernan's tires. Wait for a train to pass
by on the left, then move up to the left side of Tiernan; this should provide 
enough time and space for Galloway to get a good shot off.

=== Case 12: Objectives 9 & 10 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 11: Investigate McCaffrey's Apartment

1. Drive to McCaffrey's Apartment.

2. Before entering the building, take a look at the mailboxes to see that 
McCaffrey is in apartment #6.

3. Kick down McCaffrey door and start searching the apartment.

4. On the desk, you find the other half of the victim's torn letter from the 
railyard crime scene.

5. To the right of the desk you find the murder weapon and a bloody shirt. The 
murder weapon is a tire iron from Rawling's Bowling Alley (hmmm).

6. After looking at the murder weapon, a cutscene plays with one of McCaffrey's
neighbors. She tells you that McCaffrey may be on the roof near his pigeon 

-=- Obj 12: Apprehend McCaffrey

1. Head up to the roof, which can be accessed through a non-apartment room on 
the top floor (take the stairs).

2. Upon reaching the roof and confronting McCaffrey, a foot chase begins.

3. You start out on the roofs, and then move onto the ground level in between 
various buildings. If you haven't caught him yet, there is a good opportunity 
to tackle McCaffrey after he turns the corner along a chain-link fence; this 
spot is a long stretch of straight running and allows you to catch up to 
McCaffrey (he seems to slow down at this section as well).

=== Case 12: Objectives 11 & 12 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 13: Question Tiernan (1st time)

1. Drive to Central Police Station.

2. Watch the cutscene, and then enter interview room #1. There you can start 
the interview with Tiernan.

        James Tiernan Interrogation (1st)

        Q1: Relationship with victim
        Lie -> Victim last seen

        Q2: Victim's book found

        Q3: Alibi for James Tiernan
        Lie -> Liquor purchase

        Q4: Access to murder weapon

3. After the interview you can charge Tiernan with the crime. However, let's go
interview McCaffrey before we do anything.

-=- Obj 14: Question McCaffrey (3rd time)

1. After the interview with Tiernan is complete, go to interview room #2 to 
start the interview with McCaffrey.

        Grosvenor McCaffrey Interrogation (3rd)

        Q1: Alibi for McCaffrey
        Lie -> Torn letter

        Q2: Access to tire iron
        Lie -> Tiernan's accusation

2. We need more information, so it's time to conduct further interviews.

=== Case 12: Objectives 13 & 14 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 15: Question Tiernan (2nd time)

1. Head back over to interview room #1.

        James Tiernan Interrogation (2nd)

        Q: Events prior to murder
        Lie -> McCaffrey's Accusation

2. You have the opportunity to charge Tiernan after this, but let's do some 
more detective work first.

-=- Obj 16: Question McCaffrey (4th time)

1. Make a phone call using the telephone in the station's hallway, which gives 
us some information about McCaffrey.

2. Go back to interview room #2 and start the (fourth!) interview with 

        Grosvenor McCaffrey Interrogation (4th)

        Q: Military service
        Lie -> McCaffrey's criminal record

2. You now have the opportunity to charge McCaffrey with the crime.

-=- Obj 17: Charge Suspect

1. After doing all four of the above interviews, you can charge either Tiernan 
or McCaffrey at this point. It doesn't matter which one you charge for the 
purposes of the story, but you will have to charge McCaffrey for a five-star 
rating on the case.

=== Case 12: Objectives 15, 16 & 17 Video Guide Link:

[Ca13] Case 13: The Quarter Moon Murders   

-=- Obj 1: Tech Services Clues

1. The case begins with a cutscene in the Tech Services room.

2. In the middle of the cutscene, you get to examine three pieces of evidence. 
They are a note made from magazine clippings, a poem, and a book with 
underlined writing.

-=- Obj 2: Investigate Pershing Square

1. Drive to Pershing Square.

2. Climb up to the top of the fountain to find the next poem, as well as the 
social security card of the Black Dahlia.

-=- Obj 3: Investigate Hall of Records

1. Open up the map from the start menu and find the Hall of Records icon. Set 
the Hall of Records as your next destination from the map.

2. Drive to the Hall of Records.

3. Talk to the guy sitting at the front desk, then follow Galloway to the 
maintenance room. Climb the ladder.

4. You will need to carefully tiptoe across the wire to the chandelier. The 
best way I've found to do this is to gently hold and release the control stick 
repeatedly so that Phelps makes continuous progress to the other end of the 
wire. Holding the control stick down the entire time can make Phelps more prone
to falling off.

5. Upon reaching the chandelier, you find two clues: a watch and another poem.

6. The chandelier begins to break and fall. This begins a gameplay segment 
where you have to swing yourself across to the stairs. To swing the chandelier,
swing it back and forth as if you were swinging on a swing; I'm sure most of 
you reading this have swung on a swing set as a child :-). Once you get the 
necessary momentum going, move Phelps to the side you are trying to jump to; 
Phelps will then jump off of the chandelier.

=== Case 13: Objectives 1, 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 4: Investigate Public Library

1. Open up your map and set the LA Public Library as your current destination, 
then drive to the LA Public Library.

2. Climb up the pipe that leads to the roof. This is the beginning of a lot of 
climbing and jumping.

3. Jump on the shelves, and then climb up to the next roof.

4. Head over to the scaffolding around the building and start making your way 
around the building. The path is very straightforward, as there is always only 
one way to go. At one point Phelps will mention something about "taking a step 
backwards" is sometimes the right thing to do, so take his hint and climb down 
the nearby ladder. The boards that you have to cross use the same gameplay 
mechanics as the wire you tiptoed across to get to the chandelier (in the Hall 
of Records).

5. Eventually you reach the top of the building. Head over to the opposite 
corner to find two more clues: a religious amulet and another poem.

-=- Obj 5: Investigate Tar Pits

1. On the "world" map, set your current destination to the Westlake Tar Pits, 
which can be found on the bottom left section of the map. Drive to the tar 

2. Approach the tar pits to trigger a cutscene that gives you overalls.

3. Crossing over the tar is pretty easy. Just look down at the path below you 
and keep walking until you reach the safe sections of the bridge. The safe 
sections are the ones supported by four supporting posts. As you start 
crossing, take the right path rather than the left path near the beginning.

4. You will reach the island. There you will find two clues: a shoe and another
poem for the next area.

=== Case 13: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 6: Investigate Art Museum

1. Open up your map and set your current destination to the LA County Art 
Museum, which is just above the Westlake Tar Pits. Drive to the LA County Art 

2. Approach the entrance of the maze, which will trigger a short cutscene with 

3. I will give you directions through the maze. All of my directions are based 
on areas with more than one path, so obviously you should keep going straight 
if there is only one way to go.

Directions through the maze: Right, Left, Forward

4. That wasn't so hard, was it? When you reach the end of the maze, you find 
(you guessed it) two clues: yet another poem and a ring.

-=- Obj 7: Investigate Intolerance Set

1. Set your current destination to the Intolerance Set on the main map. Drive 
to the Intolerance Set.

2. Climb the stairs on the far left and jump onto the platform. This will 
trigger a new gameplay sequence.

3. You have to balance the breaking platform with the weight of Phelps. It is 
easy to do, just make Phelps move opposite the direction that the platform is 
leaning. After a few moments, Galloway will drop a board down to help you. Lean
the platform towards it so that you can make Phelps jump to safety.

4. Continue forward, the climb down the first ladder. Down there is the throne,
where you find two more clues: a typewriter key ring and the last poem.

5. After looking at the clues, the set begins to fall apart around you. After 
the cutscene, Phelps will be jumping and running. Turn right when you run out 
of solid ground, then sprint across the platforms as you jump down each. At the
end of this stretch you will reach safety.

=== Case 13: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 8: Investigate Old Church

1. Set your current destination on the main map to the Christ Crown of Thorns. 
Drive to the church.

2. Enter the church, which activates a cutscene. 

3. Look behind the altar, which activates another cutscene.

4. From the altar, take a right to the outside of the church and enter the 
house through the door. 

5. There are a few different rooms, but the most important room (and the room 
that progresses the case) is the room with the bathtub. In here are a few 
different objects that can be examined, which also trigger a few snippets of 
dialog. One curious object is the Prometheus statue in the back corner.

6. Exit the room through the left from the entrance, which starts a short 
cutscene and leads you into the catacombs.

-=- Obj 9: Battle the Murderer

1. You will "fight" the murderer as you travel through the catacombs. When I 
say "fight" I am referring to the murderer's general tactic, which is to shoot 
a few random shots down a hallway then retreat to another corner. He will do 
this for quite a while, so get used to running down hallways and then taking 
cover at the corners before you turn. If you are careful, it becomes extremely 
difficult for the murderer to ever hit you.

2. Eventually you will reach a spot where the murderer will no longer retreat 
and will actually stand his ground and fight. You will know when you've reached
this spot because the murderer will actually start to peek out repeatedly from 
behind his cover and take multiple shots at you. Be patient and wait for him to
expose his entire body; when he does, take aim over his body and let him have 
it. This will end the final case of the Homicide desk.

=== Case 13: Objectives 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

[ViDe] Vice Desk Cases

[Ca14] Case 14: The Black Caesar       

-=- Obj 1: Investigate Crime Scene

1. Drive to the crime scene.

2. Head up the stairs and into the apartment.

3. Examine the body of the victim lying on the floor. In his left shirt pocket 
is a wallet, which has an ID card and note saying "JJ always listens to 275 
fm". You can also take a look at his left arm, which shows signs of drug abuse.

4. Now take a glance at the other victim in the chair. He shows signs of drug 
abuse as well.

5. In front of the victim in the chair, you'll find a wallet sitting next to a 
popcorn cup. In the wallet are the victim's ID card and a lottery ticket.

6. Go over to the small table near the corner of the room. On it you will find 
a "strange doodle" and a music sheet. There is also a popcorn cup, which has 
some suspicious tape on the bottom.

7. Inside the kitchen, you find another one of these popcorn cups, except this 
one is different; it's heavier. Look at the bottom to find out how the victims 
were getting their drugs.

=== Case 14: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 2: Investigate Black Caesar

1. Drive to the Black Caesar Food Hut.

-=- Obj 3: Apprehend the Fry Cook

1. Talk to the cook, which activates a foot chase.

2. The cook is a very fast runner. The main portion of the chase takes place on
rooftops, which should be familiar terrain to you by now. 

3. At the end of the chase, a brawl starts with you facing off against the 
cook. Take him down to end the scene and return to the food hut.

Obj 2 (continued)

1. Inside the food hut, take a look at the box in the left corner. You'll find 
some morphine syrettes, which explains the evidence we found at the beginning 
crime scene of the case.

2. In the right corner is a musical instrument case. Inside you will find a 
ticket to the Blue Room; to the right of that is a horn mute, which if you look
inside reveals some more of those lottery tickets.

=== Case 14: Objectives 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 4: Question Fleetwood Morgan

1. Go outside of the food hut and talk to the fry cook, which starts an 

        Fleetwood Morgan Interrogation

        Q1: Morphine overdose victims
        Lie -> Popcorn cups with morphine

        Q2: Numbers slips recovered

=== Case 14: Objective 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 5: Investigate Booking Agency

1. After the interview with Morgan, go to the phone next to the food hut to 
call in about the Jermaine Jones address.

2. Drive to Jones' Booking Agency.

3. The directory outside the building says Jones is in office 238.

4. After the initial cutscene, it is time to search the place. Head over to the
radio in the corner. The right knob turns it on, the middle knob needs to be 
adjusted to the FM position, and the right knob needs to be turned to 275.

5. This opens a secret compartment. However, before you can take a look inside,
Jermaine calls over his goons to fight you.

-=- Obj 6: Battle Jermaine's Thugs

1. These guys are all doped up, so this fight is easy. Just mash the punch 
button and your opponent will quickly give up.

Obj 5 (continued)

1. Go back over to the radio and search it. On the bottom of the secret 
compartment's lid you will find a sticker that says "Ramez Removals". Inside 
the compartment itself, you can examine a wad of cash, a morphine syrette, a 
lottery ticket, and a bag of drugs.

