Viva Pinata Guide V0.7 - Guide for Viva Pinata

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Viva Pinata Guide v0.7
Jan 07
by Jester, or DeathJester_GW of GameFAQs.

==Intro/News:== #VPINTRO
Welcome to my Viva Pinata guide. If you didn't guess, this is a guide for the
game Viva Pinata for the X-Box 360 :). I was going to use the correct
punctuation (i.e. the Spanish n with the tilde over it) but I was not sure if
it would always show up normally on all browsers, so it had to be sacrificed
:(! Oh yeah, and I'm British, so be prepare to suffer the honour of our
colours, etc.

So yeah, this is a general FAQ/Guide, with a small walkthrough planned for 
the future. Enjoy!

Note that this  guide uses the search system quite liberally, and each major
area has a #CODE next to them. If you bring up the Search dialogue (Shift+F 
in Windows), and input the #CODE, complete with the hash sign, it'll bring
you to where you want to go. Hopefully.

14th Jan, 06:
Added plants section and a bunch of mazes.

13th Jan, 06:
Added more bunches of stuff, and finished the hints at the top of the pinata
maze guide section. Sorry I left them incomplete, I completely forgot about
them :x.

12th Jan, 06:
Added a bunch of stuff, fixed a bunch of errors, the norm. Thank God, Allah,
Vishnu and whatever other deities I know the name of that I've nearly finished
the shop lists. I hate those.

06th - 09th Jan, 06:
Submitted the first version, v0.5, which has a full pinata list and semi
complete Pinata Maze guides, shop lists, and a bunch of other stuff. Let's see
if it gets accepted.

==Contents:== #VPCON
1. Intro/News                             #VPINTRO
2. Contents                               #VPCON
3. The Basics                             #VPTHEB
   - Controls                             #VPTHEBCON
   - The Happiness Meter                  #VPTHEBTHM
   - Overjoy                              #VPTHEBOVE
   - How To Guide Pinata                  #VPTHEBHTG
   - The Garden                           #VPTHEBTHE
    - The Pinata                          #VPTHEBTHEPI
    - Plants                              #VPTHEBTHEPL
    - Weeds                               #VPTHEBTHEWE
   - Pinometers                           #VPTHEBPIN
4. The Village                            #VPTV
   - The Post Office                      #VPTVPO
   - Costalot's General Store             #VPTVCS
    - Fertiliser                          #VPTVCSFERT
    - Watering Can                        #VPTVCSWATE
    - Packet                              #VPTVCSPACK
    - Paving                              #VPTVCSPAVI
    - Seed                                #VPTVCSSEED
    - Sweet                               #VPTVCSSWEE
    - Fruit                               #VPTVCSFRUI
    - Vegetable                           #VPTVCSVEGE
    - Produce                             #VPTVCSPROD
    - Fence                               #VPTVCSFENC
    - Garden Items                        #VPTVCSGARD
   - Arfur's Inn                          #VPTVAI
   - Miss Petunia's Paper Pets            #VPTVPP
   - Ivor the Beggar / Ivor Bargain       #VPTVIVOR
   - Gretchem Fetchem's                   #VPTVGF
   - Bart's Exchange / Tinkering List     #VPTVBE
   - Willy Builder                        #VPTVWB
   - Doc Patchingo                        #VPTVDP
6. Plant Guide / Fertilisers              #VPPLANTF
7. Seedos                                 #VPSEEDOS
8. Pinata Central / Factory Challenges    #VPCENTRAL
9. Produce                                #VPPRODUCE
10. Rank / level Upgrades                 #VPRANKS
11. Characters / Storyline                #VPCHAR
12. Pinata Romance Maze Guides            #VPPRMG
13. Pinata Guide
   - Sweet Pinata                         #VPPGSW
   - Sour Pinata                          #VPPGSO
14. Pinata Value                          #VPPINVAL
15. Garden Value                          #VPGARVAL
16. Gameplay Hints                        #VPHINTS
   - Rotten Food
   - Hey you stupid pinata, listen to me!
   - New Gardens
   - Helpers
17. FAQ                                   #VPFAQ
   - So what is this secret pinata?       #VPFAQDRA
   - The other secret pinata (the Pigxie) #VPFAQPIG
   - So, Leafos said this thing..         #VPFAQLEAFOS
   - Why can't I breed my pinata?
     The hearts aren't there..            #VPFAQGAR
   - Why can't I buy this item?           #VPFAQGAR
   - My pinata are.. invisible!           #VPFAQGAR
   - My pinata are killing each other!    #VPFAQCOM
   - How do I stop those damn Pretztails? #VPFAQCOM
   - Other combat related questions       #VPFAQCOM
   - How do I remove accessories?         #VPFAQACC
   - How do I get ?          #VPFAQHOW
   - What are WildCard pinata?            #VPFAQWCT
   - What is the Twin value for?          #VPFAQWCT
   - Is this game worth buying???
     This or            #VPFAQSTUPID
18. Todo list                             #VPTDL
19. Closing Credits, Copyright etc        #VPCCC

 ==The Basics== #VPTHEB
--Controls-- #VPTHEBCON
Whilst these are in the manual, and you should all read the manual, I'll cover
a few of the controls here.

- On the main map:
  A: Selects a pinata, or picks up an item. If you have the shovel equipped,
  this swings it. If you have the watering can equipped, this emits a short
  pour. If you have a grass packet equipped, this starts sowing.
  B: Cancels selection, or drops an item. If you have anything equipped, this
  unequips it. 
  X: Brings up the game menu. If you have the shovel equipped, this taps with
  it. If you have the watering can equipped, this emits a continuous pour. If
  you have a grass packet equipped, this pulls up grass.
  Y: Brings up a screen of information about whatever you have highlighted. 
  Also goes back into shops window when placing shop items.
  START: Brings up the options menu, rather than the game menu. Allows you to 
  save, etc.
  BACK: Regardless of which screen you are on, brings you back to the garden.
  Easier than hitting B a million times.
  UP (DPAD): Equips your shovel.
  LEFT (DPAD): Equips your watering can.
  RIGHT (DPAD): Equips your short grass packet. If you have the long grass
  packet, hitting RIGHT again will equip it.
  DOWN (DPAD): Nothing!

--The Happiness Meter-- #VPTHEBTHM
When you hover over a pinata, see the circle that appears, ghostlike beneath
it? That's the happiness meter. The inner image gives an overview of how the
pinata feels, while the circle around the edge shows how happy it is. It fills
clockwise, turning from blue to orange, filling up the happier it is. Low
happiness can be caused by:
- Whacking the pinata with the spade, or watering it with the watering can
  (Note that some pinata do enjoy being watered).
- Others of it's kind being beaten by yourself, or eaten by other pinata.
- Being ignored. Pinatas seem to get to a certain level of unhappiness over
  time, but it will never go low enough to cause side effects without "help".
- Being cramped. Fenced your pinata in? Make sure it's a big enough space
  otherwise their happiness will plummet.
- Being near pinata that it dislikes. Goobaa near Mallowolfs, for instance.
- Being ill. Be it via eating weeds, or being beaten up, pinata dislike being
- Losing fights. If a pinata fights another, it fights to WIN! Solution? Don't
  let your pinata fight at all. A whack with the spade produces less sadness
  than losing a fight and the illness that succeeds it.

A pinata's happiness can be increased temporarily by feeding it a Happy or Joy
Sweet, romancing it, or its eggs hatching, or more permanently by making the
garden a nice place for it to live. Build the species a house, sell off pinata
it hates, get rid of those weeds, maybe even bling it out with a bunch of
accessories, and soon your pinata will be beaming with happiness.

A pinata that is depressed may refuse to do what you tell it to, may start
fights, and, if the meter completely empties, will leave your garden and become
a wild pinata. You can see if a pinata is depressed, as tears come streaming
out of their eyes. You bad gardener, you.

--Overjoy-- #VPTHEBOVE
When a pinata's happiness meter fills, it becomes overjoyed, which adds value
to a certain section of it's information menu. Specifically, the Overjoyed 
Value. So, it's a good idea to try to induce overjoy before selling up your
pinata, or when trying to get onto the leaderboards. To include overjoy, either
do a lot of things that make it happy all at once, (i.e.: have a good garden,
then just as one of it's eggs is about to hatch, romance it again, and then fit
it with an accessory), or the easier way is to feed it a single Joy Sweet.

--How to Guide Pinata-- #VPTHEBHTG
So, you want your pinata to do, eat, or go something, someone or somewhere
specific? Here's how:

The simple way? Hit A on a pinata. Go select something else, and hit A on
that. Done.

The more detailed way? Note your selection circle is made of two colours. When
you tag a pinata, a sound effect chimes, along with which half of your
selection circle gets left behind. Also note the pinata looks at you. If the
pinata does not look at you, it is not listening. Hit B to quit and try again.
Pinata may not listen to you when:
- They have just hatched out of an egg.
- They have just hatched out of a cocoon.
- They have just come out of their house.
- They are just about to go into their house.
Once the pinata is listening, float on over to whatever it is you want the
pinata to interact with. This may include:
- Food items, for romance, variants, or just because you're being nice.
- Other pinata of the same species, for romance.
- Other pinatas of other species, for consumption.
- An area of the garden you need them to go to, or maybe just to get them away
  from where they are now.
Whatever it is, just highlight the specific item, pinata, or area, then hit A
again. If the pinata was listening to start with, then hooray, it should be
moving. Some pinata move faster than others, for instance the Macaracoon will
probably be there before you, but others, such as Syrupents, have to slowly

Sometimes a pinata will get distracted midway. If this happens, simply repeat
the process, again making sure the pinata is listening.

Also, if a pinata outright refuses to do what you say, it is probably horribly
depressed. Increase it's happiness (see The Happiness Meter, above) and try

--The Garden-- #VPTHEBTHE
This area just covers the basics of different aspects of the garden. For the
walkthrough of the first few days, see #Not done yet.

The most important feature of your garden are these guys. Without them, the
game would just be called Viva, and come under a lot of copyright issues, I'm
sure. Anyway, these guys are your main source of experience, and with higher
experience you get to experience more experiences. So, take care of these guys.

The second most important thing. A good source of money, seeing as seeds cost
only a fraction of what the plant sells for (in most cases), and also a good
source of experience, not to mention being essential to just about every
pinata's romance requirements, plants are a man, woman and pinata's best 

Plant Tips:
- When you get the required shovel upgrade, try to always plant seeds in holes.
  They grow much, much faster. This is especially true for trees and bushes.
- Watering can be tough when you start, but you quickly get the hang of it.
  What you want is a balance between blue and brown pips on the meter. As soon
  as you can, buy the watering can upgrades, as the last few make watering 50%
  and 100% easier, respectively.

I thought it was fitting that these come after plants. There are 4 types of
weed in Viva Pinata, the Thistle, the Toadstool, the Poison Ivy, and the Venus
Pinata Trap. Each of these is dangerous to the common pinata, either filling it
with berserk rage when it eats the flowers or even just comes close to the
plant, or causing illness with consumed. They are also very alluring to most
pinata, especially the toadstool, which will attract pinata from everywhere in
the garden as soon as it blooms. 

Unfortunately, some pinata require these to become residents, or even to
romance, so you will encounter these weeds more than once. Just make sure to
kill them all when you're done with them.

Weed Tips:
- When using a mushroom, keep it behind fences until it's done. This stops 
  land based pinata from eating it and getting sick. This doesn't stop flyers, 
  however, so continue to watch it.
- Weeds often cause pinata to get pissed off and start fighting, so only grow
  them when you need them.
- Fully grown weeds actually cost money to sell. Yes, you pay Costolot to take
  them off your hands. Just smash them, instead. Sell the seeds, however, as
  for some reason she actually buys those.
- Weeds do not react to holes, so don't bother planting them in them.
-Garden Items-
Garden items consist of statues, rocks, lights, decorations, fences, Pinata
Houses and the like. You can buy these from two stores in the game. Most garden
items have a use, even if it is not obvious.

The two people always crave are as follows:
- The Dastardos Scarer, available from the secret shop at level 25, costing 
  2,310 coins, will keep the dreaded Dastardos away from your garden for a
  much longer time when a pinata gets ill, allowing you an extra amount of time
  to cure it.
- The Captain's Cutlass, available from the secret shop at level 30, costing
  10,000 coins, will keep all Ruffians and Professor Pester away from your
  garden, forever. Woohoo!

If you wish to spoil the surprise and read about the secret shop, go ahead and
search for #VPTVIVOR.

--Pinometers-- #VPTHEBPIN
So you've seen this word and have no clue what it is? Hit X, open the menu, hit
Journal, then hit Garden Area. See the little squares on the right? Each of
those is 10 pinometers. If you do not have all the garden space upgrades yet,
you will see red Xs in some squares. This just means you cannot use them yet,
and therefore cannot count towards land counts.

Each square is 1%, or 10 pinometers. So if a pinata needs 150 pinometers (15%)
of short grass, you need to make sure 15 of those squares are covered in short
grass. Just keep filling land and checking this menu, and pretty soon you'll
know what a pinometer is without even checking.

==The Village== #VPTV
By hitting X, and, for all places except one, selecting Village, you bring up
the village menu. Here, I'll talk about each place you can visit, in order of
menu petals, going clockwise.

But first:

--The Post Office-- #VPTVPO

Run by the oddly dressed (even for Pinata Island) Fanny Franker, the Post
Office opens at level 4. Going pretty much unnoticed by many people, possibly
due to the placement (everything else is under the Village petal, this is on a
petal by itself), possibly due to the limited usage, who knows. Anyway, this is
what you can do there:
- Send crate.
  This allows you to purchase a crate (for one whole coin!) which you then
  place in your garden. Once purchased, you can place up to 5 of one item in 
  it. The item can be anything, a pinata, a blackberry, an oak seed, a pirate
  statue, a rotten banana, anything! But only one item type per crate,
  unfortunately. To actually pack it, hover over the crate and hit Y. Then
  select the wanted items with A (remember, only one type of item per crate!),
  and when finished, exit selection mode with B. Then, hover over the crate, 
  hit X, and you get a new menu:
  - "Add/Remove Chocolate Coins" means exactly what it says. You can send coins
    with other items. 
  - "Edit Message" brings up the familiar X-Box 360 typing interface, allowing
    you to add a message.
  - "Send Crate" brings up a list of your X-Box Live! friends, (even those
    without Viva Pinata, so choose carefully. You do get your items back if the
    recipient doesn't open them for 2 weeks, though) from which you choose one,
    and bam! The crate's gone. It can take half an hour for a crate to get 
    through, but it's usually instant.
- My Received Crates.
  Hit X when inside the Post Office to bring up this menu, if applicable.
  This'll show you any crates that have been sent to you, allowing you to take
  them, place them in the garden, and subsequently open them! Hooray!
That's about it for the Post Office. I don't know why people find it so

Post Office Tips:
- You can send crates to yourself! This is handy for storing items you don't
  want to sell, or pinatas you aren't ready for yet. Just select your own
  gamertag from the friends list, and they show up in your My Received Crates

--Costalot's General Store-- #VPTVCS

Costalot's Store opens at level 2 or 3, depending on how fast you play through
the tutorial. At the start she has a meagre selection of goods, but by the end
of the game she has a veritable bazaar of strange and unusual items.

To buy stuff, select her shop through the Village section of the X menu, then
hit, get this, Buy! To sell, do the same thing, except hit Sell. Once you've
done it this way once, however, from then on you can just hit B on any sellable
item in the garden to bring up the sell dialogue.

Here is a list of the different things she sells, complete with prices and what
garden level (rank, whatever) they become available. 

NOTE: In the case of seeds, the level listed is
the level she starts selling them if you have never talked to Seedos. Seedos
may occasionally give you the seeds a level or so early if you talk to him
often. They'll be marked as "Mystery Seed" until it's been planted, at which
point Costalot will sell them.

Fertiliser: #VPTVCSFERT
-Colour-  -Price-  -Level Available-
 Orange      3             3
 Purple      9             4
 Yellow      3             5
 Red        18             7
 Blue       30             7
 Brown      45             8
 Green      63            10

See the Fertiliser guide #VPPLANTF for information on Fertilisers.

Watering Can: #VPTVCSWATE
      -Name-       -Price-    -Level Available-
 Tin Watering Can    225              4
 Gold Watering Can   750              8

These just hold more water than the rusty one you start off with.

      -Name-         -Price-     -Level Available-
 Long Grass Packet     1125               9

This allows you to grow long grass, the same way you grow short grass. It seems
a bit of a waste to have a whole section devoted to this, maybe in the future
more packets will be released?

     -Name-       -Price-      -Level Available-
 Stone Paving        6                3
 Cobblestones       17                7
 Slab Paving        17                7
 Block Paving       33               10
 Crazy Paving       55               14
 Octagonal Paving   83               19
 Showbiz           116               28

These just allow you to.. well.. put paving down in your garden. It's purely
aesthetic, although some people claim pinata and helpers try to stick to
designated pathing.

     -Name-           -Price-     -Level Available-
 Carrot Seed              2               2
 Turnip Seed              2               2
 Buttercup Seed           2               2
 Daisy Seed               2               2
 Thistle Seed            13               2
 Bluebell Seed            7               5
 Poppy Seed               7               5
 Corn Seed                7               5
 Apple Seed              55               5
 Poison Ivy Seed         22               6
 Hazelnut Seed           83               7
 Watercress Seed         13               8
 Blackberry Seed         55               9
 Pumpkin Seed            13              10
 Toadstool Seed          46              11
 Chilli Seed             22              11
 Sunflower Seed          22              13
 Gooseberry Seed         83              14
 Tulip Seed              33              15
 Fir Seed                83              16
 Venus Pinata Seed       79              16
 Water Lily Seed         33              18
 Monkeynut Seed         116              20
 Nightshade Seed        154              23
 Snapdragon Seed         46              24
 Banana Seed            154              26
 Bullrush Seed           62              28
 Bird of Paradise Seed   79              31
 Orchid Seed             99              35
 Oak Seed               303              37

These.. are seeds. Plant them (preferably in holes, using the shovel you get at
level 5.. well, except for the weeds, which don't react to holes), and they'll
grow into.. get this.. plants. Check the Plant and/or Fertiliser guides for
information on good growth! (#VPPLANTF)

   -Name-         -Price-     -Level Available-
 Romance Sweet       6                2
 Happy Sweet        17                5

Buy sweets then direct specific pinata to eat them for the effects. Romance
Sweets induce romance in (i.e.: causes a heart to appear above) pinata species
that you have already romanced naturally at least once. Happy Sweets simply
add happy meter points (see The Happiness Meter in The Basics, #VPTHEB).

