Perfect Guide - Guide for Super Mario 64 DS

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                        ★Super Mario 64 DS "PERFECT GUIDE"★
                                                              By Gavin Song

3.Course 1:Bob-omb Battlefield
4.Course 2: Whomp's Fortress 
5.Course 3: Jolly Roger Bay 
6.Course 4: Cool, Cool Mountain 
7.Course 5: Big Boo's Haunt 
8.Course 6: Hazy Mazy Cave 
9.Course 7: Lethal Lava Land 
10.Course 8: Shifting Sand Land 
11.Course 9: Dire, Dire Docks 
12.Course 10: Snowman's Land 
13.Course 11: Wet-Dry World 
14.Course 12: Tall, Tall Mountain 
15.Course 13: Tiny-Huge Island 
16.Course 14: Tick Tock Clock 
17.Course 15: Rainbow Ride
18.Secret Stars
19.Princess Peach's Rec Room  

Jump    "B" 
Run     "Y"
Attack  "A"
Camera  "X"
Camera  "L"
Duck    "R"
Pause   "start"
Move    "D-Pad"

Backward Somersalt:  "R"(hold)+"B"
Sideflip:   Run one way then press the D-Pad the other way and jump at the same 
Triple-Jump: Jump Forward,jump,and jump again as you touch the ground.
Long-Jump: Run Forward then Duck and Jump
Wall-Jump: Jump at a wall then jump again in mid-air

You can get specials from the Power-Flowers.You can get them from red blocks.

Yoshi Special:Breathing Fire (Press A)
Mario Special:Floating (Press B)
Luigi Special:Invisibility
Wario Special:Metal Wario
Course 1:Bob-omb Battlefield:

Star 1: Big Bob-omb on the Summit 

Work your way to the very top of the mountain and defeat the Big Bob-omb for the 
Star. From where you begin Course 1, follow the dirt path over the wooden bridge. 
Continue past the Big Chomp, then over the unstable wooden bridge. Go right through 
the opening in the metal fence. Go right and cross the small pit with rolling 
balls. Follow the dirt path up the mountain, making sure to avoid all of the large 
black rolling balls. At the top of the mountain, talk to the Big Bob-omb. Defeat 
him for the Star. 

Star 2: Race against Koopa the Quick 

Talk to the Koopa and agree to race him to the mountaintop. If you win, he'll give 
you a Star. You can only complete this objective as Mario. If you are not Mario, 
check the Touch Screen for the location of the nearest Mario Hat. Collect it, then 
come back to Koopa to race. 
The race calls for you to follow the same path you took to reach the Big Bob-omb at 
the top of the mountain. From where you begin Course 1, follow the dirt path over 
the wooden bridge. Continue past the Big Chomp, then over the unstable wooden 
bridge. Go right through the opening in the metal fence. Go right and cross the 
small pit with rolling balls. Follow the dirt path up the mountain, making sure to 
avoid all of the large black rolling balls. 

Star 3: 5 Silver Stars 

Collect the five Silver Stars scattered throughout the area, then collect the Star 
near the entrance. Collect the stars in any order. All Stars are visible on the 
Touch Screen Map. Any time you are hit by an enemy, you will drop one of the stars 
you have collected. One Star is above the tree near the entrance. One Star is 
attached to the Chomp's chain. One Star is inside a tree on the left side of the 
course. One Star is in a flower patch on the far side of the course. One Star is 
carried by a Goomba at the base of the mountain. 

Star 4: Big Bob-omb's Revenge 

Work your way to the very top of the mountain and defeat the Big Bob-omb for the 
Star. You must defeat the Big Bob-omb as Mario this time. Collect the Mario Hat on 
your way up the mountain. From where you begin Course 1, follow the dirt path over 
the wooden bridge. Continue past the Big Chomp, then over the unstable wooden 
bridge. Go right through the opening in the metal fence. Go right and cross the 
small pit with rolling balls. Follow the dirt path up the mountain, making sure to 
avoid all of the large black rolling balls. There is a Goomba wearing a Mario Hat 
about halfway up the mountain. Destroy it to collect the hat. At the top of the 
mountain, talk to the Big Bob-omb. Defeat him for the Star

Star 5: Mario Wings to the Sky 

Get the Wing Cap from the floating island, then fly through the five rings of 
yellow coins. Collect the Yellow Coin in the center of each ring in order to make a 
Star appear near the four wooden posts. After locating the Red Switch Block in the 
Tower of the Wing Cap, use the Cannon to reach the floating island. Jump into the 
Red Exclamation Block to obtain the Wing Cap, then use the Cannon to shoot yourself 
into the ring of Yellow Coins. Fly through all five rings and collect the Yellow 
Coin in the center of each ring in order to make a Star appear near the four wooden 

Star 6: Find the 8 Red Coins 

There are eight Red Coins scattered throughout the course. Six of the Red Coins are 
out in the open, one is under the concrete bridge near the large metal gate (this 
is the most-missed coin), and one is located on the small island in the sky. After 
you collect all eight Red Coins, the Star will appear near the four wooden posts. 

You can collect the eight Red Coins in any order. One is located above the two 
moving platforms near the Big Chomp. One is located on top of a rock in the grassy 
field. One is located above the wooden post that the Big Chomp is chained to. One 
is located underneath the concrete bridge near the metal gate. One is located on 
the grassy hill near the bottom of the mountain. One is located on top of a tree 
that is on the island in the sky. Two are located next to the four wooden posts in 
the grassy field. 

Star 7: Behind Big Chomp's Gate 

From where you begin Course 1, follow the dirt path to the stationary wooden 
bridge. Continue left to the Chain-Chomp, then quickly Stomp the wooden post that 
he's chained to. Repeat this two more times until the Chain-Chomp breaks free and 
opens the gate for you. Enter the small opening behind the gate to collect Star 7. 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. Although we don't have 
directions to locate the coins, you'll find 146 coins on the course. A Blue Coin 
equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow Coins. 

Course 2: Whomp's Fortress 

Star 1: Chip off Whomp's Block 

Work your way to the very top of the Fortress and defeat the Giant Whomp. From 
where you begin Course 2, jump onto the ledge. Double Jump onto the top of the 
stone wall. Follow the path up to the wooden sign. Turn left and follow the path to 
the sleeping Piranha Plant. Tiptoe past the plant, then cross the collapsing 
bridge. Cross the wooden plank. Wait for the revolving wooden platform to reach the 
ledge you are standing on. Walk onto the center of the platform, then ride it to 
the other side. Continue right past the two Small Whomps. Ride one of the platforms 
to the top of the Fortress. Once at the top of the Fortress, talk to the Giant 
Whomp, then battle him to receive the Star

Star 2: To the Top of the Fortress 

Work your way to the very top of the Fortress by following the same path you did to 
locate the Giant Whomp. Climb to the top of the tower to obtain a Star. From where 
you begin Course 2, jump onto the ledge. Double Jump onto the top of the stone 
wall. Follow the path up to the wooden sign. Turn left and follow the path to the 
sleeping Piranha Plant. Tiptoe past the plant, then cross the collapsing bridge. 
Cross the wooden plank. Wait for the revolving wooden platform to reach the ledge 
you are standing on. Walk onto the center of the platform, then ride it to the 
other side. Continue right past the two Small Whomps. Ride one of the platforms to 
the top of the Fortress. Jump across the platforms to reach the top of the tower 
for a Star. 

Star 3: Shoot into the Wild Blue 

From where you begin Course 2, jump onto the ledge. Double Jump onto the top of the 
stone wall. Go left through the shallow water field and talk to the Pink Bob-omb to 
activate the Cannon. Drop into the Cannon. Aim the crosshairs down and left until 
you see a ledge with a flagpole. Aim the crosshairs at the center brick column, 
then move them up until the left and right triangles are above the top brick 
platform. Shoot out of the Cannon. If successful, you will collide with the center 
column; If not, try again. Finally, slide down the small pole and collect the Star 
on the ledge below. 

Star 4: Red Coins on the Floating Isle 

There are eight Red Coins scattered throughout the course. After you collect all 
eight, a Star will appear near the entrance of the course. You can collect the 
coins in any order. One is located above the moving block near the entrance. One is 
located above the Blue Thwomp near the entrance. One is located behind the sleeping 
Piranha Plant. One is located on the narrow ledge between the two sleeping Piranha 
Plants. One is located in the flower patch at the opposite end of the Course. One 
is located next to the revolving platform. Two are located on top of the floating 
islands in the sky. 

Star 5: Fall onto the Caged Island 

Collect the Star that's located inside the floating caged island in the sky. From 
where you begin Course 2, jump into the tree and awaken the friendly Owl. Grab the 
Owl by holding the A Button, then allow the Owl to fly you above the Fortress. Once 
directly over the caged island, let go of the Owl and drop down onto the Star

Star 6: Blast Away the Wall 

From where you begin, jump onto the small ledge next to the stone wall, then Double 
Jump onto the top of the stone wall. Go left through the shallow water field and 
jump into the Cannon. Aim the crosshairs at the top-right corner of the right wall 
that appears below the moving wooden platform. Shoot Mario into the wall to break 
off the corner and reveal a Star. To reach the Star, either re-enter the Cannon and 
shoot yourself into it, or climb up the Fortress and drop down onto it. 

Star 7: Switch Star of the Fortress 

From where you begin, go right and follow the grassy path. Jump across the first 
gap. Locate the red block within the wall alcove and Stomp it to destroy it. Step 
on the star switch. Continue following the path, jumping over the fences and gaps, 
to reach the Star before it disappears. If the Star disappears, return to the star 
switch and step on it again.

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 141 coins 
on the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Course 3: Jolly Roger Bay 

Star 1: Plunder in the Sunken Ship 

Enter the water and swim to the other side of the lake. Swim down to the bottom to 
discover a Sunken Ship guarded by an Eel. After approximately two minutes, the 
giant Eel will swim out of the window. Enter the Sunken Ship. Open the chest to 
drain the water. Climb the platforms to reach the Yellow Exclamation Block at the 
other end of the ship. Jump into the block to obtain the Star. 

