All You Need To Know About IQ\Gummies - Guide for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team

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                 Pokemon Mystery Dungeons: Blue Rescue Team

                             IQ & Gummie FAQ


   |   Table of Contents                                                  |
   |                                                                      |
   |                                                                      |
   |   Introduction.........................................[introdu]     |
   |                                                                      |
   |   What is IQ?..........................................[whtisiq]     |
   |        -Star Chart.....................................[strchrt]     |
   |                                                                      |
   |   Gummies..............................................[gummies]     |
   |        -Gummi Types....................................[gummi01]     |
   |        -Gummies and IQ.................................[gummi02]     |
   |        -Gummies and Belly..............................[gummi03]     |
   |                                                                      |
   |   IQ Skills............................................[iqskill]     |
   |        -Skill Groups...................................[skillgr]     |
   |        -Detailed Descriptions..........................[skillds]     |
   |                                                                      |
   |   Other Uses for IQ....................................[othruse]     |
   |        -Evolution......................................[evolutn]     |
   |        -Moves..........................................[iqmoves]     |
   |                                                                      |
   |   other Stuff..........................................[miscell]     |
   |        -Copyright Info.................................[copyrit]     |
   |                                                                      |
   |                                                                      |

|  INTRODUCTION                                                   [introdu]   |

So guys, like, this is my first faq ever. While looking at the message boards, 
I saw that only a few people have information about just how IQ and Gummies 
work, so I decided to do some tests and managed to acquire some data. Since 
this is my first faq, I hope that it's not too difficult to read or understand. 

|  WHAT IS IQ?                                                    [whtisiq]   |

PMD introduces a brand new mechanic to the world of Pokemon: IQ. In real life,
IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is the ratio of your mental age to chronological
age; basically, how smart you are. In PMD, the concept is not much different.
The more IQ a Pokemon has, the “smarter” it gets, and when it reaches a certain
level of smartness it can learn all sorts of neat skills called IQ Skills.

All newly recruited Pokemon on your rescue force start out with 0 IQ points.
From there, it can reach a maximum of 990 IQ points. IQ points are completely
unaffected by a Pokemon’s moves, level, or stats; the only known way to raise
IQ is to use special items called Gummies, which will be covered later.

Another way for the game to represent the IQ is through Stars. Stars are just
basically a less precise way of measuring IQ, but the game refers to them on
some occasions, so you’ll need to know the relationship between Stars and IQ
Points. Here is a general list of how IQ Points and Stars compare:

| Star Chart   [strchrt] |

   1 Star: 0 IQ
   2 Stars: 10 IQ
   3 Stars: 50 IQ
   4 Stars: 100 IQ
   5 Stars: 150 IQ
   6 Stars: 200 IQ
   7 Stars: 300 IQ
   8 Stars: 400 IQ
   9 Stars: 500 IQ
   10 Stars: 600 IQ
   11 Stars: 700 IQ
   MAX Stars: 990 IQ

So what are the benefits of having high IQ? Well, the biggest and most obvious
advantage is the availability of different IQ Skills, which can only be learned
after the Pokemon gains enough IQ Points needed.The more IQ Points your Pokemon 
has, the more IQ Skills it will have available, and generally skills learned at 
higher IQ Points are extremely useful in various dungeon explorations.

|  GUMMIES                                                        [gummies]   |

The only way to raise the IQ of a Pokemon is to feed it Gummies (although why
pieces of candy would make a Pokemon smarter is beyond me). Gummies are found
in almost all the dungeons in the game. They can be ingested either inside a
dungeon or in a Friend Area. Gummies are not stackable like Gravelerocks, so
each Gummi takes up a whole space inside your toolbox.

| Gummi Types   [gummi01] |

Gummies come in an assortment of colors (17 in all) and each color represents a
type. Gummies are also surprisingly tough to find, which is why I’ve compiled a
list of what each type of Gummi corresponds to, as well as which dungeon the
Gummi appears most in.