   -Name-         -Price-     -Level Available-
 Apple              100              5
 Hazelnut           150              7
 Blackberry         100              9
 Gooseberry         150             14
 Fir Cone           150             16
 Monkeynut          210             20
 Nightshade Berry   280             23
 Banana             280             26
 Acorn              550             37

Buy fruit if you are too lazy or don't have time to grow it yourself.
Elephanilla already raging through your garden and you forgot to grow
Gooseberries? Never fear, Costalot is here!

Vegetable: #VPTVCSVEGE
 -Name-         -Price-     -Level Available-
 Carrot            50               2
 Turnip            50               2
 Corn             150               5
 Pumpkin          300              10
 Chilli           500              11

See the Fruit explanation? Same goes here, only replace fruit with vegetable,
Elephanilla with Bunnycomb and Gooseberries with Carrots!

Oh, and raging with.. uh.. hopping.

-Name-         -Price-     -Level Available-
 Honey           500               3
 Bread           300               7
 Wool           1050               9
 Milk           1400              11
 Bone            500              13

Produce is damn expensive, mainly because there is always a way of making them
yourself. Apart from bones. Hm

Anyway, Honey, Wool and Milk can be created by breeding Buzzlegums, Goobaas or
Moozipans in respect. See #VPPRODUCE for more info on making produce.

Oh, and Bread? See #VPSHBG.

    -Name-           -Price-     -Level Available-
 Wire Fence             6                2
 Wooden Fence          17                6
 Wooden Gate           33                6
 Wooden Picket Fence   33                8
 Hedge                 55               10
 Iron Railings         83               12
 Iron Gate            116               12

Fences are used to.. well.. fence things. Have a poor vulnerable pinata that
you don't want eaten by a mean Pretztail? Fence it off. Have a Toadstool that
you need to grow, but stupid Sparrowmints keep eating it? Well, fencing it off
won't help against flyers, but it will keep the land pinata away from it so you
can concentrate on shooing them away.

Just a note or two, when fencing off Pinata, it's a good idea to build their
house first, so you can see how much room it takes up. Also, make sure you give
them enough room (Whirlms and say, Mousemallows, don't need that much, but if
you're fencing off Ponockies be prepared to lose a lot of space), or else the
pinata will get depressed and maybe even ill.

To place fence, select it from the shop, then place it with A. Rotate it 90
degrees with X. Leave a space if you need to put a gate in. (Always put a gate
in for ease. Pinata cannot open them, but Leafos and helpers will. They'll..
uh.. usually close them again afterwards, though. Hopefully.)

Garden Items: #VPTVCSGARD
    -Name-            -Price-     -Level Available-
 Firebrand               132              2
 Cartwheel                22              3
 Pile of Leaves           22              3
 Ornamental Stones        22              3
 Hay Bale                 22              3
 Toxic Drum               22              8
 Fir Tree Log             22              8
 Flower Carving           22              8
 Birdbath                330             10
 Milk Churn               66             10
 Hollow Log               66             10
 Barrel                   66             10
 Glow Rocks               66             10
 Fish Fountain           330             12
 Sword Mk2                66             14
 Tombstone                66             14
 Vase                     66             14
 Sundial                  66             14
 Bird and Bear Statue    462             15
 Surfboard               132             19
 Windchime Mk1           132             19
 Windchime Mk2           132             19
 Swan Fountain           616             25
 Pirate Statue           792             30
 Moon-on-a-Stick         990             32
 Shellybean Block       1320              6
 Sherbat Block          2200             11
 Crowla Block           3300             16
 Profitamole Block      3300             21
 Macaracoon Block       4620             26
 Cocoadile Block        4620             30
 Mallowolf Block        6160             35
 Bonboon Block          7920

Garden items are mainly for decoration, except the medium expensive ones, which
are for specific pinata's romance requirements. The Sour Pinata Blocks are for
the Tower of Sour, which keeps that specific sour away from your garden. You
can either buy them here for ridiculous prices, or win one for free by taming
a sour of that species.

--Arfur's Inn-- #VPTVAI

Arfur's Inn opens at level 10. At the Inn you can hire helpers to help tend
your garden. The Helpers can do a variety of things such as water plants,
gather produce, even patrol the garden for sours. Each helper has a one time
cost, and when you "purchase" them you actually buy a contract, which you place
in the garden. At the start of their next shift the helper will comes and take
the contract and begin work.

-Name-          -Price-  -Level Available-         -What They Do-
Sprinkling        440           10          Sprinklings water your plants, 
                                                 when they need it.
Gatherling        924           12          Gatherlings gather and sell things,
                                              like seeds, flowerheads, fruit,
                                                 vegetables and produce.
Weedling          440           13         Weedlings rid your garden of weeds.
Watchling        1584           15          Watchlings patrol your garden and
                                            attempt to scare away sour pinata
                                               and Ruffians. They are pretty
                                              clueless though, and scare away
                                              normal wild pinata quite often.
Night Watchling  1584           15           Night Watchlings are like normal
                                            Watchlings, but operate at night.
                                           Did I not mention that? Oh yeah, on
                                           top of their other flaws, they only
                                             work during the day, meaning you
                                            have to hire both to have any kind
                                                 of good security! Hooray!
Diggerling       2420           25         Diggerlings tend your mine, if you
                                            have one. They enter it, dig away,
                                               then leave. That's about it!

--Miss Petunia's Paper Pets-- #VPTVPP
Paper Pets opens at level 8, and it allows you to purchase pets and
accessories. Pets act just like any other pinata, except you can buy them.
Accessories are used to spruce up your pinata. This makes them look nicer, adds
value, and some accessories add special effects. There are also a few romance
requirements that require accessories. Here's a list of domestic pinata, and
their required level:

-Name-      -Price-   -Level Available-
Cluckles     1100             8
Kittyfloss   1650            10
Rashberry    1650            12
Barkbark     2310            14
Goobaa       2310            16
Pudgeon      2310            18
Ponocky      2310            20
Moozipan     3080            25

Here's a list of what accessories are available at what level, broken up by
body part:

-Name-               -Price-   -Level Available-
Beaded Wig             61              8
Buzzlegum Keeper Hat   61              8
Binner's Hat           61              8
Daisy Hair Flower      61              8
Beanie Cap             61             11
Delmonty               61             11
Princess Hat           61             11
Halo of Hardness     2701             12
Tussle Tricorn        901             12
Baseball Cap          181             14
Doenut Stalker        181             14
School Cap            181             14
Tiara of Tranquillity 601             16
Weather-Girl wig      181             19
Bonnet                181             19
Fez                   181             19
Knight Helmet         181             19
Senor Sombrero        181             19
Bunnycomb Ears        349             24
Yee-haw Hat           361             24
Rashberry Helmet      361             24
Chef Hat              361             29
Diggerling Helmet Mk1 361             29
Student's Hat         361             29
Football Helmet       601             34
Party Horns           601             34
Pillager's Helmet     601             34
Retro Disco Wig       601             37
Crown                 601             37
Ortho's Spare Hat     601             37
Safety Helmet         181       See hints, below.
Sweaty Head Band      181       See hints, below.
Thunder Cut           181       See hints, below.
Rashberry Hat         181       See hints, below.
Sailor Hat            181       See hints, below.
Fruity Hat            181       See hints, below.
Squazzil Hat          181       See hints, below.
Buttercup Hair Flower 181       See hints, below.
Howdy Pardner Hat     181       See hints, below.

-Name-               -Price-   -Level Available-
Geek Glasses            51            8
Caterpillars            61           11
Super Hero Mask        181           19
Bottles' Glasses       181           19
Belly-Splash Specials  361           24
Robber's Mask          361           29
Blackeye Patch         601           34
Flying Goggles         601           34
Cool Shades            601           37
Toff Monocle           181      See hints, below.
Extreme Sports Goggles 181      See hints, below.
Disco Shades           181      See hints, below.

-Name-               -Price-   -Level Available-
Butcha's                61             8
Not-so-Bling Earrings  181            19
Bling Earrings         601            37
Big Bling Earrings     181      See hints, below.
Headphones             181      See hints, below.
Pendant Earrings       181      See hints, below.

-Name-               -Price-   -Level Available-
Gas Mask                61             6
Red Nose                61            11
Granny's Tache         181            14
Bling Nose-Ring        361            24
Handlebar Moustache    361            29
Comedian's Nose        601            34
Bushy Moustache         61            37
Slim Tache             181      See hints, below.

-Name-               -Price-   -Level Available-
Yokel Teeth             61             8
Buck Teeth             181            19
Bling Teeth            361            24
Romantic Flower        361            29

-Name-               -Price-   -Level Available-
Non-Resident Scarf      61             8
Spiked Collar          181            14
Bow                    181            19
Reporter's Camera      181            19
DanceGlow              181            19
Bell                   361            24
Funky Tie              361            24
Diamond Choker         361            29
Halloween Bolts        361            29
Dastardos Scarf        601            34
Diamond Necklace       601            37
Shark Tooth Necklace   601            37
Mermaid Necklace       181      See hints, below.
Pendant Necklace       181      See hints, below.
Strong 'n' Macho       181      See hints, below.

-Name-               -Price-   -Level Available-
Sweaty Wrist Band       61            11
Prisoner Bracelet      181            14
Bling Bangle           361            24
Bling Bracelet         601            34

-Name-               -Price-   -Level Available-
Clockwork Key           61             8
Crystal Broach          61            11
Fake Fin                61            11
Rashberry Badge        181            14
Fake Winner's Rosette  181            19
Tail Bow               181            19
Super Hero Belt        181            19
Breegull Carrier       601            34

-Name-               -Price-   -Level Available-
Combat Boots            61             8
Yee-haw Boots           61            11
Snow Shoes             181            14
Flamenco Shoes         361            24
Soccer Boots           361            29
Tap Shoes              361            29
Ballet Shoes           601            37
Astro-Walkers          601            37

Paper Pets hints:
- Accessory Packs. There are Accessory Packs to download on X-Box Live. Go to
  the marketplace, then to Games, then to Viva Pinata to find them. They cost
  90 Microsoft Points each, and each include 3 accessories. The accessories are
  then added to Paper Pets, for 1 chocolate coin each, regardless of level.
- The contents of the packs are as follows:
 - Accessory Pack 1
  - Vela Wig
  - Juno Helmet
  - Lupus Ears 
 - Accessory Pack 2
  - Mr Pants Hat
  - Von Ghoul Helmet
  - Soupswill Chef Hat 
 - Accessory Pack 3
  - Mermaid's Earrings
  - Romance Earrings
  - Santa Hat 
 - Accessory Pack 4
  - Conga's Top Hat
  - Poppy Hair Flower
  - Sunflower Hair Flower 
 - Accessory Pack 5
  - Pearly Bracelet
  - Reading Glasses
  - Comedian's Choice
- Some accessories have effects on pinata. The Halo of Hardness will auto-heal
  it's host pinata if it gets ill. Also, a lot of pinata have certain
  accessories as romance requirements.
- The only known cheat codes in the game come into play now! If you start a new
  garden, and name it one of the following, you will unlock the accessories
  above with the "See hints, below" tag. Note that this won't start a new
  garden, you'll just get a message informing you that it worked.

 -Enter This-  -Unlocks These-
   Bullseye      Fruity Hat
                 Toff Monocle
                 Big Bling Earrings
                 Mermaid Necklace
                 Bunnycomb Slippers
  Chewnicorn     Squazzil Hat
                 Extreme Sports Goggles
                 Disco Shades
                 Pendant Necklace 
    Goobaa       Buttercup Hair Flower
                 Howdy Pardner Hat
                 Pendant Earrings
                 Slim Tache
                 Strong 'n' Macho
  Kittyfloss     Safety Helmet
                 Thunder Cut
                 Sailor's Hat
                 Sweaty Head Band
                 Rashberry Police Hat

--Ivor the Beggar / Ivor Bargain-- #VPTVIVOR
Ivor appears as a beggar around level 12 or 13. He wanders your garden, asking
for handouts. Like in most games, your charity is rewarded, so supply him with
1000 chocolate coins as soon as possible. You can do this in instalments, or
all at once, it doesn't matter. Once done, he will thank you, and wander off.
Soon after, he will open a curiosity shop, and renames himself to Ivor Bargain!
He sells interesting odds and ends, many of which most gardeners could not live
without. Here's a list:

-Name-                     -Price- -Level Available- -Effect-
Special Mix Fertiliser         9          20        Can be used on any plant.
Glass Watering Can          1575          12           Holds more water.
Everpour 5000 Watering Can  2700          18        Holds endless water, and
                                                        never overwaters.
One Pour Wonder             4125          24        Once you water a plant once
                                                     with this, you never need
                                                         to water it again.
Gem Seed                     248          34        Grows into a gem tree.
Joy Sweet                     83          12        Puts a pinata into overjoy.
Gem                          360          34        A gem tree's produce.
Stone Wall                   116          18        Strongest fence.
Oak Gate                     154          18        Strongest gate.
Lantern o' Loot              220          14        Put near a mine to increase
                                                           it's yield.
Red Eye Rainbow              616          14          Calms all pinata in the
                                                     garden, but doesn't stop
                                                        them from fighting
Water Waiver                 792          14          This apparently reduces
                                                      the amount of water all
                                                      plants need garden-wide.
Dastardos Scarer            2310          25        Increases the time between
                                                     a pinata getting ill and
                                                      Dastardos appearing. It
                                                      does not stop him from
                                                     appearing at all, however.
Captains Cutlass           11000          30          Keeps the Ruffians and
                                                         Professor Pester
                                                    from entering your garden.
Dastardos Head              2520          20          A shovel head that can
                                                        temporarily stun
Platinum Shovel Handle      1125          30        Strongest shovel handle.
Chocolate Sniffer            540          14          Makes your shovel beep
                                                    when near buried chocolate

--Gretchem Fetchem's-- #VPTVGF
Opening at level 7, Gretchem is a hunter. She'll happily track down and capture
any pinata you have already had in your garden. This is very useful on a lot of
higher level pinata, where taming another one would take too long.
Gretchem offers two services:
- Express catches the pinata relatively quickly, but costs double that of
- Standard catches the pinata ridiculously slowly, but for a lower price.
The third option is for once Gretchem has caught a pinata for you. You will get
an alert, and then if you come into the store and select the third option, you
can place the pinata where you want in the garden, and pay the price. You can
also release a pinata if you told her to catch the wrong one by pressing X on
this third option.

--Bart's Exchange / Tinkering List-- #VPTVBE

This guy opens up when you hit level 9, and at Bart's Exchange, you can tinker.
What is tinkering, I hear you ask? In this game, tinkering is the act of
changing one item to another, by the magical waving of the arms.

Bart offers three tinkering services, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Bronze is the
cheapest, and Gold is the most expensive. However,
- Bronze offers a 25% success rate.
- Silver offers a 50% success rate.
- Gold offers a 100% success rate.
I suggest always going gold unless you have a lot of items to waste.

Here's a quick list of what items can be tinkered, and what they tinker into:

-Original Item-   -Tinkered Item-
 Apple            Toffee Apple
 Banana           Banana Split
 Blackberry       Blackberry Jam
 Bread            Sandwich
 Carrot           Carrot Cake
 Corn             Bread
 Gem              Rainbow Gem
 Gooseberry       Gooseberry Fool
 Honey            Bottle of Medicine
 Monkeynut        Peanut Butter
 Pumpkin          Jack'o'Lantern
 Milk             Cheese
 Toadstool        Mushroom

As you can see, most of the items required for romance or variants are acquired

To tinker, select a service (hint: gold), then select the items you want
tinkered with A. You can select multiple items, even of different types. When
done, hit Y and confirm with A.

-Bart's Exchange Tips-
- Always go gold. Really, it's not worth wasting items on the marginal extra
  charge for gold.
- A failed Tinker destroys the item, and gives nothing in return.
- When tinkering Toadstools, fence the Toadstool off in one of the corners. 
  Pinata love Toadstools, so if left in the open will more than likely be
  consumed before Bart arrives. You don't even need to leave a space for Bart,
  as long as you fence it off before calling him he will walk around the 
  perimeter of your garden to get to it.

--Willy Builder-- #VPTVWB
Willy Builder opens at level 2, and is the construction man of the game. He
constructs all the pinata houses in the game, and also a small selection of
special buildings.

Once he opens, enter his shop via the Village menu to be presented by two
options. Pinata House, obviously, allows you to build pinata houses. You can
only build a house of a species you have owned in the past, and pinata house
costs go up depending on the level of the pinata. Special Building lets you
build any special buildings you've unlocked. Here's a list:

-Name-       -Price- -How To Unlock-
Mine          16500      Get to level 26.
Honey Hive       66      Tame a Buzzlegum.
Shearing Shed   462      Buy a Goobaa.
Milking Shed    616      Buy a Moozipan.
Helper House    220      Get to level 10.

To build a building, select it from either of Willy's menus, then when in the
garden, move it around with the left stick, rotate it 90 degrees by tapping X,
rotate it more precisely by holding X and moving the left stick, and make your
decision by pressing A.
Just a note on the Mine, the dirt piles (called mine workings) the Mine digs up
are useless. Tamed Profitamoles enjoy devouring them, but that's it.

