Walkthrough - Guide for Bioshock

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                              BIOSHOCK WALKTHROUGH
                       by Chris Vig ([email protected])

           "I'm Andrew Ryan and I'm here to ask you a question:
            is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow?

            No, says the man in Washington. It belongs to the poor.
            No, says the man in the Vatican. It belongs to God.
            No, says the man in Moscow. It belongs to everyone.

            I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
            different. I chose the impossible. I chose...


            A city where the artist would not fear the censor. Where
            the scientist would not be bound by petty morality. Where
            the great would not be constrained by the small. And
            with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your
            city as well."

           - Andrew Ryan, founder of Rapture

   i. TABLE OF CONTENTS [c00s01]

This file is a walkthrough/game guide/reference for the video game BioShock. It
contains an explanation of the basic game concepts, a complete walkthrough of 
the game, tips and notes, and lists of all the audio-diaries, plasmids, gene
tonics, little sisters, research rewards, craftable items, and weapons upgrades
available in the game.

To quickly skip to the section you want to read, press Ctrl-F (or whatever the 
keystroke is for the search function in your browser) and type the code for
that section - this will quickly take you there.

i. Table of Contents....................................................c00s01
ii. Version History.....................................................c00s02
iii. Copyright Information..............................................c00s03
iv. Contact Information.................................................c00s04
v. Acknowledgements.....................................................c00s05
1. Introduction.........................................................c01
2. Basic Game Concepts..................................................c02
   a. Game Controls.....................................................c02s01
   b. Status Menu.......................................................c02s02
   c. Death.............................................................c02s03
   d. Items.............................................................c02s04
   e. Money.............................................................c02s05
   f. ADAM/Little Sisters/Big Daddies...................................c02s06
   g. Machines..........................................................c02s07
   h. Audio Diaries.....................................................c02s08
   i. Denizens of Rapture...............................................c02s09
   j. Weapons...........................................................c02s10
   k. Custom Ammo.......................................................c02s11
   l. Weapon Upgrading..................................................c02s12
   m. Plasmids..........................................................c02s13
   n. Gene Tonics.......................................................c02s14
   o. Inventing.........................................................c02s15
   p. Researching Enemies...............................................c02s16
   q. Security System...................................................c02s17
   r. Hacking...........................................................c02s18
3. Walkthrough..........................................................c03
   a. Plane Crash.......................................................c03s01
   b. Welcome to Rapture................................................c03s02
   c. Medical Plaza.....................................................c03s03
   d. Neptune's Bounty..................................................c03s04
   e. Smuggler's Hideout................................................c03s05
   f. Arcadia...........................................................c03s06
   g. Farmer's Market...................................................c03s07
   h. Arcadia Pt. 2.....................................................c03s08
   i. Fort Frolic.......................................................c03s09
   j. Hephaestus........................................................c03s10
   k. Rapture Control...................................................c03s11
   l. Olympus Heights...................................................c03s12
   m. Apollo Square.....................................................c03s13
   n. Point Prometheus..................................................c03s14
   o. Proving Grounds...................................................c03s15
   p. Endgame...........................................................c03s16
4. Tips and Notes.......................................................c04
5. Frequently Asked Questions...........................................c05
6. Reference............................................................c06
   a. List of Audio-Diaries.............................................c06s01
   b. List of Plasmids..................................................c06s02
   c. List of Gene Tonics...............................................c06s03
   d. Little Sister Locations...........................................c06s04
   e. Weapon Upgrade Locations..........................................c06s05
   f. Research Rewards..................................................c06s06
   g. Inventable Items..................................................c06s07
7. Achievement Information..............................................c07
8. Conclusion...........................................................c08

   ii. VERSION HISTORY [c00s02]

0.1 - 8/24/07 - First version of guide. Completed introduction, basic game
 concepts section, and walkthrough up to the end of the Medical Pavilion
 level. Tips and reference section still under construction. Information which
 still needs to be added is indicated by the {} curly braces.
0.2 - 8/25/07 - Fixed some content errors and spelling and grammar mistakes in
 version 0.1. Continued walkthrough to the end of the Neptune's Bounty level.
 Began adding reference information, including audio diaries, plasmids, gene
 tonics, and little sisters locations.
0.3 - 8/25/07 - Finished walkthrough to the end of the Arcadia level. Added a
 ton of extra reference information. Corrected some errors in version 0.2.
 Began adding weapon upgrade locations and research rewards to reference
 section. Began adding inventable items information.
0.4 - 8/26/07 - Added clarifying information about big daddy/little sister
 locations. Finished walkthrough to the end of the Arcadia Pt. 2 level. Added
 a lot of new reference information. Corrected some errors from version 0.3.
 Changed some formatting and added some information to the top of the file.
0.5 - 8/27/07 - Fixed some errors and formatting. Reorganized the plasmid and
 gene tonic lists according to HOW they are obtained, not WHERE. Completed the
 research rewards section and added achievement information. Finished the
 walkthrough to the end of the Fort Frolic level. Added some more reference
0.6 - 8/27/07 - Completed walkthrough to the end of the Rapture Control level.
 Added some content suggested by readers and clarified a few things. Added some
 more reference information. Thanks to everyone who's sent suggestions - keep 
 them coming.
0.7 - 8/28/07 - Fixed some spelling and content errors in 0.6. Added frequently
 asked questions section to deal with some of the more common questions I've
 been getting. Added some tips and other content from readers. Reworded
 explanation of big daddy/little sister spawn system. Completed walkthrough
 to the end of the Olympus Heights level.
0.8 - 8/29/07 - Minor update, completed walkthrough to the end of Apollo Square
 and added some minor odds and ends. I'm hoping to have the guide completely
 finished by this weekend.
0.9 - 8/30/07 - Added some content suggested by readers. Added Xbox 360 
 achievement information section. Completed all reference section information.
 Completed walkthrough to the end of Point Prometheus. Added a few other minor
0.10 - 8/31/07 - Completed walkthrough. Added a few odds and ends and some
 reader-suggested content. The guide is now pretty much finished, but I'm going
 to play through the game again this weekend exactly as I have it in the guide
 to make sure that there are no errors and that I haven't missed anything.


This guide is copyright 2007 by Christopher Vig. No part of it may be
copied, used, or incorporated into any other guide. If I find it used in this
way without permission I will request that your file be removed, and if it is
not I will take legal action under the DMCA law. However, this guide may be 
freely reposted and transmitted so long as a) no money is charged for it, b) 
the file is unmodified, and c) my name is still attached to it.



If you have any questions or comments about this guide or need something
clarified, please e-mail me at [email protected], or send me a message on
Xbox Live (my gamertag is TheCrimsonOmen). You can also send me anything you
think should be added and I will put it in (with credit to you). If you have a
question about something, you might be able to get a quicker answer by checking
the Frequently Asked Questions section (section 5).

I don't ask for donations or anything like that, but if you found this guide
useful or helpful it would be nice to get an e-mail letting me know my efforts
were appreciated.


I would like to thank...
- my wife Hannah for putting up with me through all of this
- 2K Games/Irrational for making such an awesome game
- The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services for taking 3+ months
  to process my employment authorization application, leaving me with a LOT
  of free time to write game guides :P
- Everyone who's e-mailed me with kind words about this guide, you are very
   much appreciated
- Matthew P., LakotaSilver, Adam D., ghettomurph, crifer, Michael C., Preston
   W., and everyone else for explaining how to get into the secret room in the
   Tea Garden
- Dan P. for a tip on dealing with Houdini splicers
- NeoJedi Knight for clarifying how to get the Sander Cohen achievements
- Jason for reminding me about the thin hacking puzzle tiles
- Dominick P. for pointing out something about the Peach Wilkins encounter
- Ian T. for a tip about melting barriers
- TFGoose, Orchyboy, and Chenna for clarifying some things about big 
   daddy/little sister patrol routes
- Brendan K. for a tip about the first big daddy fight
- CodeHxr, Nitramuse, Tony B., Bruno H., Dee Rye, Cody M., and everyone else
   for some information about telekinesis, trapwires, and Kyburz's office
- shadowsdieaway for his guide about the audio-diaries, which helped me find a
   couple I was having trouble locating
- Torbjorn S. for a hacking tip
- Shadrow for reminding me about an area I forgot way back in the Medical
   Pavilion (I haven't added this yet but I will in the next version)

   1. INTRODUCTION [c01]

This is a walkthrough/guide for the game BioShock. It is based on the Xbox 360
version of the game, but I'm assuming that most of it should be applicable for
the PC version as well. Having clicked on this guide you probably already
realize that it WILL include spoilers, but if not, this is your warning - turn
back now.

First, a little about the game - BioShock is a hybrid FPS game developed by 2K
Boston/2K Australia studios (previously known as Irrational Games), released
for the computer and Xbox 360 console in North America on August 21, 2007. It
is currently the best-reviewed game ever for the Xbox 360, with a score of
97/100 on Metacritic and 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. The game focuses on a secret
underwater city named Rapture. It was created by a billionaire named Andrew
Ryan, with the goal of creating a utopian society where the great and powerful
would not be constrained by the poor, and where the world's elite could live
without being bound by morality, government, or religion. The game begins with
a plane crash into the ocean near the city's surface entrance. You, the lone
survivor of the crash, take a submarine down to the city to search for help. As
soon as you arrive, however, you realize that things have gone horribly,
horribly wrong...

This guide is divided into eight sections. Section 1 is the introduction, which
you're reading now. Section 2 covers the basic concepts of the game that you'll
need to know to survive in Rapture. Section 3 is a complete walkthrough of the
game from beginning to end, which will explain exactly what you need to do in
each level. Section 4 is a miscellaneous tips and notes section for things
which don't fit into the other sections. Section 5 is a frequently asked
questions section which answers some of the more common questions I've gotten
about the game. Section 6 is a reference section which lists details about the 
different weapons, powers, items, etc. you can obtain in Rapture. Section 7 is 
an explanation of how to get all of the Xbox 360 achievements in the game.
Section 8 is the conclusion.


This section will explain the basic concepts of the game which you will need to
know to survive in Rapture.

== A. GAME CONTROLS [c02s01] ==================================================

   Left stick - move
   Click left stick - crouch
   Right stick - look
   Click right stick - zoom (if weapon allows it)
   X - reload/inject EVE (in plasmid mode)
   Y - jump
   B - use first aid	
   A - interact
   D-pad - change ammo
   Hold down right on D-pad - get a tip
   Left bumper - switch to plasmid mode/cycle through plasmids
   Hold down left bumper - bring up plasmid selection menu
   Right bumper - switch to weapon mode/cycle through weapons
   Hold down right bumper - bring up weapon selection menu
   Left trigger - use plasmid (in plasmid mode)
   Right trigger - fire weapon (in weapon mode)
   Back button - map/goals/radio/help menu
   Start button - game menu

== B. STATUS MENU [c02s02] ====================================================

BioShock includes a very full-featured status menu, which is used to access
information about the game, your location, what you're supposed to be doing,
etc. Note that if you're ever stuck and not sure what to do, you can hold down
right on the D-pad for a few seconds, and the status menu will come up with a
hint which usually explains exactly where you need to go and what you need to
do. The status menu has several screens, which are cycled through by pressing
RB and LB. These include...

MAP - the map shows a map (duh) of the current level you are in, including
 points of interest like machines and quest goals. Areas you have not explored
 yet are greyed out, making it easy to see where you still need to look. It's
 almost always a good idea to explore as much of the city as you can, as you
 will usually find weapons, ammo, items, and even gene tonics and plasmids, not
 to mention audio diaries which greatly elaborate on the backstory of BioShock.
 Note, however, that some areas will occasionally be closed off to you, with no
 way to access them. This usually means that they will open up once you
 progress a little further in the storyline, so don't sweat it if you can't
 figure out how to get into an area.

GOALS - the goals tab shows what you should be doing now. Don't be afraid to
 spend some time looking around and exploring the side areas, however.

MESSAGES - this screen allows you to replay any of the radio messages you've
 received from the denizens of Rapture, as well as to replay any of the audio
 diaries that you've found.

HELP - this screen contains help files on many of the items and game concepts
 in BioShock. The game has a context-sensitive help system which is very
 useful - position the reticle over the item you want help on and press the
 back key, and it will automatically take you to the appropriate help page.

Note that your health and EVE are shown in the bars in the top left hand corner
of the screen. Your current money and ADAM can be seen by pressing Start. The
Start menu also shows how many little sisters there are in the current level,
and what their status is (alive/rescued/harvested).

== C. DEATH [c02s03] ==========================================================

Unlike most FPS games, BioShock does not end if you die. In fact, there is
almost no penalty for dying at all - instead you are simply reincarnated at the
nearest Vita-Chamber machine, with all of your weapons, money, and items
intact. All the damage you did to your enemies stays as well, so if you're
having trouble with a boss or encounter you can just wear them down over
several attempts. In my opinion, this makes the game almost a little TOO easy,
but at least it saves you the aggravation of repeated reloads and retries.

== D. ITEMS [c02s04] ==========================================================

There are many useful items you can find and use throughout Rapture. You can
get these off the ground, from containers, and from dead bodies, by putting the
reticle over the item and pressing the A button. Items which you can pick up or
interact with in some way will usually be highlighted - regular items in white
and quest/story items in gold. The available items include...

WEAPONS AND AMMO - self-explanatory.

MONEY - used for machines. See the money section for more details.

FIRST AID KITS - when used (by pressing the B button) these will return a large
 portion of your health. You can carry up to 9 of these at a time.

EVE HYPOS - these are like first aid kits, except for EVE. They look like blue
 syringes. You use them by pressing X when you are in plasmid mode. Like the
 first aid kits, you can only carry 9 of them.

AUTO-HACK TOOLS - these allow you to automatically hack an object, without
 having to do the pipe mini-game. You should save them for emergencies and
 exceptionally difficult to hack objects.

FOOD/DRINK - there are several different types of food/drink available in
 Rapture. Unlike other items, these are consumed immediately as soon as you
 pick them up (you can't carry them around with you). Some of them increase
 health/EVE, some of them decrease them, some of them increase one and decrease
 the other. Press the back button with the reticle over the item if you're not
 sure what it does and the help screen will tell you. Usually the health/EVE
 bonus you gain is small compared to first aid kits/EVE hypos.

RANDOM JUNK - after a while in Rapture you will begin picking up a lot of
 random items like rubber tubes, brass shell casings, batteries, etc. You can
 take these items to a U-invent machine to craft useful items like auto-hack
 tools and special ammunition.

STORY ITEMS - you will occasionally need to collect items as a part of the
 game's storyline. The status menu shows you what you need to get and where it

== E. MONEY [c02s05] ==========================================================

The currency of Rapture is the dollar, and you will find plenty of it as you
explore the city. Most of it comes from fallen enemies (press A to search their
corpses), but it can also be found in containers and lying on the ground. You
need money to use many of the machines located in Rapture (with the exception
of the genetics-related machines, which either cost ADAM or are free of charge,
and the Power to the People machine, which is free but can only be used once).

== F. ADAM/LITTLE SISTERS/BIG DADDIES [c02s06] ================================

Purchasing genetic upgrades from a Gatherer's Garden requries ADAM, a form of
genetic material which is harvested from corpses by little sisters. Each little
sister has a big daddy which follows her around and protects her. Before you
can approach the little sister, you have to kill her protecting big daddy. Once
you do, walk up to her - the game will give you the option to either rescue or
harvest her. Harvesting kills the little sister, but nets you 160 ADAM.
Rescuing her only gets you 80 ADAM, but as compensation, Tenenbaum will
occasionally send along care packages for you which include ADAM and some other
useful items. The choice is yours, and will have gameplay and storyline
consequences down the road.

The big daddies and little sisters have a rather complicated spawn system which
is worth explaining to prevent confusion. Basically each level has several
patrol routes where the little sisters may be found. There will ALWAYS be a big
daddy somewhere along the patrol route - they quickly respawn after you kill
them, even if all the little sisters in the level are dead. They may or may not
have a little sister with them when you encounter them. If they do not, they
will eventually go to one of the little sister holes in the wall and bang on it
to summon a little sister. The big daddy/little sister will then patrol for a
while, and the little sister will eventually crawl back into the wall. The big
daddy will then start wandering the area again, and eventually head back to a
little sister hole to summon another little sister.

Each level has a set number of little sisters (from 0 to 3) that you can kill.
The big daddies will be able to summon the little sisters until you have 
harvested the number alotted for that level, and then no more will come out
when they bang on the holes (they'll keep trying, though).

A simple (but time-consuming) way to easily find ALL of the little sisters for
a level is to locate a big daddy patrol area, and just follow him until he
summons a little sister. Kill the big daddy, harvest the little sister, and 
then wait and listen in the same area for the big daddy to respawn. Find him 
and repeat the process, and you should be able to get all of the little sisters
SAME LOCATIONS AS NOTED IN THE WALKTHROUGH. If you find one somewhere radically
different from the places noted in this guide please let me know.

== G. MACHINES [c02s07] =======================================================

There are several different types of machines that you will encounter in
Rapture, each with a different function. Most of them require money to use. The
different types of machines are...

GENE BANKS - these can be used to change the plasmids and gene tonics you have
 equipped. They are fairly common, and you can usually find one shortly before
 an important boss fight or encounter. They cannot be hacked.

GATHERER'S GARDEN - these special machines are fairly rare. They are used to
 purchase plasmids and gene tonics, as well as extra slots and other upgrades
 (like increasing your maximum health/EVE). They are unique because they only
 accept ADAM for payment. After you encounter a little sister you can usually
 find a GG machine nearby. They cannot be hacked.

VENDING MACHINES - these sell all kinds of useful items like first aid kits,
 film, ammunition, EVE hypos, food, etc. You need money in order to use them.
 They can be hacked to lower their prices (hacking them will sometimes also
 unlock extra items for purchase).

AMMO BANDITOS - these are like vending machines, but they only sell ammunition.

VITA-CHAMBERS - when you die in Rapture, the game does not end - you are simply
 resurrected at the nearest Vita-chamber. Note that this isn't a
 checkpoint-type reload - everything you did before you died is still in place,
 INCLUDING the damage you've done to enemies. See the "death" section for more
 details. Vita-chambers are used automatically, you can't interact with them in
 any way.

BOT SHUTDOWN PANELS - if you accidentally trigger an alarm, you can use these
 panels to turn it off and make the flying drones go away. This costs money
 (usually $20). Bot Shutdown panels cannot be hacked.

HEALTH STATIONS - these stations completely replenish your health for a small 
 fee. Enemies can also use them, but you can hack them to make them poison your
 enemies (and heal you at a discount).

POWER TO THE PEOPLE MACHINES - these rare machines will do one upgrade to one 
 of your weapons free of charge. However, they will then shut down and can 
 never be used again, so make sure you choose your upgrades wisely. These
 machines cannot be hacked.

U-INVENT MACHINES - you will eventually start collecting random junk from 
 around Rapture. You can bring this stuff to a U-invent machine to create 
 useful gadgets like auto-hack devices, special ammunition, etc. Inventing an 
 item does not cost any money, but consumes the items used to create it.
 Hacking these machines reduces the number of items required to craft anything.

== H. AUDIO DIARIES [c02s08] ==================================================

Throughout your adventures in Rapture you will stumble across audio diaries
left by the former inhabitants of the city. They are often hidden in 
out-of-the-way locations, so they give you a little extra incentive to explore 
the nooks and crannies of Rapture. After you find a diary, hold down the A 
button for a few seconds to listen to it. These don't do much for the gameplay,
but a LOT of the (extremely involved) storyline is filled in by these diaries, 
so it's definitely worth your time to check them out. I'll try to note where 
they all are in the walkthrough, but I can't guarantee that I've found them 
all. If you find one I don't have listed here please shoot me an e-mail and 
I'll add it.

== I. DENIZENS OF RAPTURE [c02s09] ============================================

You will encounter several different types of enemies on your exporations 
through Rapture. Each type of enemy requires different strategies and is
vulnerable to different types of ammunition. Also note that the enemies you
encounter will become stronger as the game goes on, so a thug splicer you 
encounter in Hephaestus will be much stronger than a thug splicer you encounter
in the Medical Pavilion, for example. The enemies you will find in Rapture

THUG SPLICERS - these humanoids are armed with melee weapons. They're not tough
 to deal with, just keep them at range and take them out with your guns. You
 can also stun them with electrical damage and club them to death with your
 wrench. Vulnerable to anti-personnel ammo.

LEADHEAD SPLICERS - humanoids armed with firearms. These tend to be pretty
 spastic, so you'll have a good advantage if you can get the drop on them and
 go for a quick headshot. You can stun them with electricity, freeze them in
 place, or light them on fire to get them to stop shooting at you. These
 splicers seem to have many more hit points than the others. Vulnerable to
 anti-personnel ammo.

NITRO SPLICERS - these are armed with explosives. They carry around boxes of
 grenades to throw at you, and can also use proximity mines. Use your
 telekinesis plasmid to throw their own explosives back at them. Otherwise you
 can just stay out of their throwing range and kill them with firearms. They
 also like to toss down a smoke bomb and run away if you get too close to them
 or do too much damage to them. Vulnerable to anti-personnel ammo.

SPIDER SPLICERS - these splicers are pretty nasty. They move very quickly, can
 jump to incredibly heights, and can climb on walls/the ceiling. Their primary
 attack is melee, and they can also throw their sickle claws at you from a
 distance. Having the gene tonic which shocks enemies which touch you is
 useful, since it'll root them in place for a moment to let you damage them
 after they hit you. Fire attacks are also useful since they continue to damage
 for some time afterwards, meaning you don't have to keep them in the reticle
 while they're scrambling around. Vulnerable to anti-personnel ammo.

HOUDINI SPLICERS - these splicers use plasmids to become invisible and
 teleport, making them incredibly annoying to fight. Their primary attack is a
 fire-based plasmid. Try to find a covered position and wait for them to 
 reappear, and then shoot them with firearms. Hacked security bots and turrets
 are very useful against these guys, since they seem to be able to track them
 even when they're invisible. They are also heavily armored against fire
 damage, which is the Houidini splicer's primary attack. Vulnerable to 
 anti-personnel ammo.

BOSS SPLICERS - you will occasionally come across a boss splicer, which is a
 regular splicer which is tougher and deals more damage. These are usually
 characters involved in the storyline.

BIG DADDIES - the Rosies or Bouncers, also known as the Big Daddies, are the
 charming fellows you see on the cover of the game. They usually appear while
 escorting around a litle sister, and are not hostile to you unless you attack 
 them or start pestering their little girl. Bouncers are the melee variety of 
 the big daddy, and are armed with gigantic drills. Rosies have rivet guns they
 shoot you with from a distance, and can also use proximity mines which land on
 the ground and explode when you come near. These are basically the toughest 
 enemies in the game, and require some preparation in order to fight 
 effectively. You'll need to base your game plan around what you have available
 to you in your surroundings - security systems, water, oil slicks, explosives,
 try to use everything you have against them. The good news is that, since you
 initiate combat against them, you will usually have a decent amount of time to
 set up your trap. Whatever you do, don't just go blindly rushing in with guns 
 blazing, as you will almost certainly be headed to the Vita-Chamber. 
 Armor-piercing and explosive ammo are the best to use against big daddies. If 
 all else fails, you can just let yourself die and keep rushing them from the 
 Vita-Chamber, since whatever damage you do to them before you die persists 
 after you die. Just wear them down over time. After you kill a big daddy and
 deal with the little sister, another one will usually appear to start looking
 for the little sister. You don't have to fight these, but you can kill them if
 you need the extra money. You can also temporarily convert them to protecting
 you with a plasmid power (see below). Vulnerable to armor-piercing and
 electrical ammo.

ELITE BIG DADDIES - these start showing up later on in the game. They are
 basically just bigger, nastier versions of the rosies and bouncers you
 encounter earlier on - they don't require any special tactics other than what
 you would do with the normal big daddies.

LITTLE SISTERS - little sisters cannot be approached or damaged until their 
 accompanying big daddy is dead. More details on them in the ADAM section.

SECURITY BOTS - these are usually summoned by a security alarm, which goes off
 if you stand for too long in front of a security camera. They carry machine
 guns and will fly and follow you around. Thankfully they're not hard to deal
 with - armor-piercing and explosive ammo works very well against them. You can
 also "stun" them with electrical ammo, and then hack them so that they PROTECT
 you instead of attacking you. Bots will also follow you around until they are
 destroyed or deactivated, making them a nice helper for boss fights
 Vulnerable to armor piercing and electrical ammo.