Star 2: Can the Eel Come out to Play? 

Jump into the lake, then swim down into the deep section of water, nearest to the 
ship, until you locate the Eel popping its head out of an opening in the seawall. 
Swim in front of the Eel to lure it out of its cave, then carefully swim behind the 
Eel and touch the Star on its tail. This can be tricky, because the Eel moves in 
many different directions. If the Eel re-enters the cave, simply lure it back out 
and try again. 

Star 3: Treasure of the Ocean Cave 

Swim to the deep section of water and locate a cave within the seawall. Swim 
through the cave's tunnel to reach a secluded dry area with falling pillars. Follow 
the path to the end of the cave and open the chests in the following order: Open 
the chest at the rear of the room; open the chest to the left of the first chest 
you opened; open the chest on the far right side of the room; and then open the 
remaining chest to receive the Star. 

Star 4: Red Coins on the Ship Afloat 

There are eight Red Coins scattered throughout the course. Four of the Red Coins 
are found underwater inside the clam shells, one is located near the Pink Bob-omb 
and three are located on the Ship. After you collect all eight Red Coins, the Star 
will appear on the Ship. You can collect the eight Red Coins in any order. 

Star 5: Blast to the Stone Pillar 

From where you begin Course 3, follow the shoreline to the right until you reach 
some water. Swim forward to the small piece of land with the Pink Bob-omb on it. 
Talk to her to activate the Cannon. Swim to the small rock island near the entrance 
of the course, with a Cannon in it. Enter the Cannon. Move the crosshairs down and 
to the right until you see three stone pillars sticking out of the water. Aim the 
top and bottom triangles so they are covering the far-left pillar, then move the 
crosshairs up about 2 inches above the pillar. Shoot out of the Cannon and grab 
onto the far-left stone pillar. If you miss, make the proper adjustments in the 
aiming, then try it again. Once on the stone pillar, face away from the Star, then 
jump over to the ledge to collect it. 

Star 6: Switch Star of the Bay 

You need to play as Luigi to get this Star. Swim to the deep section of water and 
locate a cave within the seawall. Swim through the cave's tunnel to reach a 
secluded dry area with falling pillars. Hit the Red Block for a Power Flower to 
make Luigi Invisible. Follow the right wall to locate a star switch next to a 
wooden sign. Step on it to make a Star appear. Follow the path to the end of the 
cave to collect the Star. 

Star 7: Through the Jet Stream 

You need to use Wario to swim into the jet stream and collect the Star. From the 
beginning of Course 3, swim out to the Red Exclamation Block located on the right 
side of the lake. Jump into the block and touch the Power Flower to become Metal. 
Jump into the water toward the ship. After sinking to the bottom, quickly jump into 
the jet stream and collect the Star. 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 104 coins 
on the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Course 4: Cool, Cool Mountain 

Star 1: Slip Slidin' Away 

Jump on top of the cabin near the entrance of the course, then enter the chimney. 
Once inside, slide down to the bottom of the Snow Slide, then exit through the 
wooden door and collect the Star. If you are having difficulties safely reaching 
the bottom of the slide, there's a shortcut that will make things a little easier 
for you. 
The shortcut is located in the first tunnel you pass through. While sliding through 
the tunnel, look for a row of five Yellow Coins that are lined up in the direction 
of the right wall. Follow the path into the wall to locate a hidden passageway. 
This shortcut will take you straight to the end of the slide. 

Star 2: Li'l Penguin Lost 

Go to the top of the mountain and pick up the Baby Penguin, then carry it to the 
bottom of the mountain. Bring the Baby to its mother and she will give you the 
Star. To get to the Baby Penguin: From where you begin Course 4, jump up onto the 
Cabin's chimney, then jump up to the top of the mountain. Stand next to the Baby 
Penguin and press the A Button to grab onto it. 
To return it to its Mother: Slide down the mountainside until you reach the wooden 
bridge with the two jumping Snowmen. Carefully walk across the wooden bridge, then 
continue down to the bottom of the mountain. With the Baby Penguin in hand, talk to 
the Mother Penguin to receive the Star. 

Star 3: Big Penguin Race 

Race the Big Penguin down the Snow Slide to win a Star. Jump on top of the cabin 
near the entrance of the course, then enter the chimney. Once inside, talk to the 
Big Penguin and agree to race him down the Snow Slide. If you win without cheating, 
the Penguin will give you a Star. Practice is the key to winning this race. If you 
re-enter the Star 1 objective, you can practice reaching the bottom of the slide. 
To quickly reach the bottom, hold forward on the Control Pad and avoid touching any 
of the walls. 

Star 4: Frosty Slide for 8 Red Coins 

There are eight Red Coins scattered throughout the course. Six are found out in the 
open, one is located behind the ice column near the center of the mountain, and one 
is located at the top of the tram. After you collect all eight Red Coins, the Star 
will appear on the other side of the broken rope bridge near the center of the 
You can collect the eight Red Coins in any order. One is encased in ice near the 
entrance of the course. One is encased in ice by the ice wall on the mountainside. 
One is located near the big Snowman at the bottom of the mountain slide. One is 
located above the snow covered tree near the Mother Penguin. One is located on the 
other side of the wall to the right of the Mother Penguin. One is located on the 
small platform underneath the mountainside. One is located at the top of the tram. 
One is located on the broken rope bridge near the jumping Snowmen. 
Star 4 will appear on the other side of the broken rope bridge. 

Star 5: Snowman's Lost His Head 

From where you begin Course 4, jump up onto the cabin's chimney, then jump up to 
the top of the mountain. Go left. Drop down to the wooden platform and talk to the 
Snowman's body. The body will start rolling down the mountain slide. Race the body 
down to the Snowman's head at the bottom of the mountain slide. You cannot take any 
shortcuts. If you jump off the mountainside, the Snowman's Body will not follow 
Mario into the Snowman's head. Quickly stand to the left or the right side of the 
Snowman's head and wait for the body to bounce into the head. If it doesn't work, 
restart the objective and try it again. Afterward, talk to the Snowman to receive 
the Star.

Star 6: Mario's Super Wall Kick 

If you haven't spoken with the Pink Bob-omb yet, you must first do so. Then, enter 
the Cannon near the base of the tram. Move the crosshairs down and left until you 
see a ledge with a snow-covered tree on it. Aim the crosshairs so the center is 
about two inches above the tree, then shoot out of the Cannon. If successful, 
you'll grab onto the tree; if not, try again! 

Follow the narrow path around the mountain, then Long Jump over the large gap. 
Continue up the path, then back to the right until you reach a blue wall. Wall Kick 
off the blue wall and land on the ledge to the left. Continue up the path and time 
a Double Jump so that the second jump is near the end of the path. If timed 
correctly, you can then Wall Kick off the upper portion of the wall and land on the 
ledge to the right. Carefully walk across the icy bridge and collect the Star. 

Star 7: Switch Star of Cool, Cool Mountain 

You need to play as Wario to collect this Star. Go to the bottom of the mountain 
and jump onto the tram. Ride the tram halfway up, then jump onto the small floating 
island with the Pink Bob-omb. Step on the Star Switch, then jump off the island 
towards the Mother Penguin to ride the air current towards the Star. Continue 
forward to a frozen pond with the Star inside. Stomp the ice to destroy it and 
collect the Star. 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 154 coins 
on the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Course 5: Big Boo's Haunt 

Star 1: Go on a Ghost Hunt 

There are many Boo Buddies scattered throughout the Haunted House. In order to 
obtain the Star, you need to defeat at least five of them. If you search the first 
floor, you will find two Boo Buddies inside the room at the rear entrance of the 
house. One is in the room with the Mr. I enemy. One is in the room with the 
collapsing bridge. One is in the room with the black pit. After you defeat five Boo 
Buddies, a Big Boo will appear inside the entrance of the house. Defeat the Big Boo 
to receive the Star. 

Star 2: Ride Big Boo's Merry-Go-Round 

Enter the wooden shack to the left of the Haunted House, then follow the one-way 
path to the Merry-Go-Round. Once inside the Merry-Go-Round, defeat five Boo Buddies 
to make a Big Boo appear. Defeat the Big Boo to obtain the Star. 

Star 3: Secret of the Haunted Books 

Once inside the Haunted House, jump up the stairs to the second floor. Enter the 
second door to the left, then follow the path until you reach three green books 
sticking out of a bookcase. Jump into the middle book, right book, then left book 
to reveal a hidden passageway that will lead you to the Star. 

Star 4: Seek the 8 Red Coins 

There are eight Red Coins scattered throughout the Haunted House. Four are located 
on the first floor and four are located on the second floor. After you collect all 
eight Red Coins, the Star will appear on the second floor, where the moonlight 
shines through the window. You can collect the eight Red Coins in any order. 
First Floor: One is located in the room with the piano. Two are located in the room 
with the picture of the Boo Buddy. One is located in the room with the black pit. 
Second Floor: One is located in the room with the red wire net. One is located in 
the room with the coffins. One is located in the room with the hidden floor panel. 
One is in the air above the entrance to the Haunted House. 

Star 5: Big Boo's Balcony 

Once inside the Haunted House, jump up the stairs to the second floor, then enter 
the second door to the right. Jump up onto the wooden platform in the corner of the 
room. Jump into the red block for a Power Flower, then float to the ledge above. 
Enter the door. Go through the double-doors on the right side of the room (Mario's 
left). Defeat the Big Boo that is outside on the ledge. Jump into the red block for 
a Power Flower, then float to the top of the house for the Star

Star 6: Eye to Eye in the Secret Room 

You must be Luigi to collect this Star. Once inside the Haunted House, jump up the 
stairs to the second floor, then enter the second door to the right. Jump up onto 
the wooden platform in the corner of the room. Jump onto the red block. Backward 
somersault to the upper ledge, then go through the door. Go through the double-
doors on the right side of the room. Hit the Red Block for the Power Flower to turn 
Luigi Invisible. Return through the door. Run to the other side of the room and 
jump through the picture of the Boo Buddy (ghost). Once inside the secret room, 
defeat Mr. I (spinning eye) to obtain the Star. 