--Doc Patchingo-- #VPTVDP
Doc Patchingo will first grace your garden when a pinata becomes ill. He will
come, free of charge, and cure your sick pinata! What a nice guy.
From then on, of course, he will charge. The first time you require his
services, you must go into the Village menu and specifically select him. Once
you've done that once, however, you can call the doctor quickly and easily to
any ill pinata by pressing A on them. Note that you can select multiple ill

==Plant Guide / Fertilisers== #VPPLANTF
Right, so here's the plant guide. This will tell you everything I know about
plants, how to grow them, how to get their awards, what they do, why you should
do them, and probably much more!
I heavily suggest you plan ahead before going for the horticulturist awards.
Make sure you have the right type of fertiliser unlocked (see below), and if
you're not interested in that, at least try and make sure you're level 5 so you
have the Seed Head upgrade unlocked. Seeds planted in holes  grow so, so much
quicker. Trees and bushes grown outside of holes take a ridiculously long time
to grow.
Where you put the holes actually matters, too. Some plants won't grow on grass,
some need mud (the edge of water), some NEED grass, etc. He's a quick list:

- Grass or Soil or Long Grass:
 - Apple Tree
 - Banana Tree
 - Gem Tree
 - Fir Tree
 - Hazelnut Tree
 - Monkeynut Tree
 - Oak Tree
 - Bird of Paradise
 - Bluebell
 - Buttercup
 - Daisy
 - Orchid
 - Poppy
 - Snapdragon
 - Sunflower
 - Tulip
 - Blackberry Bush
 - Nightshade Bush
 - Gooseberry Bush

- Grass or Soil
 - Chilli
 - Corn
 - Pumpkin
 - Turnip
 - Carrot

- Mud
 - Bullrush
 - Water Lily
 - Watercress

- Anywhere
 - Poison Ivy
 - Thistle
 - Toadstool
 - Venus Pinata Trap

As you can see, it's mainly the flowers, trees and bushes that can be planted
anywhere but on mud, vegetables that can't handle long grass, and the
river-friendly sort that need mud. Weeds can sew themselves anywhere, so be

Ok, you saw I mentioned types of fertiliser up there. Up until level 10,
Costalot starts selling a new type of fertiliser every few levels or so. Each
type fertilises specific plants. How do you know which type to use? Well, you
can either read the list I'm about to type out, or you can go by which colour
the produce of the plant is. Carrots and those vibrant orange Birds of Paradise
go for orange fertiliser, etc. Anyway, here's the list:

- Red
 - Apple Tree
 - Chilli
 - Poppy

- Yellow
 - Banana Tree
 - Buttercup
 - Corn
 - Daisy
 - Sunflower

- Orange
 - Bird of Paradise
 - Carrot
 - Pumpkin

- Purple
 - Blackberry Bush
 - Nightshade Bush
 - Snapdragon
 - Tulip
 - Turnip
 - Water Lily

- Blue
 - Bluebell
 - Gem Tree

- Brown
 - Bullrush
 - Fir Tree
 - Hazel Tree
 - Monkeynut Tree

- Green
 - Gooseberry Bush
 - Oak Tree
 - Orchid
 - Watercress

Now, at level 20, Ivor starts selling a Special Mix fertiliser. This can be
used to fertilise any plant in the game. It costs 9 coins per dose, making it
pretty cheap, but not as cheap as, say, the orange mix from Costalot's. So if
you are growing Birds of Paradise, it is still cheaper to use Costalot's mixes.
Keep that in mind when growing plants for cash.

Right, but how do you actually fertilise? Well, that depends on the thing
you're growing. The way to tell if you're doing it right, however, is to listen
carefully. When you put a dose on a plant, a sound effect will play. The "Hey,
well done, you did that right!" sound effect is a chirpy chime, wheras the "No,
I mean, come on, that wasn't even nearly right!" sound effect is more of a dull
thud. You'll know what they are when you hear them. But yeah, here's a list:

- Flowers and vegetables:
 - 3 doses straight after planting (or shortly after) is all they need. Just
   make sure it is the right colour. That's it, small plants are pretty easy.
- Trees and bushes:
 - are 1 million times more complicated. You have to make good use of the
   sound effects here, as I can only guide so much.
 - So you plant them, they start growing. If you use fertiliser now, you'll
   hear the NO YOU GOT IT WRONG effect. Do it anyway, just so you remember
   what that sound effect is like.
 - After a while, could be 20 seconds on some trees, could be a few minutes on
   others, little buds will appear on the branches. Same for bushes, by the
   way. Apply a dose now. On some trees, (and bushes) that works, but some
 - Basically the rule is, whenever you see a set of buds, fertilise. There are
   only 3 fertilise awards per tree/bush, however, and some produce 5 buds. So,
   how do you know which buds to fertilise? Experience. I can't remember
   off-hand, so I'm going to tell you to go try it for yourself. Fertiliser is
   cheap anyway, so go nuts! The experience is worth it.
 - Really, get the One Pour Wonder before growing big things. That way you can
   water it once just as you plant it, and then spend the rest of it's growth
   lifetime with the fertiliser ready.

So, now you know the science about growing, but how do you do it? First, make
sure everything you need is available. The seed head on the shovel, the correct
seeds and fertilisers, and if possible the One Pour Wonder from Ivor's shop. It
makes gardening so, so much easier. If not, that's fine, but I really suggest
holding off big things like trees and bushes until it is.
Here's two ways of gardening, with and without the One Pour:

- Without:
 - Dig holes with the seed head. Make sure they are just far enough apart so
   that the crop can grow, but not so far apart that it'll take forever to
   fertilise them. Remember, any plants in the fertiliser's cursor gets
   fertilised, meaning you save money and time.
 - Plant the seeds. Remember if you dig more than 10 holes you will need to buy
   10 seeds at first, then the rest. For some reason shops in this game don't
   like selling more than 10 of something at once.
 - Quickly press Y to go back to the shop, then get your correct fertiliser.
   Don't forget Ivor's special mix if it's available and cheaper than the
   colour you need from Costalot's!
 - Fertilise. See the fertilising section just above this.
 - Don't forget to water! Without the One Pour Wonder you will have a lot of
   watering to do, especially on trees and things. You want the water meter
   half filled up at all times.
 - Eventually the crop will bloom, or pop out of the ground, or bear fruit.
   Well done! If you fertilised correctly, you will get bonus xp.

- With:
 - Dig holes, as said above.
 - Plant seeds.
 - Press the back button to go back to the garden. Quickly give all the plants
   a quick water with the watering can's X button. Thanks to the One Pour
   Wonder, you can now forget about watering them!
 - Fertilise and do the rest as said above, obviously ignoring the watering
 - Profit!

That's about it! If you have any more questions about gardening, please ask
them via the contacts at the bottom, as I feel that I've forgotten some things

==Seedos== #VPSEEDOS
Seedos turns up at level 2. He is Leafos' younger brother, and quite an odd
sort. He used to be named Sidos, but changed his name when he discovered his
love for seeds. 
You will often see him walking around your garden, looking at any plants you
have growing. If you hover over him and press A, you'll chat with him, and
he'll give you a seed. This seed can either be one that Costalot is already
selling, or, if you're lucky, one that she isn't! You can get seeds one or two
levels earlier than Costalot if you talk to Seedos often. If you get a new
seed, it will be called Mystery Seed. The only way of finding what it is is by
planting it!
Also note that if you smack Seedos too many times with your spade, he will get
rather annoyed, stand just outside the boundaries of your garden, and chuck
weed seeds in. Nasty.

==Pinata Central / Factory Challenges== #VPCENTRAL
Starting at level 13, Pinata Central will ask for your assistance. Every now
and then, a giant alert will fill the screen asking for your help. They usually
ask for a single specific pinata (i.e., "Mousemallow x1"), but occasionally ask
for multiple pinata (i.e., "Mousemallow x2") or, in my opinion the best thing
they ask for, is "any pinata, preferably one of your best". They also give you
a time limit, in case you need to fluff up your pinata before sending them off.
You can also decline the challenge, which is a good idea if you don't have the
pinata they ask for.
If you accept however, you get a crate. Placing and filling this is much like
the ones from the Post Office. Place it somewhere with A, then being packing it
by pressing Y on it. Hover over the pinata you wish to send, and hit A. They'll
be sent off, and if it's your first time doing a challenge, you'll receive a
full screen alert thanking you and talking about your reward.
Your reward? You get two, actually:
- Happy sweets randomly fall around your garden. They're usually gone within
  minutes due to every pinata liking them.
- The pinata you sent to the party will get an increase to their base value.
  This is viewable via the Value tab of the information menu (Y button on
  the pinata). This is the best way of increasing a pinata's value, and is the
  only way to score high on the leaderboards.
Once you get your reward, turn your camera towards Pinata Central. It's the big
cannon covered tower with a blimp flying around it, high on a mountain. Look
below it, and you will see a path. Soon enough, your pinata will come back down
that path, and wander back into your garden, good as new. Note that if you fill
that corner with water or fences, the pinata may get stuck and not be able to
return, quickly reducing their happiness.

==Produce== #VPPRODUCE
Three pinatas can make produce for you. These are:
  -Name-     -Produce-
 Buzzlegum     Honey
 Goobaa        Wool
 Moozipan      Milk
To start your pinata on the produce trail, first, make sure you have the
specific pinata, obviously. Once that's done, head to Willy Builders. Check
"Special Buildings", and depending on which pinata you have, you'll need to
build a different building:

  -Name-        -Building-
 Buzzlegum     Honey Hive
 Goobaa        Shearing Shed
 Moozipan      Milking Shed

Once you've done this, you're almost ready to go. There are two ways to get a
pinata to produce.. produce.
 - Feed it a specific flower, then manually direct it to the special building.
   You will need to feed it another flower each time, and always manually
   direct it:

  -Name-       -Flower-
 Buzzlegum     Daisy
 Goobaa        Sunflower
 Moozipan      Sunflower

 - Or, you will need to fit all chosen pinata with a specific accessory. If you
   choose this route, you won't need to manually direct anything, as the pinata
   will automatically enter the building every so often and produce. This is my
   preferred method, obviously:

  -Name-        -Accessory-
 Buzzlegum     Buzzlegum Keeper Hat
 Goobaa        Bonnet
 Moozipan      Bell

For information on what levels these accessories become available, see the
Miss Petunia's Paper Pets lists above.

==Rank / level Upgrades== #VPRANKS
As you gain experience, you gain ranks, or levels. There are a multitude of
ways to gain experience:
- Have a new pinata species visit.
- Have a new pinata species as resident.
- Have a new pinata species romance.
- Have a new pinata species have 7 residents in the garden at once (master
  romancer award).
- Discover a pinata species' variants. Each pinata has 3 variants, producing
  3 experience boosts. 
- Grow a new plant.
- Successfully fertilise a new plant. Each plant can be fertilised 3 times,
  producing 3 experience boosts.
The flower in the top right is your experience bar. Each petal turns from white
to blue, and when all are blue you rank up. If the flower has any little dots,
it means you need another full circle of experience to rank up. Each little dot
is another circle.
Sometimes, when you rank up, you get an upgrade, given by Jardiniero. They
consist of one of these:
- Title Upgrade. Doesn't do anything, but makes you feel better.
- Shovel Upgrade. Either upgrades the strength of the shovel, meaning you can 
  smash things easier, or gives it a new ability.
- Garden Space Upgrade. Increases the size of your garden.
They come at these levels:
Level 5: Shovel Upgrade: Seed Head. Allows you to dig holes on land by pressing
                         the A button. Seeds planted in holes grow faster.
Level 6: Title Upgrade: Experienced Gardener.
         Shovel Upgrade: Strength I. Makes your shovel stronger.
Level 7: Shovel Upgrade: Pond Head. Allows you to dig ponds with the X button,
                         and fill them in with the Y button.
Level 11: Title Upgrade: Skilled Gardener.
          Garden Space Upgrade: 1.
Level 13: Shovel Upgrade: Strength II. Makes your shovel even stronger.
Level 15: Title Upgrade: Professional Gardener.
          Shovel Upgrade: Tree Chopper. Allows you to chop down trees.
Level 21: Title Upgrade: Expert Gardener.
          Garden Space Upgrade: 2.
Level 23: Shovel Upgrade: Strength III. Yep, your shovel is now stronger.

Level 28: Shovel Upgrade: Strength IV. Your shovel is now capable of smashing
                          most things in a couple of hits.
Level 31: Title Upgrade: Master Gardener.
Level 36: Title Upgrade: Legendary Gardener.
Level 41: Title Upgrade: Ultimate Gardener.

==Characters / Storyline== #VPCHAR
Some spoilers here, so don't read unless you don't want to discover this
yourself. It's all taken from the Storybook area, which unlocks as you play
the game.

The father of the game, Jardiniero owns the boots that you are here to
fill. Once the greatest, most legendary gardener there was. They say there was
only one pinata he couldn't catch..

Jardiniero's wife, and the mother of the children. She worked on the ships
which traded with pinata island, and quickly fell in love with and got married
to Jardiniero. Shortly after the birth of their first child, Stardos, she had
to go back to sea, leaving Jardiniero to raise him whilst taking care of the

Jardiniero and Mother's first child, with a natural knack for gardening.

Jardiniero's first hired helper, who was a good man at heart but tried to take
too many shortcuts, finally cutting too many corners, creating sour sweets, and
getting sacked by Jardiniero on the spot. He was replaced by the young Stardos,
and was not too happy. 

Jardiniero and Mother's second child, born during Mother's shore leave, leaving
Jardiniero to raise her, continue training Stardos, and maintain the gardens
all at once. Leafos had a natural knack for gardening too, but decided to take
a more bookish view of the job, first merely taking flowers and pinata into her
room, and eventually filling journals with information. Jardiniero liked this
idea, and so decided to keep track of everything he did.

The third child born to Jardiniero and Mother, actually born at sea by a rather
surprised Mother. Named Storkos after the migrating storks that followed the
ship, she spent all her early years with Mother. She grew up around sailors,
and decided that she had super powers quite early on. When Storkos finally got
to Pinata Island, she immediately decided that pinata should no longer have to
fetch their own eggs from the mountains, using her costume's wings to fly there
and back in no time flat. Pinata breeding boomed due to the now-tiny rate of
egg death, and in a way, Storkos had become the island's very own super hero.

The fourth child, as Sidos arrived Mother decided to give up sailing and live
with the family. Sidos became a big Shellybean fan, quickly raising, romancing,
and even sending them to parties before he could even speak properly.

Lester showed up later, after Sidos' birth, telling Jardiniero of a man
who had seen a legendary Dragonache. He and Mother left almost immediately,
leaving Stardos and Leafos to look after the garden and their siblings.
However, Jardiniero and Mother's ship smashed into a jagged boulder, sweeping
mother out to see and leaving Jardiniero crippled. Meanwhile, Lester approached
Stardos and claimed he knew a shortcut to attracting pinata. He led Stardos to
his lair in the jungle. On a small island just off the coast, Jardiniero met a
Diggerling, who carried him to the beach. The Diggerling agreed to sail the
crippled Jardiniero home to secure his family. Unfortunately, as he docked,
Jardiniero saw that the garden had been wrecked by a gang calling themselves
the Ruffians. Leafos explained what happened to Stardos, and that Sidos ran off
to live with his Shellybeans, and that it .. changed him, somehow, and he now
calls himself Seedos. Stardos hasn't been seen since..

A creepy, horrible creature that lives in the dead tree owned by Lester. He is
the grim reaper of the pinata world, coming to claim ill pinata, smashing them
to pieces. Nothing can stop him, and he can only be slowed down with the
heaviest of shovels. He appeared around the time Stardos went missing..

--Professor Pester--
Also appeared after Stardos went missing, Professor Pester is the leader of the
Ruffians, a band that thrive from smashing gardens. Pester owns the best pinata
smashing rod in the business, capable of smashing even the most expensive and
hardy pinatas in one blow. Both he and Dastardos remind Jardiniero of people he
once knew..

==Pinata Romance Maze Guides:== #VPPRMG
First, a few basic hints:
- The basic idea of the pinata romance mazes are to get your pinata to the
  other pinata, navigating a maze made up from "lurkers", Professor Pester's
  living bombs.
- You move with the left stick.
- You have a 60 second time limit.
- You have a certain amount of lives, shown by little pinata heads on the left
  side of the screen.
- Coins are littered around the various mazes. They come in four different 
  - Copper: Worth 1 coin.
  - Silver: Worth 5 coins.
  - Gold: Worth 10 coins.
  - Giant gold: Worth 50 coins.
  Note that coins can be moving around, if this is the case they follow a
  regular route.
- You only get to keep coins you collect if you manage to finish the maze. If
  you run out of time or lose all your lives, you lose your coins.
- Lurkers also come in a variety of different ways:
  - Regular lurkers. These guys just hang out, don't move, and blow you up if
    you touch them.
  - Moving lurkers.. well.. move. They usually patrol a gap, or maybe circle
    around a coin. They come in slow, not so slow, not slow at all, and really
    really not slow speeds.
  - Sleepers. These are dark red lurkers with their eyes closed, which can be
    snuck past if you move the stick a tiny amount. These get really annoying
    in later levels when you have long rows of them, but just keep practicing
    and you'll get them down eventually.
  - Invisibles! Yes, everything in the pinata maze, except the two pinata, can
    be invisible. Lurkers, moving lurkers, sleepers, coins, everything. If this
    is the case (as it is in every high-level maze), at the start, before you
    can control your pinata, you will be able to see everything visibly. When
    you start moving, the invisible ones will disappear, and you will have a
    new option in the top right corner, which is along the lines of "A: Show
    Invisible". If you hold down A, everything in the maze will become visible
    for as long as you keep holding down A. However, you will not be able to
    move, and your time will go down really, really fast. So if you need to
    press A more than two or three times per maze, you will quickly run out of
    time. The only way of dealing with these things is by practice! Soon you
    won't need to press A at all.
So yeah, that said, lets start the maze guide. The lower level ones will be
really simple guides, with more direction added to higher level ones. If you
have an alternate, maybe even better, route for any of these, feel free to send
them in. Contact details at the bottom.

==Whirlm== Difficulty: Normal: 1/10
                    All coins: 2/10
                  Total coins: 20
A nice introduction to the idea of pinata romance mazes, you'll probably be
seeing this one a million times in your gardener lifetime. From the start, head
north, and on the first bend head through the gap in the lurker fence so you
can head to the top and grab the gold coin. Do a U-Turn, head back through the
gap, and continue the obvious path until you get to the goal.

==Mousemallow== Difficulty: Normal: 2/10
                         All coins: 3/10
                       Total coins: 20
The Mousemallow maze is a step above the Whirlm one, but only just. Start by
going up, then right when you get to the break in the box. Nab the two coppers
and one silver coin from there, then exit the box via the north exit. Keep
going up, then left when you come to the boxes at the top. Pick up the gold
coin from the tiny box there, and then the last three coppers from the other
box. Got them? Then just head north to the goal! If you have trouble with this
one, just keep practicing with the 360 controls, and soon you'll be able to do
it blindfolded.

==Sparrowmint== Difficulty: Normal: 2/10
                         All coins: 3/10
                       Total coins: 20
Head up and take the left path first, grabbing the two coppers. Head up and
then right, coming down the path. Grab the silver and two coppers, then careful
y negotiate the right hand path, grabbing the gold on the bend and the copper
just before the goal!