== J. WEAPONS [c02s10] ========================================================

BioShock is an FPS game at its core, and you will have a wide variety of 
weapons to select from throughout the game. To use your weapons you must enter 
weapon mode by pressing RB. You can cycle through your weapons by pressing RB 
again, or bring up a radial selection menu by holding down the right bumper. 
Your weapons can also be upgraded and use different types of ammo - see the 
ammo and weapon upgrading sections for more details. The weapons you can obtain

WRENCH - standard melee weapon, can be used to knock locks off doors. You can 
 shock splicers with electrobolt to stun them, and then club them to death with 
 the wrench. There are also several gene tonics that upgrade your damage and 
 speed with the wrench.

PISTOL - low clip size, slow firing, but pretty accurate. Useful for pulling 
 off a headshot if you can surprise a splicer. Takes normal, armor piercing, and
 anti-personnel ammo.

MACHINE GUN - this is a basic SMG, with fully automatic fire and a large clip 
 of 40 rounds. Useful against multiple targets and fast-moving enemies like the 
 spider splicers. Takes normal, armor piercing, and anti-personnel ammo.

SHOTGUN - big, loud, and deadly at close range. It is fairly slow firing 
 though, and only has four rounds per clip. Takes regular buckshot, explosive 
 buckshot, and electrical buckshot. 

GRENADE LAUNCHER - shoots several different types of explosives. I'd save this 
 one for boss fights, since using it properly can take a little bit of planning 
 and preparation. Fires regular frag grenades, proximity mines, and heat-seeking

CHEMICAL LAUNCHER - sprays several different types of chemicals at your enemies
 with varying effects. Shoots napalm (fire), liquid nitrogen (ice), and 
 electrical gel (electricity).

CROSSBOW - a powerful crossbow. Has a small clip size and a very slow rate of
 fire, but does massive damage when it connects. Also has an extremely accurate
 zoom function. Shoots regular bolts, incendiary bolts, and trap bolts. Regular
 bolts can sometimes be retrieved from corpses and the environment.

CAMERA - not really a weapon, but it is selected and used like one. More 
 details on this later.

== K. CUSTOM AMMO [c02s11] ====================================================

Each gun has several different types of ammunition it can use, including 
regular, anti-personnel, explosive, armor-piercing, electrical, etc. These 
ammos can be found on the ground, purchased at vending machines, or crafted at 
U-Invents. Each enemy is vulnerable to different types of damage, so you can 
use an appropriate ammo against each enemy to make things go a little easier 
for you. The different types of ammo are...

REGULAR - generic all-purpose ammo.

ANTI-PERSONNEL (pistol, machine gun) - designed for use against unarmored 
 targets (i.e., the splicers).

ARMOR PIERCING (pistol, machine gun) - good against heavily armored targets 
 like big daddies and turrets.

EXPLOSIVE (shotgun, grenade launcher) - good against basically anything.

ELECTRICAL (shotgun, chemical launcher) - good against electrical equipment 
 like turrets, cameras, drones, etc.

PROXIMITY MINE (grenade launcher) - sticks to the ground and blows up when an 
 enemy comes near.

HEAT-SEEKING RPG (grenade launcher) - tracks enemies with a heat signature, 
 like splicers.

NAPALM (chemical launcher) - shoots fire. 'Nuff said.

LIQUID NITROGEN (chemical launcher) - freezes enemies in place, letting you 
 smash/melt them. They will thaw if you leave them for a few seconds though.

STEEL BOLTS (crossbow) - these standard bolts shot from the crossbow are unique
 because you can pick them up from walls and corpses and reuse them. They have
 a chance to break on every shot, but this can be reduced with a weapon upgrade
 available at Power to the People machines.

INCENDIARY BOLTS (crossbow) - light the target on fire when they hit.

TRAP BOLTS (crossbow) - lets you create the electrified trapwires you often see
in Rapture. They embed themselves in the wall (or other object) and then shoot
out the trapwire directly behind themselves until it makes contact with another
object. Make sure you get out of the way before the trapwire fires or it will
shock you. These trapwires do a large amount of electrical damage to the first
enemy to walk through them.

Using the correct type of ammunition will make your fights go MUCH smoother. 
Against the easier splicers regular ammo will do the trick just fine, but 
against big daddies, bosses, and tougher splicer fights you'll need to use the 
rarer ammo to avoid a lot of unnecessary trips to the vita-chamber.

== L. WEAPON UPGRADING [c02s12] ===============================================

You can also upgrade your weapons to increase their power, speed, or other 
characteristics. This is down at "Power to the People" machines, which are 
scattered throughout Rapture. These machines are very rare, so make every 
effort to hit them up when you see them on your map. Each machine will do one 
upgrade to one of your weapons, free of charge, and then cease to function 
forever, so make sure you choose your upgrades wisely. Note that upgrades are 
permanent and will remain on your weapon for the rest of the game. The
locations of the weapons upgrade machines are listed in the reference section
of this guide.

== M. PLASMIDS [c02s13] =======================================================

Plasmids are a type of genetical modification to your body, which gives you
"magical" powers like telekinesis, shooting fire out of your fingers, etc. To
enter plasmid mode, click on LB. You can then use LB to cycle through your
plasmid powers, or hold it down to bring up a radial menu to select which
plasmid you want to use. To "fire" your plasmid power, pull the left trigger.
Plasmids, unlike gene tonics (see the next section), are active powers which
must be triggered to have any effect. Using them consumes EVE, which is
measured by the blue bar underneath your health bar in the top left corner. You
can replenish EVE using the blue hypos found throughout Rapture, or from some
of the food items in the game. There are also some gene tonics which restore
your EVE when you heal, eat, successfully hack a device, etc. The plasmid
powers available in-game are listed in the reference section of this guide, but
some of the more important ones are...

ELECTROBOLT - This is, in my opinion, the most useful plasmid in the game,
 since it instantly shorts out any security system element, allowing you to get
 close enough to photograph/research it and hack it. It can also open 
 shorted-out doors, stun splicers and big daddies, fry anyone standing in
 water, and is generally just an all-around useful power.
TELEKINESIS - Extremely useful against anything that launches grenades or
 rockets at you, since you can just grab them and throw them back. You can also
 use this power to grab items that are just out of reach. Telekinesis can also
 grab trapwires out of the wall to disarm them. CodeHxr also suggests using
 telekinesis to toss objects at enemies (this can do massive damage) and also
 to hold corpses in front of you as meat shields to block some incoming fire.
INCINERATE - Lights enemies on fire. It can also be used to light oil slicks
 on fire, and melt ice which is blocking your path (you'll need to do this
 several times in the game to get into certain areas).
HYPNOTIZE BIG DADDY - This plasmid can ONLY be obtained from the care packages
 you get from Tenenbaum for rescuing little sisters. It converts big daddies
 to defend you temporarily. 

You only have a limited number of slots in which you can "equip" your plasmids.
Each time you gain a new plasmid you will be given the option to either place 
it in one of your slots (replacing the plasmid which is already there, if any),
or store it in your gene bank for later use. You can visit a Gene Bank machine 
at any time to swap out your plasmids and gene tonics, free of charge. You'll 
want to do this frequently to adapt your strategies to your enemy and 
situation. You can also purchase new plasmid slots from the Gatherer's Garden 
machine, up to a maximum of six.

There are several ways to obtain new plasmids. You can occasionally find them
on the ground in Rapture (they will look like glowing bottles with a colored
liquid inside). You can also get them from researching enemies (see the section 
below on the camera and research). However, the most common way to get new
plasmids is from the Gatherer's Garden machines, which sell plasmids and other
genetic upgrades. Purchasing from a Gatherer's Garden requires ADAM, and the
only way to get ADAM is from the little sisters. More on that later.

== N. GENE TONICS [c02s14] ====================================================

Gene tonics, like plasmids, are genetic modifications to your body. However,
unlike plasmids, they provide passive effects which are always active and do
not need to be triggered. There are three main types of gene tonics - physical,
which provide things like damage resistances and increases to speed;
engineering, which increase your hacking skills; and combat, which do things
like increase your damage or skills with particular weapons. Like plasmids, you
have a limited number of slots for each type of gene tonic. Also like plasmids,
you can purchase additional slots (and tonics) at a Gatherer's Garden, if you
have the ADAM for it. You can also switch out your gene tonics at a Gene Bank
machine at any time. A complete list of the gene tonics available in the game
can be found in the reference section of this guide. However, some of the more
important tonics are...

NATURAL CAMOUFLAGE - One of the best tonics in the game. Makes you invisible if
 you stand still for more than a few seconds. Very useful for evading alarms,
 ambushing enemies, and just about everything else.
DAMAGE RESEARCH - Increases the bonus damage you gain from doing research on
 enemies. If you've been keeping up on your research, this greatly increases
 your damage output, especially if you get the upgraded version of this tonic.
MEDICAL EXPERT - Provides a large increase to the amount of damage your first
 aid kits heal. Very valuable for stretching your limited supply out.
EVE LINK - Restores EVE whenever you gain health from a first aid kit.
WRENCH TONICS - Greatly increase the damage you do with the wrench, and provide
 some other bonuses as well. Slotting all of these turns you into a melee
 machine, which is a very viable strategy when you're running low on ammo.
ELEMENTAL TONICS - Electric Flesh, Human Inferno, and Frozen Field increase the
 elemental damage you deal and reduce the elemental damage you take. They are
 not terrible useful for most of the game, but they are crucial for the last
 boss fight, which is heavily elemental-based.

== O. INVENTING [c02s15] ======================================================

You will eventually begin collecting random items with no apparent purpose,
like rubber tubing, batteries, brass shell casings, etc. You can bring this
junk to a U-invent machine and use it to craft more useful stuff like auto-hack
tools and custom ammunition. This doesn't cost you any money, so you
essentially get a little extra gear for free. Not bad. There's also a storyline
mission later on where you'll have to use the U-invent to craft a special item.
More on that in the walkthrough section.

== P. RESEARCHING ENEMIES [c02s16] ============================================

Eventually you will obtain a research camera, which is used just like a weapon 
- select it with RB and take a picture using RT. The camera takes film as its
"ammunition", which can be obtained from vending machines, enemies, containers,
and the ground. The camera allows you to "research" your enemies by taking
photographs of them. Every photograph is given a score based on its quality -
pictures where the subject is well-framed, in action, or where there are
multiple subjects will score higher. You can also obtain gene tonics which will
increase the score for every picture you take. However, taking multiple
pictures of the same target will reduce the score of the picture, and if the
score gets too low the game will simply not take the picture (therefore you
don't have to worry about wasting film on useless pictures).

Each picture you take will increase your progress towards the next research
level on that type of enemy. Each new research level will provide a bonus
against that type of enemy, a plasmid/gene tonic, or some other type of reward.
It's therefore worth your while to do as much research as possible, especially
against the tougher enemies like big daddies and spider/houdini splicers. When
you see an enemy up ahead, break out your camera, and once you get in range try
to snap as many pictures as possible as quickly as possible. Film isn't hard to
find in Rapture, so don't worry about wasting it. Personally I'd keep
photographing each subject until it doesn't give you any more research
increases, ESPECIALLY against the rarer enemies like big daddies and
spider/houdini splicers. You can usually take 3-5 pictures of an enemy before
the score gets so low that the picture won't be taken.

Each enemy has 5 research levels - after you get to level 5 you won't be able
to take any more pictures of that enemy, since there's nothing left to
research. Usually levels 1, 3, and 5 provide damage increases against that
enemy, while levels 2 and 4 provide more specialized bonuses.

Note that you can also research security camera elements like turrets, security
cameras, and and bots. An easy way to do this is to zap them with electrobolt 
so they're "stunned", and then run in and grab a bunch of photos before they 
come online again. You can also research little sisters - each level for them
gives you a bonus to your maximum health and EVE. 

== Q. SECURITY SYSTEM [c02s17] ================================================

Rapture has a security system which protects some of the more sensitive areas
of the city. There are three major elements to the security system - cameras,
turrets, and bots. All three of these elements can be researched with the
camera. The security system can also be hacked so that it protects you and
attacks your enemies. If you can prepare an area's security system in advance
for an important or difficult fight, it will make things much easier for you,
since the turrets, cameras, and bots will be fighting FOR you, instead of
against you. This is a good strategy to use against big daddies.

CAMERAS - security cameras can often be found scanning important areas of the
 city. You can see where the camera is looking because it emits a red circle of
 light on the area the camera is pointed at. If the camera sees you, the light
 will turn white, and you have a few seconds to get out of view. If you don't,
 the camera will trigger an alarm, and security bots will be summoned to hunt
 you down. The alarm lasts for sixty seconds, but it can be cut short if you
 run away from the area where it was triggered or use a bot shutdown panel (see
 the Machines section). When the alarm is triggered, a red countdown timer
 appears on the right side of the screen to show you how much time is left.

 Cameras can either be avoided, destroyed (use explosive or armor-piercing
 ammo), or hacked. You can sometimes get close enough to hack a camera without
 it seeing you, but a better bet is to shock it with the electrobolt plasmid or
 electric ammo, which will temporarily put it out of commission. You can then
 get close enough to hack it without worrying about an alarm being triggered.
 Hacked security cameras will sound the alarm on enemies, and will summon
 allied security bots to attack them. An alarm timer will again appear, but
 this time it will be blue instead of red. Hacked cameras have a green light
 instead of a red one. 

TURRETS - turrets are automated weapons platforms that attack you on sight.
 There are several different kinds, including machine gun, flamethrower, and
 rocket launcher varieties. Like cameras, they can be shocked with the 
 electrobolt or electrical ammo and hacked, or else just outright destroyed. 
 Hacked turrets have green lights instead of red, and attack your enemies 
 instead of you.

BOTS - bots are summoned by camera alarms, and can occasionally be found lying
 on the ground. See the enemies section for more details on bots.

== R. HACKING [c02s18] ========================================================

BioShock includes a hacking mini-game, which allows you to (among other things)
convert security system elements to your side, open safes and combination
locks, reactivate bots, and reduce prices and increase stock at vending
machines. You can usually hack items by walking up to them and pressing the X
button. This brings up a screen which shows you the difficulty of hacking the
item, and what you will get if you successfully hack it. Pressing A will take
you to the hacking mini-game. 

The game is essentially a "tile" type of game where you have to rearrange
pipes to redirect a flow of energy from a starting point to an ending point. At
the beginning of the game, all the tiles are flipped over. Press A to flip over
a tile, and press A again to swap the flipped tile with whatever you have in
your "storage" or "buffer" (shown on the left side of the screen). Essentially
you have to connect the starting point with the ending point before the blue
energy flow gets to the end of the pipe or touches an alarm or overload tile.
If the energy flow reaches the end of the pipe before you connect it to the end
tile, the system will overload and you will take a small amount of damage.
This sounds complicated, but it's easy with a little practice. You just have to
be efficient at rearranging the tiles. Try to flip over as many as you can at
the beginning (before the energy starts to flow) so you can see what you have
to work with, and then go from there. There are also a few special tiles...

OVERLOAD TILES - look like little orange explosions. If the energy gets routed
 to these tiles the device will automatically overload and you will take a 
 large amount of damage.

ALARM TILES - look like little fire alarms with a red dot on them. If the
 energy gets routed to these tiles an alarm will go off and bots will be

RESISTOR TILES - look like zig-zag electrical resistors. These greatly slow the
 speed of the energy flow, and buy you a little extra time to complete the
 circuit if you're having trouble.

FAST FLOW TILES - these are very thin pipes that show up late in the game. They
 are basically the opposite of resistor tiles, they speed up the energy flow
 instead of slowing it down. Try not to use them if you're short on time.

If you're having too much trouble with a particular hacking puzzle, you have
two options available to you - you can either use an auto-hack tool (obtainable
from vending machines, containers, and U-invent machines) to automatically
hack the item, or you can "buy out" the hack and spend money to complete the
puzzle. The more difficult the puzzle is, the more expensive it will be to buy 
out the hack.

There are also several achievements you can earn from hacking...

Hacked a Safe (10 GP) - Successfully hacked a safe.
Hacked a Security Bot (10 GP) - Successfully hacked a security bot.
Hacked a Turret (10 GP) - Successfully hacked a turret.
Hacked a Vending Machine (10 GP) - Successfully hacked a vending machine.
Skilled Hacker (40 GP) - Complete 50 successful hacks.

   3. WALKTHROUGH [c03]

This section is a complete walkthrough for BioShock, and will explain exactly 
where you need to go and what you need to do to complete the game. I will also
include optional areas, but I'll indicate that you don't need to go there if
you don't want to. Also, I'm not going to bother writing "search the room for
useful stuff" or "search the corpses and containers", it should just be 
assumed. Always check every single container and corpse you find, you never 
know what might be in it. Listing what you can find in every single room in the
game would be a monumental waste of time, so I'll only mention the really
important things like quest items and new weapons. Also, I'll try to mention
where you'll meet scripted enemies, but random splicers seem to respawn and 
appear in somewhat random locations throughout the game, so your mileage may 
vary. BioShock, more than any other FPS game, has a very dynamic environment, 
and you might not find splicers or big daddies/little sisters in the same 
locations or doing the same things that I did, so keep your head up. Compass 
directions are given as shown on the game map, with the assumption that up is 


== A. PLANE CRASH [c03s01] ====================================================

The game begins with a quick cutscene on an airplane, which promptly goes
crashing into the ocean. After the title screen, you wake up bobbing amongst
the flaming wreckage of the airplane. Avoid the flames and swim forwards to the
lighthouse-looking structure ahead of you. Climb up the stairs and go through
the door. It'll slam shut behind you, and lights will come on, revealing an
incredibly creepy statue of Andrew Ryan glaring at you from above. Check out
the plaques and artwork, and then head down the stairs at the back of the room.

At the bottom of the stairs is a bathysphere, a primitive submarine-type
device. Climb in and pull the lever, and then settle in for the ride. Make sure
you have a nice view, because your first look at Rapture is really quite
impressive. Sit back and enjoy the ride, there's nothing else to really do

== B. WELCOME TO RAPTURE [c03s02] =============================================

After the splicer massacres Johnny and fails to break into the bathysphere,
you'll get a transmission from Atlas. Pick up the radio to the left of the door
and listen to what he has to say. Go forward from the bathysphere, turn left,
and head up the stairs. Turn left and watch the splicer get cut up by the
security system. Jump over the debris by pressing Y, and pick up the wrench in
front of you (it'll be highlighted in gold) by pressing A. Smash the debris
blocking the door with the wrench, and click LS to crouch under the door.
There's a splicer at the top of the stairs who will throw a flaming couch at
you. Get out of its way and continue up the stairs. The splicer will charge
you - club him to death with the wrench, then turn left and head up the stairs
on the back wall. At the top there's a Gatherer's Garden machine with a free
Electrobolt plasmid on it - pick it up and the game will go into cutscene mode.

Ouch. When you wake up, you'll have your first plasmid power - electrobolt. See
the game concepts section for details on what plasmids are and how to use them.
Search the room for useful stuff, and then use your electrobolt plasmid on the
sparking lever next to the door. This should override the short and get it open
for you. Walk into the tunnel, and watch the plane's tail section come
crashing in. You'll have to go up into the plane and through the emrergency
exit to continue on through the tunnel.

Go to the end of the tunnel and through the Securis door. You should enter a
large, dimly lit room. To the right, near the leaking window, is a corpse with
an EVE hypo. There's another hypo in the left wing. Explore the room until the
splicer enters (I'm not sure exactly what triggers it), and then kill him. Use
Atlas's one-two punch - zap him with electrobolt and then club him with the 
wrench. The airlock door should open and another splicer will come through.
Kill him and continue through the airlock.

Head up the stairs and into the lobby, and kill the flaming splicer. Go through
the sliding doors and take the open elevator up. Note that you now have a quest
arrow which will direct you exactly where you need to go. Head right and kill 
the splicer blubbering over the stroller. Pick up the revolver in the stroller 
and walk through the doors into the Kashmir restaurant.

OPTIONAL: Head down the stairs along the wall to the right. There'll be a 
splicer trying to get through a door at the bottom - kill him quickly. The 
other splicer he's arguing with will open the door to see what's going on, so 
take her out too. Go through the door and search the room for some money and
other goodies. Walk back out and you'll see two splicers scrounging around in
the pool of water by the window. Hit the water with the electrobolt and you'll
electrocute them both - this will also earn you the "Toaster in the Tub"
achievement for 10 GP (if you don't already have it). There's an audio-diary 
(New Year's Eve Alone) on the table. At the other end of the room you'll see an
entrance to the Footlight Theater - you can't get through this way though. Head
back up the stairs.

Turn right at the top of the stairs and go into the bathrooms, killing any
splicers you find. There's a ghost scene in the women's bathroom, and an
audio-diary (Hole in Bathroom Wall) on the rubble at the end of the room. Head
into the men's room and through the hole in the wall of the last stall.

Head over the lighting fixture to the balcony on the other side of the room.
There's a radio transmission from Atlas here about the little sister on the
floor beneath you. Go down the stairs against the wall and watch the scripted 
event. Yikes. Clearly you do NOT mess with the little sisters unless you are
VERY well prepared. Grab the pistol off the ex-splicer and smash through the
lock on the gate to your right.

OPTIONAL: Search the theater for loot. Nothing particularly exciting, though.

Turn right at the Vita-chamber and head down the hallway, killing splicers as
you go. When you get to the stairs there'll a pair of splicers standing in a
pool of water - you should know what to do by now. Head down the stairs to the
lobby area.

OPTIONAL: Search the bathroom to find some health supplies.

Get yourself healed and make sure you have some EVE ready, there's about to be
a fairly large battle. When you're ready, approach the door to Neptune's
Bounty. It'll slam shut and a security alarm will go off. Back away from the
door, as a flamethrower turret will appear and start trying to barbecue you.
Splicers will start appearing as well, jumping from the stairs into the pool of
water in the middle of the room. Use your electrobolt plasmid to zap them as
soon as they touch the water. You'll get a panicked radio transmission from
Atlas, who'll open the door to the Medical Plaza (at the opposite end of the
room from the door to Neptune's Bounty) for you. Head through, jump over the
debris, and walk into the room with all the TV screens.

The doors will slam shut, and you'll be subjected to a video rant from Andrew
Ryan. Splicers will start trying to smash through the windows, but Atlas gets
the door at the back of the room open for you before they can break in. Head
through and press A at the airlock door to take you to the medical pavilion.
Completing this area earns you the "Completed Welcome" achievement for 10 GP.

== C. MEDICAL PAVILION [c03s03] ===============================================

Turn right at the entrance hallway and head down to the foyer. There's a
vending machine against the east wall to your left - time to spend some of your
hard-earned cash. Look behind the receptionist's desk for a whole bunch of
goodies. There's also an audio-diary (Released Today) sitting on the desk.

Turn around and head to the door to the right of the vending machine, which
leads to Emergency Access. You'll need to hack the security bot to get through
(see the section on hacking above if you need more details). Take your new
friend and round the corner, where you'll stumble on a dispute between two
splicers. Kill whichever one survives, and then head back to the desk at the 
back of the room, where there's some health, ammo, and an audio-diary (Adam's

Head up the stairs to the balcony area, and hit the Emergency Access Control
switch (it'll be highlighted in gold). Access will be denied, and the door
behind you will open. Atlas explains that you need to get the key from Dr.
Steinman before you can continue on.

When you flip the control switch, the door behind you will open,
releasing a splicer. Kill her, go through the door, and turn left down the
hall. There's a little room at the end with a machine gun and an electrical
override switch that returns power to the Medical Pavilion foyer. The door at 
the back of the room will open and a bunch of splicers will spill out. Let your
security bot go after them, and head back down the hallway and out to the 

Take out the splicers on your way back to the foyer, and climb up the stairs at
the back of the room. The door to the main area of the Medical Pavilion should
now be open. Head on through and follow the hallway down to a door, where 
there'll be another ghost scene. Use the door control to the right of the door
and head through.

Pick up the audio-diary (Higher Standards) on the wall in front of you. You're
now in the main Medical Pavilion area, which has a number of different
businesses and areas. On the other side of the wall, once you round the corner,
is a turret, so zap it with electrobolt and hack it (you'll be doing a lot of
fighting in this area so it's worth your while to not destroy it). On the right
side of the room is a storage closet with another turret for you to hack.

On the south wall of the room (left from the main entrance) is a knocked over
directory sign with the names of doctors and businesses on it. On the wall next
to it is another audio-diary (Limits of Imagination). There is also another
audio-diary (Love for Science) on a crate near the health station in the middle
of the main area, and another one (Parasite Expectations) on the desk behind
the wall at the entrance to the main area (i.e., directly across from the 
turret). There is a fourth audio-diary (Vandalism) in the little alcove on the 
north side of the main area, sitting on a chair next to a vending machine.

Head to the west end of the room and go through the door marked "Dr. Steinman's
Aesthetic Ideals". Go through the tunnel and enter Dr. Steinman's area. 
Rounding the corner you should see him crouching on the ground muttering to 
himself, but as soon as he sees you he takes off down the hallway to the right 
and explodes it behind him, leaving a huge pile of debris. There's a nitro 
splicer standing on the balcony above you tossing grenades - if only you had 
some way of grabbing one and using it against the debris... hmm...

