Walkthrough/FAQ - Guide for Dragon Ball: Origins

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                       Dragon Ball: Origins Walkthrough

Copyright 2010, Ankit Shah
All rights reserved
Email: [email protected]
Version .10 1/29/2010

                             Table of Contents

   Revision History...................................................I
   Frequently asked questions.........................................VII

                                   I. Revision History

Version 0.10    1/29/10
Started writing the FAQ and finished up to 2-3

Version 0.50    2/16/10
Submitted to GameFAQs

                                II. Story

                              Long long ago...
         In a mysterious time no one has ever seen or heard of...
          Far across the sea, in a remote and enchanted land.
               a young boy lived deep in the mountains...

                                III. Controls

Touch the direction you want to move to and Goku will move in that direction.
Hold the stylus down and Goku will continue moving where you touch.  Double tap
with the stylus in any direction to roll.

D-Pad: Moves in the direction you press.
X: Moves camera up
A: Moves camera to the right
B: Moves camera down
Y: Moves camera to the left
L: Switch weapons
R: Open items menu
Fist Icon: Switch to power pole
Power Pole Icon: Switch to fists
Capsule Icon: Opens item menu
Hold Start: Show the map
Hold Select: SHow the dragon radar

                               IV. Walkthrough

To look for a specific chapter press Control + F and type =x=, where x is the
chapter number

1.  Episode 1-1 =1=
2.  Episode 1-2 =2=
3.  Episode 1-3 =3=
4.  Episode 1-4 =4=
5.  Episode 1-5 =5=
6.  Episode 1-6 =6=
7.  Episode 1-7 =7=
8.  Episode 2-1 =8=
9.  Episode 2-2 =9=
10. Episode 2-3 =10=
11. Episode 2-4 =11=
12. Episode 2-5 =12=
13. Episode 2-6 =13=
14. Episode 2-7 =14=
15. Episode 3-1 =15=
16. Episode 3-2 =16=
17. Episode 3-3 =17=
18. Episode 3-4 =18=
19. Episode 3-5 =19=
20. Episode 3-6 =20=
21. Episode 4-1 =21=
22. Episode 4-2 =22=
23. Episode 4-3 =23=
24. Episode 4-4 =24=
25. Episode 4-5 =25=
26. Episode 4-6 =26=
27. Episode 5-1 =27=
28. Episode 5-2 =28=
29. Episode 5-3 =29=
30. Episode 5-4 =30=
31. Episode 5-5 =31=
32. Episode 5-6 =32=
33. Episode 6-1 =33=
34. Episode 6-2 =34=
35. Episode 6-3 =35=
36. Episode 6-4 =36=
37. Episode 6-5 =37=
38. Episode 6-6 =38=
39. Episode 7-1 =39=
40. Episode 7-2 =40=
41. Episode 7-3 =41=
42. Episode 7-4 =42=
43. Episode 7-5 =43=
44. Episode 7-6 =44=
45. Episode 8-1 =45=
46. Episode 8-2 =46=
47. Episode 8-3 =47=
48. Episode 8-4 =48=
49. Episode 8-5 =49=
50. Episode 8-6 =50=
51. Episode 8-7 =51=
52. Episode 8-8 =52=
53. Episode 8-9 =53=
54. Episode 8-10 =54=
=1=                             1. Episode 1-1

The first part of the game is pretty straightfoward.  After the moving
tuturial, follow the path and go up the stairs and you will come to a cuscene
explaining how to jump across gaps.  Head to the red arrow to go into the next

Once you take a few steps foward you will get another cutscene showing you how
to push the rock into the river to use as a stepping stone.  There are two
paths to take but we will go foward first.  Once you get across to the other
side, the game will tell you about treasure chests.  Touch the chest for a
health piece and jump back across the river.  This time take the left path and
you will see two rocks.  Destroy one or both to pass and jump across the river
like you did before and head to the next area.

Follow the path here until you climb the stairs where you will learn how to
fight.  You will now fight eight pigs which are very easy.  Just follow the on
screen directions and you should be ok.

Once you finish with the pigs you will see a cutscene where Goku meets Bulma.

Once the cutscene and dialog are over, jump across the gap and go down the
stairs. Push the rock into the gap so Bulma can cross.  Then follow the path to
your house where there will be more dialog and the episode will end.

=2=                             2. Episode 1-2
Goku travels with Bulma, far from the mountains he is accustomed to.  This is
only the begining of their incredible adventure!

