Personality Generator FAQ - Guide for Dragon Warrior III

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Dragon Warrior III (GBC) Personality Generator: FAQ

Written by Alan Riggs
July 21, 2001
Version 1.0
[email protected]

Nintendo, Game Boy Color, and so on are copyrights 
of the Nintendo corporation. _Dragon Quest_ and 
_Dragon Warrior III_ are copyright Enix. Enough said. 

This FAQ was created by Alan Riggs on July 21, 2001. 
It is currently in version 1.0. Additional information 
will be added in a few days, in version 1.1.

Edit and use this *free* document for your own use, 
but don't try to pass it off as your own work. That's 
bad form.

All the information here is based on the 2001 Enix translation 
of _Dragon Warrior III_, as published in North America 
for the Game Boy Color. If you have any other 
version of the game, this FAQ may not be useful. (The 
NES version, published in 1991 in the States, didn't 
have a personality generator at all.)

This FAQ is dedicated to the opening scene 
of _Dragon Warrior III_ (DW3) for the Game Boy Color. 
It will explore the game's personality test, and 
thus give players a better idea of how it operates. 
If I choose to write about things other than 
the opening questions, I will create a new FAQ.

This document is a result of using the DW3 
personality generator more than twenty times. As of 
July 21, 2001, it is still incomplete. I have at 
least two blanks, and probably several inconsistencies. 
E-mail me at [email protected] if you notice 
errors, or have new information to contribute. All 
advice will be appreciated and duly noted.

Let it begin!


My discoveries on DW3 personality thus far:

More often than not, gender does not affect 
personality. Men and women can both be Lewd. 

According to Mike Meevasin's DW3 FAQ 
(available at in the DW3 section), there 
are several gender-specific personalities. Please 
refer to his document for a thorough list, as well 
as the stats associated with each type. 

The character's name and the player's name 
do not affect the personality.

The birthday and astrological sign *may* 
affect personality. If anything, they may affect 
the *first* question which is asked. I stuck with the 
same birth date for about ten tries and got a total 
of five opening questions. If you notice anything, 
let me know.

Other characters will notice personality. A 
man at the Aliahan cafe will notice a selfish person, 
for example. It will not make a huge difference to 
game play, but if one plays through the game twice 
with radically different parties (personality-wise), 
one will almost certainly notice changes. As 
of July 21, 2001, I'm still working toward the 
second key. I will test this out in the next few weeks.

Equipment and books will change any character's 
personality in an instant. With equipment, simply 
removed an uncursed item will change it back. With 
books, one should save before testing them out.

The statistic generator, located in the cafe in 
Aliahan, determines the personalities of every character
other than the hero. As the name suggests, it uses 
math rather than questions and answers. It is affected 
by the character's class and gender--the latter to a 
limited extent. Again, see Mike Meevasin's FAQ for more 

I will look into the statistic generator later 
to see if I can discover any additional information. For 
the moment, I will concentrate on the opening scene alone. 


About the Hero's Questions

In the opening scene of DW3, the player is 
presented with a series of questions. These may 
range in number from six to seventeen. At a certain 
point, the game will present the player with a 
final question. In this segment, the player will 
have to take action. When the final question 
segment ends, the hero will be given his or her 
starting personality.

The questions are somewhat important. While 
some of them may seem inane ("Do you think cats 
are cuter than dogs?"), the questions lead the 
player along a path. Eventually, one will reach a 
question that will make a difference to the hero's 

In other words, think about what is being 
asked. The overall direction of the questions is 
much more important than any single answer.

One may, for example, see a series of questions
concerning imagination--whether one wishes to 
fly, and whether one believes in fortune telling. 
This is important. If one gives consistent answers, 
the questions will follow one path. If one gives 
varied answers, the questions may go all over the 
map. Regardless, the session will not go on 
forever. It may take twenty questions, but the 
game will eventually lead the player to a final 

If this seems murky, jot down the questions 
and answers. Then go through the session a couple 
more times. Eventually, patterns will begin to 
appear. I've got a fair idea how it works thus far, 
though I'm still discovering some new things. Give 
me a day or three, and I'll fill in the blanks.


Yes, but What about the Final Questions?

In DW3, actions speak louder than questions. 
The final question has more relevance to your 
hero's personality than the ordinary questions. 

In each final question segment, the hero 
is put in a brief scenario. It can range from a 
monster invading a village to a walk through a 
pit-filled maze. The *exact* actions the player takes
play a major part in shaping the hero's personality.

