The Battle Guide - Guide for Mario Kart DS

Scroll down to read our guide named "The Battle Guide" for Mario Kart DS on Nintendo DS (DS), or click the above links for more cheats.

1. Introduction

2. The Battle Modes

3. Balloon Battle

4. Shine Runners

5. Closing

       1. Introduction

       This guide describes the Battle mode of Mario Kart DS.  I will cover 
both modes in the game.

       2. The Battle Modes

       There are two battle modes: Balloon Battle and Shine Runners.  Let's 
start off with Balloon Battle.

       3. Balloon Battle

       Ah, Balloon Battle... to say the least, everyone knows what this mode 
is, so if you know it well, skip this section, if you wish.  In this mode,  you 
and seven other players will be competing against each other to pop the other 
players balloons.  Unlike the past Mario Kart games, you inflate the balloons 
at the top right corner of the screen into the Mic (you can also press and hold 
Select).  All the items except for the Spiny Shell and Thunderbolt are included 
in this mode,  so use them to your advantage.  There are four ways to lose your 
balloons: 1.  Fall off the stage, depending on the one you're playing.  2.  Get 
hit by an invincible player.  3.  Get hit by an item in some way.  4.  Get 
rammed by a player using a Mushroom (in other words, its stolen!).  If you 
perform number four on an opponent, you can steal a balloon too.

       4. Shine Runners

       This mode is kind of like Shine Thief in Mario Kart Double Dash!!, but 
there are more players, and you can do this by yourself.  In this mode, you 
compete to get more Shine Sprites, little sun-like things, than anyone else.  
Depending on the stage, they will apear in many places.  There are three ways 
to lose a Shine: to find out the ways, see above (you CANNOT lose/steal a Shine 
by using a Mushroom).  Unlike Balloon Battle, the Thunderbolt can be used.
       5.  Closing

       Well, another day, another guide, so if you need to print this out, go 
ahead. Until next time, farewell.  

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