The next part will start with Bulma and Goku on a motorcycle and Bulma then
being carried away and dropped by a bird.  once the dialog ends and you have
control of Goku again, follow the path up to bulma and kill the two pigs.  As
you cross this elevated area, you will come across three more pigs; two pigs
near the start and another near the red arrow.  Head to the area to go into the
next area.

Im this area, go down the stairs and push the block into the gap so Bulma can
cross.  Once you cross the gap you will have to kill another pig.  Take the top
path and you will come across a tough but still easy blue pig.  Follow the path
and ignore the chest for now and you will come across more stairs and you will
see a cave blocked by two rocks.  Three more blue pigs will pop and once they
are defeated the rocks wil break, opening then entrance to the cave.  Now go
back down the stairs and up the other set and stand across from the two rocks
that are blocking you from the treasure chest.  Switch to your power pole and
extend it to break the rock.  Jump across the gap to claim a Ki Piece for Bulma
from the chest and head into the cave.

Once inside, follow the path, killing the three bats on the way, until you get
to an intersection.  Break the rocks and head down the top path.  Use your
power pole again to destroy the rocks at the gap and jump across.  Kill the bat
and keep jumping the gaps until you come across a block.  Push the block down
to clear the way for Bulma.  Go left fromt here and push the block to close the
gap and follow Bulma across it.  You will soon come to another intersection and
Bulma will go to the left.  Ignore her for now and head right for another chest
with a Health Piece for Bulma.  Now follow Bulma to the left  and hug the right
wall until you see a large gap and a rock on the other side.  Use your power
pole to destroy the rock and the room will fill with water and raise the
bridge.  Cross the bridge and defeat the two bats and you will come to an
intersection.  You can head up to find some rocks that may have health or ki
restoration items but you eventualy want to follow Bulma to the right.  Climb
the stairs and you will see the giant rocks blocking your path again.  Kill the
two lizards to break them and follow the arrow ou of the cave.

After some dialog you will regain control of your and you will want to follow
the path, killing the two pigs and wolf on your way.  Once you come to and
climb the stairs, head foward and you will come to an intersection.  The bottow
path leads to a gap with a rock on the other side with a 100 zeni in it.  Jump
back across and take the top path.  Kill the two wolves and head for the arrow
to go into the next area.

Head foward and you will come across an intersection and a save point.  Take
the left path and you will see an arrow to go to the next area.

In this area, head up until you see a bridge.  Before crossing in, go to the
right and follow the path to an arrow to head back into another part of the
last area you were in.

Kill the three wolves and head up the stairs and you will have to fight two
dinosaurs.  Keep going that way and you will see another area to lead you back
to the map with Bulma.'

In this area you will have to fight two more dinosaurs and then will come
across a block you can push into the water.  Once you push it in, go a little
farther left and you will find a Normal Figure, 146 Villager (Man). AFter that,
head all th way to the right side and you will see some gaps you can jump.  On
the other side you will see two wolves and another block you can push in the
river.  This will stop the flowing river and dry up one side.  Head left and go
up to the next area.

On your way to the stairs at the end of the path you will come across two more
of the dinosaurs.  Take the stairs down and you will come across three waves of
pigs.  The first wave will have two, then three, and then four.  Extend your
power pole and sweep to kill them easily.  After you kill them all, open the
chest to get a Health Piece for Goku and then head down to the arrow for the
next area.

You will now be in the same area with Bulma and she will tell you sbout the
cave you uncovered.  Cross the bridge and head into the cave.

Follow the path and you will come across three lizards and a bridge.  Once you
cross the bridge and head foward you will see some stairs to climb.  Kill the
lizard on the platform and break the rocks with your power pole so you can jump
the gap to grab the chest containing a Ki Piece for Goku.  Jump down to kill
the two lizards and move foward and you will come to an intersection.  Take the
top path to get to the arrow and the end of this area.

In this area, head right and you will come across two waves of lizards, five in
total.  There will be two sets of stairs here so take the right one.  Jump
across the gap and you will see a wall separating two paths foward.  Take the
left path and you will find a rock that will give you 100 zeni when destroyed.
Go back down and push the block down so Bulma can cross over to you.  Now take
the right path and you will come across two bats and then two bats and a
lizard.  Go past them and you will come to an arrow that will lead you into the
next area.

As soon as you come out of the cave you will see another save point.  A little
ways past it you will get some more dialog and Bulma will get carried away
again.  After another dialog there will a be a boss fight with Pteradon.

