Human Units Listing - Guide for Warcraft 2: Beyond The Dark Portal

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Human Units Listing - Version 1.0
By Roland Carlos

Version Updates

1.0 - January 15, 1999: Descriptions added.
0.5 - January 13, 1999: First release of guide. Basic stats included, 
descriptions soon to be included.

Little Intro
The Alliance units also include those of humans, elves and dwarves. The 
humans specialize in the warfare of the Alliance, they are the Footmen, 
Knights and Mages of the Alliance. The elves specialize in water warfare, 
they are the Destroyers and Battleships. The dwarves are the inventors, they
have the air units at their use.

Visual Range - How far the unit can see
HP - How much damage it can take
MP - How much magical power it has
Build Time - How much time it takes to train
Gold Cost - How much gold it costs to train this unit
Lumber Cost - How much lumber it costs to train this unit
Oil Cost - How much oil it costs to train this unit
Armor - How much protection this unit has
Requirements - What, if anything, is needed to train this unit
Basic Damage - The damage that is done that is affected by armor
Piercing Damage - The damage that is done regardless of any factors
Effective Damage - The least damage done to the most
Attack Range - How far it can attack
Speed - How fast the unit can go


Visual Range: 4
HP: 30
MP: 0
Build Time: 45
Gold Cost: 400
Lumber Cost: 0
Armor: 0
Requirements: Town Hall
Basic Damage: 3
Piercing Damage: 2
Effective Damage: 1-5
Attack Range: 1
Speed: 10

Easy targets for many enemy units, they usually go for these since they are
easily killed due to lack armor and low HP. You need to protect your workers
from attacks by enemy units or Blizzard/Death and Decay (which can really 
hurt miners). Make sure to have several extra workers on hand to build
and to repair buildings.


Visual Range: 4
HP: 60
MP: 0
Build Time: 60
Gold Cost: 600
Lumber Cost: 0
Armor: 2
Requirements: Barracks
Basic Damage: 6
Piercing Damage: 3
Effective Damage: 2-9
Attack Range: 1
Speed: 10

Use this unit for early attacks when you can't build anything better. They
can also be used as support units later in the game, but for main attacks,
go with something better.

Elven Archer

Visual Range: 5
HP: 40
MP: 0
Build Time: 70
Gold Cost: 500
Lumber Cost: 50
Armor: 0
Requirements: Barracks, Lumber Mill
Basic Damage: 3
Piercing Damage: 6
Effective Damage: 3-9
Attack Range: 4
Speed: 10

This unit will be used throughout the game since it is the cheapest ranged
attacker. It can also be upgraded into better unit after upgrading your Town

Elven Ranger

Visual Range: 6
HP: 50
MP: 0
Build Time: 70
Gold Cost: 500
Lumber Cost: 50
Armor: 0
Requirements: Barracks, Lumber Mill, Ranger Training at Lumber Mill
Basic Damage: 3
Piercing Damage: 6
Effective Damage: 3-9
Attack Range: 4
Speed: 10

Make sure to upgrade this unit to the most. Once it is fully upgraded, this
unit will be a major killing machine. Just remember it still cannot take
hits well.


Visual Range: 4
HP: 90
MP: 0
Build Time: 90
Gold Cost: 800
Lumber Cost: 100
Armor: 4
Requirements: Barracks, Blacksmith, Stables
Basic Damage: 8
Piercing Damage: 4
Effective Damage: 2-12
Attack Range: 1
Speed: 13

This unit is a better Footman that costs more. Use these in place of Footmen
when you are able to build them.


Visual Range: 5
HP: 90
MP: 255
Build Time: 90
Gold Cost: 800
Lumber Cost: 100
Armor: 4
Requirements: Barracks, Blacksmith, Stables, Paladin Upgrade at Church
Basic Damage: 8
Piercing Damage: 4
Effective Damage: 2-12
Attack Range: 1
Speed: 13

Magic Spells:

Holy Vision - Costs 70 MP
Using this spell reveals the selected point to you. You can see what is going
on in the selected area for a brief period. After awhile, it will be covered
by the Fog of War (if on).