==Syrupent== Difficulty: Normal: 2/10
                      All coins: 3/10
                    Total coins:20
This slippery serpent's maze is really the first where you may hit a.. bomb!
But hopefully not.  Start by heading around the first two curves, grabbing two
copper coins, and as you come to the third squeeze through the wall and grab
the silver. Head back into the maze, then down. At the next corner, squeeze
again through the left wall to grab the gold. Go back inside, grab the lone
copper, then follow the path to the final copper and the goal!

==Taffly== Difficulty: Normal: 2/10
                    All coins: 3/10
                  Total coins: 20
Head left, grab the silver. Head right, down through the gap, then right and up
around the outside of the maze to grab the gold. Back inside, grab the five
coppers on the really obvious path, making sure to get the last one before
hitting the goal, to finish this crappy excuse for a maze. Heh.

==Bunnycomb== Difficulty: Normal: 3/10
                       All coins: 3/10
                     Total coins: 20
Time for really specific directions. Keep heading in a direction until you hit
a wall, unless specified: Left, up, at first turn left, down, left, grab
silver, up, first turn right, up, grab two coppers, second turn right,
second turn down, grab gold, up, left, third turn down, goal!

==Candary== Difficulty: Normal: 3/10
                     All coins: 3/10
                   Total coins: 20
Get the copper directly below you, then head right to the next area. Grab the
two coppers here, then continue right, grabbing the copper in the next area and
the copper and silver in the next. Then head right out of the cage, then head
below the cage to grab the gold coin, being very careful of the bottom of the
cage. Then head back right, up, through the wire, then hit the goal!

==Lickatoad== Difficulty: Normal: 3/10
                       All coins: 4/10
                     Total coins: 20
Similar to the Buzzlegum's maze, this is really obvious. Unlike the Buzzlegum's
however, this one makes it very easy to get all the coins and still finish in
time. Head north, grab the two coppers and the silver, then head down to the
bottom right corner, grabbing the guarded gold before going north again,
grabbing the last 3 copper on your way to the goal!

==Mothdrop== Difficulty: Normal: 2/10
                      All coins: 3/10
                    Total coins: 20
This one is all about how you control the pinata. Start by going left by the
moving lurker, grabbing the copper. Then head up, back through another moving
lurker, to grab the 3 coppers. Then head through the gaps in the middle to get
to the right side, grabbing the gold on the way. Get the silver just as you
exit, then repeat what you did on the other side, going through the two moving
lurkers, grabbing the copper as you do so, to arrive at the goal!

==Pretztail== Difficulty: Normal: 3/10
                       All coins: 3/10
                     Total coins: 20
Head down and through the very bottom of the fox.. triangle thing to get the
gold coin there. Then head up and grab all 3 coppers in this big open area.
Next, head through the gap on the right side of the triangle and grab the two
nearby coppers. Then squeeze through the gap above you in the ear. Grab the
silver dead ahead, and then hit the goal!

==Shellybean== Difficulty: Normal: 2/10
                        All coins: 3/10
                      Total coins: 20
To get all the coins on this one, just follow the curve. If you have 20 by the
time you hit the goal, you got them all! If you aren't in it for the coins,
feel free to hit up the shortcuts through the curve.

==Flutterscotch== Difficulty: Normal: 2/10
                           All coins: 3/10
                         Total coins: 21
I'm only going to write one guide for all the Flutterscotches, because they all
share the same maze. They do all handle differently, however, but not so much
that they need separate guides. Head up past the first moving lurker and grab
the three coppers. Keep going, past two more to grab the silver. Then turn
around and face the centre. Squeeze through the gap in the lurkers there to nab
the gold, before going out the way you came. Continue on the path, nabbing the
final 3 copper, before hitting the goal!

==Buzzlegum== Difficulty: Normal: 2/10
                       All coins: 10/10
                     Total coins: 28
I'm not going to give a guide for this maze, because it's really simple. Just
avoid all the moving lurkers, and if I were you I'd focus more on finishing
and not so much on the coins. If you insist on getting all the coins, good
luck, and I suggest getting the silver one in the top right corner last, coming
from the bottom right of the honeycomb.

==Cluckles== Difficulty: Normal: 3/10
                      All coins: 5/10
                    Total coins: 20
Start by getting the silver in the tiny gap on the left. Then head to the
middle of this moving nightmare. The best way of getting that gold is from
underneath, and I can't really offer advice other than learn how the Cluckles
control, or just skip it. Head through the tiny gap with with the silver in it
by moving as soon as one block of lurkers moves past you, then hit the goal!

==Fudgehog== Difficulty: Normal: 4/10
                      All coins: 4/10
                    Total coins: 20
Head out the gap a little to the right and below the starting point, then run
around the outside of the maze to grab the gold coin. Go back inside, and head
up. Head above the bunch of lurkers that move between the left and middle, and
when they are in the middle run to their left and grab the moving silver coin.
Then go back the same way, then go to the right and do the same thing. Then
just head to the top, and hit the goal! I found this one really difficult
originally, but on this, my second playthrough, I just did it all with 22
seconds to spare while writing this. So just practice your X-Box 360 skillz if
you have difficulty!

==Newtgat= Difficulty: Normal: 3/10
                    All coins: 4/10
                  Total coins: 20
This is a hard one to write a guide for, but here goes. Head left out of the
starting cage thing then through the gap in the lurker wall. You need to get to
the right wall, so navigate the bubbles of lurkers to get there. Grab the gold
coin from the area under the lurker line, then get back to the action. Head up
to nab the silver there, then you need to get to the top right. There's really
no way for me to tell you how, but it's not hard if you have good Newtgat
control and know where the bubbles move. Once you get the last coin, it should
be a simple matter of getting to the top right corner to the goal!

==Quackberry== Difficulty: Normal: 4/10
                        All coins: 6/10
                      Total coins: 25
Run under the duck first to grab the gold coin on the far left. Then go back
and head inside this deathtrap. To get those silver you need to focus your eyes
on the moving lurkers rather than the coins themselves. It's actually easier to
nab a coin or two when they are at the far bottom than try to brace the inside
of the cage itself, so I suggest you either do it that way or just ignore them.
Once past them, simply run up to the goal, avoiding the circling lurker.

==Raisant== Difficulty: Normal: 2/10
                     All coins: 4/10
                   Total coins: 25
Head up and left first and sneak out to grab the gold coin, being careful of
the moving lurker. Sneak back in, and head to the top-centre. Grab the silver
while avoiding the two moving lurkers, then head right and down the other
side, easily sliding past the ridiculously slow lurker. Grab that silver then
head all the way to the left side, avoind the two much faster lurkers before
grabbing the last silver and hitting the goal!

==Sherbat== Difficulty: Normal: 3/10
                     All coins: 4/10
                   Total coins: 25
First, turn around and nab the silver behind you. Then head to the top left
point of the bats to grab the next silver. Next, head past the nearby moving
lurker, then straight right, past another one. Grab the next nearby silver,
then past the final, southern moving lurker. Head due south, but avoid the goal
for now, head around and to the left of it, sticking to the bottom wall to
avoid the lurkers, to the ball in the bottom middle. Creep through the sleeping
lurker, grab the gold coin, then sneak back and sprint to the goal!

==Squazzil== Difficulty: Normal: 4/10
                      All coins: 5/10
                    Total coins: 25
Turn around and nab the silver in the top left corner of this area before
heading into the maze proper. Creep past the first moving lurker, then squeeze
into the gap with the silver when the next moving lurker is to the left. After
grabbing that, head out again and north. Sprint past the fast moving lurker to
grab the gold coin and then stop before you crash into the lurkers. Head left,
past the slower moving lurker, through the crooked path, grab that last silver
coin, and hit the goal!

==Kittyfloss== Difficulty: Normal: 4/10
                        All coins: 5/10
                      Total coins: 25
No hidden lurkers, so this isn't too hard. The Kittyfloss is ridiculously fast,
so with a little practice the 2 coins just above your level on the extreme left
and right of the stage shouldn't be too hard.  Then head up the middle, getting
the silver on the right as you avoid the slow moving lurker. Then head real
slowly into the gold in the centre. After you have that, head up, and then you
have two choices. Head left, take a slightly longer router around the left
"ear" of the maze, or head right, and cut right through the sleeping lurker.
I suggest the left path unless you are really confident about sleepers.
So yeah, all in all not too hard.

==Twingersnap== Difficulty: Normal: 4/10
                         All coins: 6/10
                       Total coins: 25
This one is pretty dumb because it has backtracking if you want all the coins.
Head up through the sleeper first, and nab the gold coin circling around up 
there. Then head through the sleeper on the right side, past the moving lurker
down there, and nab the silver. Then go all the way back to the start, and
follow the obvious path, being careful of the moving lurkers, to get the rest
of the coins and to hit the goal!

==Barkbark== Difficulty: Normal: 4/10
                      All coins: 5/10
                    Total coins: 30
Only one hidden lurker here, so don't worry about it too much. Start by running
around to the left to grab the silver, then head up the left side of the dog
house. Grab the gold in the middle by walking over the sleeper on the left
side, then head carefully around the bone to grab the silver. Run past the slow
moving lurker, then run around the top of the house to the right. Tap A to find
where the hidden lurker and coin are, deftly avoid the stationary lurker, nab
the coin, and run to the goal! Easy.

==Cocoadile== Difficulty: Normal: 4/10
                       All coins: 5/10
                     Total coins: 30
This one reminds me a lot of the Syrupent one, but on HARD MODE. Start by
heading down, through the sleeper in the wall, and head to the bottom right
corner. Grab the gold coin, which is very closely circled by an invisible
moving lurker, so be careful. Head back to the middle of the screen, then up
into the little clearing there to grab the invisible gold. Then head back to
the sleeper. Head back through, then up to the silver/moving lurker combo. Time
it right so you run past and grab the silver, then keep on the path, careful of
the Cocoadile's awesome speed, until you hit the goal! The only bad thing about
this maze is the silver/lurker, if you take too long beforehand the silver and
lurker can get mixed up, and you'll need to wait for them to split again, which
you don't really have time to do. But hey, it's only 5 coins, right? Just a
note, I realise 30 seems really low for a maze of this level, but I just can't
see any other coins for the life of me. If you spot one, let me know.

==Goobaa= Difficulty: Normal: 5/10
                   All coins: 5/10
                 Total coins: 30
Head north, grab the silver coin floating around the invisible lurker, before
heading right and squeezing between the bottom left sheep and the one directly
above and right of it. Grab the silver coin floating around the other invisible
lurker. Then, head back the way you came between the two sheep, then up north.
Grab the gold coin floating around yet another invisible lurker up there, then
quickly head left, grab the gold coin, then u-turn and run right really quickly
dodging the invisible lurker the gold coin was floating around, and hit the

==Reddhott= Difficulty: Normal: 4/10
                     All coins: 6/10
                   Total coins: 30
Head through the sleeper near you to nab the invisible moving gold coin, then
go back to the start. Then go all the way left to nab the invisible gold coin
guarded by the invisible moving lurker, then head back to the centre. Get the
silver just above you, then squeeze through one of the flame lines when the
moving lurkers are away. Nab the invisible silver in the top left of the fire,
before carefully avoiding the invisible sleeper in the middle so you can hit..
..the goal!

==Sweetooth== Difficulty: Normal: 4/10
                       All coins: 5/10
                     Total coins: 30
Petty simple maze, and very easy once you get used to how fast the Sweetooth
moves. Head out and through all 4 moving lurkers, getting the two golds and two
silvers, before heading to the top left. Line yourself up with the goal, in
between the two masses of invisible lurkers, and when the moving lurker is out
of the way, sprint to the goal!

==Horstachio== Difficulty: Normal: 6/10
                        All coins: 8/10
                      Total coins: 55
Alright, now we get serious. From the start, run left, ducking below the hidden
lurker that guards the first silver. Then head back to the gap. Head up the
left side of the horseshoe first, carefully navigating the narrow passage and
slow moving lurker to nab the two gold coins at the top. Head through the
sleeping lurker up top, then run to the right. Head through the sleeping lurker
on the far right side, grab the two hidden gold coins there, then head down
past the two moving lurkers. Next, take the path to the right of the goal,
nabbing the two silvers. Head back down, then up the goal path, avoiding the
slow moving lurker. Tada!

==Moozipan== Difficulty: Normal: 7/10
                      All coins: 9/10
                    Total coins: 75
Ugh, prepare for a hell of invisible lurkers. From the start, creep past the
sleeping lurker in the left wall, then head down. Avoid the invisible lurkers
(remember to tap A to see where they are, but not too often as it speeds time
up a lot). Grab the gold coin from down there, then head right. There is a
hidden 50 gold coin (yes, 50. One coin worth 50) in the corner, which is easy
to get. Just avoid the hidden lurkers, heh. Then backtrack to the far left
wall. Head through the sleeping lurker up onto the tiled part of the maze. I
hope you've memorized where the invisible lurkers are, as you really don't have
much time to waste with A-tapping. Grab the two obvious silver coins up here,
and if you have time trek to the top right corner and grab the moving invisible
silver from here too. Then, sprint (well, as fast as a cow can) to the goal!

==Swanana== Difficulty: Normal: 5/10
                     All coins: 7/10
                   Total coins: 75
Start by creeping past the sleeper near you, down the alley and grab the two
silvers. Creep around the corner, back the way you came, and head out of the
tiny gap in the north wall. Grab the invisible 50 coin out here, while watching
out for the line of invisible lurkers, then get back inside. Avoid the moving
lurker, grab the invisible gold on the path, then creep past the one visible
sleeper and two invisible ones. Then run to the goal, making sure to grab the
last silver as you get there.

==Bonboon== Difficulty: Normal: 7/10
                     All coins: 10/10
                   Total coins: 80
Go to the left side of the part you are in at the start to grab the hidden
moving silver coin. Then head up, avoiding the hidden sleeper and doing a
circle around the area, grabbing both silvers. Be careful of the Bonboon's
horrid startup speed. Head up to the top, being really careful of the invisible
moving lurker in the area between you and the top part. If you manage to get to
the top, you reward is the hardest part of the maze! To the left and right
areas of the maze are two coins, a gold to the left and a 50 gold to the right.
In between you and them are two invisible sleepers. So yeah, either forget them
and creep through the sleepers to the goal, or creep to the right side first to
nab the 50. Keep in mind that the Bonboons creeping speed is ridiculously slow
and it is ridiculously easy to go too fast with a 1mm push of the stick. Ugh.
Anyway, after you've got or left the coins, as I said, creep through the two
sleepers between you and the.. goal!

==Chippopotamus== Difficulty: Normal: 6/10
                           All coins: 7/10
                         Total coins: 75

Start by heading down and left, past the sleeper (minding the moving lurker
around you, of course). Nab the invisible 50 coin in the bottom left, avoiding
the invisible moving lurker, then head back inside. Grab the three silvers
in here, one on the left, one on the right, and an invisible one in the centre
at the top, guarded by a moving lurker. Then head through the top line via the
gap, and to the top left. Nab the invisible gold here, and then carefully walk
to the right, careful of the line of invisible sleepers between you.. and the
goal! Also note the invisible moving lurker hovering around there.

==Parrybo== Difficulty: Normal: 6/10
                     All coins: 10/10
                   Total coins: 80
To begin, head right and snatch the invisible gold coin from between the two
invisible lurkers. Then head north to the next "stripe", then north again
through the tiny gap. Again head up, pass the moving lurker (grabbing the
silver), and then go right, through the sleeper, to grab the gold coin. Head
back through the sleeper, then head left into the bottom part of the beak
(through an invisible sleeper in the gap, watch out). Then, head down, outside
the parrot (via the sleeper). Head to the bottom corner to grab the invisible
50 coin, watching out for the rows of invisible lurkers around the parrot, and
the two moving invisible lurkers around the coin. If you manage to get that,
head back inside the parrot the same way you got out. One last hidden lurker,
smack in the middle of the beak area, so sneak past it, grab the last silver,
and hit the goal!

==Pigxie== Difficulty: Normal: 5/10
                    All coins: 7/10
                  Total coins: 70
Start by going all the way left, through the sleepers right next to where you
start and picking up the invisible silver coin at the other end. Then head
through the gap in the middle, avoiding the invisible moving lurker. Head into
the left side of the flying skull, and at the top slide through the sleepers.
Now hit the top left corner of the screen for a 50 coin surrounded by 2 levels
of invisible sleepers. You have enough time on this level to take it easy, so
don't panic. After you get the 50 and leave the danger zone, run (fly?) to the
right side, above the skull, and get the (amazingly visible) gold coin guarded
by the speedy lurker. After getting that, head to the middle of the skull, and
glide through the sleeper, careful of the invisible lurker on the other side.
Get the silver coin in this area, then simply go right, through the space
between the invisible lurkers,  avoid the two moving lurkers, then hit the
goal! A nice easy one.

==Salamango== Difficulty: Normal: 5/10
                       All coins: 6/10
                     Total coins: 70
Head up, after the moving lurker leaves, into the first spike to nab the hidden
gold coin. When the lurker is out of the way, again, be careful of the
invisible sleeper and head into the next spike to get the silver. Head through
the lurker, and make your way to the bottom right corner, navigating the
invisible lurkers to nab the invisible 50 coin. Head back inside via the
closest sleeper, head up a bit when the moving lurker is out of the way (again
being careful, there's another invisible sleeper in the clearing there) to
nab the final silver before walking to the goal!

==Chewnicorn== Difficulty: Normal: 7/10
                        All coins: 10/10
                      Total coins: 75
Ahaha. Doesn't this one look so fun!? Start by going up, grabbing the invisible
silver on the first patrolling-lurker line. Head right through the sleeper to
the outside. Grab the invisible gold coin close by here, careful of the moving
lurkers. Head right to the top, careful of all the visible lurkers and one
moving invisible lurker, then right at the top head left through the invisible
sleepers to grab the invisible 50 coin. Now head through the other side of 
he sleepers, then work your way down to grab the visible silver. Now, I'm not
sure if you're supposed to go all the way back, or squeeze through the tiny
gap at the bottom of the stage to get back inside the "horn", but either way,
get back in. Then just work your way up, grabbing the other invisible silver,
probably bashing into the 2 million invisible moving lurkers between you and
the goal. No special moves for this one, just a lot of practice or use a lot of

==Elephanilla== Difficulty: Normal: 4/10
                         All coins: 6/10
                       Total coins: 75
Jumbo Jet, get it? Anyway, start by creeping over the sleeper in the right wall
for the gold coin. Then return in, head up and into the right part of the plane
 careful of the stationary invisible lurker and moving visible one. Grab the
invisible silver coin, then head right, grabbing the silver coin on the patrol
line, careful of the invisible lurker. Continue left, grab the moving silver
coin, then sneak through the sleeper in the top line. Run to the top right
corner, grab the invisible 50, then head back through the sleeper. Go right,
then up, avoiding that invisible moving lurker, then creeping over the sleeper
line to the goal! A surprisingly easy one. Just be careful on the sleepers, the
Elephanilla isn't the most graceful of pinata.