This is one of the few times in the game where it's not really clear what you
need to be doing. Basically you need to get the Telekinesis plasmid so you can
grab a grenade from the nitro on the balcony and use it to blow up the debris
blocking your path to Dr. Steinman. There are ads on the wall advertising that
the Dandy Dental clinic is giving away the telekinesis plasmid as a
promotion, but heading back to the main Medical Pavilion area and finding the
Dental Services area (it's down the stairs right by the tunnel to Dr.
Steinman's area) reveals that it's completely frosted shut. There's an 
audio-diary (Freezing Pipes) at the lower left corner of the ice pile that
reveals why.

OPTIONAL: At the southwest corner of the Dental Services entrance area is a
supply closet with a door that's shorted out. Hit the switch to the left with
your electrobolt, and head in to collect your loot.

So we need to find some way to melt the entrance to Dental Services. The name
of the crematorium should give you a hint that that's where we should be
looking. The entrance to the crematorium is in the SW corner of the main 
Medical Pavilion area, so head up there. There should be a lady pounding on the
door who soon meets a grisly end. Kill the splicer who comes through the door,
and head on in. There's an audio-diary (Surgery's Picasso) hanging under the...
ahem... "creatively" rearranged photo on display to your left.

Head into the back of the crematorium. There's a security camera at the south
end of the room, near the furnace - zap it and hack it. 

OPTIONAL: Find the furnace control on the side of the furnace, next to the
gurney with the corpse on it. Press it and wait for the body to be cremated.
When it comes out, it should have a gene tonic (Hacker's Delight) sitting in
the ashes.

Head up the stairs in the SE corner of the room. Terminate the splicer, and
then crouch and crawl through the little hole in the wall next to the jammed
doors. Your Incinerate plasmid is on the floor next to the broken Gatherer's
Garden machine. Put it in your empty plasmid slot, and then get ready to use
it, as you're about to be ambushed by splicers. Fortunately for you, they're
stuck outside the storage room, and unfortunately for them, they're standing in
an oil slick. Light the slick on fire (it extends into the storage room through
the crawlspace) and watch them go up in flames.

Head back downstairs and go down to the Dental Services area. Use your
incinerate plasmid to melt the ice blocking the entrance, and head on through.
Kill the splicer in the entrance area, and head through to the right. There's
a shotgun and some ammo sitting in the middle of the room, but as soon as you
pick it up the lights go off and you are ambushed by splicers. Kill them all
and the lights will come back on, revealing that you're in the main lobby for
the dentistry area. The business we need to go to for the Telekinesis plasmid
is Dandy Dental, at the east end of the lobby. There's an audio-diary (Useless
Experiments) by the entrance.

Head on through into the lobby of Dandy Dental. If you want you can hop over 
the receptionist's desk for some goodies. Head into the main area and check out
the view from the windows. The plasmid you need is at the broken Gatherer's
Garden machine, at the end of the tennis practice area at the north side of the
clinic. Pick it up and equip it - you'll have to replace one of the plasmids
you already have. Personally I'd suggest keeping electrobolt, since it will be
useful for dealing with security systems once you get back to Steinman's area,
but the choice is up to you. You can always swap your plasmids out later once
you get to a gene bank machine. If you want to practice your telekinesis skills
you can activate the tennis machine and practice catching and throwing the
balls it launches. There's also an audio-diary (Testing Telekinesis) leaning up
against the tennis machine's control panel.

Head back out to the Dental Services lobby. There should be some splicers
entering the clinic just as you're leaving - you might want to try getting
creative with the telekinesis plasmid to kill them.

OPTIONAL: Head southwest past the Painless Dental sign and round the corner.
You'll pass a row of windows which will be shot out by a turret trying to kill
you. Hop through the windows (you'll have to crouch) and either destroy or hack
the turret. You can unlock the door to Painless Dental with the control on the
north wall. Head through to the surgery room. In the SE corner is a desk with
an audio-diary (Plasmids are the Paint) and a gene tonic (Speedy Hacker). On
the east wall is a crawlway with a grate covering it. Crouch and whack the
grate off with your wrench. Follow the crawlway to a storage room with some
nice goodies in it. You can unlock the door with the control on the wall and go
directly back out to the main Dental Services area lobby.

OPTIONAL: Past the windows you went through to get into Painless Dental is
another clinic, Chompers Dental. The door to this clinic is also locked. Use 
your telekinesis power to grab the key off the hook on the wall that you can 
see through the broken window. Use it to unlock the door and head in. Zap and
hack the camera in the left corner of the room. Go through the door on the far
wall, kill the splicer, and zap and hack the camera. Hack into the safe under
the camera for some nice goodies.

OPTIONAL: Back near the entrance to the Dental Services area is the entrance to
Kure-All. Open the door and head on in, but make sure you have your telekinesis
plasmid selected and ready to go. If you practiced with the tennis machine at
all, this is where it pays off. As you enter the clinic, turn right. You'll see
a turret launch rockets at you. Grab them with your telekinesis power and fling
them back at the turret to blow it up. Go through the door to your left. If 
there are any splicers in the clinic clear them out, and hack the camera in the
far NE corner. In the NW corner of the room with the camera is an audio-diary
(Enrage Trial). Along the wall to the left should be a crawlway covered by a
grate. Bash the grate in and follow the crawlway to the storage room. On one of
the cabinets there should be a new gene tonic (Wrench Jockey). Head back out to
the dental services area.

So you've got your telekinesis plasmid, time to head back up to Steinman's
area. You'll probably hear the nitro splicer still banging around up on the
balcony. He should start tossing grenades at you again - if he doesn't, you
might need to shoot a few rounds in his direction to get his attention. Use
your telekinesis plasmid to grab one of the grenades, and then launch it at the
debris covering the door that Steinman fled through. This will clear the path
for you, allowing you to continue on.

As soon as you enter the hall, there's an audio-diary (Symmetry) hanging on the
wall to the right of the corpse in the wheelchair. Continue on down the hall.
The way will initially be blocked by a gate, but Steinman will come running out
of one of the side rooms and send a bot after you. A turret also appears out of
the floor. The gate opens, and Steinman runs again. Either kill or zap and hack
the bot and turret, and continue on. If you check the hole in the wall with
water pouring out of it on the left side, you'll find some ammo and other loot.
There's also a free gene tonic (Static Discharge) sitting by the corpse leaning
against the wall across from the hole.

OPTIONAL: Enter the side room on the right (north) side of the hall. Watch out
for the camera at the far end - zap and hack it when you get a chance. Hack the
safe under the camera for some nice loot. There's also some ammo and other 
items on the desk in front of the camera. On your way out, pick up the
audio-diary (Aphrodite Walking) from the cabinet by the surgery table.

All right, time to put an end to Steinman's insanity - for good. Head through
the doors at the end of the hall and watch the scripted event. Dr. Steinman is
basically a Leadhead Splicer with a whole ton of hit points. Other than that
he's not particularly tough or difficult to kill. Anti-personnel ammo is very
effective against him. If you have your incinerate plasmid slotted you can also
make use of the oil slick behind the operating table to light him on fire.
Killing Dr. Steinman earns you the "Defeated Dr. Steinman" achievement for 15

You should get a radio message from Atlas reminding you to get the key and head
back to the Emergency Access area. Search Steinman's body to get the Emergency 
Access key, and check the corpse on the operating table for an audio-diary (Not
What She Wanted). 

OPTIONAL: Head down the stairs to the flooded area underneath the observation
area. There's a desk with a safe on it which contains some first aid kits.

Follow the arrow back out of the surgery room and towards the main Medical
Pavilion area. There should be some splicers coming out to greet you - if you
hacked the turret in the hallway it should take care of them without much
difficulty. Continue on until you get to the tunnel heading back to the main
Medical Pavilion area.

Heading into the tunnel you'll hear the door leading to the main area
collapsing, blocking you in. Thankfully the other door on the north side of the
tunnel (which was previously blocked) has opened up. Head on in - you should be
just in time to see a Bouncer get blown through the window and land in a
flaming heap on the floor. Head through the door and watch the cutscene - Atlas
wants you to kill the little sisters, while Tenenbaum wants you to rescue them.
Harvesting her will give you 160 ADAM, while rescuing her will give you only
80. However, if you rescue several little sisters, Tenenbaum will send along a
care package with 200 ADAM and some other treats (note, however, that you will
still gain more total ADAM from harvesting than rescuing the girls). The choice
is up to you, and has storyline consequences down the road, about which I'll
get into more detail in future versions of this guide.

Atlas encourages you to visit the next Gatherer's Garden machine you find to
pick up some new Plasmids, and lo and behold, one appears at the north end of
the room. Time for some shopping. This GG sells the Enrage plasmid, armored
shell and EVE link gene tonics, and maximum health and EVE upgrades. There's 
also an audio-diary (Gatherer Vulnerability) on the floor next to the GG
machine. Pick out which upgrades you want and head through the door on the east
side of the room.

This takes you back out to the main Medical Pavilion area. There may be some
respawned splicers wandering around, so keep an eye out for them. Head back to
the east end of the room. On the way to the foyer, you will encounter another
little sister and big daddy. The good news is more ADAM - the bad news is that
you actually have to fight the big daddy this time. This one is a bouncer - the
melee type with the gigantic drill on his arm. If you hacked the turrets in
this area earlier, try to fight the big daddy where the turrets can shoot at
him. Use whatever explosive or armor-piercing ammo you have, and try to keep
him at a distance - the drill is fairly painful. Be generous with the use of
first-aid kits as well. If you die, you'll respawn at the Vita-Chamber in the
dental services area in the basement - just head on up and finish the fight.

Another way to do this fight (Thanks to Brendan K. for the tip) is to drag the
big daddy to somewhere where the turrets can shoot at it, and then
continuously shock it with electrobolt so it can't move or attack you. The
turrets will cut it up pretty quickly and you'll get by without taking any
damage or wasting much ammo. 

When you've killed the big daddy rescue or harvest the little sister. If you 
want, you can head back to the GG machine in the lounge and pick up some new 
upgrades. Otherwise, head back through the doors at the east end of the main
area and down into the foyer.

Head down the stairs and through the door to emergency access at the far end
of the room, killing any splicers you see. Go back up to the emergency access
control switch and flip it using Steinman's key. The door opens up, revealing
a bathysphere. Hop in, pull the lever, and head off to Neptune's Bounty.
Congratulations, you've just completed the Medical Pavilion.

== D. NEPTUNE'S BOUNTY [c03s04] ===============================================

The bathysphere will drop you off at a dock with a rather grisly display in
front of you. Climb up the stairs and around the column - you'll find a vending
machine and a gene bank where you can swap out your equipped plasmids and gene
tonics (see the Machines section above for more details). 

Hop over the debris and continue through the door ahead of you. You'll see a
spider splicer up ahead of you, but thankfully you don't have to deal with her
just yet. Continue through the door at the end of the hallway, which takes you
out into a large open area with a wharf, multiple splicers, and a big daddy/
little sister. Let the big daddy duke it out with the splicers for now, you've
got some other things to do.

Head down the ramp into the lowered area in the center of the room.
Immediately underneath the ramp is a turret - go ahead and hack it, it'll help
when you fight the big daddy. There's another turret underneath the wharf on
the far side of the room - same deal there, zap it and hack it. Immediately
behind that turret is an audio-diary (Bathysphere Keys).

Now that you've got the security system on your side, you can take out the
big daddy. This one is a rosie - she's armed with a gigantic rivet gun that
seriously hurts. Try to keep her in the center of the room where your two
turrets can shoot at her. Harvest or rescue the little sister, and head up on
to the wharf at the south end of the dock. 

Continue through the door and turn right at the end of the hall. This takes you
to a balcony type area with a gene bank and a Gatherer's Garden. Unfortunately,
if you look to the left, there'll be an RPG turret launching rockets at you, as
well as several splicers you'll have to take out. Use your telekinesis plasmid
to toss the rockets back at the turret and destroy it. Clear out the splicers,
and head to the GG to spend your ADAM. Head down the stairs towards the giant
"Fontaine Fisheries" sign.

OPTIONAL: to the east of the GG and gene bank machines are two holes leading to
a lower area. Go through the right one and drop down to the lower area. Zap and
hack the camera, and look in the other alcove - you'll find some loot and a
deactivated security bot for you to hack. To get out of this area and back up
to the balcony, you have to jump out of the hole in the west wall, down into 
the water, and climb up the stairs.

OPTIONAL: at the Fontaine Fisheries sign, continue going down the stairs into
the flooded area. Turn right and head around the corner. Continue following the
hall until you get to a gate protected by a combination lock. Hack the lock or
open it with the code 5-3-8-0 and continue through. There's an audio-diary 
(Timmy H. Interrogation) and some other loot here. You can use your telekinesis
power to grab the stuff through the gate at the back of the room. Head on back
up to the Fontaine Fisheries sign when you're done.

Stock up at the vending machine, and then climb over the boxes leading to
Fontaine's Fisheries and head in. You'll enter a room with a dead lady and a
bunch of health and ammo. Pick up what you need, and then activate the door at
the far end of the room to ask for entrance. Peach Wilkins will answer the
door, but he won't let you in until you do a favor for him. He wants you to
head up to the wharfmaster's office in the upper wharf and grab a research
camera for him. Unfortunately, before you can go, a spider splicer appears.
These guys are very tough, they can scramble up walls and across ceilings and
move very quickly. Do what you can to stay alive, but don't sweat it, as Peach
will send the security system after the splicer, chasing her away. He sends out
a grenade launcher as a parting gift and sends you on your way.

Follow the quest arrow back out of Fontaine's Fisheries, up to the balcony with
the machines on it, and turn right. The gate to the upper wharf should now be
open. Kill any splicers you find, and head on through.

OPTIONAL: Turn right after passing the gate, and then immediately turn right
again. You should see a section of metal grating on the ground that's broken
inwards. Follow the crawlspace to the end and you'll find an audio-diary 
(Fontaine Must Go) and some loot.

Continue on up the stairs to the upper wharf area. You should come to
a sliding door which leads to a little room with some proximity mines and other
ammo. Keep heading forward. You'll enter a larger area with a big daddy/little
sister and some splicers. Take out the splicers, and head to the fish cleaning
table directly across from the door where you entered. On it is an
audio-diary (Finding the Sea Slug). Go through the archway towards the
wharfmaster's office - there'll be an RPG turret there, zap it and hack it as
it will come in handy when you fight the big daddy. Kill the big daddy (use
your proximity mines if you want to) and rescue or harvest the little sister.
On the ground on the west side of the room (near the hole the little sister
crawls out of) is another audio-diary (Masha Come Home). Remember the code
7-5-3-3, you'll be able to use it later. There's another audio-diary (Picked Up
Timmy H.) on the corpse by the hole - it also has a code, 5-3-8-0, but it's for
the interrogation room and we've already been there.

Head through the archway towards the wharfmaster's office. Watch out for the
camera at the top of the stairs - it's too high up for you to hack it, so just
zap it and run. There's an audio-diary (Watch Fontaine) by the vending machine
at the bottom of the stairs. Run up the stairs, you'll see yet another camera
on your right - this one hackable. Continue down the hall and into the alcove
on your right. Whack the lock of the door, and immediately duck for cover into
the right corner, just past this desk. This will give you cover from all of
the turrets which will be trying to kill you - an RPG turret in the right
hallway, a machine gun turret in the hall straight ahead, another RPG turret
in the center of the south wall, and yet another machine gun turret in an
alcove in the SW corner of the room. There's also a camera above the last RPG
turret. Destroy or hack them all (remember to use your telekinesis plasmid on 
the RPG turrets), and search the room and corpses to find some nice loot.

OPTIONAL: crouch and head through the crawlway in the SE corner of the room.
There will be a camera directly above you when you enter the room, but it's too
high to hack, so zap it and grab some cover at the other end of the room. There
you'll find a safe, a nice selection of ammo, and an audio-diary (Have My 
Badge). Head back out when you've got everything.

Break the lock off the door in the SE corner of the room, and head through the
hole in the wall. Pick up whatever ammo you need and swap out your plasmids and
tonics at the gene bank (if you want to). Turn right and head down the hall,
past the Vita-Chamber. At the end of the hallway will be a small office, with
the research camera sitting on a desk. This will update your objectives - 
Peach wants you to snap some photos of three different spider splicers and
bring them to him before he'll let you into Fontaine's Fisheries. Take a photo
of the splicer through the window for your first shot. Note that you can check
out the Researching Enemies guide above if you need more info on how to use the

Head back out of the office and down the hallway. As you turn the corner past
the Vita-Chamber the wall should explode out, and you'll have to kill a couple
of splicers. Hop through the hole in the wall and onto the tarp thing - there's
a plasmid (Security Bullseye) there for you to grab. Kill the splicer beneath
you, zap and hack the security camera, and pick up any ammo you need from the
bandito. There's also an audio-diary (ADAM Discovery) on top of a crate along
the west wall. 

You're now in the room that was on the other side of the blocked door from 
where you fought the last big daddy/little sister. Basically what we have to do
now is take three pictures of (different) spider splicers and take them back to
Peach Wilkins. You should have one already from the wharfmaster's office, and
we'll get the other two on the way back to Fontaine's Fisheries. Continue 
through the south door, and pick up the audio-diary (Eden Leaking) immediately
in front of you. Head through the door into the tunnel, and hack the camera on
the right wall. There's an audio-diary (Fontaine's Smugglers) on the bench
immediately beneath the camera.

OPTIONAL: Head right at the intersection and go into Jet Postal. Kill the
splicers, and look on the table immediately to the left of the entrance for an
audio-diary (Death Penalty in Rapture). Continue into the back room - there'll
be a spider splicer crawling around on the ceiling. Snap a photo or six (that's
2 out of 3) and take her out. Zap the camera in the corner (it's too high to
hack) and grab whatever you need from the shelves. Also, the vending machine in
this room sells film, so now is a good time to stock up, since the initial
supply you get with the camera runs out very fast.

Head into the Fighting McDonagh's - there will be several splicers and a little
sister/big daddy here. Stock up at the vending machine, switch out your
upgrades at the gene bank, and kill the big daddy when you're ready. Head up
the stairs into the main area of the bar - there are two audio-diaries here.
One (Smuggling Ring) is on a table near the 123 Beer sign, and the other
(Working Late Again) is on a table near the window looking out over the city.

OPTIONAL: Head through the door behind the bar by zapping the sparking door 
switch - this leads to the wine cellar and storage area. Kill the splicers, and
head through the door directly across from the entrance. In the corner of the
room is a desk with an audio-diary (Rapture Changing). Go through the
crawlspace into the little closet, and zap and hack the turret. Open the safe
for some nice loot. Head back into the main cellar area, then break through the
grate into the crawlspace at the other end of the room. Following the 
crawlspace to its end will take you back out to the entrance to the bar, and 
you'll also find another audio-diary (Meeting Ryan).

Head to the upstairs section of the bar, and clear out any splicers. Walk
through the door that's directly in front of you at the end of the hall as you
climb up the stairs - this will trigger a spider splicer spawn behind you. Snap
a photo (3 out of 3, booyah) and kill it.

OPTIONAL: Head back into the room at the end of the hall. There's a safe and
some other loot at the back of the room.

OPTIONAL: Head up the second set of stairs, to another hallway with two rooms.
One of them has a combination lock - you already got the code from an earlier
audio-diary, it's 7-5-3-3. Head in and you'll find a rather depressing pair of
corpses, along with an audio-diary (Saw Masha Today). If you walk towards the
money in the corner of the room, the painting will blow outwards, revealing a
new gene tonic (Shorten Alarms).

OPTIONAL: Zap the shorted-out door switch on the other room on the top floor of
the bar. Inside is a splicer, some loot, and another audio-diary (Arresting

OPTIONAL: Go into the bathroom at the foot of the stairs. You can kill the
splicer inside by zapping the water. You can pay 5 dollars to get into the
bathroom stalls, which each have some ammo and other loot inside.

So now we've got our three spider splicer pictures, and we need to head back
to Fontaine's Fisheries to give them to Peach Wilkins. Follow the quest arrow
back out into the tunnel, and kill the splicer and his turret. Head through to
where you jumped down from the wharfmaster's office. The gate will now be open,
letting you back into the upper wharf. Keep following the arrow down the stairs
until you get to the balcony area with the Gatherer's Garden and Gene Bank
machines. The spider splicer that tried to kill you earlier at Fontaine's
Fisheries will be waiting for you, so if you're missing a spider splicer photo
now's your chance. Note that this splicer seems to be a lot tougher than
regular ones. There'll also be a free gene tonic (Wrench Lurker) sitting on
the railing near the machines.

Head down the stairs and back into Fontaine's Fisheries to talk to Peach. He'll
let you in, but makes you give up your weapons by putting them into the Pneumo
past the door (you'll get them back, don't worry). Drop by the Gene Bank and
make sure you have Incinerate and Electrobolt slotted, as you'll need them
shortly. Use incinerate to melt the ice on the floor and pick up the gene tonic
(Focused Hacker).

Head through the door and down into the open area. You'll be ambushed by Peach
and his men - unfortunately you have no weapons but your wrench, but you do
have your plasmids, so make use of them. Try to hack all the security system
elements you can to get them on your side. You can also lure the enemies into
the pool of water on the right side of the room and zap them with electrobolt.
If you die you'll respawn at the Vita-Chamber just outside the entrance to
Fontaine's Fisheries. Once Peach dies the doors at the back will open, 
revealing several more splicers and a turret. Kill them. You will earn the
"Defeated Peach Wilkins" achievement for 15 GP after you kill him.

OPTIONAL: Search the side freezers for some extra loot. You'll have to use your
incinerate plasmid to open the doors and free up some of the goodies.

Head down the stairs at the back of the room and pick up your weapons from the
pneumo. Note that you will get all of your weapons back, but a lot of your ammo
will be missing. This is normal, it's not a game bug (thanks to Dominick P. for
confirming this). Continue on down to the bottom, and you will find your very 
first Power to the People (i.e., weapons upgrade) machine. Choose carefully, 
since the machine can only be used once.

OPTIONAL: Search the freezer to your left as you come down the stairs. At the
back of the room is a safe, and on a table next to the safe is an audio-diary
(Putting the Screws On).

Head into the west freezer, where you'll see a brief ghost cutscene. Use your
incinerate power to melt the ice blocking the exit at the back of the room, and
head through. You'll get a radio transmission from Atlas, and then you move on
to the next level.

== E. SMUGGLER'S HIDEOUT [c03s05] =============================================

This is a very quick level. Start out down the tunnel, and grab any loot you
need. Ahead of you is a flooded area with a Vita-Chamber and a Gene Bank
machine if you need to switch your upgrades around. Continue to the end of the
flooded area and up the ramp. There'll be a turret shooting at you from behind
some crates - zap it and hack it. Grab the audio-diary (Meeting with Fontaine),
and continue on down the other ramp. This takes you to a ledge with a view of
the submarine, where'll you get a transmission from Atlas asking you to press 
the switch to open up the submarine. Head on in to the control room ahead of 
you and do so - you'll have to jump over some debris and bash a lock off of a 
door to get there.

This triggers an event - eventually Atlas will tell you head down to the sub.
Follow the quest arrow down, but watch out for splicers. 

OPTIONAL: After you head down the second set of stairs there'll be a locked
gate to your right. Bash open the lock. Inside you'll find an audio-diary
(Kraut Scientist) and some ammo and other goodies. If you look underneath the
stairs you'll see some money - it's just out of reach, but you can grab it with
your telekinesis plasmid.

Continue on into the submarine bay. You'll get there just in time to see it
explode, sending Atlas into hysterics. Time to get the hell out of here. Follow
the quest arrow through the door with the flashing red lights. Immediately
inside the door you'll find a broken crate with some loot and an audio-diary
(Offered a Deal). Pick it all up and head down to the end of the hall. There
you'll find a bulkhead door leading to the next level - Arcadia. Told you this
one was quick.

== F. ARCADIA [c03s06] ========================================================

In this level you'll start picking up a lot of random junk for use in U-Invent
machines. There's not much to do with it, just pick up everything you find and
wait to get to a U-Invent, where you can see what you've made with everything
you've collected so far.

Head down the hallway, past the Vita-Chamber, and up the stairs to the door,
jumping over/crawling under debris as needed. Bash the lock off the door, and
head on through. Wow, trees! Been a while since you've seen those. Turn left
and head across the bridge - on the north wall you'll find several doors. Near
the leftmost door is a park bench with an audio-diary (Seeing Ghosts) next to
it. You'll hear someone shouting for help in the background - ignore him for 
now, it's just another splicer.