Star 7: Switch Star in the Basement 

You need to begin the course as Wario to collect this Star. 1. Enter the wooden 
shack to the left of the Haunted House. Ride the elevator down, then go through two 
doors. Go left to a giant brick. Stomp the large brick to reveal the Star Switch in 
the water. Exit the wooden shack and enter the Haunted House. Enter the second door 
on the left. Destroy the Boo Buddy for the Luigi Hat. Exit the room. 
Climb the stairs to the second floor. Go through the second door on the right. 
Continue through the next door. Hit the Red Block for Invisibility. Quickly return 
through the door. Stand on the moving floor panel to drop to the basement. Swim 
forward, then pass through the fence. Trigger the Star Switch, then return through 
the fence to collect the Star. 
This Star is very difficult to get and will probably take several tries. 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 151 coins 
on the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Course 6: Hazy Mazy Cave 

Star 1: Swimming Beast in the Cavern 

From the entrance of Course 6, go to the left and Long Jump over the pit. Go 
through the door and work your way to the top of the hill with the rolling rocks. 
Enter the door, then jump on the elevator to travel down to the underground lake. 
Follow the path into the water, then swim onto the back of the Swimming Beast. Walk 
up onto its head to collect the Wario Hat. Face the island to have the Beast swim 
to it. When you are close enough, jump onto the island. Punch the boulder to 
collect the Star. 

Star 2: Elevate for 8 Red Coins 

From the entrance of Course 6, go to the right. Destroy the Goomba for the Wario 
Hat. Continue right and jump over the pit. Enter the door to locate the Work 
Elevator room. Slide down the pole to the bottom of the room, then go to the bottom-
right corner. Climb the steps to reach the Work Elevator. Jump on the individual 
arrows to move the elevator around the room. T 
here are eight Red Coins scattered throughout the Work Elevator room. Three Red 
Coins are located within the wooden crates high above. Five Red Coins can be 
located by riding the work elevator and the moving platforms around the top section 
of the room. Punch the red bricks out of the way. After you collect all eight Red 
Coins, the Star will appear on the ground in the center of the room. 

Star 3: Metal-Head Wario Can Move 

From the entrance of Course 6, go to the right. Destroy the Goomba for the Wario 
Hat. Go back to the left and Long Jump over the pit. Go through the door. Work your 
way to the top of the hill with the rolling rocks. Enter the door. Jump on the 
elevator to travel down to the underground lake. Jump into the red block for the 
Power Flower to turn Wario into Metal. Follow the brown path into the water, then 
follow it to a Purple Switch. Step on the switch to open the gate. Enter the door. 
Long Jump over the two pits, then collect the Star. 

Star 4: Navigating the Toxic Maze 

The Hazy Maze is made up of twisting passages and toxic green gas. From the 
entrance of Course 6, go to the right and jump over the pit, then enter the door to 
locate the Work Elevator room. Slide down the pole to the bottom of the room, then 
follow the second path to the left and enter the door. Continue forward to the end 
of the path, then drop down the back hole to enter the Hazy Maze. 
From the entrance of the Hazy Maze, walk forward to the Red Exclamation Block. 
Follow the left-hand wall past the mole hole until you reach a small dip in the 
ground. To the left of the dip in the ground, you will see a wall that has some 
green slime on it. If you examine the top section of the wall, you will see an 
opening above the slime. Do a Backward Somersault into the opening, then enter the 
door. Follow the path to the end of room, then ride the elevator up to the Star. 

Star 5: A-Maze-Ing Emergency Exit 

From the entrance of the Hazy Maze, walk forward to the Red Exclamation Block. 
Follow the left-hand wall to a mole hole. While standing on the mole hole, you will 
be able to see a small opening in the wall. Backward Somersault into the opening, 
then enter the door. Follow the path to the end of room, then ride the elevator up. 
Go through the door and you'll see the Star floating above a platform. To get to 
the platform, walk out to the wire net floor, then Double Jump up and hold the B 
Button to grab onto the wire net above. While holding the B Button, carefully work 
your way out to the platform, then drop down (release the B Button) and collect the 

Star 6: Watch for Rolling Rocks 

From the entrance of Course 6, go to the right. Destroy the Goomba for the Wario 
Hat. Go back to the left and Long Jump over the pit. Go through the door. Work your 
way to the hill with the rolling rocks. Continue straight past the hill to a large 
brick. Watch the Touch Screen map until the Star appears (it will be moving inside 
a rolling rock). When it appears, stomp the brick for a Mushroom. Destroy the 
rolling rock with the Star inside to collect it. If the Mushroom wears off before 
you destroy the rock, you will have to exit the course to try again. 

Star 7: Underground Switch Star 

From the entrance of Course 6, go to the right. Destroy the Goomba for the Wario 
Hat. Continue right and jump over the pit. Enter the door to locate the Work 
Elevator room. Slide down the pole to the bottom of the room, then go to the upper-
right corner to locate a large brick. Punch the brick to reveal the Star Switch. 
Destroy the nearby Goomba for the Mario Hat. Step onto the Star Switch, then 
quickly go towards the stairs that lead to the elevator (in the bottom-right corner 
of the room). When you reach the stairs, follow the wall right to an alcove. Wall 
Kick up the walls of the alcove for the Star. 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 138 coins 
on the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Course 7: Lethal Lava Land 

Star 1: Boil the Big Bully 

From the entrance of Course 7, face the opposite direction from which you start, 
then Long Jump to the small island with the Red Block on it. Jump into the block to 
obtain the Wing Cap, then Fly to the square island with the Big Bully on it. Once 
on the island, bump the Big Bully into the lava, then collect the Star on the 
nearby island. 

Star 2: Bully the Bullies 

From the entrance of Course 7, face the opposite direction from which you start, 
then Long Jump to the small island with the Red Block on it. Jump into the block to 
obtain the Wing Cap, then Fly to the only island with three small Bullies on it. 
Bump all three Bullies into the lava to make a Big Bully appear. Bump the Big Bully 
into the lava, then collect the Star. 

Star 3: 8-Coin Puzzle with 15 Pieces 

From the entrance of Course 7, face the opposite direction from which you start, 
then Long Jump to the small island with the Red Block on it. Jump into the block to 
obtain the Wing Cap, then Fly to the slide puzzle that has a picture of Bowser on 
it. Once on the slide puzzle, carefully collect all eight Red Coins, then collect 
the Star that appears next to the puzzle. 

Star 4: Red-Hot Log Rolling 

From the entrance of Course 7, face the opposite direction from which you start, 
then Long Jump to the small island with the Red Block on it. Jump into the block to 
obtain the Wing Cap, then Fly to the other side of the fenced island and land on 
the Star. 

Star 5: Hot-Foot-It into the Volcano 

From the entrance of Course 7, face the opposite direction from which you start, 
then Long Jump to the small island with the Red Block on it. Jump into the block to 
obtain the Wing Cap, then Fly to the island with the volcano on it. You can also 
try using the Koopa Shell to reach the island. Jump into the volcano, then follow 
the path to the right until you reach the Star at the top of the volcano. 

Star 6: Elevator Tour in the Volcano 

From the entrance of Course 7, face the opposite direction from which you start, 
then Long Jump to the small island with the Red Block on it. Jump into the block to 
obtain the Wing Cap, then Fly to the island with the volcano on it. You can also 
try using the Koopa Shell to reach the island. Jump into the volcano, then follow 
the path to the right and ride the moving platforms until you reach a pole in the 
air. Jump onto the pole, then climb up and jump onto the next ledge. Climb up the 
pole. Jump onto the small floating platform. Jump across the platforms until you 
reach the Star. 

Star 7: Flaming Silver Stars 

Collect the five Silver Stars scattered throughout the area, then collect the Star 
near the entrance. Collect the stars in any order. All Stars are visible on the 
Touch Screen Map. 
One Star is on the island in the bottom-left corner of the map. One Star is on the 
island near the volcano. One Star is on the island in the upper-left corner of the 
map. One Star is on the island in the middle-right section of the map. One Star is 
on the island in the upper-right corner of the map. 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 130 coins 
on the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Course 8: Shifting Sand Land 

Star 1: In the Talons of the Big Bird 

From the entrance of Course 8, go forward to the two-level stone structure. Triple 
Jump on top of it and collect the Wing Cap from the Red Exclamation Block. Fly to 
the condor carrying the Star, then fly into the Star to steal it from the bird. 
After stealing the Star, it will shoot to the other side of the Pyramid. Fly over 
to the Star to collect it. 

Star 2: Shining Atop the Pyramid 

From the entrance of Course 8, go forward to the two-level stone structure. Triple 
Jump on top of it and collect the Wing Cap from the Red Exclamation Block. Fly into 
the small opening at the very top of the Pyramid to collect the Star. 

Star 3: Inside the Ancient Pyramid 

From the entrance of Course 8, go forward to the two-level stone structure. Triple 
Jump on top of it and collect the Wing Cap from the Red Exclamation Block. Fly to 
the small opening at the base of the Pyramid and enter. Walk forward, then go 
right. Follow the passage to a small set of stairs. 

Take the stairs, then follow the path to the right until you reach a pole. Climb up 
the pole. Follow the path to the wire net overhang. Jump and grab the wire net 
(hold the B Button), then climb to the other end. 

Climb the steps, then follow the path to the rolling log. Avoid the log, then 
continue to follow the path until you reach moving steps. Climb the steps. Follow 
the path to the pole and climb it. Wait for the jumping block to move towards the 
path you are standing on. When it does, quickly run under the block when it jumps 
in the air, then continue to the other side. Run up the small hill, then jump up on 
the ledge to reach the Star. 