2. It's not crucial, but you can also look at the small radio behind Jermaine.

-=- Obj 7: Question Jermaine Jones

1. Talk to Mr. Jones at his desk to start the interview.

        Jermaine Jones Interrogation

        Q1: Army surplus morphine

        Q2: Involvement of 'Ottie'
        Lie -> Distributor Identified
        Q3: Link to Ramez Removals

2. Jermaine Jones is arrested.

=== Case 14: Objectives 5, 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 8: Investigate Numbers Operation

1. Go to the nearest phone and make a call.

2. Drive to the Numbers Operation.

3. Once inside and after the cutscene finishes, go over to the slot machine. If
you remember, that strange doodle clue we picked up looked very similar to a 
slot machine; in fact, that's exactly what we need to get. Use the hold buttons
to keep icons you want and make a cherry, bell, and "win" appear in the three 
slots (in that order).

4. Inside the secret compartment are three things: another sticker for Ramez 
Removals, more morphine syrettes, and more lottery tickets.

-=- Obj 9: Apprehend Merlon Ottie

1. Ottie runs away after the secret compartment is examined. This begins a 
short foot chase that can be resolved fairly quickly, depending on your luck. 

2. When you are chasing him outside, there is a circular-shaped diner that 
Ottie runs through on the right side. Whenever he does this, you have two 
options: go around the left side to cut him off, or follow him inside. Why 
would you follow him inside rather than cutting him off from the left side? 
Well, quite often Ottie will get tripped up on a customer that enters the diner
as Ottie exits the diner; what usually happens is that the customer pushes 
Ottie down on the ground!

3. Either way, Ottie gets taken back to the Numbers building.

-=- Obj 10: Interrogate Merlon Ottie

1. Once back inside, you take a look at Ottie's suspicious cane.

2. After that, it's time to start the interview.

        Merlon Ottie Interrogation

        Q1: Army surplus morphine
        Lie -> Finkelstein identified

        Q2: IOU note from Jose Ramez

3. Ottie is taken to jail.

=== Case 14: Objectives 8, 9 & 10 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 11: Investigate Ramez Removals

1. Drive to Ramez Removals.

2. Upon arrival, a vehicle chase starts.

-=- Obj 12: Pursue the Removals Truck

1. This is a fun chase since it's different from other vehicle chases you've 
had so far. It's not particularly difficult either: just dodge the furniture 
thrown from the back of the truck and drive along the truck's left side so that
Roy can get a good shot at the tires. The chase will be over before you know 

Obj 11 (continued)

Newspaper #7:
1. Go inside the warehouse and take a look at the second desk. Sitting on the 
right will be a newspaper.

2. After the newspaper, turn around and take a look at the ledger on the 
opposite desk. Tap your finger on the Polar Bear Ice Company entries as well as
the Merlon Ottie entries.

=== Case 14: Objectives 11 & 12 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 13: Enter the Cold Room

1. As you make your way through the piles of furniture towards the back of the 
warehouse, you'll come to a stack of tall crates. These need to be moved.

2. Head over to the middle corner and climb the ladder.

3. Up on the walkways at the far end are some controls for a crane. Use the 
controls to move the tall crates.

4. The crane has a beam of light with a crosshair; use this to aim it. You only
need to move the top right box, so don't bother with the other boxes.

5. Inside are frozen stockpiles of morphine syrettes. Shoot the closest ice 
block to take a look at the evidence.

-=- Obj 14: Battle Jose Ramez

1. Back outside, the detectives get distracted and Ramez runs back into the 

2. Enter the warehouse and start the battle with Ramez. He uses a shotgun, so 
his range is limited; he will hurt you at close range though. 

3. There are two effective ways to take Ramez out. The first is to use Roy as a
distraction; if Roy runs out and Ramez starts shooting him, this will give you 
a good opportunity to go in for the kill. The second is to move around the 
furniture maze and flank Ramez from behind; you can do this because of the gaps
in the furniture walls, which you can shoot through.

=== Case 14: Objectives 13 & 14 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 15: Investigate Polar Bear Ice Company

1. Drive to the Polar Bear Ice Company.

2. Outside of the building, you meet the "janitor". He quickly reveals his true
colors however, and the battle begins.

-=- Obj 16: Battle Finkelstein

1. Inside the building are plenty of spots to take cover behind, so make sure 
you make good use of them. Initially you will want to pick up an enemy's 
shotgun to use in the first half of the building, which is mostly close 
quarters combat. Once you reach the ice block room though, you may want to 
switch back to your pistol since it is more accurate.

2. After the Finkel-thugs have been taken out, you head upstairs to confront 
Lenny Finkelstein; he does not want to come quietly though. After the cutscene,
you are thrown right back into combat and need to quickly take Lenny down. 
Immediately take aim at him and fire some shots into his body.

3. Afterwards you can move to the back, where you find a large stockpile of 
morphine syrettes.

=== Case 14: Objectives 15 & 16 Video Guide Link:

[Ca15] Case 15: The Set Up

-=- Obj 1: Investigate Locker Room

1. After the introductory cutscenes, it is time to search the locker room.

2. Head over to Hammond's locker and pick up the note; it has some bookmaker 
odds and a telephone number.

Newspaper #8:
3. In the middle of the room are two benches, one of them with a newspaper 
laying on top of it.

4. Exit the room and head into the hallway to view a cutscene with Mickey 

=== Case 15: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 2: Investigate Hotel El Mar

1. Before leaving the boxing establishment, use the telephone to get an 

2. Drive to the Hotel El Mar.

3. A cutscene will trigger with the guy at the front desk. He will give you the
hotel's visitor ledger; tap on the "Winston Churchill" entry.

4. Enter room #207. Examine the downturned trash can to find a Western Union 
telegram; it seems to indicate Hammond planned on leaving.

5. Look at the top of the dresser, where you find some candy and a movie stub.

6. Examine the magazine on the table; a woman named Candy Edwards has filled 
out her personal information on the right page.

7. Next to the bed in the corner is a paper with odds and a payout scribbled on
it. Looks like Hammond had this fight planned out.

=== Case 15: Objective 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 3: Investigate Aleve Motel

1. Drive to the Candy Edwards Address.

2. Talk to the lady at the front desk, who will tell you where Candy is 

3. Upon approaching Candy's room, you hear a disturbance. You kick open the 
door, which sets off a fight!

-=- Obj 4: Brawl with Carlo Arquero

1. Use the typical fight strategy: block his punches, then counter with your 
own punches. Use the grapple attack when it becomes available, then hit him on 
the ground to end the fight. Getting a good string of punches in on Carlo will 
bring him down quickly.

2. Search him. In his left jacket pocket is a switchblade. In his right pocket 
is a notebook with a list of bookmakers.

Obj 3 (continued)

1. On top of the dresser is a bus ticket to Ohio and a card with a picture of 
the Cunard Ascania.

-=- Obj 5: Question Candy Edwards

1. Go talk to Candy Edwards, who is recovering in a chair.

        Candy Edwards Interrogation

        Q1: Whereabouts of Hammond
        Lie -> Magazine coupon

        Q2: List of odds recovered
        Lie -> Bookmakers' Odds

        Q3: Plans to leave town

2. After the interview, you leave the hotel room.

=== Case 15: Objectives 3, 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 6: Tail Candy Edwards

1. You start outside the hotel. Candy is making her way towards your position, 
so you quickly need to find some cover. The bench with the newspaper nearby 
will do nicely.

2. The general tactic that has served me well is as follows: first, find a 
suitable location to take cover at. Next, wait until Candy gets a good distance
away from you and the game starts to warn you that she is too far away. When 
that happens, sprint from out of your cover to the next position of cover. Keep
repeating this until you reach the end of the gameplay segment.

3. After a long alleyway, Candy will turn a corner. When you reach this corner,
the tailing segment will end as Candy enters a "store" (i.e. a bookmaker).

=== Case 15: Objective 6 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 7: Investigate Thrifty Liquor

1. Go inside the Thrifty Liquor store. This triggers a cutscene with the bookie
running the place.

2. Go over to the telephone, where you will find a notepad. Use Cole's pencil 
trick to uncover the last written message, which is the address for the next 

-=- Obj 8: Investigate Examiner Drugstore

1. Drive to the Examiner Drugstore.

2. Entering the "drugstore" plays a short cutscene in which you talk to a 
bookie with a really funny voice.

3. Go over by the telephone, where you find a card for the Yellow Cab Company.

4. Use the telephone. After that, another short cutscene will play.

-=- Obj 9: Investigate Ray's Bookmakers

1. Drive to Ray's Bookmakers. Upon arrival, a cutscene plays.

-=- Obj 10: Tail Yellow Cab 179

1. Use the same strategy used in previous vehicle tailings: stay far behind the
cab while keeping it in sight. When it turns a corner, speed up and turn the 
corner yourself; after that, go back into stealth mode by keeping back.

2. When the cab pulls up to and stops next to the bus depot, the tailing 
segment ends and a cutscene plays.

=== Case 15: Objectives 7, 8, 9 & 10 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 11: Investigate Interstate Bus Depot

1. You are to keep an eye on Candy while she is in the bus depot. In front of 
you is an empty chair with a newspaper; sit down in it to avoid being seen.

2. Candy enters the restroom and something bad happens!

3. On the floor is a pistol you can examine, as well as a purse next to that. 
Inside the purse is a ticket to the Egyptian Theatre.

=== Case 15: Objective 11 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 12: Investigate Egyptian Theatre

1. Drive to the Egyptian Theatre.

2. Enter the theater to hear some dialog and trigger a cutscene.

-=- Obj 13: Battle Carlo & Thugs

1. After the cutscene, you start a gun fight with Carlo and his goons. Stay in 
the back of the theater and use the rows of seats for cover. Enemies are at the
front of the theater opposite of your position; another thug and Carlo are on 
the right and left balconies as well. Watch the enemy positions on your mini-
map and wait for them to become exposed.

2. If you don't initially take out Carlo, he will wander off from the balcony 
and flank you from the lobby behind you. If you haven't killed him yet and you 
don't see him in his balcony to the left, expect him to show up behind you.

3. After the fight is over, the case is also over.

=== Case 15: Objectives 12 & 13 Video Guide Link:

[Ca16] Case 16: Manifest Destiny

-=- Obj 1: Investigate the 111 Club

1. Drive to the 111 Club.

2. Take a look at the victim's body that's leaned up against part of the room 
(Phelps makes a comment about sending a message).

3. Near evidence marker B is a musical instrument case. There are three parts 
in the box; pick up each of them and set them back down, which makes clicking 
noises. This reveals a secret compartment (we've seen a lot of those haven't 
we?), which contains a Blue Room ticket and a narcotics syringe.

4. At evidence marker C is a body; check his right jacket pocket to find a 
morphine syrette.

5. Head into the back room to find a crate full of Valor cigarettes.

6. Further back from the cigarettes are Browning Automatic Rifles.

7. This is optional, but you can also go back near the entrance of the area to 
find a side room with the body of the owner (the Marine). Next to him you also 
find a safe, which was not busted open during the shooting.

-=- Obj 2: Question Hostess

1. Go back into the large open area and talk to the woman in the red dress to 
start an interview.

        Hostess Interrogation

        Q1: 111 Club shooting incident

        Q2: Knowledge of McGoldrick

=== Case 16: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 3: Question Elsa Lichtmann

1. Drive to The Blue Room.

2. This starts a cutscene and an interview with Elsa.

        Elsa Lichtmann Interrogation

        Q1: Army surplus morphine

        Q2: Morphine overdose victims

-=- Obj 4: Tail Elsa Lichtmann

1. After the cutscene, it's time to follow Elsa. This begins a vehicle tailing 
segment of gameplay.

2. Use the same strategy as previous tailings: stay back and keep the target 
vehicle in your sights. When they turn a corner, speed up and turn the corner 
yourself; after that, hang back and wait for the target vehicle to turn another

3. Eventually you reach Elsa's apartment, where a cutscene plays.

=== Case 16: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 5: Question Mickey Cohen

1. The next morning you automatically arrive at the club and watch a cutscene.

2. As you get closer to Mickey Cohen, the interview soon begins.

        Mickey Cohen Interrogation

        Q1: Finkelstein drug operation

        Q2: 111 Club shooting incident

-=- Obj 6: Meet with Robbery Detectives

1. After the interview, you are automatically transport back to the police 
station. After asking around, Phelps and Roy learn they need to go talk to 
Detective Caldwell.

