Weapons Upgrade Guide - Guide for Medal of Honor: Airborne

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Appendix 1 Pistols
Section 1: M1911 Colt .45
Section 2: C96 Mauser "Broomhandle Mauser"

Appendix 2 Automatics
Section 1: Thompson SMG
Section 2: MP40
Section 3: BAR
Section 4: STG44

Apendix 3 Semi-Auto
Section 1: KAR 98
Section 2: G43
Section 3: M1 Garand
Section 4: Springfiled
Section 5: M12 Shotgun

Appendix 4 Heavy Artillery
Section 1: M18 Recoilless Rifle
Section 2: Panzershreck
Section 3: Grenades (all types)

Appendix 1

Section 1: Colt .45

Upgrade 1= Leather Holster (Faster Draw)
Upgrade 2= Matching Grade Loader Mech (Increase Fire Rate)
Upgrade 3= Magnum Rounds (More Damage per shot)

Section 2: C96 Mauser

Upgrade 1= Rifle Stock (Improved accuracy)
Upgrade 2= 20 round clip (more clip capacity)
Upgrade 3= Auto-Fire adapter (Automatic fire)

Appendix 2

Section 1: Thompson SMG

Upgrade 1= Forward Grip (Improved accuracy)
Upgrade 2= Cutts Compensator (Reduced recoil)
Upgrade 3= 50-round drum magazine (Increased clip capacity)

Section 2: MP40

Upgrade 1= Twin magazines (Faster Reload)
Upgrade 2= 64-round magazine (Increased Clip capacity)
Upgrade 3= Melee Dagger (Improved Melee Attack) *One attack Kills all regular 

Section 3: BAR

Upgrade 1= Adjustable Sights (Improved Accuracy, Some Zoom Capability)
Upgrade 2= Compensator (Reduced Recoil)
Upgrade 3= Twin Magazines (Faster Reload)

Section 4: STG 44

Upgrade 1= Blowback Reducer (Improved Accuracy)
Upgrade 2= Twin Magazines (Faster Reload)
Upgrade 3= ZF Tactical Scope (Greater Zoom, Increased Accuracy) *non adjustabe 

Appendix 3

Section 1: KAR 98

Upgrade 1= Matching grade polished bolt (Increased Fire rate)
Upgrade 2= Stripper Clip (faster reload)
Upgrade 3= Grenade Launcher (Launch Grenades)

Section 2: G43

Upgrade 1= 20-round clip (Increase Clip Capacity)
Upgrade 2= Sniper Scope (Increase Accuracy, Sniping capability)
Upgrade 3= Grenade Launcher (Launch Grenades)

Section 3: M1 Garand

Upgrade 1= Matching Grade Barrel (Improved Accuracy)
Upgrade 2= Adjustable Sights (Improved Accuracy)
Upgrade 3= Grenade Launcher (Launch Grenades)

Section 4: Springfield

Upgrade 1= Matching grade bolt (Increased Fire rate)
Upgrade 2= Stripper Clip (Faster reload)
Upgrade 3= Grenade Launcher (Launch Grenades)

Section 5: M12 Shotgun

Upgrade 1= Barrel Choke (Decreased spread of shot)
Upgrade 2= Buckshot Rounds (More Damage)
upgrade 3= Bayonet (Improved Melee Attack) *One attack kills all regular troops*

Appendix 4

Section 1: M18 Recoilless rifle

Upgrade 1= Ammo Bag (Increased Ammo Capacity)
Upgrade 2= Adjustable Sights (Increased Zoom, Accuracy)
Upgrade 3= Musette Bag (Increased Ammo Capacity)

Section 2: Panzershreck

Upgrade 1= Ammo Bag (Increased Ammo Capacity)
Upgrade 2= Adjustable Sights (Increased Zoom, Accuracy)
Upgrade 3= Musette Bag (Increased Ammo Capacity)

Section 3: Grenades

Upgrades 1-3= Ammo Bags (Increased Ammo Capacity)

Unless there is a weapon I missed somewhere, that's all.

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