==Galagoogoo== Difficulty: Normal: 5/10
                        All coins: 7/10
                      Total coins: 75
A bit of backtracking in this one, but it's surprisingly easy. Start by heading
left, going inside the dummy, past the moving lurker, to snatch the two
silvers, being careful of the moving invisible lurker that passes over the
second one. As you get the second one head back out the dummy the same way.
Continue left, past the two moving lurkers to nab the 50 coin from the clearing
there. Then do another u-turn back to the start. Head up, grabbing the obvious
silver, before squeezing past the fastest moving lurker ever. Get past the next
one too, nab the hidden gold in the clearing, then squeeze around until you are
just above the goal. Sneak past the sleeper in the gap there, and.. you're
done! There are probably a few quicker paths, but this is a pretty relaxed
maze if you have good control, so take your time.

==Pinata Guide:==
Just a quick note here: When I say things like "Requires 1 Whirlm House", or
"Requires 1 Sunflower", you could actually have 50 houses or a million
sunflowers. You just NEED one, any extra is up to you.

==Sweet Pinata== [#VPPGSW]
I'm going to do this in Pinata Level order, so Whirlm first, Roario last, etc.

Animal: Worm
Candy: Whirls
Pinata Level: 1
Ah, the Whirlm. The first Pinata you will ever get, and you'll probably have 
one or two in your garden the entire time. Tiny, easy to please, and can breed
like Bunnycombs (well, better than Bunnycombs, actually), Whirlms will see you
through thick and thin.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 10 square pinometers (1%) of soil or grass.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 10 square pinometers (1%) of soil or grass.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 10 square pinometers (1%) of soil or grass.

--Romance Requirements--
- Have 10 square pinometers (1%) of soil or grass.
- Have 1 Whirlm House in the garden.

- Purple: Has eaten 1 turnip.
- Red: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.
- Green: Has eaten 1 watercress flower.

Animal: Mouse
Candy: Marshmallow
Pinata Level: 2
The Mousemallow is.. well.. timid as a mouse. Scared of Syrupents, the chances
that they'll visit if one of those is a resident are reduced significantly. 
Also really easy to please, they fill a hole in a low level garden.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 turnip in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 1 turnip in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 turnip.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 daisy seed.
  Has eaten 1 buttercup seed.
- Have 1 Mousemallow House in the garden.

- Bright yellow: Has eaten 1 wedge of cheese.
- White, pink ears: Has eaten 1 daisy flower.
                    Has eaten 1 gooseberry seed.
- White, purple ears: Has eaten 1 daisy flower.
                      Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.

Animal: Sparrow
Candy: Spearmint
Pinata Level: 2
More than likely the second Pinata you will ever get, the Sparrowmint is a 
handy creature. Sells for more than the Whirlm, but a little harder to please,
the Sparrowmint is a good challenge for a Whirlm farmer.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 Whirlm resident in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 2 Whirlm residents in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have had 2 Whirlms romance successfully.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Whirlm.
- Have 1 Sparrowmint House in the garden.

- Purple: Has eaten 1 thistle flower.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.
- Green: Has eaten 1 watercress flower.

- Candary: Sparrowmint has eaten 1 buttercup flower.

Animal: Serpent/Snake
Candy: Syrup
Pinata Level: 2
The Syrupent will probably be the first "carnivore".. or.. "candyvore?" 
(well, apart from the Whirlm-devouring-Sparrowmints) that enters your garden.
They relentlessly hunt Mousemallows, so having these guys around will frighten
the mice away. However, it's important to learn the predator-prey relationships
in this game, so it's a good idea to try it out on these low level pinata

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 10 square pinometers (1%) of grass.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 10 square pinometers (1%) of grass.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 20 square pinometers (2%) of grass.
- Has eaten 1 Mousemallow.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Lickatoad.
- Have 30 square pinometers (3%) of grass.
- Have 1 Syrupent House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 buttercup flower.
- Pink: Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.

- Twingersnap: While not a true evolution like other pinatas, if you romance
  two Syrupents and then watch the resulting egg closely, you will note that it
  hops every few seconds. Eventually, it will hop much higher than before. If
  you whack it (yes, whack, not tap) it with your shovel at this moment, it
  will shatter, revealing the two-headed Twingersnap!

Animal: Fly
Candy: Taffy
Pinata Level: 2
More than likely your first insectoid pinata, the Taffly is a useful little 
guy. Likes to chomp down on flowers, especially poppies, this guy's real use
appears when he chows down on fruit. More on that below.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have any 1 flower in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have any 2 flowers in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten any 1 flower.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 poppy flower.
- Have 1 Taffly House in the garden.

- Green: Has eaten 1 poison ivy flower.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 buttercup seed.
- Purple: Has eaten 1 blackberry seed.

- Reddhott: Direct the Taffly to a lit firebrand, then douse the fiery Taffly 
with the watering can ASAP.

- If you direct a Taffly to eat any piece of fruit, it will produce a single
  serving of fertiliser the of the same colour as said fruit. For instance, 
  eating an apple will produce a red fertiliser. This also unlocks an 

Animal: Bunny/Rabbit
Candy: Honeycomb
Pinata Level: 3
The cute little Bunnycomb. Enemy of Pretztails everywhere, and probably the
first pinata you'll find worth over 300 coins, the Bunnycomb is an easy to
breed early-game moneymaker. Just, you know, keep those darn foxes away.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 carrot in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 1 carrot in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 40 square pinometers (4%) of grass.
- Has eaten 3 carrots.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 daisy flower.
  Has eaten 1 buttercup flower.
- Have 60 square pinometers (6%) of grass.
- Have 1 Bunnycomb House in the garden.

- Light green: Has eaten 1 gooseberry seed.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 pumpkin.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.

Animal: Canary
Candy: Candy (heh)
Pinata Level: 3
The Candary makes a nice change from all the Sparrowmints flying around, no?
Worth twice as much as their less-yellow counterparts, and easy enough to get,
it is very worth turning all your Sparrowmints into these during the early 

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Feed a Sparrowmint 1 buttercup flower.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Yellow Flutterscotch.
- Have 1 Candary House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.
- Green: Has eaten 1 gooseberry fool.

Animal: Toad
Candy: Liquorice
Pinata Level: 3
A lot of people hate these things, myself included, because they constantly
barge into the garden to eat Tafflies. But, get over their annoying habits,
and they make nice entry-level water pinata.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have the pond head for your shovel.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 10 square pinometers (1%) of water.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 20 square pinometers (2%) of water.
- Has eaten 1 Taffly

--Romance Requirements--
- Jas eaten 1 Green Flutterscotch.
- Have 20 square pinometers (2%) of water.
- Have 1 Lickatoad House in the garden.

- Teal: Has eaten 1 gooseberry.
        Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Red: Has eaten 1 apple.
       Has eaten 1 carrot.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.

- Lackatoad: Direct the Lickatoad to eat 1 nightshade berry, then immediately
after consumption, tap the Lickatoad with your shovel (X button).

Animal: Moth
Candy: Cough drops
Pinata Level: 3
More than likely your first nocturnal pinata, the Mothdrop is cheap and
cheerful. Easy to please, and worth more than the level 1 pinata, this guy will
give you something to do at night.

--Appear Requirements--
- Is night time in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Is night time in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 1 light of any kind in the garden. (Firebrand, for example.)

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 thistle flower.
- Have 1 Mothdrop House in the garden.

- Purple with orange wings: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
                            Has eaten 1 turnip.
                            Has eaten 1 carrot.
- White with yellow wings: Has eaten 1 daisy flower.
- Green with red wings: Has eaten 1 pumpkin.
                        Has eaten 1 watercress flower

Animal: Fox
Candy: Pretzel (of the chocolate kind, we assume)
Pinata Level: 3
The fox of the pinata world, and lives up to it's real life reputation. Keep
your Bunnycombs and Cluckles locked up at night or they'll quickly meet the
business end of these guys. However, tame a few, and you'll quickly find their
sweeter side.

--Appear Requirements--
- Is night time in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 1 Cluckles living in the garden.
  Have 1 Bunnycomb living in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Cluckle.
  Has eaten 1 Bunnycomb.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Quackberry.
- Have 1 Pretztail House in the garden.

- Purple: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.
- Green: Has eaten 1 gooseberry fool.
- Teal: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.

Animal: Snail
Candy: Jellybean
Pinata Level: 3
This part talks about the tame, sweet version. For the sour, search for
#VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots. The Shellybean is as slow as it's real life
counterpart, but it does have it's uses. It will happily munch away on any
weeds growing in the garden, without producing any of the side effects.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 tamed Shellybean living in the garden.
  (See the sour counterpart at #VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots.)

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 1 thistle in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 thistle flower.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- Have 1 Shellybean House in the garden.

- Green: Has eaten 1 gooseberry.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 ear of corn.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.

==White Flutterscotch (and other colours)==
Animal: Butterfly
Candy: Butterscotch
Pinata Level: 3
The Flutterscotch is possibly the most complex pinata on all of Pinata Island.
Depending on which colour of flower it consumes, it turns into one of nine
other colours, not counting the default white. Each colour counts as a
different species, and therefore there are no true variants for these specie.
All Flutterscotch can share one house, however. Also worth noting is the fact
that only two Flutterscotch of the same colour can romance, but that the
resulting baby will always be the default white. Also also worth noting is
that only the White Flutterscotch can evolve. Once a Flutterscotch is any
colour except white, it is stuck that way.. forever. Also also also worth
noting is that to 100% the game, you need a Master Romancer award for each of
the 10 colours.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 daisy in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 2 daisies in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 4 daisies in the garden.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten any piece of fruit.
- Have 1 Flutterscotch House in the garden.

- N/A

- Black Flutterscotch: Have a White Flutterscotch eat 1 tulip flower.
- Blue Flutterscotch: Have a White Flutterscotch eat 1 bluebell flower.
- Brown Flutterscotch: Have a White Flutterscotch eat 1 bullrush flower.
- Green Flutterscotch: Have a White Flutterscotch eat 1 watercress flower.
- Orange Flutterscotch: Have a White Flutterscotch eat 1 bird of paradise 
- Pink Flutterscotch: Have a White Flutterscotch eat 1 water lily flower.
- Purple Flutterscotch: Have a White Flutterscotch eat 1 thistle flower.
- Red Flutterscotch: Have a White Flutterscotch eat 1 poppy flower.
- Yellow Flutterscotch: Have a White Flutterscotch eat 1 buttercup flower.

Animal: Bumble bee
Candy: Bubblegum
Pinata Level: 4
The Buzzlegum is the first pinata you get capable of being harvested. But, more
on that below. As a pinata, the Buzzlegum is a happy little chap, buzzing 
to-and-fro. His only enemy is the Raisant, whom the Buzzlegums will fight over
ownership of their honey. As you may have guessed, the Buzzlegum is capable of
producing honey. See the produce section for more into (#VPPRODUCE).

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 2 buttercups in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 4 buttercups in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 6 buttercups in the garden.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten any 2 pieces of fruit.
- Have 1 Buzzlegum House in the garden.

- Pink: Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.
- White: Has eaten 1 gem tree seed.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 venus pinata trap flower.

Animal: Chicken
Candy: Chuckles
Pinata Level: 4
The Chuckles is the cheapest domestic pet the game offers, purchasable from 
Petunia's Paper Pets shop quite early on. Scared of Pretztails, and for good 
reason, the Cluckles are rather jumpy little fellows. However, they too have
a secret use. Direct one to an unhatched egg and the Cluckles will attempt to
hatch it, unlocking an achievement in the meantime.

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Buy from the Paper Pets store for 1100 chocolate coins.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 ear of corn.
- Has eaten 1 pumpkin seed.
- Have 1 Cluckles House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- Green: Has eaten 1 oak tree seed.
- Purple: Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.

Animal: Hedgehog
Candy: Fudge
Pinata Level: 4
The Fudgehog is another night-time pest, snuffling around and eating your
Whirlms when you aren't looking. However, for those of you more night time
friendly, these critters may be just up your alley.

--Appear Requirements--
- 4th night after you claim control of the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 4 Whirlms living in the garden.
  Have 2 thistles in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 Whirlms.
- Has eaten 1 thistle flower.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has drunk 1 bottle of milk.
- Have 1 Fudgehog House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- Green: Has eaten 1 poison ivy flower.
- Red: Has eaten 1 chilli.

Animal: Newt
Candy: Nougat
Pinata Level: 4
The second water based pinata, the Newtgat are quiet little guys. Living in a
Chinese lantern and making little cute cooing noises, not to mention being
hot pink by default, I'm sure they are the favourite of lots of girls.
Or guys very secure in their masculinity.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 20 square pinometers (2%) of water.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 1 watercress in the garden.
- Have 30 square pinometers (3%) of water.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 30 square pinometers (3%) of water.
- Has eaten 3 watercress flowers.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Raisant.
- Have 30 square pinometers (3%) of water.
- Have 1 Newtgat House in the garden.

- Orange: Has eaten 1 bird of paradise flower.
- Even hotter pink: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.

- Salamango: Newtgat has eaten 1 chilli.

Animal: Duck
Candy: Blackberry
Pinata Level: 4
Another watery critter, the Quackberry will happily waddle and/or swim around
all day.  Just like real ducks, it'll like you a whole lot more if you give it
some bread.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 30 square pinometers (3%) of water.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 1 corn plant in the garden.
- Have 40 square pinometers (4%) of water.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 30 square pinometers (3%) of water.
- Has eaten 1 piece of Bread.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 bluebell flowers.
- Have 40 square pinometers (4%) of water.
- Have 1 Quackberry House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 bird of paradise seed.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.

- Juicygoose: Quackberry has eaten 1 gooseberry.

Animal: Ant
Candy: Raisin
Pinata Level: 4
The next insect pinata comes in the form of this little trooper. Locked in an
eternal war with the Buzzlegums over ownership of their honey, it would be a
good idea to keep the two species separated. In different gardens.

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 4 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- There is 1 fruit tree of any kind in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 3 fruit of any kind.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 jar of honey.
- Have 1 Raisant House in the garden.

- Yellow: Has eaten 1 sunflower.
- Purple: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
          Has eaten 1 blackberry.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.

Animal: Bat
Candy: Sherbet
Pinata Level: 4
This part talks about the tame, sweet version. For the sour, search for
#VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots. The Sherbat is a welcome addition to the
nightlife of your garden, as with a simple guiding hand it can distract the
nasty Dastardos to grant you those few extra seconds to heal a poorly pinata.
It even grants you an achievement in the meantime!

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 tamed Sherbat living in the garden.
  (See the sour counterpart at #VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots.)

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 3 Mothdrops living in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 Mothdrops.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 tulip flower.
- Have 1 Sherbat House in the garden.

- Red: Has eaten 1 chilli seed.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 sunflower seed.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.

Animal: Squirrel
Candy: Swizzle Stick
Pinata Level: 4
Another timid mammaltastic pinata, the Squazzil is scared of just about
everything. But it's just so cute, how can you say no!?

--Appear Requirements--
- Have any pinata with a Pinata Level of 3 living in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 1 hazelnut tree in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 3 hazelnuts.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 blackberries.
- Have 1 Squazzil House in the garden.

- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.
- Green: Has eaten 1 watercress seed.
- Purple: Has eaten 1 snapdragon flower.

Animal: Arachnid/Spider
Candy: Rock candy
Pinata Level: 5
The only candivorous insect pinata, well, outside the Dragumfly, the Arocknid 
is an unwelcome pest for Taffly and Raisant fans. However, he's worth more than
either of those, so once you start breeding these guys you know you've moved up
to the mid-game.

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 6 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 4 Tafflies living in the garden.
  Have 4 Raisants living in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 Tafflies.
  Has eaten 2 Raisants.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 Buzzlegums.
- Have 1 Arocknid House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 Jack'o'Lantern.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.

Animal: Badger
Candy: Popsicle
Pinata Level: 5
Ah, the vibrantly purple Badgesicle is the next addition to the night-life
line-up. Another candivorous pinata, it's understandable if you want to put
these off until later, but do make sure to get them eventually. They make cute
snuffly noises.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 2 nocturnal pinata living in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 4 nocturnal pinata living in the garden

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Newtgat.
- Has eaten 2 pumpkins.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Squazzil.
- Has eaten 2 tulip seeds.
- Have 1 Badgesicle House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Red: Has eaten 1 apple.
- Pink and yellow: Has eaten 1 jar of honey.
                   Has eaten 1 water lily flower.

Animal: Crow
Candy: Either Crawlers (i.e. gummie worms), or Cola bottles
Pinata Level: 5
This part talks about the tame, sweet version. For the sour, search for
#VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots. The noisiest bird ever invented ever, but the
Crowla definitely has it's uses. Apart from giving you the Crowla piece for the
Tower of Sour for free, if you direct the Crowla to an incoming Dastardos, it
will do a little dance and distract the mean thug, giving you a few extra
seconds. It even gives you an achievement, just like the Sherbat.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 tamed Crowla living in the garden.
  (See the sour counterpart at #VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots.)

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 4 Lickatoads living in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 Lickatoads.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 Shellybeans.
- Have 1 Crowla House in the garden.

- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 bird of paradise flower.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.

Animal: Chameleon
Candy: Jam
Pinata Level: 5
Quite possibly my favourite pinata, mainly due to my love of real life
chameleons, the Jameleon represents it's real-life counterpart quite well.
A good pinata to tame whilst doing the million Flutterscotch romance awards.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 3 different coloured Flutterscotches living in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 4 different coloured Flutterscotches living in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 5 different coloured Flutterscotches living in the garden.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Green Flutterscotch.
- Have 1 Jameleon House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 orchid flower.
        Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 carrot cake.

Animal: Goose
Candy: Juicy Juice
Pinata Level: 5
The Juicygoose apparently tries to prove itself useful by fighting off
intruders. I've never seen this personally, but hey it' worth a shot if you
can't afford, or can't buy the guard items yet. Note that they hate their
predecessors, the Quackberries, so yeah be careful when evolving these.