2. Caldwell gives you a summary of the items stolen from the ship. Tap your 
finger on each of the circled red items.

=== Case 16: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 7: Attend Bus Stop Shooting

1. The discussion with Caldwell gets interrupted. Drive to the Bus Shooting.

2. Upon arrival, you see the shooter firing at the bus and police officers with
an automatic weapon.

3. Go around the left side of the building you are taking cover behind. Keep 
moving until you are behind the shooter's location (on the ground level); there
you will find a ladder to climb up.

4. You are now directly behind the shooter and can take cover behind the small 
roof building. Wait until the shooter steps out of his cover, and then let him 
have it!

-=- Obj 8: Search the Sniper's Body

1. Take a look at the automatic weapon the shooter was using.

2. In the shooter's right jacket pocket is a notebook with some clues.

-=- Obj 9: Question Felix Alvarro

1. You'll head back down to the bus, where you interview one of Cole's Marine 

        Felix Alvarro Interrogation

        Q1: Informed of Coolridge heist

        Q2: Motive for shooting
        Lie -> Sniper's pocketbook

=== Case 16: Objectives 7, 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 10: Locate Jack Kelso

1. Use a street telephone to get an address for Jack Kelso.

2. Drive to Kelso's Apartment.

3. A cutscene plays, and Jack is taken to the police station.

-=- Obj 11: Question Jack Kelso

1. In one of the interview rooms, the interview begins.

        Jack Kelso Interrogation

        Q1: Army surplus morphine

        Q2: Ex-Marine McGoldrick

        Q3: Arms stolen from Coolridge

        Q4: SS Coolridge robbery

2. At the end of the interview, a cop rushes in and tells you there is another 
shooting taking place.

=== Case 16: Objectives 10 & 11 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 12: Attend Robert's Diner Shooting

1. Drive to Robert's Diner.

2. Upon arrival a vehicle chase begins. Follow the suspect vehicle. Don't worry
about trying to stop the vehicle, because they will eventually stop and get 
out. It's very hard (and may be impossible) to stop them.

3. Once they stop and get out of their vehicle, an alleyway shootout starts. 
There are only two bad guys, so it shouldn't be too much trouble.

4. After the battle is over, go search the closest gangster's body. In his left
jacket pocket is a list of Marine names that are currently being targeted. In 
his other jacket pocket is information about a meeting.

Newspaper #9:
5. Near the back entrance to the alleyway is a newspaper, which is sitting on 
the ground.

=== Case 16: Objective 12 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 13: Post Office Battle

1. Drive to the Hollywood Post Office.

2. You pull up to a shootout at the entrance of the post battle. Move up to the
front-right police car and pull out a shotgun from the trunk.

3. Using the police car as cover, you can easily pick off enemies that are 
firing from the entrance doorways. Once they are taken out, move up to the 
doorways and take cover on either side of the doors.

4. From one of the positions just outside the post office entrance, you can 
finish off the shooters inside.

-=- Obj 14: Search the Post Office

1. Right after the battle ends, you appear in front of a dying Marine. Talk to 
him to hear his last words. Look in his left hand to see a business card.

2. Check the body of the other downed Marine and look in his left jacket 
pocket. There you will find a note.

=== Case 16: Objectives 13 & 14 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 15: Stop the Masked Shooters

1. Drive to Grauman's Chinese Theatre.

2. There a vehicle chase begins after the cutscene. The shooters' vehicle will 
cut through neighborhoods; take it easy while going through these areas. After 
that, you enter city streets and will tend to move through more open areas from
now on. This will give you the opportunity you need to disable the vehicle, 
preferably by letting Roy shoot out the tires.

3. Keep in mind that this isn't like most vehicle chase segments, where when 
you stop the vehicle you can simply walk up to it and arrest the suspect(s). 
Instead, these guys will get out of the car and start shooting at you. Keep 
this in mind and be ready to gun them down.

=== Case 16: Objective 15 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 16: Battle Cohen's Thugs

1. Drive to the Meeting Place.

2. After the cutscene, the battle begins.

3. Two guys are standing out in the open next to a car; take them out first 
before they can find cover. There is also a guy on the roof to the upper-right,
which you can take out next.

4. Enemies will start moving in from the around the corner in the alleyway to 
the right. Take cover at the corner, where you can continue the battle.

5. After that alleyway is cleared out, it's time to move up through it (just 
follow Roy's lead if you don't know where to go). Roy will climb up a pipe to 
the roof of a building; you can follow him to create a strong position on the 
rooftop, or you can stay at ground level and take cover at the corner of the 
building. Staying at ground level means your enemies will be shot at from 
multiple angles (with Roy shooting from the roof).

6. The last few enemies will be adjacent to the building Roy is on. Finish them
off to end the battle.

=== Case 16: Objective 16 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 17: Question Courtney Sheldon

1. Drive to the Hollywood Police Station.

2. Enter interview room #2, where the interview starts.

        Courtney Sheldon Interrogation

        Q1: 6th Marines being targeted
        Lie -> Note

        Q2: SS Coolridge robbery
        Lie -> Beckett's confession

3. After the interview, a cutscene plays and a large plot twist occurs.

=== Case 16: Objective 17 Video Guide Link:

[ArDe] Arson Desk Cases

[Ca17] Case 17: The Gas Man

-=- Obj 1: Investigate Steffens Fire

1. Drive to Steffens House Fire.

-=- Obj 2: Question Mr. Steffens

1. Approach Mr. Steffens over on the right side of the house. He will give you 
a travel agency ticket. The interview will then begin.

        Don Steffens Interrogation

        Q1: Travel competition

        Q2: Suburban Redevelopment

Obj 1 (continued)

1. Go over to the left side of the house and look at the burnt InstaHeat unit 
near the fence. You open it up to look at its maintenance service record.

=== Case 17: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 3: Question John Cunningham

1. Use one of the street telephones to get information about the Suburban 
Redevelopment Fund.

2. Drive to Gulliver's Travel Agency.

3. Upon arrival, you talk to one of the travel agency's representatives. Before
you interview him, he gives you records regarding ticket statuses of contest 

4. The interview begins.

        John Cunningham Interrogation
        Q1: Suburban Redevelopment

        Q2: Promotional travel contest

-=- Obj 4: Investigate Suburban Redevelopment

1. Drive to Suburban Redevelopment.

2. Go inside the office on the left. On the back desk you will find a note card
that ties Suburban Redevelopment to Elysian Fields.

=== Case 17: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 5: Investigate Sawyer Fire

1. Drive to Sawyer House Fire.

2. On the right side of the lot is a regulator valve, which triggers a 

3. An arsonist is seen during the cutscene, which begins a foot chase. Sprint 
closely behind him so that you can get close enough for a tackle. If you can't 
catch him, the chase will eventually end when you are forced to fight him. It's
a standard fight with standard tactics.

-=- Obj 6: Investigate Fire Station No. 32

1. Drive to Fire Station Number 32.

2. A cutscene plays, then the chief shows you another InstaHeat unit (and its 
maintenance record). 

3. He also gives you a puzzle to solve. Place the three objects in the 
following order: the Bunsen Burner (left), the blue-tipped object (middle), and
then the tan-colored object (right). Then move your hand to the far left to 
flip the switch.

=== Case 17: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 7: Investigate InstaHeat Factory

1. Drive to the InstaHeat Factory.

2. Talk to the receptionist, who directs you to Ivan Rasic's office.

-=- Obj 8: Question Ivan Rasic

1. Upon entering the office, the interview will begin.

        Ivan Rasic Interrogation

        Q1: InstaHeat Model 70

        Q2: Heater service history
        Lie -> Heater serviced by Ryan (or Varley)

2. After the interview, Rasic gives you a list of his service workmen.

Obj 7 (continued)

1. Use the telephone to get information about the names on the list of service 
workmen (their criminal histories).

2. Talk to Rasic again, who will lead you to the lockers.

3. Starting from the left, you open Clemens' locker. Inside you find a small 
anarchist book.

4. To the right, you open Ryan's locker. He has several copies of the anarchist
book you found in Clemens' locker.

5. Further to the right, you open Varley's locker. He has a mosquito coil, 
which is commonly used by arsonists to light fires.

=== Case 17: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 9: Question Walter Clemens

1. Drive to Clemens' Worksite.

2. Phelps and Galloway approach Clemens, which starts the interview.

        Walter Clemens Interrogation

        Q1: Knowledge of Varley

        Q2: Employment with InstaHeat

        Q3: Knowledge of Ryan
        Lie -> Clemens' anarchist pamphlet

=== Case 17: Objective 9 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 10: Apprehend Matthew Ryan

1. Drive to Ryan's Worksite.

2. Ryan attempts to flee, which starts a vehicle chase. Starting out the chase,
Ryan drives through lots of residential areas and greatly endangers bystanders.
While he does this, hang back and try to drive safely through the area. After 
that though, Ryan will move onto the open roadways, which gives you more room 
to stop him. Pull up beside him and let Biggs shoot out his tires.

-=- Obj 11: Apprehend Reginald Varley

1. Drive to Varley's Worksite.

2. Varley also attempts to flee, which begins a foot chase. He crosses through 
residential areas and construction sites. If you haven't caught him yet (either
by firing a warning shot or tackling him), you will get a chance when he enters
a truck. As he enters the truck you will have plenty of time to run up to it 
and arrest him.

=== Case 17: Objectives 10 & 11 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 12: Question Reginald Varley 

1. Drive to Wilshire Police Station.

2. Go to interview room #2, where the interview with Varley begins.

        Reginald Varley Interrogation

        Q1: Work at Sawyer residence
        Lie -> Heater serviced by Varley

        Q2: Suburban Redevelopment
        Lie -> Walter Clemens' statement

        Q3: InstaHeat Model 70
        Lie -> Mosquito coils

3. You have the option to charge Varley, but don't do anything yet.

-=- Obj 13: Question Matthew Ryan

1. Go to interview room #1, where Ryan's interview begins.

        Matthew Ryan Interrogation
        Q1: Anarchist literature
        Lie -> Ryan's anarchist pamphlets

        Q2: InstaHeat Model 70
        Lie -> Ivan Rasic's statement

        Q3: Suburban Redevelopment
        Q4: Attempted murder charge

2. After the interview, you have the option to charge Ryan.

-=- Obj 14: Charge Suspect

1. If you want a five-star rating for the case you must charge Matthew Ryan 
with the crime. For the purpose of simply completing the case, it doesn't 
matter which suspect is charged.

=== Case 17: Objectives 12, 13 & 14 Video Guide Link:

[Ca18] Case 18: A Walk In Elysian Fields

-=- Obj 1: Investigate Morelli Fire

1. Drive to the crime scene.

2. You start out by talking to the doctor in the ruins of the house.

3. Near evidence marker B is a picture of the family.

4. At evidence marker C (outside the house) is the InstaHeat unit. Inside the 
door you find the service record.

Newspaper #10:
5. In the corner near the vacant lot is a newspaper, which is lying on the 

6. Opposite of that location is the front of the neighbor's yard, where you 
find a few cigarettes and some boot prints.

-=- Obj 2: Question Neighbor

1. Go talk to the neighbor (in the yellow shirt) to start an interview.

        Dudley Foreman Interrogation

        Q1: Morelli fire witness report

        Q2: Suspicious activity

        Q3: Planned demolitions

        Q4: Promotional travel contest

2. After the interview, you look at two flyers given to you by both Biggs and 
Mr. Foreman.

=== Case 18: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 3: Investigate Rancho Escondido

1. Use a street telephone to receive the address for the Elysian Fields office.

2. Drive to Rancho Escondido.

3. Upon arrival, a cutscene plays. You now have to disperse the riot taking 
place. It's easy to do; just use the standard fighting tactics to take out two 
people and the fight will end.

4. Now go over to the nearby burnt-out house. If you examine the brick wall, 
Phelps will pull out one of the bricks. After that he puts it back in place, 
which causes the wall to fall over. Not very well-built, is it?