For example, I have uncovered at least five 
different personalities based on the actions the 
hero takes in the pit-filled maze. On the other 
hand, one scenario seems more limited. If the 
player reaches the "lost in the woods" scenario, 
there may be only one potential personality. 

I will add the final question options in a day or so. 
Give me a little time to explore what can be done.


The Final Questions Thus Far...

Please note that I invented these 

"Queen's Scheme, King's War." A queen 
wants a war for petty reasons. Her husband is 
determined to go to war. The hero may talk to 
the queen, the king, and the duke. The things 
that the hero says as well as what time he/she 
leaves the palance determine the hero's 

"Brothers in the Desert." The hero 
discovers two brothers stranded in a wasteland.
He/she must give them advice. The hero's 
personality depends on what is said.

"Rampaging Monster." A cool and dramatic 
scenario. The player gets to be a monster 
invading a town. One person must be killed... 
but everything else is up to the player. If 
the monster leaves specific people alone, 
the hero's personality will change.

"Water Dungeon." The hero is stuck in 
a maze filled with pits. He/she can choose 
to follow the signs, or ignore them. 
A box of treasure and a helpless woman have 
been placed just off the path. Some 
choices, of course, are better than others.

"Ponny and Her Fiance." At a club, 
the hero is asked to intervene in two 
lovers' lives. He/she may choose any of 
three answers, or choose to leave.

"The Jump." Is it Dragon Warrior 
or extreme sports? The hero joins a group 
of people about to take a daring leap. 
He/she can join them, try to dissuade them 
 from jumping, or simply leave.

"The Purse." I didn't see this one until my 
twenty-third try. It's difficult. If the game 
calls the player a liar (see note below), 
the hero will enter a scenario in which 
he/she must decide between doing good and 
invading a house. If the hero is put on 
trial, he/she must decide how to act 
before a priest.

More remains to be added!


How to Use My List

To use this list, start at the top. Numbers 
A0 through A4 are the opening questions. Like all 
the other questions, they are denoted by quotation 
marks. See if the opening question matches any of 
the five I have, and decide whether yes or no 
will be chosen.

The code "A0-Yes" signifies the response that will 
follow A0. If the game asks if adventuring 
is a hardship, and the player says yes, the game
will then ask if the player enjoys speaking with 
town people.

Therefore, to follow the question-answer 
session, one should follow the list down to 
question B after answering yes. I have re-stated 
the question B on my list, and noted the two possible 
follow-up questions. 

Please remember that these are *not* 
exact quotes! I took notes in the question-answer 
sessions, and my wording is definitely different. 
In some cases, there's a mistake or two. So 
remember... if the game's question *sounds* like 
mine, it's probably the same!

(There's one advantage to this. If you 
have a different translation, you won't panic 
when the wording is a little off. I assume the 
Japanese version has more or less the same 
personality test--you might be able to make use 
of my FAQ even if you bought the import. Sorry 
for any confusion!)

One will also note that I have not numbered the 
questions. After just two trial runs of the 
personality generator, it became obvious that 
the questions do not have a set order. In fact, 
some can repeat--as I will mention in the next 
paragraph. Therefore I opted for a lettering 
system. It may be confusing, but it is brief 
and distinctive. E-mail me if any other options 
would be feasible.

*NOTE*: remember the answers you give. To be 
more precise, the game often asks if the player 
enjoys physical activity. If the player says yes 
one time and no the next, the seventh final 
question will automatically begin. However, this is 
not necessary a bad thing! I figured a player 
should know, if just to try this unusual option.

More questions probably exist. Any new information 
will be entered in the near future.


The Questions (Thus Far)

"A0. Is adventuring a hardship?"

 A0-Yes: B. Do you enjoy speaking with town people?

 A0-No: C. Do you spend more on weapons than armor?

"A1. Is the sun the king of nature?"

 A1-Yes: N. Do you dream often?

 A1-No: C. Do you spend more on weapons than armor?

"A2. Does armor give you more confidence than allies?"

 A2-Yes: C. Do you spend more on weapons than armor?

 A2-No: K. Do you wonder what it would be like to fly?

"A3. Does victory come in battle?"

 A3-Yes: G. Do you prefer magic to a sword?

 A3-No: B. Do you enjoy speaking with town people?

"A4. Is life boring?"

 A4-Yes: D. If you see a cave, do you have an urge 
 to explore it?

