Strategy Guide - Guide for Survival Kids 2

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Survival Kids 2

Gameshark code for Infinite Health in Survival Kids 1 0164EEC5

Version History
1: First version, started froms crathc, explored entire building, stuck
2: Managed to get to the island by selecting second option in helicopter (see
3: Did some more mapping of the island
4: Finished mapping second part of the island
5: I'm stuck till I figure out how to use the big stick to move rocks like in
   Did a tiny bit of mapping
NEWS!! Other sites want my walkthrough!
6: I DID IT! I MOVED THE ROCKS!! Only minutes after emailing Version 5
   Discovered new type of bush, maybe fire gets rid of it?
   Did alot of mapping. Stuck until I get rid of the new bush.
   I need to figure out how to make Fire and Axe
   Axe is that Big Stick and peice of metal in the log i think
   Fire is the stick bark and vine i think

I'm back for more, I've learned from my mistakes in Skids1, and Im going to do
better. I need your help though as this game is in japanese. The first mistake
I made was including my email address, but this time I have to, its
[email protected]. I'm still getting emails from the first game. Not that I
mind, but its from users that downloaded it from a site other than gamefaqs
which wasnt updated. So I got annoyed because they didnt read ahead, and they
got annoyed because they couldn't. I must stress this, I cant stop you from
stealing this, but at least steal it often.

Dpad    Navigation      A      Use equipt item
B       Search, check   Start  Menu
Select  Use D-pad to make an arrow appear

Menu:                                  Stats:
1 Cancel                               Name   Days
2 Item                                 Life
3 Merge Items                          Fatigue
4 Parrot (When you get it)             Water
--Unavailable outside sactuary areas-- P(Hunger I think)
5 Sleep
7 Save

To save, select the last menu item, hit 'A', select the 2nd option, hit 'A',
select which slot,
then the first option, hit 'A', then hit 'B' till your back at the main menu.


I've labelled item positions on the map, its up to you to collect them.
Firstly, you have to pick your genders, yours, and your friends name. You and
your friend are
kidnapped from a ship by a weird red caped girl and a blue suited lacky on a
helicopter. Once
the talking stops, you are asked a question

Option 1: you end up in a jail cell, get your pack, then sleep for a day. When
you wake
up, someone will be at the door, they'll throw in a can of food, and beat up a
bird that comes
in the window. Talk to the bird, name him, he'll grab a knife for you, use the
bird option to
get the key, then use it to escape. Go up the stairs to the right, then go up
and grab the blue
key. There is a man in a cell to the left. A hole boarded up even further left.
To open the door
above the cell is somekind of button pushing puzzle like lights out. Select the
first option
to take a bath in the bathroom.

?= Unknown        #=Item            B=Bed              T=Tree
C=Chest           D=Door            F=Filing Cabinet
M=Misc object     P=Puzzle/minigame S=Stairs
W=Water           G=Guy/Girl        R=Rock
L=Bushes          X=Go to diff area H=Hut

To equip an item like a knife, select it, hit 'A' then the first option
To use the item, hit 'B' The item currently equipt has an 'E' beside it
To eat food, select it, hit 'A' then the second option, the fourth option
throws away,
the first cancels, and the third asks you something. Or select option 2 when
picking up
When it asks you a question to pick up the object, the first option is yes.
The first word on the window after you hit yes is the item name.

Item list:    Looks like in menu
Barrel        A sideways 'T' with 2 dots over it, a 'J' with another top
              line, An 'L' with a curve on the right end, A weird 'n' with a
              curve on the right side, and a fancy 'L'
Big Stick     2 of the same characters that resemble a t with an n on the
              a t with a second line going through and a line underneath, a
              a vertical line with an 'e' beside with its line moved in the
              a 'J' with another line on top. To use, hit the a button twice.
Canteen       A 't' with a loop on the left, a '()', a 'y' and a
              backward 'e' with the top part disconnected and a number in
              brackets. 1st option lets you fill it, 2nd lets you drink
Cherry        A 'T' with a line over top, a weird 'n' INDESCRIBABLE, a 'J'
              with the top line disconnected, a '7', a backwards 'J' with
              the line beside it instead of on top, a '-', then a '"' with a
              curve under and to the right
Knife         A 't' a 'T' with a crooked top and a '7'
Meat          A '5' with lines sticking out, a '()', a 't' over a curve,
              a '()', An 'E' with no center line and the top line detached,
              and a '<'

1 Backpack with Canteen   2 Can
3 Golden Key              4 Knife
5 Stick                   6 Hook/line
7 Bent Nail               8 Garbage bag
9 Barrel

             |      | S  S |
             |      |      |
             +-----D+----+ |
             |           | |
             |           | |
+------+-----+D+----+----+ +
|    CC|   M7| |MMM8| ?    |
|      |     | |    +- ----+
|B2    |B    | |    +- ----+
|1     |B    | |    |      |
+-D----+-D---+ +- --+--- --+
|                         S|(1)
|                 +--+-----+
|     +-----+---- |  |     |
|   3 | 6FFF|9MM  |  |     |
|   4 |     |9MM     |	WWW|
|          5|          |WWW|

1 Shovel            2 Twig
3 Green can thing   4 Screw
5 Blue key          6 Cherry
7 Map

             |      | S
             |      |      |
             |        |M5MM|
             |        |    |
+-----+------+ +- --+-+    |
|1MM2M|MM  CC| |   3|5+--- |
|     |      | |    |      |
|     |B  G  D |4F  |      |
|     |B     | |    +-- -+ |
+--- -+------+ +----+    +-+
|                          |
|                         S|(1)
|?   +----+    +----+ -+---+
|    |    |    |    | F| MM|
|    |MM  |    |MM  |  |   |
|    |  G D    D    |  |   |
|    |B   |    |   B|  |   |
|    |B   +-DD-+   B|      |
+----+----+    +----+------+

Option 2: You start an argument and end up on the island, alone.
Check under a nearby rock to find your backpack, equip the knife.