Healing - Costs 6 per 1 HP recovered
This spell will heal any selected unit (enemy or ally). The spell will try to
heal to the maximum HP of the selected unit or as much as MP allows. It does 
not work on Ballistas/Catapults and any Ship.

Exorcism - Costs 4 per 1 HP lost
The opposite of Healing, this spell harms Death Knights and Skeletons. It 
will try to kill, or damage as much as HP allows. This spell only works on
Death Knights and Skeletons.

The Paladin has excellent spell at his disposal. Holy Vision will allow to
see what is the status of your enemy's base. Healing is good to heal units,
but you will need many Paladins to make it effective. Exorcism is usually
not cast since Death Knights and Skeletons are weak anyway. But still, build
Paladins since they are still useful.


Visual Range: 9
HP: 110
MP: 0
Build Time: 250
Gold Cost: 900
Lumber Cost: 300
Armor: 0
Requirements: Barracks, Lumber Mill, Blacksmith
Basic Damage: 80
Piercing Damage: 0
Effective Damage: 25-80
Attack Range: 8
Speed: 5

This is a very useful unit. It has the longest range so it can attack towers
and ships without fear of retaliation. However, it can attack far away 
enemies without your knowledge, sometimes provoking a whole group to attack.
If not prepared, it can hurt you.


Visual Range: 9
HP: 60
MP: 255
Build Time: 120
Gold Cost: 1,200
Lumber Cost: 0
Armor: 0
Requirements: Mage Tower
Basic Damage: 0
Piercing Damage: 9
Effective Damage: 5-9
Attack Range: 2
Speed: 8

Magic Spells:

Fireball - Costs 100 MP
This spell creates a fireball that goes from the Mage into a straight line
from him to the selected area. The fireball will not go all the way to the
selected area if too far, but it will hurt anything in its way.

Slow - Costs 50 MP
This spell will slow the movement of a unit to a crawl for a limited time. So
far, the attack speed has not been proven to slow down by affected units. The
speed lost is about half.

Flame Shield - Costs 80 MP
This spell creates a ring of fire around a unit (ally or enemy). That ring of
fire hurts anything that touches it building or unit, ally or enemy. The
unit that had Flame Shield cast will not take damage from the flame, but will
take damage from other sources.

Invisibilty - Costs 200 MP
This spell will make the selected unit invisible to enemies. This unit can
move around the map undetected, but if it does anything other than moving,
the invisiblity will be lost.

Polymorph - Costs 200 MP
This spell turns the selected unit into a critter. It is unavoidable and the
toughness of the selected unit is not taken into effect.

Blizzard - Costs 25 MP per attack
The mage casts ice shards over a certain area. The ice shards will come in
groups. The more MP available, the more ice shards created to attack. The ice
shards can be stopped without using all MP by just pressing stop.

The spells the Mage has are useful. Fireball and Flame Shield are good for
hurting and disbanding groups of enemies. Blizzard also does the same thing
and causes more damage. Invisibilty is great to use for scouting and 
Polymorph is good to use on units that are harassing you. A good move is
Inbisibilty on a Mage, send that Mage to the enemy mine, and use that Mage to
cast Blizzard in between the mine and the Town/Great Hall to kill any Peons
in between. It will kill your Mage, but you will hurt your opponent's gold
supply for awhile.

Dwarven Demolition Squad

Visual Range: 4
HP: 40
MP: 0
Build Time: 200
Gold Cost: 700
Lumber Cost: 250
Armor: 0
Requirements: Gnomish Inventor
Basic Damage: 4
Piercing Damage: 2
Effective Damage: 1-6
Attack Range: 1
Speed: 4

The damage done by exploding is 400.