 A4-No: F. Do you help people in trouble?

[End of introductory questions.]

"B. Do you enjoy speaking with town people?"

 B-Yes: D. If you see a cave, do you have an urge 
to explore it?

 B-No: C. Do you spend more on weapons than armor?

"C. Do you spend more on weapons than armor?"

 C-Yes: E. Do you prefer a nearby expensive inn to an 
inexpensive inn far away?

 C-No: F. Do you help people in trouble?

"D. If you see a cave, do you have an urge 
to explore it?"

 D-Yes: E. Do you prefer a nearby expensive inn to an 
inexpensive inn far away?

 D-No: G. Do you prefer magic to a sword?

"E. Do you prefer a nearby expensive inn to an 
inexpensive inn far away?"

 E-Yes: H. Do you have trouble sleeping due to 
thinking too much at night?

 E-No: I. Do you find boredom annoying?

"F. Do you help people in trouble?"

 F-Yes: H. Do you have trouble sleeping due to 
thinking too much at night?

 F-No: J. Do you prefer mountains to the sea?

"G. Do you prefer magic to a sword?"

 G-Yes: K. Do you wonder what it would be like to fly?

 G-No: L. Do you find it tiring to deal with people 
you don't know well?

"H. Do you have trouble sleeping due to 
thinking too much at night?"

 H-Yes: [to be added]

 H-No: I. Do you find boredom annoying?

"I. Do you find boredom annoying?"

 I-Yes: M. Do you enjoy physical activity?

 I-No: N. Do you dream often?

"J. Do you prefer mountains to the sea?"

 J-Yes: O. Do you put your thoughts into action right 

 J-No: P. Do you get busy on one thing and lose sight 
of other goals?

"K. Do you wonder what it would be like to fly?"

 K-Yes: Q. Do you think birds are free?

 K-No: R. Do you believe in fortune telling?

"L. Do you find it tiring to deal with people 
you don't know well?"

 L-Yes: R. Do you believe in fortune telling?

 L-No: S. Can you shrug off mistakes?

"M. Do you enjoy physical activity?"

 M-Yes: T. Do little things bother you?

 M-No: U. Do you have many friends?

 [alternate No: AO. Are cats cuter than dogs?]

 [see note above]

"N. Do you dream often?"

 N-Yes: V. Are you chased in dreams?

 N-No: G. Do you prefer magic to a sword?

"O. Do you put your thoughts into action right 

 O-Yes: W. Do you have confidence in your 
beliefs no matter what?

 O-No: P. Do you get busy on one thing and lose sight 
of other goals?

"P. Do you get busy on one thing and lose sight 
of other goals?"

 P-Yes: X. Do you save your favorite food for last?

 P-No: Y. Do you hold anything precious?

"Q. Do you think birds are free?"

 Q-Yes: Z. Do you wish to be reborn as a prince or 
a princess?

 Q-No: AA. Do you find it difficult to turn down 
others' requests?

"R. Do you believe in fortune telling?"

 R-Yes: Z. Do you wish to be reborn as a prince or 
a princess?

 R-No: M. Do you enjoy physical activity?

"S. Can you shrug off mistakes?"

 S-Yes: AB. If you disagree with someone, would you 
rather not argue?

 S-No: U. Do you have many friends?

"T. Do little things bother you?"

 T-Yes: O. Do you put your thoughts into action right 

 T-No: AC. Is it unforgivable to break a promise?

"U. Do you have many friends?"

 U-Yes: AD. Are you bothered by gossip?

 U-No: Do you often think about the past?

"V. Are you chased in dreams?"

 V-Yes: L. Do you find it tiring to deal with people 
you don't know well?

 V-No: M. Do you enjoy physical activity?

"W. Do you have confidence in your beliefs no 
matter what?"

 W-Yes: Go to final question "Brothers in the Desert."

 W-No: P. Do you get busy on one thing and lose sight 
of other goals?

"X. Do you save your favorite food for last?"

 X-Yes: AE. Is there more sadness in the world 
than happiness?

 X-No: AF. Do you trip on a boulder and blame 

"Y. Do you hold anything precious?"

 Y-Yes: Go to final question "Queen's Scheme, King's War."

 Y-No: AF. Do you trip on a boulder and blame 

"Z. Do you wish to be reborn as a prince or 
a princess?"

 Z-Yes: S. Can you shrug off mistakes?

 Z-No: AA. Do you find it difficult to turn down 
others' requests?