   Color      Type         Dungeon
   White      Normal       Mt. Steel

   Red        Fire         Mt. Blaze Peak/Magma Cavern

   Blue       Water        Frosty Grotto/Mt. Freeze Peak/Stormy Sea/
                                Silver Trench

   Grass      Grass        Uproar Forest

   Yellow     Electric     Mt. Thunder Peak/Howling Forest

   Clear      Ice          Frosty Grotto/Sky Tower

   Orange     Fighting     Mt. Steel

   Pink       Poison       Sky Tower

   Brown      Ground       Howling Forest

   Sky        Flying       Sky Tower

   Gold       Psychic      -none- 

   Green      Bug          Uproar Forest

   Gray       Rock         Magma Cavern/Sky Tower

   Purple     Ghost        Sky Tower

   Royal      Dragon       -none- 

   Black      Dark         Magma Cavern

   Silver     Steel        Magma Cavern

Note: The Gummies with -none- for the Dungeon column do not have special
dungeons in which they are more commonly found, so they have equal chances to
be found in about every dungeon that sports Gummies as one of their items. For
a full list of obtainable Gummies in every dungeon, consult the Dungeons of
Mystery guide here:

| Gummies and IQ   [gummi02] |

When you feed a Gummi to a Pokemon, that Pokemon gains a few points of IQ. The
IQ Points that they gain depends on the type of Gummi that they were fed. How
this works is that Pokemon generally like best the Gummi Type that is strong
against them.

   Gummi matches Pokemon Type: +7
   Gummi is strong against Pokemon Type: +4
   Gummi is neutral against Pokemon Type: +3
   Gummi is weak against Pokemon Type: +2
   Gummi is ineffective against Pokemon Type: +1

Let’s take the Pokemon Umbreon for an example. Since Umbreon is a Dark type,
feeding it Black (Dark) Gummies would give it +7 IQ, because the Gummi matches
Umbreon’s type. Giving it an Orange (Fighting) or Green (Bug) Gummi would give
it +4 IQ, because Fighting and Bug are strong against Dark. Feeding Umbreon a
Red (Fire), Brown (Ground), or Sky (Flying) Gummi would all give Umbreon +3 IQ
because those types are neutral against Dark. However, if you feed it a Purple
(Ghost) Gummi, it would only get +2 IQ because Ghost is not very effective
against Dark. And finally, if you feed Umbreon a Gold (Psychic) Gummi, it would
only get +1 IQ because Psychic is ineffective against Umbreon.

However, this only applies to mono-typed Pokemon. If the Pokemon is dual-typed,
then we must add the IQ Points for both types. For example, if we feed a Clear
(Ice) Gummi to an Articuno (Ice/Flying), then we would first calculate the IQ
increase for both Ice and Flying, then add them together. Since Clear Gummi
matches Ice, Articuno would gain +7 IQ Points. However, since Clear (Ice) is
also strong against Flying, it would also gain +4 IQ Points. So in total,
Articuno would gain 7 + 4 = 11 IQ Points from 1 Clear Gummi. This is why dual-
typed Pokemon generally gain IQ Points faster than mono-typed Pokemon.

|  Gummies and Belly   [gummi03] |

When eaten inside dungeons, Gummies also replenish different Belly depending on
the type of both the Gummi and the Pokemon.

   Gummi matches Pokemon Type: 60
   Gummi is strong against Pokemon Type: 30
   Gummi is neutral against Pokemon Type: 25
   Gummi is weak against Pokemon Type: 20
   Gummi is ineffective against Pokemon Type: 5

The reasoning is the same as above. For dual-typed Pokemon, the Belly increase
does stack, e.g. a Charizard would get an 85 Belly refill by eating a Red
Gummi. Gummies do not increase Belly size.