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Have a Quackberry eat a gooseberry.

--Romance Requirements--
- Have 100 square pinometers (10%) of water.
- Has eaten 2 Newtgat.
- Have 1 fish fountain in the garden.
- Have 1 Juicygoose House in the garden.

- Green: Has eaten 1 oak tree seed.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.
        Has eaten 1 bird of paradise flower.
        Has eaten 1 poppy flower.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 banana.

Animal: Cat
Candy: Candy floss
Pinata Level: 5
The second domestic pinata, you buy this guy from Petunia's Paper Pets too.
Not much to say about this one, your common domestic cat, eats mice, hates
dogs, etc etc. Basic cat stuff :).

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Buy it from the Paper Pets store for 1650 chocolate coins.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 ball of wool (yeah, they.. eat wool).
- Has drunk 1 bottle of milk.
- Has eaten 1 Mousemallow.
- Have 1 Kittyfloss House in the garden.

- Pink: Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Slightly less pink than pink: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.

Animal: Another toad
Candy: Laxative. Yum.
Pinata Level: 5
The evolution of the Lickatoad isn't quite as annoying in the Taffly-rampage
mould, but the speed and ridiculous ribbiting don't make him much better.
Still, he gives you experience just like everyone else, and the house looks
nice in a water garden.

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Direct a Lickatoad to eat 1 nightshade berry, then tap it with your spade 
  (X button) before it gets ill.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 4 Arocknids.
- Have 60 square pinometers (6%) of water.
- Has eaten 2 toadstools.
- Have 1 Lackatoad House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 banana tree seed.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.

Animal: Mole
Candy: Profita roll
Pinata Level: 5
This part talks about the tame, sweet version. For the sour, search for
#VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots. These cute little guys are a throwback to the mole
Bottles from the  Banjo-Kazooie games. Once tamed, they crawl around your
garden, snort and sigh a lot, and if you have purchased a mine, happily chomp
away on the dirt piles it leaves around.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 tamed Profitamole living in the garden.
  (See the sour counterpart at #VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots.)

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 4 Arocknids living in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 Arocknids.

--Romance Requirements--
- Is wearing the Bottles' Glasses accessory.
- Has eaten 3 carrots.
- Have 1 Profitamole House in the garden.

- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.
- Green: Has eaten 1 watercress flower.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 nightshade seed.
        Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.

Animal: Pig
Candy: Raspberry
Pinata Level: 5
Yet another domestic pinata from the lovely Petunia's Paper Pets shop, this guy
is one part of a key to unlocking a very, very strange pinata. I won't talk
about it here, for spoilers sake, but if you know the name of it just search
for it and you'll find it. One tip I will give, however, is that for the
romance requirements for this guy, note how it is all rotten food. To induce
the rot, rather than wait for it, simply tap the good fruit with the spade
(X button). Tada, instant rot! What the hell do they put on these spades?

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Buy it from the Paper Pets store for 1650 chocolate coins.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 rotten hazelnut.
- Has eaten 1 rotten chilli.
- Has eaten 1 rotten gooseberry.
- Have 1 Rashberry House in the garden.

- Red: Has eaten 1 poppy seed.
- Green: Has eaten 1 watercress seed.
- Purple: Has eaten 1 nightshade berry.

Animal: Twin-headed snake
Candy: Gingersnaps
Pinata Level: 5
Probably the first mutant pinata you will meet, the Twingersnap is a product of
an abused Syrupent egg. With a head on each end of it's snakey body, it walks
around like a pair of shoes.

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Romance two Syrupents, then hit the resulting egg when it makes it's giant

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Squazzil.
- Has eaten 2 poppy seeds.
- Have 1 Twingersnaps House in the garden.

- Purple: Has eaten 1 snapdragon seed.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 venus pinata trap flower.
- Pink: Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.

- Fourheads: While not a true evolution like other pinatas, if you romance
  two Twingersnaps and then watch the resulting egg closely, you will note that
  it hops every few seconds. Eventually, it will hop much higher than before.
  If you whack it (yes, whack, not tap) it with your shovel at this moment, it
  will shatter, revealing the four-headed Fourheads!

Animal: Dog
Candy: Almond Bark, apparently
Pinata Level: 6
This cute Scottish Terrier is available from Petunia's Paper Pets store.
Despite his cute demeanour, the Barkbark is a good guard pinata. However, don't
get one if you're a cat person, as the Kittyfloss and Barkbarks get on like..
well.. cats and dogs.

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Buy it from the Paper Pets store for 2310 chocolate coins.

--Romance Requirements--
- Is wearing the Spiked Collar accessory.
- Has eaten 1 bone.
- Have 1 Barkbark House in the garden.

- Yellow: Has eaten 1 banana split.
- Green: Has eaten 1 poison ivy flower.
- Pink: Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.

Animal: Buzzard
Candy: Lozenge
Pinata Level: 6
The Buzzenge will probably be the first bird of prey to explore your garden.
I like to mark this guy as entrance to the end of the mid-game, so 
congratulations if you are up to the challenge of taming these guys!

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 Candary living in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 5 Candary living in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 1 fir tree in the garden.
- Has eaten 3 Candaries.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 Pudgeons.
- Has eaten 2 Sparrowmints.
- Have 1 Buzzenge House in the garden.

- Pink: Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 buttercup flower.

Animal: Crocodile
Candy: Cocoa
Pinata Level: 6
This part talks about the tame, sweet version. For the sour, search for
#VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots. The tamed Cocoadile is your own personal gardener!
Direct him to any planted crop or flower, and he will cry, releasing his potent
Cocoadile Tears which act as 1 batch of Special Fertiliser. More importantly,
however, it unlocks an achievement!

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 tamed Cocoadile living in the garden.
  (See the sour counterpart at #VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots.)

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 160 square pinometers (16%) of water.
- Have 5 Quackberries living in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 190 square pinometers (19%) of water.
- Has eaten 3 Quackberries.

--Romance Requirements--
- Have 220 square pinometers (22%) of water.
- Has eaten 2 Juicygeese.
- Is wearing the Bling Teeth accessory.
- Have 1 Cocoadile House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 buttercup seed.

Animal: Doe (Female deer)
Candy: Donut/Doughnut
Pinata Level: 6
The first and easiest to tame of the tall quadruped pinatas, the Doenut is a
shy vegetarian critter, attracted by a lot of lush grass.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 400 square pinometers (40%) of grass.
  Have 60 square pinometers (6%) of long grass.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 60 square pinometers (6%) of long grass.
- Have 10 blackberries in the garden.
  Have 10 gooseberries in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 6 blackberries.
  Has eaten 6 gooseberries.
- Have 80 square pinometers (8%) of long grass.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 sunflower.
- Has eaten 1 tulip flower.
- Have 100 square pinometers (10%) of long grass.
- Have 1 Doenut House in the garden.

- Green: Has eaten 1 oak tree seed.
- Purple: Has eaten 1 thistle flower.
          Has eaten 1 gooseberry fool.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 Jack'o'Lantern.
          Has eaten 1 ear of corn.

Animal: Sheep
Candy: Goober
Pinata Level: 6
Next up in Petunia's Paper Pets store is the Goobaa. Shy critters, they keep to
themselves, more than happy to live in a Goobaa only society. Scared stiff by
tamed Mallowolfs, keep them away to keep the Goobaas happy. Able to produce
wool, check out the produce section for more info (#VPPRODUCE).

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Buy it from the Paper Pets store for 2310 chocolate coins.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 water lily flower.
- Has eaten 2 poison ivy flowers.
- Have 120 square pinometers (12%) of long grass.
- Have 1 Goobaa House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Black: Has eaten 1 tulip seed.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.

Animal: Raccoon
Candy: Macaroon
Pinata Level: 6
This part talks about the tame, sweet version. For the sour, search for
#VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots. Tamed Macaracoons live up to their real-life
counterparts reputation, too, by being fast little scroungers that live in
rubbish bins. (Trash cans, to you Yanks.) However, they are very cute, and have
their uses in the fact that if you press X while hovering over them, an option
gets added to the menu. Use this, and the Macaracoon will attempt to flee and
find a romance sweet. They fail quite often, but if they succeed, you unlock
an achievement!

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 tamed Macaracoon living in the garden.
  (See the sour counterpart at #VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots.)

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 5 members of the Syrupent family living in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 3 Syrupents.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Arocknid.
- Has eaten 2 blackberries.
- Have 1 Macaracoon House in the garden.

- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 mushroom.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.

Animal: Pony
Candy: Pocky
Pinata Level: 6
The next domestic pinata is the Ponocky, arch-nemesis of the Viva Pinata
mascot, Horstachio! As a pinata the Ponocky is calm, likes living with other
Ponocky, and likes cute tail bows.

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Buy it from the Paper Pets store for 2310 chocolate coins.

--Romance Requirements--
- Is wearing the Tail Bow accessory.
- Has eaten 1 carrot cake.
- Have any 10 flowers in the garden.
- Have 300 square pinometers (30%) of grass.
- Have 1 Ponocky House in the garden.

- White and pink: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- White and white: Has eaten 1 loaf of bread.

Animal: Pigeon
Candy: Pudding
Pinata Level: 6
Two domestic pinatas in a row! Another of Petunia's Paper Pets line-up, the
Pudgeon is.. well.. it's a pigeon. What do you expect?

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Buy it from the Paper Pets store for 2310 chocolate coins.

--Romance Requirements--
- Is wearing the Reporter's Camera accessory.
- Has eaten 2 ears of corn.
- Has eaten 1 snapdragon seed.
- Have a pirate statue in the garden.
- Have 1 Pudgeon House in the garden.

- Green: Has eaten 1 gooseberry seed.
- Purple: Has eaten 1 jar of Blackberry jam.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.

Animal: Firefly
Candy: Redhots
Pinata Level: 6
The poor, poor Reddhott. Unable to sit still for too long due to the 
possibility of setting the very ground alight, the Reddhott must continuously
be on the move. Other than that, it acts pretty much like it's predecessor, the

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Direct a Taffly into a Firebrand, setting it alight, then immediately dousing
  it with the watering can.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 3 chillis.
- Have any 3 lights in the garden.
- Have 1 Reddhott House in the garden.

- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 carrot cake.

Animal: Beaver
Candy: Sweet Tooth
Pinata Level: 6
The Sweetooth is a calm, relaxed, almost dopey-looking pinata. Quite happy to
lounge around in the water for hours, having a Sweetooth resident shows that
you are improving as a gardener.

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 21 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 120 square pinometers (12%) of water.
- Have 1 fir tree in the garden.
  Have 1 water lily in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 140 square pinometers (14%) of water.
- Has eaten 3 fir cones.
- Has eaten 2 water lily flowers.

--Romance Requirements--
- Have 140 square pinometers (14%) of water.
- Has eaten 3 bullrush heads.
- Have 1 Sweetooth House in the garden.

- Pink: Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 sunflower.
- Purple/blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.

Animal: Monkey
Candy: Cinnamon
Pinata Level: 7
The Cinnamonkey will probably be the first humanoid pinata you get. How
outstanding! The Cinnamonkey walks around on two legs, fires fireballs Hadouken
style, and loves.. monkeynuts. Yup.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 monkeynut tree in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 1 fully grown monkeynut tree in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 3 fully grown trees in the garden.
- Has eaten 8 monkeynuts.

--Romance Requirements--
- Is wearing the Fez accessory.
- Has eaten 4 bananas.
- Have 1 Cinnamonkey House in the garden.

- Red: Has eaten 1 chilli.
- Purple: Has eaten 1 blackberry seed.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.

Animal: Dragonfly
Candy: Gum
Pinata Level: 7
The last of the great insect pinata, and easily the hardest to please, but also
easily the best one in the game :D! I suggest putting this guy in your water
garden (you.. do have a water garden by now, right?), along with the Sweetooth,
Chippopotamus, etc.

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 26 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 150 square pinometers (15%) of water.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 200 square pinometers (20%) of water.
- Have 12 bullrushes in the garden.
- Has won a fight against a Reddhott.

--Romance Requirements--
- Have 250 square pinometers (25%) of water.
- Has eaten 1 Raisant.
- Has eaten 1 Buzzlegum.
- Has eaten 1 snapdragon flower.
- Have 1 Dragumfly House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 pumpkin.
- Green: Has eaten 1 poison ivy flower.

Animal: Grizzly Bear
Candy: Fizz Candy
Pinata Level: 7
With the body of a grizzly bear but the personality of a teddy bear the
Fizzlybear is a favourite amongst fans. Pinatas also start getting
expensive around now, so make sure you plan what you're doing.

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 30 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 12 fir cones in the garden.
  Have 3 jars of honey in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 jars of honey.
- Has eaten 8 fir cones.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 Raisants.
- Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.
- Have 1 Fizzlybear House in the garden.

- Green: Has eaten 1 watercress seed.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 sunflower seed.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 carrot.

Animal: Horse
Candy: Pistachios
Pinata Level: 7
Ah, finally, the mascot of Viva Pinata himself, the Horstachio! Known world
wide (or Pinata world wide, at least), and for good reason! Once you get a few
happy Horstachios, the money comes rolling in. Of course, to get there, you
have to invest in a Ponocky. Hostachios hate Ponockies, but they cannot handle
the idea of Ponockies being the star of the show, and will quickly show up to
one-up them.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 Ponocky living in the garden.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 1 Ponocky living in the garden.
- Have 500 square pinometers (50%) of grass.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 500 square pinometers (50%) of grass.
- Has eaten 8 apples.

--Romance Requirements--
- Have 500 square pinometers (50%) of grass.
- Is wearing the Fake Winner's Rosette accessory.
- Has eaten 1 toffee apple.
- Has eaten 3 carrots.
- Have 1 Horstachio House in the garden.

- Green: Has eaten 1 watercress flower.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Red: Has eaten 1 chilli seed.

- Zumbug: Feed the Horstachio 1 blackberry and 1 daisy flower.

Animal: Wolf
Candy: Mallow Crisp
Pinata Level: 7
This part talks about the tame, sweet version. For the sour, search for
#VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots. Tamed Mallowolfs are good guards. They are also
imposing figures, and other less aggressive pinatas are scared of them.
However, their guarding ability extends to scaring off the Ruffians! Direct the
Mallowolf to a Ruffian and he will attempt to scare it off, unlocking an

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 tamed Mallowolf living in the garden.
  (See the sour counterpart at #VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots.)

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 6 Rashberries living in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 3 Rashberries.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Goobaa.
- Has eaten 1 Bunnycomb.
- Have 1 Mallowolf House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.
- Purple: Has eaten 1 blackberry.

Animal: Cow
Candy: Marzipan
Pinata Level: 7
The final pinata purchased phrom Petunia's Paper Pets (I had to keep the p
thing going) is this, the marvellous Moozipan! Huge, calm, and capable of
making you money, what more could you want? See the produce section for more
information on the Moozipan's milk making magnificence (#VPPRODUCE).

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Buy it from the Paper Pets store for 3080 chocolate coins.

--Romance Requirements--
- Have 12 daisies in the garden.
  Have 12 buttercups in the garden.
- Has eaten 1 banana split.
- Have 180 square pinometers (18%) of long grass.
- Have 1 Moozipan House in the garden.

- White: Has eaten 1 sandwich.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 banana tree seed.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.
        Has eaten 1 snapdragon seed.

Animal: Swan
Candy: Banana
Pinata Level: 7
The regal Swanana comes floating into your garden at the start of the end-game.
Enemies of most other water-based fowl, the Swanana is a challenge to please,
but worth it with a base value of 2800.

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 27 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 200 square pinometers (20%) of water.
- Garden is worth 20,000 chocolate coins.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 250 square pinometers (25%) of water.
- Has eaten 2 sandwiches.

--Romance Requirements--
- Have a Swan fountain in the garden.
- Is wearing the Diamond Choker accessory.
- Has eaten 3 water lilies.
- Have 300 square pinometers (30%) of water.
- Have 1 Swanana House in the garden.

- Pink: Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.
- Green: Has eaten 1 gooseberry seed.
- Purple: Has eaten 1 snapdragon flower.

Animal: Baboon
Candy: Bonbons
Pinata Level: 8
This part talks about the tame, sweet version. For the sour, search for
#VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots. Tamed Bonboons look even more bizarre than their
sour versions. They do, however, like every tamed sour, have a special ability.
Theirs is the ability to stop fights! Direct a Bonboon to any pinata that has
announced a fight (but before the fur.. er.. paper actually starts flying) and
he will give a little dance, stopping the warriors in their tracks.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 1 tamed Bonboon living in the garden.
  (See the sour counterpart at #VP.PG.SO. Remove the dots.)

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 1 monkeynut tree in the garden.
- Have 1 banana tree in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 7 bananas.
- Has eaten 7 monkeynuts.
- Have 1 monkeynut tree grown in the garden.
- Have 1 banana tree grown in the garden.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 3 Jameleons.
- Have 1 Bonboon House in the garden.

- White: Has eaten 1 orchid flower.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 bird of paradise seed.
          Has eaten 1 watercress seed.

Animal: Hippopotamus
Candy: Chocolate Chips
Pinata Level: 8
The Chippopotamus is a lumbering giant who lives in a mud house shaped like a
giant hippo head. Having to eat a metric ton of plants to decide to reside in
your garden, this guys isn't for beginners.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have 400 square pinometers (40%) of water.

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 500 square pinometers (50%) of water.
- Have 14 watercress plants in the garden.
  Have 14 water lily plants in the garden.
  Have 14 bullrush plants in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 600 square pinometers (60%) of water.
- Has eaten 10 watercress plants.
- Has eaten 10 water lily plants.
- Has eaten 10 bullrush plants.

--Romance Requirements--
- Have a Candary Master Romancer award.
- Have 1 Candary in the garden.
- Has eaten 4 bird of paradise flowers.
- Have 700 square pinometers (70%) of water.
- Have 1 Bonboon House in the garden.

- Yellow: Has eaten 1 watercress seed.
          Has eaten 1 mushroom.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.
        Has eaten 1 bird of paradise flower.
- Pink: Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.
        Has eaten 1 jar of blackcurrant jam.

Animal: A hydra, pretty much. Well, a four-headed snake at any rate
Candy: Warheads
Pinata Level: 8
The odd Fourheads is a testament to your ability as a gardener.. if you manage
to please them. Evolved from Twingersnaps in the same way they evolved from
Syrupents, you could say the Fourheads come from a long history of egg abuse.