Star 4: Stand Tall on the Four Pillars 

From the entrance of Course 8, go forward to the two-level stone structure. Triple 
Jump on top of it and collect the Wing Cap from the Red Exclamation Block. Fly to 
each of the four brick pillars and land on top of them to reveal a secret entrance 
into the Pyramid. If landing seems too difficult, you can walk up the side of the 
three pillars that aren't in the darker-colored quicksand. Enter the Pyramid from 
the top, then ride the elevator to the floor. Jump into the small opening in the 
brick wall, then follow the path to a room with two Hand Statues. Stand on the 
center platform to revive the Two Hand Statues. Defeat them to obtain the Star. 

Star 5: Tox Box Switch Star 

As Wario, from the entrance of Course 8, go forward to the two-level stone 
structure. A Goomba on the Pyramid has a Wario Hat, if you need it. Continue past 
the structure to a stone path with Toy Boxes on it. Follow the path up, then right 
at the intersection. Long Jump up to a single stone platform, then jump up again to 
a large brick. Punch the brick. Punch the brick, then step on the Star Switch. 
Quickly Long Jump across the gaps in the path to reach the Pyramid side of the 
quicksand. The Star is behind the Pyramid, near the tree. 

Star 6: Pyramid Puzzle 

From the entrance of Course 8, go forward to the two-level stone structure. Triple 
Jump on top of it and collect the Wing Cap from the Red Exclamation Block. Fly to 
the small opening at the base of the Pyramid and enter. Work your way to the top 
where the sand is pouring off the side of the ledge. Drop down onto the three 
ledges next to the falling sand and collect three of the Silver Stars, then follow 
the river of sand to collect the other two Silver Stars. After you collect all Five 
Special Coins, the Star will appear at the end of the sand river. 

Star 7: Free Flying for 8 Red Coins 

There are eight Red Coins scattered throughout the course. Four are in the air and 
four are on the ground. Once all eight Red Coins have been obtained, the Star will 
appear on the two-level stone structure near the entrance of the course. 

You can collect the eight Red Coins in any order. One is located next to the sand 
hills near the entrance of the course. One is located inside a brick underneath the 
two-level stone structure. Four are floating in the sky. One is located on the 
stone path with the moving boxes. One is located in the small pond. 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives.You'll find 130 coins on 
the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Course 9: Dire, Dire Docks 

Star 1: Board Bowser's Sub 

After dropping into the water hole, swim through the tunnel entrance near the 
bottom, then follow the path until you reach a large water hole. Once in the larger 
water hole, swim to the surface and locate a Red Exclamation Switch. Step on the 
switch. Climb the crates to reach the deck of the Submarine. Walk to the other side 
of the Submarine to locate the Star. 

Star 2: Chests in the Current 

After dropping into the water, swim down to the bottom. Open the three chests in 
the following order: Open the chest that is closest to the clam shell; open the 
chest closest to the tunnel entrance; open the chest that is next to the whirlpool. 
After opening all four chests, the Star will appear next to the tunnel entrance. 

Star 3: Pole-Jumping for Red Coins 

After dropping into the water hole, swim through the tunnel entrance near the 
bottom, then follow the path until you reach a large water hole. Once in the larger 
water hole, swim to the surface and locate a Red Exclamation Switch. Step on the 
switch. Use the crates to the right of the switch to reach a platform, then jump 
from pole to pole to collect all eight Red Coins. (You cannot collect this Star 
unless you have defeated Bowser in the Fire Sea. If you haven't defeated him yet, 
the poles will not appear.) 
Mario will always jump off a pole in the direction his back is facing. Use the 
camera to see where the poles are, then line his back up with them. When the timing 
is right, jump from pole to pole. After you collect all eight Red Coins, the Star 
will appear on a platform near the center of the room. 

Star 4: Through the Jet Stream 

You need to be Wario to collect this Star. After dropping into the water hole, swim 
through the tunnel entrance near the bottom, then follow the path until you reach a 
large water hole. Once in the larger water hole, swim to the jet stream, then swim 
down through five consecutive jet stream rings to make the Star appear. Once the 
Star appears, swim to the surface. Hit the Red Block to become Metal. Quickly 
return to the jet stream and collect the Star. 

Star 5: Koopa Surfin' Switch Star 

Locate the Star Switch as Wario, then use the Koopa Shell to reach the Star. After 
dropping into the water hole, swim to the three bricks located on the surface 
nearby. Punch the middle brick to reveal a Star Switch. Hit the yellow block for a 
Koopa Shell. Ride the shell over the switch to make a Star appear. Quickly ride the 
shell across the water for the Star. This Star is much easier to get if you get the 
Koopa Shell before stepping on the switch. 

Star 6: Inside the Cage 

You need to be Luigi to collect this Star. After dropping into the water hole, swim 
through the tunnel entrance near the bottom, then follow the path until you reach a 
large water hole. Swim to the surface. Hit the Red Block to become Invisible. 
Quickly swim into the large cage at the bottom of the water hole to collect the 

Star 7: The Manta Ray's Reward 

After dropping into the water hole, locate the Manta Ray, then swim behind it until 
you successfully swim through five consecutive rings the Ray leaves in its trail. 
After swimming through the rings, the Star will appear directly above the 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 106 coins 
on the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Course 10: Snowman's Land 

Star 1: Snowman's Big Head 

From where you begin Course 10, run forward to the snowhill and Triple Jump onto 
the other side of the small wooden fence. Follow the path up to the icy bridge with 
the big blue Penguin on it. Watch the pattern of the Penguin. 
It will move in this pattern: It walks a few steps forward, then stops; runs 
several steps forward, then stops; walks a few steps backwards, then stops; walks a 
few steps forward, then stops; runs a few steps forward, then stops; walks a few 
steps backwards, then stops; walks a few steps forward, then stops; runs a few 
steps forward, then stops. 
Walk next to the Penguin as it crosses the bridge to avoid the wind. Once on the 
other side of the icy bridge, jump up to the top of the Snowman's head and collect 
the Star. 

Star 2: Chill with the Bully 

From where you begin Course 10, go right to the frozen lake with a large blue Bully 
above it. Push the Bully off the ice platform and into the water to obtain the 

Star 3: Yoshi's Ice Sculpture 

From the beginning of the Course, go right. Hit the red block for a Power Flower. 
Return to the entrance, then continue forward to several large blocks of ice. Jump 
to the top of the stack of two blocks, then Breathe Fire on the top block on the 
stack of three blocks. Climb to the next stack, then Breathe Fire on the block with 
the Star inside. Jump to the Star to collect it. 

Star 4: Whirl from the Freezing Pond 

From where you begin Course 10, go northeast to the large freezing pond. Walk out 
onto the path and wait for the Spindrift to come out of the water. Jump onto the 
enemy's head, then float over the brick wall on the other side of the pond. Jump 
into the left exclamation block to collect the Star. 

Star 5: Snowman's Silver Star 

Collect the five Silver Stars scattered throughout the area, then collect the Star 
near the entrance. Collect the stars in any order. All Stars are visible on the 
Touch Screen Map. One Star is near the fence to the right of the entrance. One Star 
is in the upper-right corner of the Map. One Star is above the brick wall. One Star 
is on a ledge above the large icy pond. One Star is below the ice rink with the Big 
Bully. Any time you are hit by an enemy, you will drop one of the stars you have 

Star 6: Into the Igloo 

You must be Luigi to collect this Star. From where you begin Course 10, go 
northeast to the large freezing pond. Walk out onto the path and wait for the 
Spindrift to come out of the water. Jump onto the enemy's head, then float over the 
brick wall on the other side of the pond. Jump into the right exclamation block to 
collect the Koopa Shell. 

Ride the shell to the freezing pond, then up the small hill to the left of where 
the snow rollers are coming out of the hillside. At the top of the hill, crawl into 
the small Igloo. Jump across the icy platforms to the red block, and hit the block 
to become Invisible. Return to the entrance of the igloo and drop through the mesh 
to reach the Star. 

Star 7: In the Deep Freeze 

Collect the eight red coins in the Small Igloo, then collect the Star that appears. 
If you start to run out of life, collect the yellow coins also to regain health. 
After you collect all eight Red Coins, the Star will appear on the right side of 
the room. 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 117 coins 
on the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Course 11: Wet-Dry World 

Star 1: Shocking Arrow Lifts! 

These directions will only work if you jump into the center of the picture when 
entering this course. From where you begin the course, turn around and jump onto 
the wooden pier, then run to the other side and step on the Red Exclamation Switch. 
When the wooden crates appear, jump from crate to crate until you reach the top of 
the concrete structure. Touch the colorful diamond to raise the water level, then 
swim out to the floating wood platforms near the tall tower with two giant arrows 
on it. Jump from the floating wood platforms to the two orange platforms, then use 
the moving arrow lifts to reach the Yellow Exclamation Block on the other side. 
This step is easiest to accomplish if you float from the third lift to the ledge. 
Jump into the block to receive the Star. 

Star 2: Top O' the Town 

From where you begin this course, swim forward to the ramp, then climb your way to 
the top of the level, where the Chuckya enemy appears. Jump onto the wooden plank, 
then follow it out to the stationary island. Jump to the spinning island. Jump to 
the small square island with the Yellow Exclamation Block on it. Hit the block to 
obtain the Star. 

Star 3: 5 Secrets in the Shallows & Sky 

There are five secret spots scattered throughout the course. One secret spot is 
located in the Yellow Exclamation Block on top of the small brick tower that is 
near the center metal cage. One can be found by walking on top of the center metal 
cage. One can be found by pushing the metal box into the opening it appears near. 
(The metal box is located on the second level inside an opening in the wall.) Two 
can be found by going to the tall tower with the two yellow arrows on it and 
pushing the metal box to the left, then jumping from the metal box into the Yellow 
Exclamation Block. After you locate all five secret spots, the Star will appear on 
top of the wooden structure with the Red Exclamation Switch. 