When you beat the main storyline, you’ll discover one more beneficial aspect of
Gummies, when it is fed in a Friend Area. To feed a Pokemon Gummies in a Friend
Area, talk to them and select the “Give Gummi” option. When Pokemon eat a Gummi
in a Friend Area, not only do they get the appropriate IQ Point increase, but
they also get a random stat boost. No matter the Gummi Type, there is an equal
probability that the Gummi will raise Attack, Defense, Special Attack, or
Special Defense by 1 point. Rarely, a Pokemon will “grow explosively” and gain
a point in each of its stats.

After your Pokemon’s IQ is maxed, you can still gain the additional effects of
Gummies; if you eat a Gummi inside a dungeon, you still gain Belly, and if you
feed a Pokemon a Gummi in a Friend Area, it will still get the random stat
boost. An interesting thing to note is that eating Gummies dungeons will make
the text message say that your IQ is maxed out, but when you use a Gummi in a
Friend Area it says that their IQ increased. 

|  IQ SKILLS                                                      [iqskill]   |
Now, to the main reason why IQs were created in the first place - IQ Skills.
When a Pokemon gains a certain amount of IQ Points*, it can learn a new IQ
Skill, and you can choose to turn this skill on or off. These skills cover a
wide variety of aspects within the game mechanics that will make traversing
dungeons more convenient. Although most of these skills matter only with your
partner, some deal with the user, so when you learn a new IQ Skill, the first
thing you should do is to look at its info to see if it is useful to you or
not. But since this guide is here, you don’t need to.

| Skill Groups   [skillgr] |

Something to note is that some IQ Skills cannot be turned on at the same time,
thus effectively creating Skill Groups so that only one IQ Skill can be turned
on in each group. I have personally labeled these Skill Groups so it is easier
to refer to them. Here is a general list of all the different groups. Note that
the IQ Skills that do not belong in any groups are not mentioned here.

---Group A---
This group consists of IQ Skills that gives a Pokemon a little extra boost when
dealing or receiving damage.

Type-Advantage Master
Sure-Hit Attacker
Quick Dodger

---Group B---
The skills in this group deal with how a partner reacts to enemies.

Exp. Go-Getter
Efficiency Expert
Weak-Type Picker
Dedicated Traveler

---Group C---
This group is basically how a Pokemon moves through terrain.

All-Terrain Hiker
Super Mobile

---Group D---
Group D is made up of skills that encourage a partner Pokemon to avoid
something or other.

Trap Avoider
House Avoider

---Group E---
The skills in this group help the Pokemon deal with various status problems.

Energy Saver

---Group F---
This group deals with other miscellaneous things related to terrain.

Trap Seer
Lava Evader

---Group G---
Finally, this group’s IQ Skills deal with how a Partner uses its moves.

PP Checker
Exclusive Move-User


| Detailed Desriptions   [skillds] |

And now, here is the detailed list of all the skills, listed in the order in
which you obtain them. Here are the descriptions of each data:

IQ: the minimum IQ points that a Pokemon must have before learning the skill.

Group: this signifies the skill’s Group, which can be found above.

Range: basically, who can utilize the skill. (either Leader, Partners, or both)

Description: the in-game description of the skill.

Note: my personal notes about the skill.



IQ: 0               Group: none              Range: Leader + Partners

Description: The Pokemon can catch and hold a thrown item. It can’t make a
             catch if it is already holding an item. It also can’t catch Seeds
             and drink items.

Note: Although most of the time you would want your Pokemon to hold items, you
      should leave this on anyway since it’s not in any groups and doesn’t
      limit other skills. This skill is automatically turned on when you first
      recruit the Pokemon.



IQ: 0               Group: none              Range: Partners

Description: If this Pokemon has a foe targeted for a move or a thrown item, it
             will check first for walls and other Pokemon that may get in the
             way. It will stop if there is an obstacle.