Build up these dudes so you can use to them to kill buildings. Try to place 
them where they can do the most damage (in between nearby buildings for 

Gnomish Flying Machine

Visual Range: 9
HP: 150
MP: 0
Build Time: 65
Gold Cost: 500
Lumber Cost: 100
Armor: 2
Requirements: Gnomish Inventor, Lumber Mill
Basic Damage: 0
Piercing Damage: 0
Effective Damage: 0
Attack Range: 0
Speed: 17

These flyers are only good for scouting around and watching over empty gold
mines. Try not to get them killed since they are important to making sure
you know what is going on.

Gryphon Rider

Visual Range: 6
HP: 100
MP: 0
Build Time: 250
Gold Cost: 2,500
Lumber Cost: 0
Armor: 5
Requirements: Gryphon Aviary
Basic Damage: 0
Piercing Damage: 16
Effective Damage: 8-16
Attack Range: 4
Speed: 14

This flyer is important since it can do a lot of damage. Anything that is in
way of its attack will take some damage, even allies. Make sure to space out
your flyers so that they will not get hurt by their own attacks.

Oil Tanker

Visual Range: 4
HP: 90
MP: 0
Build Time: 50
Gold Cost: 400
Lumber Cost: 200
Armor: 10
Requirements: Shipyard
Basic Damage: 0
Piercing Damage: 0
Effective Damage: 0
Attack Range: 0
Speed: 10

Protect these ships from enemies since they hold the precious oil for you to
use on ships.

Elven Destroyer

Visual Range: 8
HP: 100
MP: 0
Build Time: 90
Gold Cost: 700
Lumber Cost: 350
Oil Cost: 700
Armor: 10
Requirements: Shipyard
Basic Damage: 35
Piercing Damage: 0
Effective Damage: 2-35
Attack Range: 4
Speed: 10

The basic ship, it is useful for early water attacks, but for nothing after
that. Their only advantage in later water battles is that they can attack air


Visual Range: 4
HP: 150
MP: 0
Build Time: 70
Gold Cost: 600
Lumber Cost: 200
Oil Cost: 500
Armor: 0
Requirements: Shipyard, Foundry
Basic Damage: 0
Piercing Damage: 0
Effective Damage: 0
Attack Range: 0
Speed: 10

The only use of this ship is send up to 6 ground units onto other soil. Make
sure to protect these since if they die, the units inside die as well.


Visual Range: 8
HP: 150
MP: 0
Build Time: 140
Gold Cost: 1,000
Lumber Cost: 500
Oil Cost: 1,000
Armor: 15
Requirements: Shipyard, Foundry
Basic Damage: 130
Piercing Damage: 0
Effective Damage: 50-130
Attack Range: 6
Speed: 6

The powerhouses of the water, these ships are very useful in taking water
control. However, they cannot fire on air units so know that. They can be
killed if attack by enough ships, but it will take some while and the enemy
will lose some ships.

Gnomish Submarine

Visual Range: 5
HP: 60
MP: 0
Build Time: 100
Gold Cost: 800
Lumber Cost: 150
Oil Cost: 900
Armor: 0
Requirements: Shipyard, Gnomish Inventor
Basic Damage: 50
Piercing Damage: 0
Effective Damage: 10-50
Attack Range: 4
Speed: 7

A fun unit to use, it can do a lot of damage before dying. This unit will
be undetected by enemies until a flyer or tower can view it. The firing rate
of this unit is very fast so you can kill ships very quickly.


This guide can and should be given out as long as it is not altered in any 
way. The guide's purpose is to help people play Warcraft 2 and that is its 
only purpose. This guide cannot be used in any commerically such as, but not 
limited to, Magazines, Books, Guides, without first contacting the author for
his consent. Credit must given if you take information from this guide.

Warcraft 2 is a trademark of Blizzard Inc., copyright 1996.  
All other trademarks copyright their respective owners.

Copyright Roland Carlos 1999

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