                                  Boss: Pteradon
This boss seems to have a few attacks.  The first attack is a wing attack when
hes on the ground.  He flails at you with his wings a few times.  His second
attack is a flying charge attack where he flys at you and hits you.  He also
has a fireball attack.  He will use this when he is flying in one place or when
he is on the ground.  While on the ground he ma also throw two bundles of
dynamite at you.

Run up to the Pteradon and hit him a few times until he starts flying around.
Once he does that, run up the stairs onto the elevated areas and hit him with
your power pole.  This will knock him down and stun him.  Jump down and beat on
him some more.  This should be enough to destroy him.  If not just rinse and
                                  End Boss: Pteradon

Once he is dead he will drop a 50 zeni bag, a skill orb, and a scroll.  Pick up
the bag and orb and then click the scroll to continue.  You will get some more
dialog with Bulma and this part of the episode will end.

=3=                             3. Episode 1-3
Goku chased the pteradon that kidnapped Bulma through the forest.  He managed
to rescue Bulma and get the Dragon Ball back.  However...

This next part is pretty easy.  there are four baby pteradons and one of them
has the dragon balls.  There are two ways to do this.  You could hold select to
see which one has the dragon balls and kill him or you can not bother and just
kill them all.  They have a flying charge attack and a fireball attack but that
shouldn't be too much of a problem.  After the dragon balls are recovered, this
part of the episode ends.

=4=                             4. Episode 1-4
Goku and Bulma set out in search of the seven Dragon Balls.  They head west
towards the fourth Dragon Ball...

After some extended dialogue you will finally be in control of Goku again and
you will have a turtle on your back.  This path is pretty straigh foward with
plenty of enemies in the way.  None of them are really a problem since they
only take one hit to kill but the wolves can be annoying since they move so

When you get to the next area you will come across a bandit and some dialog.
And then a boss fight.

                                  Boss: Bandit
I'm not even sure if this is a boss but it takes more than a few hits to kill
so 'm going to say it is.  This fight is very easy because the bandit doesn't
have many attacks and his attacks are slow.  His only attack is to swipe at you
with his sword which can be easily dodged by rolling out of the way.  For this
fight I do not reccomend you use the power pole because you can't dodge with
it.  My stratedgy was to go in and keep punching him and then to roll out of
the way.  Keep doing this and he will go down fast.
                                  End Boss: Bandit

After the boss fight bulma will rejoin you and you will meet Master Roshi who
will give you Flying Nimbus.  Some more dialog and the fourth part of the
episode ends.

=5=                             5. Episode 1-5
Goku and Bulma just met, a country boy and a city girl.  Where will their
journey take them?

This is an optional part of the first episode.  If you do not want to do it,
skip to episode 2.

Once you get control of Goku and head down the path a little, you will come to
an intersection.  Take the left path to the arrow and into the next area.

Walk foward in this next area and there will be another intersection.  There is
no need to go to the right and all the way around because the river is already
stopped and the cave is already open.  Head foward and into the cave.

Once inside dispatch the three lizards and head across the bridge.  Head right
and then north at the intersection and into the next area.

Once you're in this next area, hug the left wall and go up and into the next

In this room you will have to fight five centipedes and six wolves.  After you
defeat them you will be transported back to Bulma and the episode will end.

=6=                             6. Episode 1-6

=7=                             7. Episode 1-7

=8=                             8. Episode 2-1
Bulma and Goku get the Three Star Ball from Master Roshi, a strange old man.
They then head far to the West in search of the next Dragon Ball.  After
travelling for three days they arive at their destination.,,The fifth Dragon
Ball isn't far off!

Once you get control of Goku, follow Bulma until you come across a pig.  After
you kill it head up and you will see a chest with a Ki Piece for Goku.  Follow
bulma again until she stops and head left then down and you should see a gap.
Jump across and go up until you see a block you can push into the river to make
a bridge.  Follow Bulma again unill you fight the second blue pig and head
left.  Go past the strange plant thing and break the rocks up north for a
Normal Figurine.  Get back on Bulma's trail and she will lead you to the arrow
into the next area.

Once in this area, keep following Bulma until you get to some steam and dialog,
Once the steam is out kill the centipede and go foward until you see a statue.
Deflect the projectile back at it with a front twirl to destroy it and continue
into the next area.

In this next area, after you kill the frog, head to the right and you'll see a
little pond.  Wait till the raft comes closer and jump onto it and get off at
the other side.  In this room hit the blue button and go through the now open
double doors.  If you keep going down this way you should see a blue button on
the ground which will open the door to let Bulma through.  Keep going until you
see 2 giant rocks and a dinosaur.  Kill the dinosaur to destroy the rocks and
head up to grab the chest  which has a Rare Figurine.  Now head left into the
other room opened by beating the dinosaur and you will find two wolves and a
bridge.  Use your power pole to hit the switch on the right side of the bridge
on the opposite wall to bring it down and cross over.  Head to the arrow and
into the next area.