=== Case 18: Objective 3 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 4: Question Leland Monroe

1. Drive to Elysian Fields.

2. Approach the lady at the front desk, who directs you upstairs.

3. Approach the secretary. A cutscene plays and you are allowed to enter Leland
Monroe's office.

4. You can take a look at things around Monroe's office. After that, go talk to
him to start the interview.

        Leland Monroe Interrogation

        Q1: Elysian linked to arsons
        Q2: Promotional travel contest
        Lie -> Elysian Fields flyers
        Q3: Local land acquisitions
        Q4: Rancho Escondido fire
        Lie -> Poor cement quality

5. The interview ends. Mr. Monroe tells you to visit his secretary, who gives 
you a list of names. Tap your finger on Herbert Chapman.

=== Case 18: Objective 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 5: Investigate Chapman's Residence

1. Before you leave the Elysian Fields building, go use the telephone in their 
offices. This will give you some information about Chapman.

2. Drive to Chapman's Apartment.

3. You talk to Chapman's landlord. After that, go check out the back of 
Chapman's vehicle. Inside you find mosquito coils, some ammunition, and one of 
the contest flyers.

-=- Obj 6: Apprehend Herbert Chapman

1. Chapman shows up nearby and a vehicle chase begins. He gets into one of the 
city's trolleys!

2. This is an odd vehicle chase because you are chasing after a trolley. The 
main factor to consider when chasing the trolley is that you can't ram it or 
wreck it (unlike other trolleys that you've seen before). For now, just wait it
out until you can do something. A good thing to do is to sit right behind the 
trolley as you drive so that you don't hit any of the cars that it hits.

3. After you turn the corner, Biggs will start to shoot at the trolley from his
passenger window. Pull up on the left side of the trolley and give Biggs a good
shot into the open side panel of the trolley. This will "derail" the trolley 
and stop the vehicle chase.

4. However, be ready with your gun. Chapman is not going quietly and will exit 
the trolley firing at you and your partner. As soon as you stop the trolley, 
get out of your vehicle and aim at the trolley's front exit; this will allow 
you to quickly take Chapman out.

=== Case 18: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

[Ca19] Case 19: House of Sticks

-=- Obj 1: Deal with Female Client

1. A conversation begins between you (Jack Kelso) and Elsa Lichtmann. She gives
you a life insurance letter to look at.

2. You then pull out her case file and take a look inside. Turn the property 
details slip aside and take a look at the accident report.

-=- Obj 2: Question Elsa Lichtmann

1. The interview then begins.

        Elsa Lichtmann Interrogation

        Q1: Disputed claim payout
        Q2: Connection to Buchwalter
        Q3: Motive for dispute

2. The interview ends, and Elsa leaves.

-=- Obj 3: Visit Curtis Benson's Office

1. A secretary comes to your office and tells you to head upstairs to meet with
your boss, Curtis Benson. Head up there to trigger a cutscene where Benson 
seems suspicious.

=== Case 19: Objectives 1, 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 4: Investigate Subdivision Office

1. Drive to the Elysian Fields Site.

2. Go inside the field office on the left.

3. On the first desk you find a receipt for cement ingredients.

4. On the second desk are two items: a letter (order of demolition) and a note 
from Leland Monroe saying "delays will not be tolerated".

-=- Obj 5: Brawl with Foreman

1. When you step outside the office, the site foreman starts a fight with you. 
This guy is fairly tough so you'll need to be solid with your fighting tactics:
always block his punches, then counter with your own string of punches.

2. After the fight, the foreman gives you directions to the accident site.

=== Case 19: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 6: Investigate Accident Site

1. Drive to the Demolished House.

2. At the house are a few red flags, which mark evidence. You can pick them up 
and examine them.

3. The one of interest to us is on the far left. Piece the wood fractures 
together until the words "Keystone Films" is shown.

-=- Obj 7: Escape the Bulldozer

1. After looking at the evidence, the crazy foreman returns with a bulldozer! 
A foot chase begins; this time you are the one running away.

2. The way this gameplay segment works is this: there are obstacles in front of
you that you need to jump over to continue running. Behind you is the 
bulldozer, which continually moves forward. It will eventually catch up with 
you and kill you if you don't do anything to delay it; you can delay it by 
aiming your gun at the driver, which causes him to slow down (you can't shoot 
him though).

3. The way to beat this segment is to use the following tactics: after you 
scale each of the obstacles, turn around and take aim at the bulldozer driver. 
Immediately after that, turn back around and start running again. Repeat for 
each obstacle. This will slow the bulldozer down enough that you can make your 
escape at the end where there is a ladder.

=== Case 19: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 8: Investigate Keystone Films

1. Use a street telephone to receive an address for Keystone Films.

2. Drive to Keystone Film Studios.

3. Upon arrival, you bribe the guard. This allows you to hop the front chain-
link gate.

4. On top of the lumber pile right in front of the gate is a receipt for lumber

5. Over to the right in the corner is a notice that says the lumber is of low 

6. Head further back behind the area into the "screening room" building.

7. On the right table you find a film reel labeled "Suburban Redevelopment".

8. Go over to the projector case and open it. Jack will turn it on. The top 
dial controls the film's focus, the middle dial controls the speed, and the 
bottom switch will reset the film's position. After adjusting the focus and 
speed, flip the bottom switch.

-=- Obj 9: Telephone Curtis Benson's Office

1. After watching the film, head back outside to the guardpost. Use the phone 
inside to contact your boss, Mr. Benson.

=== Case 19: Objectives 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 10: Investigate Elysian Fields Site Two

1. Drive to Elysian Fields Site Two.

2. Go inside the empty house that's under construction (it has a blinking light
upstairs). Inside you can examine parts of the house (like the light switch and
sink) that seem to indicate something is very fishy about the construction 
going on.

3. Head upstairs and into the largest room (it appears to be the master 
bedroom). A fight will start with some hitmen. It is impossible to win this 
fight, so don't worry about losing. The hitmen will do extremely fast counter 
punches against you, which quickly wear you down.

-=- Obj 11: Get in a Vehicle

1. After the cutscene, you escape your captors. Run straight and towards the 
red car in front of you, which will serve as your means of transportation.

-=- Obj 12: Escape Pursuers

1. Once you get in the red car, a vehicle chase begins. You are one fleeing the
scene this time though, so hold down the gas pedal! You can try to run the 
enemy vehicles off the road and get them stuck on objects and such, but I've 
found a better method. 

2. Go drive out into a somewhat enclosed area with plenty of room for you to 
escape from and wait for the bad guys to catch up with you. When they do, they 
will eventually get out of their vehicles; when you see them get out and start 
running towards you, make a break for it! This will give you plenty of time to 
race off in a safe direction as you put a good amount of distance between you 
and the bad guys.

-=- Obj 13: Get to Elsa's Apartment

1. After you lose the pursuers, now it is just a matter of driving to your 
current destination, which is Elsa's Apartment.

=== Case 19: Objectives 10, 11, 12 & 13 Video Guide Link:

[Ca20] Case 20: A Polite Invitation

-=- Obj 1: Pay Curtis Benson a Visit

1. Drive to Curtis Benson's apartment.

2. Out in front of the building you can look at the mailboxes to see that Mr. 
Benson is in apartment #2.

3. After entering the apartment, it's time to search it. Start by looking at 
the desk, which has an insurance agreement letter.

4. Go to the dining table, where a folder sits on the corner. Inside are some 
stock certificates for Suburban Redevelopment.

5. Kick open the double doors to trigger a cutscene; it seems Mr. Benson takes 
part in Hollywood's excess.

-=- Obj 2: Question Curtis Benson

1. After the cutscene, approach Mr. Benson to start the interview.

        Curtis Benson Interrogation

        Q1: Motive for fraud
        Lie -> Share certificates
        Q2: Suburban Redevelopment
        Lie -> Insurance agreement
        Q3: Buchwalter case settlement

2. After the interview, Jack leaves the apartment.

=== Case 20: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 3: Investigate California Fire & Life

1. Drive to California Fire & Life.

2. Enter your office and examine the case file on your desk. Tap the blueprints
on the left, then tap the pink property details card on the right.

-=- Obj 4: Attend Land Registry Office

1. Drive to the Hall of Records.

2. Talk to the guy at the front desk, who directs you to go upstairs.

3. Talk to the guy at the upstairs Land Registry front desk, who will assist 
you in finding the answers you need.

4. You will open up the Hall of Records Company Register ledger. Turn the page,
then look on the right page to find the Suburban Redevelopment Fund. Tap your 
finger on Courtney Sheldon's name.

5. After that you are taken to the land plot table device. Just do as Jack 
keeps saying, which is setting the Latitude dial to 34 degrees, 4 minutes, and 
29 seconds and setting the Longitude dial to 118 degrees, 17 minutes, and 58 

6. Now it's time to do some math. Again do what Jack says by dividing 1876988 
by 90000, which is 20.

7. If A equals 0, then 20 equals U; go over to the "U" section. Open up the 
land value record book and find the lot number (1876988); tap on it with your 

=== Case 20: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 5: Hall of Records Battle

1. A shootout begins in the Hall of Records. 

2. From your starting position, you can easily gun down the first enemy.

3. Ease over to the right and have your gun ready to take out the next guy.

4. The other two guys are further away: one at the far side of the room and the
other on the other side of the entrance to the room. Wait for them to make a 
move first, then respond accordingly.

=== Case 20: Objectives 5 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 6: Answer the Telephone

1. After the battle, you suddenly appear in the hallway of your apartment 
complex. Enter your apartment to answer the phone and talk to Mr. Monroe.

-=- Obj 7: Meet Leland Monroe

1. Drive to Leland Monroe's Mansion.

2. A cutscene plays; it's time to bust into the mansion.

3. From your starting position, you can easily take out the closest couple of 

4. The next part involves you moving up from cover to cover; in between moving 
from cover to cover, you will need to pause and kill enemies. The enemies are 
not afraid to make moves and be aggressive, so be patient.

5. Once you get up to the mansion's entrance, there are a couple of enemies 
immediately beyond the door you open. Either be ready to kill them quickly, or 
retreat back as soon as you open the door; if you retreat, your nearby Marine 
buddy will help you take the enemies out.

6. Inside you will come to a staircase room; the staircase splits off into two,
going along each of the upper sides of the room. Take cover behind the walls of
the entrance to this room to take out the first two enemies on the ground 
level. After you kill them, slowly enter the room; when two more enemies attack
from the upper level, retreat back to your former position of cover behind the 
room's entrance. This will take away the enemies' positional advantage.

7. Once you reach the bathroom, the next door will lead to Mr. Monroe's office,
which starts a cutscene.

=== Case 20: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 8: Search Leland Monroe's Office

1. Leland lies injured on the ground. First go take a look inside his safe. 
Inside you find a payroll notebook (hmmm, Roy Earle's name is in there three 
times), Suburban Redevelopment Fund share certificates, and an intelligence 
report on Dr. Fontaine (written by Roy Earle!). 

2. On the desk you find a list of the household names that were holding out on 
selling their homes. It seems as though Leland was keeping a close eye on the 

Newspaper #11:
3. A newspaper can be found at the back of the room. Next to it is a picture of
the dinner conversation from the film you watched (at Keystone Films).

4. When Jack is finished searching the office, he will use Leland's office 

=== Case 20: Objective 8 Video Guide Link:

[Ca21] Case 21: A Different Kind of War

-=- Obj 1: Visit Rapid Exterminators

1. Drive to Rapid Exterminators.

2. Talk to the guy at the front desk, who says we need to check elsewhere.

Newspaper #12:
3. Before leaving, pick up the newspaper on the counter.

-=- Obj 2: Visit Nuclear Bug & Rodent Control

1. Drive to Nuclear Bug & Rodent Control.

2. Talk to the guy at the front desk; apparently it's just him and two 
Mexicans working there though.

-=- Obj 3: Visit Westlake Pest Control

1. Drive to Westlake Pest Control.

2. Talk to the guy at the front desk, who gives you an address.

=== Case 21: Objectives 1, 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 4: Investigate Murder Scene

1. You temporarily shift back to playing as Cole Phelps and are now searching 
Dr. Fontaine's residence.

2. Before entering the main room, take a look at the cabinet in the corner; 
there you find a stash of morphine syrettes.

