James Bond world of weapons and gadgets - Guide for James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire

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                                    JAMES BOND AGENT UNDER FIRE

This is my first FAQ so tell me if I need work. I'm so good at this ?game? so if you 
?c?hallenge me prepare to die. Any way here the contents


1.intro& version history  ABC     
2.weapons Y2K
3.gadgets 321
4.hints and tips 7:00
5.contact info i.e.                                     
6.copyright mye

1.intro& version history         ABC
Version 1.0 weapons July 4
Version 1.1 gadgets July 5
Version 2 hints and tips July 5

 I want to make a guide soon as well 
 There is a find key by each category in the contents
 This is manly my knowledge and opinion but some is from the manual
 Finally the weapons are categorised

2.weapons        Y2K


Wolfram P2K
My favourite and bonds to. Designed to be the next generation of sidearm for the 
German police, this pistol sports a compact design and smooth single-action firing 
mechanism. The P2Kfieres special lightweight 9mm bullets-while not the most 
powerful rounds in Bond’s world, they allow for rapid and precise firing. It comes 
in gold and its ordinary form it can also be fitted with a silencer for those times 
you really wish you could be extra quiet.

Windsor Viper
This loud and strong pistol is on the bottom of my weapons list unless you need a 
something to clear a path. Slow to reload but if the enemy has a slow weapon or a 
week weapon you can really kick butt. (Even with its power I hate it and would 
rather use a rocket launcher witch I hate as well)

IAC Defender
I like this a lot bad accuracy but good stopping power I mean it was made for the 
army that should tell you something.

I consider this more of a gadget but I’ll put it here. For a non-lethal weapon it 
actually works well. Gas propelled you can stop a small army and I bet if you fill 
a guy with enough of the chemical you can kill him it’s only default is it is slow.

The Gold Gun
Basically the P2K only golden. In multiplayer it looks slightly different and can 
kill your opponent in one hit. 

Sub Machine Guns

Koffler & Stock KS7
Low firepower small clip size and bad accuracy makes it a perfect close range 
weapon. Oh and try to get a head shot for superior killing capabilities.

Ingalls Type 20
Similar to the KS7 but has a higher firing rate and larger clip plus you can hold 
it with 1 hand. (For those Grand Theft Auto players it is similar to the Mac.)

Calypso P-750
The P-750 has an incredibly large clip and with an extra grip it is the most 
accurate sub machine gun known in the bond world. It also has great stopping power 
and is manly used in the Fire and Water level.

Munitions Belgique PS100
It holds more rounds than the KS7 and Ingalls and its superior firing rate makes it 
the most lethal sub machine gun known to bond. Most comely used by super thug 
making him even more deadly.

Assault Rifles

Kazakovich KA-57
The most recognizable assault rifle in the world. The KA-57 has low stopping power 
better accuracy than a sub machine gun. Sturdy and a well balanced weapon but it 
lakes the punch of other assault rifles.

Windsor FSU-4
In my opinion the best assault rifle ever with its grenade launcher perfect for 
getting out of tough jams. I think it has great stopping power but that’s only me 
you might think its theD17 better though. It also has a more decent accuracy than 
most assault rifles

Meyer-Westlicher UGW
This assault rifle’s plastic based design proves an effective weapon because it has 
a good rate of fire and excellent accuracy aided with a times 3 zoom scope.

Koffle & Stock D17
With a high rate of fire and its special caseless ammunition that improves its 
accuracy and 2 times zoom scope. This weapon will revolutionize the killing power 
of all weapons but for now the D17 almost insures death of your target


Hand Attack
Bonds hand-to-hand attack in some cases can nock a man out cold. This is bonds best 
non-lethal weapon he has. This weapon is only available single player tough.

Frinesi Special 12
This 12-gauge shotgun packs a real big punch capable of killing most men in a 
single shot but is only good at close range.

The best sniper in the game 1 hit kill and a 6 times zoom scope for the conmen 
sniper it is almost perfect but in the hands of bond it is perfect and goes well 
with the Defender.

Grenade Launcher
This multiplayer weapon shoots grenades farther add more accurately human could 

This shoulder rocket launch packs a punch and in multiplayer you can set them to 
guided rockets that follow your cursor (this is the rocket launcher I hate)

Fixed Guns
Single player only (which kinda sucks) these are rapid-fire machine gun that 
usually come with a stone shield in the front but that leaves the sides and back 
vulnerable to enemy attacks.

Its simple you throw these single player weapons and they go boom when they land 
perfect for clearing rooms full of enemy operatives. These are fun to use.

There are several types of these multiplayer weapons such as trip and detonation 
useful and fun to play with.

Our final weapon the Photon Cannon
I can’t tell you anything so this is what the manual says. The Photon Cannon is an 
experimental MI6 Training Center weapon. It shoots two different types of 
projectiles. These projectiles are highly destructive energy balls. The primary 
firing mode shoots a homing projectile that targets players as they move.

Well thank god I’m done that now the shorter part
3. Gadgets 321

Decodes encrypted locks simple really (try putting it together lol)

It is a grapple. In single player you can only grab on to special surfaces but in 
multiplayer you can grab on to virtually anything.

A super hot laser that can cut through padlocks that you don’t have the key for

These let you see hidden doors plus they look good lol

The perfect spy gadget it looks like a small box but it’s really a small camera

This gadget lets you download programs admitting a green glow after anything else 
with the green glow use the remote on it and somtin will happen.

Point at a electronic lock and it will open (if you use it)

This jetpack works in short busts after every burst you have to re-fuel just look 
for a gas station and press A to re-fuel. In multiply player the jet always refuels.

4. hints and tips   7:00
E-mail me if you have any weapon hints or tips. you will get full credit.

With the MRL aim at the ground in front of your target to insure damage.

The Defender is a snipers best friend

Take time to hide and aim with the SWZ

5.contack info i.e.

My e-mail is [email protected]. Tell me how you like my guide and send me no 
criticism. Make sure you give a title to your e-mail I’ve been getting a lot of 
spam lately so I could think you’re just a spamer if you don’t you a title. I will 
also take weapon hints or tips.

6.copywrite junk mye

This FAQ is (c) of quinn149z (aka Quinlan Brown) anyone who steals it will be sued 
in a court of law. Please e-mail me if you wish to use this guide on a personal 
site and make sure to give me the credit I deserve.

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