OPTIONAL: Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me with this info - directly across 
from the entrance is a door with two torches on either side, one lit and one 
not. Use your incinerate plasmid on the torch that's not lit to open the door. 
Inside you'll find a TON of ammo and other loot.

OPTIONAL: The two leftmost doors are marked Arcadia Glens, head through one of
them. This leads to an antechamber area before the entrance to Arcadia Glens,
which is unfortunately completely blocked off by debris. There is, however, a
ghost cutscene and two audio-diaries - next to the park bench on the left side
of the room (Big Night Out), and next to a chair and knocked over table on the
right side of the room (Mass Producing ADAM). Head back out when you've got

Head through the rightmost door, marked Rapture Metro/Arcadia Glens. This is
where the shouting you heard earlier is coming from, from a Houdini splicer.
This is the first time you will have encountered these guys - they are fairly
nasty, since they can teleport, turn invisible, and shoot fire. Grab some
photos when he's visible, and then just follow the blurry area around and shoot
him when you can.

OPTIONAL: Going straight ahead from the entrance will take you to a small
flooded area with some loot. Head back like you're going towards the entrance,
but turn left instead, following the sign to the Metro. Go past the stairs and
you'll find another room with some more loot (make sure you check out the table
with the mask on it).

The splicer will lead you up the stairs to the right of the entrance, up to a
gardening supplies storage area. Finish him off, and then check out the table
to the right - there's an audio-diary (Arcadia Closed) with a Gene Bank next to

OPTIONAL: Check the crawlspace directly across from the audio-diary for loot.
You should see "Who is Atlas?" posters inside (Storyline hint? Maybe? MAYBE???)

OPTIONAL: Head into the other crawlspace on the south side of the room for
some more loot. Going in here will trigger a splicer spawn in the storage room
behind you, so be careful when you come out.

Head through the door marked "Rapture Metro". This will take you to a balcony
above the Arcadia Glens antechamber area where you found the audio-diaries
earlier. There'll be a splicer on a balcony across the open space shooting at
you, and another one on the balcony you're on. Kill them both. You can use your
telekinesis plasmid to grab some spare ammo from the balcony across the open
space, or to loot the corpses over there.

Continue through the door at the end of the balcony. You'll enter a room with
several splicers and a turret. Move forward into the room so you're out of the
line of sight of the turret, kill the splicers, and then zap and hack the
turret. Stock up at the vending machine if you need anything.

OPTIONAL: To the left of the door where you entered is a shorted-out door. Hit
the switch with electrobolt and head in to grab some loot. Head back out.

OPTIONAL: Go through the door marked "Employees Only", in the SW corner of the
room down a little hall by the stairs. You'll see a splicer walk around the
corner and get pwned by one of the electric crossbow trapwires (you'll get to
use these yourself later on). Take note of what happens to him - make sure it
doesn't happen to you. Jump over or crawl under the wires to grab the loot in
this room. You can also use your telekinesis power to throw objects through the
wire, which will set them off. Way in the back is another crawlspace protected
by a trapwire - head in to find a bunch of ammo and a safe. Another crawlspace
door in the back takes you out to the main room.

Head down the stairs down the hallway in the SW corner of the room, kill the 
splicer, and keep moving forwards, following the signs towards the Rapture 
Metro. Turning the corner, you'll find you are at the entrance to Arcadia 
Glens, only on the right side of the barricade this time. Head through the door
and enter the Glens.

OPTIONAL: Turn right as you enter. Ahead of you will be your first U-Invent
machine. Walk up and use your junk to make some nice loot for yourself.

OPTIONAL: Head down the stairs by the U-Invent machine, into the flooded lower
concourse. Turning left you'll find a corpse and a small alcove protected by a
trapwire that both have some crafting junk on them. Head back up. You can
continue on down the concourse now if you want, but we'll be heading back later

Head left from the entrance to Arcadia Glens. You'll come to a small area with
a Gatherer's Garden machine and, conveniently, a big daddy/little sister. Take
out the big daddy (you're literally right next to a Vita-Chamber, so it 
shouldn't be too difficult) and harvest/rescue the little sister.

OPTIONAL: Head in to the Waterfall Grotto through the doors by the 
Vita-Chamber. We'll be coming back here later, but no harm in clearing it out
now. In the left corner is a U-Invent machine and a corpse with some nice loot.
In the other corner, by the sign, is a staircase down. There's a park bench by
the stairs with an audio-diary (The Market is Patient) sitting on it. Head down
the stairs. This room unfortunately has a rather difficult security system
arrangement, so we're going to take it out now to make things easier when we
come back. You should see a splicer in the flooded area at the bottom of the
room. Kill her, and then jump down and run across to the stairs at the other
side of the room (you'll have two turrets shooting at you). Turn left at the
top of the stairs - you'll see a security camera. Zap and hack it, then turn
left and zap and hack the first turret. It will start shooting at the second
turret down in the flooded area, which should buy you some time to get down
there and zap and hack it. There's an audio-diary (Offer a Better Product) on
a brick near the second turret - pick it up. In the SE corner of the flooded
area is a passageway to another room. Head in, and zap and hack the 
flamethrower turret you'll find there. There's also a Gene Bank machine and
some loot. Head back out, and pick up an audio-diary (Early Tests Promising) on
a crate next to the water wheel. Finally, head back up the stairs near where
the security camera was. Zap the sparking door switch to reveal another room
with some loot and another audio-diary (Heroes and Criminals). Follow the quest
arrow back out to the hallway.

OPTIONAL: Head down the stairs in the SW corner by the Vita-Chamber. This takes
you back down to the lower concourse, where we were earlier. There's a Houdini
splicer down here you need to kill. At the corner up ahead is another staircase
where you can get back up to the main hallway, close to the Tree Farm/Rolling 
Hills entrances. Watch out for the camera. For now continue on down the lower 
concourse. You'll come to an open area with a vending machine - stock up on 
film and whatever else you need. In the SW corner is a flooded storage room 
with a Houdini splicer, some loot, and U-Invent and Gene Bank machines. In the 
NE corner is a crawlspace door which leads to a small room with some loot and a
safe. Next to the crawlspace door is a door which leads back to the main 
hallway, near the Tree Farm/Rolling Hills entrances. Again, watch out for the 

Head through the door into the Rolling Hills. There'll be a splicer and an RPG
turret waiting for you - zap and hack the turret and let it kill the splicer.
You can hop up the waterfall to a ledge with some extra loot. If you look at
the map, you'll see that there should be a passageway to another area - it's
blocked now, but don't worry, it will open up soon. There should also be a big
daddy/little sister patrolling through this area - drag it back to where you
hacked the turret and take it out. Near the stairs heading out of the area
there's a park bench with an audio-diary (Shouldn't Have Come) next to it.

Head down the stairs and keep following the quest arrow towards the Rapture
Metro. Whoops, this triggers an event - Ryan's trying to kill the forest. Atlas
asks you to find Julie Langford, the lady who grew the forest, and ask for her
help to repair it. Thankfully you're right next to her office. Head through the
Research Laboratories archway and zap/hack the camera (it'll come in handy
later on). If you turn left and go down the hall there's an Ammo Bandito if you
need to stock. Head through into the offices - you'll get a video transmission
from Langford at the entrance. She wants you to head back to Waterfall Grotto
to grab a sample of Rosa Gallica. Follow the quest arrow back out to the hills,
but watch out for the splicer who will charge you. Try to drag them back to
where you hacked the security camera to trigger an alarm. Keep following the
quest arrow back to Waterfall Grotto.

OPTIONAL: When you get to the stairs heading up in the lower hills you'll see a
Houdini splicer standing by the entrance to a cave which was previously
blocked. Follow him in and take him out. Right by the entrance is an
audio-diary (The Saturnine). Search the room for other loot.

OPTIONAL: Once you go up the stairs, the other area that was blocked off
earlier has opened up as well. It's another Saturnine cave with a Houdini
inside. Kill it and search the room to find some crafting junk.

Once you get to the Waterfall Grotto for the second time you'll see a bunch of
splicers standing over the corpse of a Houdini. Kill them all - there's a free
gene tonic (Security Evasion) by the body. Head down to the lower part of the
grotto, by the water wheel - the roses are growing on a bush right by the
wheel. Picking one up will trigger a spawn of splicers coming down the stairs
behind you. If you hacked this room's security system earlier they'll take care
of them no sweat.

Follow your quest arrow back all the way back down to Julie Langford's office.
She'll ask you to send the rose through the pneumo, and then opens up the door
for you, letting you into her office. Immediately inside you'll find a free 
gene tonic (Hacking Expert) on the desk and an audio-diary (What Won't They
Steal) on the floor. Turn right and head on up to Langford's office. She'll
turn off her security system so it doesn't attack you. Grab an audio-diary
(Teaching an Old Hound) off a desk in the next room. There's a vending machine,
a U-Invent, and a Gene Bank in the room after that. Follow the quest arrow to
the tunnel, which takes you up to Langford's office. She unfortunately meets a
gruesome end as soon as you get there - note the code she paints for you on the
window as she dies (9-4-5-7). Wait for the gas to clear and then head into the
room through the side door. Grab the chemical launcher (new weapon) off her
desk, and search her body for an audio-diary (The Lazarus Vector).

Use the code on the safe in the back wall, behind the painting - it contains
another audio-diary (Lazarus Vector Formula) and the key to get into the
Farmer's Market area, which is where we're headed next. The diary gives you a
shopping list of stuff you need to get to create the Lazarus vector, which will
bring all the trees back to life. Once you've collected it all, you need to go
to a U-Invent machine to craft the vector, and then bring it back to Langford's
office to release it into Arcadia. That's still a long way down the road, 

First for the chlorophyll - usually whenever I played through this part I had
already collected the chlorophyll I needed by the time I got the formula. One 
of the audio-diaries in Langford's office suggests that the Saturnine have been
stealing it, however, so if you still need more try killing splicers
(especially the Houdinis with the weird masks) and searching their caves in the
Rolling Hills.

The other two items (distilled water and bee enzymes) will take a little more
effort to get - we need to go to the market area of town to get them. Head back
out of Langford's office, but watch out, since there will be splicers and the
security system is also now active. Try to hack all of the security elements
you can instead of destroying them - you'll need them later on. Once you get 
back to the Rolling Hills you'll get a transmission from Atlas telling you to 
head to the market to look for the other ingredients. Exit the Rolling Hills 
where you entered and then immediately turn left to enter the Tree Farm (watch 
out for the security camera). There's an audio-diary (Arcadia and Oxygen) 
leaning against a crate just inside the entrance.

Head south down the wide hall and turn left at the end - there'll be
a weapon upgrade machine on the wall to your left as you turn the corner. Keep
following the quest arrow east. At the entrance to the Farmer's Market area
you'll find another Saturnine (Houdini) splicer with chlorophyll. Head through
the archways and pick up the audio-diary (Maternal Instinct) on the stairs.
Head on through past the sign, and you'll reach the bulkhead door leading to
the Farmer's Market. We're leaving the Arcadia level for now, but we'll be back

== G. FARMER'S MARKET [c03s07] ================================================

So we've come to the Farmer's Market to collect the items we need to finish
creating the Lazarus Vector to resurrect Arcadia's forest. You should have all
the chlorophyll you need - if not, you'll have to grab some off the Houdini
splicers in Arcadia once you head back there. That leaves us needing 7
distilled water and 7 bee enzymes. Both of the items can be found throughout
the Farmer's Market level, but both are concentrated in different areas. Search
all of the containers and corpses you find, and keep an eye out for the items
sitting on the ground - they should be highlighted in gold.

Walk up to the pneumo by the Farmer's Market sign - there's a corpse with some
enzyme on the ground and an audio-diary (Bee Enzyme). This should give you a
hint where you need to go to find the bee enzymes. Continue through the
door and follow the tunnel to its end. Walking out into the main market area
you'll be just in time to see a Houdini go flashing past. Kill him, but watch
out for the RPG turret through the door to your right. Also try not to get to
far down the hall to the left, as there's a camera down there, and having a
Houdini splicer, an RPG turret, and four security bots attacking you at once
can make things very hectic. When the splicer is dead, zap and hack the turret
and go down the stairs.

OPTIONAL: Go left down the hallway. There'll be a security camera in a corner
above a the door past the first little shop on your right, zap it and hack it.
On the counter across from the camera is an audio-diary (Pulling Together).
Go behind the counter, and zap and hack the turret. Check the safe for loot.
Don't go through any of the doors yet, we'll be coming back this way later.

At the bottom of the stairs you'll see a free gene tonic (EVE Link 2). Head
left - in the alcove is a Gene Bank and some loot. Continue on into the
courtyard area, but watch out for splicers. You might also see a big daddy and
little sister, so kill them if you do.

OPTIONAL: Go through the door with the combination lock - the code is 0-5-1-2,
although you don't find this out until MUCH later in the game. There's a ton of
ammo and other loot behind the door.

OPTIONAL: Go through the door behind the counter with the ripped banner above
it - there'll be a thug splicer crouching around the corner in front of a 
U-Invent machine, along with some loot and a distilled water (quest item). 
Watch out for trapwires.

OPTIONAL: Go through the other door behind the counter. There's a big daddy
corpse with an audio-diary (First Encounter) on the floor beside it. Go down
into the flooded area. At the back of the room there's a desk with yet another
audio-diary (Hatred) on it.

Head up the stairs from the courtyard to the balcony. Turning right and
following the balcony takes you back to the entrance area, so don't bother
going that way. Go through the door that's not marked "Employees Only". You'll
see a security camera in the shop across the hall - zap it and hack it,

OPTIONAL: Go back out and in through the "Employees Only" door to find some 
loot. There's a crawlspace door at the back of the room, crawl through to find
an audio-diary (Desperate Times). Hop up on the crates and bash in the grate.
Crawling through the vent will take you to a room with two corpses hanging on
meat hooks (lovely) and another crawlspace opening to the store where you
hacked the camera.

Head down the hall towards the Worley Winery sign. You'll find an audio-diary
(Water in Wine) on the floor immediately in front of the door. Sounds like
someone's been putting distilled water in their wine... hmm... HMM.... let it
never be said that this game is subtle in giving you hints. To drive the point
home, there's a distilled water on the ground nearby.

Head through the door and into the tunnel. You'll come to an intersection -
ahead is the Worley Wineries, where you can find the distilled water, and to
the left is the Silverwing Apiary, where you'll find your bee enzymes. You can
do either one first, but for the purposes of this guide we'll go to the Apiary.
Turn left and head on in.

As you enter the door you'll see a splicer getting attacked by bees from the
hive on the ground. Kill him. If the bees come after you, run back out into the
hallway (you can light the oil slick on fire and run through it to get the bees
to stop following you). On the counter directly in front of the entrance is an
audio-diary (ADAM Explained). To your left is a Gatherer's Garden, and to your
right is a Gene Bank. If you have the Scrounger gene tonic now's a good time to
swap it in, cause we're about to be doing a lot of container searching.

Head through the door at the back. This takes you to the bee hives themselves.
Basically the game plan is to use the switches in front of you to release smoke
into the room, which forces the bees back into their hives for a short amount
of time. Hit the switch and immediately head down onto the floor and start
searching as many hives as you can (don't forget to use your scrounger tonic to
look again if the hive is empty). Splicers will spawn and enter the room, but
ignore them for now, just focus on finding enzymes. When the bees start to come
out again, run up onto the balcony and deal with any splicers that follow you -
the bees should take care of the rest. If you still need more enzymes, hit the
other switch and repeat this process.

Once you have all the enzymes you need, head back out into the tunnel and turn
left, into the Winery. On the other side of the wall, on the little raised
area, is a security camera and turret. Zap/hack them both. Between them is a
safe with a bunch of cash and some distilled water. Search the rest of the room
for distilled water. There's also an audio-diary (Functional Children) on a
table on the east side of the room, and a vending machine in one of the

You probably still don't have enough distilled water, so you'll need to head
down into the cellar, taking the stairs at the back of the room. There's a ton
of splicers down here, along with a rosie and possibly a little sister, so keep
your eyes open. There'll be a distilled water on a crossbeam as you walk down
the stairs, and another one on the floor near the U-Invent at the end of the

Keep searching the basement as you continue on here, there's plenty of
distilled water everywhere and you should have no trouble finding the ones you

OPTIONAL: Continue down the stairs to the flooded area at the very bottom of
the cellar. Go straight ahead into the alcove directly in front of where the
stairs let out and you'll find a Power to the People machine for another weapon
upgrade. Circle around the basement area - there's a lot of splicers, distilled
water, and loot lying around. If you head into the NW "quadrant" of the
basement, you'll find a little bedroom area. Inside is a bunch of chemical
launcher ammo, some other goodies, and a gene tonic (Photographer's Eye).

Head back up the stairs when you're done exploring the basement, stopping at
the U-Invent machine to craft your Lazarus Vector. This should trigger a
transmission from Atlas and bring back your quest arrow to guide you back to
Arcadia. You've already explored the entire Farmer's Market level, so no sense
wasting time, just follow it back to Arcadia.

== H. ARCADIA PT. 2 [c03s08] ==================================================

As soon as you enter Arcadia Ryan will send you a radio message and then
trigger an alarm, sending security bots after you. Try to zap and hack one of
them, this will take some of the heat off of you so you can run (or you could
just destroy them all, your choice). Follow the quest arrow back to Julie
Langford's offices in the Rolling Hills. The way should be mostly clear, but
watch out for stray splicers.

Once you're there, head up to her office on the top floor, and put the vector
into the contraption by the window. This is going to take a while, and Ryan is
sending his goons after you, so time to batten down the hatches and get ready
to fight. Follow the quest arrow back down to the front entrance and hit the
switch to seal the door (you might have to deal with a few splicers breaking in
from side doors on the way down). Now you've got a few seconds to set up some
defenses - use proximity mines, the cyclone trap plasmid, the security system
elements you hacked, etc. - if you have it, you can even use the hypnotize big
daddy plasmid to get the one patrolling around the offices to protect you. Once
the splicers break in, just try to stay alive, but don't sweat it since if you
die you'll just respawn at the Vita-Chamber by the tunnel up to Langford's
private office. You'll have to keep killing splicers to get the event to
progress. About half way through Atlas will send you a care package of stuff
through the pneumo tube by the entrance. When the vector finishes cooking,
you'll get a transmission from Atlas - run back upstairs and hit the switch on
the right side of the machine to release the vector back into the forest. This
will earn you the "Restored the Forest" achievement for 15 GP.

Follow the quest arrow back out to the Rapture Metro entrance, near the door
to Langford's offices. On a bench to your right as you enter is an
audio-diary (The Great Chain). Pick it up, head down to the bathysphere, and
pull the lever to head to Fort Frolic.

== I. FORT FROLIC [c03s09] ====================================================

Welcome to Fort Frolic, the "arty" section of town. Head on in once the level
finishes loading up, and you'll get a transmission from Atlas instructing you
to head to the Metro station directly in front of you down the hallway. There's
a U-Invent and Gene Bank in the alcoves to your left, as well as some gambling
and fortune telling machines scattered around. Near the Metro entrance, to the
left, are some display cases with health and EVE inside - you can smash the
windows with your wrench if you need the loot, but this will trigger an alarm.

When you're ready, head into the Metro station and walk up to the bathysphere.
This triggers an event - meet Sander Cohen, your antagonist for this level. At
least you get a respite from Atlas and Ryan's bickering for a while. Head back
out into the main hall.

Once you get out you'll notice the way back is blocked a LOT of trapwires.
Cohen will spawn a bunch of spider splicers, which will come crawling at you
across the ceiling - if you've still got some spider splicer research to do,
now's the time. Kill them all, and Cohen will open the doors to the rest of
Fort Frolic for you. Head on in - stop to stock up at the vending machine if
you need anything, and then walk into the main atrium.

Listen to Cohen's spiel. He's waiting for you upstairs in the Fleet Hall, but
there's some optional content to explore here first. You may also find a big
daddy/little sister in this area.

OPTIONAL: First, head to the south end of the atrium, by the vending machine.
Zap and hack the security camera, and then continue on into the southern mall.
As you walk in, you'll see some splicers duking it out. Kill them all, and pick
up the audio-diary (Come to the Record Store) sitting on the stool by the
flaming sign. Check the women's bathroom for loot (watch out for the turret),
and the men's bathroom for a rather creepy statue. Head back out and follow the
hall to the west. There's a Gene Bank ahead of you if you need to make any
upgrade switches. Head into the Sofia Salon (the door on the right side of the
hall). There's some loot, and if you head to the room way in the back there's
an audio-diary (The Wild Bunny) by a frozen guy sitting at an armoire (be sure
to check out Cohen's brilliant poetry in the diary). Head back out and continue
down the hall past the Gene Bank. In the corner of the bar up ahead is a
security camera - zap it and hack it. Sitting on the bar counter is another
audio-diary (Artists' Feud). Continue heading down the hall - there's an ammo
bandito up ahead. Across from it is the entrance to the Marquis D'Epoque cigar
store. Head in, and zap and hack the turret. Head down the stairs - you'll find
a U-Invent machine, and in the other room is a Power to the People machine and
another audio-diary (Fancy Cigarettes). Note the code on the ground next to the
corpse (7-7-7-4), you'll need it later on. Follow your quest arrow back out of 
the south mall to the main atrium.

Head on up the stairs to the upper part of the main atrium. There's an 
audio-diary (Stood Up Again) by the trashcan at the top of the stairs, near the
entrance to the Fleet Hall. There's also a Gatherer's Garden machine up here if
you have any spare ADAM.

OPTIONAL: Head into the Cohen's Collection art gallery, on the south side of
the upper atrium. Turn the corner and there'll be an audio-diary (The Doubters)
on a table with some bottles. Head up the stairs and zap and hack the turret.
Open up the safes for some loot - this will spawn a houdini splicer behind you.
Let the turret take care of him, and head back out to the atrium.

Go through the door into the Fleet Hall. You'll first head into a concession
area with a security camera. Zap it and hack it.

OPTIONAL: Head up the stairs to your right as you enter the room. There's a
Gene Bank machine halfway up, and at the top of the stairs is a room with a
bunch of film, some loot, and an audio-diary (Musical Insult). Sander Cohen is
in the room just across the hall, but he won't talk to you yet or let you in.
Head back down the stairs.

Go to the elevator on the south side of the concession area. Pressing the call
button will trigger a spawn of a bunch of splicers behind you - let the
security system take them out. Go up the elevator, and turn left to enter the
main theater area. Watch the scripted event - Cohen wants you to take a picture
of the corpse. Snap a photo of the unfortunate pianist, and Cohen will tell you
to head back down to the atrium.

OPTIONAL: At the top of the stairs, near where you entered the theater, is a
hall which takes you to the boxes along the sides of the room. Search them for
some loot. If you head to the south wing, you'll find that one of the boxes is
locked - the one next to it, however, is not. Head into that one, and then hop
over to the balcony of the locked box. You'll get a sarcastic message from
Cohen congratulating you on your athletic prowess, and a free gene tonic (Alarm

OPTIONAL: Hop down from the balcony with the gene tonic, and head through the
door directly behind you. Following the hallway you'll get to an area guarded
by two turrets. Zap the turrets and quickly run and hack them - in the alcove
behind them is a safe. Check out the vending machine - all it sells is film and
food, however. You can go through the sliding door across from the machine to
get back out to the concession area.

Follow the quest arrow back out to the atrium - Cohen has unveiled his, ahem,
"masterpiece", a statue with four picture frames. Use the statue - this will
install the picture you took of Fitzpatrick in one of the frames. It turns out
that Cohen wants you to assassinate three more of his enemies, take pictures of
their corpses, and install them in the quadtych. If you do this, he'll
reactivate the Metro so you can go face down Andrew Ryan. Your status menu has
the details on where to find these guys.

First up: Martin Finnegan. Head up the stairs to the upper atrium, and Cohen
will unlock the hall to Poseidon Plaza for you. Head on in. On the left wall a
little down the hall is an audio-diary (The Iceman Cometh). Go through the door
and turn left down the hall - Finnegan is ahead of you. He's a Houdini splicer
and disappears quickly. You get frozen solid briefly after you enter the hall,
but quickly break out. When you do, you'll see a row of frozen statues -
Finnegan is the one on the far left, near the door. Walk up to him and kick his
ass when he thaws. He's basically just a Houdini splicer, nothing special
(don't try using cold damage on him, though). He drops a new gene tonic (Frozen
Field). Snap a photo, and then head back out and add it to Cohen's work of art.

OPTIONAL: Use your incinerate plasmid on the ice piles in the freezer to find
some loot, including a new weapon (the crossbow).