3. To the right of the entrance to the main office, there is a folder with a 
note to Leland Monroe; behind it is a list of household names, as well as a 
detailed account of the arsonist's mental health.

4. Take a look at the broken glass behind the desk.

5. Pick up and examine the crystal ball, which is lying on the side of the room
on the floor.

6. Examine Dr. Fontaine's body, starting with his head, then the lighter in his
left hand.

Newspaper #13:
7. On the end of the desk is the thirteenth and final newspaper.

8. Look at the notepad in the middle of the desk; you will need to use Cole's 
shading technique to read what was previously written on it.

9. After that, take the newspaper clipping on the right and place it on the 
notepad to reveal Dr. Fontaine's and Mr. Monroe's ultimate plan.

=== Case 21: Objective 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 5: Investigate Rancho Rincon

1. Now you go back to Jack Kelso. Enter the ranch house; inside the door on the
right is flamethrower! Phelps notes the oddity of it.

2. When you get to the paper crane room, examine the Los Angeles River Tunnels 
map on the wall.

3. To the right of the map, pick up one of the paper cranes near the candles.

4. From there, take a look to your right to find several pictures from World 
War II. As Jack looks at them, he soon realizes that he knows all of the people
in the photographs!

=== Case 21: Objective 5 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 6: Escort Jack Kelso to L.A. River Tunnels

1. Now you go back to Cole Phelps again. It's time to escort Jack Kelso's car.

2. The corrupt cop vehicles are easy to get rid of, whether you shoot their 
tires out or cause them to wreck; the problem is that they keep coming one 
after another. Your main concern will be to keep the cop cars away from Kelso; 
if you see a cop car approach Jack's car, quickly accelerate ahead so that you 
can deal with the threat. If no enemies are going after Kelso, then concentrate
on eliminating them one by knocking them off the road.

3. The entire chase sequence takes place on city streets, so there will always 
be plenty of room to maneuver around. This is helpful for you, because you 
don't have to worry about making tricky corners or turns.

4. Eventually the cop vehicles will stop coming after you and Kelso. When this 
happens, it's smooth sailing for the rest of the way.

=== Case 21: Objective 6 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 7: Final Battle in the Tunnels!

1. For the final battle in the LA river tunnels, we play as Jack Kelso. If you 
have been playing the game regularly up to this point, you should have no 
problem with the skirmishes ahead; in fact, you've probably already encountered
tougher challenges than this.

2. From your starting position you must fight through a large group of enemies 
up ahead. Slowly make forward progress; take cover behind the pillars and kill 
enemies as they appear. Pick up any automatic weapons you find.

3. After that skirmish, head into the left tunnel. Once you reach the end of 
that tunnel, turn left again. Halfway through this tunnel is an opening that 
water is flowing into; Jack doesn't care about getting his pants wet, so head 
into that opening!

4. This will take you to a square room (with more water) and a right turn into 
another tunnel. At the end you can see a ladder on the right side which leads 
to an upper level; wait a few seconds before moving on, because two enemies 
will try to climb down that ladder. Make sure you give them a proper greeting!

5. Once you climb up the ladder, an enemy may be waiting for you on the right; 
be ready to take aim at him. From the ladder, head to the right to the doorway,
where you find a weapons cache. After picking a new weapon, go back by the 
ladder and take the left path.

6. In front of you is a tunnel with a large pipe in it; across the way are a 
few enemies. As you make your way into the tunnel, you see a corrupt cop get 
fried by a flamethrower!

7. You will enter a large room; in the distance on your right you will see 
another enemy get toasted by the flamethrower. From your initial position in 
this large room, you can take cover behind the sheet metal in front of you. 
This provides you with the necessary cover to take out all the enemies in the 

8. Head downstairs, where you'll find a few more enemies who are guarding 
another weapons storage cache.

9. From the second weapons room, take a step out of the doorway and head down 
the ladder to the left. This will show a cutscene of rising water. From your 
current position (in the corner), make your way towards the opposite corner. 
There you will find a ladder to escape the rising water.

10. Once you get up the ladder you'll find more enemies to fight. After dealing
with them, head up the stairs ahead.

11. This brings you to some upper walkways, and a few enemies. These are the 
last enemies in the game, so give them what for! Now you can enter the Jackson 
Pump Room, which ends the game. Now it's time to watch the ending to this great

=== Case 21: Objective 7 Video Guide Link:

[DLCs] DLC Cases

[DLC1] DLC Case 1: The Consul's Car (Traffic Case)

-=- Obj 1: Investigate the crime scene.

1. Travel to the crime scene.

2. Look at the registration slip at Marker A.

3. Look at the flag to the left of Marker A.

4. Look at the license plate by Marker B.

5. Look at the absent tire by Marker C.

6. Open up the vehicle's trunk.

7. Away from the car, take a look at the wrench near Marker D (can be found to 
the right of the baseball bat).

8. Use the nearby phone.

=== The Consul's Car: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 2: Question Oswald Jacobs.

1. Approach Jacobs to begin the interview.

        Oswald Jacobs Interrogation

        Q1: Witness report

        Q2: Hispanic suspects

        Q3: Possible suspect vehicle

        Q4: Vehicle stripped of parts

2. After the interview, go over to the bench behind Jacobs and pick up the 
notebook. "Further investigate" it two times to get more information.

3. Use the nearby phone (again).

=== The Consul's Car: Objective 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 3: Question Juan Francisco Valdez.

1. Travel to the police station.

2. Follow your partner to the interview room.

        Juan Francisco Valdez Interrogation

        Q1: Packard purchase history

        Q2: Theft of the consular vehicle

        Q3: Association with Gabriel
        Lie -> Valdez's notebook

3. After the interview you can exit the station.

=== The Consul's Car: Objective 3 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 4: Investigate the dealership.

1. Travel to the dealership.

2. After talking to the owner, follow him to the garage.

3. Approach the tool bench to begin a short puzzle. Place the yellow wrenches 
in the empty yellow slots from the biggest size to the smallest size; after 
that continue with the red wrenches. Phelps will notice that the top empty slot
is missing its wrench (the same one at the crime scene).

4. Take a look at the license plates on the wall to the left of the tool bench.

=== The Consul's Car: Objective 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 5: Question the dealership owner.

1. Approach the owner.

        William Dewey Interrogation

        Q1: Association with Valdez
        Lie -> Valdez's notebook or Alleged bribery

        Q2: Whereabouts of Del Gado

        Q3: Wrench used in auto theft

2. After the interview concludes, you are finished with the dealership.

=== The Consul's Car: Objective 5 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 6: Investigate the Del Gado Residence.

1. Travel to the Del Gado Residence.

2. In the entrance, look at the corner where various letters sit. This will 
reveal that you need to go to apartment 3.

3. On the reading table, you see the missing flag from the stolen vehicle.

4. In the hallway is a picture of Del Gado and his sports car.

5. In the kitchen, take a look at the table. Del Gado was here recently.

6. Go outside from the kitchen. Go downstairs and into the garage. Here you can
examine the two tires and the diplomatic license plate.

=== The Consul's Car: Objective 6 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 7: Question Anna Rodriguez.

1. Return to the residence and approach Anna.

        Anna Rodriguez Interrogation

        Q1: Motive for auto theft

        Q2: Last contact with Gabriel
        Lie -> Breakfast plates

        Q3: Diplomatic plates recovered

	Q4: Location of Gabriel

2. After the interview you can leave the building.

=== The Consul's Car: Objective 7 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 8: Apprehend the suspect.

1. Travel to the illegal street race.

2. Upon arrival you will begin a vehicle chase after Gabriel in his red sports 
car. During this chase, besides trying to keep on Gabriel, you will also have 
to deal with the other racers. They may try to ram into you so be cautious; if 
you have the opportunity to do so, go ahead and run them off the road so that 
you can be free to concentrate on Gabriel.

Eventually Gabriel will drive off the road and into a waterway. If you miss him
when he does this, don't worry; you can keep on driving to the left above the 
waterway where you will see him down below on your right. Drive into the 
waterway and follow Gabriel. There are a few obstacles in the water, so be sure
to avoid them as they slow you down. Eventually Gabriel will drive out of the 
waterway and disable his vehicle. When this happens, quickly jump out of your 
vehicle and arrest him before he starts running away.

=== The Consul's Car: Objective 8 Video Guide Link:

[DLC2] DLC Case 2: A Slip of the Tongue (Traffic Case)

-=- Obj 1: Investigate Stolen Vehicle Report

1. Exit the police station and drive to the crime scene.

-=- Obj 2: Apprehend fleeing suspect

1. Right as you arrive, you see a suspect leaving in the stolen vehicle. A 
vehicle chase scene starts.

2. If you've played some of the cases later in the game (i.e. after the traffic
cases), then you'll have an easy time with this chase. It's a typical chase 
through the city streets; your partner will not fire at the suspect's tires 
though, which means you'll have to disable the vehicle yourself. 

3. The easiest way to disable the green car is to ram the engine as it makes a 
turn. The green car isn't very sporty, so it takes wide turns; this gives you 
the perfect opportunity to ram its engine from the side.

-=- Obj 3: Question Cliff Harrison

1. After the vehicle chase ends, you question Cliff.

        Cliff Harrison Interrogation

        Q1: Vehicle reported as stolen
        Q2: Motive for flight
        Q3: Vehicle purchase details

=== DLC Case 2: Objectives 1, 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 4: Investigate Coombs Automotive

1. Travel to the Coombs Automotive Company.

2. Upon arrival a cutscene will trigger with the owner.

-=- Obj 5: Interview Richard Coombs

1. After the cutscene, you enter the owner's office. He gives you two clues; a 
pink slip (which you can investigate further) and receipt. After that, it's 
time to question Mr. Coombs.

        Richard Coombs Interrogation

        Q1: Details of transaction

        Q2: Description of suspect

        Q3: Association with Marquee

        Q4: Check Payment Details

        Q5: Suspicious Transaction

=== DLC Case 2: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 6: Phone in to the station

1. After you exit the used car lot, find a nearby phone to call in to the 
station (it will be highlighted on your mini-map).

-=- Obj 7: Investigate Jean Archer's Address

1. Travel to 146 North Fremont Avenue.

2. Upon arrival you find out that the address is just a vacant lot and not an 
actual residence.

-=- Obj 8: Return to Central Police Station

1. Travel to the Central Police Station, where you are told to go to interview 
room #2.

-=- Obj 9: Interrogate James Belasco

1. Enter interview room #2 to start the interrogation of Mr. Belasco.

        James Belasco Interrogation

        Q1: Stolen auto courier

        Q2: Association with Archer
        Lie -> Archer's ownership papers

        Q3: Auto theft racket

        Q4: Stolen vehicles warehoused

2. After the interview, you are approached by Ray Pinker from technical 
services; he gives you some clues.

=== DLC Case 2: Objectives 6, 7, 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 10: Race to Western Union Office

1. Before you leave the station, an officer in the hallway tells you that Jean 
Archer was spotted at a nearby location. 

2. Sprint out of the station and head towards the yellow marker on your mini-
map. You have less than a minute to get there before Jean disappears, so be as 
quick as you can.

-=- Obj 11: Interview Jean Archer

1. Once you reach Jean, an interrogation sequence begins.

        Jean Archer Interrogation

        Q1: Stolen Kaiser Frazer

        Q2: Association with Belasco
        Lie -> Belasco's ownership papers

        Q3: Stolen auto courier

=== DLC Case 2: Objectives 10 & 11 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 12: Battle at 58 Industrial Street

1. Travel to 58 Industrial Street. Upon arrival a cutscene plays and a battle 
will start inside the warehouse.

2. Right from your starting position behind cover, you can take out the enemy 
in front of you. After that, make your way into the warehouse and find some 
cover to hide behind.

3. There are many enemies inside the main room of the warehouse; be patient and
pick your targets one at a time. These enemies act just like all of the other 
enemies in the game, which means they will expose themselves and give you 
plenty of opportunities to shoot them.

4. After the ground level of the warehouse is cleared out, go upstairs with 
your partner. There are a couple more enemies up here, who will rush behind 
cover. After they are gone, head to the door at the far side.