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Romance two Twingersnaps, then hit the resulting egg when it makes it's giant

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Lackatoad.
- Has eaten 2 nightshade berries.
- Has eaten 1 toadstool.
- Have 1 Fourheads House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 jar of honey.
- Pink: Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.

Animal: Parrot
Candy: Haribo
Pinata Level: 8
The Parrybo is definitely an endgame animal, so congratulations if you have
one! The most colourful pinata in the game, the Parrybo isn't too hard to
please, but man, it has one of the hardest mazes if you like to get all the
coins. Good luck!

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 32 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 1 bird of paradise grown in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 1 banana tree in the garden.
- Has eaten 10 bananas.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 3 bird of paradise seeds.
- Has eaten 1 orchid seed.
- Is wearing the Eyepatch accessory.
- Have 1 Parrybo House in the garden.

- Yellow: Has eaten 1 venus pinata trap flower.
- Green: Has eaten 1 oak tree seed.
         Has eaten 1 wedge of cheese.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
        Has eaten 1 nightshade berry.

Animal: Pigswan..?
Candy: Pixie Sticks
Pinata Level: 8
Congratulations, you played God and it worked out horribly. The Pigxie is the
pinata that should never have been, and he's not afraid to show it. His
horrid lopsided gait is a constant reminder that you have been a terrible,
terrible gardener.

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- To create a Pigxie, first, get a Rashberry and a Swanana. Go to Willy
  Builder's menu. Build the Mystery House somewhere, then get the Swanana and
  Rashberry ready to romance. Then, yes, romance them to each other. They'll
  use the Mystery House, and the horror that comes from within is none but..
  the Rashberry. Note that some people can't get the Swanana and Rashberry to
  romance easily, so try feeding Joy Sweets to them first. Also worth noting is
  the fact that Swanana and Rashberries hate the Pigxie and will fight it as
  often as possible, so prepare accordingly.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 bullrush heads.
- Has eaten 2 acorns.
- Is wearing the Tap Shoes accessory.
- The garden is worth 10,000 chocolate coins.
- Have 1 Pigxie House (i.e. Mystery House) in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- Hot pink: Has eaten 1 water lily flower.
            Has eaten 1 poppy flower.
            Has eaten 1 gem tree seed.
- Green: Has eaten 1 gooseberry fool.

Animal: Salamander
Candy: Mango
Pinata Level: 8
The Salamango is like a Newtgat + fifty chillis. Living inside a volcano, the
Salamango has a surprisingly dull temper, only really holding a grudge against
the Lackatoad.

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Feed a Newtgat a chilli and it evolves into a Salamango.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Reddhott.
- Has eaten 2 chilli seeds.
- Have 1 Salamango House in the garden.

- Yellow: Has eaten 1 banana.
- Green: Has eaten 1 gooseberry.
- White: Has drunk 1 bottle of milk.
         Has eaten 1 nightshade seed.

Animal: Zebra
Candy: Humbug
Pinata Level: 8
Take a Horstachio, shrink it a bit, shape the nose, paint it like a zebra, and
tada! You have a Zumbug. They don't get on so well with their other horsey

--Appear Requirements--
- N/A

--Visit Requirements--
- N/A

--Resident Requirements--
- Have a Horstachio eat 1 blackberry and 1 daisy flower.

--Romance Requirements--
- Have 300 square pinometers (30%) of long grass.
- Has eaten 3 orchid flowers.
- Has eaten 1 jar of blackberry jam.
- Have 1 Zumbug House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- Orange: Has eaten 1 banana split.
          Has eaten 1 carrot cake.
- Pink: Has eaten 1 water lily seed.

Animal: Eagle
Candy: Eclair
Pinata Level: 9
The largest of the bird of prey pinata, the Eaglair is also the hardest to
attract. Some people even leave this one for last, so if you manage to attract
one, congratulations!

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 33 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 5 different species living in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 1 fully grown oak tree in the garden.
- Has eaten 4 Buzzenges.
- Have had 15 different species living in the garden at.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 3 Sweetooths.
- Have 2 fully grown oak trees in the garden.
- Have 1 Eaglair House in the garden.

- Yellow: Has eaten 1 buttercup seed.
- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- White: Has drunk 4 bottles of milk.

Animal: Elephant
Candy: Vanilla
Pinata Level: 9
The largest pinata in the game, not counting the secret one, and definitely
lives up to it's reputation as a clumsy, rather unhygienic animal. Happily
barraging through your garden, trampling other pinata underfoot, make sure your
smaller pinata (read: all of them) are fenced off or really happy before the
Elephanilla graces your garden. Also, they fart. And then cough. Yeah, thanks

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 36 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- Have 16 blackberries, corn, gooseberries OR monkeynuts in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 4 blackberries.
- Has eaten 4 ears of corn.
- Has eaten 4 gooseberries.
- Has eaten 4 monkey nuts.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 bananas.
- Has eaten 2 acorns.
- Has eaten 2 chillis.
- Has eaten 2 pumpkins.
- Have 1 Elephanilla House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell flower.
- Red: Has eaten 1 poppy seed.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 buttercup flower.

Animal: Galago / Bushbaby
Candy: Goo Goo Clusters
Pinata Level: 9
The only pinata I personally had any trouble with, I had to wait roughly 2 in
game weeks of nightly visits until this one finally became a resident. However,
being small, cute, and living in a ninja-fortified cardboard box, it was
totally worth it.

--Appear Requirements--
- Have a completed Tower of Sour (8 blocks).

--Visit Requirements--
- Have a Moon-on-a-Stick in the garden.
- Have 8 Mothdrops living in the garden.
  Have 16 tulips in the garden.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 4 Tulips.
- Has eaten 2 Mothdrops.
- Have a groundskeeper in the garden. The Watchling or Night Watchling
  fills this need.

--Romance Requirements--
- Has eaten 4 orchids.
- Have 1 Chewnicorn living in the garden.
- Have 1 Galagoogoo House in the garden.

- White: Has eaten 1 piece of bread.
- Green: Has eaten 1 poison ivy flower.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 sunflower.

Animal: Lion
Candy: Oreo
Pinata Level: 10
The King of Pinata Island, the Roario is a magnificent beast, it's cute face
accentuated by it's multicolour mane, which even pulses different colours as it
walks around. Obviously feared by it's prey pinata, it can be difficult to
raise. But worth it, as it seems it instils a sort of law in the garden,
making other breeds less likely to fight.

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 38 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- There are 5 Doenuts living in the garden.
- There are 5 Zumbugs living in the garden.
- The garden is worth 40,000 chocolate coins.

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 2 Doenuts.
- Has eaten 2 Zumbugs.
- The garden is worth 50,000 chocolate coins.

--Romance Requirements--
- Is wearing the Crown accessory.
- The garden is worth 60,000 chocolate coins.
- Has eaten a pinata worth 4,500 chocolate coins.
- Have 1 Roario House in the garden.

- Blue: Has eaten 1 bluebell seed.
- Pink: Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine.
- Yellow: Has eaten 1 sunflower seed.

--Secret Pinata--
If you know the name of the legendary pinata, search for (#VPFAQthe first three
letters of the pinatas name, i.e. if the name was Splorty the code would be
#VPFAQSPL), without the brackets, to find a guide for him.

==Sour Pinata== #VPPGSO
Ok, now for the sour guide. Because sour pinata become sweet when they become
residents, this section will have no romance nor variance guides.

Before we start though, sour tips:
- All sours will cough up Sour Candy after a set amount of time. This candy
  comes in a red and black wrapper, and reeks of Dastardos, as you can see by
  the tiny Dastardos heads that waft from it. Smash them with your spade before
  any of your pinata manage to eat them.
- Selling sour candy is not worth it, because Costalot actually takes money
  from you. So, just smash them.
- In the case of sours with multiple residency requirements, smashing them to
  pieces (or making them ill and having Dastardos smash them) will cause them
  to forget all the ones they've completed, meaning you have to start over.
  So, just daze them with the spade (whack them once) and make them leave the
  garden if you need to get rid of them temporarily.
- Sours can be exiled permanently from your garden by the use of the Tower of
  Sour. The Tower of Sour has 0 pieces (blocks) at the beginning, and goes up
  to eight as the game continues. There are two ways of gaining the blocks. The
  first is by buying them from Costalot for a pricey sum. She makes them
  available at the first level that particular sour comes into your garden.
  The second way is by taming that specific type of sour. For instance, taming
  a Sour Shellybean rewards you with the Shellybean Block for the Tower, for

==Sour Shellybean==
Animal: Snail
Candy: Jellybeans
Pinata Level: 3
The Sour Shellybean is the first sour you will meet, appearing very early at
level 4. Thankfully, he doesn't do anything really nasty, he just eats random
seeds if you leave any scattered around, replacing them with Sour Candy.

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 4 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- You are a level 5 gardener (or better).

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 apple seed.

==Sour Sherbat==
Animal: Bat
Candy: Sherbet
Pinata Level: 4
The Sour Sherbat is of the vampire variety, striking sleeping pinata and
leaving them quite ill. So tame him quickly, lest you rack up quite the
hospital bill.

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 9 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- You are a level 10 gardener (or better).

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Jack'o'Lantern.

==Sour Crowla==
Animal: Crow
Candy: Either Crawlers (i.e. gummie worms), or Cola bottles
Pinata Level: 5
The Sour Crowla is the first really dangerous sour, happily munching away on
any sick pinata you have laying about the place. So tame him quickly, or make
sure none of your pinata get sick..

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 14 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- You are a level 15 gardener (or better).

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 1 birdbath in the garden.
- Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine. 

==Sour Profitamole==
Animal: Mole
Candy: Profita roll
Pinata Level: 5
The Sour Profitamole will smash your flowers to pieces if left unchecked, which
can be quite a bad thing as you start getting more and more expensive flowers.
As a tamed pinata the Profitamoles are so cute, so try your hardest to tame
this guy.

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 19 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- You are a level 20 gardener (or better).

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 2 Mushrooms in the garden.
- Has eaten 1 Red Flutterscotch. 

==Sour Macaracoon==
Animal: Raccoon
Candy: Macaroon
Pinata Level: 6
The Sour Macaroon will live up to another aspect of it's real-life counterpart,
and chomp down any eggs left laying around. So you have two choices when this
guy turns up: Stop breeding forever, or tame the thing!

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 23 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- You are a level 24 gardener (or better).

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 5 Master Romancer awards.
- Has eaten 1 Cluckle.

==Sour Cocoadile==
Animal: Crocodile
Candy: Cocoa
Pinata Level: 6
The Sour Cocoadile will frighten off your helpers, as well as cough up
mouthfuls of Sour Candy quite regularly. And look at the size of that mouth!
That's a lot of Sour Candy. Tame this thing, and quick!

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 27 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- You are a level 28 gardener (or better).

--Resident Requirements--
- Have 160 square pinometers (16%) of water.
- Has eaten 1 Sweetooth.
- Has eaten 2 Swananas. 

==Sour Mallowolf==
Animal: Wolf
Candy: Mallow crisp
Pinata Level: 7
The Sour Macaroon will terrify wild pinata, forcing them to leave, meaning you
will have a hard time taming anything with this around. It also takes a lot of
people by surprise: A Pigxie?! What the hell is that?! Thankfully, I have it in
this guide, so search for Pigxie and you'll find out how to get them.

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 31 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- You are a level 32 gardener (or better).

--Resident Requirements--
- Has eaten 1 Pigxie.

==Sour Bonboon==
Animal: Baboon
Candy: Bonbons
Pinata Level: 8
The smartest of the sours, the Sour Bonboon won't cause direct damage to your
garden. Instead, he spreads vicious rumours about, causing a lot of fights!
This can cause a lot of disruption, unhappiness and ill pinatas very quickly
if left unchecked, so lets hope you're at the top of your game! If you check
his residency requirements, you may be a little confused. Here's the scoop:
The Syrupent family consists of anything hatched out of a Syrupent's egg. This
includes Syrupents, obviously, as well as their mutant offspring, the
Twingersnaps and Fourheads! A Sour Bonboon will defeat a Syrupent every time,
and will probably run in horror from a Fourheads, but a well trainer
Twingersnap will defeat it every time. Search this guide for Twingersnap if
you don't know how to breed them.

--Appear Requirements--
- You are a level 34 gardener (or better).

--Visit Requirements--
- You are a level 35 gardener (or better).

--Resident Requirements--
- Has lost a fight against a member of the Syrupent family.

==Pinata Value== #VPPINVAL
A pinatas value falls into six categories. You can view them by bringing up
their info menu (Y button while hovering over them), then scrolling down to
Value. The categories, and how you can increase them, are as follows:
- Accessories Value: Starts at 0, and increases depending on what accessories
  the pinata is wearing.
- Age Value: This starts at 0 when the Pinata is hatched (or becomes a
  resident), and very, very slowly increases over time.
- Overjoyed Value: When your pinata is in overjoy (the happiness meter is
  completely full), your pinata receives a boost to this category. It goes away
  when the happiness meter empties a bit. So, feed your pinata a Joy Sweet when
  before you record it's highest ever value.
- Sweets Value: As of Jan 06, it's been officially reported that this category
  is broken. It's supposed to increase as your pinata eats the small blue and
  yellow wrapped sweets that come out of broken pinata, but currently nothing
  increases it at all. Hopefully they'll put a fix for this on X-Box Live.
- Twin Value: If a pinata is born as a twin, which is an extremely rare random
  egg event, it will receive a 50 coin boost to this value.
- Base Value: Each pinata has a base value based on species. The higher level
  and rare the pinata, the higher this value. This value can be further boosted
  by sending your pinata to parties via the Factory Challenges from Pinata
  Central. WildCard pinata (read the FAQ at the end) have a ridiculously high
  base value from when they first hatch.

==Garden Value== #VPGARVAL
Your garden value is the value of everything inside your garden. To find out
what your garden value is, bring up the X menu, go to Journal, Player Awards
and then Player Status. Your Garden Value is in the top right, where.. it..
says Garden Value.
Ways of increasing your garden value are as follows:
- Put things in your garden.
That's it. The more expensive the thing, the more value it adds. I suggest
waiting until level 30, then buying Captain's Cutlasses from Ivor's shop. They
cost 11,000 each and take up a tiny bit of room, so with one or two you will
have more than enough garden value. Obviously, if you don't want to go this
route, just get some nice expensive pinata, pretty them up with accessories,
buy their house, breed a few more, and you'll get whatever goal you have pretty

==Gameplay Hints== #VPHINTS
All manner of hints will show up here, so check back every update for
(hopefully) more.

--How to make money!--
Money can be made in two major areas of Viva Pinata. Pinata, or Plants. I
heavily prefer pinata, but a lot of people swear by plants, so I'll cover both.
Also note that produce is a nice, constant way of making a little extra money.
I'll cover all 3 in three different sections, new game, mid-game and end-game:

- Plants:
 - New Game: I use turnips and carrots or corn for this, depending on what
   level. Corn is preferred, but if it isn't available yet you can't use it!
   First, get to level 5. This should take you an hour or two if you're new,
   and 10 minutes if you know your way around the garden. Once you hit 5, you
   get the Seed Head for your shovel, so you can dig seed holes. Dig a two
   lines of 5 (or more, or less depending on how many you think you can
   handle), next to each other but leaving enough room for the plant to grow.
   The way I measure is to go by the cursor. When over bare ground, the cursor
   expands. Dig one hole, then move the cursor so the edge of the it, when
   it is expanded, is not touching the hole. That's far enough for turnips and
   carrots to grow. Corn requires more room because of it's odd growth
   animation, but you'll learn how much space crops need as you do it. When
   your holes are done, go to Costalot's, and plant your crop. Plant one type
   at once, so don't mix turnips and carrots, as that reduces your fertiliser
   use. Keep in mind you can only buy 10 seeds at once, so if you dug more
   than 10 holes, buy 10, then buy the rest as quickly as possible. Once this
   part is done, head to the fertiliser menu of Costalot's. Fertilise the
   crops 3 times with their correct colour (see #VPPLANTF for a list),
   then go back to garden mode and water them. Turnips and carrots won't get
   to the brown and dry stage if you don't water them, due to their really
   quick growth rate in holes, but corn and anything higher level will need
   watering accordingly. Once they pop, sell them, and say hello to profit!
   One turnip seed costs 2 coins, 3 servings of purple fertiliser cost 27,
   and one giant turnip sells for 40. So that's 11 coin profit per turnip.
   However, read the hints at the bottom of this section for ways on
   increasing your profit.
 - Mid-game: Same as above, but use chillis. A fully grown giant chilli sells
   for 400, and their seeds only cost 22 each.
 - End-game: Either Bird of Paradise flowers or Orchids. They take a little
   longer to grow, but a fully fertilised one sells for much over 1000.
- Plant Hints:
 - Learn how much room different plants need to grow, and plant them just far
   enough away to save space and make fertilising easier and more cost
   effective. The more plants you get with one dose of fertiliser, the more
   profit you make.
 - If a plant stops growing, you have to destroy it, unfortunately. If three or
   more get stuck together, try to destroy the ones on corners to save as many
   as possible.
 - Get the One Pour Wonder as soon as possible, as this makes watering the
   later level plants a billion times easier.
 - Be cost effective with fertiliser. Ivor's Special Mix costs 9 coins per
   dose, which makes it better than more of Costalot's, but she does have a few
   that are cheaper. This includes the orange mix, which is needed by Birds of

- Pinata:
 - New game: Early game, the best way to make some quick cash is through
   evolutions. The earliest and cheapest is Sparrowmint -> Candary. Simply
   feed a Sparrowmint a buttercup flower, and it turns into a Candary with a
   value of 600, double that of the Sparrowmint. Once you start getting
   Tafflies, invest in a firebrand from Costalot. Direct the Taffly into the
   lit firebrand, then put it out as soon as it sets on fire. It'll evolve into
   a Reddhott, with a value of 2100, much much more than the Taffly. Obviously,
   if you manage to breed these, along with turning any new pre-evolvies, you
   will make even more money!
 - Mid-game: Newtgat's -> Salamangos. Feed a single chilli to a Newtgat and
   it'll flash into a Salamango. With a cost of 2800, it's not as great a
   difference as Taffly -> Reddhott, but it all adds up. Again, breeding is a
   good money maker.
 - End-game: It's all about breeding now. Nab some Roarios, or any high level
   Pinata, and romance them like crazy. If you managed to get here I really
   doubt you need money, but it never hurts to be well-off.
- Pinata Hints:
 - If the evolved species and evolvee get along well, breed both at once, then
   turn the evolvees before selling them.
 - Romance sweets, if you haven't already figured it out. Use them. A lot.
   Remember, you need to breed the species once naturally first, then abuse the
   hell out of the sweets.
 - Get experience while doing this! Get 7 of a species in your garden before
   selling any to get the Master Romancer award for that species, and get all
   their variants too!