Star 4: Express Elevator--Hurry Up! 

As Luigi, enter the Course by jumping into the painting at the highest point (try a 
Backwards Somersault or Triple Jump) to flood the course to its highest level. Go 
forward all the way and climb the circular ramp. Climb the steps to the ledge with 
the Pink Bob-omb. Jump the gap. Hit the Red Block to turn Invisible. Back 
Somersault, then Hover into the top of the nearby cage (which has a Yellow Block 
above it) for the Star. 

Star 5: Go to Town for Red Coins 

As Luigi, enter the Course by jumping into the painting at the highest point (try a 
Backwards Somersault or Triple Jump) to automatically flood the course to its 
highest level. Enter the cage in the corner of the course. Quickly swim down 
through the passage to locate the underwater town. 
Drain the water in the town to its lowest level by touching the colorful diamond 
that is located below the entrance to the town. There are eight Red Coins scattered 
throughout the town: One is located on top of the building that resembles a church; 
seven are located inside the bricks that appear on top of the buildings. (Backward 
Somersault to reach them, then Punch the bricks.) After locating all eight Red 
Coins, the Star will appear in the building that resembles a church. 

Star 6: Quick Race through Downtown! 

As Luigi, enter the Course by jumping into the painting at the highest point (try a 
Backwards Somersault or Triple Jump) to automatically flood the course to its 
highest level. Enter the cage in the corner of the course. 
Quickly swim down through the passage to locate the underwater town. Drain the 
water in the town to its lowest level by touching the colorful diamond that is 
located below the entrance to the town. Locate the Red Exclamation Block, then jump 
into it to become Invisible. Quickly run into the metal cage, then use the Backward 
Somersault technique to reach the Star at the very top. 

Star 7: Soaked Silver Stars 

Collect the five Silver Stars scattered throughout the area, then collect the Star 
near the entrance. Collect the stars in any order. All Stars are visible on the 
Touch Screen Map. One Star is in red brick to the right of where you begin (water 
at low level). One Star is on the platform near the Cannon (water at mid-level or 
higher). One Star is on the platform below where you begin (water at mid-level or 
higher). One Star is below the circular slope on the right side of the level (water 
at mid-level or higher). One Star is high in the air (float to it as Mario). Any 
time you are hit by an enemy, you will drop one of the stars you have collected. 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 147 coins 
on the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Course 12: Tall, Tall Mountain 

Star 1: Scale the Mountain 

From where you begin the course, follow the path up the hill, then Long Jump over 
the two gaps. Continue to follow the path up the hill until you reach a large log 
near a Monkey. Jump on the log, then roll it to the left. When it's safe, jump onto 
the path on the other side, then continue up the mountain past the rolling black 
balls until you reach a large gap near the waterfall. Long Jump over the large gap, 
then stay close to the left wall to avoid being blown off the mountain by the small 
cloud. You can also Backward Somersault across the gap as Luigi. Continue up the 
mountain until you reach the Star at the top. 

Star 2: Mystery of the Monkey Cage 

To reach the top of the mountain, follow the same path you took to locate the first 
Star. Once at the very top, catch the Monkey, then free him. The monkey will then 
walk down to the cage and drop it to the bottom of the waterfall. Drop down to the 
bottom of the waterfall and collect the Star. 

Star 3: Scary 'Shrooms, Red Coins 

Search the course to locate the eight Red Coins. Four of the Red Coins are located 
on top of the tall mushrooms near the beginning of the course. Four of the Red 
Coins are located where the little moles pop up out of the ground. After you 
collect all eight Red Coins, the Star will appear on a large mushroom near the 
moles. There are many ways to get to the Star, but the easiest seems to be by 
jumping from the ledge where you obtained the highest Red Coin. 

Star 4: Mysterious Mountainside 

From where you begin the course, follow the path up the hill, then Long Jump over 
the two gaps. Continue to follow the path up the hill until you reach a large log 
near a Monkey. Jump on the log, then roll it to the left. 
When it's safe, jump onto the path on the other side, then continue up the mountain 
past the rolling black balls until you reach a large gap near the waterfall. Long 
Jump over the large gap, then stay close to the left wall to avoid being blown off 
the mountain by the small cloud. You can also Backward Somersault across the gap as 
Luigi. Continue up the path until you reach a line of five Yellow Coins. 
Jump into the wall to the left of the coins to locate a secret cave. Once in the 
cave, walk forward and slide down the giant slide to the very bottom, then jump 
into the hole and collect the Star. 

Star 5: Blast to the Lonely Mushroom 

As Luigi, follow the path up to the first gap. Face away from the Mushroom with the 
Star on it and perform a Backward Somersault. Hover to the Mushroom for the Star. 

Star 6: 5 Secrets of the Mountain 

To reach the top of the mountain, follow the same path you took to locate the first 
Star. Hit the Red Exclamation Block for the Wing Cap. Fly through the middle of the 
five rings of Yellow Coins around the mountain. Collect the Star that appears. 

Star 7: Breathtaking View from the Bridge 

As Wario, follow the same path you took to locate the first Star to reach the top 
of the mountain. You can also climb the tree near the beginning of the course and 
ride the Owl up. Follow the path down to a gap near the waterfall, then drop off 
the gap to a narrow bridge that overlooks the waterfall. Jump into the alcove 
behind the waterfall. Punch the black brick for a Star. 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 133 coins 
on the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Course 13: Tiny-Huge Island 

Star 1: Pluck the Piranha Flower 

Jump into the left painting to enter the course as Big Mario. From where you begin 
Course 13, go left to the green pipe and jump into it. When you reappear as Tiny 
Mario, defeat the five Piranha Flowers to earn the Star. 

Star 2: The Tip of the Huge Island 

Jump into the left painting to enter the course as Big Mario. From where you begin 
Course 13, go left to the green pipe, then drop down and step on the Red 
Exclamation Switch. Walk out several steps onto the wooden crates, then jump up 
onto the mountainside ledge. Follow the path up to the green pipe, and enter the 
pipe. When you reappear as Tiny Mario, work your way to the top of the mountain, 
then jump into the Yellow Exclamation Block to obtain the Star. 

Star 3: Rematch with Koopa the Quick 

You can only complete this objective as Mario. If you are not Mario, check the 
Touch Screen for the location of the nearest Mario Hat. 
Jump into the left painting to enter the course as Big Mario. From where you begin 
Course 13, go left to the tree on the island. Climb the tree, do a handstand on top 
of the tree, and jump to the upper level. Go left to the green pipe, and enter the 
When you reappear as Tiny Mario, follow the lower path down the side of the 
mountain until you reach the Koopa. Talk to the Koopa, then agree to race him to 
the Star. Beat him to the finish line for the Star. Since the course isn't that 
apparent, it's best to follow the Koopa to the finish line the first time, then 
race him for real when you are more familiar with the course. 
Cut through the gated area to the left of Koopa to gain a few extra seconds. Try 
using the Long Jump technique until you reach the wooden bridge. This may give you 
the extra edge you need to beat Koopa. When you reach the wooden bridge, make sure 
you stay in front of the Koopa. If you successfully block the Koopa, he will not be 
able to pass you. 

Star 4: Klepto the Condor 

Jump into the left painting to enter the course as Big Mario. From where you begin 
Course 13, go left to the tree on the island. Climb the tree, do a handstand on top 
of the tree, and jump to the upper level. Go up near the peak of the mountain and 
wait for Klepto the Condor to fly by. Jump and touch the Star he is holding to make 
him drop it on a nearby island. Go back to the tree used to get to the upper level. 
Go forward to the pipe, then drop down and step on the Red Exclamation Switch. 
Follow the brick path to a small island for the Star. 

Star 5: Wiggler's Red Coins 

Jump into the left painting to enter the course as Big Mario. From where you begin 
Course 13, go left to the tree on the island. Climb the tree, do a handstand on top 
of the tree, and jump to the upper level. Go through the nearby pipe on the left to 
appear as Tiny Mario. Climb up the two ledges and to the wooden bridge. Go to the 
other end of the wooden bridge, then jump down to a slope that's next to a second 
wooden bridge (you may have to jump and stomp to avoid falling of the slope). 
Follow the wooden bridge and go in the cave. Work your way along the ledges, 
collecting the red coins. Use the Wall Jump technique to reach the eighth coin 
located above the blue star. Drop down and get the Star. 

Star 6: Make Wiggler Squirm 

Jump into the left painting to enter the course as Big Mario. From where you begin 
Course 13, go left to the tree on the island. Climb the tree, do a handstand on top 
of the tree, and jump to the upper level. Get to the top of the mountain and stop 
the top to drain the water. Go down the mountain and through the nearby pipe. Go up 
the two ledges, across the wooden bridge, and up the slopes to the top. Fall down 
the hole. Defeat Wiggler to obtain the Star. 

Star 7: Switch Star on the Island 

Jump into the left painting to enter the course as Big Mario. From where you begin 
Course 13, go left to the tree on the island. Climb the tree, do a handstand on top 
of the tree, and jump to the upper level. Go through the nearby pipe on the left to 
appear as Tiny Mario. Climb up the two ledges and to the wooden bridge. 
Go to the other end of the wooden bridge, then jump down to a slope that's next to 
a second wooden bridge (you may have to jump and stomp to avoid falling off the 
slope). Follow the wooden bridge and go in the cave. Work your way along the ledges 
to the star switch. Step on it, then go to the red coin across the room on the 
tallest pillar. Use the wall jump technique to reach the crystal that contains the 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 178 coins 
on the course: 34 as Big Mario and 144 as Tiny Mario. A Blue Coin equals five 
Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow Coins. 