Follow the narrow path into a room with two giant rocks and another statue.
Use a front twirl again to destroy it and head to the left to find a Normal
Figure inside the rock.  Go farther along, past the bee, the path and take it
north and then left to the wolf and steam.  Use a couple of front and top
twirls to extinguish it and then go foward and down at the intersection.
Extinguish the second steam vent and open the chest for a Ki Piece for Bulma.
Go north to find Bulma and follow her to the arrow and into the next area.

Go foward and kill the two bees and the plant thing and then go up the stairs.
Follow Bulma until you see the second stairs and climb down them.  Here you
will find six bees to kill, a rock with 100 zeni, and a chest with a Health
Piece for Bulma.  Go back to Bulma and you will see two giant rocks and a
bandit.  Kill the bandit to destroy the rocks and walk to the glowing thing in
front of the tree to claim the sap.  You will then be transported back to the
village and after some dialogue the first part of this episode will end.

=9=                             9. Episode 2-2
Goku wears a clever disguise in order to rescue the kidnapped girls.
Eventuakky Oolong appears.

There will be some dialoge with Oolong and then a boss fight.

                                  Boss: Oolong
Oolong seems to have three different attacks.  He jumps in the air and comes
back down on top of you.  Another attack is swinging the bouquet at you and
shootign roses that stun you.  He usually follows this up with the jump.  The
final attack is making a whirlwind of roses around him which covers the screen
with petals if you get too close.  His attacks do about a quarter HP of damage
but they aren't too hard to avoid.  The main thing to avoid is the stun because
then you have to hurry and unstun yourself or he land on top of you.
                                  End Boss: Oolong

After you win the fight grab the spoils and then the scroll to continue.

This next part is very easy.  All you have to do is catch up to Oolong.  When
you start, go to the max speed and keep an eye on for the birds so you can
avoid them.  Once You see a whirlwind head for it and you should be able to
catch him.  Once you do yhe second part of this episode will end.

=10=                             10. Episode 2-3
Oolong fled to his mansion with Goku in hot pursuit!  Are the village girls
that Oolong captured safe?

Once you enter the mansion and defeat the boxer, head left and you will get
locked in the room with a centipede.  Kill them to open the doors and go
through the one you did not enter from.  At the intersection stand on the blue
button and use your power polt to hit the blue button you see on the wall.  Be
careful not to step off the button or the wall will block you.  Head down into
the newly opened door and you will end up in a room that locks itself with more
centipedes.  Kill both of them again and head to the arrow into the next area.

Once in this area, go left past the open door to the steam vents which can be
put out with a few top or front twirl.  Go past the second steam vents into a
room with a chest containing a Health Piece for Goku.  Go back to the steam
vents you passed to put them out and hit the blue switch in the room to open
the bottom doors in the first room.  Head back to the first room and go through
the doors and you will be at an intersection with a guard.  Kill him and take
the right path past some steam vents to abnother guard.  After taking him out
take the bottom path to another arrow and another area.

In this area follow the path and go north at the first intersection and then
left at the second one where you will be locked in with a statue.  Destory it
and it will open the door and pop a chest with a Health Piece for Bulma.  Go
out the room and take the other path to a gap with spikes you can jump.  In
this room there will be three boxes and a little farther down a green switch.
Grab a box and stand on the green switch to open the wall.  Throw the box down
the hole and it will land on another green switch and open a door on the
basment floor.  Go back the way you came in and down to the basement floor.

Kill the guard and put out the steam vents before going into the now open room
with a switch.  Stand on it to light a lamp and open a door on the first floor.

This time go straight at the intersection and follow the corridor into a room.
head to the bottom room and jump the gap to find a room with two crates and a
green switch.  Grab a crate and stand on the switch to open the wall and then
toss the crate into the hole and it willland on a green switch on another floor
and open a door.  Now go back to the intersection and go into the right room
and you will be locked in with a boxer and a guard.  Once you defeat them take
the top door to a statue and the exit.

You'll now be back on the basement floor.  Follow the path and avoid the three
trap doors you see until you get to the room where the crate you dropped is.
Take the open door to a dragon statue you can destroy to jump the gap.  Pick up
the crate you see and throw it at the other crate to destroy it and jump the
next two gaps to reach the other side.  Avoid another three trap door and hit
the switch to open the door.  At the intersection head to the top open door and
you will be locked in with two centipedes.  Kill them to open the door and pop
a chest with a Rare Figurine.  Leave the room and take the other path to
another intersection.  From here go down until you see an open door on the
left.  Go in and you will be locked in with two guards.  Take the top exit to
get to the first floor.