Note: Leave this one on at all times. It saves you from being hit from the back
      by one of your partners. This skill is automatically turned on when you
      first recruit the Pokemon.

      "Several players, including myself, have experienced much grief due
       to fatal incidents of friendly fire despite having both Course
       Checker and Nontraitor active. The culprit, as I've soon realized,
       was link moves: Course Checker ONLY checks the first move of a link
       combo. Therefore, a partner that has Growl + Razor Leaf will not
       hesitate to activate this link combo even if its allies are in the
       way because Growl passes Course Checker."



IQ: 0               Group: B                 Range: Partners

Description: The Pokemon will focus on traveling. It will use moves and items
             less often.

Note: Skills in Group B are completely based on your main purpose in the
      dungeon. With Dedicated Traveler turned on, as long as the partner has an
      option to move, it will choose that option. For example, if you somehow
      manage to get a wild Pokemon to follow right behind your partner, as long
      as you move so that your partner will also move (i.e. walk in a straight
      line) then your partner will never attack the wild Pokemon. However, if
      you do nothing or remain in one place for a turn, then your partner will
      turn around and attack the wild Pokemon because it can’t move anywhere.
      This is a useful skill to activate if you’re trying to reach a point as
      quickly as possible and don’t want your partner to waste time attacking



IQ: 0               Group: none              Range: Partners

Description: The Pokemon will use or throw its hold item.

Note: You should leave this on most of the time. The only exception is if you
      want your partner to hold a food item, a seed, or an orb but don’t want
      it to use the item. This skill is automatically turned on when you first
      recruit the Pokemon.



IQ: 0               Group: G                 Range: Partners

Description: The Pokemon will only use moves. It will not use its regular

Note: If you think that your partner’s regular attack is a waste of turn, then
      turn this skill on. You should also turn this on (in addition to checking
      the right move) if you want your partner to use a particular move. Of
      course, you should obviously turn Exclusive Move-User off if your partner
      runs out of PP completely.



IQ: 5               Group: G                 Range: Partners

Description: The Pokemon will stop using linked moves that are on the verge of
             delinking. It also stops using moves with no PP left.

Note: If you don’t mind your partner using its regular attack occasionally,
      then turn this skill on. However, if you remember to regularly check your
      partner’s PP (and switch off moves that have 0 PP), this skill becomes



IQ: 10              Group: B                 Range: Partners

Description: When battling several foes, the Pokemon will first target Pokemon
             with the lowest HP.

Note: Efficiency Expert is somewhat useful in the fact that your partner will
      more than likely eliminate the opponent in one hit and relieve you of one
      less Pokemon to fight. So if you’re in a Monster House and you and your
      partners are surrounded by enemies, then you should turn this on so your
      partners will wipe out the weaker enemies so they won’t bother you the
      following turn.



IQ: 25              Group: none              Range: Partners

Description: If its target has a status problem, the Pokemon will not use moves
             that cause the same status problem.

Note: It’s helpful, has no downsides and doesn’t belong in any group, which
      means you should always leave it on.



IQ: 40              Group: none              Range: Leader + Partners

Description: If it becomes Confused or is Cowering, the Pokemon’s wildly thrown
             attacks will not hit friends.

Note: Don't turn this one off. Ever.



IQ: 70              Group: E                 Range: Leader + Partners

Description: The Pokemon recovers faster from status problems.

Note: This is a pretty useful skill. It basically makes sleep, confusion,
      paralysis, etc. only last around 1-3 turns. Personally I prefer Energy
      Saver over this, but it’s your choice.



IQ: 100             Group: A                 Range: Leader + Partners

Description: The Pokemon becomes better at evading attacks and moves.

Note: This skill is, in my opinion, the best skill in Group A. It’s basically
      like a free Double Team, so you become harder to hit. I highly recommend
      activating this skill.



IQ: 110             Group: A                 Range: Leader + Partners

Description: The Pokemon’s critical-hit rate is boosted when attacking foes
             with a type disadvantage.