"AA. Do you find it difficult to turn down 
others' requests?"

 AA-Yes: AG. Do you daydream to amuse yourself?

 AA-No: S. Can you shrug off mistakes?

"AB. If you disagree with someone, would you 
rather not argue?"

 AB-Yes: AC. Is it unforgivable to break a promise?

 AB-No: M. Do you enjoy physical activity? [see alt. No]

"AC. Is it unforgivable to break a promise?"

 AC-Yes: AH. Do you believe in gods?

 AC-No: P. Do you get busy on one thing and lose sight 
of other goals?

"AD. Are you bothered by gossip?"

 AD-Yes: AE. Is there more sadness in the world 
than happiness?

 AD-No: AI. Is someone's conned, do you think the 
victim shares some of the responsibility?

"AE. Is there more sadness in the world 
than happiness?"

 AE-Yes: Go to final question "Lost in a Forest."

 AE-No: AL. Do you want to grow up quickly?

"AF. Do you trip on a boulder and blame yourself?"

 AF-Yes: Go to final question "Queen's Scheme, King's War."

 AF-No: Go to final question "Water Dungeon."

"AG. Do you daydream to amuse yourself?"

 AG-Yes: AJ. If there were one wish in the world that 
would come true, could you say that wish right now?

 AG-No: U. Do you have many friends?

"AH. Do you believe in gods?"

 AH-Yes: Go to final question "Rampaging Monster."

 AH-No: P. Do you get busy on one thing and lose sight 
of other goals?

"AI. Is someone's conned, do you think the 
victim shares some of the responsibility?"

 AI-Yes: Go to final question "Ponny and Her Fiance."

 AI-No: AK. Do you want to grow up quickly?

"AJ. If there were one wish in the world that 
would come true, could you say that wish right now?"

 AJ-Yes: Go to final question "The Jump."

 AJ-No: Go to final question "Ponny and Her Fiance."

"AK. Do you want to grow up quickly?"

 AK-Yes: AN. If you hold to a dream for a long time, 
will it eventually come true?

 AK-No: AM. If something is unattainable, do you 
only want it more?

"AL. Do you want to grow up quickly?"

 AL-Yes: AN. If you hold to a dream for a long time, 
will it eventually come true? 

 AL-No: AM. If something is unattainable, do you 
only want it more?

"AM. If something is unattainable, do you 
only want it more?"

 AM-Yes: Go to final question "Water Dungeon."

 AM-No: AN. If you hold to a dream for a long time, 
will it eventually come true?

"AN. If you hold to a dream for a long time, 
will it eventually come true?"

 AN-Yes: Go to final question "Water Dungeon."

 AN-No: Go to final question "Ponny and Her Fiance."

"AO. Are cats cuter than dogs?"

 AO-Yes: AP. Is it wrong to be attracted to a 
friend's lover?

 AO-No: AR. Are you embarrassed by others' praise?

"AP. Is it wrong to be attracted to a 
friend's lover?"

 AP-Yes: AR. Are you embarrassed by others' praise?

 AP-No: [to be added]

"AR. Are you embarrassed by others' praise?"

 AR-Yes: Do you worry about what others think of 
the way you dress?

 AR-No: M. Do you enjoy physical activity?


This FAQ will be revised in the near future. All
suggestions and recommendations will be considered.
Contact me at [email protected] or 
[email protected].

I may also write an HTML version of this FAQ, so 
that one may jump from question to response. It 
will not be posted at, however. I 
will let the readers know if it is created, 
as well as when. 

I consulted Mike Meevasin's FAQ, as well as the two 
other relevant FAQs at, to see what had 
already been written about _Dragon Warrior III_. 
Apart from that, I have not used any strategy 
guides, walkthroughs, codes, hints, or anything 
else. Just a purple GBC and batteries. More 
importantly, I have *not* stolen any information 
 from anywhere. If one happens to find another guide 
on DW3 personality, it was created independently. 
However, I encourage others to write FAQs on the 
subject, provided that they are also original. 

If the formatting of this .txt file becomes poor 
or incoherent due to an e-mail breakdown, I will 
submit a revised, corrected version in a matter 
of days.

This FAQ has been a Gekiganwing Production. Let's 
go Gekiganger!!

-Alan Riggs
July 21, 2001
Version 1.0
[email protected]

"My name in Dnepropetrovsk is cursed,
When he finds out I published first!"
(Tom Lehrer, "Lobachevsky" -- 
found at

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