= Water     B=Bush      1=Backpack/canteen/knife    2=Clam  3=Green rock
 +++ ++   ++           ++  ++++
 |  L  +  ++    1      ++L+  ++
++                       R  3++
|                          2  +
 |                            +

Legend: 1=Bark      2=Mushroom      3=Leaves   4=Bees      5=Vine      6=Bamboo
7=Nut   8=Rock      9=Stick         0=Pointy

                (2)    (3)
++++++++++++++++  +++++   ++++
++     +++4         +       ++
+                            +
+  WWW                8      +
+  WWWW                      +
+  WWWW                      +
++      +++         +       5+
++++  +++++ ++    +++    +++++
++++        ++    +++    +++++
++     +           +++     +++
++       ++        ++++     ++
+    0         ?   ++++     ++
+        ++++      ++++      +
+9      +++++      3+++      +
+++     +++++ ++ +++++       +
+++++  ++++++  +++++++7      +
+ 1++ +++++++    ++++++   TT +
+   +L++++++     + ++++   TT +
LR   R +++++        ++       +
+       +++    HH   +   TT   X(4)
+2      +++    HH   +   TT   +
++      +++         +        +
++     +++++       ++        +
++     ++++++      ++        +
++++++  ++++++++ ++++++++    +
++++++  ++++++++ ++++++++    +
++       ++       +++        +
+        ++       +++        +
+      + ++        ++++++    +
+  ++  + ++         ++   +   +
+  +++ + ++        ++   6 ++++
+      +           ++      +++
++     +           ++       ++
   (1)                 (?)

Legend: 1=Feather   2=Big Stick    3=Mushroom     4=Stick    5=Berry

    + WW  4++++
     WW   +++++
   ++WW   ++++
  +   W   +++5
      RW  +++
       W ++++
     WWW +  R  ++++++
    WWW  +++ ++++++++
    WWW  +++ ++++++++
     WW  +++  +++++++
W    WWW            +
WWW  WWW            X(5)
+ WWWWWW +    TT    +
XT  WWW       TT    +
+    WL+  +       +++
++   R?+ 1+         +
+++ +++++++++++     +
+ + +++++++++++     +
+     +++++         +
+      +++++        +
+      L2++    +    +
++     LL++   +     +
++       ++   +R    +
+++      ++  3+LR+  +
      (2)     (3)

Legend: 1=Flimsy Stick    2=Vine   *=New leaf      3=BigBerry

   ++++++++++++++++++++   |------
   ++++++++ +++++++++++|---------
   ++++++    +   +++++ \   Ship
   ++++++       ++ ++   \--------
   +++++++         ++          +
   ++++  +2         +          +
   +++              ++          +
   +++ +          +  ++  +     +
   ++ ++          +  +  ++    + +
   ++  +          ++  +  ++   + +
   ++              +  ++++ + +  W
   +++            +      +++    W
   +               +     +++ + +
   + ++                   +   +
   +++           +        +    +
   ++                  +       +
   ++1        ++       +       +
   ++*         +++   +          +
   |  R             +++         +
(4)X  ++*                       W
   ++++                         W
   +++                         +W
   ++       +                  +W
   +        +                  WW
   +         +                +WW
   +         +                +WW
   +                          WWW
(?)X*         ++     3       +WWW
   ++        ++              +WWW
   +++      +++              WWWW
   ++++      +               WWWW
   +++++  +                  WWWW
   ++++++++                 +WWWW

Legend: 1=Umbrella Leaf     2=Briefcase   3=Nut   4=Big Stick   5=Berry   
7=Stick 8=Tree with axe     D=W dries     9=Egg?
D appears when you get near the hut, in the hut, is the parrot, then sleep, and
the D dries up.

   WWWWWW  ++  D     + ++WWWWWWWW
   WWWWW   ++++D +++++++  WWWWWWW
   WWWWW   BB++D +++++B+    WWWWW
   WWW++       D             WWWW
   WWW++       DDDDDDD       WWWW
   WWW ++            D ++ ++WWWWW
   WW 7 +(?)(?)++++++D ++  +WWWWW
   WW+   +X++X++6 +++D+++  +++WWW
   WW++ 6 +   +     DD++++ +++WWW
   WW  ++++++  +++DDB       ++WWW
   W   +  TT +  + D++ ++    ++WWW
   W  5+  TT  +  RD    + T      W
   W   +     ++  ++++++++ ++++++W	
       ++ ++++   ++++++++ ++++++W
   +    + +++    ++++++4       ++
   +++    +        ++++         +
   ++++   + ++       +    W
(5)X  +  + + 3+   ++++
   +   + ++ ++++  +X(?)+
   +   + ++ R R+  +   ++++
   ++      +++++  +   9+
   ++      +++++  +++++
   ++        +++  +++++
   +     +   +++ +++++
   + ++ ++++++++ ++++
   + ++ 1++++     ++
   +B B           +
   +BB+++++++++  ++
   +++++++++++++ +++
   +++++++  2 ++ BBB
   ++++++++  + +B+++

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