Note: This basically means that if you attack an opponent with types that are
      weak to your types, then your critical-hit rate will be boosted. I don't
      find this skill as helpful as the other Group A skills, though.



IQ: 130             Group: B                 Range: Partners

Description: When battling several foes, the Pokemon will first target Pokemon
             that have a type disadvantage.

Note: It doesn’t matter if you choose to activate this or not, Group B skills
      aren’t all that important.



IQ: 140             Group: D                 Range: Partners

Description: The Pokemon often avoids stepping on visible traps.

Note: Very useful. Definitely activate this over House Avoider. It works great
      if your leader has Trap Seer. Note that if your partner is next to you
      and your standing on a trap, and you switch places with your partner,
      your partner won’t be able to avoid the trap, even with Trap Avoider
      turned on.



IQ: 160             Group: E                 Range: Leader + Partners

Description: The Pokemon resists sleep from traps and the moves of foes.

Note: You should activate this whenever you’re in a dungeon full of Bug or
      Grass Pokemon with a sleep-inducing move, as they get very annoying, and
      if you’re not careful you can find yourself being ganged up on.



IQ: 200             Group: B                 Range: Partners

Description: When battling several foes, the Pokemon will first target the
             Pokemon that are worth the most Exp. Points.

Note: In context, this skill is practically useless because both you and your
      partner will gain the same amount of experience from a defeated opponent
      anyway. However, higher experience points generally mean higher level or
      tougher Pokemon, so activating this skill could indirectly make your
      partners attack the strongest Pokemon first. Use this knowledge to
      determine whether or not this skill is right for you.



IQ: 250             Group: E                 Range: Leader + Partners

Description: The Pokemon’s Belly empties slower.

Note: Very useful if you’re trekking through one of those 99-floor dungeons or
      other long dungeons. Otherwise, you may want to activate one of the other
      skills in Group E.



IQ: 300             Group: F                 Range: Partners

Description: The Pokemon will avoid fiery lava.

Note: If your partners can walk on lava (through All-Terrain Hiker, Super
      Mobile, or by just being a levitator) and are non-Fire types, then they
      will get the Burn condition when they step over lava. Lava Evader
      basically prevents them from stepping on hot lava. However, since the
      Burn status isn’t very hindering (reduces 5 HP every 20 steps) and the
      status will go away when you go to the next floor, it’s best to activate
      Trap Seer over this because, frankly, Trap Seer is much, much, much more
      useful than this.



IQ: 400             Group: C                 Range: Leader + Partners

Description: The Pokemon gains the ability to walk on water, lava, and clouds.

Note: This is an extremely useful skill if your Pokemon could not travel on
      water, lava, or clouds before (be aware that lava will still give you a
      burn). However, once you get Super Mobile this skill becomes virtually



IQ: 500             Group: A                 Range: Leader + Partners

Description: The Pokemon’s regular attacks never miss.

Note: Since my regular attacks almost always hit, I’m not too concerned about
      its accuracy (if it were a tougher opponent, I would use one of my main
      moves). But if you’re trying to save PP and can’t afford to waste a turn,
      then by all means turn this skill on.



IQ: 600             Group: F                 Range: Leader

Description: If the Pokemon is on an undiscovered trap, upon taking a step it
             will make the trap visible without setting it off.

Note: This is one of the best skills that you can get. By activating Trap Seer
      on your leader, whenever you step on a hidden trap, the trap won’t
      activate, and will only activate if you or your partners step on it
      again. An awesome combo is to have the leader carry the Trap Seer skill
      and all of your partners have the Trap Avoider skill. This way, th
      danger of traps will practically disappear. Also, note that your partners
      will not reveal hidden traps on their own.