-=- Obj 13: Interview Steven Bigelow

1. You find Mr. Bigelow in an office. Before questioning him you are given the 
opportunity to search the office.

2. Behind Mr. Bigelow is a box full of pink slips.

3. On the side table next to your partner are two clues; pick each of them up.

4. After that it is time to question Mr. Bigelow.

        Steven Bigelow Interrogation

        Q1: Pink slip supply

        Q2: Association with Leitvol
        Lie -> Note from Ray Pinker

=== DLC Case 2: Objectives 12 & 13 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 14: Apprehend Gordon Leitvol

1. Travel to the Marquee Printing Company and enter it. This will start an 
interrogation of Mr. Leitvol. Depending on which clues you have found, you may 
have different questions available to ask. If you've followed everything in 
this guide correctly, you should only have one question.

        Gordon Leitvol Interrogation

        Q: Deliveries to Industrial Street
        Lie -> Betting slips

        Alternate: Knowledge of theft racket

        Alternate: Coombs auto deliveries

        Alternate: Pink slip supply

=== DLC Case 2: Objective 14 Video Guide Link:

[DLC3] DLC Case 3: The Naked City (Vice Case)

-=- Obj 1: Investigate the crime scene

1. Drive to the crime scene.

2. Inside the apartment's living room, go take a look at the row of three 
pictures sitting to the right of the record player. Pick each of them up and 
investigate further.

3. In the bathroom, look at the victim's neck, left hand, and right inside 

4. In the bedroom, go look at the blue smoking jacket. After that, look at the 
pills on the floor. Related to the pills, go to the bedside next to the lamp to
find a pill box (which can be investigated further.

-=- Obj 2: Question the maid

1. After searching the apartment, go ask the maid some questions.

        Virginia Reynoldson Interrogation

        Q1: Victim's state of mind
        Lie -> Sleeping pills

        Q2: Victim's personal life
        Lie -> Men's smoking jacket

        Q3: Relationship with victim

=== DLC Case 3: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 3: Investigate Dr. Stoneman's office

1. Before leaving the apartment complex to drive to Dr. Stoneman's office, take
a look at the trash can on the right in the lobby. In it you will find a 
morphine syrette.

2. Drive to Dr. Stoneman's Practice.

3. After stepping inside the building, you can take a look at the directory on 
the wall to see that Dr. Stoneman is on the 5th floor. Take the elevator.

4. Once inside you will talk to the secretary (and interrupt a patient's visit 
with the doctor; oh well!).

-=- Obj 4: Question Dr. Stoneman

1. Once you enter his personal office, it's time to start questioning him.

        Dr. Stoneman Interrogation

        Q1: Relationship with victim
        Lie -> Benzedrine prescription
        Q2: Additional medications

=== DLC Case 3: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 5: Investigate dress store

1. Travel to the dress store.

-=- Obj 6: Question store owner & employee

1. Upon walking inside, an interview begins with the store owner.

        Store Owner Interrogation

        Q1: Victim's employment history

2. After that short interview ends, it is time to interview one of the store's 
employees. She will show you a pearl ring before the questions start.

        Heather Swanson Interrogation

        Q1: Relationship with victim

        Q2: Informed of 'Mr. Henderson'

=== DLC Case 3: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 7: Investigate Hollywood Morgue

1. Before moving on, find a nearby telephone to use.

2. Travel to the Hollywood Receiving Hospital.

3. After the cutscene with Mal, look at the harmonica.

-=- Obj 8: Interview Henry Arnett

1. Head over to the Hollywood Police Station across the street.

2. Enter interview room #2 to start the interview with Henry.

        Henry Arnett Interrogation (1st)

        Q1: Relationship with victim

        Q2: Informed of 'Mr. Henderson'
        Lie -> Housekeeper's statement

        Q3: Burglary suspect Leblanc

=== DLC Case 3: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 9: Tail Henry Arnett (Part 1)

1. Part 1 of this objective is to follow Henry in a vehicle. Henry drives in a 
yellow car, so it is very easy to spot him in traffic.

2. Use the typical vehicle tailing techniques: keep your distance, keep him in 
sight, don't attract attention, and don't move until he moves.

=== DLC Case 3: Objective 9 Part 1 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 9: Tail Henry Arnett (Part 2)

1. Part 2 of this objective is to follow Henry on foot. Henry is the guy in the
fancy suit; lots of people wear suits though, so make sure you don't lose him.

2. Watch him and be patient when he's in sight; don't move up out of your 
cover. Once he's either out of sight or very far away, move out from cover and 
move up to a new location. Rinse and repeat until Henry enters the travel shop.

=== DLC Case 3: Objective 9 Part 2 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 10: Assist Patrolman Wallis

1. Find a nearby telephone and use it.

2. Drive to the Hollywood Ninth Beat.

3. You find Patrolman Wallis chasing after two guys. Help out Wallis by 
following them and gunning them down (they are armed and will fire at you).

4. If one of the guys makes it to a certain point, he will spawn two more 
enemies. This is no problem though; they act like all the other enemies in the 
game, so just take aim and fire when they expose themselves from cover.

-=- Obj 11: Return to Hollywood Station

1. Drive to the Hollywood Police Station.

2. Once inside, you will watch a cutscene. After the cutscene, you will look at
a list of stolen items. Tap your finger on the Faberge Gold Cigarette Case, the
Black Sapphire Ring, the Silver Pill Box, and the Pearl Ring.

=== DLC Case 3: Objectives 10 & 11 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 12: Question Mrs. Evestrom

1. Drive to the Evestrom Residence.

2. Once inside the residence, the interview with Mrs. Evestrom begins.

        Mrs. Evestrom Interrogation

        Q1: List of stolen items
        Lie -> Faberge cigarette case

        Q2: Burglary incident report

=== DLC Case 3: Objectives 12 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 13: Apprehend suspect

1. Drive to Arnett's Apartment. For some reason the game will not allow you to 
fast travel there (perhaps because Miss Swanson is in the vehicle), so you'll 
have to manually drive.

2. Once you get to the apartment, a foot chase scene starts. A man darts out 
the window. Follow him!

3. This is a short chase. Just go where the suspect goes and keep him in sight.
After you tiptoe across the board to the adjoining roof, the suspect will 
ambush Phelps with a club and escape.

-=- Obj 14: Investigate Arnett's apartment

1. After the cutscene, it is time to check out Arnett's residence. Luckily 
though there is only one thing to examine: his suitcase to the right of the 
couch. Open it up to find a train ticket and expensive watch.

2. Now it's time to ask Mr. Arnett some questions.

        Henry Arnett Interrogation (2nd)

        Q1: Professional burglary ring
        Lie -> Faberge cigarette case

        Q2: Motive for Randall murder
        Lie -> Train ticket

        Q3: Identity of "Mr. Henderson"
        Lie -> Contraband list

3. Henry is arrested after the interrogation is finished.

=== DLC Case 3: Objectives 13 & 14 Video Guide Link:

-=- Obj 15: Interrogate Doctor Stoneman

1. Drive to Dr. Stoneman's Practice.

2. Once inside the office, a cutscene plays.

3. After the cutscene, use the telephone on Dr. Stoneman's desk.

-=- Obj 16: Apprehend "Willy"

1. Drive to Willy's Apartment.

2. After the cutscene, walk to the corner and turn left. You hear a harmonica; 
keep going until you find Willy playing the harmonica in one of the left 

3. A foot chase starts; follow Willy up to the roof of the building.

4. This foot chase isn't too difficult; all you have to do is keep going up.

5. Eventually you will reach an area that triggers a cutscene. Afterwards, you 
need to start shooting at Willy as he climbs a ladder. 

6. Willy seems to have some extra health (or invisible walls around the 
letters), because shooting him as he climbs doesn't seem to affect him that 
much. Once he reaches the top of the ladder and starts shooting at you though, 
he is as easily killled as any other enemy.

=== DLC Case 3: Objectives 15 & 16 Video Guide Link:

[DLC4] DLC Case 4: Nicholson Electroplating Disaster (Arson Case)

Coming in a future update.

[DLC5] DLC Case 5: Reefer Madness (Vice Case)

Coming in a future update.

[TrCr] Traffic Street Crimes

-=- Street Crime 1: Boxing Clever

Objective: Apprehend the burglary suspect

1. You start the street crime out in a foot chase. Follow the suspect to the 
building that's under construction; you will follow him all the way to the 

2. Once on the roof, the suspect runs out of running room and gets desperate; 
now a fist fight begins. Block the suspect's initial series of punches; after 
that you can proceed to mash the punch button and send him to jail.

=== Street Crime 1: Boxing Clever Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 2: Cosmic Rays

Objective: Apprehend the disturbed suspect unharmed

1. This is a foot chase after a mentally disturbed suspect. He leads you around
the city streets in random directions; eventually you ascend to the top of a 
building, where the chase ends tragically.

=== Street Crime 2: Cosmic Rays Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 3: Masked Gunman

Objective: Subdue the suspect

1. The suspect has already fired at you (and continues to fire at you as you 
chase him), so this foot chase is not the kind of chase where you are trying to
capture the suspect; i.e. you need to shoot and kill him.

2. You start out climbing to the top of the building and then climbing back 
down immediately. As you follow the suspect, wait until you have a clear shot 
(and take it). Be careful as there are innocent bystanders along some of the 

=== Street Crime 3: Masked Gunman Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 4: Shoo-Shoo Bandits

Objective 1: Locate the suspects

1. Keep sprinting forward along the left side of the raised train tracks. After
you reach the top of the stairs, turn left down the alleyway. There you will 
spot the suspects.

Objective 2: Subdue the suspects

1. At the end of the alleyway are the two suspects. They will shoot at you, so 
approach carefully. Take cover behind something and wait for them to expose 
themselves so that you can take them out.

=== Street Crime 4: Shoo-Shoo Bandits Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 5: Gangfight

Objective: Subdue the armed suspects

1. From behind your starting cover, you are faced with a large group of armed 
suspects. None of the enemies in front of you seem too concerned with their own
well-being, so you should find it easy to gun them down as they stand out in 
the open.

2. After taking out the initial group of enemies, some more will drive up in a 
car and get out. Knowing this beforehand you should be able to easily take care
of them as they get out of the vehicle.

=== Street Crime 5: Gangfight Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 6: Amateur Hour

Objective 1: Subdue the armed suspects

1. There are three armed enemies that need to be dealt with; ignore the female 
suspect, as she is unarmed. Two suspects will run upstairs, so take out the 
lone enemy that's downstairs.

2. Head up the stairs, but be careful; the two suspects have taken cover behind
you as you climb up the stairs. Turn around and shoot them as they pop up out 
of their cover.

Objective 2: Assist Detective Bekowsky

1. Something happens downstairs.

Objective 3: Pursue the female suspect

1. Looks like the female suspect has run away, so run after her. She gets into 
a vehicle and drives away; it's no problem though, because she drives into a 

=== Street Crime 6: Amateur Hour Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 7: Death From Above

Objective: Subdue the armed suspects

1. From your starting position, you can take out the first two guys on the 
upper roof. The guy on the far right is out of range, so move up closer to 
another cover location; that will bring you close enough that your pistol can 
hit him.

2. Climb up to the middle roof, then up to the upper roof. One of the gunmen is
holding a hostage. Aim to the left side of the hostage and go for a headshot on
the suspect.

=== Street Crime 7: Death From Above Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 8: Theater Robbery

Objective 1: Pursue the suspect

1. The crime starts with a vehicle chase in the city streets. The chase will 
quickly become tricky however, because the suspect will lead you through a 
series of narrow alleyways, some of them with pedestrians! Be careful as you 
navigate these areas.

2. The suspect vehicle will crash in a parking lot; the suspect then gets out 
of the vehicle and climbs onto the nearby roof.

Objective 2: Apprehend the suspect

1. Now the foot chase begins. You need to gun the suspect down, so all you need
to do is wait for an opening to open fire.

=== Street Crime 8: Theater Robbery Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 9: Pawnshop Holdup

Objective 1: Gain access to the premises

1. After the opening cutscene, you and your partner are running around the side
of the building. Follow behind him; he knows the way. Once you reach the back 
entrance, there are two doors you need to open to gain access to the suspects.