Course 14: Tick Tock Clock 

Star 1: Luigi in the Cage 

Enter the clock at the top of any hour (i.e., 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, etc.) to stop all 
of the mechanisms inside. As Luigi, from where you begin Course 14, jump past the 
pendulum. Continue up the wire net ramp, then jump to the yellow block. Jump past 
the next pendulum. 
Go left to the narrow path, then follow the path to the left and up to the three 
yellow blocks. Climb up the yellow blocks, then follow the path to the large wire 
net platform. Jump across the hexagon-shaped platforms. Follow the path past the 
cage with the Star inside to a pole. 
Climb the pole. Jump right across the next three platforms (Backwards Somersault to 
reach the highest one). Go right to the mesh floor. Jump into the Red Block to 
become Invisible and drop through the floor. Drop through the wire directly below 
where you land to land inside the cage with the Star. 

Star 2: The Pendulum Switch Star 

Enter the clock at the top of any hour (i.e., 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, etc.) to stop all 
of the mechanisms inside. From where you begin Course 14, jump past the pendulum. 
Continue up the wire net ramp, then jump to the yellow block. Jump past the next 
Go left to the narrow path, then follow the path to the left and up to the three 
yellow blocks. Climb up the yellow blocks, then follow the path to the large wire 
net platform. Jump across the hexagon-shaped platforms. Follow the path to a pole. 
Climb the pole. Go forward and step on the Star Switch. Run forward and jump across 
the platforms to collect the Star. 

Star 3: Get a Hand 

Enter the clock at five minutes past any hour (i.e., 12:05, 1:05, etc.) to slow the 
mechanisms inside. From where you begin Course 14, jump past the pendulum. Continue 
up the wire net ramp, then jump to the yellow block. Jump past the next pendulum. 
Go left to the narrow path, then follow the path to the left and up to the three 
yellow blocks. Climb up the yellow blocks, then follow the path to the large wire 
net platform. Ride the clock hand to the alcove on the other side of the room. Jump 
into the alcove for the Star. If you are Luigi, you can also Back Somersault from 
the clock hand, then Hover to the ledge. 

Star 4: Stomp on the Thwomp 

Enter the clock at five minutes past any hour (i.e., 12:05, 1:05, etc.) to slow the 
mechanisms inside. From where you begin Course 14, jump past the pendulum. Continue 
up the wire net ramp, then jump to the yellow block. Jump past the next pendulum. 
Go left to the narrow path, then follow the path to the left and up to the three 
yellow blocks. Climb up the yellow blocks, then follow the path to the large wire 
net platform. Jump across the hexagon-shaped platforms. Follow the path to a pole. 
Climb the pole. 
Jump right across the next three platforms (Back Somersault to reach the highest 
one), then continue up until you reach a striped ledge. Follow the ledge left. 
Climb the yellow ledges, then continue following the striped ledge until you reach 
a clock hand. Ride the clock hand to the other side of the room and jump into the 
alcove with the Thwomp. If you are Luigi, you can also Back Somersault from the 
clock hand, then Hover to the ledge. Back Somersault on top of the Thwomp, then 
Back Somersault into the high alcove for the Star. 

Star 5: Timed Jumps on Moving Bars 

Enter the clock at the top of any hour (i.e., 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, etc.) to stop all 
of the mechanisms inside. As Wario, from where you begin Course 14, jump past the 
pendulum. Continue up the wire net ramp, then jump to the yellow block. Jump past 
the next pendulum. 
Go left to the narrow path, then follow the path to the left and up to the three 
yellow blocks. Climb up the yellow blocks, then follow the path to the large wire 
net platform. Jump across the hexagon-shaped platforms. Follow the path to a pole. 
Climb the pole. Jump right across the next three platforms (Backwards Somersault to 
reach the highest one). Go right to the mesh floor. Continue right and jump onto 
the raised mesh floor. Jump across the two ledges, then Punch the brick. Enter the 
cage for the Star. 

Star 6: Stop Time For Red Coins 

Enter the clock at the top of any hour (i.e., 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, etc.) to stop all 
of the mechanisms inside. From where you begin Course 14, go towards the left side 
of the screen (between the 6 and 9 on the Map). Jump from platform to platform 
until you collect all eight Red Coins. The Star will appear to the left of where 
you begin the Course. 

Star 7: Tick Tock Silver Stars 

Collect the five Silver Stars scattered throughout the area, then collect the Star 
near the top of the level. Collect the stars in any order. All Stars are visible on 
the Touch Screen Map. All Silver Stars fall from above. Stay on the lowest level 
and watch the Map to see where they are. 
As Wario, from where you begin Course 14, jump past the pendulum. Continue up the 
wire net ramp, then jump to the yellow block. 
Jump past the next pendulum. Go left to the narrow path, then follow the path to 
the left and up to the three yellow blocks. Climb up the yellow blocks, then follow 
the path to the large wire net platform. Jump across the hexagon-shaped platforms. 
Follow the path to a pole. Climb the pole. 
Jump right across the next three platforms (Backwards Somersault to reach the 
highest one). Go left across the ledges to collect the Star. Any time you are hit 
by an enemy, you will drop one of the stars you have collected. 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 128 coins 
on the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Course 15: Rainbow Ride 

Star 1: Cruiser Crossing the Rainbow 

From where you begin Course 15, ride the Magic Carpet to the four spinning islands. 
Jump to the far right island, then ride the Magic Carpet until you have the option 
to ride a new Magic Carpet to the right or left. 
Ride the Magic Carpet to the left, then avoid all the obstacles until you reach the 
floating Air Ship. If you stay off the Magic Carpet too long, it will disappear! 
Jump over the blocks that obstruct the Magic Carpet's path. Jump over or duck under 
the wooden planks that extend off the spinning island. When you reach the Air Ship, 
make sure you jump high enough to avoid sliding down the other side of the blue 
Once on the ship, collect the Wario Hat, then hit the red block to become Metal. 
Collect the Star. 

Star 2: The Big House in the Sky 

From where you begin Course 15, ride the Magic Carpet to the four spinning islands. 
Jump to the far right island, then ride the Magic Carpet until you have the option 
to ride a new Magic Carpet to the right or to the left. Ride the Magic Carpet to 
the right, then avoid all of the obstacles until you reach the top of the Big 
If you stay off the Magic Carpet too long, it will disappear! Jump over the blocks 
that obstruct the Magic Carpet's path. When you reach the transparent blue walls, 
ride the Magic Carpet up as far as Mario can go without falling off the carpet, 
then quickly jump on top of each wall. 
Once on top, jump back onto the carpet on the other side. When you re-enter the big 
house from the other side, you'll need to jump off the Magic Carpet, then wait for 
the flames to disappear. When it's safe, jump back on the carpet. Once at the top 
of the house, collect the Star. 
If you are Mario, you can hit the Red Block inside the house, then float up to the 
Star on the roof. 

Star 3: Coins Amassed in a Maze 

Search the concrete maze for the eight Red Coins. From where you begin Course 15, 
ride the Magic Carpet to the four spinning islands. Jump to the far right island, 
then jump to the island to the left and continue forward to the large concrete 
To reach the coins, maneuver your way through the maze. Use the Wall Kick and Back 
Somersault techniques whenever necessary. After you collect all eight Red Coins, 
the Star will appear at the bottom center of the maze. 

Star 4: Swingin' in the Breeze 

As Luigi, Back Somersault, then Hover to the pole from where you begin Course 15. 
Climb the pole, then Back Somersault and Hover to the concrete block with a Goomba 
on it. Jump or Crawl up the wooden ramp that has three platforms sticking out of 
it. Once at the top, jump onto the swinging platform, then jump onto the other side 
of the path and collect the Star. 

Star 5: Tricky Triangles! 

As Luigi, Back Somersault, then Hover to the pole from where you begin Course 15. 
Climb the pole, then Back Somersault and Hover to the concrete block with a Goomba 
on it. Go left to a set of collapsing wooden platforms. Run across the triangle-
shaped platform, then jump to the next set of collapsing wooden platforms. From the 
second triangle, you can Back Somersault up to another triangle, passing by several 
triangles and saving time. When the flame disappears, jump forward to the concrete 
path, then step on the Red Exclamation Switch to flatten out the triangles. Before 
the triangles pop back up, quickly work your way up to the top and collect the 

Star 6: Somewhere over the Rainbow 

You must have talked to Pink Bob-omb before you can retrieve the Star. If you 
haven't talked to Pink Bob-omb, ride the Magic Carpet to the four spinning islands. 
Jump to the far right island, then jump to the island to the left and continue 
forward to the large concrete structure. On the opposite end of this structure, 
you'll find a Blue Coin Block. If you Wall Kick up the large shaft above the coin 
block, you will locate the Pink Bob-omb. 
After talking to the Pink Bob-Omb, Return to the four spinning islands, then use 
the Magic Carpets to reach the floating Air Ship. Once on the Air Ship, go to the 
rear of the deck and enter the Cannon hole, then shoot yourself through the center 
of the rainbow circle. Avoid or defeat the Chuckya enemy, then jump into the Yellow 
Exclamation Block to receive the Star. 

Star 7: Switch Star of the Manor 

From where you begin Course 15, ride the Magic Carpet to the four spinning islands. 
Jump to the far right island, then ride the Magic Carpet until you have the option 
to ride a new Magic Carpet to the right or to the left. Ride the Magic Carpet to 
the right until you reach the inside of the big house. 
Jump off the carpet. Exit the big house onto the wooden platform. Walk to the end 
of the platform and step on the Star Switch. You must step on the switch as Mario. 
There is a Mario Hat near the Star Switch. Quickly re-enter the Big House and jump 
into the red block for a Power Flower. Float outside to the roof for the Star. 