      "Although it is somewhat obviously implied, Trap Seer does not
       actually protect the leader from the traps once they are revealed.
       And yes, I've had people complain to me claiming that I gave them
       'bad advice' because their leader got nailed by exposed traps
       despite having Trap Seer. v_v;;"



IQ: 800             Group: D                 Range: Partners

Description: The Pokemon avoids monster houses.

Note: After experimenting with this skill, I conclude that House Avoider is a
      completely useless waste of space. It does not prevent Monster Houses
      from occurring, as I previously imagined, but it just restricts your
      partners so that they won’t wander into Monster Houses on their own. Just
      activate Trap Avoider over this.

      "This skill is certainly not a waste of space; I find it very useful
       when I want self-sufficient teammates to split ways in a dungeon in
       order to maximize Exp farming. However, because many good Pokemon,
       such as Sceptile, lack highly effective countermeasures against some
       of the deadlier Monster Houses with Pokemon that spam Agility,
       Screech, or Sleep or Paralysis stats, this IQ skill becomes
       invaluable. Under most conditions (even Monster Houses), Sceptile
       can do just fine with its Agility, Bullet Seed, Mega Drain, etc, but
       against high density of bad-stat users and Agility and Screech
       spammers, even he falls quickly."



IQ: 990             Group: C                 Range: Leader + Partners

Description: The Pokemon gains the ability to walk on water, lava, and clouds.
             It can also dig its way through walls.

Note: The granddaddy of all skills, Super Mobile not only lets you walk across
      water, lava and clouds, it also grants you unlimited digging capabilities
      through solid walls (and with no additional Belly consumption!), which
      means you can now move freely through any part of the dungeon you like.
      It is also the best way to find Buried Items, which are present in some
      of the later dungeons. However, it’s best to turn on All-Terrain Hiker
      for your partners because sometimes they tend to dig their own path
      instead of following behind you, which prevents you from running by
      holding B.


|  OTHER USES OF IQ                                               [othruse]   |

Although IQ Skills are the primary benefits of IQ, there are a few other
mechanics in the game that are also affected by IQ: aspects such as evolution
and move learning, even the power of a move. In this section I will outline and
describe all uses of IQ that are unrelated to Skills.

|Evolution   [evolutn] |

In Mystery Dungeon, the happiness system from the main games has been scrapped
completely. Instead, the creators of the  game used IQ as a replacement. As a 
result, many Pokemon who previously evolved by means of happiness values will 
instead evolve by traveling into the Luminous Cave while having at least a 
certain amount of IQ. I have provided a list of all Pokemon that evolves by IQ, 
the level of IQ that they need to be to evolve, and any additional items or 
conditions required for them to evolve:

IQ: 6 Stars (200)
Other: none

IQ: 6 Stars (200)
Other: none

IQ: 6 Stars (200)
Other: none

IQ: 5 Stars (150)
Other: none

IQ: 5 Stars (150)
Other: none

IQ: 6 Stars (200)
Other: none

IQ: 4 Stars (100)
Other: Sun Ribbon

IQ: 4 Stars (100)
Other: Moon Ribbon

IQ: 5 Stars (150)
Other: none

| Moves   [iqmoves] |

A select few Pokemon learn certain moves based on their level and their IQ.
These moves are basically either tutor moves or special moves in the main games
that could not have been learned by any other Pokemon in any other way. Each
description below contains the move name, the Pokemon who learns it, the
minimum IQ, and the minimum level.

Min IQ: 333
Min level: 99

BLAST BURN (Charizard)
Min IQ: 333
Min level: 99

HYDRO CANNON (Blastoise)
Min IQ: 333
Min level: 99

Min IQ: 333
Min level: 50

|  OTHER STUFF                                                      [otherstu]|
| Copyright Info   [copyrit] |

Copyright 2006 Tim Zhu 

This faq may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal
or private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their 
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Pokemon Copyright 1995-2006 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. 
Mystery Dungeon Copyright 1993-2006 CHUNSOFT.

I wish you luck on your rescue missions!

The End

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