From here, take the right path and you will come to a room with moving
platforms.  Use the three moving platforms to get to the chest which contains a
Ki Piece for Bulma.  Now take the fitst moving platform back to the middle area
and jump the gap to the north.  Put out the two steam vents and grab a crate
from the left side.  Go right and stand on the green switch and throw the crate
down the hole to open another door on the basement floor.  Head back to where
you came onto this floor and take the elevator back down.

From here head down a little and take the left door and head up.  Avoid the two
trap doors and step on the switch to light the second lamp.  Go back the way
you came and up to the first floor.

Go left from the entrance and you will be locked in a room with two centipedes
and a statue.  Destroy all three and take the exit you didn't come in through.
Hit the switch on your right side to open the door to the main entrance hall.
Kill the boxer and take the newly opened doors past the two lamps you just lit.
Save your game and head up the stairs for another boss fight.

                                  Boss: Oolong
This fight is a little more difficult than the last.  The first thing you have
to do is take out the power pole to blow away the steam.  While you're trying
to do that he will attack you with the noodles.  Once you get rid of the steam
he will keep charging you so its good to keep some distance.  He also throws
three white things at you which go around the room a few times.  If you hit him
fast enough he shouldn't have time to ddo that attack.  A little ways into the
fight he will use the steam again to get rid of it and finish him off.  The
best way to finish the fight is to blow the steam off and then follow him.
Once he stops running and starts charging, you'll notice that he will only run
between two spots so if you stand out of the way you should be able to whack
him with your power pole and stay out of his charging path.
                                  End Boss: Oolong

After the fight collect the spoils and grab the scroll to continue.  After the
fight Bulma will join you and the girls will be "rescued".  This is the end of
the third part of episode 2.

=11=                             11. Episode 2-4
Goku and Bulma defeated Oolong and rescued the captive girls.  Thus they should
have obtained the old woman's Six Star ball.  However...

Once you get in the forest, follow the path to the two big rocks blocking your
way, killing the plant monster on the way, and prepare to fight two more plant
monsters.  The best way to kill them is to run up to them and use fist combos
to kill them before they can attack.  Once you've destroyed the rocks, keep
following Bulma up the winding path to some stairs, another set of giant rocks,
and two more plant monsters guarding them.  Keep going down that path to come
across yet two more giant rocks.  Once you're past that, the path ahead will
split but you want to follow Bulma to the bandit.  After you kill him, the path
will split again.  The path Bulma follows leads to two giant rocks with the
usual guards and the other path leads to a chest with a Rare Figure.  Once you
grab the chest and clear the way, you'll come to another intersection.  The
southeast path leads to another chest, this time with a Ki Piece for Goku.  The
other path leads to two bees before the stairs and two bees once you come back
down them.  A little farther down the path you will see two giant rocks again,
this time guarded by two bandits.  Past that there will be two bees, and then
further down, two rocks with plant monsters.  Once you defeat them and climb
the stairs, you should find the your fifth Dragon Ball.

=12=                             12. Episode 2-5
This is an optional part of the second episode.  If you do not want to do it,
skip to episode 3.

This part is like when you chased Oolong to his mansion.  This one is timed and
you have 70 seconds to finish it.  On the top you will see a bar to show how
far Goku is long the path.  This is a little more difficult because of all the
enemies but is not too much harder.  Just go full speed and try to hit as many
of the whirlwinds as you can.  You can dodge the onsters or jump over them to
avoid takign damage but I wouldn't sacrifice too much speed for safety because
there are a couple of hearts on the path you can grab.  Once you reach the end
you'll get a dialog with Oolong and the episode will end.

=13=                             13. Episode 2-6

=14=                             14. Episode 2-7

=15=                             15. Episode 3-1
Bulma and Goku head to the southwest seeking the sixth Dragon Ball.  Along the
way they reluctantly let Oolong join them...

Once you get control of Goku, follow Bulma a little ways to get to two frogs
and a bunch of rocks.  Kill them and contiue to the arrow and into the next

This next area is a crossroads.  There are three other possible exits but only
one way will lead foward.  The rest will lead back to the start.  I'm going to
list the direction you should go accoring to the map and then in parrenthesis
the direction on the screen.  North (NE), west (NW), west (NW), north (NE),
north (NE).  Alternatively, you can spot the correct path by noticing a cactus
by the mouth of the path.