Objective 2: Subdue the armed robbery suspects

1. Once you come open the second door and come in contact with the suspects, a 
firefight begins. Inside the small room there are two enemies; you can try to 
take cover on the other side of the door you just opened, but it doesn't offer 
a very good angle to fire from. If you move inside, there is cover just in 
front of the door. From here, you can take out both suspects.

2. Your partner informs you to go upstairs, so get to it. The third suspect is 
not inside the building (he's on the roof), so don't worry about getting shot. 

3. Once you get to the roof, you enter into a hostage situation. Aim your gun 
on the left side of the hostage and go for a headshot on the suspect.

=== Street Crime 9: Pawnshop Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 10: Hotel Bandits

Objective 1: Pursue the suspects

1. You start out on foot, but it will quickly turn into a vehicle chase. Your 
police car is not nearby, so grab a random car in the parking lot.

2. Follow the suspects' vehicle through the streets. After a few turns, the 
suspects will pull into a parking garage and run to the roof. Enter the parking
garage and run after them.

Objective 2: Subdue the suspects

1. Now you are tasked with eliminating the suspects on the roof. There are only
two of them, so it shouldn't be too much trouble.

=== Street Crime 10: Hotel Bandits Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 11: Army Surplus

Objective: Subdue the armed robbery suspects

1. This is a very short and easy street crime. You start out inside a building 
facing towards the outside of a door; two suspects are in front of you. Kill 
the first one, then proceed outside and find some cover; after that, just keep 
a look out for the second suspect who has probably retreated a few steps by the
time you get outside.

=== Street Crime 11: Army Surplus Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 12: Hung Out To Dry

Objective: Subdue the armed robbery suspects

1. You start the street crime outside of the store's back entrance. Your 
partner takes cover at the right side, so take the opposite side on the left 
wall. After taking out the enemies on the left side, move into the room and 
take up a position against the rest of the enemies.

2. After the room is cleared out, there is usually another enemy left over in 
the next room around the stairs. Navigate the stairs cautiously and take him 

=== Street Crime 12: Hung Out To Dry Video Guide Link:

[HoCr] Homicide Street Crimes

-=- Street Crime 13: Vengeful Ex

Objective: Subdue the armed suspect

1. This street crime is a nice short one. The armed old man starts out by 
running down the busy street; to find him, just turn the quickly turn the 
corner and start sprinting. Once you spot him, take aim and fire.

=== Street Crime 13: Vengeful Ex Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 14: Death Plunge

Objective: Reach the roof

1. All you need to do is follow Galloway to the top of the building (climb the 
pipe on the back of the building). After that, climb the ladder to talk the man
out of jumping.

=== Street Crime 14: Death Plunge Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 15: Canned Fish

Objective 1: Subdue the suspects

1. You start this street crime out in a fist fight with two of the three 
suspects. These guys aren't particularly tough, so just use standard fighting 
tactics. After you knock out the first one, you can help Galloway with the 
second one.

Objective 2: Pursue the suspect

1. After the fist fight you need to run over to the car because a vehicle chase
starts. The suspect is fleeing in a large truck; it seems impossible (or at 
least very hard) to stop him by causing him to wreck, so just try to stay on 
his tail and follow him. You probably don't have Galloway with you so there is 
no one to shoot out the truck's tires.

Objective 3: Apprehend the suspect

1. At the end of the vehicle chase the truck will drive into one of the city's 
waterways, which stalls it. This gives you the opportunity to run up to the 
truck and capture the suspect.

=== Street Crime 15: Canned Fish Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 16: Would Be Robber

Objective 1: Pursue the robbery suspects

1. A vehicle chase begins; the suspects are in a yellow car, which makes them 
easy to spot in traffic. Most of the routes they take are along city streets, 
so this chase isn't that difficult except for some sudden and sharp turns.

Objective 2: Subdue the hostage taker

1. Once the suspects' vehicle stops, one of the suspects takes a hostage. Aim 
to the left side of the hostage and get a headshot on the suspect as soon as 
his head appears.

Objective 3: Clear the roof of suspects

1. The other suspect climbs the ladder on the right up to the roof of the 
building. Climb up after him and taken him out when he appears from out of 

=== Street Crime 16: Would Be Robber Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 17: Running Battle

Objective 1: Pursue and apprehend the suspect

1. Follow the suspect through the alleyway and up the sides of buildings. 
Initially you will be following the suspect with the intention of capturing him
(i.e. don't shoot to kill). During these few moments you have the opportunity 
to fire a warning shot to stop the chase.

Objective 2: Subdue the suspect

1. Once the second objective appears, it's time to take the suspect down with 
force (you no longer have the ability to use warning shots). Take aim at the 
dangerous suspect and take him down.

=== Street Crime 17: Running Battle Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 18: Bank Job

Objective 1: Subdue the armed robbery suspects

1. You start out behind a police vehicle; from this position of cover, you can 
easily take out the enemies behind the suspect vehicles. 

2. After that, head into the lobby of the bank. There are enemies here, so if 
you move inside be ready to take aim at enemies as they move out of cover. If 
you'd prefer to be conservative, then you can take cover outside of the 
entrance doors.

Objective 2: Use the elevator and investigate the vault

1. After the enemies are cleared out of the lobby, head to the back of the bank
and use the elevator on the right.

Objective 3: Clear the vault of suspects

1. Upon exiting the elevator, it is time once again to fight the bank robbers. 
The main challenge will be the enemies inside the vault, which have some decent
cover to hide behind. One of them also has a shotgun, so keep your distance. 
Find a good angle on each enemy and you can clear out the vault.

=== Street Crime 18: Bank Job Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 19: Unsuccessful Holdup

Objective 1: Pursue the suspects

1. The suspects run inside a small shack, which has a ladder leading 
underground. Follow them down the ladder and through the tunnels.

Objective 2: Subdue the armed suspects

1. Once you find them, you get a new objective to take out the suspects. After 
one of them falls, they begin to retreat further down the tunnels, climbing 
down another ladder.

2. You are now in a railroad tunnel. The suspect(s) will have retreated to the 
left. These tunnels are very long and open, so you may need to advance closer 
to the suspect(s) in order to hit them with your pistol.

=== Street Crime 19: Unsuccessful Holdup Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 20: Cop Killer Shot

Objective: Clear the roof of armed suspects

1. One suspect will climb up to the roof while the other will remain behind to 
shoot at you and your allies. Take out the one firing at you first (it's easy 
to do since he doesn't have good cover). After that, climb up to the top of the
roof and take the other suspect out.

=== Street Crime 20: Cop Killer Shot Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 21: Honey Boy

Objective: Subdue the suspect

1. You start out behind the cover of a fence. Although you are in a good 
defensive position from this spot, you won't be able to do much because the 
suspect inside the house will stay behind his cover. You will need to move up 
and force the suspect to come out of cover, which gives you the opportunity to 
take him out.

=== Street Crime 21: Honey Boy Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 22: Misunderstanding

Objective: Subdue the robbery suspect

1. The crime begins with a foot chase after the robber. He's already shot a 
man, so that means we don't need to worry about catching him; all we need to 
worry about is taking him down. You'll chase him mainly through residential 
areas. As soon as you catch sight of him and see an opening to take aim, go 
ahead and take him down to end the chase.

=== Street Crime 22: Misunderstanding Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 23: Thicker Than Water

Objective 1: Pursue the suspects

1. This street crime starts as a vehicle chase. The suspects will lead you 
through three types of area. The first are narrow alleyways between buildings, 
which can make the chase difficult if you get caught up on a corner or other 
object. The second are construction yards, which are comparatively easy to get 
through because of the mostly open terrain. The third are residential areas, 
which can be difficult because of the increased traffic, both from civilian 
vehicles and pedestrians.

Objective 2: Apprehend the suspects

1. Once the suspects' vehicle is disabled the "apprehend the suspects" 
objective will appear and you can jump out and capture them.

=== Street Crime 23: Thicker Than Water Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 24: Killer Bandits

Objective: Subdue the suspects

1. Right after the cutscene, you can immediately take out the suspect on the 

2. The other guy will drive away in a truck; unfortunately for him, he won't 
get very far. As soon as he gets out of the truck, take him out!

=== Street Crime 24: Killer Bandits Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 25: Bowling Lane Robbery

Objective 1: Subdue the armed suspects

1. You start behind a police car, which is suitable cover for taking out the 
first enemy. 

2. Move up to the entrance and aim your gun near the cover of the second enemy 
(and shoot him when he pops out).

3. Move to the left and take out the third enemy.

Objective 2: Pursue the remaining suspect

1. The last guy will run away and grab a hostage. As with all hostage 
situations, take aim to the upper left or right side of the hostage and go for 
a headshot on the suspect.

=== Street Crime 25: Bowling Lane Robbery Video Guide Link:

[ViCr] Vice Street Crimes

-=- Street Crime 26: Commies

Objective 1: Subdue the hostage taker

1. Right at the entrance is a man with a hostage; he's very much exposed, so 
take him out immediately.

Objective 2: Subdue the armed suspects

1. There are two more enemies inside the building. One enemy is behind the 
teller area, the other to the left. The guy behind the teller area seems to 
take more shots than normal because of his position, but it's nothing that will
give you much trouble.

=== Street Crime 26: Commies Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 27: Fatal Plunge

Objective 1: Reach the roof

1. Climb up the pipe, then climb up the ladder to reach the roof.

Objective 2: Apprehend the suspect

1. Slide down the ladder and jump in Roy's convertible as soon as you can. This
will start a rather long vehicle chase.

2. The suspect in the white pickup truck will move through city streets, cut 
across railroad yards, and go through a few alleyways. It's standard vehicle 
chase terrain, the main thing to consider though is that this is a longer 
vehicle chase compared to some of the other street crimes.

3. Roy will fire his gun at the suspect's tires, so if you see a good 
opportunity to pull up on the suspect's left side then go ahead and try it. It 
is difficult to make the suspect spin out or otherwise divert from his course, 
so concentrate on shooting out his tires.

4. If you can't do any of that, then just be patient and keep the suspect in 
sight. The chase will eventually end by itself when the truck crashes into a 
moving train.

=== Street Crime 27: Fatal Plunge Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 28: Against the Odds

Objective 1: Find an incognito hiding place

1. Go over and sit down at the leftside table, where you can use the newspaper 
to go incognito.

Objective 2: Tail the suspect

1. Once the suspect leaves the bookmaker it is time to tail him. Let him walk a
good distance away from you to start off. A good strategy is to stay behind the
corners of buildings (and other objects) so that you can use your third-person 
perspective to keep an eye on his location.

2. Every time he turns a corner and gets out of sight, sprint up to your next 
location of cover. From your new position, you can repeat all previous tactics 
as needed.

Objective 3: Subdue the armed suspects

1. After the cutscene, you get into a firefight with the two suspects. First 
take out the enemy most exposed, which is the guy near the suspect vehicle. 
After that, take out the second enemy, who is probably behind the corner to 
your right.

=== Street Crime 28: Against the Odds Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 29: Daylight Robbery

Objective 1: Apprehend the suspect unharmed

1. The crime starts out with a foot chase. This is an easy foot chase to get 
through because it will eventually end by itself. Just follow the suspect 
through the residential areas (which have lots of fences to jump over) and keep
him in your sights. 

2. A helpful bystander will stop the suspect from running; after that, you can 
walk up and arrest the suspect.

=== Street Crime 29: Daylight Robbery Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 30: The Blue Line

Objective 1: Subdue the robbery suspects

1. From your starting position behind the police car you can take out the first
enemy near the pickup truck.

2. Move up to the pickup truck and look to your left; from your current 
position behind the pickup truck, you can easily take out the enemy on the far 

3. After that change your focus to the area beyond the pickup truck (while 
using the truck as cover). You can now take out the two closest enemies as they
pop in and out of cover.

4. Move up to take out the last enemy, who is sitting in (or near) a vehicle 
garage. He tries to enter a car, but if you get there fast enough he will not 
make it.

=== Street Crime 30: The Blue Line Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 31: Zoot Suit Riot

Objective 1: Subdue the armed robbery suspects

1. Right at the start you can take out the leader, who is out in the open in 
front of you.

2. The suspects retreat around the corner to the right; they are inside the 
darkened building. Approach inside the entrance and take cover behind one of 
the tables.