Star 8: Collect 100 Coins 

You can collect 100 coins using any of the Star objectives. You'll find 136 coins 
on the course. A Blue Coin equals five Yellow Coins. A Red Coin equals two Yellow 

Secret Stars 

The Princess's Secret Slide 

The Princess's Secret Slide is located on the top-right side of the Castle's first 
floor. From the entrance of the Castle, climb up the stairs in the center of the 
room. Go to the right and enter the door that has picture of a star with the number 
1 on it. You'll appear in a room with stained-glass windows that have pictures of 
the Princess on them. Jump into the right window to enter the course. You must have 
at least one Star to enter. 
You can earn two Stars in this course. If you make it to the bottom of the slide, 
you will automatically earn one Star. If you make it to the bottom of the slide in 
20.9 seconds or less, you'll receive a second Star.
In order to achieve a faster time, you will need to jump head first onto the slide, 
then press forward the whole way down. Try not to bump into any of the walls, 
because they can slow you down. Experienced players can try a shortcut by jumping 
off the left side of the slide after passing through the first tunnel. If it is 
timed properly, the player will land on a lower slide. 

Sunshine Isles 

The Sunshine Isles Course is located on the top-right side of the Castle's first 
floor. From the entrance of the Castle, climb up the stairs in the center of the 
room. Go to the right and enter the door that has picture of a star with the number 
1 on it. Go straight through the center door. Jump into the painting with a picture 
of a beach. You must have at least one Star to enter this door. 
Collect the five Silver Stars scattered throughout the area, then collect the Star 
near the entrance. Collect the stars in any order. All Stars are visible on the 
Touch Screen Map. One Star is on the island to the left of the entrance. One Star 
is on the top of the multi-leveled island in front of the entrance. One Star is 
above a tree on an island next to the multi-leveled island. One Star is carried by 
a bird. Follow the bird and Double Jump to reach the star. One Star is in the a 
cove beneath the center island. 
Any time you are hit by an enemy, you will drop one of the stars you have 

Secret Aquarium 

Double Jump into the black opening that is high on the wall to the right of the 
Course 3 entrance (the picture of the sunken ship). You must have at least three 
Stars to enter. 
Swim around the room and collect all eight Red Coins. There are four Red Coins on 
the floor of the aquarium and four Red Coins floating near the top of the aquarium. 
After you collect all eight Red Coins, the Star will appear at the bottom center of 
the room. 

The Secret of Battle Fort 

This Course is located outside, behind the Castle, in the small courtyard with the 
Star Fountain in the center. From the entrance of the Castle, walk forward to the 
base of the large red stairwell. 
Go to the right or left of the stairs and enter the wooden door. Walk left to the 
hallway and look for a Big Boo (ghost). Follow the Big Boo through the door at the 
end of the hallway to enter the Castle's Courtyard. Go right and Punch the large 
brick to locate a hole in the ground. Drop into the hole to enter the course. You 
must have previously rescued Wario to enter. 
Collect the five Silver Stars scattered throughout the area, then collect the Star 
near the entrance. Collect the stars in any order. All Stars are visible on the 
Touch Screen Map. 
One Star is on the mesh ramp, near the pole. One Star is inside a brick in the 
lower-left corner. One Star is inside a brick in the upper-right corner. One Star 
is carried by a Goomba in the upper-left corner. One Star is carried by a Goomba in 
the middle of the level. 
Any time you are hit by an enemy, you will drop one of the stars you have 

Secret Under the Moat 

The entrance to the Course is outside the Castle, but can only be accessed after 
draining the water in the moat. You must have Wario and the First Big Key to enter. 
You can only enter this Course as Wario. 
From the entrance of the Castle, walk forward to the base of the large red 
stairwell. Go to the right or left of the stairs and enter the wooden door. Walk 
down to the bottom of the stairwell and enter the door with the big keyhole on it. 
Follow the path to the end of the tunnel, then go through the wooden door to enter 
the sewers. Go right and follow the path until you reach a wooden door with nothing 
on it. Enter the door, then jump into the water and swim to the other side. 
Stomp on the two pillars to drain the moat. Enter the metal door to go outside. As 
Wario, go right to a brick. Punch the brick, then drop down the small hole in the 
ground to enter the Course. Every time you re-enter the Castle, the brick will 
Collect the eight Red Coins to earn a Star and step on the Star Switch, then 
Collect the Star. 
This is the recommended order to collect the Red Coins: Four Red Coins are located 
on the small platforms that extend off the metal wall near the entrance of the 
course. You can either slide down to them or crawl to them. Unlike most steep-
angled walls, you can crawl anywhere on the metal wall. 
Two Red Coins are located on the second unstable wooden platform. Move back and 
forth on the platform until you can reach both coins. One Red Coin is located on 
the last pair of rotating platforms. Carefully jump into the coin when working your 
way up. 
One Red Coin is next to the cage at the end of the level. After you collect all 
eight Red Coins, the Star will appear inside a wire net cage. To reach it, take the 
Luigi Hat, then jump into the Red Exclamation Block to become Invisible. Walk 
through the wire net and collect the Star. 
To get to the Star Switch, from the beginning of the Course, slide or crawl down 
the steep wall to the bottom. Follow the ledge around across a wooden plank and 
take the Mario Hat. Follow the ledge back across the wooden plank, then continue 
following it to the end. 
Jump into the Red Block, then Float straight across the gap to the ledge. Step on 
the Star Switch. Jump into the Red Block, then float straight up to a ledge. Go 
right and jump into the Red Block. Float straight up to collect the Star. 

Behind the Waterfall 

The entrance to the Behind the Waterfall course is located inside Course 6. From 
the entrance of Course 6, take the passage to the left, jump over the pit, and go 
through the door. Work your way to the top of the hill with the rolling rocks. 
Enter the door, then use the elevator to travel down to the underground lake. 
Follow the path into the water, then swim onto the back of the Swimming Beast. 
Walk up onto its head for the Wario Hat. Face in the direction of the metal doors 
on the other side of the lake, then jump onto the red wire net dock when the beast 
is close. Enter the metal door, then follow the path to the pool of liquid metal. 
Jump into the pool to enter the course. You must have the first Big Key to enter. 
Collect the eight Red Coins to earn a Star and float up to another Star. You can 
collect the eight Red Coins in any order. Two Red Coins are located next to the Red 
Exclamation Block. Two Red Coins are located in the small opening on the other side 
of the rock bridge. Four Red Coins are located underwater around the pillar that 
the Red Exclamation Block is on. In order to reach these coins, you must be Metal 
Wario. After you collect all eight Red Coins, the Star will appear underwater next 
to the pillar that the Red Exclamation Block is on. In order to reach the Star, you 
must be Metal Wario. 

Over the Rainbow 

On the far-left side of the Castle's third floor. Go to the left of the giant clock 
and enter the large square opening in the wall, then drop down into the hole. 
Collect the eight Red Coins to earn a Star. Seven of the Red Coins can be obtained 
by flying from cloud to cloud. One Red Coin can be obtained by shooting yourself 
out of a Cannon, then dropping down onto it. The Star will appear on the cloud 
where you began the course. 
Then, break the brick as Wario. Fly to the island with the flagpole (it has a Wario 
Hat on the map). Take the Wario Hat, then shoot from the cannon to the nearby 
island with a tree. Break the brick there for a Star. The key to success is skilled 
flying technique and a lot of practice. If you fall out of this course, you will 
not lose a life, but you will end up outside in front of the Castle. 

Tower of Wing Cap 

As Mario, go to the entrance of the Castle and stand in the sunlight that falls 
onto the picture of the sun. Look up into the sunlight to warp into the course. 
After exiting this course for the first time, the sunlight will no longer shine 
down on the floor. You can enter the course whenever you'd like by looking up at 
the light while standing on the picture of the sun. You must have at least 10 Stars 
and be Mario to enter this course. 
There's a large Red Exclamation Switch on top of the tower in the center of the 
course. Stomp on this switch to release the power of the Wing Cap. Collect the 
eight Red Coins to earn a Star. Re-enter the course and follow the trail of Yellow 
Coins to collect all eight of the Red Coins. After you collect all eight Red Coins, 
the Star will appear on top of the center tower. 

Capture Eight White Rabbits 

Randomly, a glowing, white rabbit will appear in one of the seven locations that 
each character's colored rabbits appear. 
You must get really close to the rabbit and push the A Button. There's no easy way 
to catch the rabbit, but there are a few tactics that make it easier to do so. Try 
cornering the rabbit into a dead-end, then walk toward it until it tries to run 
past you. As soon as it does, press the opposite direction on the Control Pad, then 
dive towards it. If you're lucky, you will grab the rabbit. 
Capture all eight white rabbits for a Special Key, then use the key to unlock the 
unmarked, locked door in the room with the Princess's Secret Slide. The Star is in 
the room behind the door. 

Collect Eight Red Coins in the Castle 

From the entrance of the Castle, walk forward to the base of the large red 
stairwell. Go to the right or left of the stairs and enter the wooden door. Walk 
left to the hallway and look for a Big Boo (ghost). Follow the Big Boo through the 
door at the end of the hallway to enter the Castle's Courtyard. You need at least 
12 Stars to make Boo Buddies appear in the courtyard. 
The eight Red Coins are carried by Boo Buddies in the courtyard. Destroy them for 
the Red Coin. Once you have collected all eight, the Star will appear at the back 
of the courtyard. 

The Room behind the Mirror 

You can only get this Star as Luigi. From the entrance of the Castle, walk up the 
stairs and enter the door with the large keyhole on it. Follow the path up to the 
top of the stairwell, then enter the wooden door. Go to the right and enter the 
wooden door that is set back in a brick wall. Use one of the Power Flowers on the 
pedestals to turn invisible, then walk forward into the large mirror. 
Continue forward and go through the door in the back of the room (the mirror 
version of the one you entered the room through). You need the second Big Key to 
enter. Collect the Star. 

Toad near Course 6 

Toad is in the basement level of the Castle. He's standing next to entrance of 
Course 6, which is a pool of liquid metal. Talk to Toad to receive a Star. Toad 
tells you, "Hold onto your hat! If you lose it, you'll be easily injured. If you 
lose it, look for it in the course where you lost it. Speaking of lost, the 
Princess is still stuck in the walls somewhere. Please help, Mario! Oh, you know 
that there are secret worlds in the walls as well as in the paintings, right?" The 
clue about the walls is referring to the location of Course 10. 