On this oasis map, you can find a narrow gap to jump across the water and onto
the middle island with the chest.  But before you do that, run around the map
and kill the two sets of cats and cats with guns.  If you don't Bulma will run
around the map and kill herself while you try to get the chest.  Once that's
done, jump the gap and kill the two cats with guns that spawn and grab the
chest with a Ki Piece for Bulma and jump back to the main part of the area.
head to the northeast to find the arrow and the exit.

More crossroads here. This time you want to go west (NW), west (NW), north
(NE), east (SE), north (NE), west (NW), north (NE).

In this next area, move up a bit to come acorss two giant rocks and tweo
triceratops.  Once you get past that, you will come across a tiny oasis.  Kill
the enemies and break open the rocks for a Normal Figure.  On the east side of
the map you will see a save point and the exit.

You will get a cutscene with Yamcha and Puar and then a boss fight.

                                  Boss: Yamcha
This is probably the toughest fight you will have so far but as long as you
know what to expect you should be ok.  He seems to have two types of attacks, a
sword and kick.  Both can be avoided if you pay attention and manage to roll
away fast enough.  He hits pretty hard but you can get hit three or four times
and still be ok.  What i suggest is rushing in and doing a quick combo or two
with your fists and then rollign out of the way of his attacks.  Once hes done
do a punch to close the gap and do another combo or two.  Which this stategy
you should eb able to defeat him with relative ease.
                                  End Boss: Yamcha

Grab your spoils and the scroll to get anothe dialogue and end this part of the

=16=                             16. Episode 3-2
The bandits Yamcha and Puar attacked Goku and his friends as they crossed the
desert!  However, when Yamcha saw Bulma he unexpectedly retreated.  However...

When you start this area and go down the path you'll see a bird dinosaur at the
first intersection.  The right path just leads to some breakable rocks.  If you
take ther left path you'll come to some flowing sands.  Take the bottom one
twice and you'll come to a chest with a Health Piece for Goku.  Take the top
path now all the way back and take the bottom path once to get to Bulma.  After
fighting a cat you should come to a unmovable rock.  Goku will learn to do a
smash attack so use it on the rock to continue forward.  Kill the bird dinosaur
and cat to get to the arrow to continue.

As soon as you enter, take the right path and smash the rocks to get a chest
with a Health Piece for Bulma.  Go back to the begining and this time take the
left path to find a bird dinosaur and a river.  Once you're across do a pound
attack on the porcupines and big rock and push the stone into the river so
Bulma can cross.  Take the left flowing sand to follow Bulma and kill the bird
dinosaur and porcupine.  Before you head to the next area, go back and take the
topmost flowing sand to an area with a couple of rocks that have zenni and a
Normal Figure.  Take the flowing sand back to Bulma and head into the next

In this area you will find a couple of sand pits with scorpions.  The best way
to kill them is to do a few pound attacks with the power pole.  The west part
of the map has a chest with a Ki Piece for Bulma.  After you get the chest,
follow Bulma to a save point and the exit.

This next area is really easy.  Just keep going north while avoiding the path
of the fish snake.  On the other side is an entrance to a cave and the end of
part two of this episode.

=17=                             17. Episode 3-3
Goku enters a cave in the desert in search of his lost Dragon Ball.  According
to the Dragon Radar the FOur Star ball lies ahead...

Follow the path until you get to a porcupine at an intersection.  Break the
rock and take the north path, past two porcupines until you get to a gap on
your right side.  Jump the gap and breakt he rock on that side for 100 zeni.
Now jump back to the other side and kill the two frogs before you smash the
other big rock.  If you keep going straight you will hit the back wall.  Goint
left takes you to the next area but first you want to go right across the
narrow path for a chest which contains a frog.  In this next area, where the
porcupines are, there will be a few places to go.  First take the west path to
kill the two porcupines and break the big rock.  Then go back and take the
bottom path, past the big rock, and kill the frog before you jump the gap on
the left side.  Keep going this way and you will come across a few frogs and an
intersection.  Take the north path, past Bulma and the big stone to break a
rock with a Normal Figure.  Go back down and push the rock out of the way to
let Bulma in and head all the way down and to the left to find the exit.

A little way into this area you will come to an intersection.  If you take the
top path you will see eight barrels.  You can break them or not, they don't
contain anything important.  Take the path Bulma did and you will come across a
giant rock blocked by a triceratops.  Kill it and you will come to a room with
a weak floor.  Smash it and take the stairs to the exit.