3. From your initial cover, you can potentially take out all of the enemies in 
the building. Just wait for each of them to pop out of cover one by one and you
can easily clear them out. You may have to move out of cover to take out the 
last enemy, but it's no big deal since you have Roy to help you.

=== Street Crime 31: Zoot Suit Riot Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 32: The Badger Game

Objective 1: Pursue the suspect

1. The suspect takes off in a police car. Quickly run over to Roy's convertible
and floor the gas pedal. You can wait for Roy if you want, but you don't really
need him for this chase.

2. You can try to wreck the suspect's police car if you want, but an easier 
tactic is to just keep an eye on him and follow behind him. The reason for this
is that the chase will eventually end by itself when the suspect crashes.

Objective 2: Apprehend the suspect

1. The chase ends after the suspect enters a construction site and crashes into
a large hole. Go down there on foot to arrest him.

=== Street Crime 32: The Badger Game Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 33: Camera Obscura

Objective 1: Pursue the suspect

1. The crime starts with a vehicle chase. This chase is fairly long, but more 
than manageable. It takes place mainly in the wide open city streets, so you 
shouldn't have too many problems with keeping up. The suspect will however take
some sudden and sharp turns, as well as take some paths through narrow 
alleyways. The chase will eventually finish by itself, so just try to stay on 
his tail.

Objective 2: Apprehend the suspect

1. The suspect's car is disabled by one of the city's trolley's crashing into 
it. Drive up, get out of your car and arrest the suspect.

=== Street Crime 33: Camera Obscura Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 34: Secret Keepers

Objective 1: Locate the suspicious individual

1. Exit the hotel's entrance and turn to your right. Moving alongside the 
building, you will eventually reach the parking lot and trigger a cutscene.

Objective 2: Pursue the suspect

1. The suspect speeds off; grab the black convertible that Roy gets in. During 
this chase Roy will attempt to use his gun to disable the suspect vehicle's 

2. In terms of terrain, this is a typical chase through city streets and narrow
alleyways. The main difference though is the speed and acceleration of the 
vehicles involved; both you and the suspect have fast cars. This can make parts
of the chase become tricky due to the decreased reaction times needed.

3. If possible, try to pull up on the suspect's left side so that Roy can get a
good shot on the tires. If you can't manage that, then just be patient; the 
suspect will eventually wreck either from you pushing him around or from other 
vehicles on the road.

=== Street Crime 34: Secret Keepers Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 35: Bad Date

Objective 1: Investigate the crime scene

1. Take a look at the victim's head. If you turn it to victim's left it will 
reveal that she was hit in the head.

2. Walk a little bit past the body and take a look at the blood on the ground. 
You will see that the suspect has climbed the pipe to the roof.

3. Climb up the pipe, which triggers a cutscene.

Objective 2: Pursue the suspect

1. Climb up the ladder to the next roof, where you'll find the suspect is stuck
on a locked door. This will start a fight.

2. Block the first few punches thrown by the suspect. After that you can 
counter attack with your own series of punches. From then on you can mash the 
punch button and do grapple attacks until the fight is over.

=== Street Crime 35: Bad Date Video Guide Link:

[ArCr] Arson Street Crimes

-=- Street Crime 36: Accident Prone

Objective 1: Locate the hit and run suspect

1. Go forward from your starting position and round the corner into the alley.

2. On the left side of the alley is the back of a semi's trailer; go behind it 
to the lowered area next to the building. Look behind the red dumpster to find 
the suspect.

Objective 2: Subdue the hit and run suspect

2. Once you find the suspect a brawl will start. Block the suspect's first few 
punches; after that you can proceed to belt him into the corner and finish the 
street crime.

=== Street Crime 36: Accident Prone Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 37: Paper Sack Holder

Objective 1: Pursue the suspects

1. This street crime is a vehicle chase through the streets and alleyways of 
the city. A vehicle chase through this type of terrain should be old hat to you
by now.

2. Biggs will shoot his pistol at the tires of the suspects' vehicle, so you do
have a chance at ending the chase early. If you can't do this though, don't 
sweat it because the chase will end by itself.

Objective 2: Apprehend the suspects

1. The chase ends when the suspects drive off the side of a high area and crash
down below. This disables their vehicle which allows you to move up to them on 
foot and arrest them.

=== Street Crime 37: Paper Sack Holder Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 38: Cafe Holdup

Objective 1: Subdue the hostage taker

1. Right as you gain control of Phelps, immediately take aim at the hostage 
taker and eliminate him.

Objective 2: Subdue the robbery suspects

1. After the hostage taker is down, move up out of the building and behind the 
three wooden crates. This position will give you all of the cover you need.

2. You now have to take three enemies out; there is one on the left, one on the
right and one in the middle. Take them out as they expose themselves from 
behind their respective positions of cover.

=== Street Crime 38: Cafe Holdup Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 39: Bus Stop Shooting

Objective 1: Subdue the armed robbery suspects

1. Move out of cover and enter the bus station. Take out the first two suspects
you see.

Objective 2: Pursue the remaining suspect

1. The third will begin to run outside. Follow him outside, where you see a 
vehicle pull up with another enemy inside.

Objective 3: Subdue the remaining suspects

1. Take out the two remaining enemies. They are both out in the open at the 
start, so take the opportunity to down them.

=== Street Crime 39: Bus Stop Shooting Video Guide Link:

-=- Street Crime 40: Hot Property

Objective 1: Pursue the suspect

1. The vehicle chase begins with the suspect driving away in a red pickup 

2. The terrain of this chase is typical of other chases: city streets, narrow 
ways in between buildings, and a few open areas.

3. Biggs will shoot his pistol at the tires, so if you can manage to give him a
good shot then do it. If not, don't worry about it and just try to keep the 
truck in sight.

Objective 2: Apprehend the suspect

1. The chase will end when the suspect crashes into a much larger truck. Step 
out of your car and arrest him!

=== Street Crime 40: Hot Property Video Guide Link:

[VID!] Video Appendix

----====PATROL DESK CASES====----

-=- Case 1: Upon Reflection Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 2: Armed And Dangerous Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 3: Warrants Outstanding Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 4: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 4: Objectives 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 4: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 4: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

----====TRAFFIC DESK CASES====----

-=- Case 5: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 5: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 5: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 5: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 6: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 6: Objectives 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 6: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 6: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 6: Objectives 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 7: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 7: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 7: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 7: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 7: Objectives 9 & 10 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 7: Objectives 11 & 12 Video Guide Link:

----====HOMICIDE DESK CASES====----

-=- Case 8: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 8: Objectives 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 8: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 8: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 8: Objectives 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 8: Objectives 10 & 11 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 9: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 9: Objectives 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 9: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 9: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 9: Objectives 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 9: Objectives 10 & 11 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 9: Objectives 12 & 13 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 10: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 10: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 10: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 10: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 10: Objectives 9 & 10 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 10: Objectives 11 & 12 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 11: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 11: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 11: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 11: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 11: Objectives 9 & 10 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 11: Objectives 11 & 12 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 11: Objectives 13 & 14 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 11: Objective 15 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 12: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 12: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 12: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 12: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 12: Objectives 9 & 10 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 12: Objectives 11 & 12 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 12: Objectives 13 & 14 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 12: Objectives 15, 16 & 17 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 13: Objectives 1, 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 13: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 13: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 13: Objectives 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

----====VICE DESK CASES====----

-=- Case 14: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 14: Objectives 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 14: Objective 4 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 14: Objectives 5, 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 14: Objectives 8, 9 & 10 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 14: Objectives 11 & 12 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 14: Objectives 13 & 14 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 14: Objectives 15 & 16 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 15: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 15: Objective 2 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 15: Objectives 3, 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 15: Objective 6 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 15: Objectives 7, 8, 9 & 10 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 15: Objective 11 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 15: Objectives 12 & 13 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 16: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 16: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 16: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 16: Objectives 7, 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 16: Objectives 10 & 11 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 16: Objective 12 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 16: Objectives 13 & 14 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 16: Objective 15 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 16: Objective 16 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 16: Objective 17 Video Guide Link:

----====ARSON DESK CASES====----

-=- Case 17: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 17: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 17: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 17: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 17: Objective 9 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 17: Objectives 10 & 11 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 17: Objectives 12, 13 & 14 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 18: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 18: Objective 3 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 18: Objective 4 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 18: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 19: Objectives 1, 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 19: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 19: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 19: Objectives 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 19: Objectives 10, 11, 12 & 13 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 20: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 20: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 20: Objectives 5 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 20: Objectives 6 & 7 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 20: Objective 8 Video Guide Link:

-=- Case 21: Objectives 1, 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 21: Objective 4 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 21: Objective 5 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 21: Objective 6 Video Guide Link:

  - Case 21: Objective 7 Video Guide Link:

----====DLC CASES====----

-=- The Consul's Car: Objective 1 Video Guide Link:

  - The Consul's Car: Objective 2 Video Guide Link:

  - The Consul's Car: Objective 3 Video Guide Link:

  - The Consul's Car: Objective 4 Video Guide Link:

  - The Consul's Car: Objective 5 Video Guide Link:

  - The Consul's Car: Objective 6 Video Guide Link:

  - The Consul's Car: Objective 7 Video Guide Link:

  - The Consul's Car: Objective 8 Video Guide Link:

-=- DLC Case 2: Objectives 1, 2 & 3 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 2: Objectives 4 & 5 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 2: Objectives 6, 7, 8 & 9 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 2: Objectives 10 & 11 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 2: Objectives 12 & 13 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 2: Objective 14 Video Guide Link:

-=- DLC Case 3: Objectives 1 & 2 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 3: Objectives 3 & 4 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 3: Objectives 5 & 6 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 3: Objectives 7 & 8 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 3: Objective 9 Part 1 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 3: Objective 9 Part 2 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 3: Objectives 10 & 11 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 3: Objectives 12 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 3: Objectives 13 & 14 Video Guide Link:

  - DLC Case 3: Objectives 15 & 16 Video Guide Link:


=== Street Crime 1: Boxing Clever Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 2: Cosmic Rays Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 3: Masked Gunman Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 4: Shoo-Shoo Bandits Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 5: Gangfight Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 6: Amateur Hour Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 7: Death From Above Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 8: Theater Robbery Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 9: Pawnshop Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 10: Hotel Bandits Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 11: Army Surplus Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 12: Hung Out To Dry Video Guide Link:


=== Street Crime 13: Vengeful Ex Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 14: Death Plunge Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 15: Canned Fish Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 16: Would Be Robber Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 17: Running Battle Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 18: Bank Job Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 19: Unsuccessful Holdup Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 20: Cop Killer Shot Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 21: Honey Boy Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 22: Misunderstanding Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 23: Thicker Than Water Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 24: Killer Bandits Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 25: Bowling Lane Robbery Video Guide Link:

----====VICE STREET CRIMES====----

=== Street Crime 26: Commies Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 27: Fatal Plunge Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 28: Against the Odds Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 29: Daylight Robbery Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 30: The Blue Line Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 31: Zoot Suit Riot Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 32: The Badger Game Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 33: Camera Obscura Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 34: Secret Keepers Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 35: Bad Date Video Guide Link:

----====ARSON STREET CRIMES====----

=== Street Crime 36: Accident Prone Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 37: Paper Sack Holder Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 38: Cafe Holdup Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 39: Bus Stop Shooting Video Guide Link:

=== Street Crime 40: Hot Property Video Guide Link:

[MIS!] Miscellaneous & Legal

GetJesse can be found on the web at:




If you'd like to make a gift or donation for my work, you can do so through 
PayPal. Just send it through PayPal to [email protected] and I would be 
very grateful. Note that it is "ThisIsGetJesse", not just "GetJesse"; someone 
has already taken that name. Also please note that I am NOT asking you to send 
me anything, I am only putting it on the table for those that want the option.

You can contact me at [email protected] or alternatively through private
message on YouTube to GetJesse. I am a busy person, so please be patient with 
replies and also please only contact me if you really need to. I do not give 
gaming advice through these means of contact, sorry. :-)

This document is copyright 2011 Jesse Elliott, otherwise known as "GetJesse" on
the web. Do not steal or alter my work. All rights reserved.

The following web sites outside of GameFAQs (and its affiliates) have my 
permission to host complete, unedited versions of my text file video game 
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The latest version of this guide can be found on GameFAQs.


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