Next on deck is Rodriguez. Head back to the tunnel to Poseidon Plaza, and use
your incinerate plasmid to melt the ice blocking the door. Head through into
the plaza. You'll be attacked by a bunch of spider splicers - watch the
ceiling to see where they'll drop down. You may also encounter a big daddy and
little sister in this area. Stock up at the vending machines if you need

OPTIONAL: Head to the south end of the main hallway area, into Sinclair
Spirits. Zap and hack the security camera in the corner above the entrance
hall, and then look behind the counter - you should see a button. Press it to
open a door which will let you down into the flooded basement of the store. In
the basement you'll find a safe and a Power to the People machine. The "statue"
in the basement here is actually a spider splicer, so kill it. Head back up to
the main hall - you'll notice that the "More Items Downstairs" sign has now
lit up, and you can head down the stairs to a flooded area. NOTE THAT YOU HAVE
HALL. It's not the button that triggers the grate (like some people have told
me) but killing the splicer. Head down the second staircase, you'll come to a
large open room. Way back in the corner is a free gene tonic (Extra Nutrition
2) and some other loot. Turn around - whoa, were those statues there before?
Nope. Kill 'em all and head back up.

OPTIONAL: Turn left past Sinclair Spirits and down the side hall. On the left
side of the wall you'll see the entrance to Robertson's Tobaccoria. Inside
you'll find an audio-diary (Guns Blazing), and an area secured by a
combination lock. The code is 7-7-7-4 (remember it from the last tobacco shop?)
Zap and hack the camera inside and to your left. Collect your loot and head
back out.

Continue down the hallway to the east, and enter the Eve's Garden strip club.
You'll see a ghost cutscene as soon as you enter.

Head down the hallway behind the stage. You'll see another ghost scene, and 
when you get to the door there will be an audio clip played. When it
finishes, the door will open to let you in. Search the room - there's a safe,
some money, and an audio-diary (Pregnancy). Head back out, and you'll hear
Hector Rodriguez shouting drunkenly out in the bar. Rodriguez is a nitro
splicer, but he behaves weirdly - he'll take off, running away from you back
towards the main Poseidon Plaza hall while tossing explosives at you. Just
follow him and shoot him in the back until he dies. Snap a photo and head back
to the main atrium to add it to Cohen's work of art.

Cohen, perfectly fitting his role as the temperamental artist, flies into a
rage, and sends a few waves of spider splicers after you. Kill them all (if you
have any anti-personnel auto ammo, now's a GREAT time). Eventually Cohen will
calm down and apologize. Head back to Eve's Garden in Poseidon Plaza.

On the bar where Hector Rodriguez was sitting is an audio-diary (It's All
Grift). Head through the door next to the bar and go up the stairs. Go through
the double sliding doors - there's two turrets right there, zap 'em and hack
'em. Go straight down the hall to the balcony area - you're now above the main
Poseidon Plaza hall. 

OPTIONAL - Head into the Pharoah's Fortune casino, directly in front of you.
Watch out for the security camera on the second floor - it can see you on the
first. Head up the stairs and zap and hack the camera. There's a bunch of loot
lying around, and an audio-diary (Bump Culpepper?) on one of the pool tables.
Head back down and out when you've got everything. You can also try your luck
at the slot machines if you're feeling lucky. If you hit the jackpot you'll
earn the "Lucky Winner" achievement for 10 GP.

OPTIONAL - Go into the Sir-Prize Casino at the NE end of the hall. You'll find
a crossbow and some ammo in the corner of the room. Heading downstairs you'll
find an audio-diary (Fontaine's Army) in a box on the lower floor, and a safe
behind the counter. Loot the room and head back up to the upper floor and out
into the hallway.

Head into Rapture Records in the NW corner of the hall. Underneath the counter
to the left of the entrance is an audio-diary (Ryan's Stableboy). Hop down to
the lower area, by the body in the chair. When you hear the clicking noise
start, move away from the body - it's about to explode. Cobb will start yelling
at you from the upper part of the room. He sends some spider splicers dropping
from the ceiling to attack you - kill them, and then go into the crawlspace at
the SW corner of the room. This takes you back up to the entrance to the store.
Walk out the door - Cobb will be standing right there. He's a nitro splicer,
like the other two you've killed so far, and not very tough - just watch out
for additional splicers wandering into the fight. Snap a photo of the body and
head back to the main atrium. If you've done all the optional stuff so far you
should have already completely explored Poseidon Plaza, so don't worry about
poking around any more.

Head back to the main atrium and add your last photo to the quadtych. Cohen
will (finally) make his grand entrance down the stairs to admire his work - DO
NOT ATTACK SANDER COHEN. Not yet. Sander will thank you for your help and give
you a gene tonic (Medical Expert 2) as "a token of our time together." Atlas
will send you a radio message - you can use the Metro again, and he wants you
to get moving towards Ryan. Completing the work of art also earns you the
"Completed Cohen's Masterpiece" achievement for 30 GP.

Now, there are several achievements relating to Sander Cohen, but one of them
requires you to leave him alive for now. You also need to leave him alive in
order to get the achievement for fully upgrading all of your weapons, because
one of the Power to the People machines is in his apartment (he needs to be
alive in order to let you in). So don't attack him now, just let him live,
we'll deal with him later. (Thanks NeoJedi Knight for clearing this up).

OPTIONAL: Head back up into the Fleet Hall, and climb the stairs to the room
where Cohen was hiding earlier. The door will be open now, letting you inside.
There's a bunch of film, an audio-diary (Requiem for Andrew Ryan) and a free
gene tonic (Electric Flesh). Head back down.

Once you've dealt with Cohen, head out of the atrium and back down to the
Metro (make sure you go to the right station). Hop in the bathysphere and pull
the lever, and off you go to Hephaestus.

== J. HEPHAESTUS [c03s10] =====================================================

Hephaestus is the Greek god of the forge and blacksmiths - should give you a
hint what type of level this will be. Note that by this point in the game the
splicers are becoming significantly more difficult to kill - they do more
damage and have a LOT more hitpoints, especially the leadhead guys. Be careful.

Head up the stairs from the bathysphere - stop at the vending machine if you 
need anything. Go through the door and head down the tunnel. It doesn't matter 
which way you go, they both lead to the same place. When the two tunnels rejoin
each other you'll see a couple of splicers doing... something to a corpse. Kill
them and loot them.

Head through the door and down the stairs. You'll come to a larger room with 
some broken pipes. Directly ahead is a corpse with a chemical launcher, and
some splicers. Head up the stairs - there's a turret immediately behind the
wall you're facing as you enter the room. Zap it and hack it, and go over to
the vending machine by the broken pipe. The crate by the vending machine has an
audio-diary (Ryan Takes F Futuristics) and some other loot. Hit up the gene
bank in the SE corner of the room if you need to, and then head through the
door leading to the "Office of Andrew Ryan". 

As you enter the next room, turn left immediately - you'll see a vending
machine and a Vita-Chamber. On the ground between them is an audio-diary
(Scoping the Gate). Pick it up, and then grab the grenade launcher on the table
in the middle of the room. Continue southward, around the corner, and zap and
hack the security camera. There's a U-Invent machine here if you've got any
spare junk.

Head through the door underneath the security camera and down the hall. You'll
enter the antechamber to Ryan's office, where he keeps the corpses of people
who have crossed him in the past. Charming. Check out the door to Ryan's
office - it's sealed shut by some kind of electrical contraption. Search the 
corpses hanging on the walls. There are audio-diaries on the first corpse
hanging on the right (Stopping Ryan) and the third corpse hanging on the right
(Going to Heat Loss). The second diary contains a hint on how to get into the
office. It triggers an audio transmission from Ryan and updates your goals.
Ryan then sends in a bunch of splicers to attack you. Kill the splicers.

OPTIONAL: Head into the small side room on the south side of the trophy room.
On the desks ahead of you you'll see an audio-diary (A Man or a Parasite) and
a new gene tonic (Frozen Field 2). There's also a safe underneath the desk, and
some loot scattered around the room.

So now we need to go to Heat Loss Monitoring to try to find a way to break into
Ryan's office. Head through the other door on the south wall of the trophy room
(the one you didn't enter through) and continue down the hall. You'll come to
a flooded room with some splicers standing around a corpse of a big daddy. Use
your electrobolt plasmid on the water to electrocute them all. Loot the bodies
and head through the door to the Hephaestus Core at the end of the room. Go
down the tunnel and through the door taking you to the core.

You'll walk onto a balcony with a nice view of the entire core. Basically this
area has a bunch of walkways circling around the core, with a TON of splicers
wandering around. Be careful. You may also find a big daddy/little sister
patrolling around in this area.

Head through the doorway to your left, and kill the splicers. At the end of
this hall, near the Vita-Chamber, is an audio-diary (Fontaine's Legacy) and
some loot. (Is it just me, or does McDonagh sound EXACTLY like the GEICO
gecko?) Anyways, turn around and head down the stairs behind you. Turn around
at the bottom of the stairs, kill the splicers. In the alcove ahead of you is
a security camera and desk with an audio-diary (Running Short on R-34s) on it.
Zap and hack the camera and grab the diary. Continue on down the walkway,
you'll come to an area with a safe and some other loot. Turn back and head down
the stairs nearby. You'll come to the entrance to Heat Loss Monitoring. 

OPTIONAL: Turn around at the bottom of the stairs and follow the other
staircase (behind the big column thing) down. You'll come to an area with a 
spider splicer, a vending machine, and an audio-diary (Impossible Anywhere
Else). Kill the splicer, grab the diary, stock up, and head back up to the
Heat Loss Monitoring entrance.

In the alcove across from the entrance is a houdini splicer and a broken 
vending machine. You can still use the machine, but it will just spit out a 
live grenade, so make sure you jump back.

OPTIONAL: Head up the stairs directly ahead, past the alcove. There you'll find
a Power to the People machine, a Gatherer's Garden, and an audio-diary
(Assassin). If you continue down the next set of stairs it takes you to the
Geothermal Control area. Head back to Heat Loss Monitoring when you're ready.

Head through the Heat Loss Monitoring door, down the tunnel, and into the
entrance. Walk forward. The lights will go out and whoops, the corpses weren't
corpses (seems to be a recurring theme in this game). Keep moving towards the
door at the end of the hall - three of the bodies will jump up and attack you.
Kill them, and you'll get a taunting message from Ryan. Head on into Heat Loss

Down the hall to your left is a vending machine. Down the hall to the right is
an audio-diary (Kyburz Door Code) and some loot. The diary tells you that the
code to get into Kyburz's office is Australia Day (which, in case you're
wondering, is January 26 - so the code is 0-1-2-6). Both halls meet up again
at a staircase heading down to lower Heat Loss Monitoring. There's also a big
daddy/little sister patrol route in this area.

Head down the stairs to the lower area - watch out for the corpse ahead of you,
he'll jump up and attack. Once you get down, head to the balcony over the
flooded area and watch the ghost cutscene. Head to the lower area on the west
side of the room. On the desk is an audio-diary (Getting a Break) and a free
gene tonic (Security Evasion 2). Grab the diary and your objectives will

OPTIONAL: Head up to the Gene Bank in the raised area and slot in your Electric
Flesh tonic (if you have it). This will increase your electricity resistance
enough to let you hop across the electrified flooded area to the desk in the
far left corner. There's some ammo and an audio-diary (Genetic Arms Race) on
the desk.

Follow your quest arrow back up to the main core area, and then up the stairs
to the Workshops area. Go through the Workshops door, down the tunnel, and into
the main Workshops area. Kill any splicers you find. There may also be a big
daddy/little sister in this area.

OPTIONAL: Go down the hall to your right as you enter the Workshops. There'll
be a splicer and a turret. Kill the splicer, zap and hack the turret, and loot
the room. There's a bunch of stuff in here, including a U-Invent machine, some
ammo, and a safe. There's also a gigantic banner advertising Australia Day and
giving the date (another hint as to the code for Kyburz's office). Head back

Hit up the bandito and the vending machine in the corner if you need anything,
and then head down the stairs next to them. When you turn the corner you'll be
at the entrance area to Kyburz's office - there'll be two turrets shooting at
you. Zap and hack them both. We'll skip Kyburz's office for now since we need
to head back there later anyway. 

OPTIONAL: Head into the little room by the foot of the stairs. There's a Gene
Bank machine, some loot, and an audio-diary (Device Almost Enabled). There's
also a crawlspace behind the desk with some loot in it.

OPTIONAL: If you look on the wall beneath the left turret you'll find a darkly
lit crawlspace door. Opening it will take you underneath the stairs, where
you can find some loot and an audio-diary (Market Maintenance Code). This gives
you the code for the area locked with a combination lock WAY back in the
Farmer's Market (it's 0-5-1-2).

Follow the quest arrow down the hall. You'll encounter a relatively undamaged
corpse - on it is an audio-dairy (The Dream). Way in the back of the room 
you'll find a bloodstained crawlspace door - open it and head on in. Inside 
you'll find some loot, a gene tonic (Damage Research), and an audio-diary 
(Assembling the Bomb). Great, another collection mission. The audio-diary gives
you a list of stuff we need to get to put together the EMP bomb. These items 
are scattered around the Hephaestus core area.

Nitroglycerine charge: Found in Kyburz's office (see below).
2 cans of ionic gel: scattered throughout the level. They look like tanks of
 chemicals for the chemical launcher, but will be glowing gold.
4 R-34 wire clusters: these are found on the corpses of big daddies. You can
 check the bodies of big daddies you've already killed to find them - they
 should be glowing gold.

Let's get the nitroglycerine charge first. Head back out down the hall, back to
Kyburz's office. You can get your first R-34 from the dead big daddy right 
outside the entrance to the crawlspace. Once you get to the office, input the 
code into the combination lock (0-1-2-6) and the door will open. Unfortunately,
the room is heavily booby-trapped with electric trapwires. Use your telekinesis
plasmid to pull the trapwires out of the wall and disarm them (thanks to
Nitramuse for this tip).

Head down to the desk in the lower area, and press the button on its side. The
door covering the nitroglycerine charge (on the south side of the room) will
open up. Unfortunately this also activates a turret back near the entrance. Zap
it and hack it, and then grab the nitroglycerine. There's also a weapon upgrade
machine right across from the nitroglycerine charge and an audio-diary (Great
Chain Moves Slowly) on the desk.

Head back out of the workshops - time to get your ionic gel. There's a lot of
the stuff scattered all over the Hephaestus core, but you can get the two you
need conveniently located right outside the Workshops. Head back through the
tunnel taking you back to the main Hephaestus core area. Turn left and head
down the stairs - there's an ionic gel behind the crates right at the foot of
the stairs. Head past Heat Loss Monitoring, up the stairs, past the Gatherer's
Garden, past the door to Geothermal Control and up the stairs, and you'll see
your second ionic gel sitting on a console on the left wall.

The last item you need is the R-34 wirings, which can only be found on the
corpses of big daddies. You're own your own here - retrace your steps and find
the corpses of the daddies you've already killed. They should be glowing gold
and each have an R-34 wiring on them. If you don't have enough, hunt big 
daddies until you do - they patrol through the main core area, the Heat Loss
Monitoring area, and the Workshops area.

Once you've got everything you need, follow your quest arrow back into the
workshops and down into the secret EMP bomb room. Use the EMP bomb three times
to install everything into it, and it will start humming and whirring. Pick it
up - you'll get a transmission from Atlas telling you that you need to attach
it to the core to destroy the power supply to the locks barring you from Ryan's
offices. Follow your quest arrow back out to the main Hephaestus core (watch
out for respawned splicers). Turn right once you get to the core, head down the
stairs, and keep going straight (following the walkway) until you get to the
entrance to Geothermal Control.

The room's entrance splits into two paths, both of which lead to doors to the
next room. Pick one, it doesn't matter (though there's a Gene Bank on the left
walkway if you need to use one), and head through. There are two turrets in
this room, one diretly down the hallway from each entrance. DON'T DESTROY THEM
- zap them and hack them. You're going to have to withstand an attack in this
room, and they will help you out a ton. Atlas explains what you have to do -
set up a defensive perimeter to beat off Ryan's goons, and then turn the valve
on the center ramp area to reroute the flow of magma. Here's your chance to
make use of some of the more specialized ammo and plasmids you've picked up
through the game. Use trapwires, proximity mines, and your cyclone trap plasmid
to block off the entrances. Note that you can find some extra mines in the
container right behind the valve, near the elevators. The turrets you hacked
will also help you out a ton.

When you're ready, start the event by turning the valve highlighted in gold.
Note that you have to hold down the A button to keep the valve turning, so
your security perimeter will be doing most of the fighting for you. Splicers
will start coming in through the entrances - let your security system kill
them, keep turning that valve. Eventually you'll turn it all the way and magma
will start pouring down. Atlas will tell you to head down the elevator to 
attach the bomb to the core - kill any splicers that got through your 
perimeter, get into the elevator, and press the button. When it gets to the
bottom, head forward down the walkway and through the door. On the floor in
front of you will be a corpse with an automatic hack tool and a gene tonic
(Shorten Alarms 2). Grab them and head through.

This will take you up to the core. Use the core lift control on the right side
of the walkway, and when you get to the top use the table thing to place the
bomb on the core. It'll activate, shutting down the core, and you'll get a
message from Atlas telling you to head back up to Ryan's office to shut down
his security. Unfortunately it will also trigger an alarm, so watch out for
bots on your way up. Follow the quest arrow out of the core area and back to
the entrance to Ryan's office. Watch out for stray splicers. When you get back
to the trophy room there'll be some splicers and security bots buzzing around.
Try to hack some of the bots for assistance, and kill the splicers. When the
room is clear, hit the switch by the security system blocking Ryan's door. The
door will open for you - head on in, and go through the bulkhead to Rapture

== K. RAPTURE CONTROL [c3s11] =================================================

Time to meet Andrew Ryan. This is a short level, but very important to the
plot (if you haven't reached this part of the game yet, don't read this section
if you don't want some MAJOR spoilers to be revealed).

Head forward down the hall. As you enter the large room, Ryan will turn out the
lights and send you a radio message. While he's ranting, turn left. On the
table next to the Vita-Chamber is an audio-diary (The Vita Chamber). Once the
lights come back on, there's also a Gene Bank, a U-Invent, and a vending
machine if you need to stock up.

So Ryan is trying to destroy the city - he thinks that Atlas is trying to take
control of it from him. Head over to the east side of the room, and climb the
stairs up the scaffolding thing. You'll see a crawlspace on the east wall -
head through and drop down into the next room (you'll have to bash out the
grate with your wrench). Grab the two audio-diaries (Mind Control Test and Baby
Status) on the on the counter in front of you. Loot the room, and head through
the south door. Follow the hallway to the large room at the end - meet Andrew
Ryan. When he opens the door for you, walk up to him, and then watch the
cutscene. "A man chooses - a slave obeys." Ryan chooses death - maybe the fact
that he chooses it makes it easier for him to accept. You obtain the "Defeated
Andrew Ryan" achievement here, worth 30 GP.

Anyways, enough philosophizing. Search Ryan's desk for a bunch of cash, and
then head into the little room with the organ-looking thing and the Ryan
Industries logo on the video screen. Use the self-destruct override, and watch
the cutscene. Whoops - seems Atlas has been lying to you all this time. Meet
Frank Fontaine. Seems that he was using you all this time as a plot to take
over Rapture. The door at the back of the room will open for you, and Fontaine
triggers an alarm to try and kill you (shouldn't he know by now that you don't
exactly have a ton of trouble with security bots?) Anyways. You'll see a little
sister calling to you - follow her, she'll lead you to a crawlspace back in the
hall to the Would You Kindly room. You'll black out once you're in the
crawlspace, ending the level.

== L. OLYMPUS HEIGHTS [c03s12] ================================================

Note that by this point in the game, the splicers are becoming a LOT tougher to
kill (Leadhead splicers can take an entire clip or more of machine gun ammo to
bring them down). Be careful.

When you wake up, you find that Tenenbaum has sent her little girls to rescue
you. While you were asleep she's undone some of the genetic conditioning that
bent you to Fontaine's will. When she finishes her speech, follow the little
sister upstairs and wait for her to unlock the door for you. Head up the
stairs and you'll come to a sewer type area. You'll get another transmission
from Fontaine, trying to get you to kill yourself. When that doesn't work, he
uses a code that slowly makes your heart stop working. Your maximum health will
slowly decrease over time until you find the antidote to Fontaine's mind
control. We need to find the antidote at Suchong's apartment.

Head to the alcove at the NE corner of the sewer area. You'll find a wheel
glowing gold - pick it up and attach it to the control console by the gate
blocking the way out of the sewer. Turn the wheel to raise the gate and head
up to the main street area. There's a little sister patrol route in this area,
so watch out for big daddies.

OPTIONAL: Directly ahead of you as you come up the ramp will be a crashed
streetcar with some splicers milling around. Kill the splicers and loot the
area for some ammo.

Turn around and head back up to the barricade with the "Who Is Atlas?" posters.
Watch out for splicers. As you round the corner, there'll be a turret shooting
at you - when you get a chance, zap it and hack it. Clear out the Bistro Square
area. There's a LOT of splicers, some turrets, and a security camera on the
east wall above the bulkhead to Apollo Square, so be careful. When you're done,
check the restaurant in the center of the square - there'll be an ammo bandito
and an audio-diary (Mozart of Genetics) on the counter. On the west side of the
square is a Gatherer's Garden - spend your ADAM if you have any.

Head through the north archway to go to Mercury Suites, where Suchong and some
other Rapture notables live. Head down the road - watch out for splicers.
There's a U-Invent machine about halfway down if you have any spare junk.

When you get to the end, head up past the barricade and into the Mercury Suites
area. There will be several splicers guarding the entrance, as well as a
security camera in the corner to your left. Take everything out, and then head
through into the main Mercury Suites area. There will be several splicers, as
well as a security camera on the north side of the elevator shaft in the center
of the room. On the wall underneath the camera is a Power to the People
machine. There's also a big daddy/little sister patrol route on the ground
floor here. Stock up at the vending machine if you need anything.

OPTIONAL: Time to revisit an old friend (and get some achievements). Go through
the east door, into Sander Cohen's apartment. You'll get a message from Cohen
welcoming you to his home and telling you not to interrupt the splicers dancing
by the piano - so of course, that's exactly what we're going to do. Knock over
the record player and kill the two splicers. Cohen will fly into a rage and
come out of his secret area to kill you. Take him out, and snap a photo of his
corpse to get the "Irony" achievement (10 GP). Walk up the stairs he came down
to enter his secret area for the "Found Cohen's Room" ackievement (10 GP). You
can also grab his muse box key off his body, so if you ever head back to Fort
Frolic you can find out what was inside of it.

OPTIONAL: Go through the north door on the main floor to enter Anna Culpepper's
apartment. Head forward into the second room - on a coffee table to your right
is an audio-diary (Artist Woman). Turn the corner and zap and hack the security
camera. Watch out for splicers. Turn right at the camera and search the kitchen
area for loot, and then head up the stairs. There's some loot in the bedroom
area, and in the bathroom there'll be a splicer crouching over what's left of
Anna Culpepper. Head back out to the main lobby area when you're done.

Follow the quest arrow into Suchong's apartment, on the west side of the main

OPTIONAL: Head left and down the hall to the dining room once you enter the
apartment. Crouching behind the tables there'll be a splicer with an
audio-diary (Fontaine's Human Jukebox). Head back out to the main area, but
continue going straight into the kitchen. There's a splicer doing something
with a corpse on the counter, and some loot.

Follow the quest arrow to the back room. You'll find a gene tonic (Clever
Inventor) and an audio-diary (Mind Control Antidote). Tenenbaum tells you that
she stole a sample of the stuff you need, but that Fontaine's goons might have
taken it back to his apartment.

Head back out to the main lobby and up the ramp looping around the elevator
shaft in the center of the room. When you reach the second floor you'll see
Tenenbaum's apartment directly in front of you, but the door has been blocked
from the other side, so we'll have to find another way in.

OPTIONAL: Go into the apartment entrance on the second floor on the opposite
side of the room from Tenenbaum's apartment. Kill the splicer inside, and loot
the room. Head to the left door on the back wall - behind the bed is a safe.
If you head back out and into the kitchen you'll also find some health and
ammo. It's a sad commentary on the state of society in Rapture when the average
family is forced to keep stockpiles of napalm in their apartment :P

Head back out and up the ramp to the third floor. Directly across the walkway
to the balcony ahead of you will be a security camera - zap it and hack it.
Turn right and continue around the balcony.

OPTIONAL: Go into the apartment on the east side of the floor. There'll be a
nitro splicer dropping grenades through the hole in the ceiling down at you.
Jump over the furniture barricade and the trapwires ahead, and turn left (watch
out for splicers coming down the stairs behind you). Go left in the large room
and check out the bathroom (the door at the far end of the left wall). There's
some ammo and other loot (also make sure you check out the corpse in the far
left corner of the bathroom). Head up the stairs by the trapwires. Kill the
splicer, and search the room for some loot. Head back out to the balcony.