This next area has nothing.  Just walk all the way to the exit.

On this part just follow Bulma until you get to a locked door.  Jump the gaps
to the side of the door until you get to a blue switch.  hit it and head back
to the door.  Once you're in you will find another locked door and possible
paths.  The right parth will lead to a switch which will open a door near a
chest and the bottom path will open the door to move foward.  Follow the path,
stopping to grab the chest with a Health Piece for Goku behind the door you
opened, to a red locked door.  Hit the switch Bulma points out to open the
first door.  Then enter the door and hit the switch from the side to open the
next door.  Once you're through, head tot he next area.

In this area, if you take the top path, you'll see a small entrance on your
right side.  You'll come to a room with a weak floor you can smash to find for
an arrow which leads to a room with a chest.  Grab the Ki Piece for Goku from
the chest and head back to where Bulma is.  This next room has two switches,
lamps, a svae point, and three locked doors.  Hot the bottom switch to open the
bottom door where you will find an arrow and a new area.

Take the top flowing sand to a blue mirror.  Take the top flowing sand again to
a gap.  Keep taking the sand to the bottom where you will find a chest with a
Rare Figure.  Now take the sands back to the begining.  Now take the flow that
goes down.  You will now be in the bottom left corner of this area and now it
gets a little tricky.  As soon as you step onto the top flow that goes right,
extend the power pole as far as you can towards the mirror.  This flow will
lead into another one that goes up.  As it's about to switch from right to up,
let go and you should be able to hit the switch.  It may take a couple of tries
but you should get it eventually.  Once you do, take the bottom flow twice and
you'll come to the now open door.  Smash the crate in this room to jump the gap
and turn the mirror blue.  Eventually you'll see a giant stone which you have
to push onto the moving sand.  This will cover the spikes and allow you to jump
the bottom gap.  If you keep going this way you'll see a gap on the left side
which has a vase and a Normal Figure.  Further ahead there are 2 gaps which
both lead to the same place so jump them to get to a large platform with a
switch that will light the second lamp in the main room.  Now go back to where
you pushed the block onto the moving sand and take the north gap this time back
to the entrance and into the main room with Bulma.

Back in the main room, Hit the top blue switch to open the left door and head
into the next area.

Hit the blue mirror here to open the door ahead.  Follow the path until you get
to a blue door followed closely by the second red mirror.  Hit it and go into
the door you just passed.  Here you'll find a blue mirror you can hit to open
tot door behind you with a chest that contains a Ki Piece for Bulma.  Ignore
the mirror in this room and head out to the previous mirror and hit it to opent
he door.  Now head back into the main hall and follow the path the way you were
going until you get to two giant boxes.  Smash them and you'll find a mirror
with two doors.  Hit the mirror to open the red door to get a chest with a
Health Piece for Bulma.  Hit the switch again to open the blue door and hit the
switch a third time from behind to open the next red door.  You'll come across
some skeletons you'll have to smash to kill and an intersection.  The right
path will bring you to a door and mirror.  Hit the mirror to open the door and
you'll find a vase with a Normal Figure.  Leave the room, head back to the
intersection and take the north path this time.  Go past the two red doors and
hit the switch at the end.  Go back to the first door you passed to find a
switch which will light a lamp in the main room.  take the second door and go
right to find the exit.

Hit the switch in this hall to open the double doors to get back to Bulma.
Save your game and head into the next area.

This area has another locked door and two possible paths.  Take either path and
hit the switch.  A timer will begin and you will ahve to go to the other side
and hit that switch before the timer ends to open the big doors.  Once you're
in take the right path and push in the outside two crates.  Then push the
middle crate to the side to open a path.  You'll come to a room with a
breakable floor and an arrow.  Hit the switch here and make your way to Bulma.
Take the top path here and you will be locked in the room with two skeletons.
Once you defeat them, head out the other doors and you'll find another weak
floor.  Smash it to find another room with another switch.  Go back out and to
the new doors it opened and you'll find the exit.

Back in the sands, follow the walkway to the end and then follow the squares on
the top screen all the way to the top and you'll find an arrow to the next

After a short dialog, the third part of the episode will end.

=18=                             18. Episode 3-4
After a lot of dialogue, you will be in the dessert again.  This par is pretty
easy.  Use the dragon radar to find the cactus Puar is disguised at.  The first
one is in the starting area, the second time he is in the oasis and the third
time he is in the third area.  After three times Yamcha will show up and you'll
be prompted to save before another boss fight.