- Produce:
 - New game: Buzzlegums. Get a few, buy a Honey Hive from Willy Builder, and,
   after level 8, buy all the Buzzlegums Buzzlegum Keeper Hats from Petunia's
   Paper Pets. They will then produce honey automatically, so just play
   normally and make sure to sell it all every 10 or so minutes, especially if
   you have a lot of Buzzlegums, as there is a limit on how much produce can be
   in the garden at one time.
 - Mid-game: Goobaas with Bonnets and a shearing shed. Bonnets go on sale at
   level 19, so do this around then. Apart from that, all the things I said
   about Buzzlegums above apply.
 - End-game: Moozipans with bells in the Milking Shed. Moozipans go on sale at
   25, so I suggest you start milk farming shortly after that.
- Produce Hints:
 - You don't actually need to give them accessories, but if you do so they'll
   automatically produce. So yeah, do it anyway.

--Rotten Food--
So, your Rashberry needs some rotten food, eh? I'm sure we all know that if you
leave things out in the garden for too long they go brown and rotten, but
that can just take too long sometimes, right? Especially when you have poor
Rashberries that need romancing right now?! Never fear, the spade is here!
Whip out your spade and gently tap (X button) the offending item. Tada, instant

--Get off that damn perch!--
Flying pinata regularly land on perches, i.e. pinata houses, fences, or trees.
If you need them, tap the tree with your spade (X button) and they will fly off
and land on the ground. In the case of a tree, this will also knock all the
fruit (ripe and unripe) off of it, so be careful.

--Hey you stupid pinata, listen to me!-
So you have a wild or sour pinata in your garden that would rather roam
endlessly around or even worse, cause mischief, when it should be eating those
things required for residency? Now while you cannot directly control wilds or
sours, you can give them a nudge. When once is aimlessly wandering around,
hover over it and press X to bring up the menu. The pinata will stop and look
at you. When you leave the menu, the game will give him a new target, which is
usually one of the following:
- Aimlessly wander some more. If the pinata starts wandering away from whatever
  you need him to eat, bring the menu up on him again.
- Leave the garden. If it's past the pinata's bedtime, there isn't much you can
  do at this point, so just let it go and try again tomorrow.
- Go do one of it's residency things! Hooray! Once it's eaten whatever it is it
  needed to, press X on it again, and if you're lucky they'll eat another thing
  straight away.

--New Gardens--
You may have noticed, when you select your garden from the Load Garden menu,
there are a whole bunch of other petals which are probably blank. These are all
extra garden slots, and you really need to use them if you want to get better
at the game. Not only do gardens have a (pretty low) limit on pinata, items,
etc, but it'll make the pinata a lot happier if they can have a garden free of
their bitter rivals.
Good things about having multiple gardens:
- Store more pinata and stuff! Since the limit on pinata in a garden is 32,
  having multiple gardens means you can have all your favourite specie!
- Pinata will be happier away from enemies. Put Raisants in one garden and
  Buzzlegums in another. Put Kittyfloss in one, and Barkbarks in another!
- Different habitats. Make one nice lush grass garden, one muddy swamp, and
  another that is 90% lake! Each will attract different variety of pinata, and
  terraforming one garden over and over would get annoying.
To start a new garden, simply select New Garden instead of Load Garden in the
menu. The best thing is, all your experience, money, and knowledge (in other
words, your journal) pass to all your gardens. So it's really like just playing
your original garden, without all the clutter! I keep 4 gardens, personally,
one for grassy pinata, one for muddy ones, one for the aquatic type and my
breeding garden. Other good ideas include:
- A bug forest full of trees, Tafflies, Buzzlegums, Flutterscotches, Mothdrops
  and if you want a challenge, Reddhotts, Dragumflies, Raisants and Arocknids!
- A farmyard with Moozipans, Goobaas, Cluckles and a guard dog.. or cat. Or
  both, if you feel up to it. Make good use of fences and pathways, and maybe
  even have a little allotment for growing crops.

Helpers are pretty stupid 90% of the time. They get stuck, they don't do their
job, they refuse to sleep in the helper house, they do their job incorrectly,
and they outright suck. But, if you do insist on using them, I'll at least
tell you how to make them happy, and how to fire them. Hover over a helper and
press X. This'll bring up the normal menu but with two added options, Give,
which allows you to give chocolate coins to a helper to increase his or her
happiness, and the other new option will allow you to either send the helper
home early, increasing happiness, or fire them, increasing my happiness.
A helper with higher happiness will do their job better, for instance a
Watchling may not scare away quite as many innocent wild pinata as normal, or
a Gatherling may actually gather up a few things before going home early
(usually seeds you were planning on planting in 5 seconds).


--So what is this secret pinata?/HELP I HAVE AN EGG I CANNOT SMASH-- #VPFAQDRA
So, if you're reading this you either need answers about the mysterious egg you
found, or you're just lazy and want me to walk you through the whole thing. Oh
well, here you go:
- Buy a mine. It becomes available at level 26 from Willy Builder's. It costs
  16,500 chocolate coins.
- Hire a Diggerling. Available from Arfur's Inn also at level 26, for 2420
  chocolate coins. You can hire up to four in one garden.
- Buy a Helper House. This is optional but I really suggest it as it saves the
  Diggerlings a lot of time.
- Buy several Lantern o' Loots from Ivor and place them around the perimeter of
  the mine.
- Wait. Eventually, which can take in-game months if you are horrendously
  unlucky, an egg will be unearthed and plonked somewhere near your mine. To
  see if it is the mysterious egg, try to smash it. If you can't, it's the
  Mysterious Egg.
- Buy a Cluckles from Petunia's Paper Pets (unless you already have one).
  Direct it to the egg. It will hatch.. into a Dragonache!
- Note that depending on the terrain the egg is hatched, the colour of the
  Dragonache will vary:
  - If hatched on cracked, brown earth (the earth your garden starts with), the
    Dragonache will be sandy brown and orange in colour.
  - If hatched on fresh brown soil, the Dragonache will be brown and purple.
  - If hatched on water, the Dragonache will be turquoise and pink.
  - If hatched on any kind of grass, the Dragonache will be green and white.
- The ridges and wings also change shape dependant on what terrain the egg is
  hatched, but that's a little hard to explain through words.
- The Dragonache cannot be sold, cannot wear accessories, cannot romance (you
  can't get another one at all anyway), cannot increase it's value in any way,
  and cannot die. The only way to get rid of it is by bringing up the X menu
  while hovering over the Dragonache. An option will be added to the menu to
  shoo the Dragonache from the garden. Gretchem Fetchum will now have a new
  option added to her shop, which will allow you to bring the Dragonache back
  for free. It also has no house, and cannot be sent to Pinata Central.
- You can have one Dragonache per garden. This means you need to buy a mine and
  find an egg in every garden. You cannot transfer the Dragonache between
  your gardens.
- The Dragonache will not mature in the normal way. You need to induce it. To
  get your Dragonache to mature, you must do all of the following:
  - Feed it 1 bottle of milk.
  - Feed it 1 snapdragon flower.
  - Feed it 1 Dragumfly.
  - Feed it 1 Reddhott.
  - Feed it 1 Salamango.
  Once all of this is done, the Dragonache will go into it's cocoon. Once it
  hatches, that's it. It cannot do anything else.
And that is it! That is the great secret of the legendary Dragonache!
Just one final note, the dirt piles (called mine workings) the Mine digs up are
useless. Tamed Profitamoles enjoy devouring them, but that's it.

--The other secret pinata (the Pigxie)-- #VPFAQPIG
Even though I have got Pigxie in my normal pinata list, I'll reiterate it here
because this question is asked so much it isn't funny.
So, to get the odd Pigxie, which is required for the Sour Mallowolf residency,
follow these steps:
- Buy and build a Mystery
  House from Willy Builder.
- Once the house is complete, get a Swanana and a Rashberry ready to romance.
- Highlight one and click the other, much like when you romance two pinata
- If you have trouble, try feeding a Joy Sweet to each of them first. They may
  be a little reluctant, for obvious reasons.
- Enjoy your freak of nature, the Pigxie!

--So, Leafos said this thing..-- #VPFAQLEAFOS
I hate Leafos. She is responsible for so many stupid questions on the message
boards it isn't even funny. I'll just say it here, if it isn't in this guide,
it isn't true. Yet. Well, not proven true anyway. The reason most of them
aren't true? They can't be done. Pretztails cannot eat Doenuts, for instance.
I didn't even HAVE Dragumflies when I got my Dragonache. 
So, if you really want to give Leafos' rumours a try, go ahead. But if your
pinata just gets to what it's supposed to eat and shakes it's head, please
don't post a question anywhere on the internet, because I just told you the

Oh yeah, just to note, some of the things she says ARE true, which is what
annoys me even more. So, just take what she says, run it through this guide,
and if you come up with nothing, it's really probably false.

--Why can't I breed my pinata? The hearts aren't there../ Why can't I buy this
item? / My pinata are.. invisible!-- #VPFAQGAR
These are all caused by the same thing, Garden Limits. Each type of item has a
limit. The game is designed to not let you go over that limit, by doing the
following things:
- Pinata: Disappearing hearts. If you have met all the romance requirements for
  a species (i.e. they all have ticks on the Y info menu), yet the hearts above
  their head are missing, you have too many pinata in the garden. Sell some and
  watch as the hearts reappear!
- Other things: Each type of item from Costalot's shop (seeds, flowers, fruit,
  vegetable, produce, garden items, fence, etc) have limits. If you're trying
  to buy a huge fenced enclosure and the limit jumps up, sorry bub, but that's
  all the fence you get. This is the suckiest feature of Viva Pinata, but it's 
  one we have to put up with. Make smaller enclosures.
If you somehow manage to go over the limit, you may cause some things to go
invisible. The only way I've seen this problem successfully remedied is to
package the offending pinata in a post office crate and mail them to yourself.
This does, however, reduce all their stats (like age, distance walked, etc) to
0. Their value stays the same however.

--My pinata are killing each other! / How do I stop those damn Pretztails? /
Other combat related questions -- #VPFAQCOM
So, either your resident pinatas are kicking the stuffing out of each other,
or wild pinata are coming in and eating your cute fluffy prey pinata? I'll
split this answer into two parts, as these things aren't really the same.
- On residents fighting:
 - It's important to realise how the fights in this actually work:
   - First, you get an alert informing you of the impending fight. The music
     changes to a kind of cliche RPG battle thing, and the two offending
     pinata face each other and make odd noises at each other. The single most
     important thing to note about fights is that in this mode, you can stop
     the fight by whacking either pinata with the spade, or sometimes even by
     just sprinkling water on one of them. I suggest the spade, though.
   - Next, the fight really begins. The pinata begin pacing, sometimes for
     ages, before one leaps up and fires projectiles at the other. Sometimes
     they hit, sometimes not. The fight goes on like this for a while. 
     Occasionally they will fight for too long and just suddenly stop as if
     nothing happened, but usually the fight goes onto the next stage after a
     few hits.
   - One pinata appears to be in a drunken stupor, while the other gets blue
     crackly electricity around it. The crackling one releases a finished,
     which causes the loser to become ill. The winner then walks away, leaving
     you with the doctors bill.
 - The only way you can permanently stop this, and I highly recommend this, is
   by selling off one of the offending species. You have multiple garden slots
   for a reason. Make a new garden for the species that fight with others but
   get along together! Keep your Horstachios and Chewnicorns in one garden, and
   your Zumbugs and Ponockies in another!
 - The Bonboon can be directed to any pinata in the first stage of the fight
   (where the pinata are just standing around, and you can smack them with
   the spade) and the Bonboon will attempt to placate the pinata with a dance.
 - The Red Eye Rainbow, available from Ivor Bargain at level 12, has been
   reported to make your pinata calmer and less likely to fight. It won't
   prevent fights, however.
 - Here's a list of species likely to clash:
 -This species-  -Hates these-
 Arocknid          Reddhott
 Barkbark          Kittyfloss
 Buzzlegum         Newtgat, Raisant
 Chewnicorn        Pretztail
 Dragumfly         Reddhott
 Flutterscotch     Fudgehog
 Fudgehog          Flutterscotch
 Hostachio         Ponocky, Zumbug
 Kittyfloss        Barkbark
 Lickatoad         Newtgat
 Newtgat           Buzzlegum, Lickatoad
 Pigxie            Rashberry, Swanana
 Raisant           Buzzlegum
 Reddhott          Arocknid, Dragumfly
 Swanana           Juicygoose, Pigxie, Quackberry
 Zumbug            Chewnicorn, Horstachio
   So it's a good idea to not put any of those groups together.
 - Residents will also start fighting if they get annoyed. They can do this
   due to being hit with the shovel, coming too close to a weed, or the Sour
   Bonboon's ability.

-On wild pinata eating your residents:
 - This happens because the wild pinata have a residency requirement involving
   eating other pinata. This list shows which pinata need to eat which to
   become residents:
-These-             -Will eat these-
 Syrupent             Mousemallow
 Lickatoad            Taffly
 Pretztail            Bunnycomb, Cluckle
 Fudgehog             Whirlm
 Sherbat              Mothdrop
 Arocknid             Taffly, Raisant
 Badgesicle           Newtgat
 Crowla               Lickatoads
 Profitamole          Arocknid
 Buzzenge             Candary
 Cocoadile            Quackberry
 Macaracoon           Syrupent
 Dragumfly            Reddhott (whilst the Dragumfly doesn't need to eat the
                         Reddhott, it will force it into fights, which will
                            depress the Reddhott)
 Mallowolf            Rashberry
 Eaglair              Buzzenge
 Galagoogoo           Mothdrop
 Roario               Doenut, Zumbug
 Sour Profitamole     Red Flutterscotch
 Sour Macaracoon      Cluckle
 Sour Cocoadile       Sweetooth, Swanana
 Sour Mallowolf       Pigxie
 - So basically, if you have any pinata in the right column, and you've had 
   the ones in the left column appear, be aware that they may come prowling
   into your garden looking for a snack. There are a few ways to solve this:
  - I recommend this way, especially if you are kind of far into the game: Let
    two of the wild species become residents. Once two live in your garden, no
    more wild ones will appear, solving the problem!
  - Fence off the prey species. This is probably a good idea early game, when
    you can't really afford to refund your prey population. Fence off a large
    enough area, make sure your prey species has a house in there and enough
    room to roam, add a gate for access, and your prey are now safe!
  - In the case of sour predators, taming one will be enough. Once one is
    tamed, your Tower of Sour gets a block keeping that species away from the
    garden forever.. unless you turn it off.

--How do I remove accessories?-- #VPFAQACC
Took me a while to figure this one out, but if you go into Paper Pets and
repurchase the exact same accessory on the same pinata, it removes it. If you
look closely, you'll see the "Buy" or "Swap" on the A button changes to "Sell".

--How do I get ?-- #VPFAQHOW
Read the guide. I wrote it for a reason. Search for #VPPGSW.

--What are WildCard pinata? / What is the Twin value for?-- #VPFAQWCT
WildCard pinata are extremely rare, extremely random events, they may happen
at any point an egg hatches in your garden (except for Dragonache). The
differences between normal and WildCard pinata are:
- The looks. WildCard pinata have some odd physical feature that distinguishes
  them. The Whirlm WildCard, for instance, has odd white bumps on it's body.
- The Base Value. This is increased roughly 10x the normal. This is viewable
  by bringing up the Y info menu on the pinata and scrolling down a bit.
- Also, when a WildCard egg hatches, a large alert fills the screen 
  congratulating you about it.
So, the only way to get a WildCard is to breed, breed more and then keep
breeding some more even maybe. Good luck!

Twins, on the other hand, are really rare random events! Oh wait, that's the
same hand. Very rarely, upon an egg hatching, two pinata will emerge. The only
notable difference is that you get a 50 Twin Value one the value page. Also
worth noting is that if one twin is sent to a party, both gain value increase.

--Is this game worth buying??? / This or -- #VPFAQSTUPID
This is the single most asked question on any Viva Pinata message board in
existence. And usually, the topic creator doesn't leave any info on his
personal interests, so yeah, good luck getting the answer you want.

Short answer? No, it's worth renting first to see if you like it.

Long answer? Well, do you like other similar games? Animal Crossing, The Sims,
the upcoming Spore, etc? If you are into sim life games, and don't mind the
cutesy graphics (read: are secure in yourself), then try it out. Just, do us
all a favour when you do buy it: When posting a topic asking a mundane question
answered in this very guide, do not prefix it with "so my wife bought this" or 
"so my sister has this and she wanted me to ask a question".


==ToDo List== #VPTDL
- Rumour guide
- Walkthrough: Starting your first garden
- Finish the Pinata Romance Maze guide
- Finish the guide!

==Closing Credits/Contact, etc== #VPCCC
Thanks go to:
- Rare, for cranking out another awesome game.
- karnage87/Kyle Raymond for allowing me to use his plants guide. I copy/pasted
  a few lists from there (formatting them to look like the rest of the guide,
  of course).
- The folk over at for supplying so much useful
  information, in wiki form, no less!
- The other folk over at for answering a couple of
- Some other folk over at the GameFAQs Viva Pinata board for supplying a
  zillion questions to answer.
- Mirshaan for correcting a few things, namely the Water Waiver's use, Pigxie
  breeding and reminding me to add the pinata-getting-stuck-after-parties bit.
- Me for writing this.
- This PC for not crashing at all, yet.

If you want to contact me, I made a hotmail address solely for this, so go
ahead and send submissions, alternate Pinata Maze guides, things I've missed,
things I've gotten wrong, even questions to add to the FAQ.

Contact email: [email protected]
X-Box 360 Gamertag: Dhakkel

All information in this guide is my own doing, unless noted otherwise, and is
therefore under strict copyright. Strict. Very strict.
No part or parts of this guide may appear anywhere but on the sites I've listed
below. If I find this guide anywhere else, oh boy will I be angry. Oh boy.

-List of sites allowed to use this-

-List of sites it may not be allowed on, as they edited the guide-

This guide may not be edited, changed, stylised, paragraphed, malformed or
discombobulated in any way.

Copyright 2006 Aaron Demner

End of File.

For real now.

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