Continue around the balcony. On a storage crate near the U-Invent you'll find
an audio-diary (Fontaine's Breakup) that has the code to Fontaine's apartment
(5-7-4-4). Continue around the balcony until you get to the giant hole in the
wall. This leads you into the bathroom of Tenenbaum's apartment.

OPTIONAL: Use your telekinesis plasmid to grab the corpse by the bathtub and
drag it through the trapwires to set them off. This'll let you grab the loot by
the tub.

Head down the hall into Tenenbaum's apartment. Just past the staircase is the
library/study area you need to visit - you'll hear a splicer banging
around inside. Kill him and head in, and you'll get a radio transmission from
Tenenbaum updating your objectives. Head down the stairs into the flooded area
on the lower floor of the apartment. In the room to the right of the exit door
is a turret - try not to use electrobolt on this one as you'll likely hit the
water and electrocute yourself. There's a safe next to the turret as well. Bash
the lock off the door and head back out to the lobby. Kill the splicer and head
back down to the ground floor.

Go to the elevator shaft and input the code (5-7-4-4) into the combination
lock. Take the elevator up to Fontaine's penthouse. There'll be some splicers
wandering around, as well as a turret in the center of the room (behind the
gigantic rocks) and a security camera above the door at the far end of the
room. Kill the splicers and zap and hack the turret and camera. Head through
the door and up the stairs.

OPTIONAL: Turn right at the top of the stairs - you'll see an audio-diary (Sad
Saps) on the coffee table. Search the dining room and kitchen for loot.

Head up the stairs and turn left at the polar bear (not often you get to say
that). Check out the nice view from Fontaine's windows, and then head left into
the bedroom and through the door on the east wall. Hop over the trapwires and
you'll find the antidote for Fontaine's mind control and a gene tonic (Electric
Flesh 2). The antidote will restore your hit points, but as a side effect it
makes you temporarily unable to control what plasmid you have selected. Every
minute or so you will randomly cycle to a new plasmid (even ones which you
haven't yet learned) and you won't be able to select any new ones. This is
pretty annoying, but Tenenbaum thinks you can get rid of it by finding another
dose of the antidote, in Suchong's labs in Artemis Suites in Apollo Square (the
next level). Note that you will also be unable to use Gatherer's Garden or
rearrange your plasmids while this effect is active. You will earn the "Broke
Fontaine's Mind Control" achievement for 30 GP when you pick up the Lot 192.

OPTIONAL: Head through the other door in the office and across the balcony.
Enter the door on the other side. There'll be a turret to your right, on the
other side of the bar - just destroy it since you likely won't have your
electrobolt plasmid available. Hack and loot the safe by the pool table and
head out.

Go back down to the elevator area - watch out for splicers. Take the elevator
down. We're done with this level, so just follow your quest arrow back to
Bistro square. Go to the east side of the room and head through the bulkhead
door to Apollo Square, the next level.

== M. APOLLO SQUARE [c03s13] ==================================================

This level can be fairly short if you skip all the optional material. Basically
all we have to do is go to Suchong's Lab in Artemis Suites and grab a second
dose of Lot 192 to get rid of this annoying plasmid effect, then it's time to
face down Fontaine.

Head forward through the bulkhead door, turn left, and go up the stairs. To
your left, by the tipped-over vending machine, is an audio-diary (What's
Happening Here?). There's also some loot scattered around this little entrance
area. Head through the broken gates and down into the ruined street. There's a
little sister patrol route in this area, so watch out for the big daddy.

Head down the street to the first square area - there'll be a few splicers
scattered around, so be careful. When you enter the square you'll see a gallows
right ahead of you, with some splicers wandering around. Kill the splicers, and
destroy the turret in the alcove on the south side of the square. In the alcove
to the west is a regular Rapture supermarket - there's a Gatherer's Garden, a 
U-Invent, an Ammo Bandito, and a Gene Bank if you need to stock up on anything.

Follow the quest arrow through the west exit of the square - this will take you
towards Suchong's lab. Head down the street. You'll quickly run into a splicer
and a turret - kill them both, and then hack or destroy the camera on the
column by the burning streetcar.

OPTIONAL: Search the streetcar to find some loot.

Continue on down the street. Two splicers will jump up and attack you. Kill
them and head into the entrance to Artemis Suites. On the north wall, behind
the column with the vending machine, will be a security camera - destroy that
first, you really don't need bots chasing you around in here. Kill the nitro
splicers running around on the balcony and stock up at the vending machine.

Head up the stairs on the west side of the room, and turn left at the top.
Continue around the balcony - you should find the entrance to Dr. Suchong's
Free Clinic. Walk in and quickly destroy the security camera on the wall to
your left. Head down the hallway going left, destroy the turret, and use the
Gene Bank machine if you need it. Follow your quest arrow into the west room,
where you can find the second Lot 192 batch on the counter. Whew, now you've
got your plasmids back. You'll get a transmission from Tenenbaum updating your
objectives - she wants you to go back to the bathysphere station and head to
Point Prometheus to take on Fontaine.

right to Point Prometheus to face down Fontaine just follow your quest arrow
to the bathysphere station and take it to the Point Prometheus station. I won't
bother using the optional tag for the rest of this level.

On the table in the center of the room you'll find what's left of Dr. Suchong.
Pick up the audio-diary on the ground (Protection Bond) to find out how he met
his grisly end. Head back out into the main labs area and kill any splicers
that have shown up. There'll also be a turret which has popped up at the west
end of the balcony outside the lab - kill it now or later, your choice. Head
through the door at the east end of the labs, which apparently leads to some
sort of combination surgery/bathroom area. In one of the stalls is a gene tonic
(Medical Expert 3).

Head out of Suchong's labs and back to the balcony. Keep going to the balcony
to the left, and head up the stairs to the third floor. Zap and hack the turret
in the SW corner of the balcony. Head into the room on the south side of the
floor - you'll come to a large area with a bunch of bunkbeds and mattresses.
Kill the splicers and search the room for loot. At the west end of the suite
you'll find what looks to be some kind of makeshift photo developing lab with
a bunch of film lying around. There's also a safe with some money and nice loot

Head back down to the first floor. At the north end of the lobby is a door
leading to another suite - head on in. To the west is a bathroom with a splicer
tinkering with a turret - kill them both and loot the room. To the east is a
sleeping area with some loot and a U-Invent machine. Head back out to the lobby
when you're done.

Follow your quest arrow back down the street to the gallows square and into
the road to Hestia Chambers, killing splicers as you go. On the east wall of
the road, just past the entrance, will be a security camera - zap it and hack
it. Ahead down the road will be the entrance to the Rapture Metro with some
splicers milling around - kill the splicers and walk up to the entrance for
a ghost cutscene. If you want to, you can skip the rest of this level and just
head directly to Point Prometheus now. 

Head up the stairs and go into Fontaine's Home for the Poor. On the balcony
ahead of and above you is an RPG turret. You'll also be rushed by a bunch of
splicers. The easiest way to do this is with your telekinesis plasmid - just 
grab the rockets it launches at you and fire them back at the splicers. When
they're all dead, just start lobbing them back at the turret to take it out.

Immediately to your right once you enter the main room, against the corner, is
a steamer trunk with an audio-diary (Meeting Atlas) inside. You'll also find a
big daddy/little sister patrol in this area. Stock up at the vending
machine/U-Invent in front of you, and then head up the stairs. Go through one
of the doors to your left and right - they both go into the same room. Clear
the splicers out, loot the room, and then head down the stairs in the center of
the room to get to the boiler room - you'll find some loot and a U-Invent

Head back out to the main atrium and up the stairs to the third floor. Head
left here (the right door is jammed). You'll come to another dormitory-type
area through the door at the end of the hall. Clear it out and grab whatever
loot you can find. Head up to the fourth floor - the doors here are locked, so
you have to go to the fifth floor and come back down from there.

Head up to the fifth floor, and turn right. Go down the hall and through the
door - welcome to Atlas's headquarters. Kill the splicer ahead of you, and take
out the security camera in the southwest corner of the large room you come to.
Across from the security camera is an armory with a broken grate door that you
can't get through. Use your telekinesis plasmid to bring the ammo to you.

Underneath the camera is a staircase that takes you back down to the fourth
floor. Look to your right as you come down the stairs and you should see a 
weapon upgrade machine. Turn left and you'll come to an area with several
desks, one of which has the corpse of Diane McClintock on it. In McClintock's
corpse you'll find an audio-diary (Today's Raid). On the other desk is another
audio-diary (The Longest Con) and a gene tonic (Focused Hacker 2). There's also
a safe in the corner for you to hack. 

We're done with this level. Follow your quest arrow back out to the street, and
head down into the Metro station. Take the elevator down, head over to the
bathysphere, and head off to Point Prometheus.

== N. POINT PROMETHEUS [c03s14] ===============================================

The level begins with you surfacing into Point Prometheus, while Fontaine gives
you a demonstration of what he's been doing with his ADAM horde. Head up the
stairs and run after Fontaine. The oil slick on the ground will blow up,
temporarily blocking you - don't bother running through it, just wait for it to
burn down. When it does, go through the door and head down the tunnel. Fontaine
will send some security bots after you in the next room, so zap and hack or
just kill them. Turn right and head through the door. You'll see a little
cutscene where Fontaine knocks down a column and heads through the door into 
the museum area while threatening to destroy Rapture if you keep chasing him.
Unfortunately you can't get through the door - it can only be opened by little
sisters. The good news is that the little sisters can get it open for you - the
bad news is that there's only one way to get the little sisters to trust you. 
You're gonna have to become a big daddy.

You'll get a message from Tenenbaum telling you to search a big daddy corpse.
As luck would have it, there's one leaning through a window directly ahead of
you. There's also a weapon upgrade machine here (the second last one, if you're
keeping count). Get your upgrade and loot the big daddy for its suit control
system. You'll get a message from Tenenbaum explaining her plan to you, and
your objectives will update with a list of all the things you need to do.

First off - smell like a big daddy (ugh). Head through the east doors of the
room and down the hall. Note that the corpses at the end of the hall aren't
actually corpses. Kill the splicers, and head through into the Little Wonders
Educational Facility. Head through the door and down the tunnel, but crouch
before you go into the next room. Once you get in, look at the windows to your
right - there's two turrets and a splicer who will all be shooting at you as
soon as you show your head. Stay crouched, shoot out one of the windows, and
lob in a couple of grenades with your launcher to clear out the room (you 
should probably make sure there's no big daddy in the room before doing this).
Once everything's dead, hop up on the table and crawl through the window to 
enter the facility. There's also a little sister/big daddy patrol route in this
area, so keep an eye out for them.

Head through the door and into the main area of the Little Wonders Educational
Facility. Most of this is optional, but there's a lot of really creepy/cool
things in here. The pheromones you need are scattered throughout this level - 
I'll mention where you can find them below.

OPTIONAL: Head into the south room. Inside you'll find a Skinner machine used
to condition the little sisters to avoid humans in favor of big daddies - press
the button with the human picture and you'll get a shock. Press the button with
the big daddy picture and you'll get a reward.

OPTIONAL: Search the rooms in the center of the hallway and on the north side
of the area. These are apparently the dorms the little sisters lived in while
they were being conditioned. Be sure to check out the posters on the walls. 
You'll also find some loot. There are a couple of doors with shorted out
switches that I've been unable to get in to - if you figure out how to open
these doors please let me know.

Head to the east end of the area. Stock up at the vending machine if you need 
anything, and then head through the door. Zap and hack the camera and head on
in. On the other side of the wall, on the back desk by the window, you'll find
a pheromone bottle (1/3) and a gene tonic (Safecracker 2). If you head into the
little room to your left you'll see a ghost cutscene. This will trigger a
couple of splicers walking into the room - let the security camera deal with

Head back out to the main area, and then go up the stairs back by the entrance.
This'll lead to a balcony area with two branches. The desks in the center of
the north branch have a pheromone sample (2/3) and an audio-diary (Why Just 
Girls?). The desk in the center of the south branch has your last pheromone
sample (3/3). Watch out for splicers. When you get everything, head to the west
wall - stock up at the vending machine, and then head through the door.

When you come out of the door there will be a security camera directly above
your head. Zap it and hack it. Head through the tunnel and out the door, and
kill the splicer. You're now on the balcony above the main atrium area, where
you entered the level. In the alcove to your left is an RPG turret - zap it and
hack it. In the alcove to the left of the turret you'll find a Gatherer's
Garden machine.

OPTIONAL: Head to your right as you come out of the tunnel, towards Optimized
Eugenics. The door in the alcove to your right is frosted shut - melt it with
your Incinerate plasmid and head on in. Inside you'll find some loot, and
inside the trash can with the paintings leaning against it is an audio-diary
(Changing Employers).

You can do Optimized Eugenics, Failsafe Armored Escorts, and the Mendel Family
Library (named after Gregor Mendel?) in any order you choose, but for the
purposes of this guide we're gonna do Optimized Eugenics first. This is where
you get the modification which makes you sound like a big daddy.

Head through one of the doors into Optimized Eugenics. The doors will slam 
shut, locking you in briefly to "decontaminate" you, and then let you in.
There's a big daddy/little sister route in here, so keep an eye out. If you
head through the east door, watch out for the security camera on the right wall
just past the entrance.

OPTIONAL: Search through the "Test Subject Storage" area on the west side of
the facility for loot, killing splicers as you go. On a console on the north
wall of the area is an audio-diary (Marketing Gold).

OPTIONAL: Head into Eugenic Analysis, the NW-most room of this area. Inside
you'll find two turrets - zap and hack them both, and let them kill the
splicers. Behind the turrets is a safe and your very last weapon upgrade

OPTIONAL: Head into the Backup Generator room in the very center of the
Optimized Eugenics area. On the wall in front of you is a security camera - 
destroy it. I have no idea how to shut down the power in this room or get to
the area through the door in the far wall (it's blocked by some kind of
barrier). If you know how to get in, please e-mail me so I can add it to this

OPTIONAL: Head into Plasmid Prototyping, the NE-most room. Inside there's an
RPG turret with a splicer - zap and hack the turret and let it kill the
splicer. On the floor by the turret is an audio-diary (Extra Munitions). This
audio-diary has a code (1-9-2-1) that you will need later on. Search the room
for loot.

Head into Live Subject Testing, right by the security camera on the east wall
of the hallway in the central area. Go up the stairs to your left, and through
the door to Candidate Induction. On the wall ahead of you you'll see a filing
cabinet with a gene tonic (Alarm Expert 2) and the machine that changes your
voice. Grab the tonic and use the machine (ouch). You'll get a message from
Tenenbaum telling you to head to Failsafe Armored Escorts for the suit. There's
also a U-Invent machine in this room.

Head back out. Once you leave the room you'll be ambushed by some splicers
playing dead on the stairs - kill them and head back out to the main atrium
area. Walk across the balcony and head into Failsafe Armored Escorts. Not
surprisingly, there's a big daddy patrol in this area, so keep looking for

OPTIONAL: Immediately to your left or right (depending on which door you go
through to enter) when you enter the main hallway will be an entrance to this 
area's security room. Head in and kill the splicer. You'll find a ton of 
hackable security bots in this area, as well as some ammo. Head back out into
the hallway.

Head into Candidate Conversion, the western room of the area. In the lowered
area in front of you you'll find two turrets - zap and hack them both. Head
across to the other side of the lowered area and you'll get a panicked
transmission from Tenenbaum - apparently the boots for the suit are not where
she expects them to be. Hack the safe in the NW corner of the room, and pick up
the audio-diary on the desk next to it (Missing Boots). This explains the
mystery of the missing boots - they're in the Mendel Family Library. We'll go
there later.

OPTIONAL: In the SW corner of the room is a small area blocked off by
trapwires. Get rid of the trapwires with your telekinesis plasmid and you'll
find some ammo on and arond the corpse.

Head through the door in the SE corner of the room.

OPTIONAL: Turn right immediately as you come out of the tunnel in the central
room and head up the stairs. Kill the splicer. On one of the consoles in the
center of the room you'll find an audio-diary (Protector Smell). Head through
the door on the north wall and head across the balcony. In the next room you'll
find a Gene Bank machine and an audio-diary (Mistakes) sitting on the console
next to it. Head through the door at the other end of the room and across the
balcony again. In the SE room of the upper area you'll find another audio-diary
(Protecting Little Ones). Head down the stairs.

If you did the last optional section, you should be in a room now with big
daddy suits hanging in the center. Pick one up to put it on. Now you just need
a helmet and boots.

OPTIONAL: Head around the corner to the left, so that you're south of the
central room of this area. You'll come to a balcony with a door with a
combination lock. The code (you found it earlier) is 1-9-2-1. Inside is a ton
of ammo and weapons for you to grab. The control panels activate flamethrowers
on the assembly line in front of you - I have no idea what these are for or why
they're there. Head through the central circular room to get to the storage
area on the other side of the little flooded area - watch out for the RPG
turret. Melt the ice with your incinerate plasmid and head in. Inside you'll
find a vending machine, some loot, and your very last audio-diary (Cheap Son of
a Bitch). Nice job if you managed to find them all.

Head over to Candidate Induction, the eastern branch of this area. On the far
side of the room are the big daddy helmets and a gene tonic (Hacker's Delight
3). Grab the tonic and a helmet. Unfortunately you can apparently only become
a rosie - I didn't see any bouncer helmets around. Once you've got your stuff
and searched the room for loot, head back out to the main atrium.

So now we need to get those boots. On the west side of the balcony/atrium area
you'll see two doors leading down to the lobby where you entered the level -
go through the southern one. On your left you'll see the door to the Mendel
Family Library. Head on and, and zap and hack the camera. You'll also run into
an RPG turret behind the shelves. There's a bunch of ammo and loot on the
shelves in this room, so keep your eyes open. In the central area of the
library you'll find the boots, with another gene tonic (Damage Research 2) next
to them. Pick up the boots - congratulations, you're now a gigantic disgusting
monster. This will unlock the "Became a Big Daddy" achievement for you, worth
30 GP. You also gain a 25% damage resistance from your suit's armor.

Finish looting the room, and head back out to the hall. Turn left and head down
the staircase - this takes you back down to the lobby where you entered the
level. Tenenbaum explains how to summon little sisters - bash the hole with
your wrench and one will come crawling out. The little sister will then open
the door that Fontaine headed through, letting you follow her. Go down the
stairs and through the bulkhead door to the Proving Grounds.

== O. PROVING GROUNDS [c03s15] ================================================

For this level you're basically going to be escorting the little sister to the
end, so she can open the last door for you to take you to Fontaine. Her health
bar is just underneath yours. The little sister is fairly fragile, so try to
kill splicers and other enemies before they get too close to her. Don't sweat
it too much, though - if she dies you can always summon another one by banging
your wrench on one of the hidey-holes. Also, your little sister's location is
noted by the "goal" marker on your map, in case you lose track of her. Another
thing to note is that security cameras will not sound the alarm when they see
you (since you look like a big daddy). You may still want to hack them to get
their help fighting splicers.

Follow the little sister up the stairs, around the corner past the 
Vita-Chamber, and into the main museum area. You'll head left down the balcony
and through a door. Keep following the little sister (I'm going to be saying
that a lot in this level, sorry) and kill any splicers you bump into as you
round the corner. You'll eventually come to a bend by a window with a security
camera above it. On the ground is a corpse - this is apparently the area they
used to train little sisters. Your little sister will stop for a while to
try to gather ADAM from the corpse. Hack the camera so it'll help you against
the splicers who are about to attack you.

The little sister will eventually finish stabbing the corpse and start walking
down the hall again. Right around the corner is another "test subject" with a
security camera - same drill here. There's also a turret keeping watch at the
end of the hall, hack it too. Kill off the splicers and wait for the little
sister to finish up. Head around the corner with the little sister and kill the
turret. The little sister will open the door - head on through.

You'll head back out into the main open area of the museum. In an alcove to
your right as you walk down the wall is a turret - zap it and hack it or just
kill it. There's also another turret on the other side of the room, directly
across from the first one and behind the skeleton, so watch out. As you enter
the next hallway, some splicers will jump up out of the water. Kill them, and
continue on. You'll eventually come to another "test subject", with a turret
and camera through the alcove to your left. Let the little sister do her thing,
then continue on down the hall. As you come around the corner you'll have to
fight one last big daddy. Take him out, and follow the little sister through
the door and across the balcony.

You'll come to a room with a ton of loot and machines in it. This is your last
chance - get everything that you need. Make sure that you slot in your
elemental protection gene tonics (Human Inferno, Frozen Field, Electric Flesh)
as you'll need them for the last boss. Other than that, just make sure you are
well stocked up on ammo and especially first aid kits/EVE hypos.

OPTIONAL: If you look at your map you'll see two little rooms just off the
balcony you came into this room from. Each one has some loot and ammo for you.

When you're ready, grab the hypodermic needle from the little sister and head
up the elevator. Time to take down Fontaine once and for all.

== P. ENDGAME [c03s16] ========================================================

The game should save automatically as you get out of the elevator at the top.
You can't save in this area, and there is also no Vita-Chamber. If you die, the
game will automatically quit to the main menu, and you'll have to start over.
You'll see Fontaine ahead of you, strapped into... something. Time to go to

First, a little bit about the fight - basically we need to drain the ADAM from
Fontaine using the needle the little sister gave you. The only time you can do
this is when Fontaine is vulnerable, sitting in the machine at the center of
the room. Once you drain him the first time, he'll jump out and attack you. To
get him to go back to the machine, you have to reduce his health nearly to
zero, and he'll run back to repair, letting you drain him again. You'll have to
do this three more times in order to defeat Fontaine.

There are three stages to the fight. In each stage Fontaine has a different
elemental power - first fire, then ice, then electricity. The key is to attack
him with elemental damage damage that's opposite to what he's using in this
phase - ice or electricity in the first phase, fire or electricity in the
second, and fire or ice in the third. Your chemical launcher and plasmids, as
well as all your other elemental ammo, is your best friend here. Explosives
are also extremely effective on him, especially in the final phase.

The key to this fight is speed. There will be splicers and security bots
spawning in the second and third phases - ignore them for as long as Fontaine
is not in the machine. When he goes back to repair, you can use the bot
shutdown panel on the north wall (and the medical station behind it), but
ignore the splicers if you can. You don't have very much time to jab him once
he's in the chair. If you don't hurry, he'll hop out again with full health and
you'll have to do that phase over again.

After you drain him for the fourth time the fight will end. There's two
possible endings to the game, depending on how you treated the little sisters
throughout the game. I won't spoil them for you, but try to check them both out
if you can. You will also earn the "Defeated Atlas" achievement for 100 GP.

So that's it, the end of the road. It's been quite a ride, I hope you enjoyed
it as much as I did.