                                  Boss: Yamcha
This fight is much easier than the last.  I don't really have a strategy for
this one.  All I did was run in and start to beat on him with my fists.  If you
have a large or two small health restoration items you shouldn't even need to
dodge his attacks but if you don't you'll prolly need to.  If you go outside
the square, in the line of sight of the snake, he will attack you.
                                  End Boss: Yamcha
After you win, grab your loot and scroll to get more dialog and finish this
part of the episode.

=19=                             19. Episode 3-5
Our heroes are lost in the desert.  Will hey be able to get out safely?

Theres's only one way to go in this area, just follow the path.  Only two frogs
should get in your way.

Back at the crossroads again, just follow the cactus or these directions.
North (NE), east (NE), south (SW), east (NE), north (NE), west (NW).

Go west here until you're in the middle of two pools of water.  If you take the
path inbetween them there is a chest with a Rare Figure.  Go back out the way
you came.

Here at the crossroads again go north (NW), east (SE), east (SE), north (NE),
north (NE), west (NW), south (SW), west (NW), west (NW), north (NE), east (SE),
north (NE).

=20=                             20. Episode 3-6

=21=                             21. Episode 4-1
Our heroes escaped from Yamcha and continued their journey to Fire Mountain.
where legend has it, the terrible OX King dwells.  Will they be able to find
the sixth Dragon Ball?

Start by going down the path untill you come to a split.  It may be hard to
tell so look on your map and it should be at the top of the bottom area.  Take
the right path and follow it down until you get a dialoge with a rock and a new
skill.  Once you're on the other side, head to the east to find an arrow and
the next area.

A little up this path use your new power pole trick to cross the gap.  This
part has a rolling boulder that will "reset" you, like when you fall into water
or off a cliff.  If you time it properly, you should be able to make it up the
left side without any problems.  You have to be careful here because the
pillars go back down into the lava if you stand on them for too long.  Jump the
gaps up here until you get to a fork.  First we want to go to the left.  Go
past the two rabbits and you'll see an arrow.

You will now be back at the top of the first area.  From the entrance, head
right  You will pass some wolves and eventually come to a rock with holes.  Use
your power pole and grab the chest with a Heart Piece for Goku inside.  Head
back to the entrance and head down this time.  You'll come across a glowing
thing on the ground.  Run over it to pop a chest with a Health Piece for Goku
inside.  Head back to the entrance and back to the previous area.

Go back to the place where you went left and this time head right. Once you get
to a large strip of land, a boulder will start rolling towards you.  Again,
time your jumps and use the outside pillars to avoid the ball.  Once you get
past the boulders, you will come to some rabbits.  Kill them and take the path
north from them.  Break the giant rock there for a Normal Figure.  Back downthe
other way, not too far, you will come to another interection.  Take the left
path for a chest with a Health Piece for Bulma.  Once you get to the arrow,
don't go in but take the south path past the fissure to a chest with a Rare
Figure.  Head into the cave to end the first part of this episode.

=22=                             22. Episode 4-2
Goku heads into the fire cave to find a way to the summit of Fire Mountain.
But does this cave really lead to the Ox King's castle?

At the first intersection here go right, and then at the second one go straight
for a chest with a Ki Piece for Goku.  Head back to the last intersection and
go left past the fire enemies to a big breakable rock.  Past it is a big stone
you push into the lava and then jump north.  Going this way you'll come across
some cat enemies and an intersection.  Head south here for a rock with 100
zeni.  Head back and go right for a breakable rock, two cat enemies and the
next area.

As soon as you enter, go right and you'll see a pair of rocks with holes.  Get
to the other side and you'll find a breakable rock with 100 zeni.  If you go
back to the main room and head left you will find a narrow bridge you can cross
followed by a gap with a giant rock blocking the other side.  Once you jump it
you'll see another giant rock to the north with a chest behind it containing a
Ki Piece for Bulma.  If you head back to the main room now and head north, you
will find stairs and another pair of rock with holes.  Crossing it will lead to
more cats and the exit.

In this next room, start by heading down and you'll find a giant rock with a
Normal Figure in it.  Head back up and to the right this time for an
intersection.  The right leads to the next area so lets go down first.  You
will come across a skeleton and a pair of rocks with holes.  Cross the gap with
your power pole and and you'll pass some skeletons and some fire enemies.  All
the way at then end with be a giant block you can push into the lava to use as
a stepping stone.  Jump to the oter side and you'll see another pair of rocks
with holes.  Cross over to the other side for a chest with a Health Piece for
Bulma.  Go back over and head south to head into another area.

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