Toad near Course 12 

This Toad is on the second floor of the Castle. He's standing underneath the 
stairwell near the small painting of the red and white mushrooms that leads to 
Course 12. Talk to the Toad to receive a Star. 
Toad tells you, "Thanks to the power of the Stars, life is returning to the Castle. 
Please, Mario, you have to give Bowser the boot! Here, let me tell you a little 
something about the Castle. In the room with the mirrors, look carefully for 
anything that's not reflected in the mirror. And when you go to the water town, you 
can flood it with a high jump into the painting." The clue about the mirror room 
refers to the entrance of Course 10. The clue about the water town refers to the 
entrance of Course 11. 

Toad near Course 15 

This Toad is on the third floor of the Castle. He's standing in the corner to the 
right of the giant clock. Talk to the Toad to receive a Star. 
Toad tells you, "The world inside the clock is so strange! When you jump inside, 
watch the position of the big hand!" This clue is referring to the position of the 
big hand on the clock. Depending on what time you enter the clock, the mechanisms 
may be moving really fast or really slow. If you enter the clock at 12:00, 3:00, 
6:00, or 9:00, the mechanisms inside the clock will stop. 

1st Bowser 
Collect the eight Red Coins to earn a Star. This is the recommended order to 
collect them: One is suspended in mid-air to the right of where you begin the 
course. One is suspended in mid-air to the right of the first flame thrower. One is 
located next to the crystal on the path with the electric spheres. One is located 
behind the concrete block with the moving yellow platform. One is located next to 
the four moving platforms. One is located on the octagon-shaped platform. One is 
located on the ledge next to the two unstable wooden platforms. One is located on 
top of the stone structure above the two wooden platforms. The Star will appear 
behind the green pipe at the end of the course. 
Collect the Star that appears near the end. Step on the yellow star switch next to 
the green pipe that leads to Bowser, then quickly jump across the platforms to 
collect the Star before it disappears. 

2nd Bowser
Collect the eight Red Coins to earn a Star. This is the recommended order to 
collect the Red Coins: One is located above the wire net near the entrance of the 
course. One is located on the first unstable stone platform. One is located inside 
the cage next to the elevator lift. One is located below the elevator lift that 
takes you up the wire net shaft. One is located on the octagon-shaped platform with 
the Bully on it. One is located on the path above the two Bullies. One is located 
next to the flame thrower on the lava covered path. One is located above the pole 
at the end of the course. 
The Star will appear on top of the brick structure near the end of the course. To 
reach the Star, return to the second pole near the beginning of the brick 
structure, then use the Wall Kick technique to reach the upper area. 
Follow the one-way path until you reach the crystal sphere where the Star will 
appear. Continue across the lava area, avoiding the flame throwers, and climb the 
pole to the top. Continue forward to the next pole. Stand on the mesh floor and 
Wall Kick or Back Somersault to reach the top of the stone structure. Step on the 
Star Switch, then quickly return to the crystal sphere to collect the Star. 

Final Bowser
Collect the eight Red Coins to earn a Star. This is the recommended order to 
collect the Red Coins: One is located above the box near the entrance of the 
course. One is located near the Piranha Plant on the stone path. One is located on 
a tiny ledge underneath the unstable wooden platform. One is located at the top of 
the light-blue/green traction path. One is located above the wooden platform near 
the red and white platform. One is located on the first spinning octagon-shaped 
platform. One is located above a pole in-between two moving platforms. One is 
located underneath the stairs at the very end of the course. The Star will appear 
at the very end of the course. 
Follow the one-way path until you reach an unstable, wooden plank just past a 
Piranha Plant. Drop down to the stone platform below the wooden plank, then 
continue forward to the Star Switch. Step on the Switch, then quickly run back to 
the other side of the platform. Use the stone steps to jump onto the wooden plank. 
Retrace your steps back to the spinning, circular platform for the Star.


The Princess's Rec Room 

Rec Room

The Princess's Rec Room is located on the top-right side of the Castle's first 
floor. From the entrance of the Castle, climb up the stairs in the center of the 
room. Go to the right and enter the door that has picture of a star with the number 
one on it. Go straight through the door to appear in the Princess's Rec Room. You 
must have at least one Star to enter. 
Collect Rec Room Keys from various places to unlock new minigames to play. Play 
minigames either by entering the Rec Room and examining the drawers, or by 
selecting "Rec Room" from the Title Screen. 

Yoshi Rabbits

Seven Keys are carried by yellow rabbits in various places throughout the castle. 
These Rabbits will only appear when you play as Yoshi. The rabbits will only appear 
after you have spoken to Toad in the Rec Room. Three Keys are carried by yellow 
rabbits in front of the castle drawbridge. One Key is carried by a yellow rabbit to 
the right of the castle entrance in a flowerpatch. One Key is carried by a yellow 
rabbit outside of the Castle in the drained moat. One Key is carried by a yellow 
rabbit to the left of the castle entrance in the tall hedges. One Key is carried by 
a yellow rabbit in the room to Course Seven. 

Mario Rabbits

Seven Keys are carried by pink rabbits in various places throughout the castle. 
These Rabbits will only appear when you play as Mario. The rabbits will only appear 
after you have spoken to Toad in the Rec Room. One Key is carried by a pink rabbit 
outside the Castle to the left of the Castle entrance. One Key is carried by a pink 
rabbit outside of the Castle in the drained moat. Two Keys are carried by pink 
rabbits in the Basement. One Key is carried by a pink rabbit in the room to Course 
Three. One Key is carried by a pink rabbit in the hall on the second floor. One Key 
is carried by a pink rabbit in the Mirror Room on the second floor. 

Luigi Rabbits

Seven Keys are carried by green rabbits in various places throughout the castle. 
These Rabbits will only appear when you play as Luigi. The rabbits will only appear 
after you have spoken to Toad in the Rec Room. One Key is carried by a yellow 
rabbit to the left of the castle entance in the tall hedges. One Key is carried by 
a green rabbit in the Basement (after the moat is drained). One Key is carried by a 
green rabbit in the Room to Course 1. One Key is carried by a green rabbit in the 
Room to Goomboss Battle. One Key is carried by a green rabbit in the alcove above 
the door in the Castle Courtyard (Back Flip twice to reach it). One Key is carried 
by a green rabbit in the hall on the second floor. One Key is carried by a green 
rabbit on top of the Castle. (Note: You must have all 150 Stars to reach the roof 
as Luigi). 

Wario Rabbits

Seven Keys are carried by orange rabbits in various places throughout the castle. 
These Rabbits will only appear when you play as Wario. One Key is carried by an 
orange rabbit over the bridge to the right of the castle entrance. One Key is 
carried by an orange rabbit in the Basement. One Key is carried by an orange rabbit 
in the Castle Courtyard. One Key is carried by an orange rabbit in the room to 
Course 2. One Key is carried by an orange rabbit in the room to Course 13. Two Keys 
are carried by orange rabbits in the room to Course 14.

Goomboss Battle 

The Goomboss Battle is located on the top-right side of the Castle's first floor. 
From the entrance of the Castle, climb up the stairs in the center of the room. Go 
to the right and enter the door that has picture of a star with the number 1 on it. 
Go straight through the door to appear in the Princess's Rec Room. 
Go through the door that has picture of a star with the number 8 on it. Jump into 
the painting of Mario. You must have at least eight Stars to enter. 
From the beginning, go forward down the slide, then across the platforms to a 
sleeping piranha plant. Jump onto the stump behind the piranha plant. Climb the 
vine to the top. Go right across the wooden bridge. Cross the stumps to reach one 
with a large hole in it. Drop into the hole. Defeat the Giant Goomboss to get the 
Mario Key. 

Big Boo Battle 

After entering Course 5: Big Boo's Haunt, enter the Haunted House. Jump up the 
stairs to the second floor, then enter the second door to the right. Jump up onto 
the wooden platform in the corner of the room. Jump into the red block for a Power 
Flower, then float to the ledge above. Enter the door. Jump into the portrait of 
Luigi next to the door to enter the Big Boo Battle. You need at least 12 Stars to 
From the entrance, go right through the door. Cross the collapsing bridge to the 
center platform, then cross the bridge to the left door. Enter the door. Jump 
across the gap to the center platform, then jump across the gap to the right door. 
Enter the door. Ride the checkered platforms to the left door and go through it. 
Cross the bridge. Ride the checkered platforms to the top, then drop into the hole. 
Examine your reflection in the mirror, then defeat the King Boo that appears for 
the Luigi Key. 

Chief Chilly Challenge

The Chief Chilly Challenge is located in the mirror room on the Castle's second 
floor. You can only enter this course as Luigi. From the entrance of the Castle, 
walk up the stairs and enter the door with the large keyhole on it. Follow the path 
up to the top of the stairwell, then enter the wooden door. Go to the right and 
enter the wooden door that is set back in a brick wall. 
If you are in a room with a giant picture of two Goombas, then you entered the 
wrong door. Try entering the other wooden door. Use one of the Power Flowers on the 
pedestals to turn invisible, then walk forward into the large mirror. Go right and 
jump into the portrait of Wario to enter Chief Chilly Challenge. You need the 
second Big Key to enter. 
From the beginning of the course, go right and slide down the ice to a large gap. 
Use the air current to reach the ledge. Go left and cross the unstable platforms to 
the next ledge. Ride the moving platform to the next ledge. Go right. Jump off the 
ledge and ride the air current to the platform. Continue forward to several moving 
platforms. Cross the moving platforms, then follow the one-way path to a large hole 
in the ice. Drop into the hole. Defeat Chief Chilly to get the Wario Key.

★I will update this any time I can★ P.S. The secret to beating Bowser is to go 
near the bombs and backflip when he charges. Then grab his tail and spin once,only 
once,aim at the bomb and throw.

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