   4. TIPS AND NOTES [c04]

- If you sit idle at the main menu screen for a few minutes, you'll see a very
   cool introductory video.
- If you ever get stuck or not sure what to do next, hold down right on the 
   D-pad. This will bring up a tip from the status menu explaining exactly what
   you need to do and where you need to go.
- In combat, hold down the RB and LB buttons to bring up radial selection menus
   for your weapons and plasmids. This will pause the game, and allows you to
   very quickly select what you need, much faster than by cycling through by
   clicking RB and LB.
- Some locks can be bashed off of doors with the wrench.
- Hitting different areas on splicers will cause different amounts of damage. 
   Go for the headshot if you can - early in the game this will result in a 
   one-shot kill, and later on it will still do massive amounts of damage.
- You can use your electrobolt power to activate shorted-out doors - simply use
   the plasmid on the sparking handle near the door.
- Electrobolt can also be used to electrocute enemies standing in water - just
   zap the water and watch them fry.
- You can use the incinerate plasmid to light oil slicks on fire, creating a
   wall of flame which ignites anything that walks through it.
- Incinerate can also be used to melt ice piles, which may sometimes reveal
   loot or new paths.
- Your telekinesis plasmid can grab grenades and rockets and launch them back
   at whatever shot them. This is very useful for dealing with RPG turrets.
- Telekinesis can also be used to grab loot items which are out of reach. Draw
   them in with LT, and then press A before releasing the LT to pick them up.
- Telekinesis can be used to launch items through trapwires, disarming them.
   You can also use the telekinesis plasmid to directly pull trapwires out of
   the wall and even move them to a different location (thanks to Nitramuse for
   this tip).
- You can use the winter blast plasmid on a device you want to hack to slow
   down the flow of energy and give you more time to complete the puzzle.
- The electrobolt plasmid makes researching security system elements very 
   easy - just zap them and snap a bunch of photos while they're down.
- The Natural Camouflage gene tonic can be used to evade security alarms. As
   soon as you hear the alarm, just stop moving, and you'll quickly turn
   invisible. The security bots will be unable to find you and will soon give
   up and fly away.
- When taking photographs, try to make sure that the enemy is completely in
   view of the camera and centered. If the enemy is doing something active, or
   if there are multiple enemies in the picture, you will gain a research
- To research security system elements, shock them with electrobolt and then
   snap a bunch of photos while they're shorted out. Note that you can ONLY
   research security system elements which are hostile to you - hacked elements
   will not give you any research points.
- Hacking pauses the game, so you don't need to worry about enemies beating on
   you while you're trying to hack something.
- Turrets and cameras drop ammo and film, respectively, when they are
   destroyed. When you're leaving an area for good you can kill your hacked
   turrets to grab the loot off of them (they won't fight back).
- Using frost attacks on Houdini splicers while they're visible will freeze
   them in place, preventing them from teleporting and making them much easier
   to kill. (Thanks to Dan P. for this tip)
- If you are short on research (especially for Bouncers and Rosies) you can go
   back to previously cleared levels to photograph the respawns for some extra
   research points.
- You can still melt ice barriers if you don't have the incinerate plasmid
   slotted - pick up a flaming item with the telekinesis plasmid and drop it on
   the barrier to melt it. (Thanks to Ian T. for this tip)
- You will occasionally find splicers wandering around with glowing red rings
   around their head. This means that they've hacked a bot and it's following
   them around. If you kill the splicer with the red ring, the bot will
   deactivate itself, letting you hack it.
- When using the Static Discharge gene tonic with the area of effect electrical
   discharge make sure you don't stand too close to big daddies or objects that
   trigger alarms when they are damaged, or you might end up with a lot of
   extra enemies to fight.
- Some security cameras will be located too high up on the wall for you to
   hack. Others will be low enough that you can jump and hack them if you time
   it properly.
- Try to have the Static Discharge gene tonic slotted when you are meleeing -
   enemies will try to hit you when you get close to them and will be stunned
   by the discharge, letting you do massive damage with the wrench while they
   are stunned.
- Use the telekinesis plasmid to pick up objects in the environment and fire
   them at your enemies. You can also use it to hold corpses and other objects
   in front of you as a shield to block incoming fire - try standing in a
   corner with the shield facing outwards for maximum effectiveness. Make sure
   you use an object that's not explosive (I made this unfortunate mistake).
   Thanks to CodeHxr for this tip.
- Let your Natural Camouflage tonic kick in before you start hacking a safe or
   other difficult object. If you accidentally run into an alarm tile the bots
   won't see you and you won't take any damage. Thanks to Torbjorn S. for this
- Splicers like to play dead. Watch out for corpses hopping up and attacking
- If you see any weird graphical artifacts on the screen (like static or colors
   changing for no apparent reason) save your game, as it might be getting
   ready to crash. The game also occasionally "hangs" or freezes for several
   seconds, especially (in my experience) when you pick up new gene tonics.
   Just let the console sit for a bit and the game should resume.

More tips coming soon in future versions of this guide.


Q: I'm running low on health and money and I have almost no ammo left. What
   should I do?
A: When you're running out of everything, don't be afraid to swap in some of
   the wrench tonics and go melee for a while. The wrench is startlingly
   effective when you have the right tonics installed - an enemy that takes an
   entire clip of machine gun ammo to kill will go down in just a couple of
   swings. If you have the Lurker tonic you can also often sneak up behind them
   and do massive damage when you connect. Researching the Bouncer will also
   give you a permanent 50% increase to all wrench damage.

Q: I'm late in the game, and the splicers seem like they're getting a lot
   harder to kill. Am I doing something wrong?
A: Nope, the splicers have more hitpoints and do more damage the farther you go
   in the game. You have to adjust your strategy a bit to take this into
   account. Use more anti-personnel ammo, get creative with your plasmids, etc.

Q: I didn't get all of my ammo back after the Peach Wilkins encounter, is this
   a bug?
A: No, this is apparently part of the level design. You will get all your
   weapons back but some of your ammo will be missing.

Q: Where can I find [insert little sister]?
A: Check ALL of the big daddy patrol routes listed in the reference section
   below. The little sisters have a complicated spawn system, and may or may
   not be at any given patrol route when you get there. See the little sister
   location list in the reference section for more details.

Q: I killed a big daddy guarding a little sister but I died/got lost before I
   could harvest the little sister. When I got back to the area the little
   sister was gone and I couldn't find her. Am I screwed?
A: No, they despawn after a while but will respawn again eventually. Keep
   checking the locations listed in the reference section and you will
   eventually find them.

Q: How do I get down the grated staircase in front of Sinclair Spirits in
   Poseidon Plaza (Fort Frolic)?
A: Head into Sinclair Spirits, and press the button on the back of the counter.
   This will open up a door in front of you leading to the basement of Sinclair
   Spirits. Head down, loot the room, and kill the splicer disguised as a
   statue. In my experience, it seems like killing the splicer is what triggers
   the grate out front to open, not pressing the button like some other game
   guides have suggested (*cough* GAMESPOT). Once you get it open, head down, 
   you'll find some loot and a gene tonic (and a rather creepy splicer event).

Q: How do I get into the secret room near the entrance to the Arcadia level?
A: Use your incinerate plasmid on the unlit torch to the right of the door and
   it will open for you.

Q: How do I get the secret Sander Cohen achievements I've heard about?
A: Don't kill Sander Cohen the first time you meet him. When you get to the
   Mercury Suites area of Olympus Heights, his apartment will be on the bottom
   floor. You'll get a message from him welcoming you to his home and asking
   you to not interrupt the splicers dancing. Knock over the record player or
   just attack them, Cohen will fly into a rage and come down from his area to
   attack you. Kill him and take a photo of his corpse for the Irony 
   achievement (10 GP). Head up the stairs and enter his apartment to get the
   other achievement (10 GP) for entering his secret room. Loot his body and
   grab his muse box key - you can head back to Fort Frolic on the Metro and
   unlock the box for some extra loot.

Q: What's the combination for [insert door here]?
A: Check the walkthrough section, it should tell you what the combination for
   the door is when you get to that part. If it's not listed then I haven't
   been able to figure it out yet - try hacking the lock to get through.

Q: What are the weird symbols you can find in the Rolling Hills?
A: It's never properly explained what these are, but they are apparently 
   related to the Saturnine, a cult of Houdini splicers who live in the caves
   in the Rolling Hills. Check out the audio-diary "The Saturnine" in one of
   these caves for more information about them.

Q: How many X are there?
A: There are 122 audio-diaries, 20 plasmids, 53 gene tonics, 21 little sisters,
   12 weapon upgrade machines, and 11 research categories.

Q: I've photographed all the splicers and big daddies and the little sisters 
   but I can't get the Prolific Photographer achievement, what's wrong?
A: You need to photograph the security system elements as well, take photos of
   a security camera, a bot, and a turret and it should pop up.

Q: You have some tonics listed as only being obtainable if you rescue little
   sisters and get the reward packages from Tenenbaum. Is there any other way
   to get them?
A: Not that I know of, so if you want to get the achievement you have to go the
   "good" route so that you get the packages. You also have to buy the ones
   from the Gatherer's Garden machines, so save your ADAM.

Q: Atlas/Tenenbaum wants me to do something and I'm not sure if I should trust
   them. What should I do?
A: You have to trust them, the game will not advance unless you do what they
   tell you to do. Sorry :/

Q: How long did it take you to write this guide?
A: About five or six 8+ hour days.

Q: Dear God, do you have nothing better to do with your time?
A: Sadly no :( I can't work right now since I just immigrated to the US and do
   not yet have employment authorization, so I basically spend all day playing
   video games. If you live in the Kansas City area and want to give me a job
   when I get authorization around November let me know :P

   6. REFERENCE [c06]

This section contains lists of audio-diaries, plasmids, gene tonics, and other
important items which can be found in Rapture.

== A. LIST OF AUDIO-DIARIES [c06s01] ==========================================

There are a total of 122 audio-diaries in Rapture. If you collect them all you
will earn the Historian achievement, which is worth 50 GP. All the
audio-diaries are listed in this section, along with their speaker and where
to find them.

- New Year's Eve Alone (Diane McClintock) - on the table in the pool of water 
   in the basement of the Kashmir restaurant.
- Hole in Bathroom Wall (Steve Barker) - on the rubble at the back of the 
   women's bathroom in the Kashmir restaurant.

- Released Today (Diane McClintock) - on the receptionist's table in the foyer 
   of the Medical Plaza.
- Adam's Changes (Dr. Steinman) - on the desk past the first corner in 
   Emergency Access.
- Higher Standards (Dr. Steinman) - on the wall at the entrance to the Medical
   Pavilion, past the door with the ghost scene.
- Limits of Imagination (Dr. Steinman) - on the south wall of the main area of 
   the Medical Pavilion. 
- Love for Science (Tenenbaum) - on a storage crate next to the medical station
   in the main area of the Medical Pavilion.
- Parasite Expectation (Andrew Ryan) - on the desk behind the wall immediately
   in front of you as you enter the main Medical Pavilion area.
- Vandalism (Andrew Ryan) - in the alcove on the north side of the main Medical
   Pavilion area, sitting on a chair next to a vending machine.
- Freezing Pipes (McDonagh) - in the ice pile at the entrance to Dental 
- Surgery's Picasso (Dr. Steinman) - hanging underneath the photograph to your
   left as you enter the Eternal Flame crematorium.
- Useless Experiments (Tenenbaum) - on the floor in front of the door to Dandy
   Dental in the Dental Services area.
- Testing Telekinesis (Dr. Suchong) - at the control panel for the tennis 
   machine in the Dandy Dental clinic.
- Plasmids are the Paint (Dr. Suchong) - on the desk in the SE corner of the
   Painless Dental operating room in the Dental Services area.
- Enrage Trial (Dr. Suchong) - in the back room of the Kure-All clinic in the
   Dental Services area.
- Symmetry (Dr. Steinman) - on the wall next to the corpse in the wheelchair
   immediately past the debris blocking the area into Dr. Steinman's area.
- Aphrodite Walking (Dr. Steinman) - on the cabinet next to the operating table
   in the side room down the hall to the Dr. Steinman encounter.
- Not What She Wanted (Dr. Steinman) - on the corpse on the operating table in
   the room where you fight Dr. Steinman.
- Gatherer Vulnerability (Dr. Steinman) - leaning against a briefcase by the
   Gatherer's Garden machine after your first little sister encounter.

- Bathysphere Keys (Sullivan) - behind a turret underneath the wharf at the
   south end of the lower wharf area.
- Timmy H. Interrogation (Sullivan) - in the interrogation room underneath the
   Fontaine Fisheries sign - see the walkthrough for more details.
- Fontaine Must Go (Andrew Ryan) - in a crawlspace underneath the hallway
   leading up to the upper wharf.
- Finding the Sea Slug (Tenenbaum) - on a fish cleaning table across from the
   door to the upper wharf, near where you find the third little sister.
- Masha Come Home (Mariska Lutz) - on the floor on the west side of the first
   upper wharf room, beneath the hole where the little sister crawls out of.
- Picked Up Timmy H. (Sullivan) - 
- Watch Fontaine (Andrew Ryan) - near the vending machine at the foot of the
   stairs on the way to the wharfmaster's office.
- Have My Badge (Sullivan) - in the room through a crawlway in the jail in
   the wharfmaster's office.
- ADAM Discovery (Tenenbaum) - on a crate on the west wall of the room you jump
   down to from the wharfmaster's office.
- Eden Leaking (McDonagh) - right through the door past the sign to Fighting
   McDonagh's/Jet Postal, near the last diary.
- Fontaine's Smugglers (Tenenbaum) - on the bench underneath the security
   camera in the tunnel to Fighting McDonagh's/Jet Postal.
- Death Penalty in Rapture (Andrew Ryan) - on a desk immediately to the left of
   the entrance to Jet Postal.
- Smuggling Ring (Sullivan) - on a table underneath the 123 Beer sign in the
   Fighting McDonagh's.
- Working Late Again (Andrew Ryan) - on a table near the window in the Fighting
- Rapture Changing (McDonagh) - in the basement of the Fighting McDonagh's bar.
- Meeting Ryan (McDonagh) - in the crawlspace behind the bar in the Fighting
- Saw Masha Today (Mariska Lutz) - in a room on the top floor of the Fighting
- Arresting Fontaine (McDonagh) - in a room on the top floor of the Fighting
- Putting the Screws On (Peach Wilkins) - in the east room of the basement of
   the freezer after the Peach Wilkins fight, next to a safe.

- Meeting with Fontaine (Peach Wilkins) - in the storage cave, leaning against
   some crates by the turret.
- Kraut Scientist (Frank Fontaine) - in a side room in the staircase leading
   from the control room to the main submarine bay.
- Offered a Deal (Peach Wilkins) - in the hallway leading to Arcadia.

- Seeing Ghosts (McDonagh) - next to a park bench in the entrance area. 
- Big Night Out (Dieter Sonnekalb) - next to a park bench in the Arcadia Glens
   antechamber area.
- Mass Producing ADAM (Tenenbaum) - next to the chair and knocked over table in
   the Arcadia Glens antechamber area.
- Arcadia Closed (Julie Langford) - in the gardener's supplies storage area 
   where you fight the first Houdini splicer, on a table by the Gene Bank.
- The Market is Patient (Andrew Ryan) - on a park bench near the entrance to
   Waterfall Grotto.
- Offer a Better Product (Andrew Ryan) - on a brick in the flooded area at the
   bottom of Waterfall Grotto.
- Early Tests Promising (Julie Langford) - on a crate next to the water wheel
   in the flooded area of Waterfall Grotto.
- Heroes and Criminals (Diane McClintock) - in the back room behind the shorted
   out door in Waterfall Grotto.
- Shouldn't Have Come (Mariska Lutz) - next to a park bench in the entrance to
   Rolling Hills.
- The Saturnine (Julie Langford) - in the cave by the stairs in the lower
   Rolling Hills.
- What Won't They Steal (Julie Langford) - on the floor inside the entrance to
   Julie Langford's offices.
- Teaching an Old Hound (Julie Langford) - on a desk in the second room of
   Langford's offices. 
- The Lazarus Vector (Julie Langford) - on Langford's corpse in her office.
- Lazarus Vector Formula (Julie Langford) - in the safe in Langford's office.
- Arcadia and Oxygen (Julie Langford) - leaning against a crate near the
   entrance to the Tree Farm.
- Maternal Instinct (Tenenbaum) - on the stairs leading to the Farmer's Market
   in the Tree Farm.

- Bee Enzyme (Tasha Denu) - on the ground by the pneumo tube right at the start
   of the level.
- Pulling Together (Andrew Ryan) - on a counter down the hall to the left at
   the start of the level.
- First Encounter (Andrew Ryan) - in a storage room behind the counter in the
   lower courtyard.
- Hatred (Tenenbaum) - in the same storage room, on a desk in the back of the
   flooded area.
- Desperate Times (Andrew Ryan) - in a crawlspace behind the Employees Only
   area at the top of the stairs from the lower courtyard.
- Water in Wine (Pierre Gobbi) - in front of the entrance to the tunnel leading
   to the Apiary and Winery.
- ADAM Explained (Tenenbaum) - on the counter at the entrance of the Silverwing
- Functional Children (Tenenbaum) - on a table in the main room of the Worley

- The Great Chain (Andrew Ryan) - on the bench immediately to the right of the
   entrance to the Rapture Metro.

- Come to the Record Store (Cobb) - on a stool by the flaming sign at the
   entrance to the South Mall.
- The Wild Bunny (Sander Cohen) - in the back room of the Sofia Salon in the
   south mall.
- Artists' Feud (Sullivan) - on the bar counter in the cocktail lounge in the
   south mall.
- Fancy Cigarettes (Albert Milonakis) - in the basement of the Marquis D'Epoque
   cigar store in the south mall.
- The Doubters (Sander Cohen) - on a table in Cohen's Collection in the upper
- Stood Up Again (Diane McClintock) - at the top of the stairs in the upper
   atrium, sitting by a trash can near the entrance to the Fleet Hall.
- Musical Insult (Sander Cohen) - in the storage room at the top of the stairs
   from the concession area in the Fleet Hall.
- The Iceman Cometh (Martin Finnegan) - frozen to the wall in the tunnel to
   Poseidon Plaza.
- Guns Blazing (McDonagh) - on the coffee table in Robertson's Tobaccoria in
   Poseidon Plaza.
- Pregnancy (Jasmine Jolene) - in the bedroom down the hallway behind the stage
   in Eve's Garden.
- It's All Grift (Hector Rodriguez) - on the bar counter in Eve's Garden.
- Bump Culpepper? (Sullivan) - on a pool table on the second floor of the
   Pharoah's Fortune casino in Poseidon Plaza.
- Fontaine's Army (McDonagh) - in a box on the lower floor of the Sir-Prize
   casino in Poseidon Plaza.
- Ryan's Stableboy (Anna Culpepper) - underneath the counter to the left of the
   entrance, inside Rapture Records in Poseidon Plaza.
- Requiem for Andrew Ryan (Sander Cohen) - in the projector room of the Fleet
   Hall. You can only access this room after you complete Cohen's work of art.

- Ryan Takes F Futuristics (McDonagh) - in the NE corner of the second room in
   the level, in a crate by the vending machine next to the broken pipe. Note 
   that it's NOT located in the bathysphere station, like some people have 
- Scoping the Gate (Kyburz) - on the floor between the vending machine and the
   Vita-Chamber in the third room.
- Stopping Ryan (McDonagh) - in the first corpse hanging on the right in Ryan's
   "trophy room".
- Going to Heat Loss (Anya Andersdotter) - in the third corpse hanging on the
   right in Ryan's "trophy room".
- A Man or a Parasite (Andrew Ryan) - on the desks in the side room to the
   south of Ryan's "trophy room".
- Fontaine's Legacy (McDonagh) - at the end of the first walkway in the
   Hephaestus core, near the Vita-Chamber.
- Running Short on R-34s (Pablo Navarro) - on a desk in an alcove below a
   security camera by the entrance to the workshops in the Hephaestus core.
- Impossible Anywhere Else (Andrew Ryan) - on a desk in the area down the
   stairs from the entrance to Heat Loss Monitoring in the Hephaestus core.
- Assassin (Anya Andersdotter) - next to the Gatherer's Garden machine in the
   Hephaestus core.
- Kyburz Door Code (Pablo Navarro) - in the SW corner of upper Heat Loss
   Monitoring in the Hephaestus core.
- Getting a Break (Pablo Navarro) - on a desk in the lower Heat Loss Monitoring
   area in the Hephaestus core.
- Genetic Arms Race (McDonagh) - on a desk in the far left corner of the
   flooded area in the lower Heat Loss Monitoring area.
- Device Almost Enabled (Kyburz) - on a desk in the little room at the bottom
   of the stairs near the entrance to Kyburz's office.
- Market Maintenance Code (Pablo Navarro) - underneath the stairs leading down
   from the workshops to Kyburz's office. See the walkthrough for more details.
- The Dream (Kyburz) - on a corpse in the hall between Kyburz's office and the
   EMP bomb room.
- Assembling the Bomb (Kyburz) - on a desk in the secret room with the EMP bomb
   in the Workshops.
- Great Chain Moves Slowly (Andrew Ryan) - on the desk in Kyburz's office in
   the basement of the Workshops.

- The Vita Chamber (Suchong) - on a table to the left of the entrance to the
   Rapture Control level, next to the Vita-Chamber.
- Mind Control Test (Suchong) - in the "Would You Kindly" room through the
- Baby Status (Suchong) - in the "Would You Kindly" room through the

- Mozart of Genetics (Suchong) - on a counter in the Bistro Square restaurant
   at the beginning of the level.
- Artist Woman (Sullivan) - on a coffee table in the corner of the second room
   of Anna Culpepper's apartment in Mercury Suites.
- Fontaine's Human Jukebox (Suchong) - in the dining room of Suchong's
   apartment (turn left from the entrance door).
- Mind Control Antidote (Suchong) - on the desk in the SW room of Suchong's
- Fontaine's Breakup (Paparazzi) - sitting by a camera set up on the balcony
   of the top floor of the Mercury Suites.
- Sad Saps (Frank Fontaine) - on a coffee table in the side room up the stairs
   into Fontaine's penthouse.

- What's Happening Here (Diane McClintock) - by the tipped-over vending machine
   at the entrance to Apollo Square.
- Atlas Lives (Diane McClintock) - next to the Gatherer's Garden in the square
   with the gallows.
- Protection Bond (Suchong) - in the room with the second Lot 192 batch in Dr.
   Suchong's labs in Artemis Suites.
- Meeting Atlas (Diane McClintock) - in a steamer trunk immediately to the
   right of the entrance to Fontaine's Home for the Poor.
- Today's Raid (Diane McClintock) - on a corpse on a desk on the fourth floor
   of Fontaine's Home for the Poor. 
- The Longest Con (Frank Fontaine) - on a desk on the fourth floor of
   Fontaine's Home for the Poor. 

- Why Just Girls? (Tenenbaum) - on a desk in the north branch of the balcony
   area of the Little Wonders Educational Facility.
- Changing Employers (Suchong) - in the trash can in the room with the frozen
   door just outside of Optimized Eugenics.
- Marketing Gold (Andrew Ryan) - on a console along the north wall of the Test
   Subject Storage area of Optimized Eugenics.
- Extra Munitions (Suchong) - on the floor behind the RPG turret in the Plasmid
   Prototyping area of Optimized Eugenics.
- Missing Boots (Suchong) - on a desk on the west wall of the Candidate
   Conversion area of Failsafe Armored Escorts.
- Protector Smell (Suchong) - on a console in the SW room of the upper Failsafe
   Armored Escort area.
- Mistakes (Andrew Ryan) - on a console in the north room of the upper Failsafe
   Armored Escort area, next to the Gene Bank.
- Protecting Little Ones (Suchong) - on top of a filing cabinet in the SE room
   of the upper Failsafe Armored Escort area.
- Cheap Son of a Bitch (Suchong) - on a table in the storage room at the SW
   corner of the Failsafe Armored Escort area.


== B. LIST OF PLASMIDS [c06s02] ===============================================

Plasmids in this list are organized by how they are obtainable. Plasmids
purchasable from Gatherer's Garden machines are listed in the first level they
become available in, but if you choose not to purchase them there they will
still be available in all subsequent Gatherer's Garden machines.

- Electrobolt - shoots lightning from fingertips. Can be used to break through
   shorted-out doors, stun splicers and electrical equipment, and electrocute
   enemies standing in water. Found at the Gatherer's Garden machine in the
   Rapture Transit station immediately after entering the city in the Welcome
   to Rapture level.
- Incinerate - shoots flame from fingertips. Can be used to light oil slicks,
   foliage, and people on fire. Found upstairs in the Eternal Flame crematorium
   next to the broken Gatherer's Garden machine in the Medical Pavilion level.
- Telekinesis - moves items from a distance. Press and hold left trigger to 
   grab an item, and release it to toss it. Found in the Dandy Dental clinic, 
   near the tennis machine, in the Medical Pavilion level.

- Hypnotize Big Daddy - you obtain this plasmid from rescuing little sisters -
   it appears in the first care package sent to you by Tenenbaum. Saving little
   sisters is the ONLY way to obtain this plasmid.
- Hypnotize Big Daddy 2 - same as above, but has a longer effect. Also sent to
   you by Tenenbaum.

- Enrage - enrages an enemy, causing it to attack someone other than you. Can
   be purchased from the Medical Pavilion level on.
- Target Dummy - creates a decoy which draws attacks away from you. Can be
   purchased from the Neptune's Bounty level on.
- Winter Blast - freezes enemies in place and does frost damage. Can be
   purchased from the Neptune's Bounty level on.
- Security Bullseye - enemies targeted with this plasmid will be attacked by
   the security system. Can be purchased from the Neptune's Bounty level on.
- Electrobolt 2 - stuns for longer than regular electrobolt. Can be purchased
   from the Arcadia level on.
- Cyclone Trap - hurls enemies in the air and wounds them when they hit the
   ground. Can be purchased from the Arcadia level on.
- Insect Swarm - releases a swarm of insects to attack your enemies. Can be
   purchased from the Farmer's Market level on.
- Insect Swarm 2 - releases a more dangerous swarm of insects. Can be purchased
   from the Fort Frolic level on.
- Winter Blast 2 - freezes enemies for longer than Winter Blast. Can be
   purchased from the Fort Frolic level on.
- Incinerate 2 - does more damage than incinerate. Can be purchased from the
   Fort Frolic level on.
- Cyclone Trap 2 - launches splicers higher and does more damage. Can be
   purchased from the Hephaestus level on.
- Electrobolt 3 - damage and stun length increase. Can be purchased from the
   Hephaestus level on.
- Winter Blast 3 - upgrade from level 2. Can be purchased from the Olympus
   Heights level on.
- Insect Swarm 3 - upgrade from level 2. Can be purchased from the Olympus
   Heights level on.
- Incinerate 3 - upgrade from level 2. Can be purchased from the Olympus
   Heights level on.

== C. LIST OF GENE TONICS [c06s03] ============================================

Gene tonics in this list are organized by how they can be obtained. Purchasable
gene tonics are listed in the first level they become available at - you can
still purchase them in all subsequent levels if you choose not to in the first
level they become available. Same goes for the inventable tonics. There are a
total of 53 gene tonics available throughout the game. There are also several
achievements related to gene tonics available...

Bought One Slot (5 GP) - purchase a gene tonic or plasmid slot from a
 Gatherer's Garden machine.
Maxed One Track (20 GP) - purchase every slot for one of the gene tonic or
 plasmid tracks (plasmid, combat, physical, or engineering)
Maxed All Tracks (50 GP) - purchased every slot for every track
Tonic Collector (50 GP) - buy, find, and invent all 53 gene tonics available
 in the game.

The gene tonics which can be found in Rapture are...

- Hacker's Delight (physical) - successfully hacking an object results in a 
   gain of health. Found at the Eternal Flame crematorium in the Medical
   Pavilion by pressing the furnace control button.
- Speedy Hacker (engineering) - slows the rate that energy flows in the hacking
   minigame. Found on the desk in the SE corner of the Painless Dental office's 
   surgery room in the Dental Services area of the Medical Pavilion.
- Wrench Jockey (combat) - increase damage done with melee weapons. Found in 
   the storage room of the Kure-All clinic in the Dental Services area of the
   Medical Pavilion.
- Static Discharge (combat) - does electrical damage to any enemy who touches
   you. Found by a corpse in the hallway leading to the Dr. Steinman encounter
   in the Medical Pavilion level.
- Medical Expert (physical) - first aid kits heal more damage. Found in the mud
   in the middle of the lower wharf area of Neptune's Bounty.
- Shorten Alarms (engineering) - reduces the length of security camera alarms.
   Found in Mariska Lutz's room in the top floor of the Fighting McDonagh's in
   Neptune's Bounty.
- Wrench Lurker (combat) - increases damage done with the wrench when your
   opponent is unaware of you. Found near the Gatherer's Garden/Gene Bank
   machines in the lower wharf balcony after you get the spider splicer photos
   in Neptune's Bounty.
- Focused Hacker (engineering) - You have two fewer overload tiles show up in 
   hacking puzzles. Found in an ice pile in the entrance room to Fontaine's 
   Fisheries in Neptune's Bounty.
- Security Evasion (physical) - makes cameras and turrets take longer to
   respond to your presence. Can be found by a corpse when you return to
   Waterfall Grotto after visiting Julie Langford's office in Arcadia.
- Hacking Expert (engineering) - 1 fewer alarm tile and 1 fewer overload tile
   in all hacking puzzles. Found on the desk just inside the entrance to Julie
   Langford's office in Arcadia.
- EVE Link 2 (physical) - increases the amount of EVE you gain from first aid
   kits beyond that given by regular EVE Link. Found at the bottom of the
   stairs to the right of the entrance to the Farmer's Market level, near the 
   vending machines.
- Photographer's Eye (combat) - increases research score for all photos taken.
   Found in the little bedroom area in the basement of the Worley Winery in the
   Farmer's Market.
- Alarm Expert (engineering) - 2 fewer alarm tiles in hacking puzzles. Found in
   the locked theater box in the Fleet Hall in Fort Frolic.
- Frozen Field (combat) - increases your frost damage and resistance to frost
   damage. Found on Martin Finnegan's corpse in the tunnel to Poseidon Plaza in
   Fort Frolic.
- Extra Nutrition 2 (physical) - found down the staircase across from Sinclair
   Spirits in Poseidon Plaza of Fort Frolic. See the walkthrough for more
- Medical Expert 2 (physical) - first aid kits heal more damage. Given to you
   by Sander Cohen after you finish his work of art for him.
- Electric Flesh (combat) - increases electrical damage you deal and decreases
   electrical damage you take. Found in the projector room of the Fleet Hall in
   Fort Frolic after you complete Cohen's work of art.
- Frozen Field 2 (combat) - increases frost damage you deal and decreases frost
   damage you take. Found on the desk in the side room to the south of Ryan's
   "trophy room" in Hephaestus.
- Security Evasion 2 (physical) - security cameras and turrets take longer to
   see you. Found on the desk in the lower Heat Loss Monitoring area in the
   Hephaestus core.
- Damage Research (combat) - increases damage bonuses you gain from research.
   Found in the secret room with the EMP bomb in the Workshops off the
   Hephaestus core. 
- Shorten Alarms 2 (engineering) - reduce the length of alarms. Found on the 
   walkway to attach the EMP bomb to the core in the Hephaestus level.
- Clever Inventor (engineering) - reduces the number of materials required for
   crafting. Found on a desk in the SW room of Suchong's apartment (on the main
   floor of Mercury Suites).
- Electric Flesh 2 (combat) - reduces electrical damage taken and increases
   electrical damage dealt. Found in the room in Fontaine's penthouse with the
   mind control antidote.
- Medical Expert 3 (physical) - greatly increases health restored by first aid
   kits. Found in the bathroom of Dr. Suchong's labs in Artemis Suites in the
   Apollo Square level.
- Focused Hacker 2 (engineering) - 4 fewer overload tiles when hacking. Found
   on the fourth floor of the Fontaine Home for the Poor in the Apollo Square
- Safecracker 2 (engineering) - reduces difficulty when hacking safes. Found in
   the autopsy room of Little Wonders in Point Prometheus.
- Damage Research 2 (combat) - does a larger increase to damage bonuses gained
   from research. Found in the Mendel Family Library in Point Prometheus near
   the boots.
- Alarm Expert 2 (engineering) - 4 fewer alarm tiles when hacking. Found in the
   Live Subject Testing area of Optimized Eugenics in the Point Prometheus 
- Hacker's Delight 3 (physical) - increases the health and EVE restored from a
   successful hack. Found in Failsafe Armored Escorts in Point Prometheus, near
   to the helmets.

- Armored Shell 2 (combat) - does a larger decrease to damage done to you. 
   Reward from Tenenbaum for saving little sisters.
- Prolific Inventor (engineering) - doubles the number of items you create from
   inventing. Reward from Tenenbaum for saving little sisters.
- Safecracker (engineering) - reduces difficulty when hacking safes. Reward
   from Tenenbaum for saving little sisters.

- Armored Shell (combat) - decreases physical damage done to you. Purchasable
   from the Medical Pavilion level on.
- EVE Link (physical) - first aid kits also give you more EVE. Purchasable from
   the Medical Pavilion level on.
- Security Expert (engineering) - reduces difficulty when hacking security
   system elements. Purchasable from the Neptune's Bounty level on.
- Extra Nutrition (physical) - you gain extra health and EVE from food.
   Purchasable from the Neptune's Bounty level on.
- Human Inferno (combat) - reduces fire damage you take and increases fire
   damage you deal. Purchasable from the Arcadia level on.
- Hacking Expert 2 (engineering) - 2 fewer alarm tiles and 2 fewer overload
   tiles when hacking. Purchasable from the Fort Frolic level on.
- Wrench Lurker 2 (combat) - quiets your footsteps and increases melee damage
   done with the wrench against enemies who don't sense your presence.
   Purchasable from the Hephaestus level on.
- Speedy Hacker 2 (engineering) - further reduces flow speed for the hacking
   minigame. Purchasable from the Olympus Heights level on.
- Human Inferno 2 (combat) - further decreases fire damage taken and increases
   fire damage dealt. Purchasable from the Point Prometheus level on.

- Sportboost (physical) - increases movement speed and wrench swing speed.
   Level 2 research reward for Thuggish splicers.
- Sportboost 2 (physical) - like Sportboost, only more so. Level 4 research
   reward for Thuggish splicers.
- Scrounger (physical) - lets you search containers a second time for different
   loot. Level 2 research reward for Leadhead splicers.
- Static Discharge 2 (combat) - does electrical damage to enemies that touch
   you. Level 4 research reward for Leadhead splicers.
- Natural Camouflage (physical) - you turn invisible if you remain motionless
   for several seconds. Level 2 research reward for Houdini splicers.
- Photographer's Eye 2 (combat) - increases research score from all photos.
   Level 2 research reward for Rosies.
- Wrench Jockey 2 (combat) - greatly increases wrench damage. Level 2 research
   reward for Bouncers. 
- Extra Nutrition 3 (physical) - increases the health bonus you gain from
   eating food. Level 4 research reward for spider splicers.
- Security Expert 2 (engineering) - reduces difficulty when hacking security
   system elements. Level 2 research reward for security bots.

- Hacker's Delight 2 (engineering) - you gain health and EVE with each
   successful hack. Inventable from Fort Frolic level on.
- Booze Hound (physical) - you gain a small amount of EVE (instead of losing
   it) when drinking alcohol. Inventable from Fort Frolic on.
- Bloodlust (combat) - you gain small amounts of health and EVE when inflicting
   damage with the wrench. Inventable from Fort Frolic on.

== D. LITTLE SISTER LOCATIONS [c06s04] ========================================

The big daddies and little sisters have a rather complicated spawn system which
is worth explaining to prevent confusion. Basically each level has several
patrol routes where the little sisters may be found. There will ALWAYS be a big
daddy somewhere along the patrol route - they quickly respawn after you kill
them, even if all the little sisters in the level are dead. They may or may not
have a little sister with them when you encounter them. If they do not, they
will eventually go to one of the little sister holes in the wall and bang on it
to summon a little sister. The big daddy/little sister will then patrol for a
while, and the little sister will eventually crawl back into the wall. The big
daddy will then start wandering the area again, and eventually head back to a
little sister hole to summon another little sister.

Each level has a set number of little sisters (from 0 to 3) that you can kill.
The big daddies will be able to summon the little sisters until you have 
harvested the number alotted for that level, and then no more will come out
when they bang on the holes (they'll keep trying, though).

A simple (but time-consuming) way to easily find ALL of the little sisters for
a level is to locate a big daddy patrol area, and just follow him until he
summons a little sister. Kill the big daddy, harvest the little sister, and 
then wait and listen in the same area for the big daddy to respawn. Find him 
and repeat the process, and you should be able to get all of the little sisters
for that level.

The areas listed below are known big daddy patrol routes/little sister spawn
areas. If you find a big daddy or little sister in an area not in this list,
please e-mail me and let me know so I can add it.

There are a total of 21 little sisters in the game for you to rescue. There are
also several achievements you can earn from the little sisters...

Dealt with every Little Sister (40 GP) - harvest or rescue all 21 little
Little Sister Savior (100 GP) - complete the game without harvesting any little

The little sister/big daddy patrol routes are located in the following areas...

WELCOME TO RAPTURE (0 little sisters)
- None

MEDICAL PAVILION (2 little sisters)
- In the lounge on the way back to the foyer after killing Dr. Steinman (this
   is a scripted event, and you don't have to kill the big daddy).
- In the main Medical Pavilion area AFTER you harvest the first little sister.

NEPTUNE'S BOUNTY (3 little sisters)
- In the lower wharf area at the beginning of the level.
- Near the entrance to the wharfmaster's office in the upper wharf.
- In the Fighting McDonagh's bar.

SMUGGLER'S HIDEOUT (0 little sisters)
- None

ARCADIA (2 little sisters)
- Down the hall to the left after you enter Arcadia Glens, near to the
  Gatherer's Garden machine.
- Patrolling through the Rolling Hills area.
- In Julie Langford's offices after she dies (possibly the same route as 

FARMER'S MARKET (1 little sister)
- In the lower courtyard down the hall from the vending machines at the bottom
   of the stairs near the entrance.
- In the Worley Winery.

FORT FROLIC (3 little sisters)
- In the main atrium area and the entrance to the south mall.
- In the entrance area of Poseidon Plaza.

HEPHAESTUS (3 little sisters)
- In the walkways surrounding the Hephaestus core.
- In Heat Loss Monitoring.
- In the Workshops area.

RAPTURE CONTROL (0 little sisters)
- None

OLYMPUS HEIGHTS (2 little sisters)
- Bistro Square and the street near the beginning of the level.
- Ground floor of Mercury Suites.

APOLLO SQUARE (2 little sisters)
- In the ruined street immediately past the entrance to the level and in the
   Gallows square.
- Fontaine's Home for the Poor.

POINT PROMETHEUS (3 little sisters)
- In the Little Wonders Educational Facility.
- Inside Optimized Eugenics.
- Inside Failsafe Armored Escorts.

== E. WEAPON UPGRADE LOCATIONS [c06s05] =======================================

Power to the People machines are not shown on the map, and are therefore 
usually quite hard to find. There are exactly enough Power to the People
machines in Rapture to complete all of the available weapons upgrades in one
playthrough. Note that this means that you CANNOT kill Sander Cohen in Fort
Frolic if you want to get the achievement for fully upgrading all of your
weapons. See the walkthrough if you need more details on how to find these.
The achievements you can earn from upgrading your weapons are...

Upgraded a Weapon (5 GP) - get one weapon upgrade
One Fully Upgraded Weapon (5 GP)
Two Fully Upgraded Weapons (5 GP)
Three Fully Upgraded Weapons (10 GP)
Four Fully Upgraded Weapons (10 GP)
Five Fully Upgraded Weapons (10 GP)
Weapon Specialist (20 GP) - fully upgrade all weapons.

The weapon upgrade machines are located in the following areas...

- None

- None

- In the basement of the freezer, right after you kill Peach Wilkins.

- None

- In the Tree Farm on the left wall near the SW corner of the room.

- In the basement of the Worley Winery in an alcove.

- In the basement of the Marquis D'Epoque cigar store in the south mall.
- In the basement of Sinclair Spirits in Poseidon Plaza. Press the button
   behind the counter to open the door to the basement.

- In the Hephaestus core, across from the Gatherer's Garden machine.
- In Kyburz's office in the basement of the Workshop areas.

- On the north side of the elevator shaft column on the ground floor of the
   Mercury Suites area.
- In Sander Cohen's secret area in the Mercury Suites.

- On the fourth floor of Fontaine's Home for the Poor.

- In the second room of the level, right next to the big daddy corpse.
- In the Eugenic Analysis room (the most NW room) of the Optimized Eugenics

== F. RESEARCH REWARDS [c06s06] ===============================================

This section lists all of the research rewards obtainable by photographing the
game's enemies. See the section on research above if you need more details on
how this works. There are 11 categories of enemies to photograph. There are
several achievements you can earn based on photography...

Researched a Splicer (5 GP) - take a photograph of any splicer.
Quality Research Photo (20 GP) - take a photograph which earns an "A" grade.
Prolific Photographer (5 GP) - take at least one photograph in each of the 11
 research categories.
Research PhD (20 GP) - fully max out all 11 research categories.

The following achievements are awarded for getting to research level 5 for the
indicated enemy...

Fully Researched Bouncer (10 GP)
Fully Researched Gun Splicer (10 GP)
Fully Researched Houdini Splicer (10 GP)
Fully Researched Little Sister (10 GP)
Fully Researched Nitro Splicer (10 GP)
Fully Researched Rosie (10 GP)
Fully Researched Spider Splicer (10 GP)
Fully Researched Thug Splicer (10 GP)

The research rewards are as follows...

Level 1 - Increased damage +
          Thug splicers are vulnerable to anti-personnel ammo.
Level 2 - New physical gene tonic: Sportboost
Level 3 - Increased damage ++
Level 4 - New physical gene tonic: Sportboost 2
Level 5 - Increased damage +++

Level 1 - Increased damage +
          Leadhead splicers are vulnerable to anti-personnel ammo.
Level 2 - New physical gene tonic: Scrounger
Level 3 - Increased damage ++
Level 4 - New combat gene tonic: Static Discharge 2
Level 5 - Increased damage +++

Level 1 - Increased damage +
          Nitro splicers are vulnerable to anti-personnel ammo.
Level 2 - Permanent 15% chance that any enemy grenade will be a dud.
Level 3 - Increased damage ++
Level 4 - Permanent 35% chance that any enemy grenade will be a dud.
Level 5 - Increased damage +++

Level 1 - Increased damage +
          Spider splicers are vulnerable to anti-personnel ammo.
Level 2 - Spider splicer organs can be used like first aid kits.
Level 3 - Increased damage ++
Level 4 - New physical tonic: Extra Nutrition 3
Level 5 - Increased damage +++

Level 1 - Increased damage +
          Houdini splicers are vulnerable to anti-personnel ammo.
Level 2 - New physical gene tonic: Natural Camouflage
Level 3 - Increased damage ++
Level 4 - Easier to predict Houdini splicers' teleportation destinations.
Level 5 - Increased damage +++

Level 1 - Increased damage +
          Rosies are vulnerable to armor piercing ammo.
Level 2 - New combat gene tonic: Photographer's Eye 2
Level 3 - Increased damage ++
Level 4 - Rosie loot almost always contains rare invention materials.
Level 5 - Increased damage +++

Level 1 - Increased damage +
          Bouncers are vulnerable to armor piercing ammo.
Level 2 - New combat gene tonic: Wrench Jockey 2
Level 3 - Increased damage ++
Level 4 - Permanent 50% increase to all wrench damage.
Level 5 - Increased damage +++

Level 1 - Small increases to max health and EVE
Level 2 - Small increases to max health and EVE
Level 3 - Small increases to max health and EVE
Level 4 - Small increases to max health and EVE
Level 5 - Small increases to max health and EVE

Level 1 - Increased damage +
          Turrets are vulnerable to armor piercing ammo and electricity.
Level 2 - You find twice the ammunition on destroyed turrets.
Level 3 - Increased damage ++
Level 4 - Hacking a turret automatically succeeds.
Level 5 - Increased damage +++

Level 1 - Increased damage +
          Security cameras are vulnerable to armor piercing ammo and
Level 2 - You find twice the film on destroyed cameras.
Level 3 - Increased damage ++
Level 4 - Flow speed reduced when hacking any security camera.
Level 5 - Increased damage +++

Level 1 - Increased damage +
          Security bots are vulnerable to armor piercing ammo and electricity.
Level 2 - New engineering gene tonic: Security Expert 2
Level 3 - Increased damage ++
Level 4 - Hacking a security bot automatically succeeds.
Level 5 - Increased damage +++

== G. INVENTABLE ITEMS [c06s07] ===============================================

This section lists all of the items which can be invented at a U-Invent
machine, along with all of the items required to make them. They are organized
according to the level at which they first become available in U-Invent
machines (they will be available in all subsequent U-Invent machines after they
first become available). There are several achievements available for inventing

Basic Inventor (5 GP) - invent one item.
Avid Inventor (10 GP) - invent 100 items.
Ammo Inventor (25 GP) - invent all possible ammo types.

- Automatic Hack Tool - 4 rubber hose, 4 batteries, 1 brass tube
- Armor-piercing Auto Rounds x20 - 2 kerosene, 3 shell casing, 1 brass tube
- Exploding Buck - 3 kerosene, 2 shell casing, 1 steel screw
- Anti-personnel Pistol Rounds x5 - 2 rubber hose, 3 shell casing, 1 steel 
- Lazarus Vector (quest item) - 7 distilled water, 7 bee enzyme, 7 chlorophyll

- Hacker's Delight 2 (gene tonic) - 5 alcohol, 4 bee enzyme, 3 empty hypo
- Booze Hound (gene tonic) - 5 glue, 4 bee enzyme, 3 empty hypo
- Bloodlust (gene tonic) - 5 glue, 4 bee enzyme, 3 empty hypo
- Heat-seeking RPG x2 - 3 distilled water, 2 kerosene, 1 brass tube
- Trap bolt x5 - 2 battery, 3 glue, 1 alcohol
- Electric gel x25 - 3 distilled water, 2 battery, 1 alcohol


BioShock has a total of 50 achievements, allowing you to earn a total of 1000
GP (gamerpoints). This section lists all of the achievements, how many GP they
are worth, and how to get them. Unless otherwise noted, all of the achievements
require everything to be accomplished in one playthrough (i.e., if you obtain
half the audio-diaries, restart, and then obtain the other half of the diaries,
you won't get the historian achievement, etc.) This section has some major
spoilers, so don't read if you don't want to find out what happens later on in
the game.

Ammo Inventor (25 GP) - You need to invent all of the possible inventable
 ammunitions - armor-piercing auto, explosive buck, anti-personnel pistol,
 heat-seeking RPG, trap bolt, and electric gel.
Avid Inventor (10 GP) - Invent 100 separate items of any type.
Became a Big Daddy (30 GP) - Obtained when you successfully assemble all parts
 of the big daddy suit in the Prometheus Point level.
Bought One Slot (5 GP) - Purchased a new plasmid or gene tonic slot from a
 Gatherer's Garden machine.
Broke Fontaine's Mind Control (30 GP) - Obtained when you get the first Lot 192
 batch from Fontaine's penthouse in Olympus Heights.
Completed Cohen's Masterpiece (30 GP) - Obtained when you put all the required
 photographs into Cohen's work of art in Fort Frolic.
Completed Welcome (10 GP) - Obtained when you finish the "Welcome to Rapture"
Dealt with every Little Sister (40 GP) - You need to either rescue or harvest
 every little sister in Rapture. 
Defeated Andrew Ryan (30 GP) - Obtained after you confront Ryan in the Rapture
 Control level.
Defeated Atlas (100 GP) - Obtained after you defeat Atlas to win the game.
Defeated Dr. Steinman (15 GP) - Obtained after you kill Dr. Steinman in the
 Medical Pavilion level.
Defeated Peach Wilkins (15 GP) - Obtained after you defeat Peach Wilkins in the
 Neptune's Bounty level.
Five Fully Upgraded Weapons (10 GP) - Get both upgrades for five different
Found Cohen's Room (10 GP) - you entered Cohen's secret room in Olympus
 Heights. You cannot get this achievement if you kill Cohen in Fort Frolic. See
 the walkthrough for more details.
Four Fully Upgraded Weapons (10 GP) - Get both upgrades for four different
Fully Researched Bouncer (10 GP) - Self-explanatory.
Fully Researched Gun Splicer (10 GP) - Self-explanatory.
Fully Researched Houdini Splicer (10 GP) - Self-explanatory.
Fully Researched Little Sister (10 GP) - Self-explanatory.
Fully Researched Nitro Splicer (10 GP) - Self-explanatory.
Fully Researched Rosie (10 GP) - Self-explanatory.
Fully Researched Spider Splicer (10 GP) - Self-explanatory.
Fully Researched Thug Splicer (10 GP) - Self-explanatory.
Hacked a Safe (10 GP) - Successfully hacked a safe.
Hacked a Security Bot (10 GP) - Successfully hacked a security bot.
Hacked a Turret (10 GP) - Successfully hacked a turret.
Hacked a Vending Machine (10 GP) - Successfully hacked a vending machine.
Historian (50 GP) - Collected all 122 audio-diaries in Rapture.
Irony (10 GP) - Take a photograph of Sander Cohen's corpse.
Little Sister Savior (100 GP) - Complete the game without harvesting any little
 sisters. Note that you don't have to rescue EVERY little sister - just don't
 harvest any.
Lucky Winner (10 GP) - Hit the jackpot at a slot machine.
Maxed All Tracks (50 GP) - Purchased all slots for plasmids and gene tonics.
Maxed One Track (10 GP) - Purchased all slots for plasmids, combat gene tonics,
 physical gene tonics, or engineering gene tonics.
One Fully Upgraded Weapon (5 GP) - Get both upgrades for one weapon.
Prolific Photographer (5 GP) - Take at least one photo in all 11 research 
Quality Research Photo (20 GP) - Take a photo which earns an "A" grade.
Research PhD (20 GP) - Max out your research level in all 11 categories.
Researched a Splicer (5 GP) - Take a photograph of a splicer.
Restored the Forest (15 GP) - Released the Lazarus Vector into the Rolling
 Hills from Langford's office.
Seriously Good at This (40 GP) - Complete the game on the hard difficulty
Skilled Hacker (40 GP) - Complete 50 successful hacks.
Toaster in the Tub (10 GP) - Shock an enemy standing in water with electrobolt.
Tonic Collector (50 GP) - Find, buy, and invent all 53 gene tonics.
Two Fully Upgraded Weapons (5 GP) - Get both upgrades for two different 
Upgraded a Weapon (5 GP) - Get a weapon upgrade from a Power to the People
Weapon Specialist (20 GP) - Fully upgrade all of your weapons.

  8. CONCLUSION [c08]

I hope you found this guide useful in your explorations of Rapture. This is the
first guide I've ever written, so I would appreciate any comments or 
corrections, or additional info you think should be added to the guide. Good
luck and have fun!

Chris Vig
Xbox gamertag TheCrimsonOmen
[email protected]

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